GOS :: Volume #14

#1357: God Lord

In the hui huge body, covers entirely wounds, the wound emits mounts to stick Huang Shui, transmits the irritating the nose rank stink. 虺庞大的身躯上,布满一条条伤口,伤口冒出黏糊黄水,传来刺鼻腥臭味。 Wei Desen fleshly body is inflating, such as the suddenly gasified rubber ball, imitates, if blasts open, close cracks, alarmed splits in his abdomen. 维德森肉身膨胀着,如急剧被充气的皮球,仿若要炸裂开来,一道道细密的裂缝,触目惊心的在他腹部绽裂开来。 From that abdomen, transmits one such as to extinguish the world dreadful evil spirit aura, the air/Qi of that evil spirit urges to send his life potential, is consuming his soul, stimulates his all power! 从那腹部,传来一股如要灭世的滔天凶煞气息,那凶煞之气催发着他生命潜力,消耗着他的灵魂,激发他一切力量 Anybody can see, the eruption of Wei Desen, takes his life destruction as the price! 任何人都能看出,维德森的爆发,是以他生命覆灭为代价! Nobody cares about his life truly. 无人真正在意他的死活。 Ming Hao and Xuan He were waiting for that waits for that great insect hui fleshly body to be corroded, defense was erased thoroughly, at that time, was they approaches, was they harvests the spoils of war the best opportunity. 冥晧玄河都在等待,等那巨虫“虺”肉身被腐蚀,身上的防御被彻底抹除,那时候,便是他们临近,是他们来收获战利品的最佳时机。 The great insect body is corrupting gradually melt, starts from the interior, emits thickly thick such as the smog of ink, these smog, by Shi Yan acupoint absorb, were being promoted the Shi Yan fleshly body soul all. 巨虫身躯在逐渐腐烂消融,从内部开始,冒出浓稠如墨汁的烟雾,那些烟雾,尽数被石岩穴窍吸纳,增进着石岩肉身灵魂。 , Shi Yan stops the destruction suddenly suddenly to the hui body, stops in direction of hui. 突地,石岩猛然停止对虺身体的破坏,就在虺的身上一个方向住手。 The marvelous feeling that the soul sublimates, enters the heart suddenly leisurely, his acupoint, veins and supernatural power old tree just like have become a whole, achieves the subtle relation, the old tree trunk and branches links the veins, the veins is linking acupoint, seeps power that from acupoint, submerges his dantian following the veins. 灵魂升华的奇妙感,遽然逸入心田,他穴窍、筋脉、神力古树俨然成了一个整体,相互间达成微妙联系,古树枝干连着筋脉,筋脉连着穴窍,从穴窍内渗透出来的力量,顺着筋脉没入他丹田。 That radiant bright such as the supernatural power old tree of crystal, once again grows healthy and strong, his mind has been dripping a warm current, that warm transpiration enters his Sea of Consciousness. 那璀璨明净如晶体的神力古树,又一次茁壮成长,连带着,他脑海淌过一股暖流,那暖流逸入他识海 The incomparably comfortable feeling fills Soul Altar, the sediment, dregs and dirt sacrificial altar as if clear only arrives at the water washing of extreme, became clean to the extreme. 无比舒泰的感觉充满灵魂祭台,祭台内的渣滓、糟粕、污垢仿佛被澄净到极点的水冲洗,变得干净到了极点。 Among the flashes, his Soul Altar as if turns into piece of not slightly impurities beautiful jade, becomes clear. Becoming transparent, becomes implication is inexhaustible. 一霎那间,他那灵魂祭台仿佛变成一块没有丝毫杂质的美玉,变得晶莹。变得透明,变得蕴含无尽奇妙。 He thought suddenly he to space, the stars and Life and Death Deep Meaning cognition, all of a sudden becomes profoundly, such as the ignorant youth, was opened the capacity for clear thinking, becomes the wisdom is intelligent. 他忽然觉得他对空间、星辰、生死奥义的认知,一下子变得深刻许多,就如懵懂的少年,被开了心窍,变得智慧聪颖起来。 The intention fluctuates, the faint trace warm current flushes sacrificial altar, the deep meaning such as the shuttle of ray in sacrificial altar is being uncertain. 心念变幻间,丝丝暖流冲洗着祭台,奥义如光线在祭台内穿梭不定。 An intermittent most profound clear(ly) became aware. Then such maps the heart, becomes profound, he as if smoothly flies in circles in the deep meaning source, capture deepest mysterious...... 一阵阵玄之又玄的明悟。便这么映入心头,变得深刻,他仿佛畅翔在奥义源头内,捕捉最深的玄奥…… This is the sublimation of Soul Altar, is Realm climbing up of once more, he from Origin God Second Sky, has entered into the boundary of Third Sky unexpectedly directly! 这是灵魂祭台的升华,是境界的再次攀上,他竟直接从始神二重天,迈入了三重天之境! Unbelievable breakthrough! 难以置信的突破 He there, is feeling the wonderful change of body, sacrificial altar and soul. eyes flashes before sees the light suddenly strange light, with rapt attention looks at below great insect. 他愣在那儿,感受着身体、祭台、灵魂的神妙变化。双眸闪现出顿悟般的奇光,凝神看着下方巨虫。 Suddenly, his complexion suddenly changes. 突地,他脸色骤然一变。 In direction that he gazes at with rapt attention, he finds a eyes eyeball, a pair should not the eye of opening, that be the spark eye at this time. 在他凝神注视的方向,他瞧见一双眼睛,一双此时万万不该睁开的眼睛,那是星火的眼睛。 The spark dies a violent death obviously, before he had inspected carefully, can affirm that the spark vanished including the life magnetic field, a mark does not exist. 星火明明暴死,之前他仔细的检查过,敢肯定星火连生命磁场都消失了,一点印记都不存在。 Clearly thoroughly died certainly, how could to open the eye? The matter was disclosing strangely! 分明彻底死绝了,岂能重新睁开眼睛?事情透露着诡异! His first idea is hui draws support spark fleshly body. To want last-ditch struggle, however, stared at that eye to look carefully for several seconds, he overruled this suspicion immediately. 他第一个想法便是虺借助于星火的肉身。欲要最后挣扎,然而,仔细盯着那眼睛看了数秒,他立即否决了这个怀疑。 Mood that because the spark eye reveals, is not of hui does not contain a sentiment absolutely, that look, profound dark green, is bringing several points of ridicule and indifference, as if calmly is waiting for the game to enter the hunter of net, making his whole body spill over restlessly. 因为星火眼睛流露出来的情绪,绝对不是虺的那种不含一丝感情,那眼神,深邃苍古,带着几分嘲弄和冷漠,仿佛在静静等候猎物入网的猎人,让他浑身泛出不安。 What is more strange. That eye, but also looked to him, did not evade him, did not fear his discovery obviously. 更奇怪的是。那眼睛,还看向了他,一点不避讳他,明显根本不怕他的发现。 „It is not right! Where has is not right!” “不对!有什么地方不对!” He has not a wonderful intuition, seems that look is very familiar, he dies poorly is thinking painstakingly, appears quickly from beginning the vice- soul. Falls into sacrificial altar. 他生出一种不妙的直觉,好似那眼神很熟悉,他穷死苦想着,倏地将副魂从始界内浮现出来。重新落入祭台内。 Looks at that eyes eyeball again time, he shakes loudly, is out of control to shout to clear the way lowly: Haig!” 再看那双眼睛的时候,他轰然一震,禁不住低喝道:“黑格!” God graciousness, God Bless, Ancient God and among Ancient Demon four Ancient Continent. Has the subtle relation, fuses Grace Mainland him, can induce to aura that on Haig is in sole possession. 神恩、神泽古神古魔四块古大陆间。有着微妙的联系,融合神恩大陆的他,能感应到黑格身上独有的气息 That is Ancient Continent has the special smell that only then similar can catch, after is the fusion , the mark of soul, is unable to cover up. 那是古大陆才有的特殊气味,只有同类才可以捕捉,是融合后灵魂的印记,根本无法遮掩。 After drinks lowly, that eyes eyeball expression spills over amazed, deeply looks to him, in the look the color is unpredictable. 一声低喝后,那双眼神色泛出惊诧,深深看向他,眼神内色彩变幻莫测。 He spills over the intense restless meaning, does not need that look to continue to fluctuate, withdraws suddenly, changes into bunch of star light, with the Space Deep Meaning penetration seal, moves out of the way from the hui body. 他泛出强烈不安之意,不待那眼神继续变幻,陡然间后撤,化为一簇星光,以空间奥义穿透封印,从虺的躯体表层挪开。 Xiu! 咻! He stands firm by Saint Beast azure dragon body, expression is heavy, shouts: On that great insect, the eye of that spark has opened, the master of that eye...... Should be Haig, I can feel aura that his is in sole possession of!” 他在圣兽龙身旁站定,神色沉重,呼道:“那巨虫身上,那星火的眼睛睁开了,那眼睛的主人……应该是黑格,我能感受到他那独有的气息!” Haig?” Ming Hao hey however, shakes the head saying: You have certainly made a mistake, Haig, did not exist, he died.” 黑格?”冥晧嘿然,摇头道:“你一定弄错了,黑格,已经不存在了,他死了。” Died?” Shi Yan stunned, non- channel: Is impossible! On the fellow has Ancient God Continent Essence aura obviously, I fuse Grace Mainland Essence, how can the sensation be wrong?” “死了?”石岩愕然,不信道:“不可能!那家伙身上明明有着古神大陆本源气息,我融合神恩大陆本源,岂会感知错误?” Ming Hao stares first, at once shakes loudly, the complexion becomes extremely dignified, you said that his body is revealing Ancient God Continent Essence aura?” 冥晧先是微愣,旋即轰然一震,脸色变得极其凝重,“你是说,他的身上流露着古神大陆本源气息?” Absolutely true!” “千真万确!” Ming Hao, Xuan He, Azure Dragon and Decca Luo complexion becomes gloomy is ugly, all looks to that hui fleshly body surface, is all critical situation. 冥晧玄河青龙迪卡罗都脸色变得阴沉难看起来,皆是看向那虺肉身表面,个个如临大敌。 Bu Laien! Came then to come, why revealed only part of the truth?” Ming Hao drinks severely. 布莱恩!来了便来了,何必藏头露尾?”冥晧厉喝。 Bu Laien three character, Reddy, Fei Liete also terrified change color, such as daytime damn general, formerly excited wild with joy such as was watered trough cold water, friendly extinguished. 布莱恩”三个字一出,雷迪、腓烈特也悚然变色,如白日见鬼一般,先前的兴奋狂喜如被浇灌了一盆冷水,一身热火都熄灭了。 How will he arrive?” Fei Liete that pale face, becomes paler, this is not he is afraid alarmed and afraid, but is the corpse strength as precise as the pinnacle indication. “他怎会到来?”腓烈特那张苍白的脸,变得更加苍白,这不是他惊惧害怕,而是尸力凝炼到极致的征兆。 He already whole-heartedly. 他已全力以赴了。 chi chi chi scoffs!” 嗤嗤嗤嗤!” Python sturdy thunder and lightning, from Saint Beast Azure Dragon within the body to shooting, form the thunder electricity sea, dies out intermittently heaven and earth the strength of Lei Ji crazy electricity, gives the different light splash that this void turbulent flow stirs. 一条条巨蟒粗壮的雷电,从圣兽青龙体内冲射出来,形成雷霆电海,阵阵寂灭天地雷亟狂电之力,将这虚空乱流都给搅的异光飞溅。 They formerly coped with that hui time, like at this moment is undignified, looked that approaches to the point of Shi Yan finger. 他们先前对付那虺的时候,也没有如此刻般凝重,都纷纷看向石岩手指的点向。 Ming Hao actually looks to Wei Desen, expression is dark, suddenly said: I know that Wei Desen why power rose suddenly suddenly, originally is you are poking in secret, it seems like did my master remains of your God Clan these year of collections, this time all use?” 冥晧却看向维德森,神色幽暗,忽然道:“我知道维德森为何突然力量暴涨了,原来是你在暗中添火,看来你神族这些年收集的我主人遗骨,此次全都用上了吧?” ka ba!” 咔吧!” Surface layer hui one group of sarcoma, blast open fiercely, Huang Shui splashes, bunches of sacred enormous and powerful rays of light congealments, gradually turn into Haig the shape comes out. 虺表层的一团肉瘤,猛地炸裂,黄水飞溅中,一簇簇神圣浩荡的光芒凝结,渐渐变成“黑格”的形态出来。 Rip!” 哧啦!” He opens from the spark fleshly body internal crack appears, on that hui body, tranquil looks to the Ming Hao people, said indifferently: „After Bloodthirsty falls from the sky, you changed, did not have the past spirit again, I look at you to be so long, you actually did not have to dare to clash truly, entered in Absolute Beginning life fleshly body to display fully.” 他从星火肉身内裂开浮现,在那虺的身体上,平静的看向冥晧众人,淡然道:“嗜血陨灭后,你们都变了许多,再没了当年的锐气,我看了你们这么久,你们竟然都没有真正敢冲过来,进入太初生灵肉身内施展全力。” Also no wonder ten thousand years pass by, your slightly breakthrough plans merely, if not I caused heavy losses to the fleshly body destruction in the past, today's I, feared that was aloof heaven and earth, roamed through ` Nihility Domain Sea with past Bloodthirsty generally not by any restraint. ” “也难怪万年过去,你们仅仅只是略略突破一筹,若非我当年重创至肉身毁灭,今日的我,怕是已超脱天地,和当年嗜血一般遨游‘虚无域海”再不受任何约束。” He spoke, the whole body such as the clear gem, refracted trillion dazzling rays of light. 他讲话间,周身如晶莹的宝石,折射出亿万刺目光芒 That rays of light is enormous and powerful, such as the crowded sharp sword, punctures toward space each corner, in each rays of light, contains the life to fluctuate, as if his soul Clone. 光芒浩浩荡荡,如密集的利剑,往空间每一个角落刺去,每一道光芒之中,都蕴含着生命波动,仿佛他的一具具灵魂分身 Pu! “噗噗! Bunch rays of light sputtering, his hui bears the brunt, was attacked by rays of light, rays of light punctures on that bright yellow cutin, including defense that Corrosion Deep Meaning is unable to corrode immediately, in his rays of light impact, was penetrated directly. 束束光芒溅射,他身旁的虺首当其冲,被光芒冲击,光芒刺在那明黄色角质上,连腐蚀奥义都无法立即腐蚀的防御,在他的光芒冲击中,直接被穿透而过。 He is second can break hui that matter truly ** defender. 他是第二个能真正破开虺那层**防御者。 Different with Shi Yan, he has not drawn support any God Weapon sharp weapon, but takes advantage of the deep meaning light sword that the god of journeys strength congeals together, then this Absolute Beginning life true wound. 石岩不同,他没有借助于任何神兵利器,只是依仗一道道神力凝结的奥义光剑,便将这太初生灵真正创伤。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” The dazzling rays of light sprint, in rays of light contains his deep meaning fine soul, Xuan He and Ming Hao people are having to treat with rapt attention, displays the marvelous, calm face construction defense respectively barrier restriction. 道道刺目光芒冲刺,光芒中蕴含着他奥义精魄,玄河冥晧众人不得不凝神对待,各自施展奇妙,沉着脸构建防御的结界禁制 Shi Yan is no exception. 石岩也不例外。 From that bunch of rays of light , he if found in the past the elegant demeanor of first generation God Clan older generation, in the Desolate, he fused the beginning stars of that God Clan older generation, understood clearly that person of deep layer to Realm to realize from experience. 从那一束束光芒中,他如瞧见当年第一代神族先辈的风采,在荒中,他融合了那神族先辈的始界星辰,从中洞悉了那人对境界的深层体悟。 Now, God Lord releases his deep meaning, Shi Yan feels with rapt attention, goes to the careful experience, discovered that God Lord in the attainments of bright deep meaning, feared that has surpassed ten ten thousand years ago God Clan older generations, becomes through the ages God Clan strongest fearful existence! 如今,神主将他奥义释放出来,石岩凝神去感受,去小心体会,发现神主在光明奥义的造诣上,怕是超过了十万年前神族先辈,成古往今来神族最强的可怕存在! Star Sea vanishes!” 星海幻灭!” The Shi Yan mind is startled to palpitate, stimulates to movement supernatural power, the complexion reveals the happy expression suddenly. 石岩心神惊悸,催动神力,脸色忽露喜色。 The speed of supernatural power roaming whole body, by the past promotion several fold! This is not Origin God Boundary breakthrough, but is in -depth transformation of whole body veins, flesh and blood and cell, is the evolution of life causes! 神力流荡全身的速度,被以往提升数倍!这并非是始神境界的突破,而是全身筋脉、血肉、细胞的深层蜕变,是生命的进化导致而成! Read, appears in him at present piece of Star Sea, Star Sea fuzzy illusory, such as in mirror in flowered water moon/month, unceasing was fluctuating marvelously, from time to time was clear thoroughly, from time to time blurred like nothingness. 一念间,在他眼前浮现一片星海,星海模糊虚幻,如镜中花水中月,不断的变幻着奇妙,时而清晰透彻,时而模糊如虚无 God Lord that bunch rays of light, penetrates , seemed assimilated, such as becomes lost unexpectedly is flying in Star Sea that he shines upon generally, forever is unable to withdraw to prick Shi Yan true body. 神主的那束束光芒,穿透过来,也仿佛被同化了,竟如迷路一般在他映照的星海内飞逝着,永远无法脱身刺入石岩真身 After this is the stars and Space Deep Meaning fuse, Shi Yan like seeing the light suddenly suddenly clear Divine Ability, is Realm transformation of when good luck comes the wits are sharpened. 这是星辰、空间奥义融合后,石岩如顿悟般突地明白的神通,是福至心灵的境界蜕变 Well!” “咦!” God Lord shouted lightly, profound eyes fell unexpectedly to him, the facial expression moved slightly, suddenly sprinkled says with a smile: „, First seizes your soul, fused Grace Mainland Essence.” 神主轻呼,深邃双眸竟落向他,神情微动,突然洒笑道:“也罢,就先攫取你灵魂,将神恩大陆本源融合了。” His silhouette moves, cross empties to come, falls into that piece of Star Sea that Shi Yan shines upon instantaneously. 身影一动,跨空而来,瞬间落入石岩映照的那片星海 Also at this moment, splashes a bunch of thick blood from Wei Desen within the body, that blood such as a key, in void is revolving turning round. 也在此刻,从维德森体内飞溅出一簇浓稠鲜血,那鲜血如一把钥匙,在虚空滴溜溜旋转着。 The blood suddenly changes, turns into a window door, silhouette take advantage of opportunity directly the penetration. 鲜血骤然一变,化成一扇窗门,一道道身影直接顺势穿透而来。 Xiao Yao and light, comfortable, Shen Wu this Four Great Heavenly Kings appears first, at once, to seal|confer Jue with Pyles audiences God Clan the head of the clan of Elder and 12 respected families, appears one after another, visualization side Wei Desen. 逍遥、光明、自在、神武四大天王最先浮现,旋即,封绝和派尔斯一众神族长老和12大家族的族长,一个个接连浮现,都在维德森身旁显形。 , That Wei Desen release the strength of corrosion, cannot bring the threat to them extraordinarily unexpectedly. 出奇地,那维德森释放的腐蚀之力,竟没能给他们带来威胁。 Because a dazzling light beam, the puncture in the Wei Desen territory field, was changing the strength of corrosion forcefully, lets Corrosion Deep Meaning mysterious considerably weakens. 因为道道刺目光束,在维德森域场内穿刺着,强行改变了腐蚀之力,让腐蚀奥义的玄妙大大减弱。 That light beam, came from God Lord, he releases a light beam, besides frightening Ming Hao and Xuan He, the main goal, is lets the Xiao Yao people to descend safely. 那光束,来自于神主,他释放道道光束,除了震慑冥晧玄河之外,最主要的目的,便是让逍遥众人能安然降落。
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