GOS :: Volume #14

#1373: Heavenly Eye Clan

Extends in Zhong boundless meteorite class, on the hot crystal meteorite, is standing together three with the person clan extremely similar alien race clansman, three people of statures are thin, is a maroon curl, the appearance and person clan is mostly the same except for minor differences, is only in forehead, there are stands erect together **, likely is setting upright the shutting tightly eye. 延仲无际的陨石流内,一块火晶陨石上面,站着三名和人族极为相似的异族族人,三人都身材消瘦,都是一头栗色卷发,模样和人族大同小异,只是眉心内,有一道竖立的**,像是一只竖着的紧闭眼睛。 In their forehead, were more than a eye normal humanity, although that eye is closing, actually gives people an extremely strange feeling. 他们额头中,比正常人类多了一只眼睛,那眼睛虽然闭合着,却给人一种极为诡异的感觉。 Three people, a facial features withered old man, the skin such as the chicken skin covers entirely to fold, puts on a grayish white interaction the long unlined close-fitting gown. 三个人,一名面容枯槁的老者,皮肤如鸡皮布满皱褶,穿一身灰白相间的长衫。 A look bright middle-aged person, grasps a dead wood stick, the facial expression is discrete. Last female of 30 age, wears the brocade clothes, has a beautiful face, the carriage is enchanting. 一名眼神炯炯的中年人,手持一根枯木杖,神情谨慎。最后一名30年岁的女子,身穿锦衣,眉目如画,体态妖娆。 Three people with for a clan, forehead were many a eye, the eye that at this moment, that old man, forehead stands erect is vibrating, a blue vein wriggles in the forehead, making his complexion appear the sinister and vicious is fierce. 三人同为一族,眉心都多了一只眼,此刻,那名年迈的老者,眉心竖立的眼睛抖动着,根根青筋在额头蠕动,令他脸色显出阴鸷狰狞。 Alien race middle-aged man, that female, anxious looks at he, carefully is alerting. 那异族中年男子,还有那名女子,都紧张的看着他,小心戒备着。 Quickly, old man whole body trembles, the forehead eye shuts tightly, his corners of the mouth are overflow two bloodstains, the blood are the dust color, is by no means bright red. 倏地,年迈老者浑身一颤,眉心眼睛紧闭,他嘴角则是溢出两道血痕,鲜血呈灰褐色,并非鲜红色。 Senior Brother!” 师兄!” Senior Brother!” 师兄!” The middle-aged person and that female, call out in alarm with the alien race language together, complexion extremely make things difficult looked, during the speech then must display power, helping that old man recover. 中年人和那女子,一起用异族语言惊呼,脸色都极为难看,讲话间便要施展力量,帮助那老者恢复身体。 Old man forehead eye contraction is **, under the eyebrow the eye has actually opened, his face whiten, waved to prevent their help, urged: Do not waste power, what I injure is the soul, is not God Body and supernatural power.” 老者眉心眼睛收缩为**,眉下眼睛却睁开了,他脸色苍白,挥手阻止了他们的帮助,劝道:“别浪费力量,我伤的是灵魂,不是神体和神力。” He has stood, turns head to look in a that hot crystal meteorite corner/horn to behind, the middle-aged person and female were busy at following, was waiting for his explanation. 他站了起来,在那火晶陨石一角回头看向后面,那中年人和女子忙跟了过来,等候着他的解释。 „The behind two alien race people, cultivation base Realm is not high, is only Origin God. But the meteorites under their body, are quite strange not measured, the soul storm that I release, at least half soul was embezzled, I have not been able to perceive that the meteorite internal mystery, perhaps in that meteorite, there is a master gate character of that two alien race people, must be careful to wonderfully.” 身后的两个异族人,修为境界不算高,都只是始神而已。但他们身下的陨石,却极为诡异莫测,我释放的灵魂风暴,至少一半灵魂被吞没,我还无法觉察到陨石内部的奥妙,或许在那陨石内部,有那两个异族人的师门人物,要小心为妙。” His in eyes closed meditation, the third eye transmits the palpitation feeling suddenly, nosing, has discovered Shi Yan and Aodai Li life trend with rapt attention immediately, therefore on without hesitation by the soul survey, has not actually expected the soul storm to fall in torrents, at least half cannot receive. 他本在闭目苦修,忽然第三目传来心悸感,凝神一查探,立即发现了石岩奥黛丽的生命动向,于是就毫不犹豫的以灵魂探测,却没有料到灵魂风暴倾泻下来,至少一半没有能收回来。 Such, his soul is damaged, the person was also frightened. 就这么一下,他就灵魂受创,人也被吓到了。 Senior Brother, can that not know what to do? Under their bodies the meteorite was extremely quick, how long cannot want then to pursue, we...... Can search a method to avoid?” The alien race female of that 30 appearance, heard that the word brow tip moves, hurries the discrete proposition, her manner should be very careful, meets the unclear bad risk, will make way on own initiative. 师兄,那要如何是好?他们身下陨石极快,要不了多久便会追赶上来,我们……要不要寻觅个方法躲避?”那30模样的异族女子,闻言眉梢一动,赶紧谨慎的提议,她为人应该很小心,遇到不明的凶险,都会主动让开。 Vast boundless Nihility Domain Sea generally does not seek desirably, is very difficult to meet other life, but can in Nihility Domain Sea the life of activity, very be often hard to deal with, in them, is her Realm is lowest, is only Origin God Third Sky, this comes is also follows two Senior Brother to come, does not dare to be extremely harebrained. 浩淼无际的“虚无域海”一般不是刻意寻找,很难遇到别的生灵,但是能够在“虚无域海”活动的生灵,往往都很难缠,他们三人中,属她境界最低,只是始神三重天,这趟过来也是跟随两位师兄而来,不敢太过冒失。 To opening fire Jing Yun Zhou, extremely will be troublesome, must face these meteorites to explode frequently, these Space Cutting Blade, the bombardment of thunder and lightning thunderclap, by your Realm cultivation base, was unable to support is too long, this method is unrecommendable.” The old men shake the head to say. “离开火晶云舟,会极其麻烦,要时刻面对那些陨石爆炸,那些空间利刃,还有雷电霹雳的轰击,以你的境界修为,根本无法支撑太久,这方法不可取。”老者摇头道。 The hot crystal meteorites under their body, truly strange, from that fire Yanyan's Crystal Stone, pasts bunches of cotton cloud, flame that such as the flame clouds trundle, the peripheral meteorite is exploding, that Space Cutting Blade with amazement, the fierce astral wind ice blade edge, likely is unable to lock them, has delimited from their this meteorites. 他们身下的火晶陨石,也确实奇异,从那火艳艳的晶石内部,流转出簇簇云棉,如火焰云朵般滚动着,周边陨石爆炸的火光,那骇然的空间利刃,剧烈的罡风冰刃,都像是无法锁定他们这边,从他们这陨石旁边划过。 They are safe and sound, does not need to be worried about Nihility Domain Sea bad risk awfully, can therefore have leisure cultivation, can perceive the life fluctuation of Shi Yan and Aodai Li keenly. 他们一路安然无恙,根本不必担心“虚无域海”的要命凶险,所以才能有闲暇修炼,能敏锐觉察到石岩奥黛丽的生命波动。 That what to do?” The female whole face is helpless. “那怎么办?”女子满脸无奈。 Meteorites under that two person have the strangeness, but also is only my guess, perhaps will not have their master gate Senior, in that case, we do not need to be worried about anything.” The old men have hesitated, decides saying: They approached, we interrogate the interrogation, has a look at their origins, um, has not clarified under the condition, try not to have the conflict. If, if merely is only they, snort|hum!” “那两人身下的陨石却有古怪,不过也只是我的猜测,也许不会有他们的师门前辈,如果那样的话,我们根本不用担心什么。”老者沉吟了一下,决定道:“等他们靠近,我们盘问盘问,看看他们的来历,嗯,没有弄清楚状况下,尽量不要发生冲突。如果,如果仅仅只是他们两人,哼!” His look suddenly yin cold, whole body strong murderous aura just likes the essence, such as can mental give to destroy the person. 他眼神骤然阴寒,浑身浓烈的杀气犹如实质,如能将人心智都给摧毁。 His cultivation base Realm is not low, before by three foot great cauldron absorb soul energy, was caused the huge damage to his soul, possibly needs to restore to come for a long time. 修为境界不低,之前被三足巨鼎吸纳的灵魂能量,对他的灵魂造成巨大的创伤,可能需要很长时间才能恢复过来。 In the heart of hearts, he in envy and hate Shi Yan and Aodai Li, worried mystical of three foot great cauldrons, he already rushed ahead the past, gives to meet a cruel death Shi Yan and Aodai Li, releases hate of heart. 在内心深处,他已经忌恨上石岩奥黛丽,要不是顾虑三足巨鼎的神秘,他早就冲杀过去,将石岩奥黛丽给粉身碎骨,一泄心头之恨。 Listens to Senior Brother.” Middle-aged man nodded, eye glittering the spooky cold brightness, the heart inside is detachable. “听师兄的。”中年男子点了点头,眼睛闪烁着幽幽寒光,心里面活络起来。 The core is above the meteorites of three foot great cauldrons. 核心为三足巨鼎的陨石上方。 Shi Yan narrows the eye, the facial expression is looking easely to the front billowing meteorite class, said: How long could not want, we will bump into with opposite party, the opposite party had three people, the soul magnetic field was very exuberant, Realm feared that was not weak, but made concrete in the what kind power level, I am unable to survey temporarily clearly, can only see truly, can be clear.” 石岩眯着眼睛,神情悠然看向前方滚滚陨石流,道:“要不了多久,我们就会和对方碰上,对方有三个人,灵魂磁场都很旺盛,境界怕是不弱,但具体在何等力量层次,我暂时也无法探测清楚,只能真正见着了,才能一清二楚。” This is we in this place is seeing for the first time the life!” Aodai Li raises the eyebrow, appearance that secret excited, anticipates very much „, but that fellow soul lost, definitely the good complexion not to look to us that you do have confidence to deal with?” “这是我们在此地首次见着的生灵!”奥黛丽扬眉,暗暗〖兴〗奋,一副很期待的模样“但那家伙灵魂损耗了,肯定不会给我们好脸色看,你有把握应付没有?” Careful point should be all right.” Shi Yan said. “小心一点应该没事。”石岩道。 Hope can through them, know that a useful news, we in this place do not know how long has been stranded, perhaps our world occurred changed earth-shakingly, you said that hui, is already our world destructions, the Desolate, has true consciousness?” Aodai Li shouted lowly. “希望能够通过他们,知道点有用的消息,我们在此地也不知道困了多久,我们的世界或许已经发生翻天覆地变化了,你说,那虺,是不是已经将我们的世界毁灭,荒,有没有真正苏醒?”奥黛丽低呼。 She is unable to estimate the exact time, but she can actually guess correctly was about stranded this place some date and time, at least ten years should pass by. 她无法估量准确时间,但她却能大致猜到被困此地有些时日了,至少十来年应该过去了。 These days, she and Ming Royal Family are unable to relate, does not have the means through the strength of Essence, sees clearly any fluctuation of God Bless Continent. 在这段时间,她和冥皇族无法联系,也没有办法通过本源之力,洞察神泽大陆的任何波动。 She was worried very much that was worried the Ming Royal Family clansman, is worried about the ancestor star, was worried that her mother has any mistake. 她很担心,担心冥皇族的族人,担心祖星,也担心她母亲有什么差池。 My Essence soul is safe and sound, this explained that my Grace Mainland all as usual, your soul exceptionally, your ancestor star has not decided however is also unobstructive, too should not be worried. “我本源魂魄安然无恙,这说明我那神恩大陆一切如常,你灵魂没有异常,你那祖星定然也是无碍,别太担心。 Shi Yan comforts to say. 石岩宽慰道。 His family member friend, was almost admitted in Grace Mainland, so long as Grace Mainland all, he too will not be as before worried. 他的亲人朋友,几乎都被接纳在神恩大陆,只要神恩大陆一切如旧,他就不会太担心。 God Clan and a fight of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, sweeps across the intense battle of star territory, does not have too strong missing in his heart, initially he Xia Xinyan returned to Grace Mainland the time, in secret has exhorted, will let Xia Xinyan with the character who he related to be on good terms, summoned, returned to Grace Star. 神族嗜血一脉的战斗,席卷星域的激烈争斗,在他心中也没有太强的挂念,当初他将夏心妍送回神恩大陆的时候,就暗中嘱咐过,让夏心妍将和他关系交好的人物,都呼唤回来,都回神恩星 After he fuses beginning Origin Fruit, Grace Star has the earth-shaking change, has energy that First Level rushes to wind around in the stars surface, constantly is protecting Grace Star. 他融合始源果后,神恩星发生翻天覆地变化,有一层澎湃的能量缭绕在星辰表面,无时无刻都在护卫着神恩星 He believes that is hui, only if uses main body power, otherwise also gave up any idea of that solely takes advantage of Clone, Grace Star destroying. 他相信就算是虺,除非动用本体力量,否则也休想单单依仗分身,就将神恩星给摧毁。 Regardless of that world has anything craftily changes, so long as Grace Star is safe and sound, his true core family member friends will not have the matter, has this premise, he feels at ease. 不论那世界发生什么诡变,只要神恩星安然无恙,他那些真正的核心亲人朋友都不会有事,有这个前提在,他非常心安。 Aodai Li gives him such to comfort, is slightly calm, sighed one lightly hope so.” 奥黛丽给他这么一宽慰,也稍稍镇定下来,轻叹一声“希望如此。” Under the body the meteorite continues to accelerate to fly. 身下陨石继续加速飞逝。 Suddenly, the front flash eye of hot crystal meteorite appears together, that hot crystal meteorite is bright, in numerous ash-gray and brown, black meteorite, that bright color is quite striking. 忽然间,前方一块耀目火晶陨石浮现,那火晶陨石剔透绚烂,在众多灰色、褐色、黑色陨石中,那鲜艳的颜色极为醒目。 That meteorite surface layer flame clouds bunches , the meteorite assumes the ship boat shape of long-distance voyage, tall and slender exquisite, three alien race clansmen, at this moment behind meteorite, look bright looks to them. 那陨石表层火焰云朵簇簇,陨石呈远航的船舟形态,细长优美,三名异族族人,此刻都在陨石后方,正眼神熠熠的看向他们。 They, forehead also has an eye unexpectedly!” Aodai Li calls out in alarm. “他们,眉心竟还有一只眼睛!”奥黛丽惊叫。 Shi Yan is also stunned, deeply looks to that three alien race people, said in a low voice: Old and middle-aged man, is Immortal First Sky Realm, that female, in the boundary of Origin God Third Sky, the old man is strongest, possibly was soon promote to enter the Immortal Second Sky situation, only missed one......” 石岩也是愕然,深深看向那三名异族人,低声说道:“年老的和中年男人,都是不朽一重天境界,那女的,在始神三重天之境,老头最强,可能达到快要晋入不朽二重天的地步了,只差一线而已……” He contacts Guo Xize, Ling Xiang and Luo Lin, has contacted Xuan He, Fei Liete and Decca Luo audiences, has seen the great strength of God Lord and Ming Hao, by his keen soul magnetic field sensation strength, can the accurate broken opposite party[ really] solid Realm, by the exuberance of fleshly body life qi and blood, the subtle change of soul magnetic field, can understand clearly. 他接触过西泽凌翔洛林,接触过玄河腓烈特迪卡罗一众,也见过神主冥晧的强大,以他敏锐的灵魂磁场感知力,能准确的勒破对方的〖真〗实境界,透过肉身生命气血的旺盛,灵魂磁场的细微变化,都能清楚明了。 Aodai Li is listening to his neutral tone explanation, heart micro coldly, on own initiative closes up him. 奥黛丽听着他的轻声解释,心底微寒,不由主动靠拢他。 Only then Origin God First Sky Aodai Li, realizes at this moment in Nihility Domain Sea, her pitiful Realm, is in the food chain terminal seriously, is the genuine weak one. 只有始神一重天奥黛丽,这一刻才意识到在虚无域海内,她那可怜的境界,当真是处于食物链末端,是真真正正的弱者。 The fire Jing Yun Zhou three alien race clansmen, forehead stands erect ** wriggling, they are looking with rapt attention to Shi Yan, the ear also shakes, seems distinguishing Shi Yan and Aodai Li words and status. 火晶云舟的三个异族族人,眉心竖立的**蠕动着,他们凝神看向石岩,耳朵也一抖一抖的,似乎在分辨着石岩奥黛丽的话语和身份。 Partly after making a sound, is that old man of head shows the temperate smiling face suddenly, the speaker said by Shi Yan and Aodai Li same words: We are the Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen, happy can see them in this place very much, whether your master gate elder in the meteorite, does not know we do have to be honored see?” 半响后,为首的那老者忽然露出温和的笑容,扬声以石岩奥黛丽一样的话语说道:“我们是天目族族人,很高兴能够在此地见着两人,请问你们师门长辈是否在陨石内部,不知道我们有没有荣幸一见?” Aodai Li one dull „will you speak our languages?” 奥黛丽一呆“你会说我们的语言?” The old man gives a calm smile, very kind explanation: Takes a walk in Nihility Domain Sea, naturally must prepare, we through a rubbing of soul memory, are proficient in several hundred different star territory languages, your languages, were one of the side door have planted very much, may not be anything, you did not need to think strange. If you need, so long as a rubbing soul remembers, can be proficient in different star territory language immediately.” 那老者淡然一笑,很和蔼的解释:“在虚无域海内走动,自然要多加准备,我们通过一种灵魂记忆的拓印,精通数百种不同的星域语言,你们的语言,算是很偏门的一种了,可也不算什么,你们不用觉得奇怪。如果你们需要,只要拓印一份灵魂记忆,也能立即精通许多不同的星域语言。” His that temperate manner, likely is the humble elder who taught with skill and patience, did not have slightly the beforehand gloomy and cold chill in the air. 他那温和的态度,像是循循善诱的谦逊长辈,没有丝毫之前的阴冷寒意。 Shi Yan expression is faint, the mind was discrete to the extreme, secret passage old fogy was very hypocritical, it seems like it was a ruthless role, must deal with carefully. 石岩神色淡漠,心神却是谨慎到了极点,暗道这老家伙很伪善,看来是个狠角色,要小心应付。 Angrily rebuking that if this person sends a punitive expedition, he is possibly easy to accept, after all this person obviously suffered a loss in three foot great cauldrons. But actually any matter has not had now the temperate appearance, makes Shi Yan restless immediately, he knows that this role is nasty. 如果此人兴师问罪的怒斥,他可能还容易接受一点,毕竟此人明明在三足巨鼎上吃了大亏。可如今竟然一副什么事都没有发生过的温和模样,立即让石岩不安起来,他知道这种角色最是难以对付。 He pays attention carefully, discovered that three people of lines of sight, look to the him and Aodai Li body meteorite, he immediately in heart bright as snow, knows why that old man manner so was careful. 他细心留意,发现三人的视线,都看向他和奥黛丽身下的陨石,他立即心中雪亮,知道为何那老者态度如此小心了。 The opposite party eats does not permit their depths! 对方是吃不准他们的深浅!
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