GOS :: Volume #14

#1345: Pork group

light barrier of star covers the top of the head, resists the seepage of that boundless heavy rain, Shi Yan is looking dignified, on the face appears wipes astonished. 星之光幕覆盖头顶,抵御着那磅礴大雨的渗透,石岩神情凝重,脸上显出一抹惊愕。 Xia Xinyan perceived keenly his facial expression subtle change, shouted tenderly: What has discovered?” 夏心妍敏锐觉察到他神情细微变化,娇呼道:“发现了什么?” Some people came.” “有人过来了。” In the Shi Yan hearts the thought flashes through together, releases the life trend on own initiative, will realize to extend. 石岩心间一道念头闪过,主动释放出生命动向,将意识延伸。 He must know that Decca, Reddy whether comes this specially. 他要知道迪卡罗、雷迪是否专门来此。 Soul Consciousness flutters together, glittering in Outer Territory stream ray, is seeing clearly with rapt attention. 一道灵魂意识飘荡出去,在域外流光闪烁着,凝神去洞察。 Indeed in view of this place! 的确针对此地而来! Destination that Decca, Reddy come in waves, impressively this place, when among that instants of his Divine Sense release, Decca, Reddy simultaneously reveal stunned, they neglect one, knits the brows slightly, changes into two bunches of lightning glow Lightning ray, passes through the space length instantaneously. 迪卡罗、雷迪联袂而来的目的地,赫然正是此地,当他神识释放的那一霎间,迪卡罗、雷迪同时露出错愕,两人忽视一眼,微微皱眉,化为两束电芒雷光,瞬间穿过空间距离。 The next quarter, Reddy and Decca then arrive at side Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan, these two famous metropolises achieve Immortal Second Sky Realm Warrior, sees Shi Yan, the expression becomes extremely strange. 下一刻,雷迪和迪卡罗便来到石岩夏心妍身旁,这两名都达到不朽二重天境界武者,一见石岩,表情都变得极为古怪。 You how in this place?” Decca Luo Yaran puzzled say|way. “你怎会在此地?”迪卡罗讶然不解道。 Shi Yan confuses similarly, why do that you come?” 石岩同样迷惑,“那你们因何而来?” Was you have donated my pure strength!” Meanwhile, Xia Xinyan also lightly exhales sound, the beautiful pupil flashes before wipes strange light, is staring at Decca Luo, inquired: I and you are unknown, you why that pure strength irrigation on me.” “是你赠予了我一股精纯之力!”同时,夏心妍也轻呼出声,美眸闪现一抹奇光,凝视着迪卡罗,询问道:“我和你素不相识,你为何将那股精纯之力灌注在我身上。” Because of your cultivation time deep meaning. In vast Star Sea, you are by no means only cultivation time deep meaning, but is actually at present Realm most profound one person.” Decca Luo Sao her eyes, gratified soft voice said: It seems like your heart demon has swept clean, um, so good, like this you then can continue breakthrough Realm , to continue to promote.” “因为你修炼时间奥义。在浩淼星海间,你并非唯一修炼时间奥义者,但却是目前境界最为高深的一人。”迪卡罗扫了她一眼,欣慰的温声说:“看来你心魔扫清了,嗯,如此甚好,这样你便能持续突破境界,继续增进下去。” I do not understand your meaning.” “我不明白你的意思。” Temporarily you do not need to understand, because your Realm dislikes lowly, when is mature to the opportunity, when is enough to your Realm, I naturally can tell you reason.” “暂时你不需要明白,因为你境界还是嫌低,待到时机成熟,待到你境界足够,我自然会告诉你原因。” Why do you come?” “你们因何而来?” Decca Luo knits the brows suddenly silent, deeply inspires, looks to side that bunches of cloud cluster, looks to Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan they, said: How do you know this place?” 迪卡罗忽然皱眉沉默,深吸一口气,看向身旁那一簇簇云团,又看向石岩夏心妍两人,道:“你们怎知此地?” Fortunately.” “凑巧而已。” Under Shi Yan traces the volume, has hesitated, thought that should state clearly the fact is helpful to seeing clearly of matter, therefore on the situations of 1510 explanations, my friend arrives at this place carelessly, as if had been embezzled by these cloud clusters, my sensation her life fluctuation comes......” 石岩摸了摸下额,沉吟了一下,觉得应该言明事实才有助于对事情的洞察,于是就1510说明的情况,“我一个朋友不慎来到此地,似乎被那些云团吞没了,我感知她生命波动而来……” That is not the cloud cluster!” Reddy said suddenly. “那不是云团!”雷迪突道。 Decca Luo looks to him, and do your Heavenly Demon Clan these fellows, what have to relate?” 迪卡罗看向他,“和你们天妖族的那些家伙,有没有什么联系?” Reddy shook the head, has hesitated, he looked to Shi Yan, you should ask him, I think that he will be clearer than me.” 雷迪摇头,迟疑了一下,他看向石岩,“你应该问问他,我想他比我还会清楚。” Decca Luo eyes micro bright, did not beat around the bush, said: Boy, here, do you have the familiar feeling? These only then Heavenly Demon Clan earliest first generation unique does aura, exist peripheral?” 迪卡罗眼睛微亮,也不拐弯抹角,道:“小子,在这里,你有没有熟悉的感觉?那些只有天妖族最早一代的独特气息,是否存在周边?” Shi Yan looks all around, looks at that bunches of cloud cluster, the looks at strange heavy rain, the probe said: „Are you that life that refers to here possibly having?” 石岩环顾四周,看着那一簇簇云团,看着诡异的大雨,试探道:“你是指这里可能存在的那个生灵?” Reddy, Decca also nod. 雷迪、迪卡罗同时点头。 No, does not have aura of Heavenly Demon Clan older generation, otherwise I can certainly perceive. At that time, when that Thunder Xiaoxing territory, I first was seeing a thunder and lightning minute of soul, immediately then can induce subtly, but here, my not this feeling.” Shi Yan confident say|way. “没有,没有一丝天妖族先辈的气息,不然我一定能觉察。当时,在那雷霄星域的时候,我初次见着雷电的分魂,立即便能感应出微妙,但在这里,我并没有这种感觉。”石岩坦然道。 Such remarks, Reddy, Decca facial expression is simultaneously dignified. 此言一出,雷迪、迪卡罗神情同时凝重起来。 Half sound, Decca Luo Chen sound track: We guessed mistakenly, unexpectedly was not one of the Heavenly Demon Clan older generations, that...... What can be? Isn't our that Star Sea lives?” 半响,迪卡罗沉声道:“我们猜测错了,竟然并非天妖族的先辈之一,那么……会是何物?难道并非我们那星海的生灵?” What were you saying?” Shi Yan stunned. “你们在说什么?”石岩愕然 Decca Luo looks to him, hesitant, said: In this void chaotic basin, this thing has existed, the innumerable years carelessly fall into this place Warrior, had been embezzled by it, it is very unusual, such as split, such as the wreckage proliferates the void turbulent flow each strange place, I live many years in the void turbulent flow, in the different regions, had seen its existence. It has the life consciousness, can absorb here energy, as if slowly wriggle, but actually never exchanges with the life......” 迪卡罗看向他,犹豫了一下,道:“在这虚空乱流域中,此物一直存在着,无数年来很多不慎掉入此地的武者,都被它吞没了,它很奇特,如分裂了,如残骸遍布虚空乱流的各个诡异之地,我在虚空乱流生活许多年,曾经在许多不同的区域,见过它的存在。它有生命意识,能吸纳这里的能量,似乎在缓慢蠕动着,可是却从不与生灵交流……” When mentioned this strange thing, Decca Luo Yanshen has wipes confuses astonished, as if also the restlessness, seemed worried about anything. 说起这奇诡之物时,迪卡罗眼神有着一抹惊愕迷惑,似乎还有一丝不安,仿佛在担心着什么。 „It is not bunches of cloud clusters, is this cloud cluster, then its body?” Xia Xinyan shouted lightly. “不就是一簇簇云团,难道这云团,便是它的身体?”夏心妍轻呼道。 Why does not know, Decca Luo treats Shi Yan time does not catch cold, even can be called the manner to be bad, but he to Xia Xinyan is actually very temperate, quite attaches great importance to the question of Xia Xinyan. 不知道为何,迪卡罗对待石岩的时候并不感冒,甚至称得上态度不善,可他对夏心妍却很是温和,对夏心妍的问话也颇为重视。 Cloud cluster is only surface First Level covers up, I make you have a look at its real appearance, you looked carefully.” Decca Luo two tie seal, ten fingers interlock, the fingertip lasing leaves like the scissors sharp knife blade, that sharp knife blade shoots at jet black cloud cluster completely. “云团只是表层的一层遮掩,我让你看看它真实的模样,你看仔细了。”迪卡罗两手结印,十指交错,指尖激射出一条条如剪刀般的利刃,那利刃全部射向一处漆黑云团。 The sharp knife blade such as the nimble and resourceful scissors, the exhausted rind gives to cut these jet black cloud cluster generally, bunches of jet black cotton cloud such as the smog gives the fission. 利刃如灵动的剪刀,剥橘子皮一般将那些漆黑云簇给划开,一簇簇漆黑云棉如烟雾给分裂。 At once equally ugly thing, real appears...... 旋即一样丑陋之物,真实的浮现出来…… That thing dust color one group, has covered entirely the spot, such as the nostril of person remains is mounting to stick the nasal mucus, as if such as a worm, such as meat lump, such as sarcoma, but also is wriggling slowly, extremely disgusting ugly. 那东西灰褐色一团,布满了斑点,如人的鼻孔留着黏糊鼻涕,仿佛如一种蠕虫,如肉疙瘩,如肉瘤,还在慢慢蠕动着,极其的恶心难看。 Shot a look at one, a Xia Xinyan then face loathing, really disgusting.” 只是瞥了一眼,夏心妍便一脸厌恶,“真恶心。” Here cloud cluster has several thousands, each bunch of cloud cluster is such a thing, in many meat groups binds to tie up Warrior, carelessly falls into the void turbulent flow, was given to be cautious after by it, kills slowly. These bunches of cloud clusters, are the ugly meat groups, such as the insect, such as the malignant tumor is common, from time to time can congeal, but majority are the dispersed states. Also must tell you a point, in the place of void turbulent flow, many regions has similar cloud cluster, I have then seen many, but by my Realm cultivation base, cannot survey the void turbulent flow end, perhaps in a more remote remote profound place, this thing exists......” “这里的云团有数万之多,每一簇云团内部都是这么一个东西,很多肉团中裹缚着武者,都是不慎落入虚空乱流,被它给拘谨后慢慢弄死的。这一簇簇云团,就是一个个丑陋的肉团,如虫子,如毒瘤一般,时而能凝结起来,但大多数都是分散状态。还要告诉你一点,在虚空乱流之地,还有很多区域有类似的云团,我便见过许多,而以我的境界修为,也未能探测到虚空乱流的尽头,或许在更加遥远偏僻深邃之地,还有更多这东西的存在……” The Decca Romania explained. 迪卡罗解释。 Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan whole face is startled to regret, there does not know that should say anything. 石岩夏心妍满脸惊憾,愣在那儿不知该说些什么。 In the inexhaustible void chaotic basin, really many places have this bunches of malignant tumor living thing, does not know how long had, does not know that embezzled many time to astray this place Warrior. 无穷无尽的虚空乱流域中,竟然有许多地方有这簇簇毒瘤般的生物,也不知道存在了多久,不知吞没了多少个时代误入此地的武者 Does this thing, have the high Level wisdom, does not ravel including Decca Luo. 此物,到底有没有高等级智慧,连迪卡罗都弄不明白。 Because he has not established the exchange with this thing, but Decca Luo has had a feeling faintly, he felt that this thing is certainly full of wisdom, has the complete life consciousness, reason that does not exchange with him, he feels because of this thing...... Disdains radically. 因为他从来没有和此物建立过交流,但迪卡罗一直隐隐有种感觉,他感觉此物一定有智慧,有完全的生命意识,之所以不与他交流,他感觉是因为此物……根本不屑为之。 I have to plant very absurd feeling, I felt that it disdains to exchange with us , because it thinks that we do not match. Is just like us not to be different to an insect exchange, because we are the high Level lives, but the insect, is only the biology of lowest Level, both sides have the hard-to-pass distance......” “我有种很荒谬的感觉,我感觉它不屑与我们交流,是因为它认为我们不配。就好比我们不会与一只虫豸交流一样,因为我们是高等级生灵,而虫豸,只是最低等级的生物,双方有着难以逾越的距离……” Decca Luo supplemented. 迪卡罗补充。 Absurd! Really absurd, you affirmed that the feeling made a mistake.” Could not listen Reddy, shook the head unceasingly, questioned the Decca Luo's feeling. “荒谬!真是荒谬,你肯定感觉错了。”连雷迪都听不下去了,不断摇头,质疑迪卡罗的感觉。 Your thing, besides you, but also who knows that exists?” Shi Yan asked suddenly. “你东西,除了你之外,还有谁知道存在?”石岩忽然问。 Decca Luo snort|hum, I was not clear, as far as I know knows this thing as if not to have what live person, Xuan He, Fei Liete and Tian Xie these fellow Realm are indeed exquisite, but also is only restricted in other region, in this void turbulent flow, they same everywhere was restrained, cannot stop over is too long.” 迪卡罗哼了一声,“我不清楚,据我所知知晓此物者似乎没有什么活人,玄河腓烈特天邪那些家伙境界的确精湛,但也只限于别的区域,在这虚空乱流内,他们一样处处被约束,不能逗留太久。” You come this place, what is the goal?” Shi Yan also asked. “那你们来此地,目的是什么?”石岩又问。 He thought that this thing is the diving hidden threat, is unable to exchange, therefore prepares to destroy. The rallying point of the thing he knows, is destroyed by our one by one, so as to avoid will present any future trouble to come in the future.” Reddy is actually benign to him, optional answered. “他觉得此物是个潜隐威胁,无法交流,所以准备毁去。将他所知道的此物的一个个聚集点,由我们一一摧毁,免得将来出现什么后患来。”雷迪对他倒是和颜悦色,随意的解释道。 Shi Yan after all his Resurrect, is his ancestor star Essence fusion, in his innermost soul, thought that is together with Shi Yan very harmoniously, the instinct will be intimate with Shi Yan. 石岩毕竟将他复活,又是他祖星本源融合者,在他灵魂深处,都觉得和石岩相处很融洽,本能会亲近石岩 This is imprint of soul, was born from him then exists, can never erase. 这是灵魂的烙印,从他出生便存在,永远不能抹除掉。 Ruins this place?” Shi Yan cracks into a smile, idea is very good, some of my also this plans, it seems like we happened to hold the same view.” “毁掉此地?”石岩咧嘴一笑,“想法很好,我也有这个打算,看来我们不谋而合了。” You should attempt.” Decca Luo knitting the brows head , the expression said dignifiedly: You, although Realm is not high, but you fused Ancient Continent Essence, has Heavenly Flame, Heavenly Flame it is said can refine any life, you have tried, can't succeed unexpectedly?” “你应该已经尝试过了。”迪卡罗皱了皱眉头,表情凝重道:“你虽然境界不高,但你融合了古大陆本源,身怀天火,天火据说能炼化任何生灵,你试过了,竟然没能成功?” Reddy also complexion sinks, „is this fellow, so really thorny?” 雷迪也脸色一沉,“这家伙,真的就这么棘手?” My Heavenly Flame cannot refine it, reason that perhaps has not fused completely, but this thing is also truly strange.” Shi Yan nods. “我天火不能炼化它,或许是没有全部融合的原因,但此物确实也非常诡异。”石岩点头。 Decca Luo puts on a serious face, the line of sight in peripheral is patrolling, after a while, he said to Shi Yan suddenly: Now, your Bloodthirsty lineage/vein and God Clan battle is just luxurious, do you put the proper business not to do, coming this place to do? Here matter, I can solve with Reddy, you as early as possible leave, do not waste Xuan He and Ming Hao to your thinking highly.” 迪卡罗板着脸,视线在周边游弋着,过了一会儿,他突然对石岩说道:“如今,你们嗜血一脉和神族交战正酣,你放着正事不做,来此地干什么?这里的事情,我会和雷迪来解决,你还是趁早离开吧,别浪费玄河冥晧对你的器重。” „My friend disappeared.” Shi Yan snort|hum. “我的一个朋友消失了。”石岩哼了一声。 Originally because of the woman, Hehe, the boy had my past style but actually!” Reddy laughed void, bang such as exploded, he who shook looked at Xia Xinyan evilly, grinned and said: Also one brings two Miss to come out, fierce!” “原来是因为女人,嘿嘿,小子倒有我当年风范!”雷迪哈哈大笑,震的虚空轰隆隆如爆炸了,他邪邪瞄了一眼夏心妍,咧嘴又道:“还一回带两个姑娘出来,厉害啊!” Regardless of Reddy or Azure Dragon, is the Dragon Clan bloodlines, is dissolute and unrestrained, passes on a message Reddy, azure clouds these two Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestors, reason that the junction has fought for many years, then because of the struggle of woman. 不论雷迪还是青龙,都是龙族血脉,都是荒淫无度,传言雷迪、青霄这两个天妖族的始祖,之所以交恶斗了多年,便是因为女人之争。 Said again, the God Clan Elder spark just died, Fire Rain Star Field also for the first time triumphs, the fight detail arrangement of general situation, naturally is planned by Xuan He, Ming Hao and Fei Liete, I do not need extremely to worry.” Shi Yan said indifferently. “再说了,神族长老星火刚死,火雨星域也首次得胜,更大局的战斗细节布置,自然都由玄河冥晧腓烈特来筹谋,我无需太过担忧。”石岩漠然道。 He had self-knowledge, in not having breakthrough Immortal, truly had before Xuan He and Ming Hao spoke the last words the qualifications, this new Bloodthirsty Venerable Lord, indeed is only the puppet. 他有自知之明,在没有突破不朽,真正拥有和玄河冥晧叫板资格前,他这新任的嗜血尊主,的确只是傀儡而已。 He can reach the position of Venerable Lord, because of Xuan He, Ming Hao and Fei Liete this new Venerable Lord status, good justifiable giving orders. 他能荣登尊主之位,是因为玄河冥晧腓烈特他这个新尊主的身份,好名正言顺的发号施令。 Only if Xuan He, Ming Hao and Fei Liete did not give a thought to the Bloodthirsty past custom, otherwise was Eight Entourage they, did not have the qualifications to summon all cultivation eight big evil strength, launched the war to God Clan. 除非玄河冥晧腓烈特不顾嗜血当年的规矩,否则身为八扈从的他们,就没有资格来召唤所有修炼八大邪力者,向神族发动战争。 You, if persists in staying behind, I was many and you say a matter, because, you indeed can also add on busily.” Decca Luo hesitates half sound, slightly nodded. “你如果真坚持留下,我就多和你说点事情,因为,你的确还能帮上一点忙。”迪卡罗沉吟半响,微微点了点头 Shi Yan eye one bright. 石岩眼睛一亮。
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