GOS :: Volume #14

#1351: End attack

„!” “喀嚓!” Blood Vein Ring broadcasts egg shell shatter voice, does not wait for Ming Hao to respond that the scarlet rainbow light illness shoots together suddenly, but dodges, is bringing that Blood Vein Ring one and vanishes! 血纹戒传来鸡蛋壳破碎的声音,不等冥晧反应过来,一道血色虹光骤然疾射出来,只是一闪间,便带着那血纹戒一并消失! Ring Spirit eradicates the seal! 戒灵破除封印! Fully Ming Hao of seal great insect, the facial expression becomes extremely ugly, is startled, the mind slightly shakes, such as had been dashed the body instantaneously, the ghost body is suddenly fuzzy. 全力封印巨虫的冥晧,神情变得极其难看,一怔下,心神微震,如被瞬间冲撞了躯体,幽魂般的身子忽然模糊。 His mind shakes greatly, by strength of impact that great insect struggling, such as was injured the soul. 他心神巨震下,被那巨虫挣扎之力冲击,如伤了魂魄。 He is quick, yells toward Shi Yan: Its trend!” 他很快镇定,朝着石岩叫喊:“查查它的动向!” The Shi Yan thought rotation, a continuously Divine Sense escape comes out, such as trillion sea-monsters flee in all directions in this piece of space, attempt the direction that found Blood Vein Ring and Ring Spirit vanishes. 石岩念头转动,一缕缕神识飞逸出来,如亿万游鱼在这片空间流窜,试图找到血纹戒戒灵消失的方向。 What a pity, that Ring Spirit and Blood Vein Ring simply have not left behind aura, he before and weak relation of Blood Vein Ring, hence, cut off thoroughly. 可惜,那戒灵血纹戒根本没有留下一丝气息,他之前和血纹戒的微弱联系,至此,被彻底斩断。 Escaped this piece of void chaotic basin, went to where as for the present, I am unable to catch, I and it lose the contact thoroughly.” Half sound, the Shi Yan sinking sound responded, the look also became incomparably dignified. “已经遁出这片虚空乱流域,至于如今去了何处,我也无法捕捉,我与它彻底失去联系。”半响,石岩沉声回应,眼神也变得无比凝重。 He knows that Ring Spirit is the soul of Outer Territory, the origin cannot understand clearly wonderful, but in this place void chaotic basin center, that great insect can affect Ring Spirit, helping it relieve the seal, making Shi Yan extremely obscure unclearly. 他知道那戒灵也为域外之魂,来历至今不能洞悉神妙,但在此地虚空乱流域中央,那巨虫能影响戒灵,帮助它解除封印,令石岩极其费解不明。 None who does not becomes, that Ring Spirit and with great insect communication? Do both sides have tacitly inadequate? Otherwise that great insect, why will help Ring Spirit , helping him to work loose the seal? 莫不成,那戒灵和和巨虫沟通?双方有着默契不成?否则那巨虫,为何会帮助戒灵,助他来挣脱封印? Layer on layer confuses floods in the hearts, he suddenly cannot find, such as was being covered up by the thick dense fog. 重重迷惑充斥心间,他一时间怎么也瞧不见真实,如被浓浓迷雾遮掩着。 „It is not good! Its power is strengthening slowly, what's the matter?!” “不好!它力量在缓慢增强,怎么回事?!” Xuan He turned into body of shape Immortal, whole body covers entirely the fierce strange thorn, scarlet eyes like the blood, was containing the life and death fluctuation rivers, carried on big terrifying between life and death to spread out the righteousness, such as the scarlet rough sea waves fell to that great insect. But he has not shown the relaxed expression, instead is out of control to call out in alarm. 玄河已变成不死之身形态,浑身布满狰狞怪刺,猩红双眸如血,一条条蕴含着生命和死亡波动的河流,进行着生死间的大恐怖衍义,如血色巨浪落向那巨虫。但他一点没有露出轻松表情,反而禁不住惊叫。 Decca, Reddy, Fei Liete also almost also took a stand, said that great insect power was rising dramatically gradually, such as did not have the limit. 迪卡罗、雷迪、腓烈特也几乎同时表态,说那巨虫力量在逐渐飙升,如没有止境。 The Ming Hao profound dark pupil, shows mysterious turbulent strange light, such as and innumerable minute of soul construction connection, half sound, his ghost body sways fiercely, said with amazement: Galaxy has the great change!” 冥晧深邃幽暗的眸子,透出玄妙动荡奇光,如和无数分魂构建连接,半响,他那幽魂般的身子剧烈晃荡,骇然道:“星河发生巨变!” Decca Luo Ting his eyes, a Divine Sense revolution. Also shakes loudly greatly: Heaven!” 迪卡罗听他一眼,神识一转。也轰然巨震:“老天!” Xuan He, Reddy, Fei Liete pull out god to look to them, the color of eye of dew anxious inquiry. Must know immediately actually to have anything. 玄河、雷迪、腓烈特抽神看向两人,目露焦急询问之色。要立即知道究竟发生了什么。 Senior Brother, you suppress him fully. I showed to have anything them.” Ming Hao sinks to drink. 师兄,你全力压制他。我给他们看看发生了什么。”冥晧沉喝。 His two void, such as is precise to dodge to be able the bright mirror of shining endless vault of heaven, in that mirror, presents a piece by piece galaxy, is representing the high Level star territories of zone of different, now. In that star territory, unexpectedly many a leader and their present seal the exactly the same great insect. 他两手虚空一拉,如凝炼出一闪能照耀无尽苍穹的明镜,在那镜子内,出现一片片星河,代表着一个个不同区域的高等级星域,如今。在那一个个星域之中,竟多了一头头和他们如今封印的一模一样的巨虫。 These great insects wander in Star Sea, occupies in the star of numerous high Level life, releases the antenna that mounts to stick, embezzles into the abdomen numerous Warrior...... 那些巨虫在星海间游荡,在众多高等级生命之星盘踞,释放出黏糊的触角,将众多武者吞没入腹…… Altogether 11 great insects, enter 11 high Level star territories respectively, that 11 high Level star territories, impressively Bloodthirsty lineage/vein and place of God Clan going on an expedition. 一共有11头巨虫,分别进入11个高等级星域,那11个高等级星域,赫然正是嗜血一脉和神族征战之地。 That great insect volume compares star of the life to be huge, releases inexhaustible terrifying power. A appearance, then has frightened swiftly extraordinary Expert of entire high Level star territory, such as the end nibbles the star of life generally, embezzles Warrior of star of life, the great polypite interior extent extends the innumerable tentacles, the surface layer presents the crowded dense huge mouth, the huge mouth is wriggling, is embezzling Warrior. 那巨虫体积比一个生命之星还要庞大,释放出无穷无尽的恐怖力量。倏一出现,便震慑了整个高等级星域的超绝强者,如末日一般蚕食生命之星,将一个生命之星的武者吞没掉,巨虫体内延伸出无数触手,表层出现密集的森森巨口,巨口蠕动着,吞没着一个个武者 The void mirror surface of Ming Hao release, is quite clear, they even can find on the despair by embezzling face here, sad and shrill pitiful yell that type sends out extremely no use! 冥晧释放的虚空镜面,极为清晰,他们在这里甚至能瞧见被吞没者脸上的绝望,那种极度无助发出的凄厉惨叫! 11 great insects, invade 11 high Level star territories, in the life stars to these star territories is carrying on nibbling. 11个巨虫,侵入11个高等级星域,对那些星域上的生命之星进行着蚕食。 In vast Star Sea, in numerous star territories, such as the end attack, nobody knows how the great insect arrives, but all person mind are alarmed and afraid at this time. 在浩淼星海间,在众多星域中,如末日来袭,无人知道巨虫如何到来,但此时所有人都心神惊惧。 aura that because, releases from that great insect, makes the person unable to have the resistance simply the thought. 因为,从那巨虫身上释放的气息,简直让人生不出抵抗的念头。 That is fearful aura that one type surpasses them to imagine! 那是一种超出他们想象的可怕气息 Entire Star Sea because of great insect seething with excitement fear, this in going on an expedition God Clan and Bloodthirsty lineage/vein various , the suspension battle, in abundance spreads newest message to the leader and leader. 整个星海都因巨虫而沸腾恐惧,本在征战的神族嗜血一脉诸强,也暂停争斗,纷纷向魁首和领袖传出最新的讯息 How also to have 11!” Xuan He such as the immerse in the blood, the whole body scarlet scarlet, startled shout said. “怎么还有11个!”玄河如浸没在鲜血之中,浑身猩红血色,惊喝道。 Reddy, Ming Hao, Fei Liete look to Decca Luo. 雷迪、冥晧腓烈特都看向迪卡罗。 I early should think.” The Decca Romania expression is bitter and astringent, in this void chaotic basin, I sees many have been similar this place the cloud cluster, but, I have not thought these cloud clusters can also fuse, turn into this strange Absolute Beginning life!” “我早该想到。”迪卡罗表情苦涩,“在这虚空乱流域中,我见过许多类似此地的云团,只是,我没有想过那些云团也能融合,变成这奇诡的太初生灵!” „It is not 11! They, radically is a body! Similar to my minute of souls, beyond the incarnation, such as four Ancient Continent that splits from the Desolate is common, their aura soul read the fluctuation to be consistent, was the same fellow! That 11 fellows' embezzling to high Level Warrior, directly causes the power of our seal to strengthen, this is a physical ability power interconversion!” “不是11个!它们,根本就是一体的!就如同我一个个分魂,一个个身外化身,如从荒内分裂的四个古大陆一般,它们气息魂念波动都一致,是同一个家伙!那11个家伙对高等级武者的吞没,直接导致我们封印的这个力量在增强,这就是一体能力量相互转换!” Ming Hao stern gives his judgment. 冥晧严峻的给出他的判断。 Shi Yan secret nod. 石岩暗暗点头。 He also looked, altogether 12 great insects this as one, dispersed in void chaotic basin each corner actually before, towed to astray the void turbulent flow in the different positions Warrior, restores own power. 他也看出来了,一共12个巨虫其实本为一体,之前分散在虚空乱流域各个角落,在不同的方位来牵引误入虚空乱流的武者,来恢复自己的力量 Is just like his main soul with the minute soul, power can transform mutually is the same, this was called by them is the fellow of Absolute Beginning life, is so, even is exquisiter than with the minute soul his main soul, that 12 it, is similar to exactly the same, aura, fluctuates all sorts is same. 就好比他的主魂和分魂,力量能相互转化一样,这个被他们称呼为太初生灵的家伙,也是如此,甚至比他的主魂和分魂还要精妙,那12个它,如同一模一样,气息、波动种种皆是一样。 Our universes and void turbulent flow have the wall barrier, the star territory has the wall barrier, can it easily enter? Of that wall barrier, we have profound understanding, do not seek the method unable to seep, this matter, decides however has the strangeness! If the fellow can enter, before should extremely early, entered! How to wait till the present?” Decca Luo Bujie said. “我们的宇宙和虚空乱流有壁障,星域有壁障,它怎能轻易进入?那壁障之强,我们深有体会,寻不到方法根本无法渗透进来,此事,定然有古怪!那家伙如果能进入,应该极早之前就进入了!怎会等到现在?”迪卡罗不解道。 „The territory sea of that 11 star territories, was ordered to destroy completely, void passage instantaneous tearing swelled, these territory seas, had been thoroughly destroyed!” Ming Hao narrows the eyes to focus, the facial expression is cloudy, in present Star Sea, there is this ability, has a person!” “那11个星域的域海,全部被人下令破坏了,一个个虚空通道瞬间撕裂胀大了,那些域海,已经被彻底摧毁!”冥晧眯着眼,神情阴厉,“在如今的星海中,有此能力者,只有一个人!” Tian Xie!” The Decca Luo complexion suddenly changes. 天邪!”迪卡罗脸色骤然一变。 He once was honor Elder of great billows chamber of commerce, was deep Tian Xie thinking highly and respectful, his power to that chamber of commerce was very clear, among vast Star Sea, only then the great billows chamber of commerce can start the hands and feet in the territory sea of that 11 star territories together, including God Clan and Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, could not achieve this matter! 他曾是巨澜商会的荣誉长老,深得天邪器重和恭敬,他对那商会的力量很清楚,浩淼星海间,也只有巨澜商会能够在那11个星域的域海一起发动手脚,连神族嗜血一脉,都做不到此事! Because these star territories desirably are guarding to God Clan and Bloodthirsty lineage/vein. Only the intercourse in their territory sea, can obtain their approvals in the name of the trade great billows chamber of commerce, can emerge their territory sea instantaneously, in they do not have in the situation of protection, destroys territory sea one by one. 因为那些星域对神族嗜血一脉都刻意防备着。只有往来在他们域海,以贸易为名的巨澜商会能得到他们的认同,能在瞬间涌入他们域海,在他们没有防备的情况下,将域海一一破坏掉。 The territory sea, is a window of star territory, the territory sea is destroyed by the special method, makes huge incomparable, can hold that great insect that void roads connect to pass through. 域海,为一个星域的窗口,域海被特殊方法破坏掉,使得一个个虚空甬道连接的巨大无比,才能容纳那巨虫穿过。 Decca Luo calls out in alarm, making people complexion even more gloomy fearful. Tian Xie is the great billows chairman of the chamber of commerce, is wielding extremely the terrifying influence in Star Sea. He opens territory to make great insect enter, stems from what kind goal nobody to know. But his coordination, will certainly make the great insect open access! 迪卡罗一声惊呼,让众人脸色都愈发阴沉可怕。天邪为巨澜商会会长,在星海间执掌着极为恐怖的势力。他开放域海让巨虫进入,到底出于何种目的无人可知。但他的配合,必将令巨虫畅通无阻! Now, Ring Spirit eradicates the seal to be missing, the great insect are suddenly many 11, is nibbling the star territory separately, but this place they collaborate the seal. Appears is beset with difficulties. 如今,戒灵破除封印下落不明,巨虫忽然多出11只,在分别蚕食星域,而此地这一只他们联手封印。都显得困难重重。 Each one second, great insect power will have strengthened, must work loose the seal to counter-attack probably unable to want too for a long time. 每过一秒,巨虫力量都会增强,要挣脱封印来反击或许要不了太长时间。 End attacked.” The Decca Luo expression haze, such as lost all tricks, perhaps is unable to prevent, we should not enrage this Absolute Beginning life, otherwise it should continue the deep sleep to get down.” “末日来袭了。”迪卡神色阴霾,如失去了所有伎俩,“或许无法阻止了,我们不该激怒这太初生灵,不然它应该会继续沉睡下去。” He rudes awakening, was what a pity late, development so stage. All are unable to recall probably. 他后悔莫及,可惜已经迟了,事态发展到如此阶段。一切好像无法挽回了。 This fellow should be the control central, so long as destroys it, should be able to solve troublesome!” Ming Hao calms down suddenly once more. “这家伙应该是主脑,只要毁灭它,应该就能解决掉麻烦!”冥晧突然再次冷静下来。 „The Absolute Beginning life wants the seal extremely to be difficult, the thorough destruction, is almost impossible, this point, I think that you should understand.” Decca Luo smiles bitterly. 太初生灵要封印都极难,彻底毁灭,几乎不可能,这一点,我想你应该明白。”迪卡罗苦笑。 That causes heavy losses to it!” Ming Hao said suddenly. “那就重创它!”冥晧忽然道。 What means do you have?” Decca Luo shook the head. “你有什么办法?”迪卡罗摇了摇头。 Ming Hao has hesitated, seems cruel-hearted, said: Indeed has the means that but does not know that will present any consequence, but the situation is urgent now , can only try.” 冥晧沉吟了一下,似乎狠下心来,道:“的确有办法,只是不知会出现什么后果,但如今形势紧迫,也只能试一试了。” Xuan He and Shi Yan people all are eye one bright, looks to him. 玄河石岩众人皆是眼睛一亮,纷纷看向他。 All people know that Ming Hao is far from the person of being aimless, if he said that has the means that hundred has the means on the percentage, is only this great insect savage is so fearful, they collaborate unable the seal, what method can he have its heavy losses? 所有人都知道冥晧绝非无的放矢之人,他若说有办法,就百分百有办法,只是这巨虫如此凶残可怕,他们联手都无法封印,他又能有什么方法将其重创? People curious awfully. 众人好奇的要命。 I lead a person to you.” The Ming Hao eye is fluctuating spookily, his not inferior Decca Luo's Space Deep Meaning release, congeals a flash gate, his Divine Sense penetration falls into that shutter together directly. “我给你们带过来一个人。”冥晧眼睛幽幽变幻着,将他不逊色迪卡罗的空间奥义释放,凝结出一闪光门,他一道神识穿透直接落入那光门。 silhouette braves together suddenly in the shutter. 一道身影忽然在光门内冒出来。 Shi Yan had a scare, is out of control to scream: Wei Desen!” 石岩吓了一跳,禁不住尖叫道:“维德森!” Comes the person unexpectedly is Wei Desen, that almost destroyed Fire Rain Star Field Wei Desen, within the body has terrifying to fluctuate, has to corrode the leader Jia Duo aura uncivilized nationalities and special fellow of God Clan hybrid. 来人竟然是维德森,那个差点毁了火雨星域维德森,体内有着恐怖波动,拥有腐蚀魁首加多气息的蛮族和神族混血的特殊家伙。 „Do you call me to come this to do really? You have rescued my mother and our barbarian stars, but I only comply to help you cope with God Clan, this place does not have the God Clan clansman.” After Wei Desen comes out, whole face is impatient, whole body emerges murderous intention. “你唤我来此作甚?你救了我母亲和我们的蛮星,但我只答应帮你对付神族,此地并没有神族族人。”维德森出来后,满脸的不耐烦,浑身涌现出杀机 He returns to the ancestor place from afar, must from slaughtering of Brakell Family clansman, rescues his mother and clansman, when to his past time, discovered that Brakell Family ordered to slaughter his clansman and family member, but Ming Hao in observation his every action and every movement, was getting rid of his mother and genuine family member in secret ahead of time has rescued. 他千里迢迢返回祖地,要从布雷克尔家族族人的屠戮下,将他母亲和族人救下,待到他过去的时候,发现布雷克尔家族已经下令屠杀他的族人和亲人,但冥晧在暗中观察着他的一举一动,提前出手将他母亲和真正的亲人救了下来。 Naturally to win over him, Wei Desen has also thanked for a kindness, can turn a weapon around God Clan to the Ming Hao statement. 自然是为了拉拢他,维德森也承情了,向冥晧表态会反戈神族 Shi Yan thinks the matter, Ming Hao helps him achieve properly, deceives Bloodthirsty lineage/vein Wei Desen successfully, because the Wei Desen ancestor star many person was struck to kill, he hates the comprehensive eruption to God Clan. 石岩所想之事,冥晧帮他妥善达成,将维德森给成功骗到嗜血一脉,因为维德森祖星许多蛮人被击杀,他对神族之恨全面爆发。 He called Wei Desen, in childhood because of having the blood of God Clan, was different from the normal uncivilized nationalities clansman appearance, in the old man by the clan got rid in star swamp, making him run its own course, he has absorbed all corrosion water fluids in swamp, that water fluid had the blood of Jia Duo,...... Our master the strength of skeleton.” “他叫维德森,幼时因有神族之血,和正常蛮族族人模样不同,被族内老者抛弃在蛮星一处沼泽内,让他自生自灭,他吸收了沼泽内的一切腐蚀水液,那水液有加多之血,还有……我们主人的骨骸之力。” Ming Hao looks to Shi Yan, said: Brings the master remains, Wei Desen is among present Star Sea, can recruit and fuse the master remains power person only, after the strength of his absorb master remains, will corrode power to release the pinnacle, then cannot corrode melt this great insect, can cause heavy losses to it!” 冥晧看向石岩,道:“将主人遗骨拿来,维德森是如今星海间,唯一能吸收并且融合主人遗骨力量的人,他吸纳主人遗骨之力后,将腐蚀力量释放到极致,便是不能腐蚀消融这巨虫,也能重创它!”
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