GOS :: Volume #14

#1355: transformation!

Void turbulent flow deep place. 虚空乱流深处。 The great insect contracts one group, the body overflows the bright yellow cuticle, is defending fully. 巨虫收缩成一团,身上流溢出明黄色的角质层,全力防御着。 Wei Desen the strength of corrosion, is still carrying on the corrosion to it, but the result considerably is actually weaken, by Ming Hao people Realm cultivation base, can induce to that great polypite in energy also in the weak growth, it simply has not come under the fatal blow. 维德森的腐蚀之力,依然在对它进行着腐蚀,但收效却大大减弱,以冥晧众人境界修为,能感应到那巨虫体内能量还在微弱的增长,它根本没有受到致命打击。 But at this moment, another 11 great insects, then rushes the territory sea in abundance, must enter this place from the territory sea, comes and this Lord body converges. 而此刻,另外11个巨虫,则是纷纷涌向域海,要从域海进入此地,来和这主身进行汇合。 Five Immortal Expert collaborate, cannot kill to the elimination this great insect, if makes that 11 great insect all arrive, this war, odds of suc­cess does not have. 五名不朽强者联手,也不能将这一个巨虫给消灭杀死,若是让那11个巨虫全部到来,此战,一点胜算都没有。 Always wise Ming Hao, at this time did not have idea, the look is gloomy, with a heavy heart. 一向足智多谋的冥晧,这时候也没辙了,眼神阴暗幽幽,心情沉重之极。 Xuan He, Fei Liete and Decca, Reddy, is with a worried look, spills over the helpless feeling to that great insect, they know how long could not want, that 11 great insect Clone will then arrive, once gathered to them, the people can only run away distressedly. 玄河腓烈特迪卡罗、雷迪四人,也是愁眉不展,对那巨虫泛出无能为力的感觉,他们知道要不了多久,那11个巨虫分身便会到来,一旦给它们聚集了,众人将只能狼狈而逃。 The universe that they live, with the star territory that God Clan competes for with hardship, may not exist. 他们生活的宇宙,和神族苦苦争夺的星域,都可能会不复存在。 Achieves their Realm, perhaps they can penetrate Nihility Domain Sea to continue to survive, but these cultivation do not arrive at Immortal Realm, will fall from the sky, will be reduced to ashes. 达到他们的境界,或许他们能深入“虚无域海”继续存活,可那些修炼不到不朽境界者,都将陨灭,将化为灰烬。 Has any means to say.” Decca Luo Chensheng shouted to clear the way. “有什么办法都说出来。”迪卡罗沉声喝道。 Ming Hao deeply knits the brows, thinks that he lifts the hand to make strange light, rays of light penetrates together quietly to the extremely far place. 冥晧深深皱眉,想了一想,他抬手打出一道奇光,光芒悄然穿透向极远之地。 In the Shi Yan heart lives to palpitate suddenly. 石岩心中忽生悸动。 strange light that Ming Hao sends out, as if falls into his inner world world center, his slightly consideration, then realized the Divine Sense penetration of Ming Hao to where. 冥晧发出的奇光,似乎落入他心海世界中央,他略一思量,便意识到冥晧神念穿透向何处了。 Went to Grace Mainland. 去了神恩大陆 Sure enough. A small meeting time, is dodged in the shutter that congeals by Ming Hao, goes out of Saint Beast Azure Dragon. 果不其然。只是一小会功夫,一闪由冥晧凝结出来的光门中,走出圣兽青龙 He is sixth arrives at this place Immortal Expert! 他是第六个到达此地的不朽强者 After Azure Dragon comes, then finds the corroded great insect, the complexion changes excitedly, Absolute Beginning life!” 青龙过来后,一眼便瞧见被腐蚀的巨虫,脸色勃然大变,“太初生灵!” azure clouds! Long time no see!” Reddy groans to say. “青霄!好久不见了!”雷迪哼哼道。 Azure Dragon has not managed finances he, looks with rapt attention to that great insect, the facial expression is very panic-stricken. How to have the Absolute Beginning life to have this place?” 青龙没有理财他,凝神看向那巨虫,神情很是惊骇。“怎会有太初生灵存在此地?” How do you know are the Absolute Beginning life?” Xuan He said. “你怎知是太初生灵?”玄河道。 So huge life, I had not perceived that Heavenly Demon Clan bloodlines smell, naturally is the Absolute Beginning life.” Azure Dragon looks to the people, sinking sound track: Time that I survive, is longer than your anybody, my cognition to this universe, wants profoundly compared with you, some remote matters. I know.” “如此庞大的生灵,我未曾觉察到天妖族的血脉气味,自然便是太初生灵。”青龙看向众人,沉声道:“我存活的时间,比你们任何人都长,我对这宇宙的认知,也比你们要深刻一点,一些久远的事情。我还是知晓的。” Idle talk little said!” coldly snorted that Ming Hao does not bear, „did I ask you to come, am held responsible you to have the what kind method to solve it?” “废话少说!”冥晧不耐的冷哼一声,“我请你过来,是问你有何种方法解决它?” Azure Dragon looks to the people, the silent several seconds, said: If can achieve Immortal Third Sky, perhaps strength of the war, but we...... A person has not entered into this Realm, feared that is not quite easy to deal with this thing, is very thorny!” 青龙看向众人,沉默数秒,道:“如果能达到不朽三重天,或许有一战之力,但我们……没有一人迈入这个境界,怕是不太容易应付此物,很棘手!” These words fall, he looks suddenly to Shi Yan. Suddenly light hundred million, looks stunned. 这番话才落下,他猛然看向石岩。忽然轻“亿”一声,神情错愕。 This quarter, the people remember are neglected too long Shi Yan, takes advantage of opportunity to look to him, does not know that Azure Dragon is why surprised. 这刻,众人才想起被忽视太久的石岩,都顺势看向他,不知青龙因何惊奇。 In a flash, Azure Dragon stands firm side Shi Yan, he is sizing up Shi Yan with rapt attention earnestly, on the face the astonished color is getting more and more obvious, suddenly shouted to clear the way: He in comprehensive sublimation evolution!” 一晃间,青龙石岩身旁站定,他凝神认真打量着石岩,脸上惊异之色越来越明显,突然喝道:“他在全面升华进化!” The people are vacant. 众人茫然不解。 Azure Dragon has gawked, sees the people unclear reason why. Has traded an excuse: He toward Bloodthirsty direction transformation, this is the brand-new evolution of life form, he gradually will tend to be perfect, this will be a process of self- evolution, similar Ghost Hunter will fuse the blood of Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family, that will be the bloodlines fusion is the life high Level level, but he. Then draws support not well-known power, in way of life evolution, self-defect repair. Turns into the most perfect shape!” 青龙愣了一下,见众人不明所以然。换了一种说辞道:“他朝着嗜血的方向蜕变,这是生命形态的全新进化,他会逐渐趋于完美,这是一种自我进化的过程,类似鬼獠融合不死魔族天妖族冥皇族的鲜血,那是血脉融合达到生命高等级层次,而他。则是借助于一种不知名的力量,以生命进化的方式,将自身缺陷修复。变成最完美的形态!” Right now the people understood, loudly greatly shook, reveals to the extreme expression inconceivable. 这下子众人懂了,都是轰然巨震,露出不可思议到了极点的表情。 The innumerable years, Bloodthirsty was recognized most Expert, besides his deep meaning wonderful unknown, but also because of his fleshly body powerful, was politely called the most perfect fight life. 无数年来,嗜血被公认最强者,除了他奥义神妙未知外,还因为他的肉身强悍,被尊称最完美的战斗生灵。 Speculated according to Ming Hao that Bloodthirsty fuses essence of soul four big race bloodlines, the superiority of set four big race, compensates for own disappointment, the life form is close. 按照冥晧推测,嗜血融合四大种族血脉之精魄,集合四大种族之优势,弥补自身缺憾,生命形态接近完美。 Ghost Hunter, is closest Bloodthirsty different races, in the way of hybrid, achieves the new altitude the life form. 鬼獠,本是最接近嗜血的异类,以混血的方式,将生命形态达到新的高度。 But at this moment, Azure Dragon actually said that Shi Yan in a new way, by one type the way of being different from the hybrid, lets the life form evolve comprehensively...... 而此刻,青龙竟然说石岩以一种新的方式,以一种有别于混血的方式,来让生命形态全面进化…… This, in 100,000 years of history, as if for the first time appears! 这,在100000年的历史中,似乎还是首次出现! You said that one transformation of his life mark, by Immortal Devil Clan toward breakthrough of higher Level life?” Xuan He shakes loudly greatly. “你是说,他生命印记的一种蜕变,由不死魔族往更高等级生灵的突破?”玄河轰然巨震。 Exactly said that he from the beginning is not the pure Immortal Devil Clan clansman, but within the body contains Immortal Devil Blood, slowly transformation becomes the Immortal Devil Clan clansman.” Ming Hao is calm, I was familiar with his past, his father was the Yang Family clansman, Yang Family, the book is a Immortal Devil Clan older generation, with person clan hybrid, therefore Yang Family within the body contained the Immortal Devil Blood bloodlines, along with the promotion of Realm, precise of Devil Blood, finally completed to bring in new blood, filled up within the body by Immortal Devil Blood, can form the body of Immortal, became the Immortal Devil Clan fight shape.” “确切地说,他一开始就不是纯粹的不死魔族族人,只是体内蕴含不死魔血,慢慢蜕变不死魔族族人而已。”冥晧冷静自若,“我对他的过去了如指掌,他父亲为杨家族人,杨家,本就是不死魔族一位先辈,和人族混血而成,所以杨家体内蕴含不死魔血血脉,随着境界的提升,魔血的凝炼,最终完成换血,以不死魔血填满体内,能形成不死之身,成不死魔族的战斗形态。” Under, Ming Hao continued saying: All Yang Family people, are the Immortal Devil Clan older generation with the person clan hybrid descendant, he is also naturally same.” 顿了下,冥晧继续道:“所有杨家人,都是不死魔族先辈和人族混血后代,他自然也一样。” Person clan bloodlines are very small and weak, but the compatibility is marvelous, almost can fuse any bloodlines, this is very mysterious characteristics. He along with the Realm promotion, the congealment of Devil Blood, the life form promotion, stimulates the potential, then becomes the Immortal Devil Clan shape, may, fleshly body still imprint of some people of clans exist, now he is the higher evolution of life form, before being similar to him, transformation becomes Immortal Devil Clan is ordinary, makes great strides forward toward a higher level, by our unreadable way breakthrough.” “人族血脉很弱小,但兼容性最是奇妙,几乎能融合任何血脉,这是一种很神奇的特性。他随着境界提升,魔血的凝结,生命形态提升,激发潜力,便成不死魔族的形态,可本质上,肉身内部依然有人族的烙印存在,如今他是生命形态的更高进化,如同他之前蜕变不死魔族一般,往更高层次迈进,以一种我们难以理解的方式突破。” The Ming Hao sinking sound was saying, look is astonished, sighs myriad. 冥晧沉声说着,眼神惊异,感叹万千。 Thoroughness that Ming Hao looks.” Saint Beast Azure Dragon nods gently, said: He fused beginning Origin Fruit, the vice- soul fuses with Grace Mainland, the main soul has marvelously, the life form mystical not measured tediously that cannot look at the reason why including me, but I actually know, after this life form evolution transformation, later cultivation speed, to the comprehension of deep meaning, even the soul shape likely changes, the high Level life shape, has the superiority inborn, such as our four big races compared with other race powerful, such as Bloodthirsty are also more inborn than us are formidable same.” “还是冥晧看的透彻。”圣兽青龙轻轻点头,道:“他融合了始源果,副魂和神恩大陆融合,主魂另有奇妙,生命形态本就神秘繁琐莫测,连我也瞧不出所以然,但我却知道,他这番生命形态进化蜕变之后,以后修炼速度,对奥义的领悟,甚至灵魂形态都可能发生变化,高等级的生灵形态,天生占据优势,就如我们四大种族比别的种族强悍,如嗜血又比我们天生强大一样。” Perhaps his transformation, cannot keep up with the speed of this galaxy destruction.” Decca Luo suddenly coldly snorted. “恐怕他的蜕变,赶不上这星河毁灭的速度。”迪卡罗忽然冷哼一声。 The people listened to his such saying, was complexion sinks, re-entered the reality. 众人听他这么一说,也都是面色一沉,重回现实。 Also at this moment, the strength of revolution acupoint comes Shi Yan of succinct whole body silently, suddenly opens eyes. 也在此刻,默默运转穴窍之力来洗练全身的石岩,忽然睁开眼。 He heard Azure Dragon and the others saying that knew to own condition that in pleasantly surprised, he suddenly discovered that overflowed aura that from the great insect, fiercely became strong! 他听到了青龙等人所言,对自身状态有所认识,在惊喜的时候,他忽然发现从巨虫身上溢出的气息,猛地变得浓烈! He takes advantage of opportunity to look to Wei Desen, suddenly changes colors with amazement, screamed: Wei Desen!” 他顺势看向维德森,忽然骇然失色,尖叫道:“维德森!” After these words call out, the people loudly greatly shake, show the unthinkable expression, looks to Wei Desen. 这番话暴喝后,众人都轰然巨震,露出匪夷所思的表情,纷纷看向维德森 Released is corroding aura Wei Desen inexhaustibly, why does not know, the abdomen swells suddenly, such as had squeezed in something stiffly, may be called can destroy the Star Sea universe dreadful energy, such as 100.02 million volcanos also erupt, wild corrosion aura must destroy the Heaven Destroyer place simply. 本就释放着无穷无尽腐蚀气息维德森,不知为何,腹部忽然胀大,如被人硬生生塞入了某物,一股堪称能毁灭星海宇宙的滔天能量,如100020000火山同时爆发,狂暴的腐蚀气息简直要毁天灭地。 Including Ming Hao, Azure Dragon and Xuan He people for it discoloration, give birth alarmed and afraid restless, this moment Wei Desen that one type must cloud over, is too shocking. 冥晧青龙玄河众人都为之色变,生出一种要变天的惊惧不安,这一刻的维德森,实在太骇人听闻。 Great insect that contracts the defense shape, originally safe is waiting for the arrival of Clone, at this moment, it such as does not realize wonderfully, such as the awakened hedgehog, the giant body shakes, layer upon layer the bright yellow ripple such as the ripples ripple, the void turbulent flow that sways from side to side suddenly brilliant varied, is having the huge explosion. 那收缩成防御形态的巨虫,本来稳妥的等候着分身的到来,此刻,它也如意识到不妙,如被惊醒的刺猬,巨大身子一抖,层层明黄色波纹如涟漪荡漾出来,扭动的这虚空乱流骤然绚烂多姿,发生着巨大爆炸。 Innumerable Outer Territory stream ray such as the rainstorm descends, many astral wind, the cold ice and terrifying field of force was confused, this void chaotic basin such as the big furnace, the burning hot high temperature also rose. 无数域外流光如暴雨降落,许多罡风、寒冰、恐怖的力场都错乱了,这虚空乱流域如成了大熔炉,炙热高温也攀升开来。 The great insect body is wriggling, unexpectedly reckless must attack, must while people panic-stricken Wei Desen time, escapes to their line of sight soul capture. 巨虫身子蠕动着,竟不顾一切的要冲击出去,要趁着众人惊骇维德森的时候,遁离他们的视线灵魂捕捉。 In addition does not know when numerous Wei Desen had, sees the great insect to run away again, reveals wild with joy, once again fully getting rid seal. 尚且不知道维德森发生了何时的众强,一见巨虫重新要逃,都露出狂喜,又一次全力出手封印。 They have found the hope! 他们瞧见了希望! Although Wei Desen whole body blasting open, although the covered with blood inadequate human form, takes losing the life potential is stimulating to movement the dreadful strength as the price, power that but that multiplies, can indeed hit hard the great insect. 维德森虽然浑身炸裂,虽然血肉模糊不成人形,以损耗生命潜力为代价催动着滔天之力,但那滋生的力量,的确能重击巨虫。 Then is the great insect to contract fully the shape of defense, feared that cannot withstand the strength of terrifying corrosion Wei Desen such as returns to consciousness just before dying, that power, gives to fall from the sky the star territories sufficiently, running away of great insect, explained its alarmed and afraid exactly restlessly. 便是巨虫以收缩全力防御的形态,怕是也顶不住维德森如回光返照的恐怖腐蚀之力,那力量,足以将一个个星域都给陨灭,巨虫的逃窜,恰恰说明它的惊惧不安。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Wei Desen release the strength of corrosion, spreads to the great insect, on the great insect emits the thick smog suddenly. 维德森释放的腐蚀之力,蔓延向巨虫,巨虫身上骤然冒出浓稠的烟雾。 A bunches smog was embezzled by Shi Yan acupoint, changes into mystical energy that does not need to purify, emits in his all the limbs and bones, his fleshly body being insatiably greedy is still absorbing, does not have the limit. 簇簇烟雾被石岩穴窍吞没,化为不需要净化的神秘能量,散溢在他四肢百骸,他肉身依然在贪得无厌的吸收着,没有止境般。 He thought gradually God Body was a little unusual. 他渐渐地觉得神体有点异样了。 He still assumes the Immortal Devil Clan shape, but on the elbow unit, knee and shoulders the fresh sharp thorn, even more is suddenly fierce sharply, but also has lengthened one section, the back place, a numb and aching pruritus, intermittent electric current transmits, passes power that to flood into the back place from the acupoint endosmosis, by veins cell skeleton absorption. 他依然呈不死魔族的形态,但肘部、膝盖、双肩上突生的尖刺,却愈发狰狞锋锐,还变长了一截,背脊处,一阵酸麻瘙痒,一阵阵电流传来,从穴窍内渗透的力量涌入背脊处,被筋脉细胞骨骸吸收。 Ka!” “咔咔!” His backbone transmits the strange resounding, the back skin is split, the skeleton lengthens suddenly, fleshly body is having astonishing transformation. 他脊梁骨传来诡异脆响,背脊皮被绽裂,骨骼突然变长,肉身发生着惊人蜕变 A pair of fierce evil broad bone wing, comes out from his back crack unexpectedly stiffly, bone wing clear like jade, sparkling, has the bloodlines meridians unexpectedly, with his supernatural power old tree direct connectivity, such as his four limbs arm is the same, can by his flexible revolution use. 一对狰狞邪恶的宽阔骨翼,竟硬生生从他背脊裂出来,骨翼晶莹如玉,闪闪发光,其中竟有着血脉经络,和他神力古树直接连通,如他的四肢手臂一样,能被他灵活运转使用。 hū hū!” 呼呼!” His mind changes, that bone wing fans, one type maps the heart with the feeling of unified whole immediately. 他心神变动间,那骨翼扇动起来,一种和自己浑然一体的感觉顿时映入心头。 He was shocked. 他自己都被惊呆了。 mystical energy that as in that great polypite spout, in his within the body by crazy absorb, the change of his body, was still being continued. 随着那巨虫体内喷涌出的神秘能量,在他体内被疯狂吸纳,他身体的变化,依然在继续着。 His two fingernail transformation, have also lengthened one meter, becomes sharp like the pointed knife, glittering the ice-cold woods cold blade light, such as can puncture all lives, opens up the stomach easy as pie! 他两手指甲也蜕变了,变长了一米,变得锋锐如尖刀,闪烁着冰冷森寒的刀光,如能刺破一切生灵,开膛破肚易如反掌! ...... …… ps: Got sick, today a chapter, sorry ~~ ps:病了,今天就一章了,抱歉~~
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