GOS :: Volume #14

#1356: hui

The strange change of body, making Shi Yan helpless, at the beginning was very difficult to accept, even the repel of instinct. 身躯的奇诡变化,令石岩手足无措,开始时很难接受,甚至本能的排斥。 However quick, he has then tacitly consented to the body change, and accepted with pleasure. 然而很快,他便默许了身体变化,并且欣然接受了。 Because he perceived that the change of body, making various his fleshly body aspect power have the astonishing promotion! His within the body such as each cell textile fiber has filled explosion power, such as wants the expansion crack body, that is an extremely fearsome energy rushing feeling! 因为他觉察到身体的变化,令他肉身各方面力量有着惊人提升!他体内如每一个细胞纤维都充满了爆炸般的力量,如欲胀裂身体,那是一种极为可怖的能量澎湃感! His acupoint continues spout that mystical energy, the veins and skeleton is sucking as before greedily, the nail becomes sharp like the blade, the back gives birth to the bone wing, becomes fierce fearsome. 穴窍继续喷涌着那种神秘能量,筋脉、骨骸依旧贪婪吸吮,指甲变得锋锐如刀,背脊生出骨翼,变得狰狞可怖。 As if Heavenly Demon Clan so-called human form pterodactyl! 仿佛天妖族所谓的人形翼龙! Sinks the vice- soul in beginning, suddenly flows the unclear memory thought that if unties the seal of soul, his mind were suddenly many many knowledge...... 沉在始界内的副魂,忽然流淌出不明记忆念头,如将魂魄的封印解开,他脑海遽然多了不少知识…… That should be the Ancient Continent god graciousness ancient memory, imprint in the vice- soul, when he fuses Essence then one and changes into his vice- soul part, is only been dust-laden. 那应该是古大陆神恩的古老记忆,烙印在副魂,在他融合本源的时候便一并化为他副魂一部分,只是被尘封着。 Only then can untie at crucial moments. 只有在关键时刻才能解开。 At this time, is the critical moment, memory naturally unsealed! 此时,便是关键时刻,记忆自然而然解封 He calls out one suddenly, changes into star light to fire into the great insect body, a swift and fierce imposing manner, bursts out from his whole body, as if sharp cold sword! 他突地暴喝一声,化为一条星光冲向巨虫身躯,一股凌厉之极的气势,从他全身迸发出来,仿佛锋锐的寒剑! Straight thrust to great insect! 直刺向巨虫! This is its control central! It called hui! That 11 great insect is only its body part, hui control central striking power is weakest, is the intelligent source, once makes its Clone accumulation come, no one can trig it!” “这是它主脑!它叫‘虺’!那11个巨虫只是它身体一部分,‘虺’主脑攻击力最弱,是智慧的源头,一旦让它那分身聚集而来,谁也制不住它!” In the roar, Shi Yan changed into a star light radiant natural flow, the thorn to that great insect ` huimidway, Ming Hao and Xuan He blank expression. 吼声中,石岩化为一条星光璀璨的流泉,刺向那巨虫‘虺”中途,冥晧玄河愣神了一下。 Unties the seal!” Shi Yan drinks. “解开封印!”石岩又是一喝。 The sound falls. The burning hot flame spreads in that drift of stars, flame bunches , the turbulent torrential flame extremely fast rises dramatically, that is several Heavenly Flame fuses later wonderful. 声落。炙热火焰在那星流内蔓延,火苗簇簇,汹涌滔滔火焰极速飙升,那是数种天火融合以后的神妙。 Ming Hao hesitant, splits an corner/horn the seal that he releases, bunches of ghosts disperse on own initiative. 冥晧犹豫了一下,将他释放的封印裂开一角,一簇簇幽魂主动散开。 Xuan He and Reddy people, let loose soul slightly nosing, impressively the discovery at this time the fluctuation that transmits from Shi Yan. Extremely astonishing, listens to he said great insect hui Absolute Beginning ancient Ming, after the heart moved, was studying that Ming Hao, in abundance the seal relieving an corner/horn, quite enabled him to drive straight ahead to enter. 玄河、雷迪众人,放开灵魂略一查探,赫然发现此时从石岩身上传来的波动。极其的惊人,又听他说出巨虫“虺”的太初古名,心中一动后,也都学着那冥晧,纷纷将封印给解除一角,好让他能长驱而入。 Decca, Fei Liete also depend on the bottle gourd picture wooden scoop, similarly opens wide passage for him, to his wearing out seal. Falls directly to the great insect. 迪卡罗、腓烈特也依葫芦画瓢,同样为他敞开通道,任由他穿破封印。直接落向巨虫。 In their hearts, Shi Yan at this moment slightly is strange, because his not only appearance has the huge difference, but can also understand clearly great insect hui the given name, making them feel immediately is wonderful. 在他们心中,此刻的石岩略显诡异,因为他不但模样有着巨大的差异,还能洞悉巨虫“虺”的名号,让他们立即觉得神妙起来。 They know that Shi Yan inherited the inheritance of Bloodthirsty, and also fuses the Ancient Continent god graciousness, is in world most marvelous person, being hard common sense opens very much treats. 他们都知道石岩继承了嗜血的传承,并且还融合古大陆神恩,乃世间最为奇妙之人,很难以常理开待。 Therefore, they had allowed bold of Shi Yan, wants to have a look at this moment. Shi Yan can raise any storm to come out. 因此,他们容许了石岩的胆大包天,想看看此时此刻。石岩能掀起什么风浪出来。 Under glare of the public eye, Shi Yan wearing out seal, goes directly to hui surface layer body, two cutting edge nail glittering the ice cold light, Rip is puncturing. 在众目睽睽之下,石岩穿破封印,直达“虺”身躯表层,两手锋刃指甲闪烁着冰寒冷光,“哧啦”一声刺下。 Extraordinary, strength of unsolvable that First Level bright yellow cutin corrosion, in the nail puncture that he lengthens, such as the torn cloth strip, such splits cuts the meat seam, reveals the liquid that yellow mounts to stick to come out. 出奇的,连腐蚀之力都不能溶解的那一层黄色角质,在他变长的指甲穿刺中,如被撕裂的布条,就这么裂开划破肉缝,流露出黄色黏糊的液体出来。 Decca, Ming Hao people facial expression shakes suddenly! 迪卡罗、冥晧众人神情陡然一震! Each of them has attempted. The attempt punctures the body of great insect by their power deep meanings, then discovered that is extremely difficult to break through that great insect ** defense. 他们每一个人都尝试过。尝试以他们的力量奥义来刺破巨虫之身,然后都发现极难冲破那巨虫**的防御。 That First Level bright yellow cutin mail-armor and helmet, endured compared with past Bloodthirsty fleshly body, was almost in not the broken place. 一层黄色的角质甲胄,堪比当年嗜血肉身,几乎处于不破之地。 They think to be at a loss, but the Shi Yan that fresh strange nail, cuts together the deep opening the great insect body suddenly unexpectedly, made them have the strange puzzled feeling instantaneously. 他们都觉得束手无策,可石岩那突生的诡异指甲,居然就将巨虫身躯划破一道深深口子,瞬间令他们生出诡异不解的感觉。 Rip!” 哧啦!” Shi Yan such as the great god takes possession vigorously. A back pair of broad bone wing is shaking, two fingernails brave the cold brightness sharply, penetrates on the great insect unceasingly. 石岩如大力巨神附体。背后一对宽阔骨翼晃悠着,两手指甲锋锐冒着寒光,不断地在巨虫身上穿透。 Openings reveal in the great insect body. hui exudes the hot tempered wild with rage strange howl, the body is wriggling crazily, mounts the yellow liquid that sticks to seep innumerably. 一个个口子在巨虫身躯上显露出来。“虺”发出暴躁狂怒的奇异啸声,身躯疯狂蠕动着,无数黏糊的黄色液体渗透出来。 Bunches condense by Heavenly Flame in body, Shi Yan such as the submersion in the sea of fire center, that mounts to stick the liquid to sprinkle, was given burning down by Heavenly Flame, making his fleshly body not be attacked. 簇簇以天火凝聚在身,石岩如沉没在火海中央,那黏糊液体泼过来,都被天火给焚烧,令他肉身不被冲击。 But at this time, Wei Desen that corrodes heaven and earth the strength of corrosion, is takes advantage of opportunity to submerge. 而此时,维德森那腐蚀天地的腐蚀之力,则是顺势淹没而来。 The strength of these corrosions, can only the surface layer of melt great insect, unable to dissolve its fleshly body truly, however, chisels openings in Shi Yan after it, the strength of these corrosions, take advantage of opportunity to seep naturally to its flesh and blood, can injure him truly radically. 那些腐蚀之力,本来只能消融巨虫的表层,无法真正溶解它肉身,然而,在石岩在它身上凿开一个个裂口以后,那些腐蚀之力,自然而然顺势渗透向它血肉中,真正能伤其根本了。 Imprisons it, do not let it run away!” “禁锢它,别让它逃了!” Ming Hao responded unexpectedly that has thoroughly comprehended the Shi Yan intention, is out of control the facial expression to shake, yelled loudly. 冥晧蓦地反应过来,悟透了石岩意图,禁不住神情一震,大声叫喊。 The people such as have all taken the stimulant, red that the complexion rises, releases the pinnacle the Immortal Realm deep meaning, for a while Milky Way changes color, the void vibration, the thunder and lightning crazy Longyou walks, Blood Sea ebullition. 众人个个如吃了兴奋剂,脸色涨的通红,将不朽境界的奥义释放到极致,一时天河变色,虚空抖动,雷电狂龙游走,血海沸腾。 hui is the Absolute Beginning life, the life that the initial time is born, is containing endless wonderful, has the inexhaustible long life. “虺”为太初生灵,是最初时代诞生的生灵,蕴含着无尽神妙,有着无穷尽的漫长生命。 If the life has the explicit equivalent division, hui is existence of life Pyramid most peak, highest Level life form. 如果说生灵有明确等阶划分的话,“虺”就是生灵金字塔最顶端的存在,最高等级的生命形态。 If can cut to kill such one, sees clearly its hidden secret, clarifies its all mysteries, feared that can subvert in world directly the constitution true meaning, can understand that has had anything in the Absolute Beginning time. 若能将这么一个存在斩杀,将它的秘辛洞察,弄清楚它的一切奥妙,怕是能直接颠覆世间的构成真谛,能明白在太初时代发生过什么。 The space, time, galaxy, universe, deep meaning and power all sorts, before early then exist extremely, evolves since, mostly loses the original appearance, becomes changes beyond all recognition, initial time can be the what kind appearance, is representing anything, how the universe forms, the pinnacle of main road is anything, actually cultivation end why, perhaps, can find the answer from hui...... 空间、时间、星河、宇宙、奥义、力量种种,在极早之前便存在,衍变到至今,大多失去原来的模样,变得面目全非,最初的时候会是何种模样,代表着什么,宇宙如何形成,大道的极致是什么,修炼尽头究竟为何,或许,都能够从“虺”身上找出答案…… When has the opportunity hui to strike to kill to the discovery, they were completely excited to the extreme, the blood in within the body are lit likely, the deep meaning stimulated to movement the pinnacle. 待到发现有机会将“虺”个击杀,他们全部兴奋到了极点,体内的鲜血像是被点燃了,奥义都催动到极致。 hui body surface meat group place, there is imprisoning the God Clan Elder spark skeleton, at this time, spark that does not have a life force skeleton, wriggled strangely. “虺”身躯表层一个肉团处,那儿禁锢着神族长老星火尸骸,此时,星火那没有一丝生机的尸骸,诡异的蠕动了一下。 Spark that closed for a long time eye, opens a slit quietly, reveals a nimble and resourceful eye. 星火那闭合许久的眼睛,悄然睁开一道缝隙,露出一双灵动的眼睛。 That eye rolls to rotate, slowly has the life color, in the eye pupil has God Lord fuzzy silhouette to reappear faintly, seems penetrating the spark the eye, sees clearly all that this place is having secretly. 那眼睛骨碌转动着,慢慢具有生命色彩,眼瞳内隐隐有神主的模糊身影浮现出来,似乎在透过星火的眼睛,来暗暗洞察着此地发生的一切。 Few people know that fuses Essence Continent truly, the mystery that has is quite mysterious. 很少有人知道,真正融合本源大陆者,拥有的奥妙极为神奇。 The fusion of Haig to Essence Heavenly Flame, is in Shi Yan, Aodai Li and Cang Yun exquisiteness, he can assemble the strength of Ancient God Continent to promote his power easily. 黑格本源天火的融合,本来就是石岩奥黛丽苍澐中最精湛者,他能轻易调集古神大陆之力来增进自己的力量 In his soul by obliterate, after by God Lord seizing a body, his Essence Heavenly Flame fusion progress, truly steps most peak condition. 在他灵魂被抹杀,被神主夺舍以后,他本源天火的融合进度,才真正迈上最巅峰状态。 God Clan is born in Ancient God Continent, with God Lord of Ancient God Continent fusion, is the Lord of Ancient God Continent, Ancient God Continent is similar to his another beginning, after fusing Essence Heavenly Flame truly, he can read, catches the God Clan clansman who any wants to catch. 神族诞生在古神大陆,和古神大陆融合的神主,便是古神大陆之主,古神大陆如同他另外一个始界,真正融合本源天火后,他能一念动,捕捉到任何一个想捕捉到的神族族人。 So long as within the body is flowing the bloodlines of God Clan, regardless of the person where, he can the precise sensation, even, can take this as the medium, arrives at some place directly! 只要体内流淌着神族的血脉,不论人在何处,他都能精确感知,甚至,能以此为媒介,直接降临某地! This is only then fuses Essence Heavenly Flame thoroughly, wonderful that can realize from experience, by Shi Yan, Cang Yun and Aodai Li Realm cultivation base, cannot be this level by far, then has achieved, does not have God Clan Realm power, is still irrealizable. 这是只有彻底融合本源天火,才能体悟到的神妙,以石岩苍澐奥黛丽境界修为,远远达不到这个层次,便是达到了,没有神族般的境界力量,依然不能实现。 At this time, the god blood that spark within the body that the God Lord person in the Ancient God Continent day noble bearing peak, can actually through losing has not vanished, completely understands the penetrating all that this place has. 此时,神主人在古神大陆的天神峰顶端,却能通过失去的星火体内未曾消失的神血,将此地发生的一切看个透彻。 Shi Yan, or Ming Hao and Decca Luo people, cannot think that in that hui a meat group bulge place, God Lord with the aid of the spark eye, is perceptive of the finest detail here situation, does not know that God Lord can through the spark remaining bloodlines, arrive from spark within the body directly instantaneously. 不论是石岩,亦或者冥晧迪卡罗众人,都想不到在那“虺”身上的一个肉团凸起处,神主借助星火的眼睛,将这里的情况明察秋毫,不知道神主能直接通过星火残余血脉,瞬间从星火体内降临而来。 Great billows star. 巨澜星。 Tian Xie eye gloomy cold severe, one person alone sits well on the puddle, the whole body is flooding an unclear energy fluctuation, his facial expression distortion, seems bearing some great suffering. 天邪眼睛阴暗冷厉,孤身端坐在水潭上,周身充斥着一股不明的能量波动,他神情扭曲,仿佛承受着某种巨大痛苦。 The forehead, blue veins appear, making his delicate and pretty face appear somewhat fearful. 额头,一根根青筋浮现出来,令他那张俊美的脸庞显得有些可怕。 forehead, a mark of worm, lifelike emersion, an eternal truth insect grows in his forehead, but also has been wriggling. 眉心,一个蠕虫的印记,活灵活现的浮出,真如一条虫子生长在他眉心,还在一直蠕动着。 One continuously remembers that thoughts, overflow from that mark, pours into his mind. 一缕缕记忆,一股股念头,从那印记内流溢出来,灌入他脑海。 Tian Xie is accepting silently, for a long time for a long time, he returns to normal, the forehead worm mark gradually changes pale, was hidden by him. 天邪在默默接受着,许久许久,他平复下来,额头蠕虫印记渐渐变淡,被他隐藏起来。 He returns to normal, on the face piles the consistent smiling face, the body dodges, then comes to the secret room that Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin gather, sprinkles however said: My cultivation merit Secret Art is special, occasionally will fall into the imaginary mirror, has to calm the mind to adjust, the work you waits for a long time.” 他重新恢复正常,脸上堆出一贯的笑容,身子一闪间,便来到凌翔、西泽、洛林聚集的密室,洒然道:“我修炼的功诀特殊,偶尔会陷入幻镜,不得不静心调整一下,劳你们久等了。” In the secret room, Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin do not know from the start the matter of outside world, does not know in overturning the heavens sound that 11 star territories has, politely said might as well. 密室内,凌翔、西泽、洛林压根不知外界之事,不知道在11个星域间发生的翻天动静,都客气的说无妨。 They naturally do not know, when they await calmly Tian Xie, had any heaven shaking on the body of Tian Xie changed, does not know that Tian Xie has issued the order in secret, making the subordinates destroy the territory sea of that 11 star territories, directly caused the great insect invasions, has brought the catastrophe. 他们自然也不知道,在他们静候天邪的时候,在天邪的身上发生了什么惊天之变,不知道天邪已暗中下达命令,让麾下将那11个星域的域海破坏,直接导致一个个巨虫侵入,带来了浩劫。 I have my presumptuous request.” Tian Xie earnest say|way. “我有个不情之请。”天邪认真道。 The Ling Xiang three people of facial expressions with deep veneration, respectful listens with rapt attention, wants to know that he must make what decision. 凌翔三人神情肃然,凝神恭听,想知道他要作何决定。 I want all your help.” Tian Xie chuckled, the eye is fluctuating strange strange light, gloomy. “我要你们的一切帮助。”天邪轻笑一声,眼睛变幻着诡异奇光,阴森森的。 what intent?” Ling Xiang stunned. “何意?”凌翔愕然 I must eat you.” Tian Xie explained one. “我要吃了你们。”天邪解释了一句。 When Ling Xiang, Caesar, Luo Lin facial expression stagnates, from Tian Xie within the body, projects trillion seven pink clouds light suddenly, such as the rainbow birthplace shoots, such as the colored link, twines completely three people of fleshly body. 凌翔、西泽、洛林神情一滞的时候,从天邪体内,遽然射出亿万道七彩霞光,如条条彩虹贯射出来,又如彩色纽带,将三人肉身全部缠绕住。 The Tian Xie body turns, a yin cold treacherous consciousness, seeps following that link to three people of mind souls. 天邪身子一扭,一股阴寒诡谲的意识,顺着那纽带渗透向三人脑海灵魂。 Three people shake loudly, underline frightened startled, however, still without enough time screamed that was grasped firmly by the Tian Xie rainbow link, was pulled by one by one to Tian Xie. 三人轰然一震,突显恐惧惊慌,然,尚来不及尖叫,便被天邪的彩虹纽带攥住,被一一扯向天邪 „!!” “喀嚓!喀嚓!” long time, in the middle of that secret room, does not hear the appalling gnawing skeleton sound, Thousands Imaginary Sect, Broken Palace and Heaven River Temple leader has not transmitted a sad and shrill scream, then moved toward life end. 多时,在那密室当中,传来令人毛骨悚然的啃噬骨骼声,千幻宗碎殿天水宫的首领没有传来一声凄厉尖叫,便走向了生命尽头
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