GOS :: Volume #14

#1352: Crazy spout!

Wei Desen can never forget that childhood past events, that matter changed his life, making his destiny not be doomed ordinary. 维德森永远忘不了那件童年往事,那件事改变了他一生,令他命运注定不平凡。 He lives for God Clan and uncivilized nationalities bloodlines mix, during the childhood , the build slightly is thin, the appearance is delicate and pretty, this and in clan child when rough has the essential difference severely, the childhood his power frail, instead is good at utilizing heaven and earth energy, can form the strange field of force, can by field of force imperial animal. 他为神族和蛮族血脉混合而生,童年期间体型略显消瘦,模样俊美,这和族内孩子的粗犷蛮厉有着本质区别,幼年时他力量孱弱,反而擅长运用天地能量,能形成诡异力场,能以力场御动物品。 This special territory field deep meaning, not only has not made him attach great importance to the clan, instead made him become in the clan the different races, after the clan the old man inspected his bloodlines, discovered that his within the body blood was impure, when he for the Devil ghost, got rid of it in uncivilized nationalities evil swamp. 这特殊的“域场”奥义,不但没有令他在族内得到重视,反而令他成了族内异类,族内老者检查他血脉后,发现他体内蛮血不纯,当他为妖魔鬼怪,将其抛弃在蛮族一处邪恶沼泽 The water of that swamp is flooding nasty, drops including the uncivilized nationalities grown soldier, could not survive to be too long, will corrupt to perish slowly. 沼泽之水充斥着酸毒,连蛮族成年战士跌落其中,都存活不了太久,会慢慢腐烂而亡。 When childhood Wei Desen, still does not know that the will of the people was thrown dangerously, runs its own course in that swamp. 幼年时的维德森,尚不知人心险恶就被抛落其中,在那沼泽内自生自灭。 He initially enters swamp, then tasted in world most fearful pain, fleshly body slowly rotten melt, but he was calling out pitifully sad and shrill, actually actually inexplicably survived near the boundary of death in the frequency, but also integrated within the body that mystical swamp pool of water completely. 他初入沼泽,便尝到了世间最可怕的痛楚,肉体慢慢腐烂消融,可他在凄厉惨叫,在频临死亡之境却硬是莫名存活下来,还将那神秘沼泽的池水全部融入体内。 This process has continued fully for three years! 这个过程整整持续了三年! Three years later, the water of that swamp is thoroughly withered, Wei Desen goes out, will throw the swamp clan old to seek to put to death him in the past, goes directly to uncivilized nationalities top Expert by incomparably scary power. 三年后,那沼泽之水彻底干枯,维德森从中走出,将当年把他抛落沼泽的族老一个个寻到诛杀,以无比骇人的力量直达蛮族顶尖强者 He finally has become uncivilized nationalities Paragon, has become the king, dominates above all uncivilized nationalities clansmen! 他最终成了蛮族至尊,成了蛮王,凌驾所有蛮族族人之上! Shi Yan, gives him to absorb the master remains, only then he is crazy, stimulates the strength of master remains, may perish that Absolute Beginning life!” Ming Hao said. 石岩,将主人遗骨给他吸收,也只有他疯狂起来,将主人遗骨之力激发,才有可能腐蚀掉那太初生灵!”冥晧道。 Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 Xuan He people expression is dignified, the look is astonished however, looks finally completely to Ming Hao, wants Ming Hao to give a more detailed explanation. 玄河众人神色凝重,眼神讶然,最终全部看向冥晧,要冥晧给出更详细的解释。 In the past, Jia Duo indeed died......” “当年,加多的确死了……” Ming Hao looks to the people, „before Jia Duo dies, obtained the master remains, he falls from the sky in the barbarian star of Wei Desen life, an extremely remote low Level star territory, he brings the master remains to perish, but his Corrosion Deep Meaning is special, after the person dies, his Corrosion Deep Meaning still exists, binds that master remains, does not know that with how much year, Jia Duo Corrosion Deep Meaning dissolved the remains of master unexpectedly.” 冥晧看向众人,“加多死之前,也得到了主人遗骨,他陨落在维德森生活的蛮星,一个极为偏僻的低等级星域,他带着主人遗骨而亡,但他腐蚀奥义特殊,人死之后他腐蚀奥义依然存在着,裹住那主人遗骨,也不知用了多少年时间,加多腐蚀奥义竟然将主人的遗骨溶解了。” Corrosion swamp of that piece of barbarian star, is Jia Duo blood the strength of corrosion, corrodes his skeleton to evolve, that swamp is his Corrosion Deep Meaning essence, in corroding the master remains, Wei Desen was invested swamp the time, exactly is that Corrosion Deep Meaning the master remains dissolve the time.” “那片蛮星的腐蚀沼泽,是加多血液的腐蚀之力,腐蚀他骨骸衍变而成,那沼泽就是他腐蚀奥义的精华,一直在腐蚀着主人遗骨,维德森被投入沼泽的时候,恰恰便是那腐蚀奥义将主人遗骨溶解的时候。” He was too lucky, he who should be dissolved, does not know why the reason instead exquisite absorbs swamp, fuses in Jia Duo Corrosion Deep Meaning own bloodlines skeleton, wonderful of master remains, this is also being why obviously only then Origin God Second Sky, he goes crazy the Corrosion Deep Meaning thorough stimulation, even can achieve to be equal to the Immortal Expert reason.” “他实在太幸运了,原本该被溶解的他,也不知因何原因反而将沼泽内精妙都吸收,将加多腐蚀奥义融合自身血脉骨骸中,连带着,还有主人遗骨的神妙,这也是为何明明只有始神二重天,他发狂将腐蚀奥义彻底激发,甚至能达到等同不朽强者的原因。” Grants him that terrifying power, is not Jia Duo Corrosion Deep Meaning, but is master the strength of remains!” “赐予他那恐怖力量的,并非是加多腐蚀奥义,而是主人的遗骨之力!” Ming Hao tells his speculation. 冥晧将他的推测娓娓道来。 People when looking at Wei Desen, such as looks at being dormant Devil, once goes crazy, destroys the Heaven Destroyer place sufficiently! 众人在看维德森之时,如看着一头蛰伏的妖魔,一旦发狂起来,足以毁天灭地! In fact, when that Fire Rain Star Field, if whatever continuously Wei Desen goes crazy, he can indeed destroy entire Fire Rain Star Field! 事实上,在那火雨星域的时候,若是一直任由维德森发狂下去,他的确能毁灭整个火雨星域 Only because of Bloodthirsty remains power! 只因嗜血遗骨的力量 At this time, had the void chaotic basin trillion years and also to have four big races were too long ago more than too many Absolute Beginning lives, was awakened by the people, such as extinguished the god of world to be awakened, 11 great insect Clone were destroying 11 star territories, the Lord was in this constantly to strengthen power, including the Ming Hao people are unable with joint forces the seal. 此时,存在虚空乱流域亿万年、比四大种族还有久远太多太多的太初生灵,被众人惊醒,如灭世之神被唤醒,11条巨虫分身在毁灭11个星域,主身在此不断增强力量,连冥晧众人合力都无法封印。 Big Star Sea, imitates, if also nobody can trig this thing again. 偌大星海,仿若再也无人能制住此物。 Ming Hao is helpless, calls finally Wei Desen this stealth high explosive bomb, said occurred on him wonderful, must draw support from his mysterious ability, came this Absolute Beginning life heavy losses! 冥晧无奈,终将维德森这枚隐形烈性炸弹唤来,道出发生在他身上的神妙,要借助他的神奇能力,来将这太初生灵重创! His words fall, on the Wei Desen face appears wipes sorrowfully, at once in the pupil flashes before the light of ominous offense, why can I help you? How do I know you to say genuine and fake?” 他一番话落下,维德森脸上显出一抹悲痛,旋即眸中闪现出凶戾之光,“我为何要帮助你们?我怎知你所言真假?” You , if not coordinate, you, I, here person, 11 star territories, the innumerable lives will wither away, perhaps the entire universe will break up continually the smashing, all your family members will not exist.” Ming Hao indifferent bitterly disappointing, his tranquil looks to Wei Desen, understands the explanation fact simply. “你如果不配合,你,我,这里的人,11个星域,无数生灵会消亡,或许连整个宇宙都会崩解粉碎,你所有亲人都将不复存在。”冥晧冷漠的令人心寒,他平静的看向维德森,简单明了说明事实。 He lifts a hand point, the scene in that gigantic void bright mirror, once more becomes clear. 他抬手一点,那硕大虚空明镜内的场景,再次变得清晰。 11 star territories, each star territory once the star of lively life, was bound by the great insect, on the stars tentacle and veins of innumerable Warrior by tied up, inhales its abdomen, the dead shape is horrible to look. 11个星域,每一个星域的一个曾繁华的生命之星,都被巨虫裹住,星辰上无数武者被触手、筋脉拴在,吸入它的腹部,死状惨不忍睹。 Wei Desen looks, a face is pale, half sound, he looks to Shi Yan. 维德森瞧了一眼,一脸铁青,半响,他看向石岩 The people also take advantage of opportunity to look to Shi Yan. 众人也都顺势看向石岩 This remains, Luo Lin hand come from Ling Xiang, Caesar, is prepared to receive sacred place, now...... It also has a more important use.” “这遗骨,从凌翔、西泽、洛林手中得来,本来是准备收入圣地,现在来看……它还有更重要的用途。” Shi Yan forehead, departs three jade boxes from his beginning, in the jade box is putting the Bloodthirsty remains, falls directly to the Wei Desen direction. 石岩一点眉心,从他始界内飞出三个玉盒,玉盒内盛放着嗜血遗骨,直接落向维德森的方向。 The Wei Desen calm face, puts out a hand to hold, the eye emits astonishing strange light suddenly, this inside thing, indeed lets me...... Has the warm feelings!” 维德森沉着脸,伸手抓住,眼睛骤然放出惊人奇光,“这里面的东西,的确让我……有亲切感!” The people all are the mind shake. 众人皆是心神一震。 How should I absorb?” He looks to Ming Hao. “我该如何吸收?”他看向冥晧 I do not know, because can succeed the exquisiteness of broken master remains from nobody, each obtains remains, these ten thousand years are perceiving through meditation, want to understand clearly mystery, what a pity have not succeeded including God Lord. You are only become merit, because on you, I can induce to aura of master, how to absorb, looks for the answer by you.” Ming Hao spooky say|way. “我不知道,因为从没有人能成功勒破主人遗骨的精妙,每一个得到遗骨者,这万年时间都在参悟,想洞悉其中的神奇,可惜连神主都没有成功。你是唯一成功者,因为在你身上,我能感应到主人的气息,如何吸收,也只是由你自己来找寻答案。”冥晧幽幽道。 Wei Desen has gawked a while. 维德森愣了一会儿。 This a while time, that great insect struggles even more intense, Xuan He, Fredrik, Decca, Ming Hao, Reddy have to concentrate completely the attention, releases the supernatural power to be exquisite, arranges more seals to come out. 这一会儿功夫,那巨虫挣扎的愈发激烈,玄河、腓特烈、迪卡罗、冥晧、雷迪不得不集中全部注意力,来释放神力精妙,来布置更多封印出来。 The rope that implication life and death exquisite rivers, trillion ghosts, leader Thunder Dragon, the small spaces of multiplying, the corpse strength congealed, one by one tied up on that great insect. 条条蕴含生命和死亡精妙的河流,亿万条幽魂,一头头雷龙,一个个滋生的小空间,还有尸力凝结的绳索,一一捆缚在那巨虫身上。 Five people of facial expressions are stern, appear the great stress, Reddy roared to whoosh by dragon body, obviously resistance difficulty of more and more. 五人神情严峻,显得压力巨大,那雷迪更是以龙身咆哮嘶吼,显然抵抗的越来越艰难。 Carves in this time, together graceful moving silhouette, appears from a that great insect bubble, a eyes eyeball cold favour emotion, has not looked disdainfully looks at the people who disdains, in the mouth is transmitting the mystical language that nobody knows, the language can penetrate layer upon layer the seal, can step over the void hindrance, falls to that 11 star territories. 在此时刻,一道曼妙动人的身影,又从那巨虫一处鼓包内浮现出来,一双眼睛冷冽没有一丝人情情感,睥睨不屑的望着众人,口中传来无人知晓的神秘语言,语言能穿透层层封印,能迈过虚空阻碍,落向那11个星域。 Naturally is Zi Yao. 自然便是紫耀 She stops on the great insect, such as stands in the summit of great mountain proudly, compares her to be extremely tiny with the great insect, but her facial expression and stance, actually as if are masters. 她停在巨虫身上,如傲然站在巨山的山巅,和巨虫相比她极其渺小,但她的神情和姿态,却仿佛才是主人。 Pink clouds Divine Light, is pasting on her, making her beautifully to beyond comparison. 道道彩霞般神光,在她身上流转着,让她美艳到无以伦比。 She looks suddenly to Shi Yan, in the beautiful pupil split to wipe the strange color, the red lips wriggled, she put out a syllable, the syllable of any language a different nowadays knows! 她忽然看向石岩,美眸中绽出一抹奇异色彩,朱唇蠕动了一下,她吐出一个音节,一个不同现今所知的任何语言的音节! But Shi Yan actually understands! 石岩却听懂的! That is a character Desolate! 那是一个字荒! Zi Yao called him Desolate! 紫耀叫他“荒”! Bang!” “轰!” In the vice- soul of Grace Mainland center of earth, such as by the thunder and lightning crazy bang, was passing through layer upon layer the wall barrier instantaneously, drops down into Shi Yan Soul Altar, bunches of flame change into the deep meaning level, hold-up that soul. 远在神恩大陆地心的副魂,如被雷电狂轰正着,瞬间穿越层层壁障,直落入石岩灵魂祭台,一簇簇火焰化为奥义层,托浮着那副魂。 The vice- soul under nourishing of bunches flame, such as one group of radiant flame how, is releasing astonishing energy, that energy is clearing away turbulently, causes now the Grace Mainland peripheral earth-shattering! 副魂在簇簇火焰的滋养下,如一团璀璨多么的火焰,释放着惊人的能量,那能量汹涌涤荡着,引得如今神恩大陆周边天崩地裂! Do not visit her!” Ming Hao calls out suddenly, sound such as cold blade, straight thrust Shi Yan mind. “别看她!”冥晧突然暴喝,声如寒刀,直刺石岩脑海。 The Shi Yan whole body ice is cold, awakes to turn around suddenly, courageously biting the tip of one's tongue, a thick Immortal Devil Blood splash changes into the warm current, whole body power bursts out instantaneously! 石岩浑身冰寒,霍然醒转过来,当机立断咬破舌尖,一口浓稠不死魔血飞溅化为暖流,全身力量瞬间迸发! Sinks!” “沉落!” In his heart drinks greatly, that soul from Soul Altar, submerges his beginning directly, internalizes in beginning for the vast expanse of water sea of fire. 他心中大喝,那副魂从灵魂祭台之内,直接没入他自己的始界,在始界内化为一片汪洋火海。 Self- to seal|confer Jue! 自我封绝! The vice- soul falls into his beginning, has cut off all sorts of relations seriously, he cannot hear the Zi Yao sound again, cannot understand Zi Yao twittering, that type the feeling of letting his soul direct collapse, vanishes without the trace suddenly. 副魂落入他自己始界,当真割断了种种联系,他再也听不见紫耀的声音,听不懂紫耀的呢喃,那种让他灵魂直接崩溃的感觉,陡然消失无踪。 He lives a feeling of being survivor of disaster suddenly, he knows, if not decisive crashes into oneself beginning the vice- soul, the relation of interruption and opposite party, the opposite party will take advantage of opportunity the invasion, made him Lord the soul and vice- soul to explode directly completely broken! 他突生一种劫后余生的感觉,他知道若非果断将副魂坠入自己始界,截断和对方的一丝联系,对方会顺势侵入,直接令他主魂、副魂全部爆碎! He does not dare to look at Zi Yao, does not dare to look! 他再也不敢去看紫耀,一眼都不敢看! He compels to place on Wei Desen all attention, at this time, Wei Desen opened that jade box one by one, extraordinary, in box the Bloodthirsty skeleton of stealth , he as soon as touches then appears, changes into sections of bones. 他逼着自己将所有注意力放在维德森身上,此时,维德森将那玉盒都一一打开了,出奇的,盒子内隐形的嗜血骨骸,他一摸便显现真实,化为一截截骨头。 At once, Wei Desen in the most direct simple way, puts in that bone the mouth directly, does not have including the mastication, direct swallowed down! 旋即,维德森以最直接干脆的方式,将那骨头直接放入口中,连咀嚼都没有,直接一口吞了下去! That giant skeleton falls into the fearful scene of abdomen following his throat, making Shi Yan be startled cold sweat, thought that skeleton momentarily can support to explode the thorn to break to pieces his neck throat. 那巨大骨骼顺着他喉咙落入腹部的可怕场景,让石岩都惊出一声冷汗,觉得那骨骼随时能撑爆刺碎他的脖颈喉管。 He also continually swallows three Bloodthirsty remains unexpectedly! 他竟然还连吞三根嗜血遗骨! „Don't you chew?” The Shi Yan back sends cold asking. “你不嚼一嚼么?”石岩背脊发寒的问道。 Cannot chew too tough to chewed!” Wei Desen swallows into three Bloodthirsty remains difficultly, became flushed the face to ablaze with anger, at once the belly ballooning gets up suddenly! “嚼不动!”维德森艰难吞入三根嗜血遗骨,涨红了脸怒气冲冲回了一句,旋即肚子忽然鼓胀起来! Inflates at the naked eye obvious speed! 以肉眼可见的速度膨胀! If time that the pregnant woman will be pregnant in September, is shortened in the short several seconds! So a while, the Wei Desen then abdomen is giant, the interior hears „” strange sound. 如孕妇将九月怀胎的时间,缩短在短短数秒!就这么一会儿,维德森便腹部巨大,内部传来“汩汩”的古怪声。 The Wei Desen complexion is pale, suddenly covers whooshing that the belly is going crazy, such as massacred wild beast, roar world-shaking, in the roaring sound, he falls into once more crazily, fleshly body rises suddenly, destroy heaven and earth corrosion power to erupt from his within the body. 维德森脸色铁青,忽然捂着肚子发狂的嘶吼,如被残杀的野兽,声声怒吼惊天动地,在怒吼声中,他再次陷入疯狂,肉身暴涨,一股股毁灭天地的腐蚀力量从他体内爆发出来。 Compared with initially in Fire Rain Star Field, did not know many times! 比当初在火雨星域的时候,强了不知道多少倍! Three Bloodthirsty remains enter the abdomen, does not know that turned into any monster him, making on him terrifying aura strengthen continually, such as did not have the limit to be ordinary! 三根嗜血遗骨入腹,也不知将他变成了什么怪物,令他身上恐怖气息持续增强,如没有止境一般! Has exceeded unexpectedly greatly the great insect energy increasing speed! 竟然大大超过了巨虫能量的攀升速度! Shocking! 骇人听闻! „!” “嗷!” Wei Desen roared sad and shrill, whole body ruptured general, transmitted the intensive bang, the whole body pore crazily spout the air/Qi of corrosion, mixed his to be in sole possession of the territory field, instantaneous spread came. 维德森凄厉咆哮,浑身爆裂一般,传来密集的巨响,浑身毛孔疯狂喷涌出腐蚀之气,混合他那独有域场,瞬间扩散开来。 Immediately avoids! Evades behind that great insect, making the great insect acknowledge his strength of corrosion!” Ming Hao screamed. “立即避开!避到那巨虫后方,让巨虫来承认他的腐蚀之力!”冥晧尖叫。 The people complexion sends coldly, evades the point without hesitation temporarily, at the maximum speed moves, goes toward the rear area of that great insect in abundance, must let the great insect and Wei Desen face-to-face competes. 众人脸色发寒,毫不犹豫暂避锋芒,都以最快速度挪动,纷纷往那巨虫的后方而去,要让巨虫和维德森面对面来较劲。
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