GOS :: Volume #14

#1358: The soul gathers

God Lord across the sky comes, by exceedingly high wonderful receives and instructs numerous God Clan Expert, arrives at this place instantaneously. 神主横空而来,以通天神妙将众多神族强者接引,瞬间降临此地。 Suddenly, in this great insect hui periphery, many God Clan Warrior, is the Origin God Boundary rank, is generation of Elder and 12 Family Head this peak of Elder meeting. 一时间,在这巨虫虺的周边,又多了一名名神族武者,皆是始神境界的级别,都是长老会的长老和12家家主这种巅峰之辈。 God Lord for hui, is gives everything one has seriously, has assembled in all genuine clans elite. 神主为了虺,当真是倾囊而出,调集了所有真正的族内精锐。 Ming Hao and Xuan He people expression dignifiedly, obviously has extremely deep dreading to God Lord, sees him to come to come, becomes cautious, urges to send to the pinnacle the deep meaning, has prepared bloody battle. 冥晧玄河众人都神色凝重之极,对神主显然有着极深的忌惮,一见他现身而来,都变得拘谨,纷纷将奥义催发到极致,做好了血战一场的准备。 No one has expected, the confrontation of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein and God Clan, has not occurred in Ancient God Continent, Ancient Demon Continent and god graciousness and other conventional star territories, but is met with in this void turbulent flow directly, because of hui, the fight that this should not have, was ahead of time stiffly. 谁也没料到,嗜血一脉和神族的交锋,并没有发生在古神大陆古魔大陆、神恩等常规星域,而是直接在这虚空乱流内会面,因为虺,这场本来不该发生的战斗,被硬生生提前了。 God Lord is far from restoring such as the beginning situation actually, Ming Hao, Xuan He and the others has not prepared completely safe, this war, should retard. 神主其实远远没有到恢复如初的地步,冥晧玄河等人也没有做好万全准备,此战,本该延迟。 But is avoidless now. 可如今却无法避免。 God Lord Bu Laien such as the dazzling Sun, whole body releases dazzling strange light, the light beam is sacred, contains the soul will that is not extinguishing, toward in all directions sprint lasing. 神主布莱恩耀目的太阳,周身释放出璀璨夺目的奇光,光束神圣浩荡,蕴含着不灭的灵魂意志,朝着四面八方冲刺激射。 The Shi Yan unexpected happening enters into Origin God Third Sky, deep meaning like the sublimation, particularly the stars and space these two deep meanings, just like such as initially complete the fusion, appears the incomparably magnificent marvelous sight. 石岩鬼使神差迈入始神三重天,奥义如升华,尤其是星辰、空间这两种奥义,俨然如初步完成融合,显现出无比瑰丽的奇观。 In his present Star Sea, mixture of truth and deceit, fuzzy, is unceasingly unpredictable, as if in the mirror spends, in water moon/month. 在他眼前的星海内,虚虚实实,模模糊糊,不断变幻莫测,仿佛镜中花,水中月。 The light beam that the God Lord release comes, the penetration comes, was given to submerge by illusory beginning likely, is unable to injure to Shi Yan true body unexpectedly. 神主释放而来的光束,穿透而来,像是被虚幻始界给淹没,竟无法伤到石岩真身 He gives a calm smile, light well, unexpectedly regards the priority target Shi Yan, treads to empty. 他淡然一笑,轻咦了一声,居然将石岩当成首要目标,踏空而来。 In the Shi Yan heart shouts'mother-fucker', the soul realized a terrifying pressure of shivering, when that God Lord soon being near body, serious feeling of smashing he will give birth to sacrificial altar press. The mind with amazement changes colors, finally realizes the fearfulness of God Lord. 石岩心中骂娘,灵魂察觉到一股颤抖的恐怖压力,在那神主快要临身之际,他生出祭台都会被压的粉碎的沉重感。心神不由骇然失色,终于认识到神主的可怕。 He initially enters into Origin God Third Sky, he believes that if once more and spark battle of false Immortal, he has assurance more than enough to win. 他初迈入始神三重天,他相信如果再次和伪不朽的星火交战,他有十成十的把握能获胜。 Even, opposes the enemy with Caesar, Ling Xiang, Immortal First Sky of Luo Lin this level , under can compare with the height with it. 甚至,和西泽、凌翔洛林这层次的不朽一重天对敌,也能与之较下高低。 However, facing once caused heavy losses, now attaches to the Haig fleshly body survival. The strength possibly including God Lord that half have not restored. He has to plant facing the Desolate ancient beast of prey startled palpitates restlessly. 然而,面对曾被重创,如今依附黑格肉身存活。实力可能连一半都没有恢复的神主。他却有种面对荒古猛兽的惊悸不安。 That is the feeling of soul! 那是灵魂的感受! You also fused Ancient Continent Essence, should be able to feel its marvelousness, it called hui. Also is the Absolute Beginning life, is the same with Desolate, is the ancient lives of Absolute Beginning time. On this ancient life. Is containing too many wonderful, but I am not actually able to understand clearly completely, melted your Essence, can perhaps be clearer.” “你也融合了古大陆本源,应该能感受到它的奇妙,它叫虺。也是太初生灵,和荒一样,都是太初时代的古老生命。这古老生命身上。蕴含着太多神妙,但我却无法完全洞悉,融了你的本源,或许就能更加清楚了。” God Lord quarts discussed that with he spoke, the complexion is extraordinary. 神主夸夸而谈,与他讲话的时候,脸色出奇温和。 His person, has suddenly been entering into vanishes Star Sea that” Shi Yan builds, by vanishing Star Sea that the space and stars fusion become, faint and his beginning connection. His Soul Consciousness changes, that Star Sea such as suddenly nothingness. 只是他的人,已在瞬息间迈入石岩营造的“幻灭星海”中,以空间、星辰融合而成的幻灭星海,隐隐和他始界连通。他灵魂意识变动间,那星海如突地虚无了。 Very interesting Divine Ability deep meaning.” God Lord gives a calm smile. “很有趣的神通奥义。”神主淡然一笑。 In his hand splits one group of light suddenly, one group of flash eye of radiant light, in that rays of light are actually containing many wonderful deep meanings. 他手中骤然绽出一团光,一团耀目璀璨的光,那光芒内竟然蕴含着诸多神妙奥义。 The gold/metal, wood, water, fire, earth, the cold ice, thunder and lightning and aura of wind all sorts of different attribute deep meanings, actually in his hands in the light group simultaneously appear, astonishingly to the extreme. 金、木、水、火、土、寒冰、雷电、风种种不同属性奥义的气息,竟然在他手中光团内同时浮现出来,惊人到了极点。 pa pa! 啪啪 Star Sea that Shi Yan builds laboriously, was shone after by that group of light. If frost and snow melting. 石岩辛苦营造出来的星海,被那一团光照耀后。如霜雪融化。 Shi Yan exposes suddenly. 石岩霍然暴露出来。 You should not fuse Essence, this is your luck, is your misfortune. Otherwise, looks in the Bloodthirsty face, perhaps. I will also grow to you space, when you become aware that power that Bloodthirsty grasps. Then strikes to kill it, what a pity.” “你不该融合本源,这是你的幸运,也是你的不幸。若不然,看在嗜血的面子上,或许。我还会给你成长空间,等你悟到嗜血掌握的那股力量。然后才将其击杀,可惜了。” A God Lord face regretted, but also sighed one lightly, lifted the hand to catch him. 神主一脸惋惜,还轻叹一声,抬手去抓他。 Pu! 噗! Shi Yan is cold the face, eyes is being scarlet, in the mouth the blood wind shoots. 石岩寒着脸,双眸猩红,口中鲜血飙射出来。 That blood, assumes the burning hot flame shape, such as turbulent combustion, power that rises suddenly from that blood suddenly, crazy urging is sending his vigor. 那鲜血,呈炙热火焰般的形态,如汹涌燃烧着,从那鲜血中骤然暴涨的力量,疯狂的催发着他的精气神。 Bang! 轰! The mind shakes loudly, such as the life potential was stimulated thoroughly, his whole body cell, textile fiber, flesh and blood and skeleton such as had the life, within the body have transmitted the mountain torrent bang, when his fleshly body broke out the meat crack, in his hearts disclosed meaning of the strong bloodthirsty. 脑海轰然一震,如生命潜力被彻底激发,他全身细胞、纤维、血肉、骨骸如都拥有了生命,体内传来山洪般的巨响,在他肉身劈开肉裂时,他心间透露出一股浓烈的嗜杀之意。 The strong malignant influences come richly, by the Death Deep Meaning circulation, changed into Blood Dripping Gem such as the death great hand of mountain. 浓烈煞气浓郁而来,以死亡奥义流转,化为一个血淋琳如山的死亡巨手。 The great hand bright red such as the blood precise, grasps fiercely toward God Clan, must touch to God Lord time, in that great finger by transmitting excitedly life force, life force not only has not weakened the might of that death great hand, but also made it even more with amazement fearful, the fluctuation that emerged can destroy the tour of life simply. 巨手鲜红如血凝炼,猛地朝神族抓去,就要摸到神主的时候,那巨手指头内由传来一股勃然生机,生机不但不曾消弱那死亡巨手的威力,还令其愈发骇然可怕,涌现的波动简直能毁灭生命之行。 Peng! 嘭! Died the great hand to pat on God Lord, such as Stone Qiu hit on the great mountain, God Lord standing firm. 死亡巨手拍在神主身上,如石球撞击在巨山上,神主屹然不动。 In his eyes are many have wiped amazed, deeply looked at Shi Yan one, said: It seems like Xuan He the essence of his deep meaning, teaches to you seriously completely, your wonderful degree of this Life and Death Deep Meaning fusion, although is inferior to Xuan He, but also differs is not far.” 只是他眼中却多了一抹惊诧,深深看了石岩一眼,道:“看来玄河将他奥义的精髓,当真全部传授给你,你这生死奥义融合的神妙程度,虽不及玄河,但也相差不远了。” His heart has doubts. 心底颇为疑惑。 The marvelousness that Shi Yan shows now, will not tally to his these news with Elder, in the news said that Shi Yan is only Origin God First Sky, is skilled in the stars, space and Life and Death Deep Meaning, but the deep meaning cannot be compatible, but also is at the middle stage of power comprehension, is far from the high grade fusion stage. 石岩如今展现的奇妙,和长老会给他的那些消息不符合,消息上说石岩只是始神一重天,精通星辰、空间、生死奥义,但奥义都不能兼容,还处于力量领悟的中级阶段,离高级的融合阶段相差甚远。 But at this time, Shi Yan clearly is Origin God Third Sky, and to space and Stars Deep Meaning fusion good of the quite, the fusion of life and Death Deep Meaning is also quite adept, lets him is very puzzled. 但此时,石岩分明为始神三重天,并且对将空间、星辰奥义融合的颇为不错,生命、死亡奥义的融合也极为娴熟,让他很是不解。 He does not know, all these, give credit to moistening of mystical energy on these hui sends out, that energy mysteriously, not only helps Shi Yan breakthrough to Origin God Third Sky, but also as if can promote the deep meaning marvelously the fusion speed. 他并不知道,这一切,都归功于那些虺身上散发出来的神秘能量的滋润,那能量神奇之极,不但助石岩突破始神三重天,还似乎能够奇妙的增进奥义的融合速度。 Shi Yan can fuse the deep meaning marvelously, displays the far ultra sole deep meaning power to come out, is these days harvest urges to send completely. 石岩能将奥义奇妙融合,发挥出远超单一奥义的力量出来,全部都是这段时间的收获催发。 Also is so, God Lord grasps to his hand, was broken by the midway, side cannot drag into Shi Yan, puts to death directly. 也是如此,神主去抓向他的那只手,被中途打断,未能将石岩拉入身旁,直接诛杀。 He has missed the best opportunity! 他错过了最佳时机! Because in this he wants to get rid again, in the middle of this void chaotic basin, appears suddenly leaves of gorgeously Gate of Heaven, at once then sees Ming Hao, Gate of Heaven can be good from these, such as the shadow fuses the main body to be the same, submerges on him completely. 因为就在此他再想出手之时,在这虚空乱流域当中,骤然浮现一扇扇绚丽的“天门”,旋即便见一个个冥晧,从那些“天门”能行来,如影子融合主身一样,全部没入他身上。 The Soul Controlling Deep Meaning soul is divided myriad, every minute of soul, power will then reduce together a point, more many of differentiation, the individual is naturally weaker. 御魂奥义魂分万千,每分一道魂魄,力量便会消减一分,分化的越多,个体自然越弱。 This is the ancient truth in world, no one is able to change, Ming Hao naturally cannot. 这是世间的亘古真理,谁也无法改变,冥晧自然也不能。 But now, after God Lord Bu Laien arrives, Ming Hao realized finally the issue the gravity, will disperse in minute of soul one by one of major star territories gathers, the complete fusion is one. 但现在,神主布莱恩到来后,冥晧终于意识到问题的严重性,将分散在各大星域的分魂一一汇聚起来,全部融合为一。 When God Lord wants to begin once more, Ming Hao such as a wisp of ghost, flickers to transfer to side Shi Yan, the eye is spooky, cold voice said: Bu Laien, your match is I, did not want to battle with you now, since you cannot wait, I can only accompany.” 就在神主欲要再次动手的时候,冥晧如一缕幽魂,瞬移到石岩身旁,眼睛幽幽,冷声道:“布莱恩,你的对手是我,本不欲现在就与你交战,既然你等不及,那我只能奉陪了。” Ming Hao speech time, still the shadows gather, feared that has several hundred quiet shades to submerge his body. 冥晧讲话的时候,依然有一道道影子汇聚过来,怕是有数百幽影没入他身体。 His aura increases unceasingly, Realm, seems having the delicate change...... 他身上气息不断攀升,就连境界,似乎都在发生着微妙变化…… Ming Hao you unexpectedly!” 冥晧你竟然!” , Decca Luo light shout gets up suddenly, the whole face amazed color, such as first time knew that Ming Hao is ordinary. 陡然间,迪卡轻喝起来,满脸惊诧之色,如第一次认识冥晧一般。 Not merely is he, Xuan He and Fei Liete they, tarry including Azure Dragon and Reddy, show the expression that does not dare to believe. 不单是他,就连玄河腓烈特两人,包括青龙、雷迪也都呆住,露出不敢置信的表情。 After God Lord comes, throughout is relaxed the indifferent look, suddenly changes, he deeply looked that to has the Ming Hao body that Clone moves into unceasingly. 神主过来后始终轻松淡然的眼神,也忽然一变,他深深看向不断有分身入驻的冥晧身子。 The body of Ming Hao is dark, such as the gloomy evil ghost, to the person a mixture of truth and deceit, the most profound marvelousness, he stands there obviously, actually gives the person the strange feeling, if not having. 冥晧的身子幽暗幽暗,如阴森的邪鬼,给人一种虚虚实实,玄之又玄的奇妙,他明明站在那儿,却给人如不存在的诡异感。 Worthily is the head of Eight Entourage, these ten thousand years, Xuan He and Fei Liete enter into one step, but you, actually made great strides forward two steps, has achieved Immortal Third Sky Realm, no wonder dares to launch the war, with my clan war, had with my same Realm level.” God Lord sinking sound track. “不愧是八扈从之首,这万年时间,玄河腓烈特都只是迈入一步,而你,却迈进了两步,达到了不朽三重天境界,难怪敢发动战争,与我族一战,原来是有了和我一样的境界层次。”神主沉声道。 I did not want too early to begin, is you and others was not anxious, Bu Laien, I arrange step by step, take your time launch the offensive to your clan, is gives you time to prepare, quite makes you restore to ten thousand years ago conditions, comes the happy war by true Immortal Third Sky Realm, you acted with undue haste.” Ming Hao slightly reveals the regret to say. “我本不欲太早动手,是你等不急,布莱恩,我一步步布置,慢慢来对你族发动攻势,便是给你时间准备,好让你恢复到万年前的状态,以真正不朽三重天境界来痛快一战,你操之过急了。”冥晧略显遗憾道。 He before souls have not met again, to God Lord time is critical situation, extremely prudent discrete. 他在一道道灵魂没有重聚前,对神主的时候如临大敌,极为慎重谨慎。 However, when gathers to minute of souls, the power strength increases to Immortal Third Sky instantaneously, he completely has then let loose, reveals the looking disdainfully world the stance, does not reveal the slightest timid intent. 然而,待到一个个分魂聚集,力量实力瞬间攀升到不朽三重天,他便完全放开了,露出睥睨天下的架势,再不露分毫的怯意。 Immortal Third Sky, this is among Star Sea the pinnacle of deep meaning, is existence of true peak, luxuriant all living things, 100.02 million life races, can step into truly, if Realm is few. 不朽三重天,这是星海间奥义的极致,是真正巅峰的存在,莽莽众生,100020000生灵种族,能真正踏入如果境界者屈指可数。 In present this time, has two temporarily, one is God Lord, another, was Ming Hao. 在如今这个时代,暂时只有两人,一个为神主,另外一个,则是冥晧了。 God Lord is injured has not recovered condition, with accumulating compared with ten thousand years of being well-prepared Ming Hao, must be inferior. 只是神主处于受伤未愈状态,和积累了万年厚积薄发的冥晧相比,显然要处于劣势。 This point, rouses from Reddy, Azure Dragon facial expression, palpitates from startled of these God Clan clansmen then can see the clue. 这一点,从雷迪、青龙的神情振奋,从那些神族族人的惊悸便能看出端倪。 The people look to God Lord, wants to know how he treats this matter, extraordinary, God Lord slightly has the astonishment, but is quickly tranquil, sprinkles however smiles, said: Ming Hao, you have made a mistake a point, I the present condition, has been called with you evenly matched, if I restore such as beginning, you and I battle odds of suc­cess not to have. Ten thousand years, I, although fleshly body falls from the sky, but the soul thoroughly stagnation is not motionless, you enter into Immortal Third Sky in ten thousand years, may know that what I have harvested in these ten thousand years?” 众人看向神主,想知道他如何对待此事,出奇的,神主只是略有惊异,但很快平静下来,洒然一笑,道:“冥晧,你弄错了一点,我已现在的状态,和你才叫做势均力敌,我若恢复如初,你与我交战一点胜算都没有。万年时间,我虽肉身陨灭,但灵魂并未彻底停滞不动,你在万年时间迈入不朽三重天,可知道我在这万年时间收获了什么?” Such remarks, the God Clan clansman reveals the color of rousing brightly, the eye suddenly one. 此言一出,神族族人重新露出振奋之色,眼睛乍然一亮。 The Ming Hao silent half sound, nodded, has not argued unexpectedly had not suspected that said: Perhaps the eternal truth you said.” 冥晧沉默半响,点了点头,竟没有辩解没有怀疑,道:“或许真如你所言。” hui 11 Clone, will catch up quickly, before then us had better be able have a result.” The God Lord knitting the brows head, said: That did not waste the time.” “虺的11个分身,会很快赶来,在此之前我们这边最好能有个结果。”神主皱了皱眉头,道:“那就不浪费时间了。” Suits me.” Ming Hao statement. “正合我意。”冥晧表态。 ...... …… ps: The body did not have, today, is broad-minded reluctantly ~~ ps:身体还没好,今天勉强一张,海涵~~ RT RT
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