GOS :: Volume #14

#1364: 12 great snakes

Tian Xie gives the suggestion with a smile. 天邪含笑给出建议。 The people expression, again looks at Tian Xie heavily time, looks cold biting cold, wishes one could to frustrate the bone to raise the ash Tian Xie. 众人表情沉重之极,再看天邪的时候,一个个眼神冷冽彻骨,恨不得将天邪挫骨扬灰。 Zi Yao sits well in seven color bright Crystal Stone thrones, the coldly bird's eye view the people, the manner is arrogant, does not place the eyeground the people, as if, lets Tian Xie and people negotiates, is she is greatest. 紫耀端坐在七彩鲜艳晶石宝座,冷冷俯瞰着众人,神态倨傲,根本不将众人放在眼底,仿佛,让天邪与众人交涉,已经是她莫大仁慈。 Xuan He, is this fellow so really fierce?” Adai La is newly-arrived, is very superficial to the cognition of Absolute Beginning life, black eyebrows one horizontal, reveals the meaning of cold disdaining, „can she strangle to death us really completely inadequately? However was the volume huge a point, in addition, what fierce place but also there is?” 玄河,这家伙真有那么厉害?”阿黛拉初来乍到,对太初生灵的认知还很浅薄,黛眉一横,露出冷然不屑之意,“她真能将我们全部绞杀不成?不过就是体积庞大了一点而已,除此之外,还有什么厉害之处?” Mother.” Aodai Li shouted lightly, on the simple and beautiful refined cheeks, covered entirely the startled palpitation color, she...... Really fearful.” “母亲。”奥黛丽轻呼,清丽脱俗的脸颊上,布满惊悸色,“她……真的很可怕。” Aodai Li fuses God Bless Continent Essence, dreaded to hui in the soul mark very much that she fully realized the life equivalent of this Absolute Beginning life, feared must far exceed them, explained bitterly and astringently: Compared with she and us, looks like our four big races compares to be the same with the person clan and uncivilized nationalities, has the huge disparity in the life level, is unable to overstep.” 奥黛丽融合神泽大陆本源,在灵魂印记内对虺很是忌惮,她深知这太初生灵的生命等阶,怕是要远远超出他们,苦涩解释道:“她和我们相比,就像是我们四大种族和人族、蛮族比拟一样,在生命层次上就有着巨大差距,根本无法逾越。” Adai La finally discoloration. 阿黛拉终于色变。 My clan only serves a master.” A distant place God Clan Elder meeting must Elder, coldly snorted, ridicule white: „To make us serve this type not to know that any thing monster to attach most importance, Tian Xie, you were too naive, was corroded the mind by that thing, the intelligence became illegibile.” “我族只侍奉一名主人。”远处一名神族长老会的白须长老,冷哼一声,嘲弄道:“想让我们侍奉这种不知什么东西的怪物为主,天邪,你太天真了,是不是被那东西侵蚀了脑海,神智都变得不清不楚了。” This person of Origin God Second Sky Realm, the strength of cultivation gust of wind, the personality is always arrogant. 此人始神二重天境界,修炼疾风之力,性情向来傲慢。 For ten thousand years, in vast Star Sea God Clan is the overlord, Bloodthirsty, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family hides is not daring to contend with God Clan directly, they have conquered the star territories, early has fostered the domineering proud personality, how to allow others to sit on somebody's back? 万年来,浩淼星海神族才是霸主,嗜血天妖族冥皇族都潜藏着不敢和神族正面抗衡,他们征服了一个个星域,早养成了跋扈自傲的性情,岂容别人骑在头上? In this person of eye, Tian Xie then relies on the power of the master, attempts with the aid of the deterrent of that Absolute Beginning life, comes to substitute for God Clan overlord Earth Realm by the great billows chamber of commerce. 在这人眼中,天邪便是狗仗人势,试图借助那太初生灵的威慑,来以巨澜商会取代神族的霸主地位 This is they are impossible to permit. 这是他们万万不可能允许的。 The Zi Yao facial expression indifferently, looked at that person of one from afar, knits the brows slightly. 紫耀神情漠然,远远看了那人一眼,略略皱眉。 Tian Xie gives a calm smile, the understanding fluctuation deep meaning, the eyes China , Tunisia shoot together the evil light. 天邪淡然一笑,会意的变幻奥义,双眸中突射一道邪光。 That ties rays of light is bright purple red, the meteor that such as projects suddenly, flies instantaneously to that Elder. 那束光芒为鲜艳的紫红色,如骤然射出的流星,瞬间飞向那名长老 The Shi Yan heart sinks, on the face appears wipes panic-strickenly, looks fiercely to that meteor. 石岩心一沉,脸上浮现一抹惊骇,猛地看向那流星。 In that bunch of meteors, has to endure compared with God Lord and Ming Hao terrifying might unexpectedly, power new power that although he does not grasp now, but is also quite strange valiantly, such as can stretch across the void distance. 在那一束流星内部,竟有着堪比神主冥晧恐怖威力,其中力量虽非他如今掌握的新力量,但也极为诡异彪悍,如能横跨虚空距离。 Xiao Yao and Shen Wu these two God Clan Son of Heaven, are extremely near to that provocative Elder, sees Tian Xie to get rid, is sneering the revolution deep meaning. 逍遥神武这两名神族天王,离那名挑衅长老极近,一见天邪出手,都冷笑着运转奥义。 However, in addition they have not stimulated deep meaning, that Elder screamed suddenly. 然而,他们尚且没有将奥义激发出来,那长老忽然尖叫起来。 In his chest, are with amazement many a Blood Dripping Gem road, the internal organs, heart and lungs and taste were stirred the muddy flesh, the blood such as the fountain well up crazily, along with the exsomatize of blood, his life aura sudden weakening. 在他胸口,骇然多了一条血淋琳的甬道,内脏、心肺、脾胃都被搅成肉泥,鲜血如喷泉狂涌,随着鲜血的离体,他生命气息急剧的减弱。 That purple-red meteor, unexpectedly strange appears in his back of the body place, does not gather the common sense crosses the space length, then caused heavy losses to him instantaneously. 那道紫红色流星,竟诡异的在他后心处浮现,不合常理的越过空间距离,瞬间便重创了他。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” In his mouth puts out a blood to stick, the life magnetic field slow rapid failure, sacrificial altar Sea of Consciousness collapses loudly. 他口中吐出块块血糊,生命磁场慢迅速衰竭,祭台识海轰然崩溃。 At the point of death before, he also stunned looks to Xiao Yao and Shen Wu, why resembles in having doubts in these two clans the Son of Heaven has not left the aid to his Zhong. 临死前,他还一脸错愕的看向逍遥神武,似在疑惑这两名族内天王为何没有对他仲出援手。 He does not know that actually Shen Wu and Xiao Yao revolved the deep meaning, that meteor too is what a pity quick, in their deep meaning still in the condensation stage, then caused heavy losses to him until death. 他并不知道,其实神武逍遥都运转了奥义,可惜那流星实在太快,在他们奥义还在凝聚阶段,便将他重创至死了。 Tian Xie eyes stream of light projects, is working as Xiao Yao and Shen Wu surface, in Elder their clan strikes to kill, this has enraged Four Great Heavenly Kings immediately. 天邪双眸道流光射出,当着逍遥神武的面,将他们族内长老击杀,这立即激怒了四大天王 Shortly, Xiao Yao and Shen Wu, comfortable and bright Four Great Heavenly Kings, did not say a word, simultaneously plundered in the Tian Xie direction. 顷刻间,逍遥神武、自在、光明四大天王,一言不发,同时朝着天邪的方向掠去。 Imitates if four eye-catching lightnings. 仿若四道夺目闪电。 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” The Warrior corpses of ice-cold yin cold, such as the meat wall stops up before the Tian Xie body, these Warrior expressions are wooden, the look is empty, suddenly together spout the gloomy air current, in the air current is flooding the energy magnetic field of Outer Territory riot, causes in the void turbulent flow all sorts not well-known to pour into remnantly turbulently. 一道道冰冷阴寒的武者尸身,如肉墙堵在天邪身前,那些武者表情木然,眼神空洞,忽然一起喷涌出阴森气流,气流内充斥着域外暴乱的能量磁场,引得虚空乱流内种种不知名残能汹涌注入。 And several corpses, within the body aura fluctuation is the Immortal Realm degree, they such as have the life consciousness, but can also display the deep meaning respectively. 其中数名尸身,体内气息波动达到不朽境界的程度,他们如还有生命意识般,还能各自施展奥义。 Ices the wall, the cold blade, the burning hot sea of fire and wild thunder and lightning turbulent eruption, making that region such as destroy the Heaven Destroyer place the purgatory, multiplied the inexhaustible ominous prestige, the Four Great Heavenly Kings person, was tired out by dealing with, is unable to pose the threat to Tian Xie. 冰墙、寒刀、炙热火海、狂暴雷电汹涌爆发,令那区域如毁天灭地的炼狱,滋生出无穷无尽的凶威,就连四大天王人在其中,都疲于应付,无法对天邪造成威胁。 On the Tian Xie face the smiling face does not reduce, throne place of respectful standing under the Zi Yao body, said to the people: Opportunity gives you, can grasp, look at you.” 天邪脸上笑容不减,毕恭毕敬的站在紫耀身下宝座处,冲众人说道:“机会给你们,能不能把握住,就看你们自己了。” „If unable to be a worthy opponent, early evacuates.” At this time, the Decca Luo complexion is serious, the innermost feelings sighed, make noise the proposition. “若是无法匹敌,就早早撤离吧。”此时,迪卡罗脸色沉重,内心一叹,出声提议。 The people look puzzled to him. 众人不解看向他。 „, Her 11 Clone, arrived without enough time immediately.” The Decca Luo eyes are gloomy, helpless explanation: She was too formidable, before dispersed in void turbulent flow each corner deep sleep, attracted the Warrior restoration that pulled falls into carelessly through the long time, now, she is still at the recovery stage, was far from achieving peak Realm. Also is so, she in Wei Desen under erupts restrains, God Lord and Ming Hao transferring, may be is not the most flourishing condition, she is still not we can be a worthy opponent, when to her 11 Clone one by one accumulations, is God Lord and Ming Hao returns, feared that is unable to shake her.” “来不及了,她的11个分身,马上就到了。”迪卡罗眼睛灰暗,无能为力的解释:“她太强大了,之前分散在虚空乱流各个角落沉睡,通过漫长时间吸扯不慎落入的武者恢复,如今,她依然处于恢复阶段,远远没有达到巅峰境界。也是如此,她才在维德森的爆发下收敛,才将神主冥晧给挪移走,可就算是并非全盛状态,她依然不是我们能匹敌的,待到她11个分身一一聚集,便是神主冥晧重返,怕是也无法撼动她了。” So is really fearful?” The Adai La beautiful face slightly is pale. “真有这么可怕?”阿黛拉艳容略显苍白。 As head of the clan Ming Royal Family, her really little alarmed and afraid anything matter, is when treats God Lord, she is also unflustered, will not dread too. 身为冥皇族族长,她甚少惊惧什么事情,就是在对待神主的时候,她也从容不迫,不会忌惮太多。 But now, listening to Decca Luo to concern hui the terrifying place, she realized for the first time in this boundless heaven and earth, God Lord and Ming Hao are not in world acmes, the true Absolute Beginning life, is life Pyramid topest existence. 但如今,听着迪卡罗关乎虺的恐怖处,她首次意识到在这无垠的天地中,神主冥晧并非世间极致,真正的太初生灵,才是生灵金字塔最顶尖的存在。 In the eye of Absolute Beginning life, they, are only the frail ants! 太初生灵的眼中,他们,统统都只是孱弱的蝼蚁而已! Good! Is opened void passage by you!” Xuan He hesitation several seconds, courageously took a stand suddenly. “好!由你来打开虚空通道!”玄河沉吟数秒,忽然当机立断表态。 Decca Luo Zai rubbish, the revolution deep meanings of a lot of regret, must pass through passage forcefully. 迪卡罗再也没有废话,一肚子懊悔的运转奥义,要强行贯穿一条通道 Also in this time, Shi Yan finds the vision that Zi Yao projected, in heart suddenly one cold. 也在此时,石岩瞧见了紫耀投射过来的目光,心中猛然一寒。 In the Zi Yao vision, has the color of ridicule, that is careless that one type has victory in the hand, is all in she grasps proudly calm. 紫耀的目光中,有着嘲弄之色,那是一种胜券在握的漫不经心,是一切都在她掌握中的傲然淡定。 Do not move heedlessly the space to fluctuate!” His intuition is not wonderful, vigorous sound calls out, plans to prevent. “别乱动空间波动!”他直觉不妙,疾声暴喝,欲图阻止。 What a pity slow one step. 可惜还是慢了一步。 Decca Luo revolution deep meaning, colludes Space Deep Meaning by Divine Sense, but when he reverses by own deep meaning the space is mysterious, discovered that the space such as was intervened forcefully, poured into not well-known energy. 迪卡罗运转奥义,以神识勾连空间奥义,可就在他以自身奥义去扭转空间玄妙之时,发现空间如被人强行干预,被注入不知名的能量 The change of his Divine Sense, causes the strength of these mystical to take advantage of opportunity to invade Sea of Consciousness exactly, immediately Sea of Consciousness such as by ten thousand sword puncture, immediately becomes tattered and torn. 神识的变动,恰恰导致那些神秘之力顺势侵入识海,顿时识海如被万剑穿刺,立即变得千疮百孔。 His that Soul Altar, will shortly present the crack, the soul suffered the heavy losses all of a sudden. 就连他那灵魂祭台,也在顷刻间出现裂纹,灵魂一下子就遭受了重创。 Pu! 噗! Blood wind shoots, the Decca Luo face whiten like the paper, the panic-stricken desire looks certainly to indifferently heartless Zi Yao, is covering the chest, despairs: She affected the space by that energy, I am unable to split the space, but also caused heavy losses to the soul.” 一口鲜血飙射出来,迪卡罗脸色苍白如纸,惊骇欲绝看向漠然无情的紫耀,捂着胸口,绝望道:“她以那种能量影响了空间,我无法裂开空间,还被重创了灵魂。” His body such as the shatter mirror, presented the close crack, the blood infiltrated directly, such as blood Bu Tuan was being twisted, squeezed out the drop drop blood to come out. 他身体如破碎的镜子,出现细密裂纹,鲜血直接就渗了出来,如血布团被拧着,拧出滴滴鲜血出来。 Immortal Second Sky Realm Space Deep Meaning Expert, escapes to unexpectedly cannot, by the person's dark hands and feet in space, was hit hard all of a sudden. 不朽二重天境界空间奥义强者,竟然连遁离都不能,被人在空间内暗施手脚,一下子就被重击。 Decca Luo was recognized existence that is difficult to strike to kill, according to the people including God Lord and Ming Hao escaping ability, feared that is inferior to Decca Luo, he once was considered hard to deal with, but today, he actually suffered the heavy losses, but that two can with him side by side, by Zi Yao is not known escorted to where. 迪卡罗被公认最难击杀的存在,据众人猜测连神主冥晧的逃生能力,怕是都不及迪卡罗,他一度被认为最难缠者,可今天,他却遭受了重创,而那两个可以与他比肩者,也被紫耀不知送往何处了。 His heavy losses, such as a heavy blows bang in the people chest, everyone heart has hung. 他的重创,如一记重拳轰在众人胸口,每个人都心悬了起来。 Also in this time, first great insect Clone braves all hardships to come, in the overlapping space ripple, integrates hui suddenly the body. 也在此时,第一个巨虫分身乘风破浪而来,在层层叠叠空间波纹中,猛然融入虺的身体。 In the people squeal, then, great insect Clone appear one after another, with that great insect main soul fusion, when to the bodies of 11 great insect, one by one integrates, when the people look again, discovery that great insect volume swells impressively logically ten times. 在众人尖叫声中,接下来,一个个巨虫分身接连显现,也都和那巨虫主魂融合,待到11个巨虫之身,一一融入其中,众人再看之时,赫然发现那巨虫体积顺理成章胀大十来倍。 Its that shape also changes, becomes no longer is the great insect appearance, but is one has the great snakes of 12 heads. 它那形态也发生变化,变得不再是巨虫模样,而是一个有着12个头的巨蛇。 The hui genuine main body, is 12 terrifying great snakes, snake body azure quiet strange, is covering entirely tediously the texture that is difficult to be bright, contains heaven and earth to be marvelous, the snake body of that 12 head, gives people unexpectedly an extremely perfect magnificent feeling, artware that as if the creator congeals carefully, is very beautiful, is very attractive. 虺的真正本体,为12头的恐怖巨蛇,蛇体青幽诡异,布满着繁琐难明的纹理,蕴含着天地奇妙,那12个头的蛇身,竟给人一种极为完美瑰丽的感觉,仿佛造物主精心凝结出来的艺术品,很美艳,很漂亮。 hui 12 heads, only then central has the beautiful imperial crown, that is her control central. 虺12个头,只有中央一个头有着美丽皇冠,那是她的主脑。 Now, above that beautiful seven color imperial crowns, is sitting well impressively Zi Yao, Zi Yao now even more appears the monster change person, the collection monster flatters, beautifully, sex appeal, to attract all sorts of merits with one, sends out is letting the charm that the people soul magnetic field drags intensely. 如今,在那美丽的七彩皇冠上方,赫然端坐着紫耀,紫耀如今愈发显得妖异动人,集妖媚、美艳、性感、魅惑种种优点与一身,散发着让众人灵魂磁场强烈摇曳的魅力。 Four Great Heavenly Kings, Xuan He and Saint Beast Azure Dragon audiences top exist, even including Adai La and Adai La this female, dazzling and intoxicating, such as by the ghost fan the capacity for clear thinking, was revealed the color of Divine Soul inversion. 就连四大天王玄河圣兽青龙一众顶尖存在,甚至连阿黛拉阿黛拉这种女性,都一个个目眩神迷,如被鬼迷了心窍,露出神魂颠倒之色。 Her strength of attracting, the men and women pass unexpectedly kill, are the inconceivable wonderful degree. 她的魅惑之力,竟男女通杀,达到不可思议的神妙程度。 That Tian Xie, has bowed to bow, the manner is even more humble, appears even more awes, as if Zi Yao is more attractive, making him more fearful. 天邪,已躬身屈膝,态度愈发谦逊,也显得愈发敬畏,似乎紫耀越漂亮,令他越心寒。 He knows that Zi Yao at this moment, is the most fearful time, that deterrent force instinct frightens his mind soul, making his whole body shiver, stands does not dare. 他知道此刻的紫耀,才是最可怕的时候,那种威慑力本能的震慑他心灵魂魄,让他浑身颤抖,连站直都不敢。 Numerous had Zi Yao that focuses attention on top, at this moment, in the beautiful pupil sparkles the luster that is wiping the moving heart and soul, such as the pink halo, can call back the soul of the deceased to seize the heart, her line of sight crosses the people, looks from afar to Shi Yan, the jade lip light wriggle, a gentle weak sound resounds in the Shi Yan mind, comes me......” 被众多顶尖存在瞩目的紫耀,此刻,美眸中闪耀着一抹动人心魄的色泽,如粉色光晕,能摄魂夺心,她视线越过众人,远远看向石岩,玉唇轻蠕,一个轻柔酥软的声音在石岩脑海内响起,“来我这边呀……” Aodai Li Shi Yan, the eye appears the first vacant color, steps step by step in her direction. 奥黛丽身边的石岩,眼睛先浮现出茫然之色,步步朝着她的方向迈去。 However, midway time, Shi Yan actually loudly shakes, such as awakes to transfer suddenly general, reveals color with amazement, not only forces immediately in the body potential, but also turns around directly, not saying a word leaving recession, walks incomparable firm decisive. 然而,中途时刻,石岩却轰然一震,如猛然醒转一般,露出骇然之色,不但立即勒在身势,还直接掉头,一言不发的抽身退离,走的无比坚决果断。
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