GOS :: Volume #14

#1347: Great insect

Strangeness that extremely Zi Yao presents, she emerges from meat group interior tearing, the whole body is winding around unexpectedly not loose Divine Light. 紫耀出现的极其诡异,她从肉团内部撕裂浮出,周身竟缭绕着不散的神光 Surface layer she enchanting moving body, is also covering the First Level ash-gray mail-armor and helmet at this time, that mail-armor and helmet such as a shell of unusual animals, the surface covers entirely such as the texture of crack, was implying not well-known mystical. 在她妖娆动人的身躯表层,此时还覆盖着一层灰色甲胄,那甲胄如一种异兽的壳,表面布满如龟裂的纹理,暗含着不知名神秘 The overlapping colored aperture is rippling, making her disciple increase beautifully, but her expression indifferent ice is cold, she grasps distantly, that small „the day star Ice Jade piece presses firmly between the fingers, at once yin cold fill spread suddenly, spreads instantaneously to the endless region. 层层叠叠彩色光圈荡漾着,让她徒增美艳,可她神色却冷漠冰寒,她遥遥一抓,将那一块小小的“天星冰玉片”捏住,旋即一股阴寒陡然弥漫扩散,瞬间蔓延向无尽区域。 Bunches of Heavenly Flame that Shi Yan releases, after that yin cold aura spreads, extinguishes in abundance. 石岩释放出来的簇簇天火,在那阴寒气息蔓延过来后,纷纷熄灭。 The meaning of biting cold yin cold, such as the ice water irrigation in Sea of Consciousness, Shi Yan hit to tremble suddenly, the complexion drastic change, the violent shouted to clear the way: Zi Yao!” 彻骨阴寒之意,如冰水浇灌在识海,石岩冷不防打了个寒颤,脸色剧变,暴喝道:“紫耀!” He looks with rapt attention to Shi Yan, in eye together the soul gathering by the light wave that becomes, the illness shoots loudly. 他凝神看向石岩,眼中一道以灵魂汇聚而成的光波,轰然疾射。 He is not silly, but then saw that Zi Yao was seized the soul, now wrests away Zi Yao Soul Altar Sea of Consciousness, for that not well-known evil thing, he by the Soul Consciousness impact, is the preparation awakens Zi Yao own soul inevitably. 他并不傻,只是一眼便看出紫耀被夺了魂魄,如今霸占紫耀灵魂祭台识海的,必然为那不知名邪物,他以灵魂意识冲击,是准备将紫耀自己的灵魂唤醒。 That Soul Consciousness mighty current, has not encountered a hindrance unexpectedly, extraordinary smooth direct impact Zi Yao mind. 那股灵魂意识洪流,竟然没有遇到一丝阻碍,出奇顺利的直冲紫耀脑海。 Suddenly cold intent , a soul submerges the vast icy seas, seeps his innermost soul directly, whole body that he does not control self trembles, in Divine Sense examines, finds own sacrificial altar unexpectedly with amazement, such as ties the turn into ice frost! 突地,一种灵魂没入汪洋冰海的冷意,直接渗透他灵魂深处,他不自禁的浑身发颤,神识内检,竟骇然瞧见自己的祭台,如结成冰霜! Zi Yao shallot jade referred to provoking, that „the day star Ice Jade piece in projected yin cold suddenly, such as roused some strange formation, in an instant that yin cold flashed before, in the peripheral pork lump heard in abundance puff strange sound. 紫耀青葱般玉指拨弄了一下,那“天星冰玉片”内猛然射出一股阴寒,如勾动某种奇阵,在那阴寒闪现的一霎,周边一个个大肉疙瘩内纷纷传来“噗噗”的怪异声。 Sees only that to wriggle slow sarcoma, instantaneously becomes quickly incomparable, embezzles the fusion mutually. 只见那本来蠕动缓慢的肉瘤,瞬间变得快捷无比,相互吞没融合。 The short dozens seconds, in the Shi Yan people at present, congeal suddenly the same extremely giant thing, that life seems one type has not seen the insect, the whole body iron grey, the body covers entirely the disgusting lump, such as the skin of toad. The insect assumes strip, temporarily did not have the eye to appear. 短短数十秒时间,在石岩众人眼前,忽然凝结成一样极为巨大之物,那生灵仿佛是一种没见过的虫子,浑身灰白色,身上布满恶心的疙瘩,如癞蛤蟆的皮。虫子呈条状,暂时还没有眼睛出现。 The shape appearance that at this time flashes before, unexpectedly huge such as the star of life, Reddy changes for the shape of monster body also wants large number ten times! 此时闪现的形态模样,竟巨大如生命之星,比雷迪变化为妖身的形态还要大数十倍! Strange insect congealment forming, whispered from its within the body intermittently fuzzily transmits, such as the exchanges of different soul, making the person live the strange feeling suddenly. 怪虫凝结成形,阵阵模糊低语从它体内传来,如不同灵魂的交流,让人突生诡异感。 But at this time, Zi Yao then stands above that giant insect. If small intravenous drip. 而此时,紫耀便站在那巨大虫子上方。如一个小小的点滴。 In her hand that day star Ice Jade piece glittering clear gloss. Intermittent yin cold fluctuation release, must give to freeze this piece of heaven and earth. 她手中那块“天星冰玉片”闪烁着晶莹光泽。阵阵阴寒波动释放而出,要将这片天地都给冰冻住。 During this process, Decca, Reddy are unexpectedly motionless. A counter- face is surprised, the looks at different races of two illumination congeal. 在此过程中,迪卡罗、雷迪居然一动不动。反一脸惊奇,两眼发光的看着异类凝结而成。 The Xia Xinyan fine cheeks appear wipe to be panic-stricken, she deeply is condensing on Zi Yao. Also such as Shi Yan releases Divine Sense to attempt to exchange generally. 夏心妍精美的脸颊浮现一抹惊慌失措,她深深凝聚着紫耀身上。也如石岩一般释放神识来尝试交流。 Faint trace yin cold aura, such as the ice silk invades her to be graceful suddenly **, she ** immediately had the First Level ice sparkling stone. 一丝丝阴寒气息,如冰丝陡然侵入她曼妙**,她**立即就有了一层冰莹。 Her eye one startled, the corners of the mouth are out of control to overflow a wisp of bloodstain, bloodstain then becomes freezes, hangs in her corners of the mouth, quite obviously strange. 她眼睛一惊,嘴角禁不住溢出一缕血迹,血迹一出便成为冰冻,吊在她嘴角,颇显怪异。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Bunch of red-orange flame wells up at the right moment, such as the spirit snake dances in the air, walks randomly in her body. 一簇橘红色火苗适时涌来,如灵蛇飞舞,在她身体游走一圈。 Her chill in the air disappears. 她身上寒意顿消。 All right?” Shi Yan emits in her side suddenly. Holds her white hands, releases a warm current, goes directly to her whole body veins skeleton. “没事吧?”石岩在她身旁突然冒出。牵住她的玉手,释放出一股暖流,直达她全身筋脉骨骸。 She was corroded the soul.” Xia Xinyan shakes the head. “她被侵蚀了灵魂。”夏心妍微摇头。 The scarlet of her pink smooth corners of the mouth freezes melting, is cleaning with a pure white handkerchief, while worry numerous light shouted: This thing has never seen, you, remembers carefully must remain to select power surely to provide against contingencies. Two...... After is not the person on one's own side.” 粉润嘴角的血色冰冻融化,一边以一条洁白手绢擦拭着,一边忧心重重的轻呼:“这东西从未见过,伱小心一点,记得定要留点力量以防万一。那两人……毕竟不是自己人。” Shi Yan nods gently. 石岩轻轻点头。 A point that we guessed right, this thing really had the life wisdom, was the high Level life. This point, can wrest away that girl soul to prove from it, in universe really mystical endless. Really has the so giant insect, made you surprised.” “我们猜测的一点没错,此物果然有生命智慧,是高等级的生灵。这一点,从它能霸占那丫头灵魂就可以证明了,宇宙内果然神秘无尽。竟然有如此巨大的虫子,太让伱惊奇了。” Decca Luo has not been serious Zi Yao obviously. He stares at the strange insect to praise without cease, white-haired calm automatic, in his God Body surface, different spaces such as the watermark is changing, as if he instantaneously then Space Deep Meaning displayed the pinnacle exquisitely. 迪卡罗显然没有将紫耀当一回事。他盯着怪虫赞叹不已,满头白发无风自动,在他神体表面,一个个不同的空间如水纹变动着,仿佛他瞬间便将空间奥义的精妙施展到了极致。 Reddy has not replied, his within the body transmits the thunder rumbled bang, the sound is shocking, the piece of heaven and earth of shake such as must cave. 雷迪没有答话,他体内传来雷霆轰鸣巨响,响声震天,震荡的这片天地如要塌陷。 In thunderclap rumbled, Reddy unexpectedly without hesitation change is Monster Clan true body, a silver blue dragon appears in everywhere thunder and lightning, aura of Immemorial great antiquity reveals, among full heaven and earth. 雷声轰鸣中,雷迪竟毫不犹豫变化为妖族真身,一条银色苍龙在漫天雷电中浮现出来,一股太古洪荒的气息流露出来,充溢天地间。 His that Thunder Dragon true body, although is not small, but compares with that great insect at this time, really was really actually inferior , compared with a person and a great mountain, small too many were too many. 只是,他那雷龙真身虽然不小,但此时与那巨虫一比,却真真被比了下去,就与一个人和一座巨山比较,小了太多太多。 Little Luo, this thing is quite fearful, the thinking loathing and restlessness of my instinct!” The Reddy straightforward thunderclap dignified sound, explodes from dragon mouth, he roared suddenly, in the roaring sound dragon mouth emitted, grinding pan size thunder ball, clear glittering, was congealing the dazzling lightning, welled up in abundance toward that strange insect. “小罗,此物极为可怕,我本能的觉得厌恶和不安!”雷迪粗豪炸雷般的凝重声,从龙口中爆炸而出,他陡然咆哮起来,咆哮声中龙口喷吐,一个个磨盘大小雷球,晶莹闪烁,凝结着刺目闪电,纷纷朝着那怪虫涌去。 He then displays unexpectedly fully! 他竟然即可施展出全力! The Decca Luo complexion changes, mind has also shaken shaking, his very rare Reddy is so dignified, at this time Reddy's performance clearly treats to the strong enemy. 迪卡罗脸色一变,心神也震了震,他很少见雷迪这般凝重,此时雷迪的表现分明是对待至强之敌。 He fully realized that as the Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor, Reddy, when meets certain different races evil thing, can the instinct sensation to the level of opposite party. 他深知身为天妖族的始祖,雷迪在遇到某些异类邪物的时候,可以本能的感知到对方的层次。 Displays from Reddy at this time, he regarded the most fearful match to treat that foreign matter obviously, has put out 12 attention! 从雷迪此时表现来看,他明显将那异物当成最可怕的对手来对待,拿出了12分的注意力! Decca Luo had a premonition that was not wonderful, his hesitation several seconds, sink to shout to clear the way suddenly: Advice you, you should better leave as early as possible, otherwise to at crucial moment, I feared that is unable to look after you.” 迪卡罗预感到了不妙,他沉吟数秒,突然沉喝道:“奉劝伱们一句,伱们最好趁早离开,否则到关键时候,我怕是无法照料伱们。” I and god graciousness connection, read, then can pass through the void gate to evacuate, the work you did not take the trouble.” Shi Yan said. “我和神恩连通,一念动,便能贯穿虚空之门撤离,不劳您费心。”石岩道。 Decca Luo knits the brows, looked at Xia Xinyan with rapt attention, sighed one darkly, no longer continued to persuade, his body shook suddenly, space that was congealed by his power, covered toward that great insect in abundance. 迪卡罗皱眉,凝神望了一眼夏心妍,暗叹一声,不再继续劝说,他身子忽然一抖,一个个由他力量凝结的空间,纷纷朝着那巨虫笼罩。 „!” “嗷嗷!” Reddy was roaring, put out innumerable trundles thunder ball, each thunder ball can destroy the mountains, the avalanche river sea, was containing the strength of Immortal Second Sky Expert. 雷迪咆哮着,吐出无数滚动的雷球,每一个雷球都能毁灭山川,崩塌大河海洋,蕴含着不朽二重天强者之力。 That thunder ball several thousands, if inexhaustible spouts from Reddy mouth, complete bombing on that great insect broad boundless body, destroys the Heaven Destroyer place thunder ball to explode, on that great insect are many spout the mucus the great hole, the great hole such as the mouth is wriggling, heals gradually. 雷球有数千之多,如无穷尽从雷迪口中喷出,全部轰炸在那巨虫广阔无边的身体上,毁天灭地的雷球爆炸开来,那巨虫身上多出一个个喷涌出黏液的巨洞,巨洞如口蠕动着,又逐渐愈合。 It has the extreme terrifying self-recovery strength unexpectedly, after small meatball one by one congealment fusion, becomes extremely fearful. 它竟有着极为恐怖的自愈力,小肉球一一凝结融合后,变得极其可怕。 After Reddy attacks, Zi Yao submerges that meatball suddenly, vanished directly. 雷迪攻击后,紫耀忽然没入那肉球内部,直接就消失了。 But that great insect aura, actually gradually strengthens, becomes even more bitterly disappointing. 但那巨虫身上的气息,却逐渐增强,变得愈发的令人心寒。 The Shi Yan mind spills over the chill in the air, suddenly said in a low voice: Was sure to remember that do not approach that great insect!” 石岩心神泛出寒意,忽然低声道:“切记,别靠近那巨虫!” He has inexplicable alarmed and afraid uneasy, reason that he feels that great insect the stagnation is motionless, reason that has not attacked, to Reddy, Decca wanton bombing, in addition because does not have to fuse completely, but also is adapting in the adjustment...... 他有种莫名的惊惧不安感,他感觉那巨虫之所以停滞不动,之所以没有攻击,任由雷迪、迪卡罗狂轰滥炸,只是因为尚且没有全部融合完毕,还在调整适应着…… It looks like a deep sleep is too long the too long person, opens the eye, soberly has not restored fully, the body was too numbly long, a little stagnates with the fusion of soul. 就像是一个沉睡太久太久的人,才睁开眼睛,没有完全清醒恢复,身体麻木太久了,和灵魂的融合有点凝滞。 He is this feeling. 他就是这种感觉。 This great insect...... Made him extremely alarmed and afraid restless, restless, a very weak familiar feeling, as if...... He should know that this thing is anything. 这巨虫……令他极为的惊惧不安,不安中,还有一丝非常微弱的熟悉感,仿佛……他应该知道此物是什么。 This feeling, does not come from his main soul, but came from in the Grace Mainland vice- soul! 这感觉,并非来自于他的主魂,而是来自于远在神恩大陆的副魂! His vice- soul is Grace Mainland, the rumor to have the star of life consciousness, has the quenching grinding of endless years, does not know that had many years, but definitely compared the time that four big races had too to be long ago many too. 他的副魂为神恩大陆,传言为拥有生命意识的星球,有着无尽岁月的淬磨,也不知道存在了多少年,但肯定比四大种族存在的时间久远太多太。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” , In this void turbulent flow, the innumerable natural disasters such as had the life consciousness suddenly, all circles in flight to roll. 突地,在这虚空乱流中,无数自然灾难如拥有了生命意识,全部飞旋滚动过来。 Everywhere large explosion, terrifying vortex storm, ice cold astral wind, world-shaking the strength of distortion, penetrating power fearful raindrop...... 漫天的大爆炸,恐怖的涡旋风暴,冰寒的罡风,惊天动地的扭曲之力,穿透力可怕的雨滴…… The peripheral all sorts of disasters, well up toward Decca, Reddy, everywhere stream ray such as the ice-cold arrow rain, chops the day to cover. 周边种种灾难,都朝着迪卡罗、雷迪涌来,无处不在的流光如冰冷的箭雨,劈天盖地而来。 That strange insect is wriggling terrifying such as the body of star, such as slowly is restoring, the person who such as awakes imprisons in the activity, when it wriggles, the lump on its body releases the jet black smog, that smog bunches are congealing, such as turns into a wisp of terrifying ghost. 那怪虫蠕动着恐怖如星球的身子,如在慢慢恢复,如睡醒的人在活动禁锢,在它蠕动的时候,它身体上的疙瘩释放出漆黑烟雾,那烟雾一簇簇凝结着,如变成一缕恐怖的幽魂。 The ghost yin cold are cold, fuzzy is swaying from side to side, grasps directly to that Reddy. 幽魂阴寒冷冽,模糊的扭动着,直接抓向那雷迪。 Reddy was roaring, released everywhere thunder and lightning unceasingly, this heaven and earth was connected by thunder and lightning, innumerable thunder and lightning such as the arm thick python wound glittering, refine the line densely and numerously, transmitting lets the fluctuation that the person mind collapsed. 雷迪咆哮着,不断释放漫天雷电,这天地都被雷电连接,无数雷电如手臂粗的巨蟒蜿蜒闪烁着,密密麻麻炼成线,传来让人心神崩溃的波动。 Decca Luo also dignified development fully, the space criss-crossed common covers to that great insect, must that great insect restraint in different Strength of Space that he congeals. 迪卡罗也凝重的展现全力,一个个空间如网一般罩向那巨虫,要将那巨虫束缚在他凝结的一个个不同空间之力 Shi Yan looked at one sketchily, discovered that strange insect at least was bound by dozens spaces, the space mutually wraps in addition. 石岩粗略看了一眼,发现那怪虫至少被数十个空间裹住,空间还是相互套加的。 It looks like a person, an older generation small basket covers, then the small basket bedding bag lives in a bigger basket, then also has a bigger basket to cover...... 就像是一个人,先辈一个小笼子罩住,然后小笼子被罩住一个更大的笼子,然后又有更大的笼子罩来…… In dozens spaces on such bedding bag! 就这样被罩上数十个空间! Even but if so, that great insect is still wriggling, as if moves to be free as before! 可即便如此,那巨虫依然在蠕动着,仿佛依旧活动自如着! Is away from dozens transparent spaces, he can find that great insect as if violent anger, as if truly enraged Ferocious Beast, he then finds the Decca Luo face whiten at once, the corner of the eye seeps two bloodstains. 隔着数十个透明的空间,他能瞧见那巨虫仿佛暴怒了,仿佛真正被激怒的凶兽,旋即他便瞧见迪卡罗脸色苍白,眼角沁出两道血迹。 The creeping motion of great insect struggles, caused heavy losses to Decca Luo unexpectedly directly, making this Immortal Second Sky Expert soul be damaged. 巨虫的蠕动挣扎,竟直接重创了迪卡罗,让这名不朽二重天强者灵魂受损。 Also only then Decca knows, spaces of his restraint on great insect, at this time, erect quick disintegration smashing, whenever a space blasts open, such as a handle bayonet punctures in his mind, painful he almost cannot bear lose one's voice to scream. 也只有迪卡罗自己知道,他那束缚在巨虫身上的一个个空间,此时,正飞快的崩解粉碎,每当一个空间炸裂,就如一柄刺刀刺在他脑海,痛的他差点忍不住失声尖叫起来。 What thing is?!” “到底是什么东西?!” In Decca Luo Xin was screaming that is considering with hardship, when his blood flowing from every orifice, the facial expression shakes, suddenly has remembered a possibility. 迪卡罗心中在尖叫,在苦苦思量着,在他七孔流血之时,才神情一震,忽然想起了一个可能。 Cannot...... Isn't that type of thing?” The Decca Luo facial expression shakes, in eye underlines meaning with amazement, after several seconds, he loses one's voice suddenly the scream: Reddy! This thing we feared that cannot cope! I bring you to leave!” “不会……不会是那种东西吧?”迪卡罗神情一震,眼中突显骇然之意,数秒后,他突然失声尖叫:“雷迪!这东西我们怕是对付不来!我带伱离开!” ...... …… RT RT
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