GOS :: Volume #14

#1365: Bloody battle

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Collection 【】, Provides splendid reading for you. 收藏【】,为您提供精彩阅读。 In void chaotic basin field all Warrior, the intelligence was confused at this moment, reveals Huan Divine Soul to invert expression. 虚空乱流域场内所有武者,此刻都神智被迷惑,流露出桓神魂颠倒神色 Regardless of the men and women, beautifully were attracted by Zi Yao at this moment, the mind falls into enemy hands, was captured the reason. 不论男女,此刻都被紫耀美丽魅惑,心神失守,被夺取了理智。 That is the crafty demon evil strength that one type is unable to say a word, is attacking all person main soul Sea of Consciousness, making them not control self was affected. 那是一种无法言语的诡魅邪力,冲击着所有人主魂识海,令他们不自禁的被影响。 A Shi Yan face with amazement, does not dare to continue to stop over, turns around to withdraw, expression is firm. 石岩一脸骇然,不敢继续逗留,掉头后撤,神色坚决果断。 If not the mind Essence fluctuation touches, if not he also sees clearly that mystical energy, his Soul Altar will also be invaded, then loses the reason. 若非脑海本源波动触及,若非他也洞察那神秘能量,他灵魂祭台也会被入侵,进而失去理智。 The clarity that he looks, Zi Yao does not have shade invisible mystical energy through that type, releases huge Divine Sense, invades the people mind directly, has confused their main soul, making them all have a dizzy spell, appears cannot withstand the manner now. 他瞧的清楚,紫耀通过那种无影无形的神秘能量,将庞大神识释放出来,直接侵入众人脑海,迷惑了他们的主魂,让他们皆是头晕目眩,出现如今不堪神态。 In people, only then he has touched the mystery of that mysterious energy, realized promptly not wonderful', this being led astray whole body does not draw back. 众人中,只有他触及了那玄妙能量的神奇,及时意识到不妙',这才不受迷惑全身而退。 He does not dare to continue to stop over. 他再也不敢继续逗留。 At this moment, when retreat, his vice- soul is surging, colludes Grace Star on own initiative, passes through passage by Soul Consciousness. 此刻,在后退之时,他副魂涌动着,主动去勾连神恩星,以灵魂意识来贯穿通道 Rip!” 哧啦!” If a Can the shutter of Milky Way, appears suddenly in his behind, in that shutter appears faintly the broadness of Endless Sea. 一条灿若银河的光门,遽然在他身后浮现出来,那光门内隐隐浮现出无尽海的广阔。 As the Lord of Grace Mainland, other people regardless in where, can the mind change, returns to that land instantaneously, this then fuses one special Divine Ability of Ancient Continent Essence. 身为神恩大陆之主,他人不论在何处,都能心神变动间,瞬间重返那块陆地,这便是融合古大陆本源者的一种特殊神通 Naturally, Cang Yun and Aodai Li these two Realm is mean, in addition does not understand the Space Deep Meaning true meaning, feared that is unable to achieve this matter. 当然,苍澐奥黛丽这两人境界低微,加上不懂得空间奥义真谛,怕是无法达成此事。 But he knows that God Lord, he at this time then secretly was certainly guessing, guessing God Lord can return to Ancient God Continent, looks for the appropriate opportunity to come once more. 但他知道,神主一定可以,他这时候便在暗暗猜测,猜测神主会不会重返古神大陆,寻找合适机会再次过来。 This place people were confused temporarily mental, may fall into the huge bad risk, but he actually knows by his present Realm cultivation base, even if understands clearly that mystical energy, perhaps is unable to change all these. 此地众人暂时被迷惑心智,或许会身陷巨大凶险,但他却知道以他如今境界修为,就算是洞悉那种神秘能量,恐怕也无法改变这一切。 Let alone also in this place people, has Zi Yao that he worries about truly only. 更何况此地众人中,唯一被他真正记挂的也只有紫耀 But Zi Yao, instead has become the chief criminal, is the good fortune makes the person seriously. 紫耀,反成了罪魁祸首,当真是造化弄人。 He wants to evade the point temporarily, after splitting the shutter, the preparation arrives at Grace Mainland. 他欲暂避锋芒,裂开光门后,就准备降临神恩大陆 In the Zi Yao bright eyes the halo is mobile, looked reveals surprisedly from afar to him, resembles is curious he to get rid of attracting of mind unexpectedly, but also after can be decisive, wheel track. 紫耀明眸内光晕流动,远远看向他流露出惊讶,似在好奇他居然能摆脱心灵的魅惑,还能果断后辙。 After the great snake main body fuses, Zi Yao that consistent ice-cold heartless expression, has the enormous change, became the mood is richer such as becomes had the sexy life she to see with own eyes that really really vividly Shi Yan must walk, shouted communication lightly, „do you why want to walk? Will I eat you to be inadequate? In these many people, to your my pain under the killer, you can't stay behind only accompanies me?” 巨蛇本体融合后,紫耀那一贯冰冷无情的神色,发生极大变化,变得情绪丰富许多如真真成了一个有血有肉有性感的生灵她眼见石岩要走,又轻呼传讯,“你何必要走?我会吃了你不成?这么多人中,唯独对你我不会痛下杀手,你就不能留下陪我么?” Her sound intonation soul fluctuation, and true Zi Yao is exactly the same. 她这次的声音语调这次的灵魂波动,都和真正的紫耀一模一样。 As if Zi Yao Soul Consciousness came back 仿佛紫耀灵魂意识又回来了・・・・・・ But Shi Yan actually cannot believe that including responding to one does not have, not saying a word seal Sea of Consciousness, the steps want to escape to leave. 石岩却再也不敢相信,连回应一句都没有,一言不发的封闭识海,踏步就欲遁离。 The Zi Yao beautiful pupil yin cold, are out of control coldly snorted that hum such as to contain the endless charm suddenly, such as reversed the void fluctuation, the shutter that Shi Yan passes through, likely by layer upon layer the ripple stopping up, the Endless Sea scene that in the shutter reappeared, suddenly became cannot withstand fuzzily. 紫耀美眸骤然阴寒,禁不住冷哼哼声如蕴含着无尽魔力,如扭转了虚空波动,石岩贯穿出来的光门,像是被层层波纹给堵住了,光门内浮现的无尽海的场景,忽然变得模糊不堪。 not know how to appreciate kindness!” Zi Yao expression is disgruntled. 不识抬举!”紫耀神色不悦。 Tian Xie complexion gloomy and cold, does not need the Zi Yao instruction to change into together the rainbow light on own initiative, crosses God Clan and Xuan He people, suddenly then arrived by Shi Yan, must capture Shi Yan. 天邪脸色阴冷,不待紫耀吩咐主动化为一道虹光,越过神族玄河众人,瞬息间便到了石岩旁边,要将石岩擒拿。 The Shi Yan mind in great surprise, hence critical moment he suddenly calms down, thoughts passed over gently and swiftly in the mind. 石岩心神大惊,至此关键时刻他骤然冷静下来,一道道念头在脑海中掠过。 He realizes suddenly in this place , if only he strength, said fled, feared that went on living continually difficultly, present Zi Yao is extremely strange fearfully, was far from any person can contend alone 他忽然意识到在此地若是单凭他一人之力,边说逃离了,怕是连活下去都艰难,如今的紫耀太过诡异可怕,绝非任何一人能单独抗衡 Must want to get rid of Zi Yao successfully, only then thorough is chaotic the scene, only then relies on more people. 要想成功摆脱紫耀,只有将场面彻底乱起来,只有依赖更多人。 This thought multiplies, the watermark ripples that his courageously forehead, his Divine Sense of that change, such as cannot see, ripple instantaneously. 这念头一滋生,他当机立断一点眉心,他那变化的神识,如看不见的水纹涟漪,瞬间荡漾开来。 In that Divine Sense, attaches chilly cold one, specifically is used to wash the soul, lets restore sanely soberly. 在那神识内,附有清冷寒冽之一,专门用来洗涤灵魂,来让理智恢复清醒的。 power that he has, with exactly the same of that Zi Yao, is the strength of mystical that Absolute Beginning life can grasp. 他拥有的力量,和那紫耀的一模一样,也是那种只有太初生灵才能掌握的神秘之力。 If he expects, this power really has the effect! 如他所料,这力量果然有着奇效! That ice cold cold Soul Consciousness invisible seepage, falls into recent Aodai Li sacrificial altar, Aodai Li whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, immediately quickly awakens, the graceful body slightly shakes, calls out in alarm suddenly said: How can such?” 那冰寒冷冽灵魂意识无形渗透,一落入最近的奥黛丽祭台,奥黛丽浑身一个激灵,立即就幡然醒悟,曼妙身躯微震,忽然惊呼道:“怎会那样?” His Soul Consciousness spread spread, quick Xuan He, Adai La and Fei Liete also one by one awaking revolutions, these God Clan clansmen, was reminded by him, is the complexion great change, congealment power, stimulates to movement the deep meaning, forms seal barrier layer upon layer, own Soul Altar covering. 灵魂意识蔓延扩散,很快玄河阿黛拉腓烈特也都一一醒转,就连那些神族的族人,也被他点醒,皆是脸色巨变,纷纷凝结力量,将奥义催动,形成层层的封印结界,将自己的灵魂祭台给罩住。 They understand that was just seized by Zi Yao mental, this time study was intelligent, seals up sacrificial altar and Sea of Consciousness, prevents the mind invasion again. 他们都明白刚刚被紫耀夺了心智,这次学聪明了,都封闭祭台识海,防止再一次的心灵入侵。 Shi Yan, how matter?” Awakes Aodai Li that first transfers, first sees is Shi Yan, she is extremely bright, immediately knows is Shi Yan that they wake, hurries to inquire. 石岩,怎么一回事?”最先醒转的奥黛丽,第一眼看到的就是石岩,她冰雪聪明,马上就知道将他们弄醒的就是石岩,赶紧询问。 Tian Xie you were really insane!” 天邪你果真疯了!” Xuan He sneers, changes into a prolonged blood river, the wind shoots at the Tian Xie direction. 玄河冷笑,化为一条绵长血河,飙射向天邪的方向。 At this time, Tian Xie is wanting to get rid, must imprison Shi Yan. 此时,天邪正欲出手,要将石岩囚禁住。 Xuan He had discovered that only then Shi Yan can break the Zi Yao mind to attract, knows, once Shi Yan were trigged, a people point works loose the opportunity not to have, then displays fully, must solve encirclement of Shi Yan. 玄河已经发现只有石岩能破紫耀的心灵魅惑,知道一旦石岩被制住,众人一点挣脱机会都没有,便施展全力,要解石岩的围。 And his equally bright affair nature are many, Fei Liete and Saint Beast Azure Dragon and in Reddy also heart moves, all gathers at the Shi Yan body side, spheres Shi Yan, to guard Shi Yan trigging by Tian Xie. 和他一样明事理者自然不少,腓烈特圣兽青龙、雷迪也都心中一动,皆是聚集在石岩身侧,将石岩给率先围住,以防石岩天邪给制住。 Protects that boy!” Adai La has gawked, also awakes to turn around, immediately loudly shout instruction. “护住那小子!”阿黛拉愣了下,也醒转过来,马上喝声吩咐。 Ming Royal Family clansman, moves swiftly, gathers side Shi Yan , helping Xuan He exert pressure to Tian Xie together hand in hand. 冥皇族的族人,也倏然而动,聚集在石岩身旁,一起携手帮助玄河天邪施压。 The Tian Xie whole body rainbow light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the rainbow light chirp broadcasts the strange sound, such as has the insect of life consciousness in the mutual conversation air-blowing, exactly the same that these Outer Territory Divine Light and Zi Yao grasp, has to be similar to Heavenly Flame Essence aura, wants compared with the God Clan bright deep meaning mysteriously many. 天邪周身虹光万丈,道道虹光都唧唧喳喳的传来奇异的声音,如拥有生命意识的虫豸在相互交谈鼓气,那些域外神光紫耀掌握的一模一样,有着类似于天火本源气息,比神族的光明奥义还要玄奥不少。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” Xuan He eyes becomes scarlet, departs scarlet viscous blood rivers from his pupil, the blood river is enormous and powerful, shows the strong smell of blood, the bloody water braves the blood blister, a blood blister explodes, then departs wisp of Blood Qi, Blood Qi congeals in the same place, such as turns into Blood Dragon, is containing deathly silence aura, must lead into the death all lives. 玄河双眸变得猩红,从他瞳仁内飞出一条条猩红粘稠的血河,血河浩浩荡荡,透出浓烈血腥味,血水汩汩冒着血泡,一个血泡爆裂,便飞出一缕血气,血气凝结在一块,如化成血龙,蕴含着死寂气息,要将一切生灵带入死亡。 Scarlet blood river deep place, actually surges vigorous life force, that life force and death not only does not flush, but also stimulated the strength of death, made that death territory field world-shaking. 猩红血河深处,却涌动出勃勃生机,那生机和死亡不但不相冲,还激发了死亡之力,令那死亡域场惊天动地 The Tian Xie ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) rainbow light, was given to submerge by the Xuan He blood river, but Tian Xie expression is usual, said indifferently: Xuan He, before you and I were evenly matched, but now you are inferior my many.” 天邪的万丈虹光,被玄河的血河给淹没,可天邪神色如常,淡然道:“玄河,以前你与我势均力敌,但现在你逊色我一线多。” The hidden dragon that rainbow light such as works loose abyss, penetrates stiffly from blood Hanoi, shoots in the Shi Yan direction. 道道虹光如挣脱深渊的潜龙,硬生生从血河内穿透出来,又往石岩的方向射去。 Pu! 噗! Xuan He puts out a scarlet blood, the blood void congealment is the blood drill, glittering and translucent carving, gushes out to rush suddenly the life fluctuation. 玄河吐出一口猩红鲜血,鲜血虚空凝结为血钻,晶莹剔透,骤然涌出澎湃之极的生命波动。 Blood sacrifice!” “血祭!” Xuan He sinks to drink, boiling water that if that blood river boils, such as the spout rock magma deep pool, becomes roasts rushes fiercely, blood froth blasting open. 玄河沉喝,那血河如煮沸的滚水,如喷涌的岩浆潭,变得炙烈澎湃,一个个血泡泡炸裂。 Scarlet Blood Dragon, eyes was disclosing scarlet-red strong killing intent, Dragon Qunei contains the terrifying life to fluctuate, leaves from the blood Hanoi congealment violent directly, sends out silent roars, worries Tian Xie. 一头猩红血龙,双眸赤红透露着浓烈死意,龙躯内却蕴含着恐怖生命波动,直接从血河内凝结暴出,发出无声咆哮,去撕咬天邪 Tian Xie remains unmoved, God Body fluctuated strangely, blasts open the innumerable broken light to vanish swiftly. 天邪不为所动,神体诡异变幻了一下,倏然炸裂成无数碎光消失。 At once congeals in Shi Yan behind, lifts the hand to grasp Shi Yan, must imprison Shi Yan. 旋即在石岩身后重新凝结,抬手去抓石岩,要将石岩禁锢住。 Goes!” “去!” Shi Yan is calm as usual, a blood essence spout on that Blood Sword, all Blood Pupil on flash Blood Sword opens completely, becomes evil different, the blood eyes such as the insect is wriggling on the sword body, making that Blood Sword very evil, changed into blood glow, direct thorn to Tian Xie. 石岩镇定如常,一口精血喷涌在那血剑上,在一瞬间血剑上所有血瞳全部睁开,变得邪异之极,一个个血眼如虫子在剑体上蠕动着,令那血剑无比邪恶,化为一条血芒,直接刺向天邪 After his life form has the great change, the blood also no longer is Immortal Devil Blood, but is he is unable to comprehend marvelous blood essence temporarily. 他生命形态发生巨变后,鲜血也不再是不死魔血,而是一种他暂时无法领悟奇妙的精血 In that blood contains not well-known power, circulation energy aura such as is being higher than an equivalent compared with Immortal Devil Blood fully, such as the person clan blood is the same with the distinction of Immortal Devil Blood, has the unclear mystery, is so, that Blood Sword Blood Pupil opens instantaneously completely, the maximum power instant will expedite childbirth. 那鲜血内蕴藏着不知名的力量,流转的能量气息不死魔血如整整高出一个等阶,就如人族鲜血和不死魔血的分别一样,有着更多不明的神奇,也是如此,那血剑血瞳瞬间全部睁开,将最大的力量霎那间催生。 Bang!” “轰!” A world-shaking explosive, that Blood Sword changes into monster different Blood Pupil, get lost hits in the Tian Xie chest. 一声惊天动地的爆响,那血剑化为妖异的血瞳,滚撞在天邪胸口。 The Tian Xie skeleton like the scrap, on the face calm is not, looks with amazement to chest huge Blood Pupil, such as deceived suddenly. 天邪骨骼如炸碎,脸上从容不在,骇然看向胸口巨大血瞳,如忽然蒙住了。 Meat armor!” “肉甲!” In the Shi Yan heart shouted lightly, that Blood Shield such as the monster different fresh flower grew in his body surface, covered rapidly his whole body. 石岩心中轻呼,那面血盾如妖异的鲜花在他体表生长,迅速将他全身罩住。 During the Divine Sense changes, his transformation becomes the shape of formerly showing, the whole body strange thorn is dense, the back cracks a pair of giant bone wing, the nail woods cold swift and fierce like the blade, within the body blood such as strong liquor combustion, destroys the Heaven Destroyer place energy, rolling surges in the whole body veins, flesh and blood, skeleton and five main internal organs (entrails) crazily. 神识变动间,他蜕变成先前展现的形态,周身怪刺森森,背脊裂出一对巨大骨翼,指甲森寒凌厉如刀,体内鲜血如烈酒燃烧,一股毁天灭地的能量,疯狂在全身筋脉、血肉、骨骸、五脏六腑内滚滚涌动。 At this moment, Shi Yan has the self-confidence of looking disdainfully world, must be able mechanical reactance Immortal Warrior. 这一刻,石岩有种睥睨天下的自信,要能力抗不朽武者 That hit in Blood Pupil of Tian Xie chest, glittering monster different scarlet scarlet rays of light, such as the hedgehog is spluttering suddenly innumerable bloody glow, bloody glow pricks the Tian Xie chest cavity all. 那撞击在天邪胸口的血瞳,闪烁着妖异猩红的血色光芒,如刺猬般猛然溅射出无数血光,血光尽数刺入天邪胸腔。 Tian Xie is out of control stuffy snort|hum, the terrified color deterioration, shouted to clear the way: Your life form, has reached the past Bloodthirsty altitude unexpectedly, really worthily is his inheritance.” 天邪禁不住闷哼一声,悚然变色,喝道:“你的生命形态,竟达到了当年嗜血的高度,果然不愧是他的传承者。” Thump!” “咚咚咚!” The Tian Xie heart transmits stars blasting open the huge sound, endures compared with the Immortal Third Sky Expert dreadful strength erupts from his chest, that Blood Pupil such as the rubber ball of trundle, was pushed directly. 天邪心脏传来星辰炸裂的巨大响声,一股堪比不朽三重天强者的滔天之力从他胸口爆发,那血瞳如滚动的皮球,被直接推挤开来。 The great strength takes advantage of opportunity to raid, the sea that such as power condenses, spreads toward Shi Yan following that Blood Pupil, must him submerging. 巨力顺势袭来,如力量凝聚的海洋,顺着那血瞳石岩蔓延,要将他给淹没掉。 The deterrent that at this moment Tian Xie erupts, endures compared with God Lord Bu Laien, endures compared with imperial soul leader deep white, astonishing. 这一刻天邪爆发的威慑,堪比神主布莱恩,堪比御魂魁首冥皓,惊人之极。 You dare!” “你敢!” Fei Liete, Reddy and Saint Beast Azure Dragon, explodes the roar with one voice, simultaneously exerts however gets rid, various are mysterious. 腓烈特、雷迪和圣兽青龙,齐声爆吼,同时奋然出手,各施玄妙。 In the hui Lord beast snake head imperial crown throne, under the Zi Yao occupying a commanding position bird's eye view, the beautiful pupil condenses on Shi Yan, grasps to reveal to change countenance expression. 虺的主兽蛇头皇冠宝座内,紫耀居高临下俯瞰下方,美眸凝聚在石岩身上,也手持露出动容神色 As if, this moment transformation helps the new fight shape, stimulates that mystical energy Shi Yan, making her remember any past events. 似乎,此刻蜕变成全新战斗形态,激发那神秘能量石岩,令她想起了什么往事。 ...... …… --------- --------- RT RT
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