GOS :: Volume #14

#1372: Absolute Beginning rune

In meteorite class of flying, a meteorite like thunder and lightning, has the collision once for a while, explodes the dazzling smoke and fire. 飞逝的陨石流中,块块陨石如雷电,时不时发生碰撞,爆炸出炫目烟火。 Several thousand meteorites, are one gather likely gradually to the rivers of sea, at an extremely quick speed, is passing in a direction. 数万陨石,像是一条渐渐汇聚向大海的河流,以一种极快的速度,朝着一处方向流逝着。 Without sun and moon, does not have the time concept, only then the Desolate is lonesome, only then everywhere bad risk. 没有日月,没有时间概念,只有荒寂冷漠,只有无处不在的凶险。 Shi Yan draws support Space Cutting Blade, again under the meteorite to the body destroys, under that three full jade cauldron surface stone rejections the body is clean. 石岩重新借助于空间利刃,再一次对身下陨石进行破坏,又将身下那三足玉鼎表层的石块剔除干净。 Revealed that the green spooky jade cauldron type, that fingernail size tadpole rune, still like bright patrols on the cauldron surface and cauldron, the cauldron mouth dim light sparkles, such as is containing terrifying mystical. 显露出绿幽幽的玉石鼎样,那指甲盖大小的蝌蚪符文,依然如鲜活般游弋在鼎面、鼎身上,鼎口幽光闪闪,如蕴含着恐怖神秘 At this moment, Shi Yan and Aodai Li branch three full jade cauldron two corners, the whole body burns down the turbulent flame, a bunches of flame like the rivers, spreads gradually. 此刻,石岩奥黛丽分处三足玉鼎两个角落,周身焚烧出汹涌火焰,簇簇火苗如河流,逐渐蔓延开来。 Flame color that two people of escapes come out varies, has the red-orange, has the scarlet red, has the ice blue color, has bright yellow, aura is also different. 两人身上飞逸出来的火焰颜色各异,有橘红色,有赤红色,有冰蓝色,有明黄色,气息也不尽相同。 Some flame burning hots are wild, some flame are spooky, some flame thunder and lightning glittering, some flame winds in the upper heavens are violent. 有的火焰炙热狂暴,有的火焰幽幽诡异,有的火焰雷电闪烁,有的火焰罡风猛烈。 Essence day fire attribute is extremely numerous, is only Shi Yan fusion Heavenly Flame, built up the soul strength, thunder and lightning and ice coldly, to positive, Corpse Qi all sorts of different aura. 本源火属性极多,光是石岩融合的天火,就集结了魂力、雷电、冰寒、至阳、尸气种种不同气息 Aodai Li is also same, after seven Heavenly Flame fuse, only remains two types, aura in that two Essence Heavenly Flame and Shi Yan Heavenly Flame has something in common, can fluctuate at will aura. 奥黛丽的也是一样,七种天火融合后,只剩两种,那两种本源天火石岩天火内的气息有共同之处,能随意变幻气息 At this moment, their colors vary Essence Heavenly Flame that aura varies, after the fluctuation change of their deep meaning, changes into to Yang Zhilie the sea of fire. 此刻,两人那颜色各异气息各异的本源天火,经过他们奥义的变幻改变,都化为至阳炙烈的火海。 A bunches flame like the rug, overspreads slowly surface layer three full jade cauldrons. To to Yang Zhire Essence Heavenly Flame, try to refine to melt the marvelousness of three foot great cauldrons turbulently. 簇簇火焰如地毯,慢慢铺满在三足玉鼎表层。以汹涌至阳至热的本源天火,试图炼化着三足巨鼎的奇妙。 Shi Yan has the mysterious feeling swiftly. 石岩倏然生出玄妙的感觉。 His that Essence Heavenly Flame, bunches are burning down three full jade cauldrons, had the contact of aura with tadpole rune of that jade cauldron surface. His vice- soul changes into bunch of spooky fireball, is rolling leisurely, some mark in soul such as was touched, the heart lives a familiar feeling...... 他那本源天火,簇簇焚烧着三足玉鼎,和那玉鼎表面的蝌蚪符文有了气息的接触。他副魂化为一簇幽幽火团,在慢悠悠的滚动着,灵魂内的某个印记如被触动了,心生一种熟悉感…… Was similar to before and meeting of hui, he can hear clearly the hui that fuzzy mystical language through the vice- soul, this time, his vice- soul by burning down of Heavenly Flame to that tadpole rune, very familiar feelings. As if, he should recognize the consciousness of these rune. 就如同之前和虺的见面,他能通过副魂听清虺那模糊神秘的语言,这次,他副魂透过天火对那蝌蚪符文的焚烧,也有一种很熟悉的感觉。似乎,他应该认得那些符文的意识。 However calms the mind to realize from experience truly carefully, discovered that must lack any key, these tadpole rune. Is shaking in his mind, is very obviously familiar, but could not completely understand that is unable to know the accurate meaning. 不过真正静下心来细细体悟,又发现还要缺少了什么关键,那些蝌蚪符文。在他脑海内晃悠着,明明很熟悉,可就是看不透,无法知道确切的含义。 This feeling, Aodai Li also has. Even feels him is more profound than! 这感觉,奥黛丽也有。甚至比他感觉的还要深刻! Her continuously Soul Consciousness, with the Essence Heavenly Flame fusion, seeps on these tadpole rune, is explaining these rune mysteries likely. 她一缕缕灵魂意识,和本源天火融合,渗透在那些蝌蚪符文上,像是在破解那些符文的奥妙。 Degree of Aodai Li Heavenly Flame fusion. Is next to Haig, must be higher than one compared with Shi Yan. 奥黛丽天火融合的程度。仅次于黑格,比石岩还要高出一线。 Her keen perceiving. That tadpole rune, is the time is most ancient most mystical the writing. Like the Essence flame that she fuses! 她敏锐的觉察到。那蝌蚪符文,乃是时间最为古老最为神秘的文字。就和她融合的本源火焰一样! She remembers Tian Xie that words suddenly. 她忽然想起天邪的那番话。 Four Ancient Continent are the wild four Clone spots, has the life consciousness of Desolate, has independent soul that the Desolate splits, but is wild, is the life of Absolute Beginning time! 四个古大陆都是荒的四个分身部位,拥有荒的生命意识,拥有荒分裂出来的独立灵魂,而荒,为太初时代的生灵! Her beautiful pupil suddenly one bright, shouted to clear the way: These tadpole rune, should be the writing of Absolute Beginning time, I feel familiar, I believe that if my Heavenly Flame fuses completely, truly becomes one with God Bless, I can certainly understand clearly these writing the real senses, knows the mystery of three foot great cauldrons!” 她美眸骤然一亮,喝道:“这些蝌蚪符文,应该是太初时代的文字,我感觉非常熟悉,我相信如果我天火全部融合,真正和神泽成一,我一定能洞悉那些文字的真正意义,知道三足巨鼎的玄妙!” I also looked.” The Shi Yan nod approves of her guess, spoke thoughtlessly to respond to one, continued to burn down that three foot great cauldrons by Heavenly Flame. “我也看出来了。”石岩点头赞同她的猜测,随口回应了一句,继续以天火焚烧那三足巨鼎。 He discovered that when Heavenly Flame covers in three full jade cauldrons, these tadpole rune, look like has the life life, seriously is such as small tadpole hovers in the jade cauldron surface, fluctuates the innumerable tedious mystical designs in that cauldron surface, each design as if has enormous wonderful. 他发现在天火覆盖三足玉鼎上的时候,那些蝌蚪般的符文,就像是拥有生命的生灵,当真是如小蝌蚪似的在玉鼎表面游动,在那鼎面上变幻出无数繁琐神秘的图案,每一种图案似乎都有着极大的神妙。 For example at this moment! 譬如此刻! After innumerable tadpole rune patrol, forms a thunder the scene, such as the thunder of destruction in world is rolling, many and stars general smashing all round, to person intense shock. 无数蝌蚪符文游弋后,形成一副电闪雷鸣的场景,如毁灭世间的雷霆在滚动着,将许多和星辰一般的团团粉碎,给人一种强烈的震撼。 Also after a while, these rune continue to fluctuate, forms the thick ice cold frost world, heaven and earth dreary, piece of deathly silence ice-cold. 又过了一会儿,那些符文继续变幻,形成玄冰冷冽的霜冻世界,天地一片萧瑟,一片死寂冰冷。 Once these tadpole rune fluctuate the new scene design, correspondingly will also transmit different aura from the great cauldron, in a while great cauldron such as the thunder and lightning lasing, a while becomes ices coldly biting cold. 那些蝌蚪符文一旦变幻出新的场景图案,从巨鼎身上还会相应的传来不同气息,一会儿巨鼎中如雷电激射,一会儿又变得冰寒彻骨。 Three full jade cauldrons, along with the design that tadpole rune evolves, can multiply different power aura to come out. 三足玉鼎,随着那蝌蚪符文衍变的图案,能滋生不同的力量气息出来。 Not measured mysteriously. 玄妙莫测。 However, when ceases to him and Aodai Li slightly, gives restraining Essence Heavenly Flame, these tadpole rune the stagnation will be also motionless gradually, the design on that three foot great cauldrons will eliminate in invisible. 然而,待到他和奥黛丽稍稍停息,将本源天火给收敛,那些蝌蚪符文也会逐渐停滞不动,那三足巨鼎上的图案就会消泯于无形。 Shi Yan clarifies all these quickly, his silent half sound, takes back Essence flame one by one suddenly, said: Heavenly Flame is unable to refine this thing, this thing does not fear cutting of Space Cutting Blade, does not fear burning down of Heavenly Flame, good that you just guessed, these rune, should be the writing of Absolute Beginning time. But these three foot great cauldrons, perhaps, once were the God Weapon sharp weapons of Absolute Beginning life, this thing does not know that had many trillion years, we were very indestructibly normal.” 石岩很快弄清楚这一切,他沉默半响,忽然将本源火焰一一收回,道:“天火无法炼化此物,这东西不惧空间利刃的切割,也不惧天火的焚烧,你刚刚猜测的不错,那些符文,应该就是太初时代的文字。而这三足巨鼎,或许,曾经乃是太初生灵的神兵利器,这东西也不知道存在了多少亿万年,我们无法破坏很正常。” He gave up reluctantly. 他无奈放弃了。 Saw him to receive the hand hesitant, Aodai Li a while, took back her Essence flame one by one, she thinks that suddenly said: On these tadpole rune, I induced soul aura, after they were built up the soul to turn, moves the great constituent likely, if can know that perhaps the rune meaning, is knowing the use of great cauldron, can receive for oneself uses also perhaps.” 见他收手,奥黛丽犹豫了一会儿,也将她的本源火焰一一收回,她想了想,忽然说道:“在那些蝌蚪符文上,我感应到了灵魂气息,它们都是被炼化后的灵魂变成的,像是活动巨阵的组成部分,如果能知道符文的含义,或许就知道着巨鼎的用途,能收为己用也说不定。” That must wait for us to fuse Heavenly Flame thoroughly becomes.” Shi Yan forced smile. “那要等我们彻底融合天火才成。”石岩苦笑。 Aodai Li does not speak. 奥黛丽也不讲话了。 The fusion of Essence Heavenly Flame, is an extremely long process, sometimes the unilateral effort at is not the proper way, but also needs the special opportunity, needs to see the light suddenly. 本源天火的融合,是一个极为漫长的过程,有时候单方面的努力根本不是正途,还需要特殊机遇,需要顿悟。 The fusions of Shi Yan Heavenly Flame, do not accumulate through cultivation, because of the special chance, the spirit wisdom opens suddenly greatly, then can fuse. 石岩一次次天火的融合,都不是通过修炼积累而成,而是因为特殊机缘,忽然间灵智大开,然后才能进行融合。 Must want the Heavenly Flame thorough fusion, not to know when can realize, cannot understand rune on great cauldron, they plow the air. 要想将天火彻底融合,不知道何时才能实现,看不懂巨鼎上的符文,他们只是白费力气。 rare object of Absolute Beginning time, is not they can explain from the start, its refine that is dream of a fool. 太初时代的奇物,压根不是他们能破解的,将其炼化那就更是痴人说梦了。 Ok, this meteorite class should have the destination, we have a look, to have a look at the destination where.” Shi Yan is helpless, is law-abiding. “算了,这陨石流应该是有目的地的,我们就看看,看看目的地在何处吧。”石岩无奈,重新安分下来。 He and Aodai Li just took back the Essence flame soon, many flowstones by three foot great cauldron attractions, completely were mounted in the surface, after the surface does not have the green grass multiplies, quickly this great cauldron turns into together simply not wonderful meteorite, compared with the peripheral numerous meteorite, appears a point is also common. 他和奥黛丽刚刚收回本源火焰不多久,许多流石又被三足巨鼎吸引,全部黏在表面,当表面没有青草滋生后,很快地这巨鼎又变成一块朴实无奇的陨石,和周边众多陨石相比,显得一点也不起眼。 They are dejected, above these three foot great cauldrons, honest eyes closed meditation. 两人颓然,就在这三足巨鼎上方,老老实实的闭目苦修 They, try to carry on the fusion of Essence Heavenly Flame, has to fuse Heavenly Flame, looks through the mystery of these Absolute Beginning ancient language, then the thoughts in these three full jade cauldron income pouches. 两人,都试着进行本源天火的融合,心存融合天火,看破那些太初古文的玄妙,进而将这三足玉鼎收入囊中的心思。 What a pity, the fusion of Heavenly Flame, is so easy. 可惜,天火的融合,绝非那么容易。 Time in a hurry, After a long time, Shi Yan opens eyes suddenly, this eye splits dazzling rays of light, he stands up suddenly, shouted to clear the way lowly: This time, I felt really aura of life, very intense life magnetic field, we were approaching gradually!” 时间匆匆,又不知道过了多久,石岩忽然睁开眼,这次眼睛绽出刺目光芒,他霍然站起,低喝道:“这次,我真感觉到生灵的气息了,很强烈的生命磁场,我们正逐渐接近!” Aodai Li wakes up, beautiful pupil glittering being careful, was saying: In our front?” 奥黛丽醒来,美眸闪烁着小心谨慎,道:“在我们前方?” Shi Yan nods, at once he discovered under body this meteorite centered on three foot great cauldron, the speed of flying was obviously faster than the peripheral meteorite, is so, this meteorite should, when their meditation, has caught up with the front some meteorites. 石岩点头,旋即他才发现身下这块以三足巨鼎为核心的陨石,飞逝的速度比周边的陨石明显快了许多,也是如此,这陨石应该在他们苦修的时候,赶上了前方的一些陨石。 Intense life magnetic field that he feels, from the front meteorite, originally they, if still rides that borax, feared that will meet never, but under this meteorite speed because of the body has been increasing, through chase of period of long time, had the possibility of seeing right in front of one. 他所感觉到的强烈生命磁场,就是来自于前方的陨石,本来他们如果依然乘坐那月石,怕是永远不会遇见,但因身下这块陨石速度一直在攀升,通过一段漫长时间的追赶,就有了面见的可能性。 Probably in what Realm rank?” Aodai Li halo appears overlapping, she revolution power, has prepared secretly facing any bad risk. “大概在什么境界级别?”奥黛丽身上光晕层层叠叠浮现出来,她已经暗自运转力量,准备好了面对任何凶险。 On the way of this, she and Shi Yan has sat, has not met too many bad risks. 这途中,她和石岩一直并肩坐着,没有遇到太多凶险。 This must give credit to three foot great cauldrons under body. 这要归功于身下的三足巨鼎。 In the meteorite class, the terrifying bad risk has existed actually, the large explosion between meteorites, wreaking havoc of wild thunder and lightning, dividing of Space Cutting Blade chops, throughout has not ceased. 陨石流内,其实恐怖的凶险一直存在,陨石间的大爆炸,狂暴雷电的肆虐,空间利刃的劈砍,始终没有停息。 Does not know all the way has many meteorites, crushes the powder powder, dissipated thoroughly. 一路上不知道有多少陨石,都粉碎成齑粉,彻底的消散了。 But is only under their bodies meteorites, has the intelligence, can active dodge these bad risks, evade can make Aodai Li die a tragic death on the way instantaneously several hundred times big terrifying. 但唯独他们身下的陨石,拥有灵性般,能主动规避那些凶险,避过了途中能让奥黛丽瞬间惨死数百次的大恐怖 She understands that three foot great cauldrons decide however have marvelously, even if no to work, has certainly to avoid this place bad risk strange formation, otherwise she and Shi Yan are not absolutely relaxed. 她心里明白,那三足巨鼎定然有着奇妙,就算是没有器灵,也一定有能躲避此地凶险的奇阵,不然她和石岩绝对没那么轻松。 „It is not good to determine, but the life magnetic field is very exuberant, should not be weak in your me!” The Shi Yan complexion is dignified, suddenly light shout, careful, they have also discovered us, emitted the soul to explore!” “不好判定,但生命磁场很旺盛,应该不弱于你我!”石岩脸色凝重,忽然间轻喝,“小心,他们也发现了我们,放出灵魂来探索了!” A tornado soul field of force, top the direction to multiply in two head suddenly, that soul magnetic field such as the hurricane wreaks havoc heaven and earth, extremely cruel fierce, is howling in this meteorite, seepage of seizing every opportunity. 一股龙卷风般灵魂力场,忽然在两人头顶方向滋生,那灵魂磁场如飓风肆虐天地,极为暴戾狂烈,在这陨石呼啸着,无孔不入的渗透过来。 Meteorite remote place, has spooky cave to lead to the meteorite deep place directly, to...... The cauldron mouth of that three foot great cauldrons, this matter Shi Yan and Aodai Li are clear, but lets loose the soul to come the explorer, is naturally impossible to know. 陨石一处偏僻之地,有个幽幽石洞直接通往陨石深处,通往……那三足巨鼎的鼎口,此事石岩奥黛丽一清二楚,但放开灵魂来探测者,自然不可能知晓。 That life wild such as the soul seepage of hurricane comes, falls into that cave mouth, then the quick putty like the sea, has not spilled over mighty waves then to vanish. 那生灵狂暴如飓风的灵魂渗透而来,其中一股就落入那石洞口,然后很快泥如大海,没有泛出一点波澜便消失。 At once, numerous soul storm energy, such as the brook drill to that cave, is vanishes invisible. 旋即,众多灵魂风暴能量,如条条溪流钻向那石洞,皆是消失无形。 Shi Yan and Aodai Li keen perceiving, in the meteorites under their body, that three foot great cauldrons should refine to melt not weak soul aura, they can feel internal tadpole rune to patrol to be turbulent once again. 石岩奥黛丽敏锐的觉察到,在他们身下的陨石内部,那三足巨鼎应该炼化了一股不弱的灵魂气息,他们能感受到内部的蝌蚪符文又一次游弋动荡起来。 That person, feared that suffered a loss.” Shi Yan strangely chuckled gets up. “那人,怕是吃了大亏。”石岩嘿嘿怪笑起来。 Aodai Li also sweet laughs in spite of trying not, does not know that fellow lost many souls, he may really be bad luck, if therefore the soul heavy losses, feared that is meets in the envy and hate we, will regard the chief criminal us.” 奥黛丽也嫣然失笑,“也不知道那家伙损失了多少灵魂,他可真是倒霉,要是因此灵魂重创,怕是会忌恨上我们,会将我们当成罪魁祸首。” Careful.” Shi Yan serious. “小心一点。”石岩神情严肃起来。
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