GOS :: Volume #14

#1346: Smelting

Actually early, I am paying attention this thing very much, in secret observation its every action and every movement. The recent many years, this thing gradually becomes not law-abiding, perhaps are getting more and more along with Warrior that binding to tie up, it such as the severely injured restored gradually......” “其实很早前,我就在留意此物,暗中观察着它的一举一动。只是最近多年,此物渐渐变得不安分,或许随着裹缚的武者越来越多,它如重伤者渐渐恢复起来了……” Decca Luo expression is dignified , to continue to explain: These years, void passage of many star territory territory within the four seas, will often have the problem. Has draws support from void passage to surmount Warrior of star territory, bewildered disappearance, even there are much by the Spatial Teleportation teleportation person who I refine, will vanish baseless does not see.” 迪卡神色凝重,继续解释道:“这些年来,许多星域域海内的虚空通道,时常会出现问题。有许多借助虚空通道跨越星域的武者,会莫名其妙的消失,甚至有不少以我炼制的空间传送传送的人,也会凭空消失不见。” He looks to Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan, the expression is even more serious my continuously not ravelling reason, until afterward me discovered that inexplicable disappearance, appear here place cloud cluster, I get the facts straight.” 他看向石岩夏心妍,表情愈发沉重“我一直弄不明白原因,直到后来我发现一个莫名消失者,出现在此地云团之中,我才弄清事实。” Decca Luo Dian to the peripheral bunches of jet black cloud clusters, was cold the face saying: These disappearance, receive this thing to affect in secret, was pulled into the void turbulent flow, was bound to tie to the hauling by it!” 迪卡罗点向周边簇簇漆黑云团,寒着脸说:“那些消失者,都受此物暗中影响,被扯入虚空乱流,被它给牵引裹缚住!” Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan mind shakes greatly, the whole face does not dare to believe that secret fearful. 石岩夏心妍心神巨震,满脸不敢置信,暗暗心寒。 If this thing can affect void passage, will straddle zones teleportation to pull into the void turbulent flow, then later the shuttle between star territories becomes the danger numerous. 此物若是能影响虚空通道,将跨界传送者扯入虚空乱流,那么以后星域间的穿梭将会变得危险重重。 Decca Luo as in world exquisitest Space Deep Meaning, has constructed numerous Spatial Teleportation for the great billows chamber of commerce, these teleportation expiration, these Warrior mystical vanish, certainly has the enormous influence to his prestige, compelling him to clarify the real reason. 迪卡罗身为世间最精湛的空间奥义者,为巨澜商会构建了众多空间传送阵,那些传送阵的失效,那些武者神秘消失,一定对他的声望造成巨大影响,逼得他不得不弄清真正的原因。 If all such as he said that then the shuttle of void passage, will make the people be concerned in the future, will affect directly the Star Sea situation. 若一切如他所言,那么将来虚空通道的穿梭,会让众人心生惶恐,会直接影响星海的局势。 Not solely so.” Decca Luo feels snow white must steadily, a looks at side bunches of jet black cloud cluster, dreads saying: It as if also in secret affected the starry sky wall barrier, your cultivation Space Deep Meaning, should know that impact of general Warrior power, is very difficult to cause the void avalanche. But now, many Origin God Third Sky Realm Warrior, in the battle possibly inspire the void tearing smashing, possibly makes the star territory break up......” “不单单如此。”迪卡罗摸着雪白长须,看着身旁簇簇漆黑云团,忌惮道:“它似乎还暗中影响了星空壁障,你修炼空间奥义,应该知道一般武者力量的冲击,很难导致虚空崩塌。但现在,许多始神三重天境界武者,交战中都可能引动虚空撕裂粉碎,可能让星域为之崩解掉……” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 He remembers with the spark battle suddenly time, his Blood Sword hits hard, in spark day star Ice Jade piece the assigns on great treasure, causes to crack void the smashing. 他忽然想起和星火交战的时候,他血剑重击在星火的天星冰玉片的本命至宝上,导致虚空崩裂粉碎。 At that time he suddenly produced a feeling, thought that void was too as if frail, smashing easy of extremely. 那时候他就陡然生成一种感觉,觉得虚空似乎太脆弱了,粉碎的太过容易。 That void collapse, causing ten thousand God Clan Warrior to be pulled into the void turbulent flow, he knows that these people feared is very difficult to survive, relates the Decca Luo's words, his complexion suddenly becomes ugly, had not a wonderful guess...... 那次虚空塌陷,导致万名神族武者被扯入虚空乱流,他知道那些人怕是很难存活,联系起迪卡罗的一番话,他脸色忽然变得难看,有了一个不妙的猜测…… Can, be thing in secret unseemly behavior that mystical, the goal then must bind to tie that God Clan clansman, as if will the spark submerge generally? 会不会,就是那神秘之物暗中作怪,目的便是要裹缚住那一个个神族族人,将其如星火一般淹没掉? Reason that I lead Reddy to come , because discovers the recent territory sea turbulent even more strange, recently! As if...... It strengthened many power suddenly!” Decca Luo Jixu said. “我之所以带雷迪过来,是因为发现最近域海动荡的愈发诡异,就在最近!似乎……它忽然增强了不少力量!”迪卡罗继续道。 „......” “呃……” Shi Yan touches the nose, is awkward, said: Formerly I and a spark war, caused Fire Rain Star Field void blasting open, ten thousand God Clan clansmen pulled into the void turbulent flow. Does not know that the sudden enhancement of its power, can with these God Clan clansmen, a little relate with the spark?” 石岩摸了摸鼻子,一脸尴尬,说道:“先前我和星火一战,导致火雨星域虚空炸裂,有万名神族族人扯入虚空乱流。不知道,它力量的突然增强,会不会和那些神族族人,和星火有点关系?” Such remarks, Reddy was shocked, Decca Luo is the expression sudden change, appearance that flying into a rage unexpectedly because of you!” 此言一出,雷迪愣住了,迪卡罗则是表情骤变,一副暴跳如雷的模样“竟然因你而起!” Do not be excited, excited, look did I also come to seek the solution?” Shi Yan embarrasedly hollow laugh. “别激动,被激动,这不,我也过来寻求解决之道了么?”石岩讪讪干笑。 Little Luo, don't the goal that forgets us to come, the proper business is important.” Reddy also hurriedly advises, mediates saying: „The boy is our Heavenly Demon Clan lucky star, you must kill him, our Heavenly Demon Clan then must be unable to recover.” “小罗啊,别忘了我们过来的目的,正事要紧。”雷迪也急忙劝阻,打圆场说道:“那小子怎么也是我们天妖族的福星,你要杀了他,我们天妖族便要一蹶不振了。” Snort, I do not dare to kill him.” Decca Luo complexion unusually poor, such as died the parents he to damage, such as Star Sea malignant tumor , he if died this Star Sea to be peaceful, is only now in this Star Sea, everybody do not want to be peaceful, I did not want to offend Tian Xie, Ming Hao and Xuan He all people.” “哼,我可不敢杀他。”迪卡罗脸色奇差,如死了爹娘般“他就是祸害,如星海毒瘤,他若死了这星海就太平了,只是现在这星海内,人人都不想太平,我可不欲得罪天邪冥晧玄河所有人。” Proper business is important!” Reddy also said. “正事要紧!”雷迪又道。 Decca Luo is calm gradually „, the proper business is important, is rejected these sarcoma outer layer jet black thing by me, destroys the destruction by the strength of your thunder heartily, then makes that boy burn to extinguish the ashes by Essence Heavenly Flame, has a look whether to annihilate this thing slowly.” 迪卡罗逐渐冷静“嗯,正事要紧,由我剔除那些肉瘤外层漆黑之物,以你雷霆之力尽情破坏毁灭,然后让那小子以本源天火焚灭成灰烬,看看能否将此物慢慢消灭掉。” He early has to decide the idea. 他早有定计。 „To come to be certainly absolutely safe!” Reddy Ha Ha laughed heartily roughy, signaled with the eyes you not to have the issue to Shi Yan?” “想来一定万无一失!”雷迪哈哈粗犷欢笑,冲石岩使了个眼色“你没问题吧?” Does not have the issue.” Shi Yan shrugs the statement. “没问题。”石岩耸肩表态。 Decca Luo is not wordy, begins directly, releases the deep meaning to be exquisite. 迪卡罗也不啰嗦,直接动手,释放奥义精妙。 In this strange place, his two tie seal, such as is pulling void exquisite, the body surface shines, such as the sparkling crystal , to continue for several seconds, trillion sharp knife blade such as the rainstorm hurricane, splits up myriad suddenly, chops to shoot completely in that bunches of jet black cloud cluster. 在这奇诡之地,他两手结印,如拉扯着虚空精妙,身体表面忽闪忽闪,如闪闪发光的晶体,持续数秒,陡然间,有亿万利刃如暴雨狂飙而出,分化万千,全部劈射在那簇簇漆黑云团。 If the mysterious burin, that sharp knife blade puts on to plunder to paddle sharply, removes the outer covering that jet black cloud cluster exhausted steamed rice dumpling. 如神奇的刻刀,那利刃锋锐穿掠划动着,将那漆黑云团剥粽子般剥掉外壳。 The bunch ugly disgusting meat lump, reveals the portrait one after another, such as sarcoma hang in void, gives to fill up the peripheral horizon, intensive fearing has several thousands, is indistinct as if also has the methodicalness, forms not well-known strange Ancient Formation. 一团团丑陋恶心的肉疙瘩,接连显露出真容,如一个个肉瘤吊在虚空,将周边天际都给填满,密集的怕有数万之多,隐隐约约间仿佛还颇有章法,形成不知名的奇异古阵 These meat lumps secrete are mounting to stick to infiltrate the liquid of person, the saliva that such as the foreign matter puts out, the meat lump ballooning, is wriggling slowly, is closing up gradually. 那些肉疙瘩分泌着黏糊渗人的液体,如异物吐出的口水,肉疙瘩鼓胀着,慢慢蠕动着,在逐渐靠拢。 It looks like enlarges trillion times of cells, is carrying on the condensation reorganization to be ordinary, the person who looks is absolutely terrified, heart fresh chill in the air. 就像是一个个放大亿万倍的细胞,在进行凝聚重组一般,看的人毛骨悚然,心生寒意。 Bang! Bang!” “轰隆隆!轰隆隆!” , With deafening thunderous thunder and lightning, as if trillion thunder snakes gush out from Reddy beginning suddenly, submerges in these big meatballs completely. 突地,一道道伴随着震耳欲聋雷鸣的雷霆闪电,仿佛亿万条雷蛇从雷迪始界内涌出,全部没入那些大肉球中。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Big meatballs, emit the dusky smog suddenly, the meatball ballooning are wriggling, secretes to mount the thing of sticking. 一个个大肉球,忽然冒出灰蒙蒙的烟雾,肉球鼓胀蠕动着,分泌出更多黏糊之物。 Many big meatball interior restraint Warrior, these Warrior veins and intestines once more were changing into the tentacle to extend Zhong to come out at this time, is circling in flight nimble and resourceful, entangles densely and numerously toward the Shi Yan people. 许多大肉球内部束缚武者,这时候那些武者筋脉、肠子都再次化为触手延仲出来,灵动飞旋着,密密麻麻朝着石岩众人缠来。 On these intestines and veins mount flour gruel, the yellow water that the stench soars to the heavens drops, must disgustingly disgusting. 那些肠子、筋脉上黏糊糊的,还有腥臭冲天的黄水滴落,要多恶心有多恶心。 Meanwhile, an evil consciousness also follows the release to fill the air, fires into the people. 同时,一股邪恶意识也顺着释放弥漫开来,冲向众人。 Reddy! Feels?” Decca Luo yelled suddenly this is the consciousness that the low Level life can have?” “雷迪!感觉到没有?”迪卡罗突然大叫“这可是低等级生灵能持有的意识?” Reddy expression is also ugly, knits the brows minutely examines with rapt attention, then suddenly said: Your feeling right, it disdains to exchange with us likely, because it thinks that it is the high Level life, but we in its eye are only the ants, truly is this feeling......” 雷迪表情也难看起来,皱眉凝神细查,然后忽然道:“你的感觉没错,它像是不屑与我们交流,因为它认为它是高等级生命,而我们在它眼中只是蝼蚁,确实是这种感觉……” Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan Realm is slightly low, cannot such as Reddy, Decca like that see clearly a deeper mystery, at this moment their attention is centralized, looks startled to accommodate. 石岩夏心妍境界稍低,并不能如雷迪、迪卡罗那般洞察更深奥妙,此刻他们注意力集中,都面露惊容。 Releases Heavenly Flame! Comes to melt here by strongest power!” Decca Luo Chen drinks. “释放天火!以最强力量消融这里!”迪卡罗沉喝。 His words Fang Luo, winds around in a bunches of flame that side Shi Yan does not extinguish, such as the spark sets the prairie afire, suddenly extends to spread rapidly to peripheral, in breaths, then forms to roast fierce turbulent Essence Heavenly Flame in his side, and branches out trillion, falls with that thunder and lightning generally to that pork group. 他话语方落,缭绕在石岩身旁不灭的簇簇火苗,如星星之火燎原似的,忽然迅速延伸蔓延向周边,在一息间,便在他身旁形成炙烈汹涌的本源天火,并且分出亿万股,和那雷霆闪电一般落向那一个个大肉团。 Pa! Pa! “噼啪!啪! These big sarcoma, such as were burnt down by raging fire, transmits combustion to turn into the ashes really the sound. 那些大肉瘤,如被烈火焚烧,真的传来燃烧变成灰烬的声音。 That evil different living thing, was removed the outer layer thickest defense by Decca Luo first, by Reddy's terrifying thunder and lightning bombardment, was burnt to extinguish by Essence Heavenly Flame finally, three MPR strength cooperate one and get rid, as if found to exterminate this thing really the method. 那邪异生物,先是被迪卡罗剥掉外层最厚防御,又被雷迪的恐怖雷霆闪电轰击,最后则是被本源天火焚灭,三人协力合作一并出手,仿佛真的找到灭绝此物的方法。 Big sarcoma, were all submerged by Essence Heavenly Flame at this time, by turbulent burning down. 一个个大肉瘤,此时全部被本源天火淹没了,被汹涌的焚烧着。 Not is quite evidently difficult.” Reddy grins to grin fiendishly, said wildly: Manages his anything thing, burns cannot stay behind including the sediment, looked how he can also rebel!” “看样子并不太难。”雷迪咧嘴狞笑着,猖狂道:“管他什么东西,烧的连渣滓都留不下,看他还能如何作乱!” Decca Luo quite approves to this fellow obviously, because Essence Heavenly Flame burns to extinguish the effects of all lives, he to the Shi Yan manner also slightly friendly a point, looks is spreading in all directions the intense flaming flame, he said: This place is only one, similar region that the light I know, then ten, we continue.” 迪卡罗明显对这家伙较为赞同,因为本源天火焚灭一切生灵的功效,他对石岩态度也稍稍友善了一点,望着四处蔓延激烈的熊熊火焰,他说道:“此地只是一处,光我知道的类似的区域,便有十处之多,我们继续下去。” I must find the person.” Shi Yan knits the brows. “我要找人。”石岩皱眉。 You must find the person definitely not in this place, otherwise you will not burn is so happy, before we come this, you have certainly nosed.” The Decca Luo whole face does not bear first after our innumerable star territory security, has made the proper business, perhaps you must find the person, by the thing of other region to restraint, our nosing is, could not consume too among long time in any case.” “你要找到人肯定不在此地,不然你不会烧的那么痛快,我们来此之前,你一定查探过了。”迪卡罗满脸不耐“先为我们无数星域以后的安全,将正事做了,或许你要找之人,被别的区域的这东西给束缚了,我们一个个查探便是,反正也耗费不了太多时间。” Well, what is that?” Reddy shouted suddenly lightly. “咦,那是何物?”雷迪忽然轻呼。 Decca, Shi Yan simultaneously look to a direction, there, is the restraint spark pork lump, similarly was being burnt down by Heavenly Flame, there any has not melted the ashes the sign. 迪卡罗、石岩同时看向一个方向,那里,是束缚星火的大肉疙瘩,同样被天火焚烧着,那儿并没有任何融化成灰烬的迹象。 A severe coldness, instead disclosed that that extremely cold strength changed into ice blue color strange fog spread quietly, the mist place visited, Heavenly Flame one by one of Shi Yan release extinguishes unexpectedly. 一股严寒,反而从中透露出来,那极寒之力悄然化为冰蓝色怪雾扩散,雾气所过之处,石岩释放的天火一一熄灭。 That is the spark the assigns great treasure, this thing is very unusual, according to him that thing called ` day star Ice Jade piece... Is he from ` Nihility Domain Sea, must come, the flower fee more than 700 years refine the cost to assign great treasure, the might is fearful!” “那是星火的本命至宝,此物很奇特,据他所言那东西叫‘天星冰玉片…是他从‘虚无域海,得来的,huā费700多年时间才炼化成本命至宝,威力非常可怕!” Shi Yan carefully looked at a while with rapt attention, discovered in that meat lump glittering the ice cold gloss, the mind moves, suddenly calls out in alarm. 石岩凝神仔细看了一会儿,发现那肉疙瘩内闪烁着的冰寒光泽,心神一动,忽然惊呼。 Must come thing from Nihility Domain Sea......” “从虚无域海得来之物……” Decca Luo facial expression one tight, suddenly said: Can not be burnt down under your Heavenly Flame, Cold Qi has not reduced, but can also extinguish your not mature Heavenly Flame by the cold fog, this thing, absolutely was rare object.” 迪卡罗神情一紧,忽然道:“能够在你天火下不被焚烧,寒气没有消减,还能以寒雾来熄灭你那不成熟的天火,这东西,绝对是奇物了。” Such remarks, the Reddy two eyes shine, but also was instantaneously dejected, shakes the head saying: Was a pity that does not suit my cultivation deep meaning.” 此言一出,雷迪两眼放光,不过瞬间也颓然了,摇头道:“可惜不适合我修炼的奥义。” Zi Yao!” 紫耀!” In this time, Xia Xinyan is out of control to lose one's voice to scream that she aims at a direction. 就在此时,夏心妍禁不住失声尖叫起来,她指向一个方向。 In turbulent Fiery Flame, a biggest meat group the skull that if splits, appears Zi Yao, her look indifferently, does not have an emotion, the ice-cold yin cold, she puts out a hand to grasp distantly, that „the day star Ice Jade piece changes into together icy light, falls into her fair white hands quickly. 在汹涌火炎中,一个最大的肉团如裂开的脑壳,从中浮现出紫耀,她眼神漠然,没有一丝的情感,冰冷阴寒,她伸手遥遥一抓,那块“天星冰玉片”化为一道冰光,倏地落入她白皙玉手。 A fluctuation of extremely terrifying, suddenly from her[ body] in erupts, unexpectedly not inferior Decca and Reddy. 一股极为恐怖的波动,陡然从她〖体〗内爆发出来,竟丝毫不逊色迪卡罗和雷迪。 Zi Yao at this moment, the back First Level level colored aperture ripples, as if ripples of spread light, her whole person bathes in brilliant Divine Light Center, to person one type such as dream such as imaginary feeling. 此刻的紫耀,背后一层层彩色光圈荡漾,仿佛光之涟漪扩散,她整个人沐浴在绚烂的神光〖中〗央,给人一种如梦如幻的感觉。 But reveals aura that from her, is actually frightening, that is one type does not belong to the ice of humanity to be cold. 但从她身上流露出来的气息,却是令人心惊胆颤,那是一种不属于人类的冰寒冷漠。
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