GOS :: Volume #14

#1368: Long alone

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Collection 【】, Provides splendid reading for you. 收藏【】,为您提供精彩阅读。 The grey boundless space, the crushed stone like the sea, the stars wreckage proliferates, the innumerable terrifying bad risks are multiplying. 灰茫茫的空间,碎石如海,星辰残骸遍布,无数恐怖凶险滋生着。 The inexhaustible area, forever is the meaning of bleak deathly silence, seemed abandoned trillion years of world, cannot perceive aura and trace of any life. 无穷无尽的疆域,永远都是荒凉死寂之意,仿佛被遗弃亿万年的世界,觉察不到任何生灵的气息和痕迹。 On the diamond moon fragment, Shi Yan and a Aodai Li branch end, the eye is looking into the endless remote place together, expression is low-spirited. 一块菱形月亮碎片上,石岩奥黛丽分处一端,眼睛眺望着无尽遥远之地,神色黯然。 This moon fragment had been quenchinged by Shi Yan, acts as the temporary battleship use, urges by his supernatural power, the speed is extremely actually fast, imitates, if together meteor shuttle in Nihility Domain Sea. 这块月亮碎片被石岩淬炼过,充当临时的战舰使用,以他神力来驱使,速度其实极快,仿若一道流星穿梭在虚无域海 At the speed of this meteor borax, one day scene then can shuttle back and forth a star territory, stretches across trillion li (0.5km) to be away from, how long but they upward did not know in this moon fragment, a harvest does not have. 以这流星月石的速度,一日光景便能穿梭一个星域,横跨亿万里距离,但两人在这月亮碎片上行了也不知道多久了,却一点收获都没有。 Has not met the priceless wonderful treasure again, has not met any life, this vast boundless Nihility Domain Sea, limitless, such as only then they exist. 没有再遇到价值连城的奇宝,也没有遇到任何生灵,这浩淼无垠的虚无域海,无边无际,如就只有他们两人存在。 Lonely, lonely wait / etc. emotions, multiplies in their hearts gradually, they have to plant unable to find the hope, cannot see the feeling of end. 孤独、寂寞等等情感,渐渐在他们心中滋生,他们有种瞧不见希望,看不见尽头的感觉。 Their times from the beginning, but also daily talked, inflated mutually the inspiration, may afterward they exchange has been short, from saw to the grid in deeply dejected helpless. 两人一开始的时候,还日日交谈,互相打气鼓舞,可后来他们连交流都少了,都从对方眼中看到了深深的颓然无奈。 This place still has weak heaven and earth energy, they can also cultivation, because energy I am small and weak, if takes advantage of this place heaven and earth energy cultivation to have, feared that is extremely difficult. 此地依然有着微弱的天地能量,两人还能修炼,但因为能量的我弱小,若要依仗此地天地能量修炼有成,怕是极为困难。 On this day, Aodai Li chilly eye pupil, the gloss moves suddenly, her verdant women's clothing, the beautiful face is still spotless, the ketone body was bound by the First Level spooky light cover, how long?” 这一天,奥黛丽清冷的眼眸,忽然光泽一动,她依然一身青翠衣裙,玉容一尘不染,酮体被一层幽幽光罩裹住,“过了多久了?” She like thinking aloud shouted lowly. 她如自言自语般的低呼。 This shuts tightly eyes Shi Yan, hear sound opens eyes, the corners of the mouth overflow completely bitterly and astringently, here does not have Sun and Moon Stars to live to vanish imaginary, does not have the explicit time concept, actually to cross how long, I do not know. But I think that should sometime before I enter this place, Origin God Third Sky Realm has not stabilized, but consolidates now.” 本紧闭双眼石岩,闻声睁开眼,嘴角溢满苦涩,“这里没有日月星辰幻生幻灭,也就没有明确的时间概念,究竟过了多久,我也不知道。但我想,应该有一段时间了・我进入此地之前,始神三重天境界尚未稳定,但如今都稳固下来了。” Does not know that in our world, now turned into any condition, did not know that hui, had destroys our world. Also does not know my mother, actually to arrive at where by teleportation, if here, why we cannot meet “也不知道我们的世界中,如今变成什么一个状况了,不知道那虺,有没有将我们的世界摧毁。也不知道我母亲,究竟被传送到何处・如果也在此处,为何我们没有能够相遇・・・・・・” Aodai Li has not started talking for a long time, this makes noise, the phonograph has the trend of not being able to receive, yeah, early knows that was made into this place perhaps remains same place is a good choice.” 奥黛丽许久没有开口讲话了,这一出声,话匣子有收不住的趋势,“哎,早知道被弄入此地・或许留在原地是个不错的选择。” Shi Yan is astonished however you must stay behind, may not die, but will certainly have in your soul center is not your mark to exist, your meeting...... Becoming its puppet?” 石岩讶然・“你要留下,可能不会死,但在你灵魂中央一定会有不属于你的印记存在,你会……成为它的傀儡?” The Aodai Li bright eyes are low-spirited, lower the head to sigh slightly appearance as before moving heart. 奥黛丽明眸黯然,垂头微微一叹・模样依旧动人心扉。 „According to you, achieved Immortal Realm, once came this place to whet itself, they...... How to come in? How also to return?” Shi Yan knits the brows to ask. “按照你所言,达到不朽境界者,都曾来过此地磨砺自己,他们……如何进来的?又是如何返回的?”石岩皱眉问。 My mother, although is also Immortal Realm, because she is a head of the clan, must management general situation in the clan, therefore has not come Nihility Domain Sea by oneself, she once had said that these Immortal Realm, are arrives at our world end, arrived here through strange rivers.” “我母亲虽然也是不朽境界者,可是因为她乃是族长,要在族内主持大局・所以没有亲身来过虚无域海,她曾说过,那些不朽境界者,都是来到我们世界的尽头,通过一条诡异的河流来到这儿的。” Aodai Li brow deep lock, is recalling her mother's words, explained in a soft voice: Enters this place from our world is refining a unique compass, that compass can locate the direction of our world, making them not be lost in this place, can seek the direction to go back.” 奥黛丽眉头深锁,回忆着她母亲的言辞,轻声解释:“从我们世界进入此地者・都炼制着一种独特的罗盘,那罗盘能定位我们世界的方向,让他们在此地不会被迷失,能寻着方向回去。” Shi Yan forced smile, we most miserable does not have the direction, does not know our world where , if the headless fly scurries about to be fruitless.” 石岩苦笑,“我们最惨的・就是没有方向,不知道我们的世界在何处・如无头苍蝇般乱窜而无果。” This place grey, does not have the time, without direction, only then inexhaustible deathly silence, ice-cold and lonely, does not have the direction unclear about Warrior of goal to come carelessly, quick lonely and lonely will be corroded the innermost feelings, will lose the fighting spirit in the repetition of total darkness. 此地灰茫茫的,没有时间,没有方向,只有无穷无尽的死寂、冰冷、孤独,一个没有方向没有明确目标的武者不慎过来,很快就会被孤独、寂寞腐蚀了内心,会在暗无天日的重复中丧失斗志。 Here, can be the innermost feelings biggest enemy desperately, if cannot defeat desperately, the willpower failure, will fall into Negative Emotions that is deliberately bad. 在这里,绝望会是内心最大的敌人,如果不能战胜绝望,意志力衰竭,就会陷入自暴自弃的负面情绪中。 Possibly will accidentally discharge therefore Bedevilment, therefore is slowly weak, until exhausting life force. 可能会因此走火入魔,因此慢慢虚弱,直至耗尽生机 Is very strange, according to my mother's excuse, this terrestrial pole is the bad risk, the crisis, why have we been everywhere safe and sound?” Aodai Li wonderful sound track. “很奇怪,根据我母亲的说辞,此地极为凶险,处处危机,为何我们一直安然无恙?”奥黛丽奇声道。 Shi Yan similarly is also puzzled. 石岩也同样不解。 God Clan Elder spark, has come Nihility Domain Sea, but he only dares in the territory overseas level activity, that day star Ice Jade piece also to obtain from the territory sea surrounding. 神族长老星火,也来过虚无域海,但他只敢在域海外层活动,那块天星冰玉片也从域海外围得到。 According to his view, territory within the four seas is flooding the terrifying peerless bad risk, only if true Immortal Realm, otherwise is very difficult to survive. 按照他的说法,域海内充斥着恐怖绝伦的凶险,除非真正的不朽境界者,否则很难生存下去。 But Shi Yan and in Aodai Li this period of time, except for savoring lonely, lonely, cold and gloomy of innermost feelings, but also has not met seriously makes their soul destroyed/terror-stricken crisis sufficiently. 石岩奥黛丽这段时日里,除了品味了孤独、寂寞、内心的森冷,还当真没有遇到足以令他们魂飞魄散的危机。 This makes their innermost feelings fill to confuse. 这让他们内心充满迷惑。 „Is here really Nihility Domain Sea? Can...... Did we make a mistake?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “这里真的就是虚无域海?会不会……我们弄错了?”石岩讶然。 Is impossible to make a mistake!” Aodai Li is categorical, the void cavern that everywhere Star Shards, the sediment of meteorite, often bumps into, turns chaotic wild energy, this is the unique symbol of Nihility Domain Sea, reason that we have not met the bad risk, perhaps...... Is related with our positions, possibly, we in a territory sea very unique position.” “不可能弄错!”奥黛丽斩钉截铁,“无处不在的星辰碎片,陨石的渣滓,不时碰到的虚空洞穴,扭乱狂暴的能量,这都是虚无域海的独特标志,我们之所以没有遇到凶险,或许……和我们所处的位置有关,可能,我们在域海一处很独特的方位。” What position?” Shi Yan stares. “什么方位?”石岩一愣。 I do not know, but I listened to my mother saying that said in Nihility Domain Sea, some region relative securities, can rest short, adjusted oneself. But she has also said that the regions of these relative securities, will often not have any harvest, will not present extraordinary rare object.” Aodai Li explained. “我也不知道,但我听我母亲说过,说虚无域海中,也有的区域相对安全,能短暂休憩,对自己进行调整。但她也说过,那些相对安全的区域,往往都不会有任何收获,不会出现了不得的奇物。”奥黛丽解释。 what Jie?” Shi Yan asked again. “何解?”石岩再问。 I listened to her saying that the innumerable years had many Immortal Realm to enter the Nihility Domain Sea exploration, these relative security regions early by the cleanness that these people searched, the thing cannot leave behind. Only then these flood are destroying the Heaven Destroyer danger the region, may still have great treasure to exist, has rare rare object not to be excavated.” Aodai Li replied in a soft voice. “我听她说过,无数年来有不少不朽境界者进入虚无域海探索,那些相对安全区域早被那些人搜查的干干净净,一点东西不会遗留。只有那些充斥着毁天灭地危险的区域,才有可能依然有至宝存在,有罕见的奇物没有被发掘出来。”奥黛丽轻声回答。 She sets out suddenly, the a pair of straight beautiful leg is straight, pair of deep and quiet limpid bright eyes are looking into the distant place, she sighed suddenly lightly: „According to Tian Xie, we have lived in beginning of Desolate, that world was not the genuine universe, I thought the life in genuine universe, should also once come this place, because this place really vastly arrived inconceivable, therefore was very difficult to meet.” 她忽然起身,一双修直美腿笔挺动人,一双深幽清澈的明眸眺望着远处,她忽然轻叹:“按照天邪所言,我们一直生活在荒的始界中,那世界并非真正的宇宙,我想真正宇宙内的生灵,应该也曾来过此地,只是因为此地实在辽阔到不可思议,所以很难遇见。” She turned the head to look at Shi Yan, has hesitated, said: My Ming Royal Family older generation, had seen other life in Nihility Domain Sea, is not our world the life of genuine universe! This matter in hidden secret for my clan, refused the leak, but the situation is now special, I told you also to might as well.” 她别头看了一眼石岩,沉吟了一下,说道:“我冥皇族的先辈,曾经在虚无域海内见过别的生灵,不属于我们世界的真正宇宙的生灵!此事为我族内秘辛,本来是严禁外泄的,但现在我们的处境特殊,我告诉你也无妨。” Genuine universe life? Is the Absolute Beginning life?” Shi Yan panic-stricken say|way. “真正宇宙的生灵?是太初生灵么?”石岩惊骇道。 Should not be.” Aodai Li shakes the head, „, because acts according to the record of my older generation, although that life body is strange, but also is normal, was inferior that the Absolute Beginning life is so huge. My that older generation, is unable with its exchange, they in a hurry to meet with, then discretely avoids, has not had the conflict, but my older generation guessed that fellow is quite formidable, is not inferior he, my older generation... At that time in Immortal Second Sky Realm.” “应该不是。”奥黛丽摇头,“因为根据我那先辈的记录,那生灵身躯虽然怪异,但还算是正常,不如太初生灵那么庞大。我那先辈,无法与其交流,两人只是匆匆会面,便谨慎避开,没有发生冲突,但我先辈猜测那家伙极为强大,一点不逊色他,我那先辈・・・・…当时在不朽二重天境界。” Shi Yan was silent. 石岩沉默了。 He already clearly recognized the reality, knows world that he has lived, is only wild beginning, is the Desolate creation universe, is not the genuine universe. 他早已认清现实,知道他一直生活的世界,只是荒的始界,是荒创造的宇宙,并非真正的宇宙。 This Nihility Domain Sea definitely is separated from the Desolate, here has other life to exist, not rare. 虚无域海肯定脱离荒,在这里有别的生灵存在,一点不稀罕 Among boundless Star Sea, can have Desolate, to bite, hui this kind of Absolute Beginning life, definitely also has other life to exist, perhaps these lives are inferior to that side the Absolute Beginning life formidable, but definitely also has the place of oneself alone load. 茫茫星海间,能有荒、噬、虺这类太初生灵,肯定也有别的生灵存在,那些生灵或许不如太初生灵那边强大,但肯定也有自己独担之处。 The Ming Royal Family older generation in Nihility Domain Sea, can see other life, theoretically a point does not have the issue, is only this Nihility Domain Sea is extremely broad, they are at the possible human footmark scarce places, therefore has not met the Outer Territory life. 冥皇族先辈在虚无域海内,能见着别的生灵,理论上一点都没有问题,只是这虚无域海太过广阔,他们又处在可能人迹稀少之地,所以没有碰见域外生灵而已。 A series of thoughts passed over gently and swiftly in the mind, Shi Yan for a long time, said silent suddenly: We cannot such safely get down, perhaps, we should seek for the place of bad risk on own initiative, can threaten our life the place, should have the probability to see rare object, has to see the possibility of other life.” 一连串念头在脑海中掠过,石岩沉默许久,突然道:“我们不能这么安然下去,或许,我们应该主动寻找凶险之地,能威胁我们性命的地方,应该有机率见着奇物,有见到别的生灵的可能。” In this safe region, even if treats for 100 years, they are not perhaps able to seek the direction, cannot meet other life, does not clarify this place to be mysterious, is unable to get rid of this 在这安全的区域,就算是待上100年时间,他们恐怕也无法寻到回去的方向,不能遇见别的生灵,就弄不清楚此地玄妙,无法摆脱这一 Idea is very good, but we still do not know the direction of place of bad risk, even if the having a mind wanderer, at least found the appropriate soil.” But Aodai Li said. “想法很好,但我们依然不知道去凶险之地的方向,就算是有心闯荡,也至少找到合适的土壤啊。”奥黛丽无奈道。 If you early said that can have a bigger opportunity in the place of danger, perhaps we already left, because I hold imperial the body vulgar star on the way time, sometimes in some regions can the sensation to the huge bad risk, but, had been evaded by me on own initiative, not having the obligation body vulgar star to nose in the past.” Shi Yan forced smile explanation. “如果你早说在危险之地能有更大机会,我们或许早就离开了,因为途中我掌御着身下流星的时候,有时候在一些区域能感知到巨大凶险,只是,被我主动避过了,没有驱使身下流星过去查探。”石岩苦笑解释。 Indeed so, he lets loose all around the Divine Sense survey on the way, realized that has the huge terrifying fluctuation region, these region always aura, making him give birth possibly along with the horridness that it will fall from the sky. 的确如此,他途中放开神识探测四周,察觉到一些有巨大恐怖波动的区域,那些区域从来的气息,让他都生出可能会随之陨灭的惶恐。 Therefore he has not officially informed Aodai Li, ahead of time has dodged, to guarantee own security to attach most importance. 所以他没有知会奥黛丽,就提前规避了,以确保自身安全为主 But now listens to the Adai La careful explanation, he knows finally, if seeks the direction, must take risk, needs the places of driving wanderer these big terrifying. 但现在听阿黛拉仔细解释,他终于知道若要寻到方向,必须要冒险,必须要主动闯荡那些大恐怖之地。 How early to say?” A Aodai Li face rebukes, air/Qi him to waste the time. “怎不早说呀?”奥黛丽一脸嗔怪,气他浪费时间。 „The bad risks of these places, feared that is you are unable to withstand, I am doing this for you.” Shi Yan forced smile, you merely only then Origin God First Sky, the place of bad risk goes to my sensation to arrive, ten have ** cannot support.” “那些地方的凶险,怕是你无法承受,我是为你好啊。”石岩苦笑,“你仅仅只有始神一重天,去了我感知到的凶险之地,十有**支撑不住。” He the region of sensation, let alone Aodai Li, he thought that the bad risk not measured, is so, he raises has not raised to Aodai Li. 他所感知的区域,别说奥黛丽了,就连他自己都觉得凶险莫测,也是如此,他才提都没有向奥黛丽提。 „Do you look down on me?” Aodai Li facial expression one cold. “你小瞧我?”奥黛丽神情一冷。 Good, we continue to hover to march forward, my Divine Sense sensation to the place of bad risk, we will be next time thorough in the past, hopes that you when the time comes can show to make my shocking strength.” Shi Yan sprinkles however says with a smile. “那好,我们继续游动行进,下次我神识感知到凶险之地,我们就过去深入,希望你到时候能展现出令我惊艳的实力。”石岩洒然笑道。 Aodai Li snort|hum one, I am also one of the Essence fusion, even if Realm is slightly low, there is the strength of certain self-preservation, the work you extremely do not take the trouble.” 奥黛丽哼了一声,“我好歹也是本源融合者之一,就算是境界略低,也有一定的自保之力,不劳你太过费心。” That was really it would be the best.” “那真是最好不过了。” --------- --------- RT RT
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