GOS :: Volume #14

#1353: Dreadful good fortune

On the great insect, Zi Yao that does not have a human emotion eye pupil, underlines wipes seven color strange light! 巨虫身上,紫耀那没有一丝人类情感的眼眸,突显一抹七彩奇光 She as if for the first time was alarmed! 她仿佛首次被惊动! She looks to Wei Desen, the expression is unexpectedly dignified, at the same time, the speed of that great insect creeping motion is faster, more violent turbulent, raises layer upon layer can the turbulent Space-Time ripple, releases to destroy the Heaven Destroyer place energy. 她看向维德森,表情竟凝重起来,与此同时,那巨虫蠕动的速度更快,更猛烈汹涌,掀起层层能动荡时空的波纹,释放出毁天灭地的能量 The Ming Hao people pressure multiplies! 冥晧众人压力倍增! Great insect power such as rises suddenly suddenly one time, power that climbs up instantaneously, causes restraint barrier seal of layer upon layer on it, Ming Hao and the others who the criss-crossed breakage, forces must release the power repair to make up as soon as possible, making their supernatural power pass fast. 巨虫力量如忽然暴涨一倍,那瞬间攀上的力量,导致束缚在它身上的层层结界封印,如网破裂,逼迫的冥晧等人要尽快释放力量修复弥补,使得他们神力快速流逝。 To the seal of great insect, Shi Yan has not participated, by his Realm cultivation base, is unable to meddle temporarily. 对巨虫的封印,石岩并未参与,以他的境界修为,暂时根本无法插手。 He looks to Wei Desen. 他看向维德森 The Wei Desen crazy eruption, the whole body spout the thick corrosion air current, territory field spread comes, in this void turbulent flow transmits chi chi sound, water that such as boils, toward peripheral spread, astonishing spread! 维德森疯狂爆发,全身喷涌出浓稠的腐蚀气流,域场扩散开来,这虚空乱流内传来“嗤嗤”声响,如煮沸的水,朝着周边蔓延,惊人的蔓延! The strength of that corrosion, was bringing destruction aura of melt any life, terrifying to the extreme, extended, finally rushed the great insect. 那腐蚀之力内部,带着消融任何生灵的毁灭气息,恐怖到了极点,一路延伸下来,终于涌向巨虫。 The great insect struggles even more turbulent intense! 巨虫挣扎的愈发汹涌激烈! Fully suppression!” Ming Hao calls out. “全力镇压!”冥晧暴喝。 Xuan He, Fei Liete and Decca, Reddy, stimulate the Immortal Second Sky supernatural power at this moment, one by one the meditation ten thousand years of deep meaning revolutions, scarlet such as the rivers of blood, is evolving the exquisiteness between life and death, Corpse Qi turn into the restraint heaven and earth string, lives the space that vanishes imaginary, Thunder Dragon that a leader roared fiercely, completely exerted in that great insect huge body. 玄河腓烈特迪卡罗、雷迪四人,此刻将不朽二重天神力激发,一一苦修万年的奥义运转,条条猩红如血的河流,衍变着生死间的精妙,一条条尸气变成束缚天地的绳子,一个个幻生幻灭的空间,一头头狰狞咆哮的雷龙,都全部施加在那巨虫庞大躯体。 The great insect was decided stubbornly in a sector! 巨虫被死死定在一处区间! Wei Desen crazy eruption the strength of corrosion, seeps finally, spreads to the great insect. 维德森疯狂爆发的腐蚀之力,终渗透过来,蔓延向巨虫。 In the Ming Hao pupil appears congratulations light, eyes narrows the eyes. Leaves in the seal of great insect, underlines together the opening, that opening transmits the adsorptive attraction, takes advantage of opportunity sucks in Wei Desen the strength of corrosion, pulls out to that great insect like the stars body. 冥晧眸中显出一道喜光,双眸一眯。在巨虫的封印出,突显一道裂口,那裂口传来吸附力,顺势将维德森的腐蚀之力抽入,抽到那巨虫如星辰般的躯体内。 Puff Pu! “噗噗噗! The strength of crazy corrosion wells up, such as the strong sulphuric acid smiling face flesh lump, that great insect body emits the strong black smoke suddenly, the great insect also sends out obviously is ache roar. If enraged wild beast. 疯狂的腐蚀之力涌来,如强硫酸笑容肉块,那巨虫躯体骤然冒出浓烈黑烟,巨虫也发出明显是疼痛的厉啸。如被激怒的野兽 Wei Desen swallows three Bloodthirsty remains, after being once more crazy, erupts thoroughly, shows inconceivable power, such as takes overdrawing the life as the price, stimulates power of Bloodthirsty remains, that power, the cognition of far ultra people, leads, but the strength of corrosion. Has to destroy the Heaven Destroyer effect really. 维德森吞掉三根嗜血遗骨,再次疯狂以后彻底爆发,展现出不可思议的力量,如以透支生命为代价,将嗜血遗骨的力量激发出来,那力量,远超众人的认知,带动而起的腐蚀之力。真真具有毁天灭地奇效。 The great insect by the body of Corrosion Deep Meaning melt, was emitted the strong smog, these smog come out from the seal elegantly, such as bunches of jet black cloud clusters are drifting in the air, seemed to be that the life must leave to leave. 巨虫被腐蚀奥义消融的躯体,冒出浓烈烟雾,那些烟雾从封印内飘逸出来,如一簇簇漆黑云团浮荡着,似有生命般要抽身离开。 Bang!” “轰!” Then in this time, the Shi Yan mind loudly shakes, God Body is out of control to shiver fiercely! 便在此时,石岩脑海轰然一震,神体禁不住剧烈颤抖! His whole body acupoint such as the pump pump is common, multiplies the inexhaustible suction strength, such as great whale absorbing water! 他全身穴窍如抽水泵一般,滋生无穷无尽的吸吮力,如巨鲸吸水! Bunches of the jet black cloud cluster that flutters from great insect body, changes into bunch of jet black smoke clouds. If the young swallow turns over to the nest, rushes him completely, submerges in his acupoint. 一簇簇从巨虫躯体上飘荡出来的漆黑云团,化为一束束漆黑烟云。如乳燕归巢,全部涌向他,没入他穴窍之中。 Rushes to the world-shaking life power, wild rotation in his acupoint, abundant made his whole body shiver the groan that! 一股澎湃到惊天动地的生命动力,在他穴窍内狂暴转动,充沛的令他浑身颤抖的呻吟起来! From the black cloud cluster of great insect body float, falls into his acupoint, does not need to purify quenchings, turns into mystical energy that rushes pure directly! 从巨虫身体漂浮的黑云团,落入他穴窍之中,根本无需净化淬炼,直接变成精纯澎湃的一股神秘能量 If clear warm current only, such as original fluid of life evolution, but the whorl in his acupoint revolved. Then splits up through some link. 如澄净的暖流,如生命进化的原液,只是在他穴窍内涡旋转了一圈。便通过某种纽带分化开来。 Part of mystical energy submerge his beginning, his beginning heaven and earth development, instantaneously the stars that glistened such as drills! 一部分神秘能量没入他始界,他始界天地拓展,瞬间多了一个个闪亮如钻的星辰! These stars, in his intention fluctuates, there is a mountains sea to be precise, has the plant flowers and trees visualization, has the cloud cluster vault of heaven to reappear. Besides not having insect life, just like did not have with the real world too has distinguished! 那些星辰,在他心念变幻间,有山川海洋凝炼,有植物花木显形,有云团苍穹浮现。除了没有虫豸生灵之外,和真实世界俨然没了太多区别! Part of energy, submerge his all the limbs and bones. The seepage in his veins, skeleton and in the blood even marrow cell, the strength of these not well-known mystical, by his God Body such as the sponge absorbing water general absorption, that is an indescribable marvelous feeling beyond comparison! 还有一部分能量,没入他四肢百骸。渗透在他筋脉、骨骸、血液甚至骨髓细胞之中,那些不知名的神秘之力,被他的神体如海绵吸水一般吸收,那是一种难以言喻无以伦比的奇妙感! The life and fleshly body such as also sublimate! 生命和肉身如同时升华! He spilled over beginning a past years arrived at Grace Mainland, soaked in Blood Pond, marvelous feeling of that being reborn. 他泛出一种当年初降临神恩大陆,浸泡在血池之中,那种脱胎换骨的奇妙感。 Black cloud cluster that comes out by the great polypite in elegantly, should have the remnant broken consciousness, because these cloud clusters are separated from its fleshly body, then tries to leave, gloomily was actually embezzled by Shi Yan the strength of interruption of acupoint swallowing, vortex of that black cloud cluster in his acupoint gyrates, the residual consciousness was erased the destruction, then only the strength of remaining pure mystical. 由巨虫体内飘逸出来的黑云团,本应该有着残碎的意识,因为那些云团一脱离它肉身,便试图离开,却阴森森被石岩穴窍吞噬之力截断吞没,那黑云团在他穴窍内涡旋旋动一圈,残留的意识被抹掉毁灭,便只剩下纯粹的神秘之力。 Then is the strength of this mystical, the original fluid that such as the life purifies, nourishes his fleshly body, is mild his soul. 便是这神秘之力,如生命净化的原液,滋养他肉身,温润他灵魂。 His God Body, Soul Altar and beginning comprehensive sublimation! 神体灵魂祭台、始界全面升华! The appearance of Wei Desen, stimulates to movement the strength of three Bloodthirsty remains, forms the strength of catastrophe corrosion, to possibly surpass Jia Duo terrifying to corrode the great insect, making some power on great insect body fall by melt, was obtained by his Devouring Deep Meaning. 维德森的出现,催动三根嗜血遗骨之力,形成浩劫般的腐蚀之力,以可能超过加多恐怖来腐蚀巨虫,让巨虫身体上的某种力量消融掉,被他的吞噬奥义得到。 He who watched critically, at this moment has become maximum profit, on the great insect each elegant bunch of black cloud cluster, he then absorbs one! 本来只是冷眼旁观的他,此刻成了最大收益者,巨虫身上每飘逸一簇黑云团,他便吸收一股! Wei Desen was crazy, his strength of corrosion, the great insect may avoid, can draw back badly calmly, but this moment Xuan He and Ming Hao five big Immortal get rid, to its seal, it stubbornly was together sleepy here, withstood the crazy corrosion of Wei Desen directly. 维德森已经疯狂,他的腐蚀之力,巨虫本可避免,最不济也能从容而退,但此刻玄河冥晧五大不朽出手,一起对它封印,就其死死困在这里,正面承受了维德森的疯狂腐蚀。 Has mystical power that the Absolute Beginning lives of trillion years are injured to roam, such as the strength of pure Essence, does not need the purification, then has become the catalyst of Shi Yan comprehensive evolution! 有着亿万岁月的太初生灵受伤流荡出来的神秘力量,如精纯的本源之力,连净化都不需要,便成了石岩全面进化的催化剂! Shi Yan this time feeling, the happiness beyond comparison, such as a mortal toward Warrior, Warrior evolves toward the final god! 石岩此时的感觉,无以伦比的舒畅,如一个凡人朝着武者,武者朝着最终神祗进化! Each second, his skeleton, cell, blood and veins by strength of immerse that acupoint, his first time were discovered the sea that his God Body such as can never fill up, the skeleton, blood, veins and cell even small textile fiber as if turn to be insatiably greedy, being not aware of fatigue embezzles acupoint to overflow power that such as evolution instinct! 每一秒,他的骨骸、细胞、血液、筋脉都被那穴窍之力浸没,他第一次发现他神体如永远填不满的海洋,骨骸、血液、筋脉、细胞甚至小小的纤维都仿佛变成贪得无厌起来,不知疲倦的吞没着穴窍流溢出来的力量,如进化的本能! His beginning is also developing, stars glittering are radiant, Star Sea was extended, the space was swollen! 他始界也在拓展着,一个个星辰闪烁璀璨,星海被延伸,空间被胀大! power that overflows from the great insect, surpasses his understanding, compared with Warrior power that these years he embezzles does not know that wonderful many times, these power, urge to send him unceasingly, seeps in each small cell. 从巨虫身上流溢出来的力量,远超他的认识,比这些年他吞没的武者力量不知道神妙多少倍,那些力量,不断地催发着他,渗透在每一个微小细胞中。 Meanwhile, his supernatural power old tree was also seeped by that power, what was entirely different from the past, this supernatural power old tree was not full that power to expand, but was transformed! 同时,他神力古树也被那股力量渗透,和以往截然不同的是,这次神力古树不是被充盈那力量而壮大,而是被改造! Supernatural power old tree clear trunk and branches, wonderful connects with his whole body all veins, at this moment, that supernatural power old tree and his veins gradually unified whole! 神力古树一根根晶莹的枝干,神妙的和他浑身所有筋脉连接起来,此刻,那神力古树和他筋脉渐渐浑然一体! His mind shakes crazily. 他心神狂震。 He naturally knows that this means anything, the supernatural power old tree is the power source, but the veins are display the deep meaning the circulation key position, he displays any power, needs to extract the supernatural power of supernatural power old tree, then pours into the veins, evolving to congeal through the consciousness four limbs deep meaning. 他自然知道这意味着什么,神力古树为力量源头,而筋脉则是施展奥义的流通枢纽,他施展任何一种力量,都需要抽取神力古树的神力,然后灌入筋脉,通过意识四肢奥义给衍变凝结出来。 power pours into the process of veins from the supernatural power old tree, often is displays in the deep meaning alleviation a slowest process, because of the supernatural power old tree at the sea of qi dantian, is not interlinked with the veins. 力量从神力古树灌入筋脉的过程,往往是施展奥义缓解中最慢的一个过程,因为神力古树处在气海丹田,和筋脉根本不相通。 But now, the trunk and branches furcation of supernatural power old tree, is connecting veins directly, so long as the intention moves, the supernatural power turbulently will then break in the veins, a deep meaning law release definitely read, not having the detention to stagnate, has not lost, can display the power maximum degree. 但现在,神力古树的枝干分叉,直接就连接着一根根筋脉,只要心念一动,神力便会汹涌冲入筋脉,一个奥义法决的释放只是一念间,没有延迟凝滞,也没有损耗,能将力量最大程度发挥出来。 Wei Desen also crazily spout power, is consuming the final fine souls of Bloodthirsty three remains, is releasing the life potential. 维德森还在疯狂喷涌着力量,消耗着嗜血三根遗骨的最后精魄,释放着生命潜力。 That great insect struggles fiercely the creeping motion, sends out to prick the soul fiercely shouted, Ming Hao and Xuan He that compels whole-heartedly, that just entered Immortal Second Sky Realm Reddy, the incarnation is the body of dragon-shaped, but the dragon's head corners of the mouth place actually blood seeps, obviously soon reached the limit. 那巨虫剧烈挣扎蠕动,发出刺入灵魂的厉叫,逼的冥晧玄河全力以赴,那刚刚进入不朽二重天境界的雷迪,化身为龙形之躯,可龙首口角处却鲜血沁出,显然快要到了极限。 Xuan He and in Ming Hao heart bright as snow, reason that knows Wei Desen can be the so shocking fearful degree instantaneously, because of the stimulation of movement of three Bloodthirsty remains. 玄河冥晧心中雪亮,知道维德森之所以能瞬间达到如此骇人听闻的可怕程度,都是因为三根嗜血遗骨的催动。 Once the strength of three remains exhaust, his oil completely lamp is then dry, will be difficult to continue. 一旦三根遗骨之力耗尽,他便油尽灯枯,将再难继续下去。 If cannot cause heavy losses to the great insect, making its deep sleep get up once more, all of them will unravel. 在此期间,如若不能重创巨虫,令它再次沉睡起来,他们所有人都将灰飞烟灭。 Therefore, they do not hesitate to take own injury as the price, will hide many years of true strength to display, must surround the great insect stubbornly, compelling it to bear the corrosion impacts of all Wei Desen. 因此,他们不惜以自身的受伤为代价,将隐藏多年的真正实力施展,也要死死困住巨虫,逼着它承受所有维德森的腐蚀冲击。 Nobody pays attention Shi Yan. 无人留意石岩 This so-called Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, at this moment in their eyes, is only the irrelevanting small role, the role that Origin God Second Sky Warrior, here, can play is seriously minimal. 这所谓的嗜血新任尊主,此刻在他们眼中,只是个无关痛痒的小角色,一个始神二重天武者,在这里,能起到的作用当真微乎其微。 They do not attach great importance, also has no time to attach great importance, therefore does not know when their fully seal great insect, in Wei Desen possibly exhausts the life potential catalyzes the Bloodthirsty remains, Shi Yan, in carrying on the life is being most moving most indescribable succinct! 他们不重视,也无暇重视,所以不知道在他们全力封印巨虫,在维德森可能耗尽生命潜力催化嗜血遗骨之时,石岩,在进行着生命中最动人最难以言喻的一场洗练! Saves me!” “救我!” , The sound of gentle and charming terrified soul, pours into the Shi Yan mind suddenly. 突地,娇柔惶恐的灵魂之音,灌入石岩脑海。 Shi Yan gains ground unexpectedly, looks from afar to great insect Zi Yao, this Zi Yao the sound of soul, with the language of that Absolute Beginning life, the clarity that he can listen. 石岩蓦地抬头,远远看向巨虫身上的紫耀,这次紫耀的灵魂之音,并非以那太初生灵的语言,他能听的清清楚楚。 At this time the Zi Yao person on the great insect, half body sinks in a great insect meatball, the beautiful cheeks appear the mournful color, in the beautiful pupil full is the meaning of entreaty, the affection leisurely looks to him. 此时紫耀人在巨虫身上,半个身子沉在巨虫一处肉球中,艳美的脸颊浮现凄然之色,美眸中满是哀求之意,深情款款的看向他。 Shi Yan also looks to her, on face flashes through one to confuse, but the shazam firmly, you are not she!” 石岩也看向她,脸上闪过一丝迷惑,但很快变得坚决,“你不是她!” Is I! Is I!” The Zi Yao flowing wants to sob, miserable is struggling on the great insect, the appearance that escapes furiously, actually tied up the slender waist by several meat muscles, is unable to withdraw. “是我啊!就是我啊!”紫耀潸然欲泣,楚楚可怜的在巨虫身上挣扎着,一副奋力逃脱的模样,却被数根肉筋拴住纤细的腰肢,无法从中脱身。 You are not she!” Shi Yan scrupulously follows sanely sober, close your eyes, no longer look at her. “你不是她!”石岩恪守理智清醒,闭上眼,不再去看她。 You quite ruthless heart!” Zi Yao fiercely shouted. “你好狠的心!”紫耀厉叫 Shi Yan is aloof. 石岩无动于衷。 I indeed am not she, but she is actually I! Is my part! Her soul fuses my ten Divine Sense, is my another Clone, knows your so-called seven emotions and six sensory pleasures Clone, if I disappear to fall, she will not exist, do you want looks at she to disappear seriously?” The Zi Yao words such as can penetrate all, fall into his mind, Xuan He and Ming Hao people are not actually able to learn message. “我的确不是她,但她却是我!是我的一部分!她的灵魂融合我十道神识,是我的另外一具分身,一具知晓你们所谓七情六欲的分身,我若消陨,她也会不复存在,你当真要看着她消失?”紫耀的话如能穿透一切,句句落入他脑海,玄河冥晧众人却无法获知一丝讯息 Such remarks, the Shi Yan body shakes suddenly. 此言一出,石岩身躯猛然一震。 Because he knows that opposite party these words real, this is an intuition of soul. 因为他知道,对方这句话是真的,这是一种灵魂的直觉。
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