GOS :: Volume #14

#1344: Not well-known evil thing

Shi Yan sneers, the supernatural power erupts suddenly, covers the sea of fire of whole body to be even more ominous fiercely. 石岩冷笑一声,神力猛然喷发,笼罩全身的火海愈发凶烈。 Scarlet-red flame of burning hot, attaches his life consciousness, suddenly falls from the sea of fire separation extremely fast to Xia Xinyan. 一条炙热的赤红火焰,附有他生命意识,忽然间从火海分离极速落向夏心妍 Face numb Xia Xinyan, was covered fiercely by that flame, roasted the fierce flame to bind her instant, the aura sudden change by roasting fiercely turbulent is the woods is then cold, transformation wonderful. 一脸麻木的夏心妍,被那一条火焰猛地罩住,本来炙烈的火焰在裹住她那一霎,气息骤变由炙烈汹涌便是森寒冷厉,转化的神妙非常。 A cold current, seeps her mind to release extremely cold chilly aura in her sacrificial altar directly. 一股寒流,直接渗透她脑海在她祭台内释放极寒清冷气息 Her beautiful pupil restores soberly, complexion changes, suddenly two thumbs according to the eyes eyelid, one of the time unusual mysterious emerge suddenly, marvelous scenes such as are playbacking, she as if the God Body condition, instantaneously draws before is invaded by that strange energy. 她美眸恢复清醒,脸色一变,忽然两手拇指按向双眼眼皮,时间的一种奇特奥妙忽然涌现,一幕幕奇妙场景如在回放,她仿佛将神体的状态,瞬间拉到被那奇异能量侵入之前。 In the pupil invades her Sea of Consciousness not well-known aura, after the time backflows, without a trace of disappearance. 眸中侵入她识海的不知名气息,在时间回流后,消失的无影无踪。 The time deep meaning, most profound cultivation to extremely deep deep meaning, can forever stay in the boundary of peak, can maintain most peak condition, time lock! 时间奥义,玄之又玄修炼到极深奥义者,能永远停留在巅峰之境,能保持着最巅峰的状态,将时间锁定! After restoring to come, her eyes pupil spills over chill in the air coldly to look to peripheral cloud cluster, shouted to clear the way tenderly: Has the evil thing to exist carefully!” 恢复过来后,她眼眸泛出寒意冷冷看向周边的云簇,娇喝道:“小心有邪物存在!” Also in this time, mounts the liquid that sticks numerously, one by one falls into the burning hot sea of fire that Shi Yan builds, extraordinary, these liquids had not been evaporated instantaneously, was fired the ashes, unexpectedly can exist by Heavenly Flame precise Sea of Consciousness in him, although braves the grayish white smog, when these liquids, actually tenacious spreads the Shi Yan mind slightly shakes toward his God Body, since he makes a debut, but also has not seen many to be able not the thing of extinguishing really under Heavenly Flame burning down. 也在此时,众多黏糊的液体,一一落入石岩营造出来的炙热火海,出奇的,那些液体并没有瞬间被蒸发,被烧成灰烬,居然能在他以天火凝炼的识海内存在着,虽然冒着灰白烟雾,当那些液体,却顽强的朝着他神体蔓延过来石岩心神微震,他出道至今,还真的没见过多少能在天火焚烧下不灭之物。 This type of not well-known mucus, does not know that from where, so is unexpectedly fearful. 这种不知名的黏液,也不知道来自于何处,竟然如此可怕。 Burns to extinguish!” “焚灭!” His point to forehead, in sacrificial altar gushes out scalding hot Heavenly Flame, new Heavenly Flame emerges. 他一手点向眉心,祭台内又重新涌出灼热天火,新的一股天火重新涌入。 Now, he after fused several times, four Heavenly Flame available, just he released Heavenly Flame to come out, has not tried. 如今,他经过数次融合后,共有四种天火可用,刚刚他只是释放一股天火出来,并没有尽全力。 Also is Heavenly Flame wells up, this Heavenly Flame is to have close thunder and lightning glittering, has aura of corrosion soul to exist, this is World Extinguishing Thunder Flame and Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame and Profound Ice Cold Flame fusion flame, this Heavenly Flame, thunder and lightning of that caper and extinguishes the soul aura fusion, making this flame might increase sharply. 又是一股天火涌来,这次天火为有条条细密雷电闪烁,有腐蚀灵魂的气息存在,这是灭世雷炎九幽噬魂焰玄冰寒焰的融合火焰,这条天火一出,那跳跃的雷电和灭魂气息融合,令这火焰威力激增。 The mucus that shoot, cannot resist finally, still immediately has not actually melted, pulls out to the sea of fire completely instantaneously, returns to these cloud clusters. 那一条条射来的黏液,终于抵挡不住,却依然不曾立即融化,全部瞬间抽离火海,重返那些云团中。 Zi Yao might be bound very much by peripheral bunch of cloud cluster.” Xia Xinyan plunders, stands firm in his side again, the elegant face woods are cold, in the eye actually reveals the sorrow and vexation. 紫耀很有可能被周边其中一簇云团裹住了。”夏心妍掠来,重新在他身旁站定,俏脸森寒,眼中却露出忧烦。 Achieves the false Immortal spark, was bound to tie by that strange jet black cloud cluster in this place, if Zi Yao were also bound, can insist now, was very difficult to say...... 达到伪不朽的星火,在此地都被那诡异漆黑云团裹缚住,若紫耀也被裹住,能不能坚持到现在,很难说…… I add a fire again!” Shi Yan silent half sound, pulls out to Heavenly Flame, Immemorial Antiquity Demonic Flame and Yin Spirit Ghost Flame,...... After the corpse fire fuses certainly Heavenly Flame emits, forms his side flame, making his peripheral flame might live the several fold once more suddenly, centered on him, has formed the Fiery Flame sea simply, filled spread to come rapidly. “我再加一把火!”石岩沉默半响,又抽离一股天火,将太古妖火阴灵鬼火、……绝尸火融合后的天火放出,也形成他身旁火焰,令他周边火焰威力再次突生数倍,以他为中心,简直形成了火炎海洋,迅速弥漫扩散开来。 Changes into to the flame of positive burning hot slides the smooth flame, must nearby jet black such as the cloud cluster of ink gives to submerge, gives to burn down the ashes. 至阳炙热的火焰化为一溜溜火光,要将附近的漆黑如墨汁的云团都给淹没,都给焚烧成灰烬。 Who no matter you are, you are the what kind life, so long as I you wear the female of purple clothes to hand over that so long as she is safe and sound, I will then not continue to burn to extinguish, will leave this place, your my well water not interfering with river water.” “不管你是谁,你是何等生灵,我只要你将那名身穿紫衣的女子交出来,只要她安然无恙,我便不会继续焚灭下去,会离开此地,你我井水不犯河水。” Shi Yan closes one's eyes, shuts up tightly, actually lets loose the Divine Sense thought that such as the soul storm erupts in the sea of fire, consciousness such as electric current lasing to all directions. 石岩闭着眼,紧闭着嘴,却放开神识念头,如灵魂风暴在火海内爆发,条条意识如电流激射向四面八方。 He believes that so long as is the high Level life, only then there is existence of soul, can feel this Soul Consciousness, can see clearly his idea. 他相信,只要是高等级的生灵,只有有灵魂的存在,都能感受到他这股灵魂意识,能看清他的想法。 At this time, Zi Yao was missing, has possibly to be bound enormously by that this cloud cluster, the life and death does not know that at this moment and enemy competed fights at risk of life, then won, that Zi Yao feared that was also hard to live, some that therefore he must first do, was ensure Zi Yao can go on living. 此时,紫耀下落不明,有极大可能被那此云团裹住了,生死不知,此刻和对方较劲拼死搏斗,便是获胜,那紫耀怕是也难以活下,所以他首先要做的一点,便是确保紫耀能活下去。 Then the choice negotiated by the soul. 这才选择以灵魂交涉。 What a pity, the transmission of this soul thought that has not received the anticipated effect. 可惜,他这番灵魂意念的传达,并没有受到预期的效果。 In particular, does not have any response, that bunches of cloud cluster as if died, the natural disaster that as if has not realized, still has all around, motionless. 确切地说,是没有任何反应,那一簇簇云团仿佛死亡,仿佛没有意识的自然灾难,依然存在四周,一动不动。 Does not have the life to give him consciousness to return to the news. 也没有生灵给他意识回讯。 The Shi Yan complexion yin cold, sink to shout to clear the way: That do not blame me to destroy here all!” 石岩脸色阴寒,沉喝道:“那就别怪我毁灭掉这里的一切!” hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” If the flash flood, transmits the Heavenly Flame intense turbulence in the sea of fire, the flame unexpectedly such as the meteorite meteor is all round common, the accurate impact in these cloud clusters, attacks, in that on Warrior that was bound. 如山洪爆发,在火海内传来天火的激烈动荡,团团火焰竟然如陨石流星一般,精准的冲击在那些云团上,冲击在那其中被裹住的武者身上。 These Warrior, died obviously long time ago, life force does not have obviously, but some Shi Yan actually feelings, felt that has a consciousness to exist in their within the body, that consciousness is scattered, is similar to that Immemorial Thunder Dragon Reddy's bunches of souls, bonds at the star territory wall. 那些武者,明明早早就死了,明明一点生机都没有,可石岩却有种感觉,感觉在他们体内有一股意识存在,那意识是分散的,就如同那太古雷龙雷迪的一簇簇分魂,处在星域壁障上。 What is only different, Reddy's minute of soul splits, did not have the consciousness, only remains the pure memory and aura, after the minute soul gathers the congealment completely, Reddy is Resurrect, has the independent consciousness and idea. 唯一不同的是,雷迪的分魂裂开,就没了意识,只剩纯粹的记忆和气息,在分魂全部聚集凝结以后,雷迪才算是复活,才有自主的意识和想法。 But these disperse the consciousness in Warrior within the body, actually as if can the single body survival, look like deep gu Soul Controlling Deep Meaning, a wisp of spirit such as beyond the incarnation, can turn into many Ming Qing in the different star territories, the consciousness of here cloud cluster, looks like deep white kind of situation. 但那些分散在一个个武者体内的意识,却仿佛能单体存活,就像是冥咕的御魂奥义,一缕精魂如一具身外化身,在不同星域能变成多个冥腊,这里云团的意识,就像是冥皓这类情况。 Explodes to me!” “给我爆开!” Shi Yan calls out, that roasts fierce flame to submerge, fireball attack to cloud cluster, has the explosion of world-shaking. 石岩暴喝,那炙烈火焰淹没过去,一个个火团冲击向一个云团,发生惊天动地的爆炸。 Explosion that one such as the distant place does not stop, blasting open void caverns, such as formed unexpectedly should empty passage, connected other star territory to be ordinary. 一如远处不休止的爆炸,竟然炸裂一个个虚空洞穴,如形成了应空通道,连接了别的星域一般。 He by the explosion that Essence Heavenly Flame forms, by spread burning down of that flame, cannot burning to destroy completely these jet black such as the cloud cluster of ink unexpectedly as before, these cloud clusters well, but reduced a point likely. 只是,他以本源天火形成的爆炸,以那火焰的蔓延焚烧,竟然依旧未能将那些漆黑如墨汁的云团给焚灭掉,那些云团还是好好的,只是像是缩小了一点。 Lightly strange rain, connection day and nine quiet, does not know why suddenly becomes boundless, the light rain turns into the torrential downpour, in this void chaotic basin, the day that should not have the heavy rain, at this time is occurring, these raindrops such as the Devil waterdrop, is having the greatly strengthened penetrating power, such as sharp sword! 淅淅沥沥的怪雨,连接天和九幽,不知为何忽然变得磅礴,小雨变成倾盆大雨,在这虚空乱流域中,绝不该出现的天将大雨,此时正在发生着,那些雨点如妖魔的泪滴,带着极强的穿透力,如利剑而来! The Shi Yan complexion changes, here exceeds his imagination strangely, his hesitation several seconds, the whole body trillion star light, the star light changes into the curtain tent, such as giant feather fan at him and Xia Xinyan top of the head. 石岩脸色又是一变,此处的诡异超出他的想象,他沉吟数秒,浑身非常亿万星光,星光化为幕帐,如巨大羽扇处在他和夏心妍头顶。 The wall barrier of that star light gathering, is resisting falling of these strange rain, actually in braving light smoke, in consuming the wall is bonding Strength of Stars. 那星光汇聚的壁障,抵挡着那些怪雨的落下,却在冒着轻烟,在消耗着壁障内的星辰之力 If this, you could not obtain the persistent supplement of power, is only the fast consumption, that could not insist that was too long.” Xia Xinyan calm saying. “如果一直这样,你得不到力量的持续补充,只是快速消耗,那坚持不了太久。”夏心妍镇定的说道。 Shi Yan nodded, knows that she said not empty, in this place, because is unable to supplement the consumption power, when dried up to energy, was the end arrives. 石岩点了点头,知道她所言不虚,在此地,因为无法补充消耗的力量,待到能量枯竭之时,便是末日到来。 He is unable absorb this place energy, he to think does not have the life to absorb the remnant energy in void chaotic basin, but after he discovers Zi Yao to be able, he knows all things not absolutely. 他本人无法吸纳此地能量,本来他以为也没有生灵可以吸收虚空乱流域内的残能,但当他发现紫耀可以以后,他就知道万事没有绝对。 He believes that this gets rid in secret, this still does not know the wonderful life, certainly can the absorb this place remnant energy! 他相信,这个暗中出手,这个至今不知神妙的生灵,一定能吸纳此地的残能! With that fellow at this place battle, once falls into to refuse to compromise the consumption, finally suffers a loss can be he. 和那家伙在此地交战,一旦陷入僵持消耗,最终吃亏的一定会是他自己。 Will have the means.” Shi Yan comforts her one calmly, suddenly relaxes, making the mind tranquil, emits Divine Sense to extend, slowly exploration. “会有办法的。”石岩冷静的宽慰她一句,忽然放松下来,让心灵平静,放出神识延伸,慢慢探索。 He wants by his Divine Sense soul sense of touch, from the peripheral many cloud clusters, to have a look whether Zi Yao to the sensation, then can have the direction rescuing. 他想以他的神识灵魂触觉,从周边许多云团中,看看能否将紫耀给感知到,然后便能有方向的进行解救。 Well!” “咦!” Half sound, he screamed suddenly that in the pupil split panic-stricken rays of light. 半响,他突然尖叫起来,眸中绽出惊骇之极的光芒 His suddenly direction, far the extremely place has two terrifying Expert to catch up toward this place, the two he is very familiar. 他忽然方向,极远之处有两个恐怖强者正朝此地赶来,那两人他很熟悉。 Decca and Reddy! 迪卡罗和雷迪! Will they come this place? 他们怎会来此地? Why comes? 因何而来? ps: Three, the support of small reverse engineering real man chivalrous person monthly ticket and recommendation vote ps:三更了,小逆求好汉大侠月票、推荐票的支持
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