GOS :: Volume #14

#1349: Lives in the sheepfold...

Ming Hao once master, naturally was the Lord of Bloodthirsty, among his these several thousand years of Star Sea biggest puzzled riddle, was recognition most Expert. 冥晧曾经的主人,自然便是嗜血之主,他这数万年星海间最大的不解之谜,也是公认最强者 Decca, Reddy complexion changes, including Xuan He and Fei Liete is one dull, stunned said: This matter, will we never know how?” 迪卡罗、雷迪脸色微变,连玄河腓烈特都是一呆,愕然道:“此事,我们怎会从不知晓?” Otherwise why I am the head of Eight Entourage, but isn't you?” Ming Hao shot a look at their one eyes, light say|way. “不然为何我是八扈从之首,而不是你们俩?”冥晧瞥了他俩一眼,淡淡道。 Xuan He and Fei Liete simultaneously coldly snorted. 玄河腓烈特同时冷哼一声。 Bloodthirsty, really and has the Absolute Beginning life battled? And...... Also won?” Decca Luo, sinking sound shouted to clear the way astonished. 嗜血,真的和太初生灵交战过?并且……还获胜了?”迪卡罗惊愕之极,沉声喝道。 Ming Hao affirms the nod, said: This matter is absolutely true! That power that he afterward grasped, therefore comes, that power, then derives by the Absolute Beginning life that he defeats according to my estimation.” 冥晧肯定点头,道:“此事千真万确!他后来掌握的那种力量,也是因此而来,那力量,据我猜测便得自被他战胜的太初生灵。” The people simultaneously look is startled changes. 众人齐齐眼神惊变。 The Shi Yan also peak however changes color, startled regrets, that Bloodthirsty is having not well-known energy, that energy it is reported that only then he understands thoroughly exquisitely, these for ten thousand years, God Clan, Thousands Imaginary Sect, Broken Palace and Heaven River Temple numerous top influences have his remains, tries Tuller broken, clarifies that energy origin. 石岩也耸然变色,大为惊憾,那嗜血持有着一种不知名能量,那能量据传只有他一人洞彻精妙,这万年来,神族千幻宗碎殿天水宫众多顶尖势力持有他遗骨,都试图勒破奥妙,弄清楚那种能量来源。 What a pity, nobody can say a reason why to come until now, is unable to obtain that energy mystery. 可惜,至今也无人能说出个所以然来,无法获得那能量的奥妙。 That power according to the guess of Shi Yan, is quite absolutely fearful, possibly is Bloodthirsty dominates heaven and earth the strength of true core, to obtain this power, God Clan unites the major influences to strike to kill Bloodthirsty, finally cannot the enough solution that power truth. 那种力量按照石岩的猜测,绝对极为可怕,可能就是嗜血称霸天地的真正核心之力,为了得到这股力量,神族联合各大势力将嗜血击杀,最终还是没有能够了解那力量的真相。 Since nobody has known Bloodthirsty from where, nobody knows how swallowing and eight big evil strength of his comprehension come, because before Bloodthirsty flashes before, that swallows with eight big deep meanings simply has not appeared, that swallows with eight big deep meanings, is spreading because of the appearance of Bloodthirsty. 一直以来,都没有人知道嗜血来自何处,也没有人知道他那领悟的吞噬和八大邪力怎么来的,因为在嗜血闪现之前,那吞噬和八大奥义根本没有出现过,那吞噬和八大奥义,就是因嗜血的出现在流传开来。 But makes to strong Warrior truly frightened, another power that Bloodthirsty grasps, that power source mystical. 但真正让至强武者恐惧不安的,还是嗜血掌握的另外一种力量,那力量的出处更为神秘 Listened to a Ming Hao such saying, people dull were shocked, all shocked inexplicably. 冥晧这么一说,众人都呆愣住了,个个震撼莫名。 Each familiar Ming Hao person, knows that Ming Hao will not be aimless, the conclusion that the conclusion of generally giving and thinks draws after many years observing and emulating, so long as he definitely said that that most drew close to the fact absolutely. 每一个熟悉冥晧的人,都知道冥晧不会无的放矢,一般给出的定论都是经过许多年的观摩和深思熟虑后得出的结论,他只要肯定说出,那绝对就最贴近事实。 That power...... Unexpectedly from the Absolute Beginning life! 那股力量……竟然来自于太初生灵! Reddy and Decca, blow out the dazzling bright including Xuan He and Ming Hao eyes, looks at again to that great insect time, as if the mind rushes. 雷迪和迪卡罗,包括玄河冥晧双眸爆出炫目亮光,再看向那巨虫的时候,似乎都心神澎湃起来。 But among the flashes, their also completely discolored ` facial expression greatly shakes! 但一霎那间,他们也全部勃然变色‘神情巨震! Because of that by layer on layer the restraint great insect, the body violently was wriggled, it when creeping motion, but also sends out intermittent fuzzy whispering, that is a soul class language, has not appeared in Star Sea, as if extremely ancient twittering, passes through Ming Hao and Decca Luo's seal unexpectedly, roamed. 因为那被重重束缚的巨虫,身子又猛烈蠕动起来,它在蠕动之时,还发出一阵阵模糊的低语,那是一种灵魂类的语言,从不曾在星海出现过,似乎极为古老的呢喃,竟穿过冥晧迪卡罗的封印,流荡了出去。 If the summon of soul! 如灵魂的召唤! Puchi!” 噗哧!” Decca Luo Jing is out of control a blood to spout, the face whiten, screamed with amazement: It, it was summoning, is summoning with its same thing!” 迪卡罗竟禁不住一口鲜血喷出,脸色苍白,骇然尖叫:“它,它在召唤,召唤着和它一样的东西!” Ming Hao is ghost shape, at this time the ghost distortion sways, as if also received the heavy losses, shouted to clear the way: Xuan He and Fei Liete, together getting rid seal it!” 冥晧为幽魂形态,此时幽魂扭曲晃荡,仿佛也受了重创,喝道:“玄河腓烈特,一起出手封印它!” Good!” “好!” Xuan He and Fei Liete decisive nod, in the eye pupil flashes before wipes the vague excitement, then stimulates power instantaneously. 玄河腓烈特果断点头,眼眸中闪现一抹隐晦的兴奋,瞬间便激发力量 Vast expanse of water Blood Sea, the escape from Xuan He beginning comes out suddenly, Blood Sea is boundless, scarlet thick, the surrounding fills the air is dying certainly cold and still aura, but in Blood Sea, actually emerges vigorous life force, transmits the energy fluctuation of terrifying, that Blood Sea such as First Level scarlet sarcrolemma, covers to the great insect. 一片汪洋血海,忽然从玄河始界内飞逸出来,血海无垠无边,猩红浓稠,外围弥漫着死绝冷寂气息,但在血海内部,却涌现勃勃生机,传来恐怖能量波动,那血海一层血色肉膜,也覆盖向巨虫。 Fei Liete grins strangely chuckled. 腓烈特咧嘴嘿嘿怪笑 Woods white Corpse Qi condense, such as thick white fog spread, in that white fog center, appears faintly visible several million woods white tombstones, these tombstones such as mountains, gloomy ice-cold, as if Petrification does not have several thousand years of Devil, the tombstone floods in the white fog of corpse strength change, concentrates to destroy the Heaven Destroyer place unprecedented certainly. 一条条森白尸气凝聚,如浓浓白雾扩散,在那白雾中央,隐隐可见浮现出数百万森白墓碑,那些墓碑如一座座山川,阴森冰冷,仿佛石化无数万年的妖魔,墓碑充斥在尸力变化的白雾中,凝成毁天灭地的旷古绝阵。 1 million tombstones are situated in the cold woods white fog, such as mountains suppress that great insect, must always tie up it. 1000000墓碑在冷森白雾中坐落下来,如座座山川镇压那巨虫,要将其永世捆缚住。 Also is simultaneously, Reddy sends out deafening dragon roar, opened mouth spits, is several thousand thunder and lightning changes into small point Thunder Dragon, such as the radiant intense electric cord, layer upon layer binds to tie up that great insect. 也是同时,雷迪发出震耳欲聋的龙吟,张口一吐,又是数万雷电化为条条小一点的雷龙,如璀璨激烈的电绳,层层去裹缚那巨虫。 Decca, Ming Hao, Xuan He, Fei Liete, Reddy five big Immortal are existing get rid hand in hand, among heaven and earth can resisting with all one's strength almost not have, this power such as in view of a star territory, can destroy in suddenly the general territory, making the stars of innumerable life explode, making hundred million lives fall from the sky absolutely directly. 迪卡罗、冥晧玄河腓烈特、雷迪着五大不朽存在联袂出手,天地间能力敌者几乎没有,这一股力量如针对一个星域,足足能在瞬息间将星域毁灭,让无数生命之星爆裂,让万万亿生灵直接陨灭。 In this terrifying extinguishes under the world power impact, only then Origin God Second Sky Realm Shi Yan, bears the brunt, observes in the one side merely, spills over Soul Altar to cave, must be given impact the alarmed and afraid feeling of meeting a cruel death by that complementary waves directly. 在这股恐怖灭世般的力量冲击下,只有始神二重天境界石岩,首当其冲,仅仅只是在一旁观战,都泛出灵魂祭台要塌陷,要直接被那余波给冲击的粉身碎骨的惊惧感。 He almost turns into the body of shape Immortal instantaneously, changes into the mail-armor and helmet to cover the whole body Blood Shield, the precise fleshly body supernatural power, layer upon layer protects itself, such as a scarlet rock, resists the complementary waves that any possibly can attack. 他几乎瞬间变成不死之身形态,将血盾也化为甲胄覆盖全身,凝炼肉身神力,层层护住自己,如一具血色岩石般,来抵挡任何可能会冲击的余波。 He looks with rapt attention to that great insect, in the mind spills over the intense not wonderful feeling, he always thought that a little does not suit...... 他凝神看向那巨虫,心灵中泛出强烈不妙感,他总觉得有点不对劲…… In the vast boundless void turbulent flow, does not have the limit inexhaustibly, at this time, in leaving Shi Yan and other Human Realm set in the infinite distance many void turbulent flow, lives the strange change suddenly. 浩淼无际的虚空乱流中,无穷无尽没有极限,此时,在离石岩人位置无穷远的许多虚空乱流之中,突生奇诡变化。 And a void turbulent flow deep place, is similar to this place, covers entirely bunches of jet black cloud clusters, in each cloud cluster is an ugly disgusting big meatball. 其中一处虚空乱流深处,和此地相似,布满一簇簇漆黑云团,每一个云团内都是一个丑陋恶心的大肉球。 When that great insect occurred fuzzy twittering whispered, this place hundreds of thousands of cloud clusters suddenly wriggle are gathering at together, congealed in extremely short time fusion, turned into a great insect, that great insect same such as the star was generally gigantic. 在那巨虫发生模糊呢喃低语时,此地数十万云团忽然蠕动着聚集在一块儿,在极短时间融合凝结起来,也变成一个巨虫,那巨虫同样如星球一般硕大。 Similar change solely is not only here place. 类似的变化不单单只是此处一地。 Similarly, in many void turbulent flow boundary, are many ten great insects, in addition altogether 12 great insects, all are huge incomparable, all by bunches cloud cluster fusion. 同样,在更多虚空乱流边际处,也多出十条巨虫,加起来一共有12条巨虫,皆是庞大无比,皆是以簇簇云团融合而成。 12 great insects are exactly the same, size is almost the same, floods in the void turbulent flow zones of different. 12条巨虫一模一样,就连大小都相差无几,充斥在虚空乱流的不同区域。 When a great insect was collaborated to attack by Decca, Reddy, Ming Hao people, that other 11 great insects spread strange whispering, the intonation gradually becomes sharp, such as enraged ominous thing. 在其中一条巨虫被迪卡罗、雷迪、冥晧众人联手攻击之时,那其余11条巨虫都传出诡异的低语,语调逐渐变得尖利起来,如被激怒的凶物。 In the great insects of other regions, the surface layer ripples suddenly layer upon layer the ripples, ripples packs, such as the space ripple is marvelous, said that has consciousness Outer Territory Divine Light, comes out from their within the body lasing, such as the five colors riotous rainbow condenses the bridge, flashes in their side. 远在其余区域的巨虫,表层骤然荡漾出层层涟漪,涟漪一叠叠,如空间波纹奇妙,道道拥有意识的域外神光,从它们体内激射出来,如五彩缤纷的彩虹凝聚成桥梁,在它们身旁闪现出来。 At once, is wriggling that 11 great insect, enters the rainbow center, slowly vanishes. 旋即,便将那11条巨虫蠕动着,进入彩虹中央,慢慢消失。 Ancient God Continent. 古神大陆 In mountain side of day noble bearing, seizing a body Haig God Body God Lord, in the blood carnosine sea, in that blood carnosine within the four seas, ups and downs major star territory innumerable Expert Dead body, some people of clan, Devil Clan, Monster Clan, Underworld Clan, Dark Spirit Clan and ice clan all sorts, these people before death at least are Source God Realm. 天神峰的山腹之中,夺舍黑格神体神主,处在血肉精海之中,在那血肉精海内,沉浮着各大星域无数强者尸体,有人族、魔族妖族冥族暗灵族、冰族种种,那些人生前都至少是源神境界者。 The dense and numerous corpses, feared that has hundreds of thousands, now has become the iron grey, life force does not save. 密密麻麻的尸身,怕是有数十万之多,如今都成了灰白色,一点生机不存。 God Lord floats in that blood carnosine sea, the whole body pore opens, absorb the turbulent unceasing flesh and blood essence, is restoring energy fully. 神主浮在那血肉精海上,浑身毛孔张开,吸纳着汹涌不绝的血肉精气,正全力恢复着能量 At this time, he shuts tightly eyes to open suddenly, in the pupil pasts Sun and Moon Stars, brilliance is being eye-catching. 此时,他紧闭双眼骤然睁开,眸中流转着日月星辰,光华夺目。 Master.” Side him, the bright Son of Heaven single knee is well-grounded, suddenly gains ground to reveal the surprised color, how do you wake up suddenly?” “主人。”在他身旁,光明天王单膝着地,忽然抬头露出惊讶色,“您怎突然醒来?” God Lord expression was indifferent, has swept his one eyes, said lightly: summons Xiao Yao, God King and comfortableness, to pass fast, this Star Sea, will have the great change!” 神主神色冷漠,扫了他一眼,淡淡道:“传唤逍遥神王、自在,以最快速度过来,这星海,将发生巨变!” The bright Son of Heaven has not asked one, immediately the sinking sound by mind summons, covers this Ancient God star territory each corner the thought. 光明天王没有多问一句,立即沉声以心神传唤,将念头笼罩这古神星域每一个角落。 The Ancient God star territory corner, on ice cold Lunar Star, Xiao Yao grasps together the nucleus of moon/month, is just Ouyang Luoshuang narrates the deep meaning true meaning, actually suddenly shakes, said: You a person in this cultivation, I have the important matter first, must get out of the way immediately.” 古神星域一角,一处冰寒的月星上,逍遥手持一块月之晶核,正为欧阳洛霜讲述奥义真谛,却猛然一震,道:“你先一人在此修炼,我有要事,必须要立即走开一趟。” The words, he has not explained one with Ouyang Luoshuang, oneself escape, does not see instantaneously. 话罢,他没有和欧阳洛霜多解释一句,自己遁开,瞬间不见。 On-board of life the Ancient God star territory Para Mosse Family controls, in place of ordinary urban seeking pleasure, a delicate and pretty uncommon man, grasps the good wine, hugs simple and beautiful female who two attires are exposing, is making music with a smile, suddenly in the eye flashes through wipes the none remaining. 古神星域巴拉莫斯家族掌控的一个生命之星上,在一个普通的城市寻欢之地,一名俊美不凡的男子,手持美酒,搂着两名衣着暴露的清丽女子,正含笑作乐,突然眼中闪过一抹精光。 The next quarter, he disappeared baseless, such as from the future. 下一刻,他凭空消失了,如从未来过。 The God Clan Charteris Family, current family head of the clan Zha Lin is having in several clans especially the old man, respectful in the secret room, listening to a tall and strong man to explain the deep meaning to be exquisite, explains Immortal Realm breakthrough and unusual place, male facial expression hard like ice piece, like knife point swift and fierce imposing manner. 神族查特里斯家族,现任家族族长查林特带着数名族内老者,恭敬的在密室内,听着一名魁梧的男子讲解奥义精妙,讲解不朽境界突破和奇特之处,那男子神情坚硬如冰块,一身如刀锋般的凌厉气势。 , His facial expression moves suddenly, sinking sound track: Master summoned.” 突地,他神情一动,沉声道:“主人召唤了。” Sound Fang Luo, he also suddenly loses the trail, only leaves behind the clansman of numerous Charteris Family, in secret room panic-stricken, does not know that what happened. 声音方落,他也突地失去踪迹,只留下众多查特里斯家族的族人,在密室内惊骇不已,不知道发生了什么事情。 Xiao Yao, comfortable, Shen Wu these three big God Clan Son of Heaven, after receiving bright soul summons, immediately puts down all business, at the maximum speed fires into Ancient God Continent. 逍遥、自在、神武这三大神族天王,收到光明的灵魂传唤后,立即放下一切事务,以最快速度冲向古神大陆 If three bunches escape to Star Sea stream ray, among breaths trillion li (0.5km), bridge over the glittering stars. 如三束遁离星海流光,一息间亿万里,跨过颗颗闪烁星辰。 long time, three big Son of Heaven do not arrive at Ancient God Continent one after another, one by one gathers at day noble bearing mountain side, kneels to bend down in that God Lord flag ordering knee in the place. 多时,三大天王接连降临古神大陆,都一一聚集在天神峰的山腹,在那神主麾下单膝跪伏在地。 They lower the head, has not asked that is only such as the most reverent servant, is waiting for master's instruction. 他们垂着头,没有发问,只是如最虔诚的仆人,等候着主人的吩咐。 Ten thousand years ago, I and others united numerous Expert to strike to kill Bloodthirsty, finally the Bloodthirsty destruction, before Bloodthirsty at the point of death, once only alone spread a few words to me, those words puzzles my many years, makes me lifelong unforgettable.” The God Lord eye pupil is fluctuating complex the fluctuation that is difficult to be bright, the expression indifferently. “万年前,我等联合众多强者击杀嗜血,最终将嗜血毁灭,嗜血临死之前,曾只单独向我传出一句话,那句话困扰我多年,也让我终身难忘。”神主眼眸变幻着复杂难明的波动,语气漠然。 Four Great Heavenly Kings gains ground gently, confuses looks to him, is waiting for his further explanation. 四大天王轻轻抬头,迷惑看向他,等候着他的进一步解释。 We know that achieves Void God Realm, Soul Altar then has Void Realm to exist, after entering into Origin God, Void Realm spreads out turns into beginning, is the independent space, can hold the glacial stream, more wonderful can present stars heaven and earth, after entering into Immortal Realm, beginning fresh changes, has almost not distinguished with real heaven and earth, is I and others fell from the sky, beginning also still independently exists, but it is said after surmounting Immortal, beginning can also regenerate the change, can breed the life myriad things......” “我们都知道,达到虚神境界者,灵魂祭台便有虚界存在,迈入始神后,虚界衍变成始界,乃独立的空间,能容纳冰川河流,更神妙的能出现星辰天地,迈入不朽境界后,始界又生变化,和真实天地几乎没有区别,便是我等陨灭,始界也依然独立存在,而据说超越不朽以后,始界还能再生变化,能孕育出生灵万物……” God Lord looks to the people, said: Is the genuine life myriad things, is the living life, with me and other same high grade lives, can after surmounting Immortal, creates in beginning!” 神主看向众人,道:“是真正的生灵万物,是活生生的生灵,和我等一样的高级生灵,能在超越不朽后,在始界内创造出来!” Four Great Heavenly Kings reveals the vacant color. 四大天王露出茫然之色。 God Lord also desirably stopped, the corners of the mouth has underlined a bitterness and astringency, „did you have to think, can think...... Our God Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan, Ming Royal Family, Immortal Devil Clan and here all races! Actually, has lived since others' beginning! Before Bloodthirsty dies, said that I am very pitiful, is only others Captive the lamb, the life in others' sheepfold, we with other person of only differences, is we are long highest, far sheep that looks, but, still sheep, essentially and others not different.” 神主也刻意停顿了一下,嘴角突显一丝苦涩,“你们有没有想过,敢不敢去想……我们神族,天妖族,冥皇族,不死魔族和这里所有种族!其实,一直以来,都只是活在别人的始界之中!嗜血死前说我很可悲,只是别人圈养着的羔羊,一直生活在别人的羊圈内,我们和其他人唯一的区别,就是我们是长的最高,看的较远的羊,可,依然还是羊,本质上和别人并没有不同。”
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