GOS :: Volume #14

#1366: Cause and effect

Tian Xie in great billows chamber of commerce mausoleum chamber deep place, gobbles up Caesar, Ling Xiang, Luo Lin, then strengthens own power Realm, achieves to be able side by side God Lord and Ming Hao degree, now one shows the strength truly, is seriously unusual. 天邪在巨澜商会地宫深处,将西泽、凌翔洛林吞吃,进而增强自身力量境界,达到能比肩神主冥晧的程度,如今一真正展现出实力,当真不同寻常。 In field people, if independent combat, possibly really nobody is the enemy of Tian Xie. 场内众人,如果是单打独斗的话,可能真的无人是天邪之敌。 However Fei Liete, Reddy, Azure Dragon collaborate together, adds on Xuan He, is Tian Xie has the dreadful strength, must appeared unable to make ends meet. 不过腓烈特、雷迪、青龙一起联手,又加上一个玄河,便是天邪有滔天之力,也要显得左支右绌。 Tian Xie! You collude with the Outer Territory life in secret, schemes our world, your heinous crime!” Reddy like the thunder, in a whole body lightning in the mixture thunder ball, rolling exposes hot tempered to Tian Xie. 天邪!你暗中勾结域外生灵,图谋我们的世界,你罪该万死!”雷迪暴躁如雷,周身条条闪电内夹杂内雷球,滚滚抖落向天邪 Joke!” Tian Xie curls the lip, cold voice said: I from the start am not the person of your world! I am a Mistress creation, such as Desolate the Bloodthirsty creation, I enter your world, enters beginning of Desolate, continuously for Mistress regains consciousness to prepare truly.” “笑话!”天邪撇嘴,冷声道:“我压根就不是你们世界的人!我是主母一手创造而出,就如荒将嗜血创造的一样,我进入你们的世界,进入荒的始界,一直都是为主母的真正苏醒做准备。” The people listened to his such saying, the mind shook, an eye of dew was astonished amazed however. 众人听他这么一说,都心神一震,目露惊诧讶然。 Disclosed from the Tian Xie mouth message that is extremely really astonishing, since the Bloodthirsty origin has been the puzzled riddle, many people survey to trace for a long time, has not clarified the Bloodthirsty origin. 天邪口中透露出的讯息,实在太过惊人,一直以来嗜血的来历都是不解的谜团,很多人探测追溯了许久,也没有弄清楚嗜血的来历。 Tian Xie said unexpectedly Bloodthirsty begins with one's own hands to make by the Desolate, is this possible? 天邪竟说嗜血由荒一手创造出来,这怎么可能? pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” On Tian Xie blooms to make a debut rainbow light, the Lei Ji electricity ball smashing that Reddy congeals, the facial expression sinister and vicious said: What's wrong? Doesn't believe? Doesn't think clearly?” 天邪身上绽放出道道虹光,将雷迪凝结的雷亟电球粉碎,神情阴鸷道:“怎么?不相信?想不明白吧?” Xuan He and Fei Liete also gather side Shi Yan at this time, must protect Shi Yan fully and ensure he was not violated. 玄河腓烈特此时也聚集在石岩身旁,要全力防护住石岩,保证他不受侵害。 They looked, Zi Yao can use that mystical energy, will attract to seep strangely to everyone mind sacrificial altar, can capture their reason instantaneously. Only then has also understood clearly this energy Shi Yan, has the possibility to restore soberly them. 他们都看出来了,紫耀能利用那种神秘能量,将诡异魅惑渗透向每一个人脑海祭台,能瞬间夺取他们的理智。只有也洞悉了这种能量石岩,才有可能将他们恢复清醒。 Therefore, safe and sound of Shi Yan can be the key of fight, is their mechanical reactance Zi Yao powerful barrier. 因此,石岩的安然无恙会是战斗的关键,是他们力抗紫耀的有力屏障。 If you said that Bloodthirsty by biting to be created, we are perhaps easier to accept.” At this moment, the Shi Yan expression is callous, body surface blood armor is good-fitting, the chest such as is in full bloom bright red monster different flowers. Back pair of broad Bone Thorn is fanning, within the body destroys the fluctuation of Heaven Destroyer place to increase suddenly. “如果你说嗜血由噬创造出来,我们或许更加容易接受一点。”此刻,石岩表情冷酷,体表血甲合身,胸口如盛开一朵鲜红妖异的花朵。背后一对宽阔骨刺扇动着,体内毁天灭地的波动急剧攀升着。 Shouted!” “呼!” Evolves Blood Pupil that by Blood Sword becomes, appears quietly in his top of the head, in Blood Pupil bloody glow is bright, such as is taking a fast look around everyone, is releasing the impact mind Sea of Consciousness evil strength unceasingly. 血剑衍变而成的血瞳,悄然浮现在他头顶,血瞳血光熠熠,如扫视着每一个人,不断释放着冲击心灵识海的邪力。 The Aodai Li beautiful pupil reveals astonishedly unclear, deeply is staring at her, the jade lip is opening and closing slightly. Obviously was frightened. 奥黛丽美眸流露出惊异不明,深深凝视着她,玉唇微微开阖着。显然被震慑到了。 Her mother Adai La and Ming Royal Family Warrior, has a big shock, strange looks to Shi Yan. 她母亲阿黛拉冥皇族武者,也是大惊失色,怪异的看向石岩 After they have not seen Shi Yan to evolve the body and spirit, looked fiercely that greatly had been attacked the mind seriously, the mind is panic-stricken, has to plant very restless feeling. 他们没有见过石岩进化后的体魄,猛地一看,当真是被巨大的冲击了心灵,心神惊骇,有种很不安的感觉。 Rushing wild life magnetic field that because reveals from Shi Yan, incomparable vast huge, lets dispirited that they have to plant unable to be a worthy opponent unexpectedly, this is one of the innermost soul dreaded. Like past years they facing Bloodthirsty time such. 因为从石岩身上流露出来的澎湃狂暴生命磁场,无比的浩淼庞大,竟然让他们有种无法匹敌的颓丧,这是灵魂深处的一种忌惮。就像当年他们面对嗜血时候那样。 If the low Level life, first sees the high Level life, meets the feeling of instinct that disparity. 如低等级生灵,初次见到高等级生灵,会本能的感觉到那种差距。 Xuan He, Fei Liete and Azure Dragon suspend the attack to Tian Xie, the expression is dignified, eyes glittering the unclear gloss, is waiting for the further explanation of Tian Xie. 玄河腓烈特青龙暂停对天邪的攻击,表情凝重,双眸闪烁着不明光泽,在等候天邪的进一步解释。 As the leader of Bloodthirsty subordinates, Xuan He and Fei Liete still cannot ravel the Bloodthirsty status origin, before Ming Hao has guessed, guessed that perhaps Bloodthirsty fused four big race blood essence, but that also merely is only the guess. Has not been confirmed. 身为嗜血麾下的魁首,玄河腓烈特至今也没有能够弄明白嗜血的身份来历,之前冥晧猜测过,猜测嗜血或许融合了四大种族精血而成,但那也仅仅只是猜测。没有得到证实。 Tian Xie this person and the hui relations are close, hui is one of the Absolute Beginning lives, should instill into message of many Absolute Beginning time to Tian Xie, making the Tian Xie experience uncommon. 天邪此人和虺关系紧密,虺为太初生灵之一,应该给天邪灌输了不少太初时代的讯息,令天邪见识不凡。 They thought that Tian Xie following words, possibly is real, can explain the Bloodthirsty status origin truly. 他们觉得天邪接下来的一番话,可能才是真实,能真正说明嗜血的身份来历。 Tian Xie looks back suddenly, looks from afar to Zi Yao. The facial expression reveals the questionnaire opinion flavor. 天邪忽然回首,远远看向紫耀。神情流露出征询意见的味道。 Zi Yao arrogant lowering the head slightly. 紫耀傲慢的微微垂头。 The Tian Xie respectful ritual, turns around at once, sprinkles however says with a smile: Desolate is seriously battered. The body fission is five, the Desolate to attach most importance brain, the god graciousness, God Bless, Ancient God and Ancient Demon all are Clone, is four individuals, four individuals have created God Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family separately.” 天邪毕恭毕敬一礼,旋即转身,洒然一笑道:“荒遭受重创。身体分裂为五,荒为主脑,神恩、神泽古神古魔皆是分身,是四个个体,四个个体分别创造了神族不死魔族天妖族冥皇族。” In ten ten thousand years ago, four big race older generations enters the Desolate, tries to refine the Desolate, this is Clone wants to substitute for the motion of control central actually, what a pity finally is defeated. Later many years, wild four Clone operate independently, urging four big races to struggle Immortal in its beginning, making its beginning chaos caused by war continue, the star territory exploded the broken destruction, making its beginning even more extremely fat, is slow speed that his control central regained consciousness.” “在十万年前,四大种族先辈进入荒,试图将荒炼化,这其实是分身想要取代主脑的行动,可惜最终失败。之后许多年,荒的四个分身各自为战,驱使四大种族在它始界内斗争不朽,令它始界战乱不止,星域爆碎毁灭,让它始界愈发臃肿,迟缓他主脑苏醒的速度。” Tian Xie this speech time, all people all are hold the breath with rapt attention, earnestly listen attentively. 天邪这次讲话的时候,所有人皆是屏息凝神,认真倾听。 Nobody continues to get rid. 无人继续出手。 Because of Tian Xie these words, concerns the riddle of Star Sea, has puzzled the people innumerable years, everyone wants to know reason. 因为天邪的这番话,关乎星海之谜,困扰了众人无数年,每个人都想知道其中缘由。 Ten ten thousand years ago that four losers, were struck to kill by the Desolate, the Desolate realized whatever, if four Clone continue to act unreasonably, possibly even more will be hard-to-control, then to congeal by blood essence of that four big race older generations Bloodthirsty, Bloodthirsty blood essence contains four big races merits, the perfect blood of close Absolute Beginning life. The Desolate creates Bloodthirsty, must make Bloodthirsty destroy four big races, must complete the uniting of control central and Clone with the aid of Bloodthirsty, then revives thoroughly.” “十万年前的那四个失败者,被荒击杀,荒意识到若是任由四个分身继续乱来,可能会愈发难以控制,便以那四大种族先辈之精血凝结出嗜血,嗜血精血蕴含四大种族的优点,接近太初生灵的完美之血。荒将嗜血创造出来,是要让嗜血毁灭四大种族,要借助嗜血完成主脑和分身的合一,进而彻底苏醒过来。” Was a pity that just had the life consciousness in Bloodthirsty, must entrusted with the deep meaning inheritance by the Desolate time, was bitten invades suddenly.” “可惜,在嗜血刚刚拥有生命意识,要被荒赋予奥义传承的时候,就被噬突然入侵了。” Bites is Bloodthirsty lineage/vein sacred place Blood Sea, is the dark abyss, is one of the Absolute Beginning lives, is the wild mortal enemy. Bites quenchings Bloodthirsty after the Desolate power bad time, gives the Desolate its deep meaning inheritance, the main deep meaning that bites then swallows, is giving dual attention to eight big evil strength, bites to by Bloodthirsty extinguish goes to the beginning life of Desolate, destroys its star territory main body.” “噬便是嗜血一脉圣地血海,是黑暗深渊,也是太初生灵之一,更是荒的死敌。噬趁着荒淬炼嗜血力量不济的时候,将它的奥义传承给荒,噬的主奥义便是吞噬,兼顾着八大邪力,噬要透过嗜血灭去荒的始界生灵,毁灭它星域主体。” Bloodthirsty, is the Desolate and bites the key of trillion years of struggle, Desolate desire completes the main body and Clone fusion to regain consciousness by Bloodthirsty, carelessly was actually bitten the attack, was inherited the deep meaning of biting. The deep meaning inheritance that wild quenching, bites, directly caused Bloodthirsty to appear, has pressed four big races at one fell swoop, was getting up early Bloodthirsty to kill the four directions greatly, slaughtered crazily, lets life extinguish, accumulated power through Devouring Deep Meaning, achieved to the strong altitude.” 嗜血,便是荒和噬亿万年斗争的关键,荒本欲透过嗜血来完成主身、分身融合苏醒,却不慎被噬侵袭,被传承了噬的奥义。荒的淬炼,噬的奥义传承,直接导致了嗜血横空出世,一举压过四大种族,在早起嗜血大杀四方,疯狂杀戮,让生灵涂炭,通过吞噬奥义积累力量,达到至强高度。” Bloodthirsty is the non- world rare talent, in situation that in Late Stage nobody directs, comprehended Dark Energy that only then the Absolute Beginning life knows, increasingly realized significance that he has, realized that he is only the Desolate and bites the key of struggle.” 嗜血乃不世奇才,在后期无人指点的情况下,领悟了只有太初生灵才知晓的暗能量,也逐渐意识到他存在的意义,意识到他只是荒和噬斗争的关键。” Therefore, Bloodthirsty Late Stage departs from the norm, no longer continues to slaughter, but receives the disciple broadly, forms the influence, must revolt against all these. The Bloodthirsty cultivation end, surpasses Immortal Realm, turns endures compared with the altitude of Absolute Beginning life, he wants organizing that works loose the Desolate and bites, wants the hovering horizon, was actually bitten the restraint, he finally with biting the life and death wrestles, the command bites unexpectedly carries the heavy losses, naturally, Bloodthirsty was bitten to hit hard similarly, when him frail, the Desolate gets rid once again, inciting God Lord to unite the audiences to gang up to surround and beat up him, making it fall from the sky thoroughly.” “于是,嗜血后期一反常态,不再持续杀戮,而是广收门徒,组建势力,要反抗这一切。嗜血修炼末期,超出不朽境界,变成堪比太初生灵的高度,他欲挣脱荒和噬的摆布,欲翱翔天际,却被噬约束,他最终和噬生死一搏,竟令噬都身负重创,当然,嗜血同样被噬重击,在他孱弱之际,荒又一次出手,指使神主联合众强围殴他,令其彻底陨灭。” „For 100,000 years, Bloodthirsty is in this beginning first can be aloof all, can hover truly Star Sea Expert, he comprehends Dark Energy, has to destroy this world the ability, if not he assigns the standard in this place, perhaps he succeeded.” “100000年来,嗜血乃是这始界中第一个能超脱一切,能真正翱翔星海强者,他领悟暗能量,拥有能毁灭这世界的能力,若非他命格就在此地,或许他真的就成功了。” Tian Xie turns head, look awe looks to Zi Yao, at once turns around to continue saying: My Mistress was damaged deep, is unable, to bite the battle with the Desolate, but, bites trillion years of struggle never to stop because of the Desolate, because of the appearance of Bloodthirsty, causing the Desolate, to bite causes heavy losses once again, making them be at the dormant state temporarily, therefore in the present genuine boundless universe, my Mistress is most Expert, so long as you are converted my Mistress, my Mistress can forgive your affronting, making you be able to be aloof heaven and earth.” 天邪回头,眼神敬畏的看向紫耀,旋即转身继续道:“我主母本是受创最深者,本来无法和荒、噬争斗,但因荒、噬亿万年斗争从未停止,因为嗜血的出现,导致荒、噬又一次被重创,令它们暂时都处于休眠状态,所以在如今真正的苍茫宇宙中,我主母才是最强者,只要你们皈依我主母,我主母可以饶恕你们的冒犯,令你们能超脱天地。” „For trillion years, does the Desolate, bite the struggle never to stop? How to have stopped?” Fei Liete stunned. “亿万年来,荒、噬斗争从未停止?怎么没停止?”腓烈特愕然 Tian Xie disdains to smile, said: In that universe, there is your Bloodthirsty sacred place to exist, that is a dark abyss, is the consciousness of biting congeals, this is just like you to use your Soul Consciousness, invades in Xuan He beginning, making your Soul Consciousness rebel in Xuan He beginning, must destroy Xuan He beginning, said that you did understand?” 天邪不屑一笑,道:“在那个宇宙中,有你们嗜血的圣地存在,那是一个黑暗深渊,也就是噬的意识凝结,这就好比你用你的灵魂意识,入侵到玄河的始界之中,让你的灵魂意识玄河始界内作乱,要破坏玄河的始界,这么说你明白了没?” Fei Liete is astonished however, „a dark abyss of my Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, then bites the congealment of consciousness soul? Is biting of outside world, to the seepage invasion of wild beginning?” 腓烈特讶然,“我嗜血一脉的黑暗深渊,便是噬意识灵魂的凝结?是外界的噬,对荒始界的渗透侵入?” Is such, the battle that their this ranks have, fights possibly continues for trillion years. Said that until now, they were still at the belligerency, by way fight that we forever are unable to realize from experience, Bloodthirsty, was only they fights a small interlude.” Tian Xie explained. “就是那样,它们这种级别存在的争斗,一战可能持续亿万年。这么说吧,到如今,它们依然处于交战状态,以一种我们永远无法体悟的方式战斗,嗜血,也只是他们战斗中的一段小插曲。”天邪解释。 The people all are an eye of dew startle intent. 众人皆是目露骇意。 Considers, at this moment, in the vast universe, bites by the dark abyss that Soul Consciousness congeals, invades wild beginning, two do not know that has many trillion years of life also to encounter, and has encountered the innumerable years. 试想一下,此刻,在浩淼宇宙中,噬以灵魂意识凝结的黑暗深渊,侵入荒的始界,两个不知存在多少亿万年的生灵还正在交锋着,并且已经交锋了无数年。 But they, merely are only the small life in wild beginning...... 而他们,仅仅只是荒始界内的小生灵…… Perhaps, the Desolate, bites this Absolute Beginning life, when regards them, is similar to they looks the insect ants in own beginning. 或许,荒、噬这种太初生灵,在看待他们的时候,就如同他们去看自己始界内的虫豸蝼蚁。 This is greatly devastates to one of their mind! 这是对他们心灵的一种巨大摧残! The explanation of Tian Xie is very straightforward simply, realizing from experience of Shi Yan is profound, his mind changes, consciousness in his Can, if in Star Sea beginning flutters, wanders to fly to take a walk in stars, on the face actually spills over the forced smile. 天邪的解释很直白简单,石岩的体悟更是深刻,他心神变动间,意识在他那灿若星海的始界内飘荡,在一个个星辰内游荡飞逝走动,脸上却泛出苦笑。 If, if are only drop of rain in others beginning, a small insect, every action and every movement under others sensation and eye gaze, what sorrow that are? 如果,如果自己只是别人始界内的一滴雨,一个小虫子,一举一动都在别人感知、眼睛注视下,那是一种什么样的悲哀? No wonder Bloodthirsty must go all out to revolt, must work loose all, must break through the restraint prisoner's cage. 难怪嗜血要拼命反抗,要挣脱一切,要冲破束缚囚笼。 What a pity, Bloodthirsty was quenched by the Desolate, this is he biggest pitiful place, is the basis that he is defeated. 可惜,嗜血是被荒淬炼而成,这就是他最大的可悲之处,也是他失败的根本。 Similar to he now and Ancient Continent god graciousness fusion, he can see clearly life every action and every movement that on Grace Mainland is born, has the huge binding force to the Heavenly Demon Clan clansman, this is because he does not have to fuse Essence truly, if the god graciousness Essence fusion, he can be similar to thoroughly God Lord is ordinary, can grasp the life and death of Heavenly Demon Clan each clansman! 就如同他如今和古大陆神恩融合,他能洞察神恩大陆上诞生的生灵一举一动,对天妖族族人有着巨大约束力,这还是因为他没有真正融合本源,若是彻底将神恩本源融合,他就能如同神主一般,能掌握天妖族每一个族人的生死! Shi Yan awoke truly, complete waking. 石岩真正醒了,完完全全的醒了过来。 He knows finally why before Bloodthirsty falls from the sky, leaves behind the only teachings of the deceased, then lets inheritance who Xuan He, Xuan Shan and Lao Luo three candidates decide, if certainly Outer Territory soul. 他终于知道为何嗜血陨灭前,留下唯一的遗训,便是让玄河玄山烙猡三人选定的传承者,一定要是域外灵魂。 Because only by doing so, can disregard the natural law law in life square, can break through the prisoner's cage truly, does not fear Desolate that terrifying binding force to life standard. 因为只有这样,才能无视命格内的规则定律,能真正冲破囚笼,不惧荒那种对命格的恐怖约束力。
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