GOS :: Volume #14

#1370: Refining up the person by the blood

The Dark brown meteorite surface, Shi Yan and Aodai Li stand in that cave entrance, with rapt attention looks at that black xu xu cave entrance, heart China , Tunisia fresh chill in the air. 暗褐色陨石表面,石岩奥黛丽站在那石洞入口处,凝神看着那黑魆魆洞口,心中突生寒意。 Aodai Li is calm, the face sends out the light of serene Ethereal, Soul Altar such as does not dye the dust the mirror, shines to respond brightly the innermost feelings. 奥黛丽镇定下来,脸庞散发出安详空灵之光,灵魂祭台如一面不染尘埃的镜子,将内心明净照耀反应出来。 She can cultivation to Origin God Boundary, be able to fuse God Bless Continent Essence Heavenly Flame, naturally has the forte, realizes from experience seriously with rapt attention carefully, really had detected is not wonderful. 她能修炼始神境界,能融合神泽大陆本源天火,自然有过人之处,当真凝神细细体悟,果然发觉了不妙。 You are very careful.” Aodai Li shouted suddenly lightly, beautiful pupil reappeared such as you to say astonishedly, that everywhere green grass, indeed had extremely slight soul fluctuation.” “你很细心。”奥黛丽忽然轻呼,美眸浮现出惊异“如你所言,那无处不在的青草,的确有极为细微的灵魂波动。” I said we can give a try first.” Shi Yan dignified say|way. “我说了我们可以先试试看。”石岩凝重道。 How test?” Aodai Li retreat several steps, are far away from that cave quietly temporarily, then thinks feels at ease slightly, probably left any bad risk far a point. “怎么个试法?”奥黛丽悄悄后退几步,暂时远离那石洞,然后才觉得稍稍心安,好像离什么凶险远了一点。 Is very simple.” “很简单。” Shi Yan raises hand, the left hand refers to the abdomen splitting a blood-stained mouth, a drop of dark red blood such as the ruby is radiant, that blood is containing the strong life fluctuation, internal release leaving the pen encircles the blood-red halo. 石岩扬手,左手指腹裂开一条血口,一滴殷红鲜血如红宝石璀璨炫目,那鲜血蕴含着浓烈之极的生命波动,内部释放出圈圈血红色光晕。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” The blood such as is burning down, continuously gossamer Blood Qi winds around, imitates, if in peerless artist hand mysterious paint brush, outlined the Shi Yan embryonic form void. 鲜血如在焚烧,缕缕游丝般的血气缭绕出来,仿若绝世画师手中神奇的画笔,虚空勾勒出石岩的雏形。 , In the rushing stimulation of life fluctuation along with the blood, Shi Yan of that embryonic form appearance, fills the flesh and blood veins skeleton quickly rapidly, in the short two minutes, with his exactly the same person, at present congeals in Aodai Li. 很快地,随着鲜血内生命波动的澎湃激发,那雏形模样的石岩,迅速充满血肉筋脉骨骼,在短短两分钟时间,一个和他一模一样的人,就在奥黛丽眼前凝结出来。 That is another Shi Yan, the whole body **, the muscle fining, the body and spirit is vigorous, the look is bright.[ Body] in does not have the intense life magnetic field, soul fluctuation that startled has not palpitated. 那是另外一个石岩,全身**,肌肉精炼,体魄雄健,眼神炯炯。只是〖体〗内没有强烈的生命磁场,没有令人惊悸的灵魂波动。 Passed on a message Immortal Devil Clan Expert, cultivation base exquisitely to certain Realm degree, even if were fleshly body is disillusioned, so long as had drop of blood essence to be able as before rebirth Resurrect. 传言不死魔族强者,修为精湛到一定境界程度,就算是肉身破灭,只要尚存一滴精血依旧能重生复活 Aodai Li thinks the rumor is not true, only works as that is the exaggeration, but in this moment, she has witnessed the fact. Are beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, how could it not be the Shi Yan technique praise to the heavens you to have the body of Immortal? Even if were struck to kill, can come back to life by the blood?” She acclaimed unceasingly. 奥黛丽本来以为传言不属实,只当那是夸张,但在这一刻,她亲眼目睹了事实。美眸异彩涟涟,为石岩的技艺叹为观止“你岂非有着不死之身?就算是被击杀了,也能以鲜血复生?”她赞叹不绝。 Shi Yan has not replied. 石岩没有答话。 His eye of dew thinks deeply about expression, deeply looks to that by drop of blood precise another, is lost in thought. 他目露思索神色,深深看向那以一滴鲜血凝炼的另外一个自己,怔怔出神。 According to the view of Blood Devil and Xuan He, Immortal Devil Clan Expert achieves profound Realm, stimulates the life deep meaning. Can be bright blood essence imprint, changes into own appearance. 根据血魔玄河的说法,不死魔族强者达到高深境界,激发生命奥义。能将精血烙印鲜活,化为自身模样。 outside world has to the Immortal Devil Clan excuse, but forever loved to talk about by blood rebirth, in fact passed on a message indeed has the suspicion of exaggeration, even if were reaches Xuan He this altitude Immortal Devil Clan Expert, by individual that drop of blood essence congealed, was impossible to have main body power extremely. 外界不死魔族的说辞有许多,但“以血重生”永远都是被人津津乐道的,事实上传言的确有夸大之嫌,就算是达到玄河这种高度的不死魔族强者,以一滴精血凝结的个体,也绝不可能有本体万分之一的力量 But that by blood rebirth the rumor, pours is also based on some facts, for example Xuan He I, if God Body smashing. So long as Devil Blood had not been built up, he can depend upon Devil Blood to meet again fleshly body, then moves into by Soul Altar once more, can become bursting with energy. 但那“以血重生”的传言,倒也符合部分事实,譬如玄河本人,如果神体粉碎。只要魔血没有被炼化,他就能依靠魔血重聚肉身,然后以灵魂祭台再次入驻,又能变得生龙活虎。 The blood of Immortal Devil Clan clansman, is the life core, the blood does not extinguish, fleshly body can gather. 不死魔族族人的鲜血,才是生命核心,鲜血不灭,肉身都能重新聚集。 Naturally, after fleshly body smashing, the God Body short time of meeting again impossible such as equally to be absolutely formidable, be only passes through period of long time power again absorb. To fleshly body quenching of again, may rely on the mark in blood, gradual restoration such as beginning. 当然,肉身粉碎后,重聚的神体短时间绝对不可能如原先一样强大,只有经过一段漫长时间的力量重新吸纳。对肉身的重新淬炼,才有可能凭借鲜血内的印记,逐渐的恢复如初。 This process, before short several hundreds, the long several thousand years, absolutely do not have outside world rumor the simplicity of that. 这个过程,短则数百前,长则数千年时间,绝对没外界传言的那么简单。 At this moment, Shi Yan looked with rapt attention to by Clone that a drop of blood congeals. The facial expression is extremely complex. 此刻,石岩凝神看向以一滴鲜血凝结的分身。神情极其复杂。 This Clone had not poured into a soul thought by him, is only a pure flesh and blood puppet, fleshly body degree equivalent to True God Realm. If his main body falls from the sky, he is situated Soul Altar forcefully Clone, is marvelous by his Devouring Deep Meaning, possibly also needs dozens years of restoration. 这具分身没有被他灌注一丝灵魂念头,只是一具单纯的血肉傀儡,肉身程度相当于真神境界者。如果他本体陨灭,他将灵魂祭台强行坐落分身,以他吞噬奥义奇妙,可能也需要数十年时间恢复。 This does not make him ponder, what he ponders is he by a drop of blood congealment Clone process, making him have a strange feeling of creation life! 这不是让他沉思的,他沉思的是他以一滴鲜血凝结分身的过程,让他生出一种创造生灵的奇异感觉! If, if he wants, takes his wisp of Divine Sense as the price, cuts off wisp of Divine Sense, permanent injects the Clone soul, that this can Clone have the brand-new life, can, become another person? 如果,如果他愿意,以他一缕神识为代价,将自己一缕神识斩断,永久注入分身灵魂,那这具分身会否拥有全新生灵,会否,成为另外一个人? Can really be ** person? 会不会真是**的人? He knows that by his Realm cultivation base, definitely cannot achieve this point, but he actually thinks that a possibility, thinks that the Desolate possibly is use similar method, Clone creates four big races, but the wild main body congeals four big race older generations' blood, can actually create the Bloodthirsty congealment. 他知道以他的境界修为,肯定做不到这一点,但他却想到一种可能,想到荒可能就是利用类似的方法,分身创造出四大种族,而荒本体凝结四大种族先辈之血,却能将嗜血凝结创造出来。 That is true creation life! 那才是真正的创造生灵! Desolate, what utilization is the what kind method? The flesh and blood congeals is very easy to solve, but the birth of new soul, how does the Desolate realize? 荒,运用的是何种方法?血肉凝结很容易解决,可新灵魂的诞生,荒是如何实现的? He deeps frown, indulges in the exploration of life deep meaning, racks one's brains the detail of Desolate creation life, actually discovery regardless of him how diligently, does not have the soul birth difficulty of Peleg broken new life. 他眉头紧锁,沉溺在生命奥义的探索中,苦思荒创造生灵的细节,却发现无论他如何努力,也无法勒破新生灵的灵魂诞生难关。 He understands that to that wonderful Realm, he also has a long distance. 他明白,离那神妙的境界,他还有一段漫长距离。 But he fully realized, if some day, he can also force broken mysterious, can create the life race truly, then, his Can, if Star Sea beginning, will be henceforth rich in life force, in the world with Desolate will be the same, can emerge the innumerable races, can multiply numerous mysterious special lives. 但他又深知,如果有朝一日,他也能勒破其中玄妙,能真正创造生灵种族,那么,他那灿若星海的始界,将从此富有生机,将和荒内的世界一样,能涌现无数种族,能滋生众多神奇特殊的生灵。 Opens Star Sea, creates the life race, is this what kind cause? What kind breadth of spirit miracle? 开辟星海,创造生灵种族,这是何等的伟业?何等的气魄神迹? His one's heart rushes toward one's destination, only thinks that at this moment soul rushes, lives one type suddenly to the power that the future will make great strides forward step by step, the transformation of this mentality soul, making his breadth of spirit heart widen, arose spontaneously the fearless heroic spirit. 他心驰神往,只觉这一刻灵魂澎湃,突生一种向未来步步迈进的动力,这种心态灵魂的转变,令他气魄心胸都开阔了,油然而生无畏的豪气。 I congeal fleshly body, you contribute the ghost to come out together, making him substitute for your me to enter cave.” He grinned brightly smiles, said to Aodai Li. “我凝结肉身,你贡献一道幽魂出来,让他取代你我进入石洞。”他咧开嘴灿烂一笑,冲奥黛丽说道。 He knows that Aodai Li cultivation Ming Royal Family deep meaning, is unique soul strange technique, can quenching Soul Altar, can the restraint ghost and evil spirit be the strange consciousness in Sea of Consciousness, is having many mysterious places. 他知道奥黛丽修炼冥皇族奥义,为一种独特的灵魂奇术,能淬炼灵魂祭台,能束缚幽魂、厉鬼为识海内的诡异意识,拥有着诸多玄妙之处。 In Aodai Li Soul Altar, opened a region specially, is used for the restraint ghost and evil ghost, causes tentacle that it turns into her consciousness, turns into extending of her soul, the ghost, the evil ghost and the soul body her absorb accumulation are more, the deep meaning is exquisiter, Realm even more will be also profound. 奥黛丽灵魂祭台内,专门开辟了一处区域,用来束缚幽魂、邪鬼,使其变成她意识的触手,变成她灵魂的延伸,她吸纳聚集的幽魂、邪鬼、灵魂体越多,奥义越精湛,境界也会愈加高深。 This is the unique merit of Ming Royal Family deep meaning. 这便是冥皇族奥义的独特之处。 Really, Aodai Li wants not to think that the jade refers to a ball, a bunch of spooky soul escape comes out, falls into that to drop the Shi Yan head that blood essence congeals directly. 果然,奥黛丽想也没有多想,玉指一弹,一簇幽幽魂魄飞逸出来,直接落入那滴精血凝结的石岩脑袋。 Quickly, Shi Yan and Aodai Li body slightly shakes, they look at each other, in the eye reveals strange light. 倏地,石岩奥黛丽身躯都微微一震,两人对视,眼中都露出奇光 A mysterious feeling, maps within two will of the people quietly, that body congeals by Shi Yan blood essence, falls into ghost to be built up by Aodai Li, contains a Aodai Li soul strength, that person, congealment Shi Yan flesh and blood and a Aodai Li soul strength, if contacts with by a line of not being able to see them. 一种玄妙之极的感觉,悄然映入两人心间,那具身躯以石岩精血凝结,落入其中的幽魂被奥黛丽炼化,蕴含奥黛丽一丝魂力,那个人,凝结石岩血肉、奥黛丽的一丝魂力而成,如将两人以一条看不见的线联系起来。 Through him, Shi Yan can perceive faintly the Aodai Li mentality changes, Aodai Li can also subtle fluctuation of sensation Shi Yan heart, is really most profound, is hard to explain in the spoken language. 通过他,石岩能隐隐觉察到奥黛丽的心态变化,奥黛丽也能感知一丝石岩心底的微妙变幻,真是玄之又玄,难以用言语解释。 Likely is your my child.” Shi Yan has gawked half sound, teased with a smile. “像是你我的孩子。”石岩愣了半响,笑着调侃。 Aodai Li is red in the face for the first time, chilly cheeks cover entirely to blush, the beautiful pupil internal wave light is bright, she stared Shi Yan one maliciously, helpless say|way: Does not do to talk nonsense!” 奥黛丽首次面红耳赤,清冷的脸颊布满红晕,美眸内波光熠熠,她狠狠瞪了石岩一眼,手足无措道:“休要胡说八道!” At this moment her Xiafei double cheek, the unexpectedly gorgeous local products, such as have not been in full bloom fresh flower, shows most moving side, making one palpitate with excitement. 这一刻她霞飞双颊,竟艳丽不可方物,如盛开了的鲜huā,展现出最动人的一面,令人怦然心动。 Shi Yan suddenly absent-minded, looks dull to her, the good half sound the sincerity saying: You have been very actually beautiful, is only being cold all day long the face, the appearance that a stranger do not enter, has covered up you most beautiful side, was a pity really.” 石岩忽然失神,呆呆看向她,好半响才真心赞道:“你其实一直很美丽,只是终日冷着脸,一副生人勿进的模样,将你最美丽的一面遮掩了,真真可惜。” Can concentrate on proper business?” The Aodai Li continual deep breath, the milk-white bosom changes, the mood is volatile, suppresses is wanting the violent to punch the impulsion of Shi Yan, is cold the face to say. “能将精力用在正事上吗?”奥黛丽连续深呼吸,酥胸跌宕起伏,情绪动荡极大,强忍着要暴揍石岩的冲动,冷着脸说道。 Shi Yan sprinkles however smiles, said: Must take the action should be you, that ghost was built up by you, has your soul mark, should receive your control is right?” 石岩洒然一笑,道:“要采取行动的应该是你,那幽魂被你炼化,有你灵魂印记,应该受着你的操控才对啊?” Aodai Li clutched the temple to send furiously broken, said: Was irritated by you!” 奥黛丽气哼哼的揪了一下鬓角碎发,道:“被你气死了!” The words, she changes transfers deep meaning, a point that cave direction. 话罢,她变转奥义,一点那石洞方向。 That the puppet that is congealed by Shi Yan blood essence, penetrates that cave on own initiative, dives toward the deep place, half quarter has not ceased unexpectedly, is still thorough. 那具由石岩精血凝结的傀儡,主动深入那石洞,一路往深处潜去,竟然半刻钟都没有停息,依然在深入。 Probably is very deep.” Shi Yan knits the brows to say. “好像还挺深的。”石岩皱眉道。 At this moment, Aodai Li has not actually paid attention to him, on face glance charming early restrains, is a cold cream proper manner, the body is roaming very strange soul fluctuation, in wholly-absorbed sensation below change. 此刻,奥黛丽却没有理睬他,脸上惊鸿一瞥的娇媚早早收敛,又是一副冷霜正经神态,身上流荡着非常奇异的灵魂波动,在专心感知着下方的变化。 She can through that wisp of ghost, find out by secret inquiry the internal slight fluctuation, can know that the cave deep place does have the ambush bad risk. 她能通过那缕幽魂,探知到内部的细微波动,能知道石洞深处有没有潜伏凶险。 Suddenly, the Aodai Li mind shakes loudly, sacrificial altar trembles slightly, the elegant face underlines the pale color, her beautiful pupil splits strange light, clenches teeth, shouted to clear the way coldly: You guessed right, the cave interior had the strangeness, my ghost, I was attached to an above wisp of soul to read, suddenly lost the contact.” 突然,奥黛丽脑海轰然一震,祭台微微一颤,俏脸突显苍白之色,她美眸绽出奇光,咬着牙,冷喝道:“你猜测的没错,石洞内部有诡异,我那幽魂,还有我附在上面的一缕魂念,突然失去了联系。” What situation?” Shi Yan eye one bright. “什么情况?”石岩眼睛一亮。 Had been pulled apart likely forcefully, or was built up to melt, the feeling of not being able to say. You by fleshly body that blood essence congeals, what can feel?” She asked. “像是被强行扯断了,亦或者被炼化了,说不上来的感觉。你以精血凝结的肉身,可有什么感觉?”她反问道。 Was reduced to ashes.” The Shi Yan calm face „a sensation does not have, did not exist thoroughly, my sensation, is representing complete disappearance.” “化为灰烬了。”石岩沉着脸“一点感知都没有,已经彻底不存在了,我感知不到,就代表着完全的消失。” You guessed that right, indeed has the strangeness, it seems like that this place is not quite safe.” Aodai Li feels a heartfelt admiration to him. “你猜测没错,的确有诡异,看来此地不太安全。”奥黛丽对他心悦诚服。 That changed a mentality, with the radical method, came to see this meteorite, actually to have what wonderful place.” Shi Yan snort|hum, has sneered saying: Dares to swallow my drop of blood essence, naturally must pay the corresponding price, regardless of it is any good god ghost, must keep a mark to me!” “那就换一条思路了,用一点激进的方法,来看看这块陨石内部,究竟有何神妙之地。”石岩哼了一声,冷笑道:“敢吞我一滴精血,自然要付出相应的代价,不论它是什么牛神鬼怪,都要给我留点印记!” The words, in his pupil suddenly naked sword[ stirs up] shoots, such as the shining cutting edge is swaying from side to side. 话罢,他瞳仁内骤然白刃〖激〗射,如明晃晃锋刃在扭动。 Twists the mysterious fluctuation of space, spreads from his body surface, the peripheral space transmits chi chi suddenly sound, the sound by slightly increases, is gradually grating. 扭曲空间的玄妙波动,从他体表蔓延,周边空间骤然传来“嗤嗤”声响,声音由小变大,渐渐刺耳。 Aodai Li is initial, at once looks all around, suddenly covers the mouth to call out in alarm. 奥黛丽初始不解,旋即环顾四周,突然掩口惊叫起来。 Sees only wanders in nearby shining huge Space Cutting Blade, receiving him[ body] the attraction that in fluctuates involves, sways to divide to chop, such as must crush void, must tear the vault of heaven. 只见游荡在附近的一条条明晃晃的巨大空间利刃,受着他〖体〗内波动的吸引牵扯,摇晃着劈砍过来,如要粉碎虚空,要撕裂苍穹。
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