GOS :: Volume #14

#1361: Rising suddenly life magnetic field

Solely is only a Lord is in this, then makes the people badly battered, making numerous Expert face countenances sweep the floor, including God Lord and Ming Hao by it is not known gets so far as where. 单单只是一具主身在此,便让众人焦头烂额,令众多强者颜面扫地,连神主冥晧都被它给不知弄到何处。 Once 11 Clone gather completely, this place who can contend with it? 一旦11个分身全部聚集过来,此地何人能够与其抗衡? At this moment, in void turbulent flow all sorts of energy wild is turbulent, the light group of star large explosion, the giant fireball crush rolls in all directions, numerous cold piercing astral wind frost ice, quietly spread, such as must the hominization be the shaved ice powder, many might not inferior Heavenly Flame roasts the fierce flame, continuously becomes the sea, is sea piece by piece, almost floods in the corner that each line of sight can see. 此刻,虚空乱流内种种能量狂暴的动荡着,一个个星球大爆炸的光团,巨大火球般四处碾压滚动,众多冷冽刺骨的罡风冰霜,都悄悄蔓延过来,如要将人化为冰屑粉末,许多威力不逊色天火的炙烈火焰,连绵成海洋,还是一片片的海洋,几乎充斥在每一个视线能看到的角落。 Decca Luo Lianse, he suddenly closes one's eyes dignifiedly, the body ripples the space to fluctuate. 迪卡罗脸色凝重之极,他忽然闭上眼,身上荡漾出空间波动。 He by way that he is in sole possession, surveys the exact time that hui that 11 Clone come, then considers the countermeasure well. 他在以他独有的方式,来探测虺那11具分身过来的准确时间,然后好考虑对策。 General quarter time.” He opens eyes, heart spills over the chill in the air, said: „After the quarter, hui Clone can come, we only then the quarter time, either flee, or the fight, either, does everything possible to seek the arrival of strong help.” “还有大概一刻钟时间。”他睁开眼,心底泛出寒意,道:“一刻钟后,虺的分身都会过来,我们只有一刻钟时间,要么逃离,要么战斗,要么,想方设法寻求强援的到来。” Strong help?” The Azure Dragon forced smile, in the heart sighed darkly, strongest God Lord and Ming Hao suddenly vanished, where also had what strong help? “强援?”青龙苦笑,心中暗叹,最强的神主冥晧都突然消失,哪里还有什么强援? At is not the match.” Xuan He lets loose the Divine Sense sensation, understands clearly hui by the life deep meaning the life magnetic field, then the soul trembles, spills over helpless dejected. “根本不是对手。”玄河放开神识感知,以生命奥义来洞悉虺的生命磁场,然后灵魂微颤,泛出无能为力的颓然。 hui life magnetic field, if the limitless life sea is broad, he believes that God Lord and Ming Hao add also compared with the hui life magnetic field, then formidable life magnetic field, he only sensation when Bloodthirsty, even if is Bloodthirsty most peak, the life magnetic field is also inferior to this hui. 虺的生命磁场,如无边无际的生命海洋宽阔浩淼,他相信神主冥晧加起来也比不过虺的生命磁场,那么强大的生命磁场,他只在嗜血身上感知过,但即便是嗜血巅峰之时,生命磁场也不及这虺。 Generally speaking, life magnetic field more exuberantly rushes, means that the soul is stronger. Means that the life form is exquisite profound. 一般而言,生命磁场越旺盛澎湃,意味着灵魂越强。意味着生命形态越是精湛高深。 Expert life magnetic field. Must rush absolutely exuberant many compared with the life magnetic field of weak one, the life magnetic field is just like the supernatural power old tree to be the same, is symbol that Expert is in sole possession. 强者的生命磁场。绝对比弱者的生命磁场要澎湃旺盛的多,生命磁场好比神力古树一样,是强者独有的标志。 Un?” Xuan He on the preparation takes back Divine Sense time. The expression moves, in the eye flashes before wipes amazed, he looks suddenly to Shi Yan. “嗯?”玄河就准备收回神识的时候。表情一动,眼中闪现一抹惊诧,他猛然看向石岩 Because he discovers in this place. Besides hui, another rushes very much the exuberant life magnetic field, the exuberant degree of that life magnetic field, even surpasses Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor Saint Beast Azure Dragon, is an extremely inconceivable height. 因为他发现在此地。除了虺外,还有另外一股很澎湃旺盛的生命磁场,那生命磁场的旺盛程度,甚至超过天妖族的始祖圣兽青龙,达到一个极为不可思议的高低。 Was next to the past Bloodthirsty life magnetic field strength. 仅次于当年嗜血的生命磁场强度。 Simply unthinkable! 简直匪夷所思! That life magnetic field, came from Shi Yan unexpectedly, came from , in addition is only Origin God Boundary Warrior, this has subverted the common sense, making Xuan He surprised to the extreme. 那生命磁场,竟然来自于石岩,来自于尚且只是始神境界的武者,这颠覆了常理,让玄河惊讶到了极点。 You. How does your life magnetic field so rush vastly?” Xuan He is out of control to shout. “你。你的生命磁场怎么如此澎湃浩淼?”玄河禁不住叫嚷起来。 He such called, numerous Expert will focus in Shi Yan in abundance, among flashes. Shi Yan became the focal point. At once, Azure Dragon, Reddy, Fei Liete even God Clan Four Great Heavenly Kings people. Also feared completely. 他这么一叫,众多强者纷纷将注意力放在石岩身上,一霎那间。石岩成为了焦点。旋即,青龙、雷迪、腓烈特甚至神族四大天王众人。也全部惊住了。 They are Realm profound Immortal Expert, the sensation strength are astonishing, including mystical energy that on that hui releases, they can catch, naturally can also catch the wonderful change of Shi Yan, when to them discovered that Shi Yan life magnetic field exuberant to inconceivable situation, was scared. 他们都是境界高深的不朽强者,一个个感知力惊人,连那种虺身上释放的神秘能量,他们都能捕捉,自然也能捕捉到石岩的神妙变化,待到他们发现石岩生命磁场旺盛到不可思议的地步,都傻眼了。 Nobody knows that had anything. 无人知道发生了什么。 The next quarter, the Xuan He body shakes, resounds the beforehand matter, shouted to clear the way: We had not discovered that disappearance of God Lord and Ming Hao, how you can find, how also to know how they possibly did get so far as ` Nihility Domain Sea you to know by hui? ” 下一刻,玄河身躯一震,又响起之前的事情,喝道:“我们都未发现神主冥晧的消失,你怎么能瞧见,又怎么知道他们可能被虺弄到了‘虚无域海”你都是怎么知道的?” Yes, your boy monstrous talent are inadequate, how what matter do you know?” Fei Liete also yelled. “是啊,你小子妖孽不成,怎么什么事情你都知道?”腓烈特也大叫起来。 They spoke, but also in diverting attention to avoid being coming from all sorts of destruction heaven and earth power that on hui erupted, these turbulent large explosions, the terrifying impact of energy fluctuated, directly caused the void chaotic basin such as to cave to vanish, wants melt to be the same to Nihility Domain Sea. 他们讲话的时候,还在分心躲避着来自于虺身上爆发出来的种种覆灭天地力量,那些汹涌的大爆炸,能量恐怖冲击波动,直接导致虚空乱流域如要塌陷消失,要消融向“虚无域海”一样。 Xiao Yao and other Four Great Heavenly Kings, looks to Shi Yan, reveals the unclear color. 逍遥四大天王,也都瞧向石岩,流露出不明之色。 Also at this moment, void slit flashes before together, is one line of person's shadows flashes before suddenly. 也在此刻,一道虚空缝隙闪现,又是一行人影骤然闪现出来。 Adai La!” Xuan He sees the person, forgets to continue to inquire Shi Yan, cannot bear whole body tremble, face covers entirely startled accommodates, „did you come? This place, is quite unsafe now, do you do?” 阿黛拉!”玄河一见来人,都忘记继续询问石岩,忍不住浑身一颤,奇古的脸庞布满惊容,“你怎么来了?此地,如今极为不安全,你来干什么?” One line of five people, are the Ming Royal Family clansmen, what is the head is nowadays head of the clan Ming Royal Family Adai La, an elegant orange yellow court lady style of dress, wears crystal base of lotus flower sends the crown beautifully, on the beautiful and bewitching face covers entirely the panic-stricken desire certainly, she in the Ming Royal Family sacred place, the craftiness of sensation to void chaotic basin changes, receives the message to hear that 11 star territories by the Outer Territory great insect invasion, were then brought in the clan Expert to come nosing. 一行五人,都是冥皇族族人,为首的为现今冥皇族族长阿黛拉,一身雍容华贵的橘黄色宫装,头戴水晶莲座般的美丽发冠,妖冶的脸上布满惊骇欲绝,她在冥皇族的圣地,感知到虚空乱流域内的诡变,也收到消息听说11个星域被域外巨虫入侵,便带着族内强者过来查探。 Comes swiftly, then discovers Xuan He, Fei Liete, Azure Dragon and Decca, Reddy, God Clan Four Great Heavenly Kings, Elder and major head of the clan impressively completely in the row. 倏一过来,便发现玄河腓烈特青龙迪卡罗、雷迪,神族四大天王长老、各大族长赫然全部在列。 Adai La again is stupid, knows that in this void turbulent flow, had the world-shaking important matter. 阿黛拉再是愚笨,也知道在这虚空乱流内,发生了惊天动地的大事。 Comes with her together, is the Ming Royal Family masters, false Immortal Ji Lada, two Immortal First Sky Warrior Beisela and buddhist mysterious, the last person is Aodai Li. 和她一道而来的,都是冥皇族高手,伪不朽吉拉嗒,两名不朽一重天武者塞拉和梵奥,最后一人则是奥黛丽 A Aodai Li verdant one-piece dress, skirt is embroidering many strange ghost patterns, that long skirt is very personal, appears her both legs cultivates straight wonderful, her long hair high high price rate gets up, same appears with her mother magnificent and expensive arrogant, are many for several points simple and beautiful indifferent, imitates, if on the snowy mountain ice myo- flowers, making one palpitate with excitement. 奥黛丽一身青翠连衣裙,裙角绣着许多奇诡幽魂花纹,那长裙很贴身,显得她双腿修直美妙,她一头长发高高盘起,和她母亲一样显得华贵高傲,却又多着几分清丽冷漠,仿若雪山上一朵冰肌花朵,令人怦然心动。 She stands side Adai La, a pair of chilly pupil is rotating the different light, suddenly looks to Shi Yan. 她站在阿黛拉身旁,一双清冷眸子转动着异光,忽然瞧向石岩 Shi Yan smiles brightly, Ju body, said slightly: For a long time disappears.” 石岩灿烂一笑,微微鞠身,道:“许久不见了。” Aodai Li slightly one hesitant, somewhat cramped returning a courtesy, said: Is some date and time disappears, congratulates you to reach Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord one, I had said on mother before, you can certainly succeed.” 奥黛丽略一犹豫,有些局促的回礼,道:“是有些时日不见了,恭喜你荣登嗜血尊主一位,我之前就母亲说过,你一定可以成功的。” In Ming Royal Family, Adai La does not favor Shi Yan Summit very much, her has the detailed cognition to Bloodthirsty lineage/vein all sorts, knows that her elder brother Ming Hao, how her once sweetheart Xuan He was a person, she did not believe Ming Hao and Xuan He to tolerate others to send the number order in their top of the head. 冥皇族内,阿黛拉很不看好石岩登顶,她对嗜血一脉的种种有着详细认知,知道她哥哥冥晧,还有她那曾经的情人玄河都是怎么一个人,她才不信冥晧玄河能容忍别人在他们头顶发号命令。 Adai La to disdain had said at that time, said Shi Yan at all impossible Summit, because his Realm is too low, has not entered into including Immortal, by trivial Origin God cultivation base, if can Summit, satirize simply. 阿黛拉当时就对不屑的说过,说石岩根本不可能登顶,因为他境界太低,连不朽都不曾迈入,以区区始神修为若能登顶,简直就是讽刺。 Is to the satire of Bloodthirsty. 是对嗜血的讽刺。 But Aodai Li actually firmly believed that thinks Shi Yan can succeed inevitably, with Shi Yan has fought side-by-side in the Desolate her, to Shi Yan power and ability, has an inexplicable credibility. 奥黛丽却坚持认为,认为石岩必然能成功,和石岩在荒内并肩作战过的她,对石岩力量和能力,有着一种莫名的信赖感。 She really looks is very accurate, when knows Shi Yan Summit to Adai La, that expression is quite strange, such as daytime damn general. 她果然看的很准,待到阿黛拉知道石岩登顶,那表情极为古怪,如白日见鬼一般。 Now, Adai La is carrying the Ming Royal Family clansman, arrived at this place, she looked at Shi Yan, is such as the daytime damn general, is out of control to scream: You, you already at Origin God Third Sky? Damn, this how matter?” 如今,阿黛拉携带着冥皇族族人,也来到了此地,她只是看了一眼石岩,又是如白日见鬼一般,禁不住尖叫起来:“你,你已经处在始神三重天了?见鬼,这到底怎么一回事?” In some time ago, her received the latest message, Shi Yan was also only Origin God First Sky. 就在不久前,她收到最新消息,石岩还只是始神一重天 The time of a blink, Shi Yan gives such big span, is shocking. 一眨眼的功夫,石岩给出这么大的跨度,就在就是骇人听闻。 Not merely was she, before being many, did not have the person who too felt strongly, now thinks the Shi Yan breakthrough speed carefully, in abundance changed color. 不单是她了,很多之前还没有太强感觉的人,如今仔细一想石岩突破的速度,也都纷纷变色。 ...... ……
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