GOS :: Volume #14

#1342: Having a good swim

The Zi Yao as if handsome butterfly, in the body splutters brilliant multi- color brilliance, that brilliance has nine colors, respectively be red-orange, green, purple, blue color, white, green, yellow, black and grey. 紫耀仿佛翩翩蝴蝶,身躯中溅射出绚烂多彩的光华,那光华有九种颜色,分别为橘红色、青色、紫色、蓝色、白色、绿色、黄色、黑色、灰色。 Nine types of different luster brilliance, one by one comes out from the Zi Yao within the body escape, as if turned into a colored ribbon gradually, making her even more appear moving varied. 九种不同色泽的光华,一一紫耀体内飞逸出来,渐渐地,仿佛化成了条条彩带,让她愈发显得动人多姿。 Fluctuation in her God Body, along with departures of these brilliance, becomes precise, becomes vigorous. 神体内的波动,也随着那些光华的飞出,变得凝炼,变得浑厚起来。 As if, such as she said, in this space slit Outer Territory turbulent flow, she can also absorb energy, moreover absorbed the energy speed more effective than in normal Star Sea, quickness! 似乎,真的如她所言,在这空间缝隙域外乱流之中,她还能吸纳能量,而且还比在正常星海吸收能量的速度更有效率,更加的快捷! Simply inconceivable. 简直不可思议。 Quickly, Shi Yan has remembered past Zi Yao that words, that concerned the definition of her deep meaning. 倏地,石岩记得了当年紫耀的那番话,那番关乎她奥义的定义。 That is deep meaning of the special light, is obviously different from the God Clan cultivation bright deep meaning, regardless of aura or the characteristics, is widely divergent. 那是一种特殊的光之奥义,和神族修炼的光明奥义明显不同,不论气息还是特点,都大相径庭。 The Zi Yao deep meaning, came from the Outer Territory Divine Light comprehension, Outer Territory Divine Light is an extremely rare special photo source, these light come from the Outer Territory wonderful place, mostly has the simple consciousness, some can penetrate all, some can the restraint life, some people evolve various kinds unusually...... 紫耀的奥义,从域外神光领悟而来,域外神光为一种极为罕见特殊的光源,那些光来自于域外神妙处,大多有着简单的意识,有的能穿透一切,有的能束缚生灵,也有的人衍变各类奇特…… This Outer Territory Divine Light, such as meteor speeds along the shuttle in Star Sea, the startled great wild goose one presently, is short generally is really found. 这种域外神光,如流星般在星海内飞驰穿梭,惊鸿一现,一般甚少被人瞧见。 Not to mention lives in its restraint, slowly integrates oneself, formed the deep meaning of unique light. 更别提将其束缚住,慢慢融入自身,形成独特的光之奥义了。 Zi Yao, is that type obtains Outer Territory Divine Light, fuses oneself, then cultivation becomes the deep meaning, by this slowly progressive. 紫耀,便是那种得到域外神光,融合自身,进而修炼成奥义,以此慢慢进步者。 Was considered as the talent rare talent absolutely. 绝对算得上天赋奇才了。 This deep meaning, because is rare, because is not the conventional deep meaning, can cultivation be extremely few, can strive high level to be rarer, it is said cultivation this deep meaning, wants breakthrough. Is more difficult than the average man, if can continuously fuse Outer Territory Divine Light, the breakthrough speed will change quick. 只是,这种奥义因为罕见,因为并不是常规奥义,能修炼者极少,能精进到高层者就更加罕见了,据说修炼此奥义者,要突破。比常人艰难许多,如果能不断融合域外神光,突破的速度才会变快。 What a pity, Outer Territory Divine Light is rare, the average person is not necessarily able to find his entire life, even if cultivation this kind of deep meaning, can sensation Outer Territory Divine Light, be possible to seek to integrate within the body in vast Star Sea, without doubt fantasy story. 可惜,域外神光非常罕见,一般人一生都未必能瞧见,即便修炼这类奥义者,能感知域外神光,可想要在浩淼星海寻到许多纳入体内,无疑天方夜谭。 However, now Zi Yao removes the God Body light cover. Exposes true body in the Outer Territory turbulent flow, her whole face is satisfied. Can unexpectedly in this cultivation. 然而,如今紫耀撤下神体光罩。将真身暴露在域外乱流中,她却满脸惬意。竟然能在此修炼 cultivation speed, but also is quick. Compared with her outside starry sky any high Level the star of life must quickly! 修炼的速度,还非常快捷。比她在外面星空任何一处高等级的生命之星都要快捷! These seepages in Strange Energy of her within the body, Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan and most people are unable to absorb, but she, the gearing is actually moved not to need, these power on own initiative gather in her veins and skeleton, her a while time nine color splendid light will be winding around. If a colorful clothes magnificent and expensive fairy maiden. 那些渗透在她体内的奇异力量,石岩夏心妍和绝大多数人都无法吸收,可她却可以,连动动念头都不需要,那些力量就主动汇聚在她筋脉、骨骼,她一会儿功夫就会九彩华光缭绕着。如一身彩装华贵的仙子。 Is very unusual, has not thought really Xinyan regards such as the place of poisonous scorpion, is actually your paradise.” Shi Yan heartfelt sigh. “很奇特,真没想到心妍视如毒蝎之地,却是你的福地。”石岩由衷感叹。 I have not thought here, I can also cultivation get down, is very mysterious, here energy and Divine Light aura of my absorb fusion is very similar, is similar to a source, has direction aura more vigorous richly, I took a look in the past.” “我也没有想到在这里,我还能修炼下去,真的很神奇,这里的能量和我吸纳融合的神光气息很相似,如同出一源,有个方向的气息更加浑厚浓郁,我过去瞧瞧。” Zi Yao smiles. The physique moves lightly, such as rivers of the light, flutter suddenly to the distant place, the speed is extremely fast. 紫耀嫣然一笑。身姿翩然一动,如一条光之河流,忽然飘向远处,速度极快。 Doesn't pursue to have a look?” The Xia Xinyan corners of the mouth have a smile, on the face did not have the startled fear, a pair of beautiful pupil wave light is remote. “不追过去看看?”夏心妍嘴角含笑,脸上没了惊慌恐惧,一双美眸波光渺渺。 I as if do not need to be worried for her, here...... She will not have too many bad risks probably.” Shi Yan touches the chin, looking pensive looked that to direction that Zi Yao vanishes, on her has my wisp of mark, here, I can Divine Sense not have the hindrance locks her, can arrive at side her instantaneously.” “我似乎不用为她担心,这里……她好像不会有太多凶险。”石岩摸了摸下巴,若有所思的看向紫耀消失的方向,“她身上有我的一缕印记,在这里,我能神识没阻碍的将她锁定,能瞬间到达她身旁。” Yo, is quite careful, when became so looks after with great solicitude?” Teasing of Xia Xinyan acid. “呦,好细心啊,何时变得如此体贴入微了?”夏心妍酸酸的调侃道。 Shi Yan is astonished however. 石岩讶然。 When woman inner world bottom needle, he to these words some profound experience, formerly in Black Horn Star, he in the gear-driven to the Blood Devil people, actually the sense of hearing was also not affected, Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao that words he listens in the ear, when he also these two females kissed such as the sisters. 女人心海底针,他对这句话又有了深刻体会,先前在黑角星的时候,他在传功给血魔众人之时,其实听觉根本不受影响,夏心妍紫耀的那一番话他听在耳中,他还当这两女亲如姐妹了。 He then slightly revealed that to a point concern of Zi Yao, had not expected Xia Xinyan overturns the vinegar jar immediately, the expression was sour immediately. 他这才稍稍表露出对紫耀的点点关怀,没料想夏心妍立即打翻醋坛子,语气立即酸了起来。 Always so.” Shi Yan reveals brightly smiles, takes a step to move, stretches across the void distance, the ghosts and demons appear in her side, the big hand caresses her white hands, pure life aura emerges suddenly, breaks in all her the limbs and bones directly, roams in her veins. “一向如此。”石岩露出灿烂一笑,举步一动,横跨虚空距离,鬼魅般在她身旁出现,大手抚上她那玉手,一股精纯生命气息忽然涌现,直接冲入她四肢百骸,在她筋脉内流荡。 He cannot such as gear-driven Blood Devil and Ka Tuo such, pour into Xia Xinyan God Body the pure strength of these purifications, he can only by own precise life aura, in energy by Devil Blood come to raise the opposite party warm. 他不能如传功血魔卡托那样,将那些净化的精纯之力灌入夏心妍神体,他只能以自身凝炼的生命气息,以魔血内的能量来温养对方。 A life fluctuation emerges, the Xia Xinyan tender body trembles, is feeling within the body warm current, said in a soft voice: You do not need like this, power in my God Body already foot enough, before you, when that Thunder Xiaoxing territory, I was bestowed into vigorous energy suddenly, that energy...... Is related with you.” 一股生命波动涌入,夏心妍娇躯微颤,感受着体内暖流,轻声道:“你不需要这样,我神体内的力量已经足够了,还有,之前你在那雷霄星域的时候,我被人忽然赐入一股浑厚能量,那能量……与你有关。” Shi Yan is grasping her slender white hands, the knitting the brows head, „haven't you made a mistake?” 石岩握着她的纤纤玉手,皱了皱眉头,“你没弄错?” I can find.” The Xia Xinyan beautiful pupil spills over the extraordinary splendor, that past, occurred in this Outer Territory turbulent flow, that person, took to me the energy congealment here, I can show past fuzzy scene you, you entered in my beginning.” “我能瞧见过去。”夏心妍美眸泛出异彩,“那段过去,发生在这域外乱流之中,那个人,在这里将能量凝结带给我,我可以给你看看过去的模糊场面,你来进入我始界之中。” A Shi Yan face is surprised, at once branches out a wisp of spirit, Yi enters her open beginning. 石岩一脸惊奇,旋即分出一缕精魂,逸入她开放的始界。 Entered her beginning, Shi Yan was then shocked, her beginning was quite unusual, unexpectedly was comprised of the innumerable torn to pieces pictures, such as the silver screens of movies, the soul flew in circles smoothly in her beginning, such as was reading her memory, can walks the memory and life experience of her first world. 一入她的始界,石岩便愣住了,她始界极为奇特,竟然是由无数支离破碎的画面组成,如一幕幕电影的银幕,灵魂畅翔在她始界中,就如在阅读她的记忆,能将她一世世的记忆和人生经历都走一遍。 Her lets loose itself thoroughly, will be most secret to open wide, whatever Shi Yan watches. 她这是彻底放开自己,将最隐秘自我敞开来,任由石岩来观看。 Suddenly, a shatter picture pulls closer suddenly, suddenly internal character scene comes brightly...... 突地,其中一个破碎画面忽然拉近,忽然间内部的人物场景鲜活过来…… Shi Yan has found the Outer Territory turbulent flow in inside, has found Decca Luo, has found the accumulation and congealment of his power, seeing him to fuse the ice hot deep meaning the energy body to pull the wash to purify by Cook, Jeremy that throws into the void slit directly, falls to Xia Xinyan within the body. 石岩在里面瞧见了域外乱流了,瞧见了迪卡罗,瞧见了他力量的聚集和凝结,看见他将那由库克、杰里米融合冰火奥义的能量体拉扯洗涤净化,直接丢入虚空缝隙,落向夏心妍体内。 Shi Yan whole face stunned. 石岩满脸愕然 Xia Xinyan said unexpectedly real, that energy is indeed related with him , because his forcing causes Cook, Jeremy to make an effort fully, causes that heaven shaking to fluctuate, he must induct the void slit it, the midway is intercepted to carry off by Decca Luo, has given a Xia Xinyan good fortune. 夏心妍说的竟然是真的,那股能量的确与他有关,是因为他的逼迫才导致库克、杰里米使劲全力,弄出那惊天波动,他本来要将其导入虚空缝隙,中途被迪卡罗拦截带走,就给了夏心妍一场造化。 Shi Yan goes out from Xia Xinyan beginning, said: That person, was called Decca Luo, in Space Deep Meaning exquisiteness for present Star Sea. As far as I know, his Realm achieves Immortal Second Sky, is extremely remarkable, why will he power of that congealment, make a gift of what one has received as a gift to you? Bewildered......” 恍惚间,石岩夏心妍始界内走出,道:“那人,叫迪卡罗,为如今星海空间奥义最为精湛者。据我所知,他的境界达到不朽二重天,极其卓越,他为何会将那凝结的力量,转赠给你?莫名其妙……” I am not clear.” Xia Xinyan shakes the head. “我也不明白。”夏心妍摇头。 Decca Luo as among Star Sea to Space Deep Meaning understood that most thoroughness, he will not handle the bewildered matter absolutely, this person congeals that pure strength, makes a gift of what one has received as a gift to Xia Xinyan, certainly has any profound meaning...... 迪卡罗身为星海间对空间奥义理解最透彻者,他绝对不会做莫名其妙的事情,此人将那精纯之力凝结,转赠给夏心妍,一定有什么深意…… The Shi Yan calm face, has thought a while secretly, how also to think clearly, then temporarily not to reach a deadlock, said: „Won't the demon barrier that present you, can face up to the innermost feelings, have that invisible restraint to feel again?” 石岩沉着脸,暗暗想了一会儿,如何也想不明白,便暂时搁浅,道:“现在的你,是不是能正视内心的魔障,不会再有那种无形的约束感了吧?” Where is so quick, must adapt to here, or fears this place, but also need more time.” Her elegantly simple pursing the lips faint smile, bright eyes dodge, said in a soft voice: „Can you before I have not relieved restraint, has accompanied me here, can adapt to this place all sorts of terrifying until me?” “哪有那么快啊,要适应这里,要不惧此地,还需要更多的时间。”她淡雅的抿嘴浅笑,明眸一闪,柔声道:“你会不会在我没有解除束缚前,一直陪我在这里,直到我能适应此地种种恐怖?” Should meet......” “应该会……” Shi Yan looks to the distant place, thinks that encourages saying: In the Outer Territory turbulent flow, the astral wind, ice-cold, explosion and stream ray are fatal, general Origin God is at least impossible to withdraw easily, perhaps many big terrifying might, can cause heavy losses including Immortal Realm, you can move, do not stop throughout motionless, I can looks at you, before you will meet the fatal bad risk, early will remind you.” 石岩看向远处,想了一想,鼓励道:“域外乱流中,罡风、冰冷、爆炸、流光都是致命的,至少一般始神不可能轻易脱身,许多大恐怖的威力,或许连不朽境界者都能重创,你可以活动活动,不要始终停着不动,我会看着你,会在你遇到致命凶险前,早早提醒你。” Good.” “好。” The Xia Xinyan lowering the head chuckle, the body such as the quiet shade plunders, moves unexpectedly immediately, went in Zi Yao formerly direction. 夏心妍垂头轻笑,身如幽影掠动,竟然立即行动开来,朝着紫耀先前的方向而去。 Shi Yan follows with a smile. 石岩含笑跟随。 They one after the other, are grazing in the endless void crevice, from time to time neglects one, from time to time talked two, the soul was tranquil. 两人一前一后,在无尽的虚空夹缝内飞掠着,时而忽视一眼,时而交谈两句,灵魂宁静安详。 Enormous and powerful stream ray is exploding, shows the five colors riotous beauty, the cold ice crystal does not know that from where comes, the woods that sometimes carries can the cracking as a result of freezing stars be void coldly, there is a mystical flame, turbulent fierce, such as must burn to extinguish heaven and earth, fearful. 浩浩荡荡的流光爆炸着,展现五彩缤纷的美丽,冷冽的冰晶不知从何而来,有时候携带的森寒能冻裂星辰虚空,也有神秘的火焰,汹涌狂烈,如要焚灭天地,可怕之极。 When proliferating the space chaotic basin of bad risk hopeless situation, Xia Xinyan thinks safely, does not have the moment extremely so joyous. 在遍布凶险绝境的空间乱流域,夏心妍却觉得极其安全,从没有一刻如此时欢悦。 Because Shi Yan throughout side her. 因为石岩始终在她身旁。 Many years ago that like nightmarish experience, after these days loafing in void turbulent flow, after the collisions of many bad risks, as if gradually changed pale. 许多年前那场如噩梦般的经历,经过这些日子的在虚空乱流内的游荡,经过许多凶险的碰撞,似乎渐渐变淡了许多。 She increasingly realizes a fact: She today we are no longer as we have been, compared with the place of past bad risk, she also has then been able to survive. 她逐渐意识到一个事实:她已今非昔比,便是比当年更加凶险之地,她也能生存下来。 In this place, does not have time concept, regardless of Shi Yan is she, how long does not know, they accompany to fly, from time to time hugs and kisses the moment, from time to time the tussah silk waste smiles, is enjoying in the life the scarce peace, enjoys wonder that the lover is living alone. 在此地,没有时间概念,不论石岩还是她,都不知过去多久,两人只是相伴飞逝着,时而拥吻一刻,时而挽手一笑,享受着人生中稀少的安宁,享受着情侣独处的美妙。 Until, shakes until some Shi Yan day of facial expression, was broken tranquilly instantaneously. 直到,直到石岩某一天神情一震,宁静被瞬间打破。 How?” Xia Xinyan knits the brows suddenly. “怎么了?”夏心妍忽然皱眉。 They peripheral full are the large explosions that the stream ray collision forms, brilliant strange, their this supports sits on together the rock of fluctuation, was discussing passing all sorts. 两人周边满是流光碰撞形成的大爆炸,绚烂奇诡,他们本相拥坐在一块浮动的怪石上,在谈着过往种种。 , Shi Yan God Body trembles suddenly, on the face spills over wipes panic-strickenly, I cannot induce her existence.” 突地,石岩神体一颤,脸上泛出一抹惊骇,“我感应不到她的存在了。” Xia Xinyan naturally knows that he was saying anyone, is the elegant face changes, can such? You did not say that you leave leeway the mark in within the body, so long as in this place, can lock her easily? Can be she leaves carelessly since then, returns to Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field?” 夏心妍自然知道他在说谁,也是俏脸一变,“怎会那样?你不是说你在她体内留有印记,只要在此地,都能轻易锁定她么?会不会是她不慎从此地离开,返回火雨星域玛琊星域了?” Is impossible, she does not have cultivation Space Deep Meaning, is very difficult the space that searches to leave to lead.” Shi Yan shook the head, the brow deep lock, expression is gradually dignified. “不可能,她没有修炼空间奥义,很难寻觅到离开的空间进入口。”石岩摇了摇头,眉头深锁,神色渐渐凝重起来。 „The mark that you leave behind, can existence of what rank erase?” Xia Xinyan shouted lightly. “你留下的印记,什么级别的存在可以抹除掉?”夏心妍轻呼。 Immortal rank can erase, but should not be such, if were erased, I should meet the soul to hurt. But I have not felt pain, that mark should, be only was unable the sensation to her position, was really feels strange.” The Shi Yan calm face, look glittering is uncertain. 不朽级别者可以抹除,但应该不是那样,因为如果被抹除,我应该会灵魂一疼。而我并没感觉到疼痛,那印记应该还在,只是就是不能感知到她的位置,真是奇怪了。”石岩沉着脸,眼神闪烁不定。 ...... …… ps: On Monday, just crossed the friend of hoodlum knot, but also please throw opens the recommendation ticket, the good intention has the good report, after I wished you, did not need to celebrate this knot again ps:周一,刚过完光棍节的朋友,还请投张推荐票,好心有好报,我祝你以后都不用再过这个节
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