GOS :: Volume #14

#1362: That power!

People speech conversation time, the hui offensive has not stagnated actually, this piece of space floods as before is destroying the large explosion big fluctuation of Heaven Destroyer place. 众人讲话交谈的时候,虺的攻势其实并没有停滞,这片空间依旧充斥着毁天灭地的大爆炸大波动。 But the Xuan He people seal, forcefully controls with joint forces power that these attack, as for Realm slightly low these God Clan clansmen, by Four Great Heavenly Kings sheltering, had not been affected temporarily. 玄河众人合力封印,将那些冲击过来的力量都强行控制住,至于境界略低的那些神族族人,也被四大天王给庇护着,暂时没有受到影响。 At this moment, Shi Yan early restores normal shape, the fierce appearance that formerly reappeared, fluctuates because of his intention, quick draws. 此刻,石岩早恢复正常形态,先前浮现的狰狞模样,因他心念变幻,很快就收拢。 That shape, seems the strengthened performance of body of Immortal, displaying that can have one's wish, can read restores such as beginning. 那形态,仿佛为不死之身的强化表现,能够随心所欲的施展,能一念间恢复如初。 Ming Royal Family clansman's arrival, attracted the people attention instantaneously, Adai La has carried Ming Royal Family Expert, the line of sight is searching for in the crowd, at once will focus in Shi Yan, was Shi Yan Origin God Third Sky new Realm is panic-stricken. 冥皇族族人的到来,瞬间吸引了众人注意力,阿黛拉携带着冥皇族强者,视线在人群中搜寻着,旋即将注意力放在石岩身上,为石岩始神三重天的新境界惊骇莫名。 Time are not much!” Decca Luo look haze, in the heart such as has filled the lead, heavily to the extreme. “时间并不多!”迪卡罗眼神阴霾,心中如灌了铅,沉重到了极点。 His such saying, the people clearly recognized the fact, in abundance again attention centralized on the hui body. 他这么一说,众人才认清事实,纷纷重新将注意力集中在虺的身上。 Meat lump that on hui sticks out, at this time was wriggling strangely, looks like has trillion bugs to move, must huge such as the body of star work loose from it. 虺身上隆起的肉疙瘩,这时候诡异的蠕动着,就像是有亿万小虫在活动,要从它庞大如星球的身体挣脱出来。 In fact also indeed so! 事实上也的确如此! pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” Along with explosives, these meat lump blasting open, ice-cold unbending bodies, flew suddenly. 随着一声声爆响,那些肉疙瘩炸裂,一道道冰冷僵直的身体,突然间就从中飞了出来。 Before that is, was pulled into, was derived all life energy Warrior, these people already died obviously, but at this moment, from their[ body] in actually bursts out strange energy, that energy yin cold biting cold, chilly, if awakens the evil ghost. 那是一个个之前被扯入,被汲取了所有生命精力的武者,那些人显然早就死了,但此刻,从他们的〖体〗内却迸发一种诡异的能量,那种能量阴寒彻骨,冷飕飕的,如将邪鬼唤醒。 Their expression is wooden. The look does not have the color emptily, some people[ extremity] body not entire, lacks arm few legs also has many. 他们表情都是木然。眼神空洞没有色彩,有的人〖肢〗体都不全,缺胳膊少腿的也有不少。 These person of quantities unexpectedly over a hundred several thousands, remnant body ice-cold,[ body] is pasting the unclear fluctuation, floats quietly on the hui body, gradually toward peripheral spread. 这些人数量竟然成百数千,残躯冰冷,〖体〗内流转着不明波动,悄悄浮在虺的身上,渐渐往周边扩散 „Is Fei Liete, your corpse clan by Corpse Slave that the corpse refinement technique quenchings?” The Xuan He face hid to vibrate. Turns head to look to Fei Liete, the eye is cold. 腓烈特,是你们尸族以炼尸手法淬炼的尸奴么?”玄河脸皮子抖动了一下。回头看向腓烈特,眼睛寒冽。 „It is not.” Fei Liete expression is dignified, the heart inside full is Corpse Slave that amazed we refine, but also has the weak life fluctuation, but these people, do not have a life sign, they are the genuine deceased people. But[ body] in has strange energy.” “不是。”腓烈特神色凝重,心里面满是惊诧“我们炼制的尸奴,还有着微弱的生命波动,但那些人,没有一点生命迹象,他们是真正的死人。可〖体〗内却有着诡异能量。” , Fei Liete also said: Has several fellows,[ body] in energy is quite fearful, degree of not inferior Immortal Realm.” 顿了一顿,腓烈特又道:“有几个家伙,〖体〗内的能量极为可怕,不逊色不朽境界者的程度。” The Xuan He complexion changes. 玄河脸色微变。 Xuan He, how matter?” Adai La black eyebrows one horizontal, bites the red lip to drink tenderly, the graceful sexy physique, then arrived by Xuan He in a flash, appearance that sending a punitive expedition „are actually you up to mischief in the void chaotic basin? You may know that 11 star territories had the multi- momentous changes. How many people died?” 玄河,到底怎么一回事?”阿黛拉黛眉一横,咬着红唇娇喝,曼妙性感身姿一晃间,便到了玄河旁边,一副兴师问罪的模样“你们究竟在虚空乱流域搞什么鬼?你们可知道11个星域发生了多大变动。死了多少人了?” She and Xuan He are old friends, ten thousand years ago had made a solemn pledge of eternal love, after many years, she, when treats Xuan He, such as the past years like that was still impolite. 她和玄河是老相好,万年前就曾经海誓山盟过,时隔多年,她在对待玄河的时候,依然如当年那般不客气。 This actually is also the relational close one performance. 这其实也是关系紧密的一种表现。 Died a person, does not have any great.” Xuan He curled the lip „, if this fellow Clone accumulation, whether our that star territories maintain complete, may not say really certainly.” “不过是死了点人罢了,没什么了不起。”玄河撇了撇嘴“如果这家伙分身聚集,我们的那一个个星域能否保持完整,可真说不准。” Such remarks, Ming Royal Family clansman who just came. All is the terrified color deterioration, was feared greatly. 此言一出,刚过来的冥皇族族人。皆是悚然变色,被大大惊住了。 They have not realized the gravity of matter obviously. 他们显然没有意识到事情的严重性。 Also in this time, Aodai Li moves lightly, the beautiful figure concentrates by Shi Yan appears, her beautiful pupil revolution, glances brightly, said: So is really serious?” 也在此时,奥黛丽翩然一动,倩影在石岩旁边凝现出来,她美眸一转,眼波熠熠,道:“真有那么严重?” Shi Yan deeply looks to her. In the heart approves her beautiful darkly refinedly, the line of sight patrolled on her proportion perfect ketone body, the forced smile said: You fuse God Bless Continent Essence. You realize from experience by your Essence well, perhaps, you can know this fellow was fearful.” 石岩深深看向她。心中暗赞她的绝美脱俗,视线在她比例完美的酮体上游弋了一下,苦笑道:“你融合神泽大陆本源。你以自己本源好好体悟,或许,你就能知道这家伙的可怕了。” The Aodai Li beautiful pupil is deep and quiet, slightly obviously rebukes, the heart say|way, this fellow look still so will not be proper at this time. 奥黛丽美眸深幽,略显嗔怪,心道都这个时候了,这家伙眼神依然会这么不正经。 The women are sensitive, Shi Yan that dissolute vision patrols on her the time, purity that she sees clearly. 女人都是敏感的,石岩那放肆的目光游弋她身上的时候,她洞察的一清二楚。 But she is unable to haggle over at this moment obviously, hear word, Aodai Li concentrates God Body to become aware, in Soul Altar bunches of ghosts are shaking, the faint trace continuously aquamarine flame is jumping, likely was the electric wave toward the direction spread of hui in the past...... 但她此刻显然无法计较,闻言,奥黛丽神体悟,灵魂祭台内一簇簇幽魂晃悠着,丝丝缕缕碧绿色的火焰跳跃着,像是电波般朝着虺的方向蔓延过去…… Half sound, the Adai La tender body shakes greatly, the beautiful face appears wipes panic-strickenly, is out of control to shout to clear the way: Absolute Beginning life!” 半响,阿黛拉娇躯巨震,绝美的脸庞浮现一抹惊骇,禁不住喝道:“太初生灵!” Her fusion to the Heavenly Flame is next to Haig, must be higher than one compared with Shi Yan, has soon been the degree that Heavenly Flame completely unites, after induces with rapt attention, immediately draws support from memory imprint in Essence, has seen clearly the hui mysterious place. 她对天火的融合仅次于黑格,比石岩还要高出一线,已经快要达到天火全然合一的程度,凝神去感应后,立即借助于本源内的记忆烙印,洞察了虺的玄妙之处。 It can destroy in world all.” The Shi Yan sinking sound drinks. “它能毁了世间一切。”石岩沉声一喝。 Xuan He, Ming Hao person where? Such crucial time, how doesn't he possibly appear?” Another side, Adai La was still calling to account Xuan He. 玄河,冥晧人在何处?这么关键的时刻,他怎么可能不出现?”另一边,阿黛拉还在责问玄河 Character who Xuan He loose first, how hero resulting, but when facing Adai La, always appears a little cannot let loose, the forced smile said: Ming Hao and God Lord one and vanishes inexplicably......” 玄河风流一世,多么英雄了得的人物,可在面对阿黛拉的时候,总显得有点放不开,苦笑道:“冥晧神主一并莫名消失……” He looks to Shi Yan, said: Listened to that boy saying that Ming Hao and God Lord possibly by hui making into Nihility Domain Sea, I did not know the genuine and fake.” 他看向石岩,解释说:“听那小子说,冥晧神主可能被虺给弄入虚无域海了,我也不知道真假。” Adai La phoenix looks swiftly to here. 阿黛拉凤目倏然望向这边。 Really is such?” Aodai Li takes advantage of opportunity the inquiry. “真是那样?”奥黛丽顺势询问。 Should, I not dare the percentage hundred affirmations, can only catch 12 faintly.” Shi Yan nods. “应该是的,我也不敢百分百肯定,只能隐隐捕捉12。”石岩点头。 How can you feel?” Adai La does not satisfy this[ answered] case, continued to closely examine. “你怎么能感受到?”阿黛拉不满意这个〖答〗案,继续追问。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, does not have the detailed explanation, does not think that should explain anything to her. 石岩淡然一笑,没有详细解释,也不认为该向她解释什么。 Ming Royal Family had not announced openly that collaborates with Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, naturally does not have what friendship with him, he is not worthwhile buys the Adai La account. 冥皇族没有公然宣布和嗜血一脉联手,自然就和他没有什么交情,他犯不着买阿黛拉的账。 Your boy what manner?” Adai La beautiful face one cold, beautiful eye belt ghost you when really you are Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord are inadequate? Even if Ming Hao and Xuan He and I speaks is polite, what you do put on the airs of?” “你小子什么态度?”阿黛拉艳容一冷,美目带煞“你真当你是嗜血尊主不成?就算是冥晧玄河与我讲话都要客客气气,你摆什么架子?” Ming Hao is your blood brother, Xuan He is your sweetheart, is naturally polite to you, manages my trifling thing!” In the Shi Yan heart coldly snorted, the complexion becomes desolate, has not responded the Adai La disaffection, he was not having many good complexion to side Aodai Li, frowns silent. 冥晧是你亲哥哥,玄河是你老情人,对你自然客客气气,管我个屁事!”石岩心中冷哼,脸色变得冷淡,没有搭理阿黛拉的不满,连带着,他对身旁奥黛丽也没了多少好脸色,皱着眉头沉默。 Xuan He! The person skill that you choose does not have, isn't the temperament small? So disrespects to the elder unexpectedly, wants me to teach inadequately?” Adai La is cold the face to drink tenderly. 玄河!你挑选的人本事没有,脾气不小嘛?竟然对长辈如此不敬,难道还要我教训不成?”阿黛拉寒着脸娇喝。 Mother do not make.” Aodai Li helpless consoling. “母亲别闹了。”奥黛丽无奈的劝解。 Also lends a hand that boy to be inadequate including you?” She did not urge fortunately, her saying, Adai La unexpectedly even more was so angry, puts on a serious face saying: Ji Lada, teaches him to me! Let him know that do not work as is really Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, making him clearly recognize the fact, to day that he abuses power also steadily!” “连你也帮衬那小子不成?”她不劝还好,她这么一说,阿黛拉竟愈发恼怒,板着脸道:“吉拉嗒,给我教训教训他!让他知道,别当自己真是嗜血尊主了,让他认清事实,离他作威作福的日子还长着呢!” Do not make.” Xuan He forced smile. “别闹了。”玄河苦笑。 I am noisy!” Adai La drinks tenderly. “我就要闹!”阿黛拉娇喝。 Ji Lada as the Ming Royal Family clansman, is unable to defy her orders, although is filled with does not hope , can only get rid according to the word. 吉拉嗒身为冥皇族族人,根本无法违抗她的命令,虽满心不愿,也只能依言出手。 If the shadow passed over gently and swiftly together, he flashes before suddenly in the Shi Yan top of the head direction, lifts the hand to grasp, the fingertip falls in torrents the innumerable ghost evil strength, such as must Shi Yan Soul Altar squeezing out Sea of Consciousness. 如一道暗影掠过,他骤然在石岩头顶方向闪现出来,抬手一抓,指尖倾泻出无数幽魂邪力,如要将石岩灵魂祭台给拧出识海来。 At this moment, since hui[ body] wooden Warrior that endosarc lump blows out, disperse, came toward God Clan and Xuan He people, but Adai La looks but not see, is determined to teach Shi Yan unexpectedly. 此刻,从虺〖体〗内肉疙瘩爆出的一个个木然武者,分散开来,已经朝着神族玄河众人这边过来,但阿黛拉视而不见,竟然执意要教训石岩 Uncle Ji, do not act unreasonably!” Aodai Li urgently shouted. “吉叔,千万别乱来!”奥黛丽急呼。 But obviously was slightly late. 但略显迟了。 Adai La is cold the face, coldly looks at Shi Yan, looks to Xuan He, does not know air/Qi Shi Yan, air/Qi Xuan He, in brief threw a tantrum. 阿黛拉寒着脸,冷冷看着石岩,又看向玄河,也不知道气石岩,还是气玄河,总之闹了脾气。 Ji Lada is unable to back down, can only , but gets rid, must teach Shi Yan slightly. 吉拉嗒骑虎难下,只能无奈出手,要稍稍教训一下石岩 , Under that Ji Lada offensive, Shi Yan stands one's ground steadfastly extraordinarily unexpectedly, but looks up rushes the ghost evil strength of crown to that in the eye pupil spills over the strange luminous spot. 出奇地,在那吉拉嗒攻势下,石岩竟然岿然不动,只是抬头看向那涌向天灵盖的幽魂邪力,眼眸中泛出奇异的光点。 He felt at this moment is quite indeed unusual, these ghost evil strength have the mystery of seizing the soul, can tow the main soul, will advocate the soul to strip from sacrificial altar, in fact, he Lord some soul also truly this feelings, has helplessness that a floating desire flies. 他此刻的感觉的确极为奇特,那些幽魂邪力有着拘魂的奥妙,能牵引主魂,将主魂从祭台内剥离,事实上,他主魂也确实有这种感觉,有种飘飘欲飞的无奈。 Once the main soul is separated from sacrificial altar, had been detained, that means that the life and death has been acted bashful by the opposite party, this absolutely is not an amusing matter. 主魂一旦脱离祭台,被人拘禁了,那就意味着生死由对方拿捏了,这绝对不是一件好玩的事情。 Naturally, he also believes that Ji Lada will not dare that him to be what kind of, when he with rapt attention wants to counter-attack, that variation the Sea of Consciousness strength in of Divine Sense, swiftly from the Sea of Consciousness escape comes out, as if Jianghai bursts a dike, sweeps across loudly to the ghost evil strength of that Ji Lada release. 当然,他也相信吉拉嗒不会真敢那他怎么样,但他凝神欲要反击之时,那变异的识海内的神识之力,倏然从识海飞逸出来,仿佛江海决堤般,轰然席卷向那吉拉嗒释放的幽魂邪力。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Suddenly, ghost evil strength combustion of Ji Lada release becomes the flame, the strength of that strange Divine Sense is closely associated, penetration these ghost evil strength, spread toward the Ji Lada chest unexpectedly. 忽地,吉拉嗒释放的幽魂邪力燃烧成火焰,那诡异的神识之力如影随形,竟穿透那些幽魂邪力,直朝着吉拉嗒胸口蔓延。 A capital stock can the restlessness, making Ji Lada terrified startled change, displays all sorts of power to defend hastily, actually discovered that invisible energy, seeped quietly. 一股本能的不安,让吉拉嗒悚然惊变,连忙施展种种力量防御,却发现一股无形的能量,悄然间已经渗透过来。 His whole body one stiff, when to discovery not wonderful time,[ body] by that energy invasion, the flesh and blood, supernatural powers, essence and soul all sorts of energy was collapsed suddenly, fleshly body and Soul Altar such as must split break up, must explode directly general. 浑身一僵,待到发现不妙的时候,〖体〗内已被那种能量侵入,血肉、神力、精气、灵魂种种能量忽然崩溃,肉身灵魂祭台如要分裂崩解,要直接爆炸开来一般。 His complexion becomes extremely ugly, is out of control to scream this anything ghost power!” 他脸色变得极其难看,禁不住尖叫起来“这什么鬼力量!” That power, his bright clearly know in[ body] in flows to destroy, is actually not actually able the accurate sensation, to look like some people holds you to puncture you with the sword and spear, you do not only know that the ache came from where, actually does not know the sword where. 力量,他明明知道在〖体〗内流动破坏着,却硬是无法确切感知,就像是有人拿刀枪捅你刺你,你只不知道疼痛来自于何处,却不知道刀剑在何处。 But you actually know, your body and sacrificial altar were being destroyed, moreover quick will collapse to disintegrate. 但你却知道一点,你身体和祭台正被破坏着,而且很快就会崩溃瓦解。 This is one type extremely strange, lets not well-known energy that the person of energy mind collapses, energy that one type does not have the shade invisible being hard sensation. 这是一种极其诡异,让人能心神崩溃的不知名能量,一种无影无形难以感知的能量 In the people, Saint Beast Azure Dragon eyes is suddenly bright, he shouted suddenly lightly: Shi Yan shows mercy!” 众人中,圣兽青龙双眸骤然明亮,他忽然轻呼:“石岩手下留情!” Indulges in strength of marvelous that Divine Sense Shi Yan, was such shouted by him, quickly awakens, the thought moves, continuously Divine Sense takes back. 沉溺在那神识之力奇妙中的石岩,被他这么一喊,幡然醒悟过来,念头一动,一缕缕神识重新收回。 Ji Lada immediately returns to normal, frightened, looked at Shi Yan again time, such as damn general, the complexion became pale, after several seconds, he shook loudly, the scream that did not control self was, was that power, power that Bloodthirsty grasped in the past!” 吉拉嗒立即恢复正常,吓出了一身冷汗,再看石岩的时候,如见鬼一般,脸色变得苍白,数秒后,他轰然一震,不自禁的尖叫起来“是,是那种力量,嗜血当年掌握的力量!” Such remarks, including the God Clan clansman, all people tarries completely. 此言一出,连神族族人在内,所有人全部呆住。
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