GOS :: Volume #14

#1363: Mistress

Ten thousand years ago Bloodthirsty were ganged up to surround and beaten up by the audiences turns over to the ruins, only remains remains to crush, is obtained by God Clan, Heaven River Temple, Thousands Imaginary Sect and Broken Palace older generation. 年前嗜血被众强围殴归墟,只剩一身遗骨粉碎,由神族天水宫千幻宗碎殿先辈得到。 After ten thousand years, the God Clan audiences, Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin major Immortal Realm, place hopes in the Bloodthirsty remains, tries to see clearly that mystical power, finally announced failed. 时隔万年,神族众强、凌翔、西泽、洛林各大不朽境界者,寄希望于嗜血遗骨,试图洞察那种神秘力量,最终都宣告失败了。 In many person eyes, that power is Bloodthirsty can reach to the Expert root, is God Lord and numerous assaults kills the Bloodthirsty primary cause. 在很多人眼中,那种力量才是嗜血能荣登至强者的根源,也是神主和众强击杀嗜血的主要原因。 All people want to obtain that power! 所有人都想要获得那种力量 Today, that power reappears Star Sea, by the inheritance stimulation of Bloodthirsty. 今天,那种力量重现星海,由嗜血的传承者激发出来。 How can not be rock the earth? 如何能不震天动地? At this moment, the people look to the Shi Yan vision, in abundance becomes the burning hot gets up. 这一刻,众人看向石岩的目光,都纷纷变得炙热起来。 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” Suddenly, these formerly from hui[ body] Warrior that in the escape comes out, the instantaneous velocity rises dramatically, such as stream of light grazes together, has welled up. 突地,那些先前从虺〖体〗内飞逸出来的武者,瞬间速度飙升,如一道道流光飞掠,都涌了过来。 Is three Warrior, fleshly body is broken, does not know that were killed many years, the chest cavity also has the crack, is flowing the fishy smell odor mucus, even can see the stomach to wriggle faintly, bitterly disappointing, lets yellowbelly creepy feeling. 为首三名武者,肉身都是残破的,也不知道丧生了多少年,胸腔还有破洞,流淌着腥味恶臭的黏液,甚至能隐隐看到肠胃蠕动着,叫人心寒,让胆小者头皮发麻。 Three people of vision are wooden, do not have the human proper emotion,[ body] the strange strength yin cold that in surges are swift and fierce. 三人目光木然空洞,没有人类应有的情感,〖体〗内涌动的诡异之力阴寒凌厉。 Seizes!” “夺夺夺!” Diamond Sword Light, swift and fierce sharp, has exploded from their mouth unexpectedly. 一道道菱形剑光,凌厉锋锐,竟从他们口中爆了出来。 The Sword Light yin cold, glittering clear gloss, is sewing in three God Clan Elder fronts directly, three are only Origin God Boundary God Clan Elder, has not transmitted including the scream, then two one black loses life force. 剑光阴寒,闪烁着晶莹光泽,直接钉在三名神族长老胸前,三名只是始神境界的神族长老,连尖叫都没有传来,便两眼一黑失去生机 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” Innumerable diamond Sword Light penetrate, like the rain, wells up crowded turbulently fierce. 无数菱形剑光穿透,密集如雨,汹涌狂烈涌来。 Expert of two illumination, without enough time interrogated on Shi Yan again the mystery. All displays the power deep meaning, congeals respectively the supernatural power. 一个个两眼发光的强者,再也来不及质问石岩身上奥妙。皆是施展力量奥义,各自将神力凝结出来。 Perhaps the supernatural power congeals the sea, cold energy builds the turn into ice mountain, golden light such as the splendor of sun and moon, blood viscous like rivers, deep meaning all sorts of mysterious releases, making the void chaotic basin become magnificent not measured suddenly, if innumerable smoke flower were brilliant. 或是神力凝结成海,或是寒力堆砌成冰山,或是金光日月之辉,或是鲜血粘稠如河流,奥义种种玄妙释放,令虚空乱流域骤然变得瑰丽莫测,如无数烟huā绚烂多姿。 Great insect hui first. Appears quietly together delicate and pretty silhouette, his corners of the mouth have a smile, the eye pupil is dark, at this time static looks at people. 巨虫“虺”的首部。悄然浮现一道俊美身影,他嘴角含笑,眼眸幽暗,此时静静看着众人。 Tian Xie!” 天邪!” Xuan He, Fei Liete and Decca Luo three people also call out, does not dare to believe the extreme, suddenly the mind greatly shakes. 玄河腓烈特迪卡罗三人同时暴喝,不敢置信到了极点,一时间心神巨震。 Tian Xie is the great billows chairman of the chamber of commerce, in present Star Sea, the influence is enormous. Is next to God Clan, Bloodthirsty and Ming Royal Family, what is main is Thousands Imaginary Sect, Broken Palace and a Heaven River Temple numerous influence, is headed by Tian Xie, obeys the dispatch of Tian Xie completely. 天邪为巨澜商会会长,在如今的星海间,势力极大。仅次于神族嗜血冥皇族,最主要的是千幻宗碎殿天水宫一众势力,也都以天邪为首,全部听从天邪的调度。 The wealth may the great billows chairman of the chamber of commerce in enemy, how come in hui first, but can also safe and sound stands upright motionless. 富可敌国的巨澜商会会长,怎会现身在虺的首部,还能安然无恙的挺立不动。 Everybody has not the wonderful feeling, realized that this feared strangely is greatly improper, the God Clan Four Great Heavenly Kings brow tight wrinkle, particularly the Shen Wu Son of Heaven, he deeply is staring at Tian Xie. In the eye flashes before alarmed and afraid restless color, suddenly shouted to clear the way: „It is not right! You so were by no means formidable before!” 大家都生出不妙感,意识到这诡异怕是大大不妥,就连神族四大天王都眉头紧皱,尤其是其中的神武天王,他深深凝视着天邪。眼中闪现惊惧不安的色彩,突然喝道:“不对!你之前并非这般强大!” A while ago he by the God Lord injunction, went to the great billows chamber of commerce headquarters to look for Tian Xie, tried to convince Tian Xie to make him stand in a God Clan side. 前段时间他受神主的嘱咐,去巨澜商会总部找天邪,试图说服天邪令他站在神族一方。 Tian Xie naturally had not consented that because of this point, Shen Wu also on the grounds of comparing notes and Tian Xie battle, at that time Tian Xie was Immortal Second Sky, the cultivation flame deep meaning, power not inferior Shen Wu, they have fought an evenness evenly matched. 天邪自然没有应允,因为这一点,神武还以切磋为由和天邪交战,那时候天邪不朽二重天,修炼火焰奥义,力量不逊色神武,两人势均力敌战了个平手。 But today's Tian Xie. Makes Shen Wu heart spill over the chill in the air, that chill in the air came from the soul instinct, he knows that Tian Xie at this moment, be more formidable than at that time are too many! 但今天的天邪。却让神武心底泛出寒意,那寒意来自于灵魂本能,他知道此刻的天邪,要比当时强大太多! If battles with Tian Xie at this moment once more, he believes that he is defeated inevitably, perhaps escapes successfully cannot. 如果此刻再次与天邪交战,他相信他必然落败,或许连成功逃脱都不能。 aura that because, on this moment Tian Xie reveals. Has planting the feeling of letting him facing the God Lord time. 因为,此刻天邪身上流露出来的气息。有种让他面对神主时候的感觉。 Everybody has been well since last meeting.” Tian Xie sprinkles however smiles, bearing clean welcome to come here. My Tian Xie represents my Mistress sincerely, gave regards to everybody.” “各位别来无恙。”天邪洒然一笑,气度倜傥“欢迎各位前来这儿。我天邪谨代表我主母,向各位问好。” Charming gorgeous silhouette, appears in Tian Xie behind together, impressively is Zi Yao, this moment Zi Yao sits well on seven color brilliant magnificent thrones, that throne such as is the crystal beautiful jade builds at many, appears tall and pleasing to the eye, flash eye of brightness. 一道妩媚艳丽的身影,在天邪身后浮现,赫然便是紫耀,此刻紫耀端坐在一个七彩绚烂的瑰丽宝座上,那宝座如以许多才是水晶美玉堆砌而成,显得美轮美奂,耀目鲜艳。 She sits cross-legged to sit well on that seven color thrones, the expression indifferently, is bringing looking disdainfully of occupying a commanding position, indifferent looks at people. 她盘膝端坐在那七彩宝座上,表情漠然,带着居高临下的睥睨,冷眼看着众人。 She presently behind, Tian Xie on own initiative is bending the body, the manner is even more humble, reported to the people: This is my Mistress.” 她现身后,天邪主动弓着身子,态度愈发谦卑,向众人介绍:“这便是我主母。” After Zi Yao and Tian Xie appear, these offensive fierce ice-cold Warrior, suspended the movement, such as stiff Dead body fluctuation in people peripheral, empty wooden eyes, spooky looks at people. 紫耀天邪浮现后,那些攻势凶猛的冰冷武者,都暂停了动作,如僵硬的尸体浮动在众人周边,空洞木然的眼睛,幽幽看着众人。 Tian Xie! Are you up to mischief?” Xuan He complexion unusually poor, is restraining by force violent anger, shouted to clear the way: When has she become your Mistress? Your Tian Xie as great billows chairman of the chamber of commerce, acts servilely unexpectedly under a woman tent, when your does Tian Xie become so is not concerned about face?” 天邪!你搞什么鬼?”玄河脸色奇差,强压着暴怒,喝道:“她什么时候成了你主母?你天邪身为巨澜商会会长,竟卑躬屈膝在一个女人帐下,你天邪何时变得如此不要脸了?” This is people consistent puzzling. 这是众人一致的迷惑不解。 Mistress is my Mistress, from beginning to end has not changed, can become the Mistress retinue, is my Tian Xie glory. But I, is a Mistress creation.” The Tian Xie smiling face does not reduce, quarts before people discussed that feels pride when one should feel shame. 主母一直都是我主母,从始至终都没有变过,能成为主母的仆从,乃是我天邪的荣耀。而我,也是主母一手创造而出。”天邪笑容不减,在众人面前夸夸而谈,不以为耻反以为荣。 Everybody takes advantage of opportunity to look to Zi Yao. 大家顺势看向紫耀 Almost everybody reveal inexplicably amazed, knits the brows the ponder, was guessing the Zi Yao status origin secretly. 几乎人人都流露出莫名惊诧,皱眉沉思,在暗暗猜测紫耀的身份来历。 In the people, knows the Zi Yao status origin without many people, only then Xuan He and Fei Liete know that in the Shi Yan side, seemingly has such a woman to exist, is only, this woman...... When has become Tian Xie Mistress? 众人中,没有多少人知道紫耀身份来历,只有玄河腓烈特知道在石岩的身边,貌似有这么一个女人存在,只是,这女人……何时成了天邪主母了? Everybody is puzzling. 大家百思不得其解。 She is that great insect!” Aodai Li shouted suddenly lightly. “她就是那巨虫!”奥黛丽忽然轻呼。 „Is she that insect?” A Adai La face is inexplicable, is astonished however said: How possible? She that beautiful moving, can it be that disgusting thing?” “她是那虫子?”阿黛拉一脸莫名,讶然道:“怎么可能?她那么美丽动人,岂是那么恶心之物?” Is she.” Aodai Li has attracted Cold Qi, the abundant milk-white bosom taking advantage of opportunity ballooning was very full, making her lovely physique even more moving I to fuse ancestor star Essence, including memory imprint, aura that her body transmitted, was just the same as that great insect, she was that Absolute Beginning life!” “就是她。”奥黛丽吸了一口寒气,丰挺酥胸顺势鼓胀饱满,让她那娇好的身姿愈发动人“我融合了祖星本源,其中有记忆烙印,她身上传来的气息,和那巨虫一模一样,她就是那太初生灵!” Such remarks, the people all are astonished, the expression becomes dignified. 此言一出,众人皆是惊愕之极,表情都变得凝重。 Boy, did she say is really?” Fei Liete stares to Shi Yan, complexion gloomy, in eyes the gloss is dragging intensely. “小子,她所言可是真的?”腓烈特瞪向石岩,脸色阴沉,双眸中光泽激烈摇曳着。 Shi Yan sighed however sighs, nodded, said: Aodai Li said right, Zi Yao, indeed is hui.” 石岩喟然一叹,点了点头,道:“奥黛丽说的没错,紫耀,的确就是虺。” He spoke, to Zi Yao that people did not spare a glance, the beautiful pupil rippled the different light, looked from afar to Shi Yan, not having the emotion look to change, revealed the complex inexplicable mood. 他讲话的时候,对众人不屑一顾的紫耀,美眸荡漾出异光,远远看向石岩,没有情感的眼神一变,流露出复杂莫名的情绪。 Shi Yan heart is bitter and astringent, he realized until now situation, had been dominated by Zi Yao completely, the appearance of Tian Xie, emersions of these Warrior corpses, mean that Zi Yao had the full assurance, he knows that he was tenderhearted for a while, gives the Zi Yao enough time preparation to prepare, reversed the aspect directly. 石岩心底苦涩,他意识到如今的局势,已完全被紫耀把持,天邪的出现,那些一个个武者尸身的浮出,意味着紫耀有了十足把握,他知道他一时心软,给了紫耀足够的时间筹划准备,直接扭转了局面。 Can cause heavy losses to her Wei Desen to exhaust life to drop, can give God Lord and Ming Hao that she threatens to send in Nihility Domain Sea by her, at this moment her Clone swiftly catches up, but also who can prevent her? 能重创她的维德森耗尽生命跌落,能给她威胁的神主冥晧都被她送入“虚无域海”了,此刻她分身迅速赶来,还有谁能阻止她? „Is Tian Xie, actually how a matter?” Xuan He shouted to clear the way. 天邪,究竟是怎么一回事?”玄河喝道。 The Tian Xie smiling face is temperate, shrugs natural say|way: Mistress, bites to be the same with the Desolate, is the Absolute Beginning lives, is the life of initial birth, is not and other low Level lives can understand to understand clearly, Mistress needs your power to restore, Mistress must destroy the beginning of Desolate and Desolate, is the universe that you survive, is such simple.” 天邪笑容温和,耸肩潇洒道:“主母和荒、噬一样,都是太初生灵,是最初诞生的生灵,不是尔等低等级生灵可以理解洞悉的,主母需要你们的力量来恢复,主母要毁灭荒和荒的始界,也就是你们生存的宇宙,就是这么简单。” God Clan these clansmen, listening to Tian Xie saying that actually not too many feelings, because before them, hear of God Lord analyzed, had realized approximately mysteriously. 神族的那些族人,听天邪这么说,倒是没有太多感触,因为他们之前听神主分析过,已经大致意识到其中玄妙。 But Shi Yan, Xuan He, Adai La and Azure Dragon people, listened to a Tian Xie so saying, loudly shook, the mind such as thunder and lightning exploded, them who shook has a dizzy spell. 石岩玄河阿黛拉青龙众人,听天邪如此一说,都轰然一震,脑海如雷电爆炸,震的他们头晕目眩。 Universe that they survive, unexpectedly is only wild beginning, is the Desolate creation! 他们生存的宇宙,竟然只是荒的始界,是荒创造而出! This heavy case bomb has destroyed each mind Sea of Consciousness, they who makes have deceived completely, there indulges, in huge startled palpitates. 这重磅炸弹摧毁了每一个心灵识海,弄的他们全部蒙住了,愣在那儿沉溺在巨大惊悸中。 Universe that we have lived, is only wild beginning, we, are we lives?” Xuan He muttered whispers, such as lost soul, other person and he was also similar, had the feeling that planted to collapse. “我们一直生活的宇宙,都只是荒的始界,那我们,我们是生灵?”玄河喃喃低语,如失了魂儿,其余人和他也差不多,都有种要崩溃的感觉。 In field people, only then Shi Yan quick comes sober, in the heart spills over the incomparably mysterious feeling. 场内众人,只有石岩很快清醒冷静过来,心中泛出无比玄妙的感觉。 The Tian Xie words, for him are being filled with wisdom reacted, making him see the light suddenly awake to turn around, made him realize[ really] reality. 天邪的一番话,对他来说是醍醐灌顶的震动,让他顿悟般醒转过来,也让他意识到了〖真〗实。 He somewhat had suspected since faintly that is suspecting all, because of his own beginning, now, extends the development toward vast Star Sea, he just Divine Sense minutely examined, the discovery his beginning stars are radiant now, Sun and Moon Stars, the mountains rivers, wind and rain thunder and lightning all sorts were equally many! 一直以来,他都隐隐有些怀疑,怀疑着一切,因为他自身的始界,如今,也朝着浩淼星海延伸拓展,他刚刚神识细查,发现如今他的始界星辰璀璨,日月星辰,山川河流,风雨雷电种种已经一样不少了! His fleshly body and soul transformation time, has not thought that beginning also same changes, now his beginning, was in did not have beyond the exuberant powerful life race, with Star Sea that he lived almost roughly similar. 肉身、灵魂蜕变的时候,没想到始界也一样发生变化,如今他的始界,处于没了旺盛强悍的生命种族外,和他生活的星海几乎大体相似。 He can create the starry sky, can the precise Star Sea world, that Desolate, why unable? 他能创造星空,能凝炼星海世界,那荒,为何不能? He has almost believed immediately Tian Xie said. 他几乎立即就相信了天邪所言。 You are the Desolate create, no, exactly said that was created by the four individuals of Desolate, the god graciousness, God Bless, Ancient God and Ancient Demon were the Desolate past bodies, only because of caused heavy losses splits.” Tian Xie turns head, sees the Zi Yao facial expression indifferently, not the happy movement, very refreshed explanation reason. “你们都是荒创造出来,不,确切的说是被荒的四个个体创造出来,神恩、神泽古神古魔都是荒当年的躯体,只因被重创才分裂。”天邪回头,见紫耀神情漠然,并没有不高兴的动作,就很爽快的说明其中缘由。 Everybody indulges in the huge soul impact of Tian Xie words completely. 大家全部沉溺在天邪话语的巨大灵魂冲击中。 Her 11 Clone, quick will then arrive, do you also want to continue to listen?”, Decca Luo Yao the tooth, the fierce violent was shouting to clear the way suddenly. “她的11个分身,很快便会到来,你们还要继续听下去么?”突地,迪卡罗咬着牙齿,厉声暴喝道。 The people shake loudly greatly, suddenly awakes to turn around, understands that this moment Zi Yao does not worry from the start. 众人轰然巨震,都突然醒转过来,明白此刻紫耀压根不着急。 This worried is actually they, once her Clone meets again, who can escape death by a hair's breadth? 该着急的其实是他们,一旦她分身重聚,还有何人能幸免于难? The Zi Yao eye pupil reveals the ridicule color, looks distantly to the Decca Luo's direction, as if did not fear that he can fiddle with any sound to come out. 紫耀眼眸露出嘲弄的色彩,遥遥看向迪卡罗的方向,似乎不怕他能捣鼓出什么动静出来。 Tian Xie returns, Wei Desen falls from the sky, after God Lord and Ming Hao vanish, comes to see this place to be only her main soul to exist in her, then sufficiently frightens all. 天邪返回,维德森陨灭,神主冥晧消失后,在她来看此地单凭她一个主魂存在,便足以震慑一切。 Gives you means of livelihood.” Tian Xie is smiling, suggested earnestly: Hands over a wisp of soul seal, serves my Mistress to attach most importance, is bestowed power by my Mistress, you return to beginning of Desolate to work according to my Mistress instruction, may guarantee you not to fall from the sky in light of this.” “给你们一条活路。”天邪微笑着,认真建议道:“都交出一缕魂印,侍奉我主母为主,由我主母赐下力量,你们按我主母吩咐重返荒的始界做事,可保你们不会就此陨灭。”
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