GOS :: Volume #14

#1369: Meteorite class

On the bright borax fragment, Shi Yan opens eyes swiftly, looks to the direction, expression is dignified. 明净月石碎片上,石岩倏然睁开眼,瞧向个方向,神色凝重。 That direction transmits extremely disorderly energy fluctuation, floods is destroying the Heaven Destroyer explosion, and is accompanying Space Cutting Blade of tearing vault of heaven, making his Turin soul tremble. 那方向传来极其凌乱的能量波动,充斥着毁天灭地爆炸,并且伴着撕裂苍穹的空间利刃,让他都灵魂微颤。 Can affirm that his Divine Sense perceived the region that covers entirely the bad risk inevitably! 可以肯定,他神识觉察到的区域,必然布满凶险! According to Aodai Li, only then contains big terrifying difficult Danger Zone, can have certain probability to meet other lives, may harvest Nihility Domain Sea in treasure material essence. 按照奥黛丽所说,只有蕴含大恐怖的艰难险地,才能有一定机率遇见其他生灵,才有可能收获到“虚无域海”内的奇珍材粹。 Had the discovery?” “有发现了么?” After previous words, Aodai Li secretly is paying attention his action, now sees the Shi Yan expression to be dignified, she not startled counter- happy, on the snow jade clear face splits the gloss of flash person, light Heilongjiang she set out, the beautiful leg moves, the emerald green color butterfly that such as waves lightly, has plundered lithely. 上次一番话后,奥黛丽都在暗暗留意着他的举动,如今一见石岩表情凝重,她不惊反喜,雪玉般晶莹的脸上绽出耀人的光泽,轻呼中她就起身了,美腿一动,如一只翩然舞动的翠绿色彩蝶,轻盈掠了过来。 This place peripheral broken star such as giant dust, float in territory sea each region, extremely distant place, faintly visible radiant drift of stars like rain, gathering to place of energy riot. 此地周边碎星如巨大尘埃,悬浮在域海每一个区域,极远处,隐隐可见璀璨星流如雨,蓬蓬的汇聚向一个能量暴乱之地。 Thunder big thunderclap, send out to roar to the vault of heaven just like violent anger Giant Dragon, the intermittent thunder bang transmits, making the person soul shake restless. 一道道雷霆大霹雳,宛如暴怒的巨龙向苍穹发出咆哼,阵阵雷轰传来,令人灵魂震荡不安。 Burn the sharp knife blade white, such as sickle cutting universe, many stars fragments after these sharp knife blade delimit, such as bean curd split smooth smooth. 一条条白灼利刃,如镰刀切割乾坤,许多星辰残片在那些利刃划过后,都如豆腐块被分裂的平整光滑。 That sharp knife blade, with amazement by Space Cutting Blade of swift and fierce being well-known in world, is only by the Space Deep Meaning Expert stimulation of movement, but swift and fierce degree, feared that acts Decca Luo fully is more fearful. 那利刃,骇然正是以凌厉闻名世间的空间利刃,只是并非由空间奥义强者催动,但其中的凌厉程度,怕是比迪卡罗全力施为都要可怕。 Shi Yan does not doubt, even if Immortal Realm Expert, was cut also to meet the corpse separation by that shining sharp knife blade. 石岩毫不怀疑,就算是不朽境界强者,被那明晃晃利刃切割一下也会尸首分离。 Is there!” “就是那里!” His expression is serious, aims at the place of front meteor gathering, secret revolution power, turns the head to look to Aodai Li, suddenly said: Prepared?” 他表情沉重,指向前面流星汇聚之处,暗暗运转力量,别头看向奥黛丽,忽然道:“准备好了么?” The Aodai Li beautiful pupil deeply looked that is wiping to front look glittering astonishedly, heart was also frightened, has hesitated a small little while, she nods firmly, prepared.” 奥黛丽美眸深深看向前方眼神闪烁着一抹惊异,心底也被震慑到了,沉吟了一小会儿,她坚决的点头,“准备好了。” Shi Yan did not talk too much one again. 石岩再没有多言一句。 The diamond borax under his body, changes into one bunch of clear cold moon magnificent, increases speed suddenly, goes to the place of that bad risk directly. 他身下的菱形月石,化为一束清冷月华,陡然提速,直接投向那凶险之地。 The Aodai Li breath becomes rapid, the abundant very milk-white bosom changes, the bright eyes light wave overflows riot remnant energies, imitates the spark that if splashes, several million fireflies flap 奥黛丽呼吸变得急促,丰挺酥胸跌宕起伏,明眸光波流溢一股股暴乱残能,仿若飞溅出来的火花,数百万萤火虫般扑扇过来 These can the naked eye be able to find remnantly, such as the steel needle rainstorm, transmits extremely swift and fierce puncture power. 那些残能肉眼能瞧见,如钢针暴雨,传来极为凌厉的穿刺力量 Initial time, she has not covered by the supernatural power congealment light spitefully studies Shi Yan to resist by God Body hardly, is so, these firefly sparks flies, tailor the synthesis the skirt to break Bai Zan the flesh that numerous nail pinholes let her moving heart and soul to reveal much her. 初始的时候,她没有以神力凝结光罩赌气般学着石岩神体来硬抗,也是如此,那些萤火虫般火花飞溅过来,将她剪裁合体的裙子破开众多指甲般小洞让她动人心魄的白暂肌肤显露不少。 At this time leaves was near, she discovered meteor that these fly, is giant meteorites, these meteorite colorful garnets, the red-orange, the iron grey, bright such as drills the shape, all sorts of strange and unusual. 此时离的近了,她才发现那些飞逝的流星,都是一块块巨大的陨石,那些陨石五颜六色暗红色,橘红色,灰白色,剔透如钻形态,千奇百怪。 These meteorites not from them in region, but is another direction, that direction grey, such as the meteorite sea, the interior has trillion meteorite vicissitudes, at this moment, these meteorites such as were activated, such as had the life, moves, changes to the meteor projection to the direction of his sensation. 那些陨石不是来自于他们所在区域,而是另外一个方向,那方向灰茫茫的,如陨石海,内部有亿万块陨石浮沉着,此刻,那些陨石都如被激活,如拥有了生命,纷纷活动开来,化作流星投射向他感知的方向。 They receive some attraction to involve likely, passes at an extremely quick speed to front that dark region, these meteorites have several thousands, or collides in the process that the extremely fast flies mutually, has the huge explosion, power that explosion bursts out, meets a cruel death Immortal First Sky Realm sufficiently. 它们像是受着某种引力牵扯,以一种极快速度流逝向前方那片幽暗区域,那些陨石有数万之多,在极速飞逝的过程中或相互碰撞,发生巨大爆炸,那爆炸迸发的力量,足以将不朽一重天境界者粉身碎骨。 The sputtering in Aodai Li spark, after is these meteorites explode, complementary waves that by far splutters, merely is only the complementary waves, is extremely swift and fierce, making her clothing more broken cave entrance. 溅射在奥黛丽身上的火花,就是那些陨石爆炸后,远远溅射过来的余波,仅仅只是余波,都极其凌厉,让她衣衫残破许多洞口。 At this moment, Shi Yan and Aodai Li stand under the body on the borax fragment, to these meteorite class also distances, turns around, interestings the looks at Aodai Li hole hole new clothing, Shi Yan grins to raise the eyebrow, new clothes are very beautiful, I quite like, do not trade, making my full fine sights also good.” 此刻,石岩奥黛丽站在身下月石碎片上,离那些陨石流还有一段距离,转身,饶有兴趣看着奥黛丽的洞洞新装,石岩咧嘴扬眉,“新衣服挺美,我个人比较喜欢,别换了,让我饱饱眼福也好。” Aodai Li white and delicate such as the flesh of jade, because of the crack of women's clothing, many mystical restricted area appears capricious white and tender, the milk-white bosom place, the beautiful leg place, waist buttocks place that partly visible enticement, making some Shi Yan blood spray out, the look naked hot, strangely chuckled constantly. 奥黛丽白腻如玉的肌肤,因为衣裙的破洞,许多神秘禁区都浮现出令人心猿意马的白嫩,酥胸处,美腿处,腰臀处那若隐若现的诱惑,令石岩有些血脉喷张,眼神不由赤裸火辣,嘿嘿怪笑不迭。 Dies!” “去死!” Quiet cold such as the frost ice flame, Cold Qi is together dense, transgresses from her jade luster lip angle suddenly, attaches her life aura, the twinkling falls on the Shi Yan chest. 一道幽冷如冰霜的火苗,寒气森森,陡然从她玉泽唇角逸出,附有她生命气息,瞬息落在石岩胸口。 Ice-cold aura that extremely cold Heavenly Flame is in sole possession, such as trough ice water waters, making Shi Yan just the combustion fiery interest directly extinguish, the hair changed the turn into ice corner, an incisive ice was cold. 极寒天火独有的冰冷气息,如一盆冰水浇灌下来,让石岩刚刚燃烧的火热兴致直接熄灭,就连头发都变成冰棱,根根尖锐冰寒。 Gets what one deserves!” “活该!” Aodai Li is cold the face, the bright eyes is appearing a happy expression, resembles to think that Shi Yan this distressed appearance is quite interesting, her physique moves lightly, the whole body was encircled the circle ghost shade mark to bind, making Shi Yan unable to find the wonder of her naked body again. 奥黛丽冷着脸,明眸显出一丝笑意,似觉得石岩这狼狈模样极为有趣,她身姿翩然一动,周身被圈圈幽魂影迹裹住,让石岩再也瞧不见她胴体的美妙。 She transferred same place three, a body ghost dissipation, reappeared changes a heavy blue long skirt, the brow tip moved, endures happy expression cold voice saying: lustful mind cold Da?” 她原地转了三圈,身上幽魂条条消散,重现换了一件藏青色长裙,眉梢一动,忍着笑意冷声道:“色心冷褡了吗?” No.” Shi Yan expression is invariable, during the mind changes, whole body freezes in a flash melt, that bunch of ice cold flame, flies upside down to return immediately, was swallowed in the entrance by Aodai Li. “没有。”石岩神色不变,心神变动间,浑身冰冻转瞬消融,那一簇冰寒火苗,立即倒飞返回,被奥黛丽吞入口中。 That is her Essence Heavenly Flame. 那是她的本源天火 Bang!” “轰!” , The boraxes under their body, the speed rises dramatically suddenly suddenly, becomes is uncontrolled, fires into that dark place at the extremely quick speed. 突地,他们身下的月石,速度骤然飙升,变得不受控制,以极快的速度冲向那幽暗之地。 Like their peripheral ten thousand institute Stone Liu. 和他们周边的万块所石流一样。 Aodai Li heart one startled, had no time to continue to bicker with Shi Yan, shouted tenderly: „ These meteorites as if receive some attraction to involve, position that we are at now, started to be affected, was towed is collecting to that region. 奥黛丽芳心一惊,也无暇和石岩继续斗嘴了,娇呼道:“那些陨石仿佛受着某种引力牵扯,我们如今所在的方位,也开始被影响了,也被牵引着汇集向那区域了。 Do not show off power, with the supernatural power precise barrier guard shield, layer upon layer binds God Body.” Shi Yan expression is dignified, sits suddenly in the borax upper extreme, said: Comes side me, the nearer the better with me, the complementary waves that here meteor explosion produces, will meet a cruel death sufficiently, you must be careful.” “别逞强了,以神力凝炼结界护罩,将神体层层裹住。”石岩神色凝重,忽地在月石上端坐下来,道:“来我身旁,和我越近越好,这里流星爆炸产生的余波,足以将会粉身碎骨,你务必要小心谨慎。” A few words fall, his ten thousand meters places, two meteorites collide, gushes out the dreadful fluctuation suddenly, such as the nuclear bomb attacks mutually general, that complementary waves such as twisted the space, has the chain-reaction, several meteorites nearby will give the impact crushing, that complementary waves still continuous, ripple in their directions. 一句话才落下,他身旁万米处,两块陨石碰撞,骤然涌出滔天波动,如核弹相互冲击一般,那余波如扭曲了空间,起连锁反应般,将就近的几块陨石都给冲击粉碎,那余波依然不休,朝着他们的方向荡漾过来。 Aodai Li this desire talked back, puts on a serious face to refute two, then she then perceived complementary waves that rippled, at once beautiful face one cold, the electricity shot at Shi Yan generally, sat by Shi Yan, the First Level level Bi You light cover, congealed quietly in her supernatural power change. 奥黛丽本欲回嘴,板着脸要反驳两句,然后她便觉察到那股荡漾过来的余波,旋即玉容一寒,电一般射向石岩,就在石岩旁边坐了下来,一层层碧幽的光罩,在她神力变动中悄然凝结出来。 As Princess Ming Royal Family, she is skilled in the Ming Royal Family unique soul deep meaning, the sensation strength is quite keen, has the accurate understanding to the energy might. 身为冥皇族公主,她精通冥皇族独特的灵魂奥义,感知力极为敏锐,对能量的威力有着精准的认识。 She knows, complementary waves that these ripple, sufficiently her God Body damage! Therefore she is very decisive, is very simple, has not talked too much one, the wise choice transfers to Shi Yan side seeks harbour. 她知道,那些荡漾过来的余波,足以将她神体损伤!所以她很果断,很干脆,没有多言一句,明智的选择挪移到石岩身旁寻求庇护。 „The stars look at the armor!” “星辰看铠!” Shi Yan drinks lowly, two fingertips remit ten drifts of stars, the drift of stars such as the rope neighbor the meteorite winding will come, peripheral forms the meteorite wall in them, such as the shield armor will explode the complementary waves to prevent, the wall that meteorite forms shook several to shake suddenly, slowly ceased, along with reclamation of Shi Yan power, the meteorite split , to continue to flow to the front. 石岩低喝,两手指尖汇出十条星流,星流如绳索将附近陨石缠绕而来,在他们周边结成陨石墙壁,如盾铠将爆炸余波阻挡,那陨石结成的墙壁猛然震了几震,慢慢停息,随着石岩力量的收回,陨石重新分裂,继续流向前方。 The Aodai Li facial expression is astonished, suddenly said: „ The front meteorite, weak soul aura, is not the life, should be one type 奥黛丽神情惊异,忽然道:“前方一块陨石内部,有一丝微弱的灵魂气息,不是生灵,应该是一种 ...... Plants the God Weapon fragment. ” ……种神兵的碎片。” She stares to look to the front meteorite. 她直勾勾看向前方一块陨石。 That meteorite has the star of small life to be big, does not assume the natural law octagon, Dark brown, looks all over the body fiercely, likely is a giant dish, surface layer that meteorite has the grass to exist faintly, compared with the bareness of peripheral meteorite, that meteorite appears a little out of the ordinary. 那陨石有小型生命之星般大,呈不规则的八角形,通体暗褐色,猛地一看,像是一个巨大的碟子,那陨石表层隐隐有小草存在,和周边陨石的光秃秃相比,那陨石显得有点与众不同。 In the past took a look.” “过去瞧瞧。” Shi Yan looks with rapt attention, surprised, at once stimulates to movement under the body the borax, made the it towed speed increases one time suddenly, crossed the peripheral many meteorites directly, was flushed away by the Aodai Li sensation to the marvelous special meteorite toward that. 石岩凝神一望,也惊讶了起来,旋即催动身下月石,令其受牵引的速度突增一倍,直接越过周边许多陨石,往那块被奥黛丽感知到奇妙的特殊陨石冲去。 After the quarter. 一刻钟后。 Bang!” “轰!” The borax crashes on that Dark brown meteorite, Shi Yan silhouette moves, falls on this Dark brown meteorite surface, the mind moves, he consciousness the seepage that seizes every opportunity to meteorite each tiny slit. 月石坠落在那块暗褐色陨石上,石岩身影一动,落在这块暗褐色陨石表面,心神一动,他意识无孔不入的渗透向陨石每一个细小缝隙。 Half sound, after his complexion is startled, suddenly eye of dew strange light. 半响,他脸色一怔后,忽地目露奇光 Aodai Li appears in his side swiftly, the brow tip moves, she goes toward one direction line directly, „ the region of my sensation, here 奥黛丽倏然在他身旁显现,眉梢动了动,她径直朝着一个方向行去,“我感知的区域,在这边 ...... ”. ……”。 Shi Yan has not spoken, looking pensive followed, such as the shadow hangs together in her behind. 石岩没有讲话,若有所思的跟了过去,如一道影子吊在她身后 The Dark brown meteorite surface, indeed has many strange grass, these grass have half meter, such as the denticle is hard, the vitality is extremely tenacious. 暗褐色陨石表面,的确有着许多怪草,那些草有半米长,如锯齿般坚硬锋利,生命力极其顽强。 The green spooky strange grass covers entirely meteorite each corner, looks at such as the First Level green rug fiercely, they along with meteorite marches forward rapidly is swaying gently, is brandishing likely arm, a slightly strange feeling is quick to the person, the Aodai Li beautiful leg stops motionless, she bends down to look to meteorite surface dark cave, that cave entrance only tolerates person of thorough, the interior is dim, but hears the grating wind howl. 绿幽幽的怪草布满陨石每一个角落,猛地一看如一层绿色地毯,它们随着陨石的飞速行进轻轻摇晃着,像是挥舞着的手臂,给人一种略显诡异的感觉很快,奥黛丽美腿停止不动,她俯身看向陨石表面一处幽暗石洞,那洞口仅能容一人深入,内部昏暗不明,只是传来刺耳的风啸声。 That weak soul aura, in cave, I in the past took a look.” Aodai Li turns head, seeks information his opinion. “那微弱的灵魂气息,就在石洞内部,我过去瞧瞧。”奥黛丽回头,征询他的意见。 Wait / Etc..” Shi Yan frowns, the sinking sound said: Does not suit, why does not know, as soon as I fall into this place, then has an absolutely terrified feeling. I just covered the entire meteorite by Divine Sense, discovered that only then such surface of meteorite only then such slit cave, moreover can only accommodate one person.” “等等。”石岩皱着眉头,沉声说道:“不太对劲,不知道为何,我一落入此地,便有种毛骨悚然的感觉。我刚刚以神识覆盖整个陨石,发现只有这么陨石的表面只有这么一个缝隙石洞,而且只能容纳一人。” What do you want to say?” Aodai Li is perplexed. “你想说什么?”奥黛丽不明所以。 Calms down, by soul well sounding place, there is a one type the feeling of proliferating the soul silk?” Shi Yan said in a soft voice. “冷静下来,以灵魂好好触探此地,有没有一种遍布魂丝的感觉?”石岩轻声道。 Proliferates the soul silk?” Aodai Li is astonished however, spies on with rapt attention, thought faintly some do not suit, could not say a reason why. “遍布魂丝?”奥黛丽讶然,凝神窥探,也隐隐觉得有些不对劲,却又说不出个所以然来。 Green grass! Here green grass!” The Shi Yan complexion changes, suddenly shouted to clear the way, tenacious green grass, very difficult in this place survival! Green grass that these proliferate the meteorite, is that continuously soul silk! Is a continuously weak soul fluctuation, the weak soul fluctuation of former sensation, should come from the green grass!” “青草!这里的青草!”石岩脸色一变,突然喝道,“再顽强的青草,也很难在此地存活!那些遍布陨石的青草,就是那一缕缕魂丝!是一缕缕微弱的灵魂波动,你之前感知的微弱灵魂波动,应该只是来自于青草!” „It is not right, in this cavern, has that soul fluctuation to transmit.” Aodai Li shakes the head. “不对呀,在这洞穴内部,才有那灵魂波动传来。”奥黛丽摇头。 „After that is we fall fully this place, the fluctuation that the cavern appears, perhaps, that soul fluctuates, is induces your me to enter cave.” Shi Yan suspects to say. “那是我们落足此地后,洞穴才重新浮现出来的波动,或许,那灵魂波动,就是诱导你我进入石洞内部。”石岩怀疑道。 Can't?” The Aodai Li bursting out laughing, thought that should be Shi Yan wants to be many, thought that in this Desolate lonesome Nihility Domain Sea, is impossible to have any thing to set up the trap to harm them. “不会吧?”奥黛丽哑然,觉得应该是石岩想多了,觉得在这荒寂的虚无域海,不可能有什么东西设下陷阱来害他们。 We can try first.” The Shi Yan facial expression is discrete. “我们可以先试试。”石岩神情谨慎。
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