GOS :: Volume #14

#1350: Puzzled riddle

The God Lord words fall, Four Great Heavenly Kings dull such as the wooden chicken, the soul such as was attacked by the mighty current, experienced an inexplicable baptism. 神主一番话落下,四大天王呆如木鸡,灵魂如被洪流冲击,经历了一种莫名的洗礼。 Master, you meant...... Universe that a star territory of our clan ten thousand years of male tyrant, we have lived, is only others' beginning? Like our beginning?” The Xiao Yao look is vacant, was lost in thought that lived ten thousand years of he, at this moment lived a dismal feeling suddenly. “主人,您是说……我们一族万年雄霸的星域,我们一直生活的宇宙,只是别人的始界?就和我们的始界一样?”逍遥眼神茫然,怔怔出神,活了万年的他,这一刻突生一种悲凉感。 Comfortable, God King, bright also stays there. 自在、神王、光明也都呆愣在那儿。 Four Great Heavenly Kings is Bloodthirsty eight big leader Realm Earth Realm quite exists, in vast Star Sea, each is the miracles, is the eternal legend, may be called existence that does not extinguish. 四大天王乃是和嗜血八大魁首境界地位相当存在,在浩瀚星海间,他们每一个都是奇迹,是永恒的传说,是堪称不灭的存在。 But in this moment, they were shocked thoroughly, by being a mass of cuts and bruises of being startled! 但在这一刻,他们都被彻底震撼,被惊的体无完肤! Is this.” God Lord indifferently, Bloodthirsty to that words that I stay behind, I have thought these many years, truly thinks through, Bloodthirsty...... Is worth respecting, this just surpassed Immortal, so long as gives him again a time opportunity, he can break through this beginning, runs out of the shackles, true free ballooning horizon.” “就是这样。”神主漠然,“嗜血给我留下的那番话,我想了这么多年,也才真正想通,嗜血……值得我们所有人尊敬,他本刚刚超出不朽,只要再给他一点时间机会,他就能冲破这始界,冲出牢笼,真正自由翱翔天际。” , God Lord said: He was destroyed finally, was actually not destroyed by us, but is this universe actual master, with the aid of our hands, strikes to kill him!” 顿了一下,神主道:“他最终被毁灭,却不是被我们毁灭,而是这个宇宙的真正主人,借助我们的手,将他击杀!” Four Great Heavenly Kings bewildered puzzled. 四大天王还是一脸茫然困惑。 God Lord sighed one lightly, selected has selected own head, „, if did not have ten thousand years ago my experience in Ancient Continent Desolate, if were not I obtains previous beginning Origin Fruit, how my clan did rise? How can I bring the numerous assaults to kill him?” 神主轻叹一声,点了点自己的脑袋,“如果没有万年前我在古大陆荒的那番经历,如果不是我得到上一颗始源果,我族如何崛起?我又如何能带着众强击杀他?” Such remarks, Four Great Heavenly Kings shakes loudly, shouted to clear the way with one voice: You meant that the Desolate is......” 此言一出,四大天王轰然一震,齐声喝道:“您是说,荒就是……” It is the Lord of this universe, although is at the heavy losses divided state, but the Desolate to attach most importance brain, this universe, is created by it, other our God Clan and three big race, was created by its four soul, Desolate, for deep meaning source. Our all deep meanings must come, it is this universe natural law with the truth, is similar to we can control our beginning to be the same, all lives that it, can control this universe! Can control us! However it cut off the entity, splits five, is in the boundary of heavy losses consciousness blurring, will otherwise not have Bloodthirsty to exist. Also do not borrow our hands. Achieves its will......” “它就是这宇宙之主,虽然处于重创分裂状态,但荒为主脑,这个宇宙,由它创造出来,我们神族和别的三大种族,则是被它的四个分魂创造,荒内部,为奥义源头。我们一切奥义都从中得来,它就是这个宇宙的规则和真理,就如同我们能主宰我们自己的始界一样,它,能主宰这宇宙的一切生灵!能主宰我们!不过它被斩断实体,分裂成五份,处于重创意识模糊之境,不然也不会有嗜血存在。也不会要假借我们的手。来达成它的意志……” , God Lord continued saying: In soul and life of this universe birth, from that instant of birth. The soul then has its mark, this is the places of our pitifulness, because we will receive here natural law restraint. By its restraint, because it is natural law, is similar to our beginning, we can read the earth-shattering to destroy Heaven Destroyer general.” 顿了一顿,神主继续说道:“在这个宇宙出生的灵魂和生命,从出生的那一霎。灵魂便有它的印记,这是我们的可悲之处,因为我们将受这里的规则约束。受它的约束,因为它就是规则,就如同在我们的始界内,我们能一念间天崩地裂毁天灭地一般。” Bloodthirsty tragedy, is because is born in this universe, has its mark, otherwise, by the great strength of Bloodthirsty, works loose the prisoner's cage sufficiently. Hovers the genuine vast universe!” God Lord sighed. 嗜血的悲剧,也是因为诞生在这个宇宙,有它的印记,若不然,以嗜血的强大,足以挣脱囚笼。翱翔真正浩淼的宇宙!”神主叹道。 Bloodthirsty Devouring Deep Meaning, that eight big evil strength, never had appeared before , he from where?” The comfortable doubts said. 嗜血吞噬奥义,还有那八大邪力,之前从未显现过,他,得自何处?”自在疑惑道。 Desolate is the Absolute Beginning life, actually non- only Absolute Beginning life, a Bloodthirsty lineage/vein sacred place. That dark abyss, is a Absolute Beginning life, that Absolute Beginning life assumes the universe black hole the shape, can embezzle all, you have not seen. Had that dark abyss once embezzled the star of life?” God Lord said. “荒为太初生灵,却非唯一的太初生灵,嗜血一脉的圣地。那黑暗深渊,也是一个太初生灵,那个太初生灵呈宇宙黑洞的形态,本就能吞没一切,伱们难道不曾见过。那黑暗深渊曾吞没过生命之星?”神主道。 Four Great Heavenly Kings is one dull, at once said brightly: „Isn't that Bloodthirsty imperial moves Devouring Deep Meaning?” 四大天王又是一呆,旋即光明道:“那难道不是嗜血御动吞噬奥义而成?” That dark abyss. Is another Absolute Beginning life, Bloodthirsty Devouring Deep Meaning, that eight big deep meaning inheritance, derive this Absolute Beginning life, but Bloodthirsty some of our God Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family book assigns the blood essence refinement, Bloodthirsty, should be created at first by the Desolate, does not know why instead was inherited the deep meaning by that dark abyss, all these are the riddles, I have thought ten thousand years do not want to pass.” God Lord shakes the head. “那黑暗深渊。是另外一个太初生灵,嗜血吞噬奥义,还有那八大奥义传承,都得自这个太初生灵,但嗜血又有我们神族不死魔族天妖族冥皇族本命精血炼制而成,嗜血,应该最初是被荒创造出来,也不知为何反被那黑暗深渊传承了奥义,这一切都是谜团,我想了万年也没有想透。”神主摇头。 That this master summoned us to come, behavior what?” Xiao Yao said. “那这次主人召唤我们而来,所为何事?”逍遥道。 Besides the wild and dark abyss that we know , the Absolute Beginning life was waked, this Absolute Beginning life has dispersed when the void turbulent flow, my past breakthrough Immortal Third Sky Realm, has seen this thing in the void turbulent flow, but I do not know that in the past it is anything, withers away until Bloodthirsty, told me the words, I have become aware these many years, was clarifies.” God Lord said. “除了我们所知的荒和黑暗深渊之外,又有一个太初生灵被弄醒了,这个太初生灵一直分散在虚空乱流中,我当年突破不朽三重天境界之时,在虚空乱流内见过此物,但当年我并不知它是什么,直到嗜血消亡,告诉我那番话,我悟了这么多年,才算是弄清楚一点。”神主说道。 Also has a Absolute Beginning life?” Four Great Heavenly Kings with amazement. “又有一个太初生灵?”四大天王骇然。 This thing fission in void turbulent flow each corner, should cause heavy losses, the possible trillion years of awaking revolutions, not to have passed through the innumerable years slowly accumulates power, it regains consciousness through its way gradually the consciousness, it should after thoroughly restores wakes up, that probably also needs after several billions years, at that time, possibly this universe not to have, we also possibly already withered away. But now, its was given to enrage wakes.” “此物分裂在虚空乱流各个角落,也应该曾经被重创过,以至于可能亿万年都没有醒转,经过了无数岁月的慢慢积累力量,它通过它的方式渐渐苏醒意识,本来它应该在彻底恢复后醒来,那可能还需要经过数亿年之久,那时候,可能这个宇宙都没了,我们也可能早就消亡。但现在,它被人给激怒弄醒的。” God Lord eye glittering, said: Our these old friends, there, probably must withstand its anger now, we must do, is the patient waiting opportunity, I restore to be so long, now also probably Immortal Second Sky power, if can cut to kill this Absolute Beginning life, soul of absorb its Absolute Beginning, not only can restore completely power, even can surmount Immortal directly, has the true tearing prisoner's cage, runs out of power that from the natural law universe of Desolate! Such, I then am one of the Absolute Beginning, is the Desolate restores such as beginning, I can also truly with it contend!” 神主眼睛闪烁了一下,道:“我们的那些老朋友,如今都在那里,或许要承受它的怒火,我们所要做的,就是耐心等待机会,我恢复这么久,如今也只是大概不朽二重天力量,若能斩杀这个太初生灵,将其太初之魂吸纳,不但能恢复全部力量,甚至能直接超越不朽,拥有真正撕裂囚笼,从荒的规则宇宙冲出的力量!那样,我便是太初之一,便是荒恢复如初,我也能真正和它抗衡!” The Four Great Heavenly Kings facial expression rouses, within the body god blood such as was lit Fiery Flame, fighting intent is infinite. 四大天王神情振奋,体内神血如被点燃火炎,战意无穷。 ...... …… Almost at the same time. 几乎同时。 In the great billows star grand mystical palace bottom, association president Tian Xie of great billows chamber of commerce, Caesar, Ling Xiang, Luo Lin these four big Immortal Expert, were discussing the important matter. 在巨澜星雄阔神秘宫殿地底,巨澜商会的会长天邪,还有西泽、凌翔洛林这四大不朽强者,本在商议着要事。 Was discussing how to let God Clan and Bloodthirsty lineage/vein at risk of life, is dominated the star territory by them, wields the heaven and earth grand plan cause. 商议着如何让神族嗜血一脉拼死,由他们称霸星域,执掌天地的宏图伟业。 In the speech, that Tian Xie becomes does not suit suddenly extremely, eyes glittering the gloss of difference, is wriggling rune is fluctuating wonderful. 讲话中,那天邪忽然变得极为不对劲,双眸闪烁着异样的光泽,一个个蠕动着的符文变幻着神妙。 Brilliant Divine Light, seeps from that Tian Xie within the body, such as the rainbow winds around generally on him, dazzling to the extreme. 道道绚烂的神光,从那天邪体内渗透出来,如彩虹一般缭绕在他身上,炫目到了极点。 Tian Xie that spoken, reveals the vacant dull color suddenly, there motionless, as if could not hear Caesar, Ling Xiang, Luo Lin speech. 正讲话的天邪,也忽然露出茫然呆愣之色,在那儿一动不动,仿佛听不到了西泽、凌翔洛林三人的讲话。 Tian Xie! Tian Xie!” Three people cannot help but gently shouted that must awaken Tian Xie , to continue to discuss the important matter. 天邪天邪!”三人不由得轻轻叫嚷,要唤醒天邪,继续来商谈要事。 A Tian Xie face is aloof. 天邪一脸无动于衷。 Knows without many people, deep meaning that Tian Xie majors in truly, actually and Zi Yao is exactly the same, is absorb Outer Territory Divine Light. 没有多少人知道,天邪真正主修的奥义,其实和紫耀一模一样,也是吸纳域外神光而成。 In fact the association president of each first generation great billows chamber of commerce, Tian Xie for generations, the minor deep meaning one by one is possibly different, meets the cultivation flame deep meaning, or the cold ice deep meaning wait / etc., in fact with the person who Tian Xie knows well, when only he is only skilled in the flame deep meaning. Tian Xie itself indeed is also remarkable Refiner Master. 事实上每一代巨澜商会的会长,天邪的祖祖辈辈,可能辅修的奥义各个不同,会修炼火焰奥义,或者寒冰奥义等等,事实上很多和天邪熟识的人,也只当他只精通火焰奥义。天邪本身的确也是一名卓越的炼器师 But Caesar, Ling Xiang, Luo Lin are clear, Tian Xie is hiding a deep meaning, that deep meaning is the deep meaning that he majors in truly. 但西泽、凌翔洛林三人却清楚,天邪隐藏着一种奥义,那奥义才是他真正主修的奥义。 That deep meaning, is the Divine Light deep meaning, slightly has similar to the God Clan deep meaning, actually completely different mystical deep meanings. 那奥义,就是神光奥义,和神族奥义略有相似,却完全不同的神秘奥义。 At this moment, Tian Xie whole body Divine Light glittering, in the eye pupil is having mystical rune to wriggle. In the mouth sends out fuzzy whispering gradually. That type whispered such as the extremely ancient intonation, can infiltrate the soul to be ordinary, including experiencing uncommon Caesar, Ling Xiang, Luo Lin. From the start does not understand what is heard. 此刻,天邪周身神光闪烁着,眼眸中有神秘符文蠕动。口中渐渐发出模糊的低语。那种低语如极为古老的语调,能透入灵魂一般,连见识不凡的西泽、凌翔洛林三人。都压根听不明白。 But they actually know that Tian Xie is quite at this moment strange, such as the cultivation distinguished merit accidentally discharges Bedevilment to be ordinary. 但他们却知道,天邪此刻极为怪异,如修炼奇功走火入魔一般。 The Ling Xiang three people look dignified. Discussed, thought should make anything. 凌翔三人神情凝重。商量了一下,觉得应该做些什么。 Then in this time, such as electric currents passed over gently and swiftly in the Tian Xie mind, in Tian Xie eyes the confused color sweeps away instantaneously, he restores the Pure Brightness, if accepted some mysterious inheritance, his silent several seconds, said suddenly: My body is somewhat ill, first makes me alone calm down a bit. you wait a bit.” 便在此时,如一道道电流在天邪脑海中掠过,天邪双眸中迷茫之色瞬间一扫而空,他重新恢复清明,如接受了某种玄妙不已的传承,他沉默数秒,忽然道:“我身体有些不适,先让我单独静一静。伱们稍等。” The words, Tian Xie silhouette in a flash, then vanishes this place. 话罢,天邪身影一晃,便消失此地。 His direct mausoleum chamber most deep place appears, here was he initially the place of jade coffin packing off, this place wall covered entirely innumerable mystical tedious rune chart, the central profound mysterious puddle, the water deep pool interior light stack-up interlocked. If dodges the indescribable wonderful gate, is containing endless mystical. 他直接地宫最深处浮现,这里便是他当初将玉棺送走之地,此地墙壁布满无数神秘繁琐的符文图阵,中央一处幽深玄妙水潭,水潭内光影层叠交错。如一闪难以言喻的神妙之门,蕴含着无尽神秘 A Tian Xie appearance, then directly bathes swiftly in the puddle, in the water deep pool interior fierce cough, coughs every time. God Body then wriggles, such as was invaded by some type of living thing. 天邪倏一出现,便直接沐浴在水潭之中,在水潭内剧烈咳嗽,每咳嗽一声。神体便蠕动一下,如被某样生物侵入。 His complexion becomes the yin cold ice-cold. In the eye expression and beforehand Zi Yao are almost exactly the same arrogant, is bringing the looking disdainfully myriad things cold and gloomy, such as the gods of control myriad things, do not have touch of humanity. 他脸色变得阴寒冰冷之极。眼中神色和之前的紫耀几乎一模一样,带着睥睨万物的傲慢森冷,如主宰万物的神明,没有一丝人情味。 In water deep pool interior that he bathes, is fluctuating many mystical scenes, faintly visible giant insect shape shadows are wriggling, does not know that flows to where. 在他沐浴的水潭内,变幻着许多神秘场景,隐隐可见一条条巨大的虫形阴影蠕动着,也不知流向何处。 An intermittent yin cold fluctuation raids, bunch of brilliant light splash from water deep pool interior, submerges Tian Xie within the body completely, Tian Xie fleshly body fluctuation unusual terrifying, if makes that fluctuation spread exit, feared that can destroy the great billows star directly. 一阵阵阴寒波动袭来,一束束绚烂之光从水潭内飞溅出来,全部没入天邪体内,天邪肉身波动的非常恐怖,若让那波动扩散出去,怕是能直接毁灭巨澜星。 Innumerable mystical rune, on the wall fly since then, there is tens of millions, a as if crowded net, covers entirely in this palace, is resisting on a Tian Xie impact. 无数神秘符文,从此地墙壁上飞出来,有数千万之多,仿佛密集的网,布满这宫殿内,抵挡着天邪身上的一冲击。 Let this destroy the great billows star fearful power to control stiffly on Tian Xie, causes the Tian Xie sad and shrill pitiful yell, such as is on the brink of the hopeless situation Ferocious Beast to send out wild whooshing. 让这毁灭巨澜星的可怕力量给硬生生的控制在天邪身上,使得天邪凄厉惨叫,如濒临绝境的凶兽发出野性的嘶吼。 His whole body explodes, fresh blood drip flowings, following one second will fall from the sky general. 浑身爆炸,鲜血淋漓,如下一秒就会陨灭一般。 As if experiencing some astonishing transformation! 似乎在经历着某种惊人的蜕变 ...... …… Void chaotic basin. 虚空乱流域。 Ming Hao, Xuan He, Fei Liete and Decca, Reddy five Immortal Expert, collaborate to release power together, suppresses that by the restraint great insect, is dignified, as if faces the life biggest powerful enemy. 冥晧玄河腓烈特迪卡罗、雷迪五名不朽强者,一起联手释放力量,来压制那被束缚的巨虫,都是神情凝重,仿佛面对一生最大的强敌。 The great insect wriggles every time, their five people of then whole body shake, such as by the great hammer bombardment in the chest, was revealed the distressed color. 巨虫每蠕动一下,他们五人便浑身一震,如被巨锤轰击在胸口,露出狼狈之色。 The fight of this level, Shi Yan is unable to meddle, he can only in one side looks at, eye of dew panic-stricken desire color certainly, he never want to pass away silently has this type of thing, lets under five big Immortal Expert collaborate to be so tenacious. 这种层次的战斗,石岩根本无法插手,他只能在一旁默默看着,目露惊骇欲绝之色,他从未想过世间有这种东西,让在五大不朽强者联手下这般顽强。 In his heart spills over intense restlessness, he always thinks to have in the pupil the crisis, in little approaching, that is from the mysterious feeling of vice- soul, making his soul think to shiver. 他心中泛出强烈的不安,他总觉得有眸中危机,正在一点点的逼近,那是来自于副魂的玄妙感觉,让他灵魂觉得颤抖。 He does not know that will have anything, all here have surpassed his cognition, Ming Hao and Decca Luo's that words, simply is devastation to his consistent general knowledge. 他不知道将会发生什么,在这里的一切已经超出他的认知,冥晧迪卡罗的那番话,简直就是对他一贯常识的摧残。 „!” “喀嚓!” , Blood Vein Ring of a sound from the Ming Hao hand conveys suddenly, before Ming Hao, takes away Blood Vein Ring, must seal Ring Spirit, then cause Decca Luo to cause heavy losses because of struggling of great insect again, then fully copes with the great insect. 突地,一个声音从冥晧手中血纹戒传来,冥晧之前将血纹戒拿走,要重新封印戒灵,然后因巨虫的挣扎导致迪卡罗重创,便全力对付巨虫。 Also does not know whether his seal finally completes, but now, spreads along with the Blood Vein Ring abnormal noise, the Ming Hao complexion suddenly becomes extremely ugly. 也不知他封印是否最终完成,但现在,随着血纹戒异响传出,冥晧脸色骤然变得极其难看。 Shi Yan is also the facial expression great change, before he recalls to mind Ming Hao, that words that suddenly spoke, Ming Hao said that great insect, seems helping Ring Spirit eradicate the seal...... 石岩也是神情巨变,他突然记起冥晧之前说的那番话,冥晧说那巨虫,似乎在帮助戒灵来破除封印…… RT RT
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