GOS :: Volume #14

#1367: Nihility Domain Sea

The Tian Xie words said that the people were completely silent for a very long time, indulge in greatly panic-stricken. 天邪一番话讲完,众人全部久久沉默,沉溺在巨大惊骇中。 The hui control central snake head imperial crown place, the Zi Yao occupying a commanding position bird's eye view people, reveal the control aspect indifferently calm, whatever Tian Xie said the truth, routed the people mind defense line. 虺的主脑蛇头皇冠处,紫耀居高临下俯瞰众人,流露出掌控局面的漠然从容,任由天邪道出事实真相,击溃众人心灵防线。 Only then makes them realize that their sorrow, they will not have the approval sense of dependence to the Desolate to that universe, only by doing so, can subdue them successfully, makes them according to own thought conduct, achieves her to plan many years of secret. 只有让他们意识到他们的悲哀,他们才不会对荒对那宇宙还有认同依赖感,也只有那样,才可以将他们成功收服,令他们依照自己的念头行事,达成她筹谋多年的秘事。 Fusion Desolate! 融合荒! At this moment, the people suffered the huge mind impact, suddenly has a dizzy spell, will be completely confused to the future. 此刻,众人都遭受了巨大心灵冲击,一时间头晕目眩,对未来全部都迷茫起来。 The responsibility and battle, slaughter all that and protected all sorts to insist in the past, now, as if has become illusory, let their each lose the fighting spirit, did not know this what course to follow. 责任、争斗、厮杀、守护种种往昔坚持的一切,如今,仿佛成了一场虚幻,让他们各个都丧失了斗志,不知道该何去何从。 So long as you are converted Mistress, not only guarantees you to be safe and sound, but can also to you a huge good fortune, help you to work loose restraint of Desolate, can hover truly heaven and earth.” The boundless imposing manner that the sound of giving misleading also in this time, Tian Xie taught with skill and patience, on Zi Yao revealed in addition, some willpower not firm God Clan Elder, ignorant nod of then must comply. “只要你们皈依主母,不但保证你们安然无恙,还能给你们一场天大造化,助你们挣脱荒的束缚,能真正翱翔天地。”也在此时,天邪循循善诱的给出蛊惑之音,加上紫耀身上流露出来的磅礴气势,一些意志力不坚的神族长老,浑浑噩噩的便点头要答应了。 Sorry, your so-called huge good fortune, to my really not attraction.” “抱歉,你所谓的天大造化,对我真的没有一点吸引力。” , Shi Yan is suddenly cold, at once the thought changes, will lead to the Grace Star void slit to pass through once more, that Endless Sea appears once again. 突地,石岩冷然轻哼,旋即念头变动间,再次将通往神恩星的虚空缝隙贯穿,那无尽海又一次浮现出来。 „Are you willing to make to imprison the slave?” Tian Xie sneers. “你还是甘愿做个囚奴?”天邪冷笑。 Shi Yan curls the lip, from the start does not respond him, breaks in that void slit. 石岩撇嘴,压根不搭理他,一头冲入那虚空缝隙。 Perhaps in the field all people, possibly are counted are the wild imprisoning slaves, but he absolutely is not. His soul does not come from granting in Desolate, he is independent, at all not life standard restraint Desolate. 或许场内所有人,都可能算作是荒的囚奴,但他绝对不是。他灵魂并非来自于荒的赐予,他是独立的,根本不受荒的命格约束。 He not by the restraint of any Absolute Beginning life! 他也不受任何太初生灵的约束! This time he, just grasped Dark Energy, one type can transform castoffs into delicaties energy, so long as gives him the time to understand clearly exquisitely, if given time, he can reach the Bloodthirsty altitude. And, but can also dodge the Bloodthirsty tragic destiny, how he will be converted the Zi Yao subordinates, whatever Zi Yao willful dispatch. 此时的他,刚掌握暗能量,一种能化腐朽为神奇的能量,只要给他时间洞悉其中精妙,假以时日,他能达到嗜血的高度。并且,还能规避嗜血的悲惨命运,他岂会皈依紫耀麾下,任由紫耀恣意调度。 Also, that was not true Zi Yao, but was the hui consciousness soul. 再说,那也并非真正的紫耀,而是虺的苏醒灵魂。 My this void slit, can support a while, she is unable to destroy. Because this is the same energy congealment, wants the leaver as early as possible.” Shi Yan before penetrating void slit, turns head to sprinkle however smiles. “我这虚空缝隙,能多支持一会儿,她无法毁去。因为这是同一种能量凝结,要离开者趁早。”石岩在穿入虚空缝隙之前,回头洒然一笑。 The Aodai Li elegant face moves, does not say a word, at the maximum speed clashes. 奥黛丽俏脸一动,一言不发,以最快速度冲来。 After she follows closely Shi Yan, submerges directly, dodges then vanishes does not see. 她紧随石岩之后,直接没入其中,一闪便消失不见。 Meanwhile, Xuan He, Adai La, Fei Liete and Reddy people, not too many hesitant, the illness clashes in abundance. 同时,玄河阿黛拉腓烈特、雷迪众人,也没有太多犹豫,纷纷疾冲而来。 They left Shi Yan to be extremely near. Realm is as deep as a well, after grazing fully comes, really before that void slit heals, vanishes. 他们本就离石岩极近。境界又都是高深莫测,全力飞掠而来后,果然在那虚空缝隙愈合之前,一个个消失。 Sits well in that imperial crown above Zi Yao, the beautiful pupil narrows the eyes lightly, the look appears the color of ridicule, as if early has the plan. 端坐在那皇冠上方的紫耀,美眸轻眯,眼神浮现出嘲弄之色,似乎早有打算。 Before that void slit heals, a strange fluctuation, trembles in that slit suddenly suddenly. At once the void slit such as reversed direction, before disappearance, does not know that the deviation has approached where. 在那虚空缝隙愈合之前,突地,一阵奇诡的波动,在那缝隙内猛然一颤。旋即虚空缝隙如扭转了方向,在消失前,也不知偏离向了何处。 Mistress?” Tian Xie frowns the instruction. 主母?”天邪皱着眉头请示。 Zi Yao expression is invariable, they cannot return to beginning of Desolate, that small Miss and Shi Yan fused minute of soul Essence of Desolate, so long as they cannot go back, the Desolate is hard to revive truly. Facilitates us to handle affairs.” 紫耀神色不变,“他们回不了荒的始界,那小姑娘石岩都融合了荒的分魂本源,只要他们回不去,荒就难以真正苏醒过来。恰好方便我们行事。” The words, she looks to the God Clan clansman, looks to Four Great Heavenly Kings and 12 Family Head and Elder. Suddenly said: Either is converted in me, either was destroyed by me, you choose!” 话罢,她看向神族族人,看向四大天王和12家家主长老。忽然道:“要么皈依于我,要么被我毁去,你们自行选择!” The God Clan clansman changes color terrified. 神族族人悚然变色。 ...... …… The grey boundless space, does not have day, does not have the place, the stars wreckage that only then fluctuates, the meteorite fragment, void cavern glittering strange rays of light, is wriggling slowly, such as selects the Devil huge mouth that the person bites, one type dreary and ice-cold, Desolate lonesome aura, floods in each corner. 灰茫茫的空间,没有天,也没有地,只有浮动的星辰残骸,陨石碎片,一个个虚空洞穴闪烁着诡异光芒,缓缓蠕动着,如择人而噬的妖魔巨口,一种萧瑟、冰冷、荒寂的气息,充斥在每一个角落。 Distant place, Star Shards and meteorite sediment such as the sawdust in sea, inexhaustible general. 远处,星辰碎片、陨石渣滓如海洋内的木屑,无穷无尽一般。 An inexplicable chill in the air, multiplies in the heart, in the yin cold garnet giant crushed stone, Shi Yan looks into the distant place together, the complexion is panic-stricken. 一种莫名的寒意,在心头滋生,处在一块阴寒的暗红色巨大碎石上,石岩眺望远处,脸色惊骇。 This naturally is not Grace Star. 这自然不是神恩星 He is stepping into void slit instant that then does not realize wonderfully, realized that energy vacillated the void fluctuation, making teleportation have the accident. 他在踏入虚空缝隙的霎那,便意识到不妙,意识到有一股能量动摇了虚空波动,令传送发生了意外。 He does not know that this is where, he lets loose Soul Consciousness, discovered that the consciousness extends not to have end simply, is similar to a light vessel at inexhaustible sea most deep place, is unable to catch slightly the life trend. 他不知这是何处,他放开灵魂意识,发现意识延伸开来简直没有尽头,就如同一叶轻舟处在无穷无尽的海洋最深处,无法捕捉到丝毫生灵动向。 Thump!” “咚!” , In his side radiant diamond, transmits a resounding suddenly together, at once also makes a sound the light call. 突地,在他身旁一块璀璨的钻石上,传来一声脆响,旋即也响来轻呼声。 His micro dew astonished expression, silhouette, then arrives in the giant diamond that has not carved in a flash, Aodai Li that the looks at place above drops, is astonished however said: „Did you come?” 他微露惊异神色,身影一晃间,便来到那没有雕琢的巨大钻石上,看着上方跌落的奥黛丽,讶然道:“你怎么也过来了?” The Aodai Li appearance slightly is distressed, the emerald green colored clothing was torn up, the skirt splits, a section fair such as the beautiful leg of jade, then fairly appears, reveals halo that annoys the person daydream, after she hears the Shi Yan sound, the facial expression is calm, at once said: I first time comes Grace Mainland, regarding this is very strange.” 奥黛丽模样略显狼狈,翠绿色衣衫被扯破了许多,裙角裂开,一截白皙如玉的美腿,便白生生浮现出来,流露出惹人遐思的光晕,她听到石岩声音后,神情镇定下来,旋即道:“我还是第一次来神恩大陆,对此地很陌生。” During the speech, she sets out leisurely, chilly pupil glittering curious, is sizing up all around, long time, her complexion does not become strange. 讲话间,她款款起身,清冷眸子闪烁着好奇,打量着四周,不多时,她脸色变得奇异起来。 Here is not Grace Mainland.” The Shi Yan forced smile, in teleportation was given the influence by Zi Yao, does not know that now is at where, what most makes my surprised is, I am unable to collude Grace Mainland, cannot seek way.” “这里不是神恩大陆。”石岩苦笑,“传送中被紫耀给影响,也不知道如今处在何处,最让我惊奇的是,我无法勾连神恩大陆,寻不到回去的路径。” As soon as he falls, then attempt connects Grace Star Essence, what a pity the mind consciousness transmits, but likes a stone dropped into the sea, a response does not have. 他一落下来,便尝试去连接神恩星本源,可惜心灵意识传递出去,只是石沉大海,一点回应都没有。 This is no experience. 这是从没有的经历。 In that universe, which star territory he regardless of the person, can the intention move, then with the god graciousness Essence involvement, even if in void turbulent flow, can suddenly achieve the relation with the god graciousness, then returns to Grace Star instantaneously. 在那个宇宙中,他不论人在哪一个星域,都能心念一动间,便和神恩本源勾连,就算是在虚空乱流当中,也能瞬息间和神恩达成联系,进而瞬间返回神恩星 May here, he and relation of god graciousness such as is interrupted, is unable to have the slight capture. 可在这里,他和神恩的联系如被截断了,无法有丝毫的捕捉。 Here naturally is not Grace Mainland, here is Nihility Domain Sea!” The Aodai Li elegant face spills over panic-stricken, light shout speak unhurriedly and clearly said. “这里当然不是神恩大陆,这里是虚无域海!”奥黛丽俏脸泛出惊骇,一字一顿的轻喝道。 Shi Yan shakes loudly, the complexion becomes make things difficult looks extremely, „is here Nihility Domain Sea?” 石岩轰然一震,脸色变得极为难看,“这里是虚无域海?” The Aodai Li forced smile, I have not come. But I listened to my mother saying that here, was Nihility Domain Sea, among the universes the place of most mystical. If Tian Xie said not empty, the universe that we lived was only wild beginning, then this Nihility Domain Sea has then been separated from the Desolate, you naturally are unable to relate Grace Star.” 奥黛丽苦笑,“我也没有来过。但我听我母亲说过,这里,正是虚无域海,宇宙间最为神秘之地。如果天邪所言不虚,我们生活的宇宙只是荒的始界,那么这虚无域海便脱离了荒,你自然无法联系上神恩星。” Shi Yan understands immediately. 石岩马上明白过来。 Reason that he before can the twinkling duplicate Grace Star , because he in the universe of Desolate. That void chaotic basin does not belong to the Desolate, but actually and Desolate has the marvelous relation, many passage can communicate, therefore he can also round trip free. 他以前之所以能够瞬息重复神恩星,是因为他处在荒的宇宙中。那个虚空乱流域不属于荒,但却和荒有着奇妙的联系,有许多通道可以来往,所以他也能来去自如。 But this Nihility Domain Sea is a point and wild beginning is irregular, here , he to read returns to beginning of Desolate, without doubt is dream of a fool. 但这个“虚无域海”却是一点和荒始界不相干,在这里,他若想一念间返回荒的始界,无疑是痴人说梦。 Only then your does come?” Shi Yan has hesitated, therefore inquired. “只有你一人过来么?”石岩沉吟了一下,于是询问。 Xuan He they also as if follow. But I did not determine whether they enter, but entered, feared that also dispersed in Nihility Domain Sea each corner, should not return to that world that we were familiar with.” Aodai Li explained. 玄河他们也似乎追随而来。但我不确定他们是否进入,不过就算是进入了,怕是也分散在虚无域海各个角落了,应该都没有返回到我们熟悉的那个世界。”奥黛丽解释。 A Shi Yan face is bitter and astringent, the looks at grey boundless not familiar periphery, said: How can this go back?” 石岩一脸苦涩,看着灰茫茫的不熟悉的周边,道:“这要如何回去?” who knows.” Adai La shakes the head, her eye of dew was surprised, suddenly inquired: Shi Yan, that hui incarnation. Is very ripe with you?” 鬼知道。”阿黛拉摇头,顿了一下,她目露惊奇,忽然询问:“石岩,那个虺的化身。和你很熟?” Naturally is very ripe, she is I......” the Shi Yan subconscious reply, at once the sudden syllabic final, says with a smile dry: Originally is a I extremely good friend, who knows that can be unexpectedly a hui minute of soul evolves, humans affair seriously difficult material.” “当然很熟,她本是我……”石岩下意识的回答,旋即突然收声,干笑道:“本是我一个极好的朋友,谁知道竟然会是虺的分魂衍变而成,世事当真难料。” Isn't the ordinary friend is so simple?” Appearance that Aodai Li understanding clearly, the expression is light, the corners of the mouth actually flash before a ridicule, wants is the beautiful pretty woman, has the relations with you. Feared that is illegibile, after I return to Ming Royal Family, has investigated you specially, you are that person!” She affirmed very much. “不是普通朋友那么简单吧?”奥黛丽一副了然的模样,表情轻淡,嘴角却闪现一丝嘲弄,“只要是美艳漂亮的女人,和你扯上关系的。怕是都不清不楚,我回冥皇族后,专门调查过你,你就是那种人!”她很肯定。 The Shi Yan bursting out laughing, the look becomes strange, you idle are feeling nervous, investigates me to do?” 石岩哑然,眼神变得古怪起来,“你闲着发慌啊,调查我干什么?” Who called you are Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord.” Aodai Li curls the lip. “谁叫你是嗜血新任尊主。”奥黛丽撇嘴。 Shi Yan has not continued to talk too much anything. 石岩没有继续多言什么。 He looks with rapt attention to peripheral. Discovered that here is flooding wild strength, these smashing Star Shards, the wreckage of meteorite. Not well-known material fragment all sorts are not in stay still, sometimes along with fluctuation of territory sea, along with the creeping motion of peripheral void cavern, will fluctuate suddenly. 他凝神看向周边。发现这里充斥着狂暴之力,那些粉碎的星辰碎片,陨石的残骸。不知名的物质碎屑种种都并非处于静止不动,有时候随着域海的变幻,随着周边虚空洞穴的蠕动,也会猛然间变幻。 The stone that not far away, glistens together, is releasing burning hot high temperature, transmits extremely the energy fluctuation of terrifying. 不远处,一块闪亮的石头,释放着炙热之极的高温,传来极为恐怖能量波动。 He induced secretly, the eye one brightly, suddenly toward there escape in the past. 他暗暗感应了一下,眼睛一亮,忽然朝着那儿飞逸过去。 Aodai Li is astonished however, the black eyebrows micro wrinkle, followed lightly. 奥黛丽讶然,黛眉微皱,翩然跟了过来。 In the red rock slit, mounts the fist size scarlet-red stone together, in the stone is pasting together the burning hot flame brook, releases the rushing flame to fluctuate. 一块通红的岩石缝隙内,镶嵌着一块拳头大小的赤红石块,石块内流转内炙热火焰溪流,释放着澎湃火焰波动。 This is the solar nucleus, although is only the fist same place, but is also priceless, to cultivation flame deep meaning, this thing is precious.” After Aodai Li comes, eye pupil micro bright, explained in a soft voice. “这是太阳晶核,虽然只是拳头一块,但也价值连城,对修炼火焰奥义者来说,这东西非常珍贵。”奥黛丽过来后,眼眸微亮,轻声解释。 Has in Nihility Domain Sea endless mysterious, it is said only then achieves Immortal Realm, can in this place survival. But we, as if have not entered into Immortal Realm, you are Realm are meaner, why can we also be safe and sound?” Shi Yan looking pensive said. “在虚无域海内有着无尽神奇,据说只有达到不朽境界者,才能在此地存活。而我们,似乎都没有迈入不朽境界,你更是境界低微,我们为什么还能安然无恙?”石岩若有所思道。 Perhaps, we have not bumped into the danger truly, perhaps, we in Nihility Domain Sea most surrounding.” Aodai Li indifferent say|way. “或许,我们还没有真正碰到危险,或许,我们只是在虚无域海的最外围。”奥黛丽淡然道。 Should fuse Essence to be related with us.” Shi Yan has the dissident views, he lifts the hand to grasp, that solar nucleus was twisted by him, he puts out wisp of gold/metal yellow flame, the flame winding on that solar nucleus, burns down to quenching that quick scarlet red stone unceasingly, that stone fuses the flame waterdrop gradually, was bound by his Heavenly Flame, slowly melt gets up. “应该和我们融合本源有关。”石岩有不同意见,他抬手一抓,那块太阳晶核被他拧起,他吐出一缕金黄色火焰,火焰缠绕在那太阳晶核上,不断地焚烧淬炼着那快赤红色石块,渐渐地,那石头融合成火焰水滴,被他的天火裹住,慢慢消融起来。 I listened to my mother saying that said that in Nihility Domain Sea has endless mystical, the fragments of many God Weapon sharp weapons, compared with the rare treasure that we knew do not know that powerful many times, could not have named the character wonderful treasure, after was the remote people star territory destroys, left behind......” “我听我母亲说过,说虚无域海内有着无尽神秘,有很多神兵利器的碎片,比我们所知的秘宝不知强悍多少倍,还有许多叫不上名字的奇珍宝物,是久远的人们星域毁灭后遗留下来的……” Aodai Li looks at he fuses the solar nucleus, the beautiful pupil reveals moving expression, muttered whispers. 奥黛丽看着他融合太阳晶核,美眸露出动人神色,喃喃低语道。 I believe that spark in the Nihility Domain Sea surrounding, has resulted in a day star Ice Jade piece, refine this to assign great treasure, might then terrifying. That small jade piece, but also was given to take away by Zi Yao, it is estimated that possibly is the sharp weapon of Absolute Beginning time, this Nihility Domain Sea feared that is the Absolute Beginning life immediately the place of battle.” Shi Yan looking pensive said. “我相信,那星火在虚无域海的外围,得了一种天星冰玉片,炼成了本命至宝,威力便恐怖之极。那块小小玉片,还被紫耀给收走,估计可能是太初时代的利器,这虚无域海怕就是太初生灵当即交战之地。”石岩若有所思道。 ...... ( to be continued ) RQ ……(未完待续)RQ
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