GOS :: Volume #14

#1354: Ten thousand are puzzled the motionless heart!

That is big beginning the words of life, like the thunder, blast open in the Shi Yan mind. 那大初生灵的话语,句句如雷,在石岩脑海炸裂开来。 Extraordinary, he has the inexplicable approval to that life last few words unexpectedly, he knows that the opposite party said is true, purple spear|gun 出奇的,他对那生灵最后一句话竟有着莫名的认同,他知道对方所言属实,紫枪 ...... Is its part. ……算是它的一部分。 If it falls from the sky, Zi Yao naturally also will turn over to the ruins, does not leave a trace. 它若陨灭,紫耀自然也会归墟,不留一丝痕迹。 To convenient takes this as the breakthrough mouth, forces him to start, forcing him either to attack Wei Desen, either tears Xuan He and Ming Hao seal! 对方便是以此为突破口,来逼迫他下手,逼迫他要么攻击维德森,要么撕裂玄河冥晧的封印! If before, perhaps he does not have this ability, the fluctuation that but now, his whole body gushes out, surpasses his cognition absolutely the fearfulness, he believes him, if gets rid fully, has to pierce nowadays balanced power decidedly! 如果是之前,他或许没有这个能力,但现在,他浑身涌出的波动,绝对超出他认知的可怕,他相信他若全力出手,断然有着捅破现今平衡的力量 Comes from wonderful power of that Absolute Beginning life, making his skeleton, soul and beginning comprehensive evolution sublimate, has achieved inexplicably one type made him panic-stricken highly „, so long as you complied to help me, I to you a huge chance, making you understand clearly our Absolute Beginning life, power that can touch!” Zi Yao taught with skill and patience, the character character hidden demon different strength, must entrain Shi Yan to perish, thus took orders. 来自于那太初生灵的神妙力量,令他骨骸、灵魂、始界全面进化升华,已达到一种让他都为之惊骇的莫名高度“只要你答应助我,我会给你一场天大机缘,让你洞悉一种只有我们太初生灵,才能触及的力量!”紫耀循循善诱,字字暗藏魔异之力,要拽着石岩沉沦,从而听命为之。 power that the Absolute Beginning life can touch!” 太初生灵才能触及的力量!” Shi Yan eyes suddenly brightened, palpitates with excitement, the soul such as surges. 石岩双眸暴亮,怦然心动,灵魂都如激荡开来。 He grasps to the words deep meaning of opposite party immediately, that power...... Perhaps is God Lord, Ling Xiang and Caesar, even Ming Hao and Xuan He people track down power that with hardship, but does not get, since is until now, only then Bloodthirsty grasps mystical power that and displays. 他立即把握到对方的话语奥义,那种力量……或许便是神主凌翔、西泽,甚至冥晧玄河众人苦苦追寻而不得的力量,是至今以来,只有嗜血掌握并且施展出来的神秘力量 The enticement of Zi Yao like the devil, is attacking in the Shi Yan mind, his complexion becomes extremely strange. 紫耀的诱惑如魔鬼,在石岩脑海冲击着,他脸色变得极其怪异。 Is critical the mandibular joint, his expression twists suddenly fiercely, such as resists the heart demon with hardship, eyes is being the scarlet red gradually. 紧要着牙关,他表情骤然狰狞扭曲,如苦苦抵御着心魔,双眸渐渐呈赤红色。 Half sound, he face upwards to roar, laughs heartily in the mind: You are unable to reverse my heart! You for the Absolute Beginning life, five Immortal Expert collaborated also only to dare saying that seal your dozens years, who can make you fall from the sky truly? You could not die, the fellow could not kill you, brought the wound to you at most, you cannot move my heart, could not be puzzled my reason to be sober!” 半响,他仰天咆哮一声,在脑海纵声大笑:“你无法扭转我的心!你为太初生灵,五名不朽强者联手也只敢说封印你数十年,谁能真正让你陨灭?你死不掉,那家伙杀不了你,顶多给你带来创伤,你动不了我的心,惑不了我的理智清醒!” pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” In his mind, stars flood dragons appear, weave the crowded great net, such as seals up all wall barriers, seals up the mind directly. 他脑海中,一条条星辰蛟龙浮现,编织成密集巨网,如封闭一切的壁障,将脑海直接封住。 Does not listen to any spoken language, does not accept the seepage of any soul, closed own mind. 不听任何言语,不接受任何灵魂的渗透,将自身脑海关闭了。 The soul fluctuation of Zi Yao, cannot seep the slightest, in her eyes pupil sobs however the color of entreaty to be instantaneous, reappears the ice-cold heartless color, she deeply looks to the Shi Yan direction, by words that not well-known intonation twittering a nobody has understood, then shrinks into that great insect abdomen. 紫耀的灵魂波动,再不能渗透分毫,她眼眸中泣然哀求之色瞬间无影无踪,重现冰冷无情之色,她深深看向石岩的方向,以那种不知名的语调呢喃了一句无人听懂的话语,便又重新缩入那巨虫腹部。 At once, that great insect such as becomes is honestly law-abiding, the body surface layer secretes the yellow opacitas liquid, these liquids coagulate a bright yellow cutin, such as the marvelous mail-armor and helmet covers entirely his whole body. 旋即,那巨虫如变得老实安分下来,身体表层分泌出黄色浑浊液体,那些液体凝固成一种明黄色角质,如奇妙甲胄布满其全身。 It no longer violently struggles, no longer forcefully eradicates the seal, such as the hedgehog shrank, fully defense. 它不再猛烈挣扎,不再强行破除封印,如刺猬缩了起来,全力防御。 Imitates if gave up the resistance. 仿若放弃了抵抗。 However, Wei Desen release the strength of terrifying corrosion, although fills the air turbulently, the effect of but playing fiercely is actually weaken. 然而,维德森释放的恐怖腐蚀之力,虽汹涌弥漫过来,但起到的效果却猛地减弱。 On great insect bright yellow cutin, such as First Level marvelous barrier, can reduce the speed of corroding unexpectedly greatly, on it often will still emit the black smoke cloud, but before compares, actually wants to be thinner. 巨虫身上的明黄色角质,如一层奇妙的结界,竟能大大消减腐蚀的速度,它身上依然会不时冒出黑色烟云,但和之前相比,却要稀薄许多。 Clearly, defense it, the wound was reduced fully in the situation that can withstand. 很明显,全力防御的它,创伤被缩减在一个能承受的地步。 At this moment, sealed up own Shi Yan, acupoint has still not ceased , to continue absorb that bunches of cloud cluster, nourished the mild whole body. 此刻,封闭了自身的石岩,穴窍依然不停息,继续吸纳着那一簇簇云团,滋养温润全身。 Ming Hao receives the hand swiftly, the eye is spooky, light say|way: Does not suit!” 冥晧倏然收手,眼睛幽幽,轻道:“不对劲!” Main body defends fully, Clone wantonly is still destroying, when catches up to Clone, how do we resist with all one's strength?” Decca Luo not relaxed feeling, even more dignified restless, the expression is serious. “主身全力防御,分身还在大肆破坏着,待到分身赶过来,我们如何力敌?”迪卡罗没有一点轻松感,愈发凝重不安,语气沉重。 Ming Hao looks to that void bright mirror. 冥晧看向那虚空明镜。 Besides Shi Yan and Wei Desen, people also completely look to that bright mirror, at once complexion gloomy gets down completely. 石岩维德森之外,众人也全部看向那明镜,旋即脸色全部阴沉下来。 In 11 different star territories, that 11 great insect is wriggling, almost on-board Warrior embezzles into the abdomen 11 lives completely, that 11 great insect, is shaking the body at this time, flushes away in the direction of territory sea unexpectedly. 在11个不同的星域中,那11个巨虫蠕动着,几乎将11个生命之星上的武者全部吞没入腹,那11个巨虫,此时晃悠着身子,竟纷纷朝着域海的方向冲去。 That great insect moves is quite quick, dodges, then passes through star of the life, imitates, if treads the broken void boundary. 那巨虫挪动的极为快捷,一闪间,便穿过颗颗生命之星,仿若踏破虚空界限。 Its Clone must come back with the aid of the territory sea, must seek this main body!” Decca Luo Jingju said. “它的分身要借助域海回来,要来寻这具主身!”迪卡罗惊惧道。 The people surface like the dying embers, spills over the helpless feeling, including Ming Hao gloomy the face, is having to plant to search through ten thousand laws, is hard to change the situation decadent. 众人都面如死灰,泛出无能为力的感觉,连冥晧阴沉着脸,有种寻遍万法,也难以改变局势的颓败。 Day noble bearing. 天神峰。 The summit, the God Lord complexion is tranquil, eyes such as Sun and Moon Stars rotates alternately, he looks to the faintly recognizable star territory, the line of sight can penetrate nothingness, goes directly to the endless area. 山巅,神主脸色平静,双眸日月星辰交替转动,他看向飘渺星域,视线能穿透虚无,直达无尽疆域。 In his behind, comfortable, Shen Wu, Xiao Yao and bright Four Great Heavenly Kings silent like mountain, the distant place, Elder also 12 Family Head simultaneously of God Clan Elder meeting kneel to bend down, everyone complexion heavily, such as faces the end catastrophe, forehead is having the thick cloud of gloom of not being able to melt. 在他身后,自在、神武逍遥、光明四大天王静默如山,更远处,神族长老会的长老还有12家家主齐齐跪伏着,每一个人脸色都沉重之极,如面临着末日浩劫,眉心有着化不开的浓浓愁云。 11 God Clan and star territory of Bloodthirsty battle, underlines 11 like the star great insect, such as Devil occupies on the central stars of star territory, is nibbling Warrior. 11个神族嗜血交战的星域,突显11个如星球般的巨虫,如妖魔盘踞在星域的中心星辰上,蚕食着一个个武者 These Warrior, part is the God Clan clansman, part is other influence clansman, does not have a Bloodthirsty lineage/vein person. 那些武者,一部分为神族族人,一部分为别的势力族人,却并没有嗜血一脉的人。 Because of a powerful of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, that 11 star territories the star of core life, was being dominated by their clan, is stationed in their clan a sharpest battle efficiency, at this moment, these ten thousand years of cultivations in clan elite, turned into the good food of that great insect, the fruit its abdomen. 因为嗜血一脉的强势,那11个星域的核心生命之星,都被他们一族把持着,驻扎着他们族内最精锐的一股战斗力,此刻,那些万年时间培育出来的族内精锐,都变成了那巨虫的美食,果了它的腹。 This to God Clan is the fatal blow they thinks that great insect, is a Bloodthirsty lineage/vein secret weapon, is the older generation of Heavenly Demon Clan most ancient time. 这对神族是致命打击他们以为那巨虫,为嗜血一脉的秘密武器,是天妖族最古老时代的先辈。 They need the God Lord guidance, then completely gathers this place, waits for the God Lord decision-making. 他们需要神主引导,便全部聚集此地,等候神主的决策。 Representative to seal|confer Jue the Elder meeting, Representative Byles 12 Family Head, kneels to bend down in the place, anticipation looks at God Lord. 封绝代表长老会,拜尔斯代表12家家主,跪伏在地,期待的看着神主 This ten thousand years ago lead them, expands trillion times their God Clan area, the general territory recognizes first to have the non- world inspirational figure who Bloodthirsty falls from the sky extraordinarily, this time, must be able to lead the clansman trend higher future. 这个万年前领导他们,将他们神族疆域扩张亿万倍,将星域公认第一超绝存在嗜血陨灭的不世灵魂人物,这次,必能带领族人走向更高的将来。 They believe in firmly! 他们深信不疑! Each God Clan clansman who walks from that time, to the God Lord heartfelt worship, its, when the gods same regard. 每一个从那个时代走过来的神族族人,都对神主由衷崇拜,将其当神明一样看待。 Because God Lord never made them disappointed! 因为神主从未令他们失望过! Senior association president “老会长 ...... ” Seals two to cover the chest certainly, shouted by the most respectful etiquette lightly. ……”封绝两手捂着胸口,以最恭敬的礼仪轻呼。 God Lord is previous time God Clan head of the clan his non- 12 respected family clansmen, is only a clansman of God Clan decline small family, but actually appears, in the most intensely bright way, 12 families will press in the past, and L founded the Elder meeting, oneself reach association president, making Elder dominate 12 large clans, will dominate God Clan right one, will bring peak to be magnificent to God Clan. 神主为上个时代神族的族长他非12大家族族人,只是神族一个没落小家族的族人,但却横空出世,以最耀眼夺目的方式,将当年12家家族压下去并且L手创建了长老会,自己荣登会长一职,令长老会凌驾12家大族,将神族权利一手把持,给神族带来巅峰辉煌。 to seal|confer Jue shouted, the head of the clan and Elder of 12 respected families, with one voice lightly shouted. 封绝一呼,12大家族的族长和长老,也都齐声轻呼。 God Lord looks into the distance, does not return, said indifferently: Opportunity has not arrived , to continue to wait.” 神主眺望远方,头也不回,漠然道:“时机未到,继续等着。” Four Great Heavenly Kings turned head to knit the brows to look has sealed people one eyes, the complexion sinks certainly. 四大天王回头皱眉看了封绝众人一眼,脸色一沉。 At once, to seal|confer Jue and kneels to bend down numerously in place 旋即,封绝和众多跪伏在地者 In the heart one cold, lowers the head not to say in abundance, is completely silent in the God Lord pupil to split together the light suddenly, actinic is light barrier 都是心中一寒,纷纷垂头不言,全部沉默下来神主眸中忽然绽出一道光,光化为光幕 In light barrier the reappearing Heavenly Fragrant Calm Spirit Jade boxes, altogether six boxes, five box prestige put the Bloodthirsty five remains, a box prestige puts Bloodthirsty skull that skull, the bright Son of Heaven searches. 光幕中浮现一个个天香安神玉的盒子,一共有六个盒子,五个盒子威放嗜血五根遗骨,一个盒子威放嗜血头骨那头骨,是光明天王寻觅而来。 Six boxes are floating motionless in that light barrier, he is only static looks at, keeps silent seems planning something. 六个盒子在那光幕中浮着不动,他只是静静看着,默不作声似乎在筹谋着某事。 Rope.” He sinks to drink one suddenly. “索顿。”他忽然沉喝一声。 In!” Brakell Family head of the clan Suo Dun, listening to him to shout that immediately a heart round of cold, replied accordingly, thinks he must investigate the unfavorable situation of Fire Rain Star Field, complained of hardship secretly. “在!”布雷克尔家族的族长索顿,听他一喊,立即心底发寒,应声回答,以为他要追究火雨星域的失利,暗暗叫苦。 That and Wei Desen of uncivilized nationalities hybrid, who is your family child, can he be also in good health?” God Lord spoke. “那个和蛮族混血的维德森,是你家族谁人的孩子,他可还健在?”神主发话。 Somalia is startled, at once replied honestly that he is my uncle Moya's son, my uncle in 3000 chases down Ge Lu causes heavy losses, later sent in the place of restoration perishing god, was actually made by the Ge Lu Chaos Deep Meaning stamina to Bedevilment dies.” 索顿一怔,旋即老实回答,“他是我叔伯莫亚的儿子,我叔伯在3000年追杀格鲁时被重创,之后被送入殒神之地恢复,却被格鲁混乱奥义的后劲弄至入魔而死。” Skeleton?” God Lord eye micro bright. “尸骸呢?”神主眼睛微亮。 In my family tomb, is putting by ten thousand years of high integrity coffin prestige, each formidable clansman, died in battle later will obtain a ten thousand years of high integrity coffin, this point, we have complied with the custom that you were setting in the past, for ten thousand years never have changed.” Somalian respectful say|way. “正在我家族墓地,以万年寒玉棺威放着,我们每一个强大族人,战死以后都会得到一口万年寒玉棺,这一点,我们一直遵从着您当年定下的规矩,万年来从未变过。”索顿毕恭毕敬道。 In the past when God Lord went on an expedition heaven and earth, then set many customs, a custom was to then request 12 head of the clan, can reach the character in day Shence to each, after falling from the sky, must the elaborate funeral, but must come the prestige to put with ten thousand years of high integrity coffin, making in the clan descendant every for hundred years look at reverently one time, fought bravely for the clansman older generation sincerely until death. 当年神主征战天地时,便定下诸多规矩,其中一个规矩便是要求12家族长,对每一个能荣登天神策的人物,陨灭后必须厚葬,还必须以万年寒玉棺来威放,让族内后代每百年来瞻仰一次,谨记为族人奋战至死的先辈。 Cherishes the memory of the worthy people of former times, encourages the decendants to make in the clan form to worship Expert, respects Expert, took dying in battle as the spirit of honor. 缅怀先贤,激励后代子孙让族内形成崇拜强者,敬仰强者,以战死为荣誉的精神。 Is very good.” The God Lord light nod, told: You return to Brakell Family by teleportation immediately, brings personally to me that ten thousand years of high integrity coffin, I want Moya's that skeleton, remember, at the maximum speed!” “很好。”神主轻点头,吩咐道:“你以传送阵立即返回布雷克尔家族,亲自将那口万年寒玉棺给我带回来,我要莫亚的那具尸骸,记住,以最快速度!” , He as if had not felt relieved, said: Xiao Yao, you and he together, at extremely fast back and forth!” 顿了一下,他似乎不太放心,又道:“逍遥,你与他一道,以极速来回!” Xiao Yao R gives the rope to talk too much time not to give without demur, grabs Suo Dun, directly soared recently teleportation. 逍遥二话不说R连给索顿多言一句的时间都不给,一把抓着索顿,直奔最近传送阵。 to seal|confer Jue and numerous family head of the clan, are filled with the doubts, actually does not dare to ask one, they know that God Lord will forever not make mistakes, each transmission of order, inevitably has the profound meaning that they could not understand clearly. 封绝和众多家族族长,都满心疑惑,却没有敢多问一句,他们都知道,神主永不会犯错,每一个命令传达下去,都必然有着他们洞悉不了的深意。 They trust unconditionally. 他们无条件的信任。 After a double-hour. 一个时辰后。 Together cloudy Cold Moon color break-up, Xiao Yao hold-up a huge ten thousand years of high integrity coffin, he even abandoned Suo Dun for the speed, all alone returned. 一道阴寒月光闪过,逍遥一手托浮着一口巨大的万年寒玉棺,为了速度他甚至弃下了索顿,孤身一人返回。 Bang!” “轰!” He puts down that ten thousand years of high integrity coffin, at once stands with deep veneration in one side, did not say a word. 他将那口万年寒玉棺放下,旋即肃然立在一边,一言不发。 God Lord satisfied to his nodded, puts out a hand to grasp, that ten thousand years of high integrity coffin cover lifts, a God Clan old man corpse of freezing, was towed suddenly by him, the corpse clothing is gorgeous, expression is pale, does not have a decayed trace. 神主满意的冲他点了点头,伸手一抓,那万年寒玉棺盖子掀开,一具冰冻的神族老者尸身,忽然被他牵引过来,那尸身衣衫华美,神色苍白,却没有一丝腐朽痕迹。 Is the effects of that ten thousand years of high integrity coffin. 都是那口万年寒玉棺的功效。 Offended.” “得罪了。” God Lord slightly Ju body, toward that Moya corpse good a ritual, at once a five fingers stroke, the abdomen of Moya ice-cold corpse splits a slit. 神主微微鞠身,朝着那莫亚尸身行了一礼,旋即五指一划,那莫亚冰冷尸身的腹部裂开一道缝隙。 This float in that six prestige before his body put the Bloodthirsty remains Heavenly Fragrant Calm Spirit Jade, the box, suddenly lifts completely, that the bone of six not being able to find, by stiffly the abdomen that he squeezes in Moya, then his two tie seal, in the eye pupil departs trillion wonderful strange Symbols instantaneously, completely abdomen that falls into Moya. 本悬浮在他身前的那六个威放嗜血遗骨的天香安神玉、的盒子,突然全部掀开,那六个瞧不见的骨头,被他硬生生塞入莫亚的腹部,然后他两手结印,眼瞳中瞬间飞出亿万神妙奇诡的符号,全部落入莫亚的腹部。 Moya corpse contracts rapidly changes small such as the ballooning rubber ball is deflated, after several seconds, Moya unexpectedly becomes a dot. 莫亚尸身迅速收缩变小如鼓胀的皮球被放气,数秒后,莫亚竟成为一个小点。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” Moya corpse explodes, vanishes suddenly, nobody knows him to be thrown by God Lord to where. 莫亚尸身一爆,突地消失,无人知他被神主投掷向何处。
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