GOS :: Volume #14

#1360: Counter-attack of hui!

Void chaotic basin deep place, God Lord Bu Laien and Ming Hao at the above nothingness place of hui, fierce battle. 虚空乱流域深处,神主布莱恩冥晧处在虺的上方虚无处,激烈交战。 They such as layer upon layer psychedelic were covered, the people with rapt attention look, may unable to look clearly understands, God Lord and Ming Hao likely are in the water the inverted image not[ really] reality. 只是两人如被层层迷幻罩住,众人都凝神去望,可还是不能瞧得清楚明了,神主冥晧像是水中倒影般不〖真〗实。 At this moment, the people had not realized that , Wei Desen power exhausts, dropped to the dark deep place vanishes does not see. 此刻,众人并没有察觉到在不知不觉间,维德森力量耗尽,已经跌落向幽暗深处消失不见。 Also nobody paid attention to until now Shi Yan, imitated, if moved fast is fluctuating the shadow, fuzzy dark, from time to time suddenly vanished. 也没人注意到如今的石岩,仿若飘忽变幻着影子,模糊幽暗,时而忽然消失。 But loses strength of severe impact Wei Desen corrosion hui, at this time formed the cutin defense of bright yellow, with formerly same was sheltering the security of whole body, its condition is not quite obviously good, the giant body is wriggling, if received the heavy losses to tremble. 而失去维德森腐蚀之力强烈冲击的虺,这时候身上重新结成明黄色的角质防御,和先前一样庇护着周身的安全,它状态明显不太好,巨大的身子蠕动着,如受了重创瑟瑟发抖。 In fact also indeed so. 事实上也的确如此。 Roamed too many life essence from it, after these energy by the strength of corrosion disappearing not, was given the absorption by Shi Yan completely, changed into stimulates to movement the Shi Yan life evolution the nutrient. 从它身上流荡出了太多的生命精气,那些能量被腐蚀之力给消没后,全部被石岩给吸收,化为催动石岩生命进化的养分。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 , Is suddenly elegant from hui the massive bunches of black smokes, an extremely mysterious unpredictable energy fluctuation, peripheral erupts suddenly from it. 忽地,从虺身上飘逸出大量的簇簇黑烟,一股极为玄妙难测的能量波动,从它周边骤然爆发出来。 That energy average man sensation, cannot find the trend, such as is at the invisible the condition. 那股能量常人感知不到,也瞧不见动向,如处于隐形的状态。 Clear that but Shi Yan actually looks at! 石岩却看的清晰! energy that hui releases, has inspired this void turbulent flow everywhere one not well-known power, causes vortex that presents void such as gets sucked into. 虺身上释放出来的能量,引动了这虚空乱流无处不在的一种不知名力量,使得虚空出现如深陷的涡旋。 That vortex, is indistinct can such as void passage flicker to move, can leave its huge body direct migration. 那涡旋,隐隐约约间能如虚空通道般瞬移,能将它庞大身躯直接迁移离开。 It must evade the point temporarily! 它要暂避锋芒! Well!” “咦!” , Decca Luo Qing exhales the sound suddenly, as Space Deep Meaning to deep Expert him, although is unable to perceive the magical thing of hui marvelous fluctuation. But he actually perceived that the unusual change of space, the heart lived astonishedly, the violent shouted to clear the way: Does not suit!” 突地,迪卡罗轻呼出声,身为空间奥义至深强者的他,虽无法觉察到虺身上奇妙波动的神奇之处。可他却觉察到了空间的不寻常变动,心生惊异,不由暴喝道:“不对劲!” Such remarks, the attention will place numerous that God Lord and Ming Hao fight, quickly awakens. 此言一出,本来将注意力都放在神主冥晧一战的众强,才幡然醒悟过来。 Discovered that Wei Desen already vanished, discovered that hui did not have the force restraint, had the meaning of escaping unexpectedly. 都发现维德森已然消失,发现那虺没了强力约束,竟然起了逃脱之意。 This how fine? 这如何要得? Numerous that came from each star territory, at this time just like hui will work as in the negotiated price the fat. Laborious so is diligently long, wants to realize long-awaited all through hui, how to allow it to seize the chance to escape? 从各个星域前来的众强,此时俨然将虺当成盘中肥肉。辛苦努力那么久,都想通过虺来实现梦寐以求的一切,岂容它趁机逃脱? Has the tacit understanding extremely, the audiences neglect one, gets rid unexpectedly completely, various dazzling magnificent deep meaning beginning one by one appear, all binds toward the hui huge body, such as overlapping spider web. hui will give restraint dozens. 极为有默契的,众强忽视一眼,竟然全部纷纷出手,各种炫目瑰丽的奥义始界一一浮现出来,皆是朝着虺的庞大身躯裹住,如层层叠叠的蛛网。将虺又给束缚了数十层。 Loses Wei Desen the strength of corrosion, their matter level defense, is unable to cause heavy losses to hui from the start truly. 只是,失去维德森的腐蚀之力,他们那层层防御,压根无法真正重创虺。 After hui adopts the defense fully, with was formerly same marvelously is strengthening power fast, emerges the life fluctuation of terrifying. 虺全力采取防御后,又和先前一样奇迹般的快速增强着力量,涌现出恐怖的生命波动。 Shi Yan looks at carefully with rapt attention carefully. 石岩凝神细细端详。 He has an incomparably mysterious feeling, after he changes Divine Sense lets loose, such as was opened Heavenly Eye, has found the average man unfathomed[ really] reality! 他生出一种无比玄妙的感觉,他变化后的神识放开,如被开了天眼,瞧见了常人无法窥探的〖真〗实! In his field of vision, a hui as if intense magnetic field. The halo that sends out, is attracting in the Outer Territory turbulent flow all sorts of grotesque and gaudy energy, these energy, the naked eye cannot see, generally Divine Sense is extremely also difficult to catch, only then Sea of Consciousness after his transformation, had Divine Sense of unusual change, can strive to catch. 在他的视野中,虺仿佛一个强烈磁场。身上散发出一波波的光晕,吸引着域外乱流内种种光怪陆离的能量,那些能量,肉眼看不见,一般神识也极难捕捉,只有他那蜕变后的识海,发生了异常变化的神识,才能够勉力捕捉到。 hui in absorb power of void chaotic basin, is then strengthening own power, must work loose restraint. Relieves the seal of people! 虺在吸纳着虚空乱流域的力量,进而增强自身的力量,要挣脱束缚。将众人的封印解除! Those who make the Shi Yan mind panic-stricken is, he discovered that possible nobody to prevent hui, can prevent hui only Wei Desen, because of exhaustion of life potential, has fallen from the sky at this time. 石岩心神惊骇的是,他发现可能无人能阻止虺,唯一能阻止虺的维德森,因为生命潜力的耗尽,此时已经陨灭。 He wants to speak the reminder. 他欲要出言提醒。 But in this time, gives birth from his mind emerges the Zi Yao sound you to think suddenly really really I do die?” 但就在此时,从他心灵生出陡然涌现紫耀的声音“你真真想我死么?” The Zi Yao physique is enchanting. Miserable, such as a dot flashes in the hui back place, this Zi Yao and was formerly different. In her eyes has the complex emotion, that is only then sentimental humanity has the mood that but before non- ice-cold ruthless. 紫耀身姿妖娆。楚楚可怜,如一个小点在虺背脊处闪现,这趟紫耀和先前迥异。她双眸中有着浓浓的复杂情感,那是只有多愁善感人类才有的情绪,而非之前的冰冷无情无义。 Her expression delicate looks to Shi Yan, said: Shi Yan, I do not want to injure you, I only think that can restore, then returns to ` Nihility Domain Sea in all people, only then you are most special, I hope your elsewhere and I for the enemy. ” 神色柔弱的看向石岩,道:“石岩,我不想伤害你,我只想能恢复过来,然后便返回‘虚无域海”在所有人中,只有你最为特殊,我希望你别处处与我为敌。” Shi Yan ignorant however. 石岩懵然。 He cannot distinguish clearly Zi Yao at this moment again, is Zi Yao itself consciousness, was fused by hui thoroughly. 他再也分不清此刻的紫耀,到底是紫耀本身意识,还是彻底被虺被融合了。 He is unable to make a decision, deeply frowns there, was suddenly absent-minded. 他无法决断,愣在那儿深深皱着眉头,一时间恍惚了。 He wants to think this Zi Yao still to very much false, but why does not know, reveals the facial expression that from the Zi Yao face, from her expression, from her slight movement detail, makes Shi Yan think faintly, Zi Yao that at this moment appears, is most minimum! Also there are Zi Yao some Soul Consciousness! 他很想认为这趟的紫耀依然为假,但不知为何,从紫耀脸上流露出来的神情,从她的语气,从她细微的动作细节,却让石岩隐隐觉得,这一刻显现出来的紫耀,最最起码!也有紫耀的部分灵魂意识 Still remembers first sees your time, you by Hidden League person restraint, I were being thought at that time you to be unusual, before returning to the Zi Yao star, we get sucked into Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field, was pursued by Ka Tuo, we have experienced many many together, I remember until now clearly......” “还记得初次见你的时候,你被幽盟的人束缚着,当时我就认为你不同寻常,在返回紫耀星前,我们深陷日星爆碎场,被卡托追击,我们一起经历过许多许多,我至今都记得清清楚楚……” Zi Yao deep looks at he, was narrating the past gently, revealed wipes mournfully me to awake to turn around, knows one for its wisp of soul, were its part, was it lets out the world of sensibility Desolate to be mysterious, I know that I was very pitiful, but I also know, if it does not exist truly, I...... Also will vanish.” 紫耀深深看着他,轻柔叙述着以往,露出一抹凄然“我醒转过来了,知道自己为它的一缕灵魂,属于它的一部分,是它放出去感悟荒的世界玄妙的,我知道我很可悲,但我也知道,它若真正不存在了,我……也将消失。” Shi Yan there, distant looks at Zi Yao, the mind is listening to her narration, for a very long time is speechless. 石岩愣在那儿,远远看着紫耀,脑海听着她的叙述,久久无语。 He has not talked too much anything finally. 他最终并未多言什么。 Without his reminder, the people are very difficult to realize that on the hui body, at this time is having any mystery. 没有他的提醒,众人很难意识到在虺的身上,此时正发生着什么玄妙。 The clarity that Shi Yan looks , the position under hui body, luminous spot glittering appears, at once the shade mark glance, such as vanishes in hui together[ body]. 石岩瞧的清楚,在虺身下的方位,一个光点闪烁出现,旋即一道影迹惊鸿一瞥,如消失在虺〖体〗内。 At once, on the Zi Yao face the affection vanishes leisurely suddenly, restores ice-cold indifferently, her line of sight do not open Shi Yan, falls to Xuan He and God Clan clansman direction, the pupil covers entirely the strong woods to be cold. 旋即,紫耀脸上深情款款骤然消失,重新恢复冰冷漠然,她视线别开石岩,落向玄河神族族人方向,瞳孔布满浓烈森寒。 Shi Yan has the vigilant heart suddenly, the complexion great change, the soul spills over intensely restless. 石岩突生警惕心,脸色巨变,灵魂泛出强烈不安。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” In the void turbulent flow innumerable stream ray suddenly become turbulent terrifying, can see innumerably, energy that also or cannot see, suddenly becomes wild, as if the landslide cracks in the earth, as if the stars explode, the light group of bunch of red clouds is rolling, in this is void wanders. 虚空乱流内无数流光陡然间变得汹涌恐怖,无数能看见,亦或者看不见的能量,骤然变得狂暴起来,仿佛山崩地裂,仿佛星辰爆炸,一团团火烧云的光团滚动着,在这虚空内游荡。 If the fire Yanyan's giant eye pupils, reveal to absorb the person soul strange energy, that energy naked eye cannot find, achieves Immortal Realm to be able the Divine Sense capture. 如一只只火艳艳的巨大眼瞳,流露出摄人灵魂的诡异能量,那种能量肉眼瞧不见,达到不朽境界者能神识捕捉。 This! This is! This is that energy!” Xiao Yao shakes loudly, panic-stricken desire scream certainly. “这!这是!这是那种能量!”逍遥轰然一震,惊骇欲绝的尖叫起来。 Shen Wu, comfortable and bright is also shocks, appears deeply to fear intent, such as recalls to the big terrifying picture, the heart fresh chill in the air. 神武、自在、光明也是震骇之极,都浮现出深深惧意,如回忆向大恐怖的景象,心生寒意。 Is power that the master grasps!” Xuan He light shout. “是主人掌握的力量!”玄河轻喝 Fei Liete two shine well, power that the master grasps! Ming Hao said that power of master came from the Absolute Beginning life, said that power, only then the Absolute Beginning life knows, it seems like Ming Hao said once again right!” 腓烈特两眼放光“不错,正是主人掌握的力量冥晧说主人的力量来自于太初生灵,说那种力量只有太初生灵才知晓,看来冥晧又一次说对了!” pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” Elder of several God Clan Elder meetings, in addition sends out a scream without enough time, then fleshly body trembles, the life magnetic field vanished suddenly. 几个神族长老会的长老,尚且来不及发出一声尖叫,便肉身一颤,生命磁场忽然消失了。 Most people do not know that had anything, only then Immortal Realm can the faint sensation arrive mysteriously, purity that but looks at truly, and knows long and short of the story has one person. 绝大多数人不知道发生了什么,只有不朽境界者能隐隐感知到玄妙,但真正看的一清二楚,并且知道来龙去脉的只有一人。 Is Shi Yan. 就是石岩 After his transformation, Divine Sense such as keen Heavenly Eye, the clear discovery is that mystical energy fills the air, seeps in these God Clan Elder mind, destroys their Soul Altar directly, causing their main soul to collapse, fell from the sky directly. 蜕变神识如敏锐天眼,清晰发现是那股神秘能量弥漫开来,渗透在那些神族长老的脑海,将他们的灵魂祭台直接摧毁,导致他们主魂崩溃,直接就陨灭了。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Mount the flour gruel the meat muscle tentacle, from hui[ body] in the wind shoots, the goner corpse ties down, suddenly to its body. 一根根黏糊糊的肉筋般的触手,从虺〖体〗内飙射出来,将死者尸身缠住,猛然拉向它身体。 Loses of force constraint Wei Desen corrosion hui, diverts attention when Shi Yan has not reminded, as if has completed some change, together shadow income[ body], then power suddenly rises suddenly at once, was erupted the strength of mystical by the situation of seal, starts to counter-attack for the first time massively. 失去维德森腐蚀之力约束的虺,趁着石岩分心没有提醒之际,似乎完成了某种变化,将一道影子收入〖体〗内,旋即便力量骤然暴涨,在被封印的情况下爆发神秘之力,开始首次大规模反击。 Meanwhile, the intermittent fuzzy low sound of talking, transmits from the extremely far place. 与此同时,阵阵模糊低语声,从极远之处传来。 The people terrified drastic change, first time has flustered including Xuan He and Decca Luo, reveals the extremely dignified restless color. 众人悚然剧变,连玄河迪卡罗都第一次慌了,露出极为凝重不安之色。 Its 11 do Clone, how that quickly arrive? Should not this!” Xuan He looks to Decca Luo. “它的11个分身,怎那么快到来?不该这样啊!”玄河看向迪卡罗。 Decca Luo Lianse ugly, bitter and astringent say|way: I do not know that it rose suddenly probably suddenly power, making the speed that Clone comes quick.” 迪卡罗脸色难看之极,苦涩道:“我也不知道,它好像突然间暴涨了力量,使得分身过来的速度都变得快捷起来。” If they said that in boundless void turbulent flow that in the people line of sight is unable to peep, 11 compared with the star of huge great insect life, were wriggling the body, carried is rushing such as the life magnetic field in sea, attacked together toward this place, they hovered in the void turbulent flow, such as the great ship navigated in the sea, splashes many void ripple, caused that peripheral transmitted the huge explosion, causing the void turbulent flow such as the total collapse to be ordinary. 如他们所言,在众人视线无法窥视的茫茫虚空乱流内,11个比生命之星都庞大的巨虫,蠕动着身子,携带着澎湃如海洋的生命磁场,一起朝着此地冲击过来,它们游动在虚空乱流内,如巨船在海中航行,溅出许多虚空波纹,引得周边传来巨大爆炸,导致虚空乱流如全面崩溃一般。 Expert has the intuition, at this moment, numerous Expert have the feeling that an end catastrophe arrives, thinking of instinct is restless. 强者有直觉,此刻,众多强者都生出一种末日浩劫降临的感觉,本能的觉得不安。 The people gain ground, the subconsciousness looks to God Lord and Ming Hao, wants to know at this critical juncture, these two in world most peak Expert, actually how decision-making. 众人都抬头,下意识看向神主冥晧,想知道值此关键时刻,这两个世间最巅峰强者,究竟如何决策。 The next quarter, all person complexions changed, becomes extremely ugly. 下一刻,所有人脸色都变了,变得极其难看。 Because above hui, turned into a blank, God Lord and Ming Hao such as vanishes baseless, unexpectedly at all not. 因为在虺上方处,已经变成一片空白,神主冥晧如凭空消失,竟然根本不在。 The people do not know that had anything, looks at each other in blank diamay, complexion unusually poor, deeply knits the brows including Decca Luo, under center of attention, shakes the head saying: Do not visit me, how I do not know a matter, does not know how they disappeared.” 众人都不知道发生了什么,一个个面面相觑,脸色都奇差,连迪卡罗都深深皱眉,在众人注目下,摇头道:“别看我,我也不知道怎么一回事,更加不知道他们怎么就消失了。” , Decca Luo say|way: But at their Realm levels, if perceived that this place is mysterious, should quick then return, does not need extremely anxiously.” 顿了一下,迪卡罗道:“但是以他们的境界层次,如果觉察到此地玄妙,应该很快便会返回,无需太过紧张。” He is unable to give[ answered] case. 他无法给出〖答〗案。 But has a person to give[ answered] case. 但有个人可以给出〖答〗案。 „The world that God Lord and Ming Hao congeal, the space of battle, by hui the strength of influence of mystical, was erased directly since then.” Shi Yan made noise suddenly, has hesitated, knit the brows: If I do not expect badly, this moment God Lord and Ming Hao, should already in Nihility Domain Sea, whether to return to catch up promptly, may not say really certainly.” 神主冥晧凝结的世界,交战的空间,被虺的神秘之力影响,直接被从此地抹除了。”石岩突地出声,沉吟了一下,皱眉道:“如果我所料不差,这一刻的神主冥晧,应该已经在虚无域海了,能否及时返回赶来,可真说不准。” Such remarks, the people with amazement change colors, screamed. 此言一出,众人都骇然失色,纷纷尖叫起来。
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