GOS :: Volume #14

#1343: Craftily

In the void turbulent flow the bad risk proliferates, the large explosion incessantly, destroys the heaven and earth astral wind, flame and ice cold place continuous, achieved Immortal Realm to be surrounded continually carelessly, was extremely difficult to work loose. 虚空乱流内凶险遍布,不休不止的大爆炸,毁灭天地的罡风、火焰、冰寒之地,连达到不朽境界者不慎被困住了,也极难挣脱。 In the past that achieved Immortal Realm desperate leader Sen Luo, because sought for the Bloodthirsty remains to fall into this place, because of being unable absorb power, oneself to speed along in the activity must consume within the body supernatural power, finally power dried up gradually, was surrounded in the void chaotic basin, until disappeared to fall thoroughly. 当年那达到不朽境界的绝望魁首森罗,因为寻找嗜血遗骨落入此地,因无法吸纳一丝力量,自身在活动飞驰又要消耗体内神力,最终渐渐力量枯竭,在虚空乱流域被困住,直至彻底消陨。 Sen Luo is Immortal, still under the gradual corrosion of time perpetual flow, moved toward demise. 森罗不朽,依然在时间长河的逐渐侵蚀下,走向了灭亡。 Zi Yao, merely is only Void God Third Sky Realm, although the cultivation deep meaning is unusual, but with him, as soon as loses the contact, if meets the unavoidable big bad risk, or has met any Expert, that consequence will be hard to expect. 紫耀,仅仅只是虚神三重天境界,虽然修炼的奥义奇特,但和他一失去联系,若是碰见不能避免的大凶险,亦或者碰见了什么强者,那后果将会难以预料。 This place, by no means merely only then he can sneak, can the intercourse. 此地,并非仅仅只有他可以潜入,可以往来。 So long as cultivation Space Deep Meaning has, almost can penetrate this place, does not practice Space Deep Meaning including some, if can seek leading Expert, can penetrate. 只要修炼空间奥义有成者,几乎都能深入此地,连一些不修练空间奥义,若能寻到进入口的强者,也能深入其中。 In the past in Broken Stars Territory, crushed because of space avalanche, he was pulled into a Agate Star Field space slit, has run into Carlos, Ibaka, Christen, these three people of fleshly body exploded broken, only remained the soul survival, gave the captivity Evil Dragon Clan Mai Ji for the refining soul fluid, seized him. 当年在碎星域,因空间崩塌粉碎,他被扯入玛琊星域的一条空间缝隙内,就遇到了卡洛斯、伊巴卡、克里森三人,这三人肉身爆碎,只剩灵魂存活,为了炼魂液将孽龙族麦基都给囚禁,也将他擒住。 Loses fleshly body, the soul can be better to walk randomly, but true and has the fleshly body battle, power will have the limit. 失去肉身者,灵魂能更好游走,但真正和拥有肉身者交战,力量会有限制。 To his knowledge, carelessly was pulled into this place, will explode first extinguishes God Body, survives this place in the ghost way. 据他所知,很多不慎被扯入此地者,都会先爆灭神体,以幽魂方式存活此地。 Naturally, achieves extremely high Realm, then falls into this place, can the gradual corrosion of mechanical reactance void turbulent flow, be able to insist that several thousand years do not extinguish. 当然,达到极高境界者,便是落入此地,也能力抗虚空乱流的逐渐腐蚀,能坚持数千年不灭。 Sen Luo, then at least survives in this place for several thousand years, then consumes the light supernatural power trend to perish slowly. 森罗,便至少在此地存活数千年,然后才消耗光神力慢慢走向灭亡。 A thought such as the light beam hovers to flash in mind, the Shi Yan complexion quiet like the water, in the heart summoned the Zi Yao name repeatedly...... 道道念头如光束在脑海游动闪现,石岩脸色沉静如水,心中一遍遍呼唤紫耀名字…… chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” A little bit clear such as ruby Devil Blood, before his forehead float, the arrangement is neat, are building, such as shape in Pyramid, under Shangjian extravagant. 一滴滴晶莹如红宝石的魔血,在他眉心前端悬浮,排列整齐,一块块堆砌着,如金字塔的形状,上尖下阔。 Achieves Origin God Second Sky, before absorb rich enough to must leak huge power that presents his Immortal Devil Blood to proliferate all the limbs and bones at this time, Devil Blood stagnates to drop clear glittering, such as coagulated, once he urges round of power, Devil Blood will turn into liquid, bursts out the rushing vital function instantaneously. 达到始神二重天,之前又吸纳了丰沛到要外泄馈赠的庞大力量此时他的不死魔血遍布四肢百骸,魔血停滞着会滴滴晶莹闪烁,如凝固了,一旦他催发力量,魔血就会变成液态,瞬间迸发澎湃生命机能。 Today's he, Devil Blood is full whole body to make him spend freely willfully. 今日的他,魔血充盈全身能让他恣意挥霍。 Therefore, the stack of that Pyramid shape, then by the entire 36 drops of Devil Blood combinations. 因此,那金字塔形状的堆积,便以整整36滴魔血组合而成。 Looks for missing persons by 36 drops of Devil Blood, has wasted simply, but he could not keep in view at this time that many, the thought fluctuated is summoning the Zi Yao name repeatedly, at present piles up the Pyramid shape the drop Devil Blood, such as melted gradually in together, emitted continuously the scarlet light beam. 以36滴魔血来寻人,简直就是浪费了,但此时他顾不到那么多了,念头变幻着一遍遍呼唤紫耀名字,眼前堆积成金字塔形态的滴滴魔血,渐渐如融在一块儿,冒出缕缕血色光束。 Xiu! 咻! , All Devil Blood change into a gold/metal suddenly character the scarlet mark of shape, suddenly one dodges to pass toward the front, eliminates from his line of sight. 突地,所有魔血化为一个金“字”形态的血色印记,忽然往前方一闪而逝,从他视线内消泯。 Zi Yao is only Void God peak Realm to so Devil Blood of quantity come the sensation her life magnetic field Zi Yao person in other star territory, is away from the innumerable star territory wall barrier with him, he also has the confidence to be able it to lock! 紫耀只是虚神巅峰境界以如此数量的魔血来感知她的生命磁场就算紫耀人在别的星域,和他之间隔着无数星域壁障,他也有信心能将其重新锁定住! Xia Xinyan is lonesomely and quietly silent, has not spoken to disturb bright eyes glittering the curious gloss, is sizing up his every action and every movement secretly. 夏心妍幽静沉默着,没有出言打搅明眸闪烁着好奇的光泽,暗暗打量着他的一举一动。 When piles up Pyramid to Devil Blood, when forms the marvelous mark departs, in her eyes pupil flashes before the astonished gloss heart slightly shakes, rushing life force that at that moment Shi Yan God Body bursts out instantaneously endures compared with simply achieving Origin God peak Realm Expert, as if also faintly is higher than one! 待到魔血堆积成金字塔,形成奇妙印记飞出之时,她眼眸中闪现惊异光泽芳心微震,那一刻石岩神体瞬间迸发出来的澎湃生机简直堪比达到始神巅峰境界强者,似乎还隐隐高出一线! This makes her greatly be reacted, is she realized at this moment, with the lapse of time, is unable to exceed her youth slowly past throughout, now, grew to her unattainable altitude. 这让她大为震动,也是此刻她才意识到,随着时间的推移,慢慢地,昔日始终无法超越她的青年,如今,已经成长到她不可企及的高度。 Well, really felt strange that searches for her by 36 drops of Devil Blood, then stretches across several star territories, should be able to lock it, unexpectedly is still not able to understand clearly her position immediately, strange, was a little seriously strange......” “咦,真是奇了怪了,以36滴魔血来搜寻她,便是横跨数个星域,应该都能将其锁定了,居然依然无法立即洞悉她的位置,诡异,当真有点诡异了……” Muttering of Shi Yan doubts shouted one suddenly lowly, at once does not need Xia Xinyan to talk too much, then pulled her slender waist, silhouette continuously glittering. 石岩忽然疑惑的喃喃低呼一声,旋即不待夏心妍多言,便一把挽住她那纤细的腰肢,身影连续闪烁 hū hū shouted!” 呼呼呼!” Xia Xinyan thinks suddenly peripheral astral wind violent fearsome, grotesque and gaudy scenes fluctuate unceasingly, such as flickers to move to the shuttle to be ordinary in the space crevice, quick she is hard to imagine simply. 夏心妍忽觉周边罡风猛烈可怖,一幕幕光怪陆离的场景不断变幻,如在空间夹缝内瞬移穿梭一般,快的她简直难以想象。 I cannot lock her accurate position, can only the sensation approximate position, I should not to run into the powerful enemy, but is at wonderful place, there...... Can isolate my sensation.” The Shi Yan sinking sound shouted lightly, sacrificial altar gyrated gently, rippled the space ripple from the whole body. “我不能锁定她的准确位置,只能感知大致的方位,我应该不是遇到强敌了,而是处在一处神妙之地,那里……能隔绝我的感知。”石岩沉声轻呼,祭台轻轻旋动,从周身荡漾出空间波纹。 The void chaotic basin is great, without end, truly had never been explored, here, only then endless Desolate lonesome and big terrifying, Warrior steps in this place, has slightly carelessly is relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. 虚空乱流域广阔无垠,没有尽头,从来不曾被人真正探索过,在这里,只有无尽的荒寂、大恐怖,武者涉足此地,稍有不慎便是形神俱灭。 Also only then such as Shi Yan so, is skilled in Space Deep Meaning, and achieves uncommon Realm, can wander about here. 也只有如石岩这般,精通空间奥义,并且达到不凡境界者,才能徜徉这儿。 If one bunch passes through the ray of ancient and modern perpetual flow, Shi Yan is embracing Xia Xinyan, in the big destruction explosion fluctuation, flickers move to is leading the way. 如一束贯穿古今长河的光线,石岩揽着夏心妍,在大毁灭般的爆炸波动中,瞬移般前行着。 His complexion becomes even more stern, he has not expected Zi Yao to leave him to be so far unexpectedly, because he shuttles back and forth now, but distance, is extremely farther than to extremely east the place from the Agate Star Field west place, in that short time, radically unclear Space Deep Meaning, and only then Void God peak Realm Zi Yao, can shuttle back and forth that remote distance, making him feel unthinkable. 他脸色变得愈发严峻,他没有料到紫耀竟离他那么远,因为如今他穿梭而过的距离,比从玛琊星域极西之地到极东之地还要远,在那么短的时间,根本不明空间奥义并且只有虚神巅峰境界紫耀,能穿梭那么遥远的距离,让他觉得匪夷所思。 Quickly, he stopped suddenly. 倏地,他猛然停了下来。 This place is very strange!” Xia Xinyan shouted in a soft voice tenderly, lithe same place transferred, an eye of dew was astonished. “这地方很古怪啊!”夏心妍轻声娇呼,轻盈的原地转了一圈,目露惊异。 A little is indeed strange.” Shi Yan brow deep lock. “的确有点诡异。”石岩眉头深锁。 Here was the limit of his sensation, he can only track down here through Devil Blood, peripheral covered entirely thickly thick like the ink cloud cluster, bunches of such as the cotton filled up void, lightly the opacitas raindrop continually became the line, on met under the vault of heaven to meet nine quiet, not far away thunder and lightning such as the giant beast roared, soul-stirring, the turbulent astral wind swayed to come, can blow out from God Body Soul Altar, the distant place had the large explosion, once produced, blasted out an opening the void turbulent flow, such as formed one to enter the void turbulent flow the entrance...... 这里就是他感知的极限了,他通过魔血只能追寻到此处,周边布满浓稠如墨汁般的云团,一簇簇的如棉花填满虚空,淅淅沥沥的浑浊雨滴连成线,上接苍穹下接九幽,不远处雷霆闪电如巨兽咆哮,惊心动魄,还有汹涌罡风吹拂而来,能将灵魂祭台神体内吹出,更远处发生大爆炸,一旦产生,就将虚空乱流炸开一个口子,如形成一条进入虚空乱流的入口…… This place, including does not practice Space Deep Meaning Xia Xinyan, looked strangely. 此地,连不修练空间奥义夏心妍,都瞧出了奇诡。 Un?” “嗯?” The Shi Yan complexion changes, looks fiercely to a direction, that is pitch dark cloud cluster, there yin cold yin cold, one wiped the light shadow to shine a instant. 石岩脸色微变,猛地瞧向一个方向,那是一团漆黑云簇,那里阴寒阴寒的,有一抹淡淡影子忽闪了一霎。 If the star light, he achieves that cloud cluster place together instantaneously, the side approaches, then heart spills over the chill in the air, the veins skeleton hears ka ka the freezing sound, that merely is only bunch of cloud cluster cold energy, greatly strengthened greatly strengthened! 如一道星光,他瞬间达到那云簇处,方一靠近,便心底泛出寒意,筋脉骨骼传来“咔咔”的冰冻声,那仅仅只是一簇云团的寒力,极强极强! He has to use Essence Heavenly Flame, burning hot Heavenly Flame transferred nine revolutions in within the body, this that chill in the air counter-balance. 他不得不动用本源天火,炙热天火在体内转了九转,这才将那寒意抵消。 He looks with rapt attention to that cloud cluster deep place, the facial expression shakes loudly, on the face becomes gloomy ugly. 他凝神看向那云团深处,神情轰然一震,脸上变得阴暗难看。 cloud cluster such as mounts the liquid that sticks, closely sticks together one person, the person who stuck together for example is the light grey, Yin Qi winds around the Death Qi heavy feeling to the person. 云簇如黏糊的液体,将一人紧紧黏着,被黏着的人譬如呈浅灰色,给人一种阴气缭绕死气沉沉的感觉。 This person, Shi Yan recognizes, he is the spark! 这个人,石岩认得,他是星火! That is Elder of God Clan Elder meeting, achieves false Immortal Realm Expert, formerly had been hit hard „the day star Ice Jade piece by him, unavoidablily escapes into the void turbulent flow to seek this assigns great treasure, by spark Realm cultivation base, even if the soul is damaged, should not be so distressed in the void turbulent flow. 那是神族长老会的长老,达到伪不朽境界强者,先前被他重击了“天星冰玉片”,不得已遁入虚空乱流找寻本命至宝,以星火的境界修为,就算是灵魂受创,在虚空乱流内也不该如此狼狈。 But at this time, he was mounted cloud cluster that sticks to bind by that such as lost own consciousness, the eye pupil did not have life force grayish white, did not have the mood color of normal person, only remaining numb indifferently. 而此时,他被那黏糊的云簇裹住,如失去了自己的意识,眼眸灰白没有生机,没有正常人的情绪色彩,只剩下麻木漠然。 looks at he, Shi Yan such as a looks at puppet, does not have the puppet of soul. 看着他,石岩看着一具傀儡,没有灵魂的傀儡。 He spills over an absolutely terrified chill in the air suddenly! 他忽然泛出一股毛骨悚然的寒意! This place, is extremely strange! 此地,太过诡异! Reason that he discovery spark , because on the spark also has the weak life fluctuation, can be seen clearly one by him, this comes to watch. 他之所以发现星火,是因为星火身上还有微弱的生命波动,能被他洞察到一丝,这才过来观看。 The intention fluctuates, he changes to together afterimage, plunders suddenly to a recent bunch of cloud cluster place, discrete maintains the distance to the cloud cluster, in the place above stares. 心念变幻间,他化作一道残影,突地掠向最近的一簇云团处,谨慎的离云团保持距离,在上方凝视。 His complexion becomes is even more ugly. 他脸色变得愈发难看起来。 Because, in that bunch of cloud cluster, mounts to stick one person, that person is very strange, he has never seen, same was actually bound to tie up with the spark, life force already did not have, such as a statue, does not know that congealed in this place many years. 因为,在那一簇云团内,也黏糊着一人,那人很陌生,他从未见过,却和星火一样被裹缚着,生机早就没了,如成了一具雕像,也不知道凝在此地多少年头了。 He is fluctuating unceasingly the position, flashes in nearby cloud clusters, after a while suddenly stops in the spark direction again. 他不断变幻着方位,在附近一个个云团内闪现,过了一会儿忽然重新在星火的方向停下。 Peripheral cloud cluster bunches, proliferate the edge outside this place, feared that has several thousands, he has nosed simply, discovers in many cloud clusters to mount to stick Warrior , many cloud clusters are emptying, such as opened mouth selects Devil that the person bites, waits in the appropriate opportunity. 周边的云团一簇簇,遍布在此地外沿,怕是有数万之多,他简单查探过,发现许多云团内都黏糊着一名武者,也有许多云团空着,如张口择人而噬的妖魔,等候在合适的时机。 He spills over the absolutely terrified feeling, the complexion yin cold, heart ice-cold. 他泛出毛骨悚然的感觉,脸色阴寒,心底冰冷。 „Did this person, you know?” Xia Xinyan dives quietly, evaded carefully these make her feel the uncomfortable cloud cluster, stands firm side Shi Yan very much. “这个人,你认识?”夏心妍悄悄潜来,小心避过那些让她觉得很不舒服的云团,在石岩身旁站定。 He called the spark, senior Elder of God Clan Elder meeting, false Immortal Realm, making Yu Nan, Blood Devil feel that tough ambush in Fire Rain Star Field Expert, was this person.” Shi Yan deeply inspires, said: In peripheral cloud cluster, many were stuck together Warrior, but most Warrior did not have the life fluctuation, only then he, but also remains little......” “他叫星火,神族长老会的一名资深长老,伪不朽境界,让郁楠、血魔觉得棘手的潜伏在火雨星域强者,便是此人了。”石岩深吸一口气,道:“周边的云团内,许多都被黏着一个武者,但大多数武者都没了生命波动,只有他,还剩少许……” Xia Xinyan changes color with amazement. 夏心妍骇然变色。 In this time, a spark facial features distortion struggles, the eye suddenly appears several sober expression, he is wriggling fiercely, stares at Shi Yan to send out a scream: Has killed me! Is about to have killed me!” 就在此时,星火面容一阵扭曲挣扎,眼睛突然显出几丝清醒的神色,他猛地蠕动着,盯着石岩发出一声尖叫:“杀了我!快杀了我!” Xia Xinyan draws back like frightened illness fiercely, is frightened by the spark that awakes suddenly for the first time, the elegant face is pale. 夏心妍如惊弓之鸟般猛地疾退,被忽然乍醒的星火吓到了,俏脸苍白。 Shi Yan is dignified, closely is staring at the spark, said: „Do you turn into this? What had? Here, do you have to see that wears Miss of purple clothes, told me!” 石岩则是神情凝重之极,紧紧盯着星火,道:“你怎么变成这样?发生了什么?在这里,你有没有见到一个身穿紫衣的姑娘,告诉我!” Has killed me! Immediately leaves this place! This is I gives your advice! Is about to have killed me!” The scream of spark hysteria, in squeal, the veins intestines of his within the body such as in wriggling, such as is turning into Suo command the tentacle, splits his God Body unexpectedly, extends from his abdominal cavity, such as the rope Zichang whip is common, must hold Shi Yan. “杀了我!立即离开此地!这是我给你的忠告!快杀了我!”星火歇斯底里的尖叫,在尖叫声中,他体内的筋脉肠子如在蠕动着,如变成索命的触手,竟裂开他神体,从他腹腔内延伸出来,如绳子长鞭一般,要牵住石岩 Howling!” The spark was calling out pitifully sad and shrill, in look vanished soberly, turned into such as the puppet appearance numbly. “嚎!”星火凄厉惨叫着,眼神中的一丝清醒消失,重新变成麻木如傀儡的模样。 If were seized soul. 如被夺了魂儿。
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