GOS :: Volume #14

#1359: New power!

God Lord said does not waste the time, then really again has not wasted the time, almost the flash, his whole body blows out suddenly surmounts the brilliance of Sun. 神主说了一句不浪费时间,便真的没有再浪费时间,几乎一瞬间,他周身骤然爆出超越太阳的光耀。 That brilliance, imitates, if mixed various generic attribute deep meaning fluctuations, implied Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, thunder and lightning, wind, cold ice wait / etc. aura, established contacts by the bright deep meaning, makes God Lord such as the giant light group, God Body became such as the diamond under glare, eye-catching dazzling. 那光耀,仿若糅合了各类属性的奥义波动,暗含金木水火土雷电、风、寒冰等等气息,以光明奥义串连,令神主如成了巨大光团,神体变得如强光下的钻石,夺目刺眼。 A glare such as has God Lord souls to attach, as if inundates the Heavenly Sword rain, falls toward Ming Hao. 道道强光如有着神主的一道道灵魂依附,仿佛漫天剑雨,往冥晧落去。 Ming Hao look Bi You, the deep meaning fluctuates, just fused to divide the soul the ghost body, swayed from side to side, his peripheral space has the fierce collapse, such as had been extruded the space by him. 冥晧眼神碧幽,奥义变幻间,刚刚融合分魂的幽魂般的身体,扭动了一下,他周边空间产生剧烈塌陷,如被他挤压了空间。 A continuously ghost, elegantly comes out from that within the body, turns into the Soul Altar shape quickly, is only dark fuzzy, does not look clearly. 一缕缕幽魂,从那体内飘逸出来,倏地变成灵魂祭台的形态,只是幽暗模糊,瞧不真切。 A fearful magnetic field of turbulent soul, Soul Altar that congeals from Ming Hao transmits, the peripheral all people Lord the soul to tremble, such as was being adsorbed by some power, such as must cave in general, has very fearful turbulence. 一种动荡灵魂的可怕磁场,从冥晧凝结的灵魂祭台内传来,周边所有人都主魂一颤,如被某种力量吸附着,如要塌陷一般,产生出非常可怕的动荡。 Shi Yan is no exception. 石岩也不例外。 Ming Hao soul altar gives the attraction, must get sucked to his sacrificial altar general. 冥晧的灵魂祭坛给吸引,要深陷向他祭台内一般。 That feeling is fearful, as if soul no longer is one, as if, had been captured the control power of main soul, turns into others' slave. 那感觉非常可怕,仿佛灵魂不再是自己,仿佛,被人夺取了主魂的掌控权,变成别人的奴隶。 The Ming Hao deep meaning, Soul Controlling Deep Meaning, any has the life of soul, once were released the deep meaning by him, the soul will be affected deeply. 冥晧的奥义,御魂奥义,任何具有灵魂的生灵,一旦被他释放奥义,灵魂都会深受影响。 All people know, the goal that Ming Hao aims is not they, they by the Ming Hao deep meaning power complementary waves affecting, however, even if so, the people a little cannot endure, facial expressions with amazement, avoid in the Ming Hao opposite direction. 所有人都知道,冥晧针对的目标并不是他们,他们只是被冥晧奥义力量余波给影响到而已,然而,即便是如此,众人也都有点吃不消,一个个神情骇然,纷纷往冥晧相反的方向避开。 These God Clan clansmen cannot withstand, the complexion changes, is the shunt distant. 那些神族族人更是不堪,脸色微变,皆是闪开的远远的。 Besides the fourth generation Son of Heaven. 除了四代天王以外。 Achieves Immortal Second Sky Four Great Heavenly Kings, Realm is profound, power is exquisite, the soul that actually not affected falls into enemy hands. 达到不朽二重天四大天王,境界高深,力量精湛,倒是不会被影响的灵魂失守。 But the head of the clan of that 12 respected family, Elder of these Elder meetings, complexions ugly in abundance withdraw. 但那12大家族的族长,还有那些长老会的长老们,一个个都脸色难看纷纷退避。 God Lord releases radiant rays of light, puts on to shoot the Ming Hao Soul Altar direction, such as dissolved frost ice, disappeared not to have suddenly unexpectedly. 神主释放出来得璀璨光芒,穿射到冥晧灵魂祭台方向,如被溶解的冰霜,忽然间竟然消没掉了。 Ten thousand years later, in Eight Entourage left your Ming Hao finally, has the qualifications to fight with me.” A God Lord Bu Laien eye of dew joyfully, gives a calm smile, silhouette, then arrives at hui the place above to be void in a flash, said: Your my fight, can be far away, this will not affect your people, can our to feel at ease.” “万年后,八扈从中终于出了你冥晧,有资格与我一战。”神主布莱恩目露欣然,淡然一笑,身影一晃间,便来到虺的上方虚空,道:“你我的战斗,可以远离一点,这样不会影响你们的人,也能让我方的人可以安心下来。” His injury has not convalesced thoroughly, even if so, by his Immortal Third Sky Realm deep meaning, wonderful will realize from experience to release, the people a little are miserable beyond description. 他的伤势并没有彻底痊愈,但即便如此,以他不朽三重天境界奥义,将神妙体悟释放出来,众人都有点苦不堪言。 That say|way vast sacred rays of light, contains various deep meanings to be marvelous, Xuan He and Fei Liete are critical situation, has to concentrate the attention, but deals with the light beam impact that he releases. 那道道浩淼神圣的光芒,蕴含着各种奥义奇妙,就连玄河腓烈特都如临大敌,不得不将注意力集中起来,只是应付他释放出来的光束冲击。 Reddy, Azure Dragon, Decca these three people, compels to must similarly to divert attention, must deal with his pressure. 雷迪、青龙迪卡罗这三人,也同样逼得要分心,要应付他的压力。 Although is insufficient to make Reddy people in an extremely difficult situation, but indeed is also very troublesome, letting them to feel relieved truly. 虽然不至于令雷迪众人狼狈不堪,但也的确很麻烦,让他们不能真正放心。 Similarly, Soul Controlling Deep Meaning ` that Ming Hao releases affects the souls of all people, the clansmen of these God Clan 12 respected families, Elder of these Elder meetings are miserable beyond description similarly, such one, their fights can make the people probably stop, but is used for the energy complementary waves that defends them to fight to form. 同样的,冥晧释放出来的御魂奥义‘影响所有人的灵魂,那些神族12大家族的族人,还有那些长老会的长老们同样苦不堪言,这么一来,他俩的战斗能让众人一个个都必须停下来,只是用来防御他们交手形成的能量余波。 Also good.” Ming Hao changes into wisp of dim light, is carrying Soul Altar, vanishes in the God Lord direction swiftly. “也好。”冥晧化为一缕幽光,携着灵魂祭台,倏然间消失在神主的方向。 They at that hui place above, they obviously there, but the people gain ground looks, actually has an extremely strange strange feeling, is similar to by layer upon layer the light is looking at the inverted image in lake, has to plant very fuzzy not real feeling. 两人处在那虺的上方,他们明明在那儿,可众人抬头去看的时候,却生出一种极为诡异古怪的感觉,就如同透过层层光影瞧着湖中的倒影,有种非常模糊不真实的感觉。 As if God Lord and Ming Hao with them in a world, such as do not fabricate the mysterious world that becomes in them, in their state. 仿佛神主冥晧不和他们处在一个世界中,如在他们自己捏造而成的玄妙世界,在他们的国度中。 God Lord in the radiant dazzling honored world, there has the stars circulation, has frost ice, has the flame sea, has the earth to have the forest, has all of conventional world. 神主在璀璨耀目的光彩世界中,那里有着星辰流转,有着冰霜,有着火焰海洋,有大地有森林,有着常规世界的一切。 The Ming Hao world is dark, has the bunches of ghost fuzzy ghost, has the refraction overlaps void, if there is remnant broken world to piece together a piece by piece, his silhouette as if vanishes, seems is shuttling back and forth in remnant broken world unceasingly, making people forever unable its capture. 冥晧的世界幽暗深邃,有着簇簇幽魂般模糊鬼魂,有着折射的重叠虚空,如有一片片残碎世界拼凑而成,他身影仿佛消失,仿佛在一个个残碎世界乃不断穿梭着,让人永远无法将其捕捉。 Realm reaches certain altitude, after certain level, Warrior has is being similar to the creator big Divine Ability ability, can fabricate a world to come out. 境界达到一定的高度,一定的层次后,武者拥有着如同造物主般的大神通能力,能凭空捏造一个世界出来。 Conforms to own deep meaning, can be displayed the best world by own power Realm Divine Ability, this is actually God's Domain fluctuation of high Level, for example cultivation cold ice deep meaning, can at the battle, refine a snow and ice everywhere by the strength of cold ice the new world, there can the cold ice deep meaning deepest deep meaning release, strongest power show. 一个符合自己的奥义,能让自己的力量境界神通发挥到最佳的世界,这其实是神之领域的高等级的变幻,譬如修炼寒冰奥义者,能在交战的时候,以寒冰之力炼制一个冰雪漫天的新世界,在那里能将寒冰奥义最深奥义释放,将最强力量展现出来。 At this time, God Lord and Ming Hao these two non- world Expert, the congealment most suits oneself deep meaning in abundance the world, that world is their one transformation to real world, but beginning drawing battle. 此时,神主冥晧这两个不世强者,纷纷凝结最适合自己奥义的世界,那世界是他们对真实世界的一种改造,而非将自己始界给拉出来交战。 They battle, making all people dignified, has forgotten all, attention centralized in two people. In the field the people, are among the vast galaxy existence of most peak, they are outstanding in the respective camp, Realm most time are Origin God Second Sky, false Immortal and true Immortal are extremely numerous, for them, the fight of God Lord Ming Hao, is the lifetime possibly rare peak showdown. 他们交战,让所有人都神情凝重,忘记了所有一切,都将注意力集中在两人身上。场内众人,都是浩淼星河间最为巅峰的存在,他们在各自的阵营都出类拔萃,境界最次者都是始神二重天,其中伪不朽和真正不朽极多,对他们来说,神主冥晧的战斗,乃是毕生可能都难得一见的巅峰对决。 Through the Expert showdown, through to the capture comprehension of Expert deep meaning, could breakthrough own vision, making own Realm be able breakthrough. 通过强者的对决,通过对强者奥义的捕捉领悟,或许能突破自身眼界,让自己的境界得以突破 Therefore, they even the concern over hui, relaxed at this time. 因此,他们此时甚至对虺的关注,都放松了起来。 One person, extremely has not paid attention the battle of God Lord and Ming Hao, that is Shi Yan. 只有一人,并没有太过留意神主冥晧的交战,那便是石岩 At this moment, Shi Yan still wanders about in the extremely wonderful condition is not willing to extricate oneself, reveals mystical energy that from hui, slowly is flowing in his within the body, integrates his skeleton, veins, flesh and blood, cell and textile fiber, integrates in his within the body supernatural power old tree. 此刻,石岩依然徜徉在极为美妙状态中不愿自拔,从虺身上流露出来的神秘能量,慢慢在他体内流动着,融入他骨骸、筋脉、血肉、细胞、纤维,融入他体内神力古树中。 , He discovered gradually an extremely marvelous phenomenon his body faintly becomes transparent! 渐渐地,他发现一个极为奇妙的现象他身体隐隐变得透明! His Soul Altar and fleshly body were quenchinged by that energy for a long time, not only made his breakthrough to Origin God Third Sky, drastically promoted to the comprehension ability of deep meaning, now even, is changing his within the body Soul Altar structure! 灵魂祭台肉身被那能量淬炼许久,不但令他突破始神三重天,大幅提升对奥义的领悟能力,如今甚至于,在改变他体内灵魂祭台的结构! His Sea of Consciousness, becomes inexhaustible, Divine Sense by that energy influence, gradually seemed to be turned into brand-new power! 他的识海,变得无穷无尽,神识被那能量影响,仿佛渐渐变成一种全新力量 Sea of Consciousness Divine Sense, such as his within the body supernatural power old tree, such as another power source, that Divine Sense transformation, the full of power, making his whole body shiver! 识海神识,如他体内神力古树,如另外一种力量的源泉,那种神识蜕变,力量的充盈,让他浑身颤抖! He realized slowly had anything...... 他慢慢意识到发生了什么…… Divine Sense, In general is also energy one, but this type of energy majority can only have about the sensation, cannot truly display the powerful attack force, for example, a mountain peak in the front, the accumulation congealment of supernatural power, can crush blasting open directly, or collapses the mountain peak loudly, stronger point corrosion strength, can make the mountain peak dissolve directly. 神识,一般来说也是能量的一种,但这种能量大多数只能起感知左右,不能真正发挥出强大攻击力,譬如说,一座山峰在面前,神力的聚集凝结,能直接粉碎炸裂,将山峰或是轰然倒塌,更强一点的腐蚀力,能让山峰直接溶解。 But seepage of Divine Sense, but seizes every opportunity like the wind, can enter the mountain peak most deep place, each slight corner survey is wonderful. 神识的渗透,只是如风般无孔不入,能进入山峰的最深处,每一个细微角落探测神妙。 Divine Sense is unable to crush the mountain peak directly, this is the general knowledge, is normal truth natural law. 神识无法直接粉碎山峰,这是常识,也是正常的真理规则 But now, with the Divine Sense change of Sea of Consciousness, he has a mysterious feeling, thinks his Divine Sense...... Can move mountains! 但现在,随着识海神识变化,他生出一种玄妙的感觉,觉得他的神识……能排山倒海! He thought that present Divine Sense, is having the inexhaustible mystery, when that Divine Sense changes, he also suddenly lives a mysterious feeling, in this void chaotic basin, is flooding incomparably huge energy, that energy is vast, actually cannot see unable to feel, can only by his Divine Sense sensation! 他觉得如今的神识,拥有着无穷无尽的玄妙,在那神识变化之时,他还突生一种玄妙感觉,这虚空乱流域内,充斥着无比庞大的能量,那能量浩大无际,却看不见摸不着,只能以他的神识感知! When he has this marvelous feeling, he discovered suddenly that his body such as affected, when his Sea of Consciousness changes, his body, such as changes into nothingness directly. 在他生出这种奇妙感的时候,他陡然发现,他身体如影响了,在他识海发生变化时,他的身体,如直接化为虚无 In the hearts moves, when he revolves the supernatural power old tree, recovers normally, really turns from the invisible condition. 心间一动,他运转神力古树时,身体也恢复正常,从隐形状态变成真实。 He is shocked quickly, delay half sound, whole body shakes at once greatly, eyes spills over pleasantly surprised, if crazy color. 他倏地愣住,呆滞半响,旋即浑身巨震,双眸泛出惊喜若狂之色。 When body stealth condition, distinct, is just the same as the Bloodthirsty remains! 身体隐形时的状态,分明,和嗜血的遗骨一模一样! Passes on a message one mystical power that Bloodthirsty sees clearly, that power, for ten thousand years, only then a Bloodthirsty person comprehends thoroughly, God Lord, Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin people, track down this power many years still not to harvest with hardship, that power, seems the strength of this mystical! 传言嗜血洞察的一种神秘力量,那力量,万年来只有嗜血一人领悟透彻,神主凌翔、西泽、洛林众人,苦苦追寻这种力量多年依然没有收获,那力量,仿佛就是此种神秘之力! This power, clearly came from the Absolute Beginning life, before that hui, entices him, said that makes him help him to escape, then informs its power to be wonderful. 力量,分明来自于太初生灵,那虺之前诱惑他,说让他助其逃生,便告知其力量神妙。 Has not thought that this hui knows really this power is mysterious, his Sea of Consciousness transformation, the mysterious change of fleshly body and Soul Altar, the knot prints the absorb transformation of Devouring Deep Meaning to that Absolute Beginning life fleshly body mystical energy to cause! 没想到这虺真知道这种力量玄妙,他识海蜕变,肉身灵魂祭台的神奇改变,结印吞噬奥义对那太初生灵肉身神秘能量吸纳转化引起! His being wild with joy has not continued to be too long. 他的欣喜若狂并没有持续太久。 , He awakes to turn around quickly suddenly, discovered suddenly is unable absorb to come from hui power again. 很快地,他猛然醒转过来,也忽地发现再也无法吸纳来自于虺身上的力量 Also is at this time, he discovered that Wei Desen has exhausted the life potential, the surface like the dying embers, within the body does not have strength of release a corrosion again, sinks toward the void turbulent flow under directly quietly, meteor that such as falls from the sky together, short bright eye-catching, actually finally must disappear to fall. 也是此时,他发现维德森已经耗尽生命潜力,面如死灰,体内再也没有一丝腐蚀之力释放,直接悄然朝着虚空乱流底下沉落,如一道陨灭的流星,短暂的灿烂夺目,却最终要消陨。 Shi Yan deeply looked that to direction that Wei Desen sinks, reveals to regret expression, in the heart lightly sighed. 石岩深深看向维德森沉落的方向,露出惋惜神色,不由心中轻叹。 The Wei Desen comet suddenly appears, blooms by the peerless fate eye-catchingly, may finally collaborating to ruin by Ming Hao and God Lord, Ming Hao makes him swallow to him Bloodthirsty one, God Lord also puts in his abdomen the Bloodthirsty remains in the mystique, making him take the combustion Bloodthirsty remains energy combustion life as the price, causes heavy losses Absolute Beginning life hui, to harvest hui all. 维德森彗星般突然出现,以绝世运道夺目绽放,可最终被冥晧神主给联手葬送,冥晧让他将嗜血一股给他吞服,神主以秘法也将嗜血遗骨放入他腹部,让他以燃烧嗜血遗骨能量燃烧自己生命为代价,来重创太初生灵虺,向收获虺的一切。 Regardless of Ming Hao and God Lord, knows that Wei Desen Realm power, is unable to maintain too for a long time. 不论冥晧神主,都知道维德森境界力量,根本无法维持太久。 But nobody cares about his life and death, to help oneself, to obtain hui, they chose to sacrifice Wei Desen. 可无人在乎他的生死,为了成全自己,为了得到虺,他们都选择牺牲维德森 Wei Desen falls from the sky in light of this, God Lord and Ming Hao have not obtained the hui mystery, actually had no intention to help Shi Yan, let Shi Yan life form transformation, and had the strength of that mystical successfully. 维德森就此陨灭,神主冥晧尚未得到虺的奥妙,却无意成全了石岩,让石岩生命形态蜕变,并且成功持有那种神秘之力。 Is the person calculates seriously is inferior to the day to calculate, they do not know, they when life-and-death fight, Shi Yan, already complete change accumulation of power. 当真是人算不如天算,他们并不知道,他们在殊死搏斗的时候,石岩,已完整了力量的变化积累。 ps today is also one chapter, tomorrow will start to restabilize, these two naive severe wounds, the slight illness has led to the serious illness to me, will really be a deeply grieved lesson ps今天也是一章,明天开始恢复稳定,这两天真重伤了,小病给我酿成了重病,真是个惨痛教训
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