GOS :: Volume #14

#1348: Absolute Beginning life

The original Decca Romania screamed one, at once flickers to move to side Reddy suddenly, then wanted to leave to walk 原创迪卡罗尖叫一声,旋即骤然瞬移至雷迪身旁,便欲抽身而走 On great insect ignored including that numerous spaces of congealment. 连那凝结在巨虫身上的重重空间都置之不理了。 Little Luo, what ghost thing is that?” Reddy sways dragon's head, silver Dragon Qufei is shooting to make a debut saying that azure quiet lightning, the lightning such as the rainbow is pestering, ties up completely to that great insect. “小罗,那到底是什么鬼东西?”雷迪摇晃着龙首,银色龙躯飞射出道道青幽闪电,闪电如虹纠缠着,全部捆缚向那巨虫。 Do not plow the air, this thing we feared that cannot deal with truly.” On Decca Luo face covers entirely the blood stain, the facial expression is distressed, squeezes out the ugly forced smile. “别白费力气了,此物我们怕是真正应付不来。”迪卡罗脸上布满血污,神情狼狈,挤出难看的苦笑。 Also is at this time, Shi Yan facial expression drastic change, in eyes splits to wipe the panic-stricken desire certainly. 也是此时,石岩神情剧变,双眸中绽出一抹惊骇欲绝。 Because was being sealed up by that Ming Hao Ring Spirit, at this moment, transmits roar in Blood Vein Ring, that Ring Spirit does not know because of the reason, as if obtains an inexplicable strength in vain. 因为被那冥晧封闭着的戒灵,此刻,在血纹戒内传来声声厉啸,那戒灵不知因为缘故,仿佛徒然获得一股莫名之力。 A soul revolution, he enters Blood Vein Ring leisurely, discovered that in the Blood Vein Ring interior, has innumerable mystical tedious barrier, these barrier First Level levels, such as the curtain tent binds one group of dusky souls, that soul must then be Ring Spirit. 灵魂一转,他逸入血纹戒,发现在血纹戒的内部,有着无数种神秘繁琐的结界,那些结界一层层,如幕帐般裹住一团灰蒙蒙的灵魂,那灵魂应当便是戒灵 Now these dense and numerous barrier, such as the mirror breakage is ordinary, cracks many slits, that Ring Spirit aura, is gradually violent from seal internal change. 如今那些密密麻麻的结界,如镜子破裂一般,裂出许多缝隙,那戒灵气息,从封印内变得渐渐猛烈起来。 This Ring Spirit non- Ring Spirit, is that Xuan Shan came by the Essence hauling in Ancient God Continent, with him same possibly is the Outer Territory soul, it embezzled original Ring Spirit, planning of conspiring must wrest away his soul, afterward the heart lived the evil thought that must gather the Bloodthirsty skeleton, but Resurrect. 戒灵非原先戒灵,是那玄山古神大陆本源牵引而来,和他一样可能为域外灵魂,它吞没了原先的戒灵,图谋不轨的欲图要霸占他的灵魂,后来又心生邪念,要聚集嗜血骨骸而复活 Ming Hao displays Divine Ability its seal in the ring center, making it unable to work loose, only then in the special time, can occasionally and Shi Yan exchanges. 冥晧施展神通将其封印在戒指中央,令它不能挣脱,只有在特殊时刻,才能偶尔和石岩进行交流。 barrier that but that Ming Hao congeals now, tears shatter, Ring Spirit must work loose obviously. 可现在那冥晧凝结的结界,纷纷破碎撕裂,戒灵明显要挣脱出来。 Side that Decca Luo was also screaming, a that great insect radically unmatchable appearance, making the Shi Yan mind restless, even more did not think wonderfully. 旁边那迪卡罗又在尖叫着,一副那巨虫根本不能匹敌的模样,令石岩心神不安,愈发觉得不妙。 At this important moment, his hesitation several seconds, lift the hand to grasp suddenly, a mysterious vortex concentrates by him presently. 在此关键时刻,他沉吟数秒,突然抬手一抓,一个玄妙涡旋在他旁边凝现。 you returns to Grace Star first.” Does not give the time that Xia Xinyan prepares, he lifts the hand to push. Gentle power floods into Xia Xinyan within the body, sends in her vortex directly. “伱先回神恩星。”不给夏心妍准备的时间,他抬手一推。一股柔和力量涌入夏心妍体内,将她直接送入那涡旋内。 Meanwhile, his forehead, the main soul appears directly from the forehead. 同时,他一点眉心,主魂直接从额头浮现出来。 The scarlet mark between main soul frowns, transmits strange bloody glow suddenly, bloody glow such as a wisp of signal, submerges place of not the well-known mystical directly. 主魂双眉之间的血色印记,陡然传来一股奇异血光,血光如一缕信号,直接没入不知名的神秘之地。 In forbidden land Blood Sea, bloody glow drops from the clouds together. Falls into the island of that central swallowing. 禁地血海内,一道血光从天而降。落入那中央的吞噬之岛。 In this period. A thought mighty current releases, Xuan He and Fei Liete immediately the sensation, is the facial expression changes. Stern start arrangement. 期间。一股意念洪流释放出来,玄河腓烈特立即感知到,都是神情微变。严峻的着手布置。 ...... …… Not long time. 多时 Rip!” 哧啦!” Side Shi Yan, one group of strange light congeals, at once then sees a wisp of ghost to reappear. Spreads out instantaneously turns into Ming Hao soul Clone. 就在石岩身旁,一团奇光凝结,旋即便见一缕幽魂浮现。瞬间衍变成冥晧的一具灵魂分身 Two lightning flash through, Xuan He and Fei Liete also suddenly flash before, looks dignified. 两道电光闪过,玄河腓烈特也忽然闪现出来,神情凝重。 Ming Hao flashes before swiftly, then sees the Decca Luo whole face blood stain, the alarmed and afraid restless preparation drags Reddy to leave, Ming Hao has gawked staring, suddenly soft voice said: Senior Brother.” 冥晧倏一闪现,便见迪卡罗满脸血污,惊惧不安的准备拖着雷迪离开,冥晧愣了愣,忽然温声道:“师兄。” Decca Luo stagnated, turns the head to look at his one eyes, shouted to clear the way: I do not have a you such good junior brother!” 迪卡罗一滞,别头看了他一眼,喝道:“我没伱这么个好师弟!” Little Luo!” Reddy is shouting. Is swaying from side to side Dragon Qu, shouted to clear the way: What does you fear?” “小罗!”雷迪嚷嚷着。扭动着龙躯,喝道:“伱到底怕什么?” Xuan He and Fei Liete actually look at this time to Shi Yan, in particular, looked to Blood Vein Ring on his hand, Xuan He said: That Ring Spirit...... Can work loose the seal?” 玄河腓烈特此时却看向石岩,确切地说,是看向他手上的血纹戒,玄河道:“那戒灵……要挣脱封印了?” Shi Yan nods, said to Ming Hao: These seals are arranged by you, before has been safe and sound. But does not know why suddenly becomes turbulent continuous.” 石岩点头,冲冥晧道:“那些封印由伱布置,之前一直安然无恙。但不知为何突地变得动荡不休。” Ming Hao gloomy the face, is putting out a hand to grasp Blood Vein Ring presses firmly between the fingers, a wisp of soul seeps, suddenly the expression changes, looks with amazement to that great insect! 冥晧阴沉着脸,伸手一抓将血纹戒捏住,一缕灵魂渗透进去,突地表情一变,骇然看向那巨虫! He closes one's eyes at once. If thinking any issue, then suddenly opens eyes. Looks to Decca Luo say|way: Senior Brother, that thing...... Was the master said thing in the past?” 他旋即又闭上眼。如在想着什么问题,然后猛然睁开眼。看向迪卡罗道:“师兄,那东西……是师傅当年所说之物?” Decca Luo this time has not scolded, shows the bitter and astringent expression, nodded, should be.” 迪卡罗此次没有呵斥,露出苦涩表情,点了点头,“应该是。” Xuan He and Fei Liete are bewildered, has a look at Ming Hao, has a look at Decca Luo, does not know the thing that they said what was. 玄河腓烈特则是莫名其妙,看看冥晧,又看看迪卡罗,不知道他们所言的东西是何物。 Ming Hao sees the Decca Romania to acknowledge that facial expression is extremely ugly, sinking sound track: That thing, in affecting Ring Spirit in ring, seems helping Ring Spirit work loose!” 冥晧迪卡罗承认,神情极其难看,沉声道:“那东西,在影响戒指内的戒灵,似乎在帮助戒灵来挣脱!” Such remarks, the people dumbfounded. 此言一出,众人都呆住了。 Ming Hao also frowns, do not visit me, how I do not know a matter, does not know that inside Ring Spirit, contacts with that thing anything.” 冥晧也皱着眉头,“别看我,我也不知道怎么一回事,不知道里面的戒灵,和那东西什么联系。” What thing is that?” Xuan He asked. “那是什么东西?”玄河问。 When people speech, that great insect intensely is still struggling, must get rid from the numerous spaces of Decca Romania blockade. 众人讲话之时,那巨虫还在激烈挣扎着,要从迪卡罗封锁的重重空间摆脱。 Its that like star creeping motion, is releasing aura is isolated, only then Decca Luo can feel, only then he is withstanding. 它那如星球般的蠕动着,释放着的气息被隔绝,只有迪卡罗一人能感受,也只有他在承受着。 Decca Luo Ru was hit hard the chest, whole body is trembling greatly, pale such as on the face of paper, has covered entirely more blood stains. 迪卡罗如被人重击着胸口,浑身巨颤,苍白如纸的脸上,布满了更多血污。 He screamed suddenly that my space Origin Seal could not withstand, I must let loose the seal, you were ready!” 他忽然尖叫起来,“我的空间源印承受不住了,我要放开封印了,伱们做好准备!” What thing is that?” Xuan He and Fei Liete look together to Ming Hao, simultaneously the violent shouted to clear the way. “那是什么东西?”玄河腓烈特一起看向冥晧,同时暴喝道。 Absolute Beginning life!” Ming Hao sinks to drink. 太初生灵!”冥晧沉喝。 Xuan He, Fei Liete, Reddy, Shi Yan expression stunned, obviously has not listened to this noun, reveals the vacant color. 玄河腓烈特、雷迪、石岩神色愕然,都显然没听过这个名词,露出茫然之色。 Netherworld locks armor!” 幽冥锁甲!” Ming Hao had not explained that is gloomy face, extracts ghosts from eyes, the instant, hundreds of thousands of wisps of ghosts are fluctuating, the sea that such as a continuously soul forms, submerges to space Origin Seal that Decca Luo exerts, these ghost seepage layer upon layer spaces, marvelously are strengthening the Decca Luo's space seal. 冥晧并未解释,阴森着脸,从双眸内抽出一条条幽魂,霎那间,有数十万缕幽魂浮动着,如一缕缕魂魄形成的海洋,淹没向迪卡罗施加的空间源印,那些幽魂渗透层层空间,奇妙的增强着迪卡罗的空间封印。 That continuously ghost, unexpectedly mostly is the soul degree of boundary of Void God and Source God, even many souls achieve beginning Divine level to leave, hundreds of thousands, also does not know that the Ming Hao for ten thousand years make many to kill the evil accumulation. 那一缕缕幽魂,竟然大多都是虚神源神之境的灵魂程度,甚至不少灵魂达到始神级别,数十万之多,也不知冥晧万年来造下多少杀孽聚集而成。 Numerous ghosts form chain armor shape, turns round crowded in the space mark, making strength of disciple that Decca Luo seal increase the several fold. 众多幽魂形成链甲的形态,密集覆在空间印记上,令那迪卡罗封印之力徒增数倍。 Complexion unusually poor Decca Luo, after that ghost emerges the mark, expression suddenly becomes with ease, he returned to normal, deeply inspires, suddenly said: In addition you three, could surround this Immemorial life, but definitely is unable to destroy, even if stranded, does not know how long can be stranded his......” 脸色奇差迪卡罗,在那幽魂涌入印记以后,神色忽然变得轻松许多,他平复了一下,深吸一口气,突然道:“加上伱们三个,或许能困住这太古生灵,但肯定无法毁去,就算是困着,也不知能困他多久……” Shi Yan dumbstruck. 石岩目瞪口呆 This place, after additional Ming Hao, Xuan He and Fei Liete, five achieve Immortal Second Sky Realm Expert, this power sweeps away among heaven and earth any influence sufficiently excluding God Clan. 此地,加冥晧玄河腓烈特后,共有五名达到不朽二重天境界强者,这股力量足以横扫天地间除神族之外的任何势力。 Such power adds, can surround this thing, moreover listens to that Decca Luo saying that could not be stranded unexpectedly is too long, this...... What situation? 这么一股力量加起来,也只是能困住此物,而且听那迪卡罗所言,竟然还不能困太久,这……什么一个情况? Extraordinary, Ming Hao completely agreed unexpectedly his judgment, said: Senior Brother said is extremely, can only surround him, could trapped|sleepy integer for about ten years, must put to death almost impossible.” 出奇的,冥晧竟完全同意他的判断,道:“师兄所言极是,只能困住他,或许能困个数十年左右,要诛杀几乎不可能。” What thing is?” Reddy changes into one group of lightning, a lightning crack, again becomes the human form, the whole face hot tempered does not bear. “到底是什么东西?”雷迪化为一团电光,电光一裂,重成人形,满脸暴躁不耐。 Heavenly Demon Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Ming Royal Family and God Clan history, only then 100,000 years, earliest you that time, becomes great ancient era, before 100,000.” Decca Luo looks to Reddy, bitter and astringent say|way: But before 100,000, actually also the time, is called the Absolute Beginning time, that time also has the life . Moreover the life of far superegos cognition limit, these lives are called the Absolute Beginning life.” 天妖族不死魔族冥皇族神族的历史,只有100000年,最早的伱们那个时代,也只是被成为太古时代,100000前而已。”迪卡罗看向雷迪,苦涩道:“但100000前,其实还有一个时代,叫做太初时代,那个时代也有生灵,而且还是远超我们认知极限的生灵,那些生灵叫做太初生灵。” Shi Yan and the others were shocked completely. 石岩等人全部愣住了。 My master although in the past died of the hand of Bloodthirsty, but he was actually most remarkable Space Deep Meaning, in his life the exploration of space never ceased, he understood clearly wonderful, knew among heaven and earth remote hidden secret, the related Absolute Beginning time's matter, was he hands down from generation to generation.” “我师傅当年虽死于嗜血之手,但他却是最卓越的空间奥义者,他一生中都空间的探索从未停息,他洞悉许多神妙,知晓天地间久远的秘辛,有关太初时代的事情,便是他传下来的。” Decca Luo Shenshen frowns. 迪卡罗深深皱着眉头。 „The life of Absolute Beginning time, greatly strengthened greatly strengthened, it is said the original universe compared with the present absolutely time, the area is greatly infinite, star territory such as the waterdrop in sea, inexhaustible. Will turn into now this, will remain only now so few star territories, listening to my master to say is because the Absolute Beginning life battle causes.” 太初时代的生灵,极强极强,据说原先的宇宙比现在大万万倍,疆域无限,星域如海洋内的水滴,无穷无尽。会变成如今这样,会只剩如今这般少的星域,听我师傅所言都是因为太初生灵争斗导致而成。” „The life of that time, must not have the several fold compared with the Heavenly Demon Clan clansman huge, and is unusual, not necessarily for the fleshly body shape, possibly is a great mountain, a Endless Sea ocean, even a star is the Absolute Beginning life, they are giant, the life is inexhaustible, sees clearly the strength of universe Essence, has power that is hard to imagine.” “那个时代的生灵,比天妖族的族人还要庞大无数倍,并且非常奇特,不一定只是为肉身形态,可能为一座巨山,一片无尽海洋,甚至一个星球都是太初生灵,它们巨大无比,寿命无穷无尽,洞察宇宙本源之力,有难以想象的力量。” „According to you, is wild?” Shi Yan interposed suddenly. “按照伱这么说,那么荒?”石岩忽然插话。 you guess right, Desolate, is the Absolute Beginning life.” Ming Hao looks lightly to him. “伱猜测的没错,荒,便是太初生灵。”冥晧淡淡看向他。 Shi Yan one dull, the soul such as suffers the severe impact, was shocked directly. 石岩一呆,灵魂如遭受强烈冲击,直接愣住了。 Also can tell a you fact, Grace Mainland and God Bless Continent, Ancient God Continent and Ancient Demon Continent once were the wild part, was similar to a person divides the percentage and four limbs, the Desolate was the head, other four Ancient Continent on equivalent to its four limbs, they were a body, because caused heavy losses inconceivable existed to cut off sections, turned into this appearance.” Decca Luo coldly snorted. “还可以告诉伱一个事实,神恩大陆神泽大陆古神大陆古魔大陆曾经都是荒的一部分,就如同一个人分成头和四肢,荒就是头,其余四块古大陆相当于它的四肢,它们本是一体,因为重创被不可思议的存在斩断了一截截,才变成这个模样。”迪卡冷哼一声。 Right now including Xuan He, Fei Liete and Reddy one face with amazement, reveals huge shock, Xuan He looks to Ming Hao, the mood turbulently, adjusts the mood to be calm, inquired Ming Hao: „Did he say is really?” 这下子连玄河腓烈特、雷迪都一脸骇然,露出巨大的震撼,玄河看向冥晧,心情动荡之极,调整心境才镇定下来,询问冥晧:“他所言可是真的?” The Ming Hao silent half sound, said: I do not know the genuine and fake, these views were my past teacher's guesses, these for ten thousand years, I was attempting to confirm the genuine and fake, temporarily was unable to affirm, but this view should approach the fact very much, at least, you knew, the Desolate had the life consciousness, had own idea, but it should once be seriously battered, turned like this strangely......” 冥晧沉默半响,道:“我不知道真假,这些说法是我当年老师的猜测,这万年来,我都在尝试证实真假,暂时还不敢肯定,但这个说法应该很接近事实,至少,伱们都知道一点,荒有生命意识,有自己的想法,只是它应该曾经遭受重创,才变成这样古怪……” Desolate is the Absolute Beginning life, this thing, should also be the Absolute Beginning life, this kind has our nobody to know its wonderful details, nobody has battled with its exchange truly, but my master once had said in the past, the Absolute Beginning life is fearful, we are unable to resist with all one's strength, only then other Absolute Beginning life can resist.” Decca Luo Ningzhong said. “荒为太初生灵,此物,应该也是太初生灵,这类存在我们无人知晓其神妙底细,也没有谁真正与其交流交战过,但我师傅当年曾说过,太初生灵可怕无比,我们无法力敌,只有别的太初生灵可以抵抗。”迪卡罗凝重道。 Should be good.” Shi Yan interposed once again, said: My another soul, making me feel that regarding this thing has the familiar feeling, as if recognizes this thing.” “应该不错。”石岩又一次插话,道:“我的另外一个灵魂,让我觉得对此物有熟悉感,仿佛认得此物。” Lines of sight, condense instantaneously completely on him, the Ming Hao facial expression slightly shakes, said: Almost forgot you to fuse god graciousness Essence, if my master guessed in the past is true, you fusion god graciousness Essence, fused the soul of Desolate on equivalent to, if so, you had the familiar feeling to be very normal.” 一道道视线,瞬间全部凝聚在他身上,冥晧神情微震,道:“差点忘了伱融合了神恩本源,如果我师傅当年猜测属实,伱融合神恩本源,就相当于融合了荒的一个分魂,如果这样,伱有熟悉感很正常。” He has stopped, looks to Decca Luo, said: Senior Brother, you said that nobody and Absolute Beginning life true exchange has battled, this point you has made a mistake, has a person, has battled with the Absolute Beginning life, and as if...... Also won.” 他停顿了一下,又看向迪卡罗,道:“师兄,伱说无人和太初生灵真正交流交战过,这一点伱错了,有个人,就和太初生灵交战过,而且似乎……还胜了。” Who?” The Decca Luo facial expression shakes. “谁?”迪卡罗神情一震。 My that once master.” “我那曾经的主人。” ...... To be continued .RT ……未完待续.RT
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