GOS :: Volume #14

#1371: Three full jade cauldron

Space Cutting Blade, such as extends several thousand meters thunder and lightning thunderclap, swift and fierce, can crush the cutting stars. 一个空间利刃,如延伸数万米的雷电霹雳,凌厉之极,能粉碎切割星辰。 Aodai Li once believes that in Nihility Domain Sea innumerable Star Shards, numerous meteorite angers, were hovered by these like Dragon Snake Space Cutting Blade tearing. 奥黛丽一度认为,虚无域海内无数星辰碎片,众多的陨石块垒,都是被那些游动如龙蛇般的空间利刃撕裂而成。 At this moment, that terrifying Space Cutting Blade, is receiving the Shi Yan deep meaning hauling unexpectedly, chops to chop to come by the incomparable imposing manner, dozens meteorite meteors, had been delimited by these god of death sickle Space Cutting Blade on the way, is instantaneously torn to pieces, changes into the crushed stone to splash. 此刻,那恐怖之极的空间利刃,竟然受着石岩奥义牵引,以无匹气势劈砍而来,途中数十块陨石流星,被那些死神镰刀般的空间利刃划过,都是瞬间支离破碎,化为碎石飞溅开来。 Giant sharp knife blade cutting comes shortly, the Aodai Li heart spills over the chill in the air, the revolution deep meaning, layer upon layer barrier will exert its hastily, prepares momentarily strain. 眼看一个巨大利刃切割而来,奥黛丽芳心泛出寒意,连忙运转奥义,将层层结界施加其身,做好随时应变的准备。 „!” “喀嚓!” The giant sharp knife blade, cuts surface layer this meteorite, the innumerable flame splashes, many stone fissions explode, a huge shake wave transmits, the Aodai Li tender body sways again and again, such as on a light vessel in wild sea, creakying whole body is uncomfortable. 巨大的利刃,切割在这陨石表层,无数火光飞溅,许多石块分裂爆开来,一股巨大震荡波传来,奥黛丽娇躯连连晃荡,如在狂暴大海内的一叶轻舟上,摇摇欲坠的浑身难受。 Extraordinary, giant meteorite turning round racing, but had not actually been split by sharp knife blade cutting, but the surface many stone smashing drop. 出奇的,巨大陨石滴溜溜急转着,但却没有被利刃切割裂开,只是表层许多石头粉碎跌落。 Well! Really strange unusual!” “咦!果然诡异不同寻常!” Shi Yan calls out in alarm one, at once continues to display power, five giant sharp knife blade chop to chop, cuts all surface layer this meteorite, making this meteorite surface layer such as ignite the flame, the flame slides smooth appearance, the meteorite also such as the moved frisbee, in peripheral surged to circle in flight. 石岩惊呼一声,旋即继续施展力量,又有五条巨大利刃劈砍过来,尽数切在这块陨石表层,令这陨石表层如燃起火焰,火光一溜溜的显现,陨石也如被甩动的飞盘,在周边激荡飞旋开来。 ka ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔咔!” Block unslaked lime brown stone, big or small, crashes from the meteorite, changes into the flowstone of dependents to fall from the sky, did not have the shadow instantaneously. 块块灰褐色石头,或大或小,都从陨石上坠落,化为碎小的流石陨灭,瞬间就没了影子。 This meteorite staggers along, strength extraordinary big, it hits on the peripheral meteorite. Often made these meteorite smashing, or changed into stone chip however to flutter about. 这块陨石跌跌撞撞,劲道出奇的大,它撞击在周边的陨石上。往往令那些陨石粉碎,亦或者化为石屑蓬然纷飞。 But it actually still well, main body maintains is very complete, hardly to inconceivable situation. 可它却依然无恙,主体保持的很完整,坚硬到不可思议的地步。 Space Cutting Blade is in world swiftest and fiercest attack, can split the stars, destroys the star of life, was cut by the so fearful sharp knife blade including existence of Immortal Realm, feared that also meets fleshly body to fall from the sky. Is hard to resist absolutely. 空间利刃为世间最为凌厉的攻击,能裂开星辰,毁灭生命之星,连不朽境界的存在被如此可怕利刃切割正着,怕也会肉身陨灭。绝对难以抵挡。 But this meteorite, withstood several times sharp knife blade cutting one after another, in all directions was rolling, has not exploded to break to pieces in light of this. 可这块陨石,接连承受数次利刃切割,也只是四处滚荡着,没有就此爆碎开来。 Aodai Li along with the impact trundle of that meteorite, has a dizzy spell, the complexion is pallid, instantaneously the collision between meteorite and meteorite, bursts out greatly dashes the strength. Broken spark light that forms, to her is devastation. 奥黛丽随着那陨石的冲击滚动,头晕目眩,脸色煞白,陨石和陨石间的碰撞,瞬间迸发的巨大冲撞力。形成的碎星火光,对她都是一种摧残。 The light cover that her Origin God First Sky Realm cultivation base congeals, the obscure ray shines, has the sign that soon must be disillusioned. 她那始神一重天境界修为凝结的光罩,暗光忽闪忽闪,有即将要破灭的迹象。 Also in this time, Shi Yan stopped suddenly to the hauling of Space Cutting Blade, raises hand to attract, integrates in Aodai Li the bosom directly, holds in the arms the it slightly ice-cold physique completely. 也在此时,石岩突然停止了对空间利刃的牵引,扬手一吸,将奥黛丽直接纳入怀中,将其略显冰冷的身姿完全搂住。 Warm man smell, submerges the Aodai Li heart suddenly, she faints the corona the look is blurred. If the person of instinct being drowned grasps any to be able the thing with a sense of urgency, makes an effort to grip the Shi Yan arm, the body unconsciously and Shi Yan pastes the tight, full abundant twin peaks very also arrives in the Shi Yan broad chest. 一股温暖的男人气味,忽然没入奥黛丽心田,她晕乎晕乎的眼神迷离。如溺水之人本能抓紧任何能抓紧的事物,用力攥着石岩手臂,身子不觉间和石岩贴紧,饱满丰挺的双峰也抵在石岩宽阔胸口。 The meteorite still rolls continuous, their dizzy rolls along with the meteorite repeatedly, the intermittent impulse transmits from the meteorite, the stone of meteorite outer layer disrupts to drop. 陨石依然滚荡不休,两人天旋地转的随着陨石反复滚动,阵阵冲击力从陨石内部传来,陨石外层的石块纷纷碎裂跌落。 A Shi Yan hand is hugging Aodai Li, is feeling the wonder of her body, another hand five fingers star light gather in the river, is maintaining in a unique way balanced. Is adjusting under the body secretly the trundle path of meteorite, so as to avoid it hits in these explosion areas. 石岩一只手搂着奥黛丽,感受着她身躯的美妙,另外一只手五指星光汇聚成河,以一种独特的方式保持着平衡。暗暗调整着身下陨石的滚动轨迹,免得它撞击到那些爆炸区域中间。 The front dozens meteorites attacked mutually, have produced the world-shaking explosion complementary waves, formed one piece to extinguish the world the region, he knew under the meteorite, if dropped that side, he and bosom Princess Ming Royal Family, instantaneous soul destroyed/terror-stricken. No one is able to save them. 前方数十个陨石相互冲击,产生了惊天动地的爆炸余波,形成一片能灭世的区域,他知道身下陨石如果跌落那边,他和怀中的冥皇族公主,都将瞬间魂飞魄散。谁也无法救下他们。 The good half sound, the meteorite to stop the trundle slowly, moon/month stone that they come to ride. Also does not know when dropped. 好半响,陨石慢慢停止了滚动,他俩前来乘坐的月石块。也不知道何时跌落了。 The meteorite under body, returns to gradually normal, is still receiving some force of traction influence, fluctuates toward a dark region fast. 身下的陨石,渐渐恢复正常,依然受着某种牵引力影响,朝着一处幽暗区域快速浮动。 Well!” “咦!” He looks under the body with rapt attention, is out of control to call out in alarm, the complexion becomes extremely strange. 他凝神去看身下,禁不住惊叫,脸色变得极其怪异。 Aodai Li awakes to turn around, this desire rebukes him to run amuck, by his startled sound influence, takes advantage of opportunity to look under the body, at once the beautiful pupil spills over the extraordinary splendor, the beautiful pupil is suddenly bright. 奥黛丽醒转过来,本欲嗔怪他胡作非为,被他的惊声一影响,也顺势去看身下,旋即美眸泛出异彩,美眸骤然明亮起来。 This, what thing is this?” She has to lose the ordinary calmness, the tender body shakes greatly said. “这,这是什么东西?”她有失平常的镇定,娇躯巨震道。 Meteorites under two human foot, such as have peeled the emerald of First Level shell, revealed that the clear emerald green colored only, that type was disclosing the rivers and lakes green, as if not a well-known precious jade, glittering the green spooky halo, was quite beautiful. 两人脚下的陨石,如剥了一层壳的翡翠,显露出澄净的翠绿色,那种绿透露着水泽,仿佛一种不知名的珍贵玉石,闪烁着绿幽幽的光晕,极为美丽。 At the meteorite surface green grass, turned into an extremely ancient tadpole shape rune, such as is hovering the tadpole, bright proliferating in their each region, these rune glittering the green gloss, is fluttering in all directions the dissociation that does not stop, is multiplying endless mysterious. 原先处在陨石表层的青草,变成一种极为古老的蝌蚪形态的符文,如游动着的蝌蚪,鲜活的遍布在他们脚下每一个区域,那些符文闪烁着绿色光泽,不休止的四处飘荡游离,滋生着无尽玄妙。 Also some chippings were shaved Qing, it seems like that the rock of outer layer, but one type covers up.” The Shi Yan two illumination, grin smiles strangely, such as Dragon Snake walks randomly, wanders around in this meteorite surface, grasps Blood Sword to release bloody glow again and again, in addition will mount in the surface stone gives the smashing to shoot down. “还有些碎石块被剃清,看来外层的岩石,只是一种遮掩罢了。”石岩两眼发光,咧嘴怪笑着,如龙蛇游走,在这陨石表面四处游荡,手持血剑连连释放血光,将尚且黏在表层的石块都给粉碎击落。 Nihility Domain Sea in has numerous mystical, Xuan He, Ming Hao and God Clan Four Great Heavenly Kings, after entering into Immortal Realm, chooses this place meditation, obviously here decides however has to attract their mysterious existences, that spark harvests a God Weapon fragment in the surrounding, after building up that „the day star Ice Jade piece, multiplies on the strength, can show indirectly this place is marvelous. 虚无域海”内有着众多神秘,玄河冥晧神族四大天王,迈入不朽境界以后,都选择来此地苦修,可见在这里定然有着吸引他们的神奇存在,那星火只是在外围收获一种神兵碎片,炼成那“天星冰玉片”后就实力倍增,也能间接证明此地奇妙。 The strange meteorite, was cut by Space Cutting Blade together continuously, the outer layer stone falls off, shows unexpectedly so marvelously, making Shi Yan palpitate with excitement immediately. 本来一块诡异陨石,被空间利刃连续切割,外层石块脱落,竟展现如此奇妙,让石岩立即怦然心动。 He can affirm, reason that Space Cutting Blade is unable to cut this meteorite, is that unusual giant jade merit, including hard object that Space Cutting Blade is unable to cut, but also is pasting strange not well-known tadpole rune, this thing, decides however is not the well-known rare treasure! 他可以肯定,空间利刃之所以无法切割这陨石,都是那奇特巨大玉石的功劳,连空间利刃都无法切割的硬物,还流转着奇异的不知名蝌蚪符文,这东西,定然是不知名的异宝! Aodai Li has not moved heedlessly actually, she is only under the looks at body is lost in thought that being enchanted by face, muttered to whisper: Really beautiful stone.” 奥黛丽倒是没有乱动,她只是看着身下怔怔出神,一脸的迷醉,喃喃低语道:“真美的石头。” long time, this meteorite surface all crushed stones by the Shi Yan independent rejection, the meteorite internal thing completely were not exposed, is pasting the intoxicant green halo. 多时,这陨石表面所有碎石被石岩独立剔除,陨石内部的东西完全暴露出来,流转着醉人的绿色光晕。 Unexpectedly is giant incomparable three full jade cauldrons! 竟然是一个巨大无比的三足玉鼎! Jade cauldron several Immortal Island are at least big, is all over the body Paris green, the jade cauldron surface covers entirely tadpole rune, these rune as if are the original meteorite surface green grass evolves, the cauldron mouth is deep and quiet, transmits yin cold aura, the mouth that such as ice cold Ferocious Beast opens, such as must select the person to bite. 玉鼎至少有几个不死岛大,通体翠绿,玉鼎表面布满蝌蚪符文,那些符文似乎便是原先陨石表层的青草衍变而成,鼎口深幽诡异,传来阴寒气息,如冰寒凶兽张开的嘴,如要择人而噬。 Three full jade cauldrons are slanting laying aside, they stand in the cauldron surface, expressed admiration, acclaims wonderful of this thing. 三足玉鼎斜着放置,两人站在鼎面上,啧啧称奇,赞叹此物的神妙。 Beforehand cave, should lead to the cauldron mouth directly, my refining up the ghost, my soul read, probably...... Was built up to melt, as if has become surface layer this jade cauldron common Symbols, I am this feeling.” Aodai Li is covering the bright and clean forehead, a surprised appearance. “之前的石洞,应该直接通往鼎口,我那炼化的幽魂,还有我的一丝魂念,好像……都被炼化了,仿佛成了这玉鼎表层的一个不起眼的符号,我就是这感觉。”奥黛丽捂着光洁的额头,一副惊讶之极的模样。 Shi Yan knows that she is why surprised. 石岩知道她为何惊奇。 That three full jade cauldrons are giant, but cauldron body cauldron surface tadpole Symbols, actually only then fingernail size, if the Aodai Li sensation is good, her ghost and above soul read, was built up by three full jade cauldrons, but turned into new small tadpole rune, three full jade cauldron surface trillion many tadpole did rune, how could it not be, so form? 那三足玉鼎巨大无比,而鼎身鼎面的蝌蚪符号,却只有指甲盖大小,如果奥黛丽感知不错,她那幽魂和其上的魂念,被三足玉鼎炼化,只是变成一个新的小小蝌蚪符文,那么,三足玉鼎表面亿万多的蝌蚪符文,岂非,都是如此形成? How many life souls can that refine to melt? 那要炼化了多少生灵魂魄? Shi Yan lives an absolutely terrified feeling suddenly, the complexion is extremely dignified, he deeply looks to the blue quiet cauldron mouth position, the sinking sound shouts to clear the way: Do not approach the cauldron mouth!” 石岩突生一种毛骨悚然感,脸色极其凝重,他深深看向碧幽的鼎口方位,沉声喝道:“千万别靠近鼎口!” Toward that cauldron mouth pacing Aodai Li, elegant face one cold, immediately responded that hurried to stop, staring that dreaded the cauldron mouth, said: It can induce the life to be thorough, should have spirits, do we try with its communication? Has not met other life, can see communication, should attempt well.” 正朝着那鼎口踱步的奥黛丽,俏脸一寒,立即反应过来,赶紧停下,忌惮的凝视着鼎口,道:“它能诱导生灵深入,应该有器灵,我们是不是设法与其沟通?没有遇到别的生灵,能见着一个可沟通者,也应该好好尝试尝试。” Communication?” A Shi Yan face is bitter and astringent, really has exists spirit, this fellow can also refine the soul, you consciousness the soul to release together, will only say according to you, turns into that tadpole rune, otherwise you may attempt greatly.” “沟通?”石岩一脸苦涩,“就算真有器灵存在,这家伙也能炼化灵魂,你一道意识灵魂释放出来,只会按照你所言,变成那蝌蚪符文,不然你大可尝试。” Good.” Aodai Li does not believe in evil doctrines. “好啊。”奥黛丽不信邪。 Her mind ghost is numerous, the intention fluctuates, she releases a wisp of energy frail ghost, this time study was clever, has not attached the soul to read on, but the fluctuation deep meaning law decides, making that ghost form a question to fluctuate, then that ghost fell directly to the cauldron mouth. 她脑海幽魂众多,心念变幻间,她释放出一缕能量孱弱的幽魂,她这次学乖了,没有附有魂念在上,只是变幻奥义法决,令那幽魂形成一股问话波动,然后那幽魂直接落向鼎口。 Then, did not have then. 然后,就没有然后了。 Three foot great cauldron sounds, without any response, the ghost that she releases have not vanished slightly do not see, did not have a relation with her, such as likes a stone dropped into the sea. 三足巨鼎没有丝毫动静,没有任何反应,她释放的幽魂则是消失不见,和她没了一丝联系,如石沉大海。 It seems like this spirit is unfriendly.” Aodai Li coldly snorted. “看来这器灵并不友善。”奥黛丽冷哼 Quickly, that three full jade cauldron surface tadpole rune, such as the green thunder and lightning distortion change, forms the fluctuation of extremely mysterious mystical suddenly. 倏地,那三足玉鼎表层的蝌蚪符文,忽然间如绿色雷电扭曲变动,形成极为玄妙神秘的波动。 Peripheral numerous meteorite fragment, such as in the magnetic field by the pupil was attracted, one by one has attached unexpectedly, mysterious mounting sticks surface layer the jade cauldron. 周边众多陨石碎片,如被眸中磁场吸引,竟一一附了过来,神奇的黏糊在玉鼎表层。 Half double-hour, these three full jade cauldrons were given to cover by the stone, restored formerly not by the shape of Space Cutting Blade cutting, but this surface did not have the green grass to multiply, has not revealed cave to survey for the person. 只是半个时辰,这三足玉鼎又被石块给覆盖,重新恢复先前没被空间利刃切割的形态,只是这次表面没有青草滋生出来,也没有露出石洞供人探测。 Shi Yan and Aodai Li looks at restores the original design all, has helplessness that plants unable to start, does not know that should destroy three full jade cauldrons through the what kind method, how should communicate internal spirits. 石岩奥黛丽看着恢复原样的一切,有种无从下手的无奈,不知道该通过何种方法破坏着三足玉鼎,该如何沟通内部的器灵。 If there is really exists spirit. 如果真有器灵存在的话。 Degree of your Heavenly Flame fusion how? How many Essence Heavenly Flame your God Bless Continent altogether has, some are your also how many completely fusions one?” Shi Yan feels the chin, suddenly came such one bewilderedly. “你天火融合的程度如何?你神泽大陆共有多少本源天火,你还有多少全部融合为一?”石岩摸着下巴,忽然莫名其妙来了这么一句。 My ancestor star altogether has seven Heavenly Flame, three fusions, the surplus four types also fused, now only remains the final fusion stage, but this stage, feared that is fuses extremely difficultly thoroughly, could not find a wee bit method progress continuously, I gave up.” Aodai Li is perplexed, said at will. “我祖星共有七种天火,其中三种融合,剩余四种也融合了,如今只剩最后的融合阶段,但这个阶段,怕是极难彻底融合,一直找不到一丁点的方法进步,我都放弃了。”奥黛丽不明所以,随意道。 We attempt to quenching with Essence Heavenly Flame together, looked whether to give these three full jade cauldrons to select the change, how?” Shi Yan proposed. “我们一起尝试用本源天火淬炼,看能否给这三足玉鼎来点变化,如何?”石岩提议。 Useful?” Adai La is astonished however. “有用吗?”阿黛拉讶然。 I do not know, but looks like such that you said that must attempt.” Shi Yan spreads out the hand, but took a stand, „, if useful, we could know the mystery of three full jade cauldrons, can solve the riddle.” “我也不知道,但就像是你说的那样,总要尝试尝试。”石岩摊开手,无奈表态,“如果有用的话,我们或许能知晓三足玉鼎的玄妙,能解开谜团。” That tries.” The Adai La nod agreed. “那就试试吧。”阿黛拉点头首肯。
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