GOS :: Volume #14

#1341: Outer Territory Divine Light

The original countless brilliant light beams, such as the brook of connection entanglement, proliferates in magnificent wonderfully original first round] 原创数不尽的绚烂光束,如交汇纠缠的溪流,遍布在瑰丽的奇地原创首发] Not far away, transmits intense turbulent large explosion, what blasting open is not the well-known meteorite, that explosion complementary waves attack, caused that the peripheral astral wind howls, making void such as the balloon of inflation, a twist deformation. 不远处,传来激烈动荡的大爆炸,炸裂的为不知名的陨石,那爆炸余波冲击出来,引得周边罡风呼啸,使得虚空如膨胀的气球,一阵扭曲变形。 Cannot heaven and earth energy of absorb body, deathly silence, bleak be the eternal main body, the explosion, astral wind and woods cold sharp knife blade awfully, the everywhere turbulent flow strange sea, constituted this place void turbulent flow. 没有能吸纳身体的天地能量,死寂、荒凉为永恒主体,爆炸、要命的罡风、森寒的利刃,无处不在的乱流怪海,构成了此地虚空乱流内部。 Here inexhaustible, nobody knows whether has end, nobody can explore the ultimate mystery. 这里无穷无尽,无人知道是否有尽头,也无人能够探索到终极奥妙。 In general, only then cultivation Space Deep Meaning, can in this place survival, naturally, Realm reach the extremely deep altitude, enters into existence of Immortal, if after can have the method comes, but can also with ease exit, can in this place survival, but must face the bad risk frequently. 一般来说,只有修炼空间奥义者,才能在此地存活,当然,境界达到极深高度,迈入不朽的存在,若能有方法进来后,还能轻松的出去,也能在此地生存,只是要时刻面临凶险而已。 At this time, in light barrier, Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao covers at the energy light magnificently wonderfully, looks at peripheral scene, beautiful pupil blooming extraordinary splendor. 此时,在一处光幕瑰丽奇地,夏心妍紫耀处在能量光罩内,看着周边的场景,美眸绽放异彩。 In their front, the luster that large explosion forms, such as grandest fireworks generally beautiful peerless, deep has shocked them. 就在她俩前方,那大爆炸形成的绚丽光彩,如最壮阔的烟花一般美丽绝伦,深深的震撼了她们。 Here beautiful scene, cannot find in any conventional star territory, although the bad risk, is actually flooding step by step the miracle and mystical, completely relaxed. 这里的美景,是在任何常规星域都瞧不见的,虽然步步凶险,却充斥着奇迹和神秘,令人心旷神怡。 Their supernatural powers, fast are actually consuming...... 只是,她们的神力,却在快速消耗着…… Even if motionless, exists in this place, needs to form the light to cover the cage to live in the whole body by the supernatural power, to guard Outer Territory stream ray seepage impact, making God Body explode the smashing. 即便是一动不动,在此地存在着,也需要以神力形成光罩笼住全身,以防域外流光渗透冲击,使得神体爆裂粉碎。 Really beautiful, here scenery only has in the middle of the dreamland, has not thought marvelously so.” Zi Yao that a purple women's clothing, whole face is enchanted by, the looks at peripheral magnificent large explosion, the beautiful pupil brilliance is bright. “真美,这儿的风景只存在梦境当中,没想到会如此的奇妙。”一身紫色衣裙的,满脸迷醉的紫耀,看着周边瑰丽大爆炸,美眸光彩熠熠。 Different with her, on the Xia Xinyan face appears wipes alarmed and afraid, such as recalls the extremely fearful matter, the tender body trembles slightly, heart round of cold. 和她不同,夏心妍脸上浮现一抹惊惧,如回忆起极为可怕之事,娇躯微微一颤,心底发寒。 How? Are you as if extremely afraid this place?” Zi Yao is astonished however. “怎么了?你似乎极为害怕此地?”紫耀讶然。 Many years ago. I had experienced the void turbulent flow, that region is also the void crevice, is collapse void passage evolves, there, is inferior to here bad risk actually, but actually makes the life-long unforgettable impression on me......” “很多年前。我曾经经历过虚空乱流,那处区域也是虚空夹缝,是崩溃的虚空通道衍变而成,那里,其实远不如这里凶险,但却给我留下终生难忘的印象……” Xia Xinyan was sighing lightly, on the face reappeared the fear, such as saw in the past. 夏心妍轻叹着,脸上浮现出后怕,如看到了往昔。 In the past. She and Pure Land numerous Warrior by the void passage evacuation of ice fire secret realm. That place void passage avalanche, with void turbulent flow connection, from that passage difficult. They arrived at Agate Star Field Shadow Ghost Prison. 当年。她和净土众多武者以冰火秘境的虚空通道撤离。那处虚空通道崩塌了,和虚空乱流连接,从那通道艰难穿过后。他们到了玛琊星域暗影鬼狱 However, person who can survive truly, actually merely is only several people. 然而,真正能存活下来的人,却仅仅只是数人而已。 Other people. Disappears to fall completely in the void turbulent flow, was exterminated big terrifying of life to carry off. 其余人等。全部消陨在虚空乱流,被灭绝生灵的大恐怖带走。 That time she, Realm is well below to be formidable today, void passage that but they passed through at that time , after merely was only the avalanche, connected the void turbulent flow slightly, compared with the present true void turbulent flow, wants to be safer...... 那时的她,境界远远不如今天强大,但那时候她们经过的虚空通道,也仅仅只是崩塌后稍稍连接虚空乱流,和如今真正的虚空乱流相比,要安全许多…… looks at this place slightly somewhat familiar scene, she remembered in the past, innermost feelings that share chill in the air. If fills the whole body. 看着此地略有些熟悉的场面,她记忆起当年,内心那股子寒意。如弥漫全身。 In this time, Shi Yan swiftly towering flashes in her side, gives a calm smile, to say suddenly: You can adapt to this place actually, today's you, early are not past such. Removes your light covers, here moves. I side you, will look after you.” 就在此时,石岩倏然在她身旁突兀闪现,淡然一笑,突然道:“你其实能适应此地,今天的你,早已经不是当年那样。撤下你的光罩,就在这里活动活动。我在你身边,会照看好你。” Ok.” Xia Xinyan shakes the head, the forced smile said: I do not dare to act unreasonably in this place.” “算了吧。”夏心妍摇头,苦笑道:“我可不敢在这种地方乱来。” You can.” Shi Yan encourages saying that the complexion enforces suddenly, light shout said: In the past entered Agate Star Field to remember from ice fire secret realm. Is your heart demon barrier, making you not dare to recall. Cannot think that I fully realized your deep meaning wonderful, you can return of pass time passage period, remember remote memories, is so, you can unceasingly breakthrough Realm, but these breakthrough, are based on, remote that you, must achieve your breakthrough Realm......” “你可以的。”石岩鼓励道,脸色忽然严肃起来,轻喝道:“当年从冰火秘境进入玛琊星域的这段记忆。乃是你心底的魔障,让你不敢回忆。不敢去想,我深知你奥义的神妙,你能通过时间的返回,将一幕幕久远记忆想起,也是如此,你能不断突破境界,但那些突破,都建立在一个基础上,久远的那个你,要达到了你突破境界……” , He suddenly said: Your recent Realm, has not continued breakthrough again, but your supernatural power...... Obvious has achieved breakthrough bottleneck.” 顿了顿,他突然说道:“你最近的境界,没有再持续突破,而你的神力……明显已经达到突破瓶颈。” Such remarks, the Xia Xinyan elegant face changes, said: „Can you see?” 此言一出,夏心妍俏脸微变,道:“你能看出?” Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 My previous life these memories, Realm only achieve Origin God First Sky, does not have breakthrough Origin God Second Sky again, the following experience and remembers.” Xia Xinyan explained. “我前世的那些记忆,境界只达到始神一重天,再没有突破始神二重天,还有后续的经历和记忆。”夏心妍解释。 Before then, her Realm breakthrough, only needs the accumulation of power each time, does not need profound realizing from experience of deep meaning, because her first several will cultivate body refining to become aware will emerge at the right moment, fills the blank that he will realize from experience, letting her to save one step directly. 在此之前,她每次境界突破,只需要力量的积累,不需要奥义的深刻体悟,因为她前几世的修炼体悟会适时涌入,填充他体悟的空白,让她能直接省掉一个步骤。 But now, she did not have this abnormal superiority again, because in she remembered, in first several, has not achieved the Origin God Second Sky rank to exist. 但现在,她再没有这个变态的优势了,因为在她记忆中,在前几世,没有达到始神二重天的级别存在。 In other words, if she wants to continue breakthrough to get down, can only depend on her effort, by her careful comprehension. 也就是说,她若想继续突破下去,只能靠她自己的努力,靠她的细心领悟。 On that Reincarnation island, she was poured into by a Decca Luo pure strength, at that time her supernatural power then congealed to is perfect, achieved breakthrough to Origin God Second Sky bottleneck. 在那轮回岛上,她被迪卡罗一股精纯之力灌入,那时她神力便凝结到极致了,达到突破始神二重天瓶颈了。 Gets down without breakthrough, is for this reason, because she did not have Origin God Second Sky Realm to realize from experience, from now, must depend on her true talent. 没有突破下去,就是因为这个原因,因为她没了始神二重天境界体悟,从此以后,要靠她自己的真正天赋。 But in the past entered that experience of Agate Star Field, is actually her heart demon barrier, because does not dare to face, does not dare such as to recall to seek for itself, she by restraint, this heart demon was not being vanished, she very suspicious continues breakthrough taking advantage of her talent. 但当年进入玛琊星域的那场经历,却是她心头的魔障,因为不敢面对,不敢如回忆去找寻自己,她一直被束缚着,这心魔不消掉,她很难凭借自己的天赋持续突破自己。 Shi Yan must lead into here her, must eliminate her heart being possessed by a demon barrier, making her face up to own conscience. 石岩要将她带入这里,就是要消去她心中魔障,让她正视自己的本心。 Must drive out the heart demon, must let loose the innermost feelings, you remove light cover, moves in this Outer Territory turbulent flow, do not fear, all by me.” Shi Yan taught with skill and patience, induced her temperately, I here, you were very safe, you will not have the matter, this void turbulent flow and was inferior that you think such terrifying, you feared in the past, but you have entered into Origin God now, but also by me side you, you can definitely have a good swim this place......” “要驱除心魔,就要放开内心,你撤下光罩,就在这域外乱流内活动,别怕,一切由我。”石岩循循善诱,温和的诱导她,“我在这里,你很安全,你不会有事,这虚空乱流并不如你所想那么的恐怖,你当年惧怕,但如今你已经迈入始神,还由我在你身边,你完全能畅游此地……” If the demon sound emerges in her hearts, under Xia Xinyan in his encourage, quiet and beautiful eyes flashes before firmly, good.” 如魔音涌入她心间,夏心妍在他的声声鼓励下,清幽双眸闪现出坚决,“好。” That matter level the energy light cover that she binds, suddenly was abolished, her tender body completely exposes in the void turbulent flow, immediately receives many Outer Territory stream ray to seep, can rush within the body by many not well-known sediment remnantly, destroys her flesh and blood, corrodes her God Body. 那层层将她裹住的能量光罩,忽然被撤销,她娇躯完全暴露在虚空乱流,立即受到许多域外流光渗透,被许多不知名的渣滓残能涌向体内,去破坏她的血肉,腐蚀她的神体 In the past, she had experienced this, now that feels to reappear familiar, her complexion immediately changed, always self-poise such as has fallen into enemy hands, screamed unexpectedly suddenly. 当年,她就曾经经历过这一幕,如今那熟悉感觉重现,她脸色当即一变,一向的镇定自若如失守了,竟忽然尖叫起来。 Washes the whole body by the supernatural power, comes to push within the body sediment by the supernatural power, maintains the brightness of Soul Altar, the body and mind is then seamless, Wan Xie does not invade!” Shi Yan calls out suddenly, the sound like the thunderclap, comes at the Xia Xinyan mind implosion. “以神力来洗涤全身,以神力来将体内渣滓重新挤走,保持灵魂祭台的明净,便身心无缝,万邪不侵!”石岩突地暴喝,声如炸雷,在夏心妍脑海内爆开来。 The Xia Xinyan tender body trembles, the beautiful pupil did not have suddenly startled, becomes limpid, on the face appears the moving gloss. 夏心妍娇躯微颤,美眸忽然没了惊慌,变得清澈,脸上浮现出动人光泽。 She to Shi Yan percentage hundred trusts, not scruple comes to say to handle affairs according to Shi Yan, urges to send power of supernatural power old tree, pasts the whole body, will prick the remnants in within the body to be able with the Outer Territory evil strength to give to run out, maintains the state of mind soul is sober, revolution deep meaning. 她对石岩百分百信任,没有迟疑的来按照石岩所言来行事,将神力古树的力量催发出来,流转全身,将刺入体内的残能和域外邪力给冲出,保持神志灵魂清醒,运转奥义。 On her, transmits the marvelous feeling that the time passes, she as if has a good swim in the time perpetual flow, can move toward, can find the future. 在她身上,传来时间流逝的奇妙感,她仿佛畅游在时间长河中,能走向过去,能瞧见未来。 mystical not measured extremely. 极为神秘莫测。 The time deep meaning with Space Deep Meaning same wonderful, realizing from experience of this deep meaning understands clearly extremely difficultly extremely difficultly, is also hard to cross the threshold compared with Space Deep Meaning, is hard the cognition to be exquisite, God Clan, any books about time deep meaning, in historically, had not been skilled in time deep meaning in the past, compared with being skilled in Space Deep Meaning also wants scarcely rare. 时间奥义和空间奥义一样的神妙,这奥义的体悟洞悉极难极难,比空间奥义还难以入门,难以来认知精妙,就连神族内部,也没有关于时间奥义的任何书籍,在往昔历史上,精通时间奥义者,比精通空间奥义者还要稀少罕见。 Therefore, nobody gives to direct Xia Xinyan, she wants breakthrough oneself, must enter into higher Realm, can only depend on own cognition, comes breakthrough by her talent. 因此,没有人给指引夏心妍,她要突破自身,要迈入更高的境界,只能靠自己的认知,靠她的天赋来突破 Is very interesting, I also try.” Zi Yao in one side looks at, on the face is holding the happy expression, covers the cancellation light, exposes the body. “很有趣,我也试试。”紫耀在一旁看着,脸上噙着笑意,也将身上的光罩撤销,将身躯暴露出来。 She merely only then Void God peak Realm, has the one pace to Origin God, but she removes the whole body light cover, expression is quite tranquil, does not have a flurry, because she has not undergone the Xia Xinyan past deeply grieved tribulation, does not have the heart demon, therefore calmer nature. 她仅仅只有虚神巅峰境界,离始神还有一步之遥,可她将浑身光罩撤下,神色却极为平静,没有一丝慌乱,因为她没有经历过夏心妍当年的惨痛磨难,没有心魔,所以更加镇定自然。 In her beautiful pupil suddenly are many a extraordinary splendor, suddenly said: Has a very comfortable feeling?” 她美眸中还忽然多出一丝异彩,忽然道:“有没有一种很舒服的感觉?” Such remarks, Shi Yan has tarried, is astonished however said: What meaning?” 此言一出,石岩呆住了,讶然道:“什么意思?” „It looks like bathes in the hot spring, by strange power seepage within the body, was felt resembled the veins and skeleton becomes tenacious strong, had this feeling?” Her smiling asking. “就像是沐浴在温泉中,被奇异的力量渗透体内,感觉好像筋脉、骨骼都变得坚韧强壮了起来,有没有这种感觉?”她笑盈盈的问道。 No! Absolutely does not have!” Shi Yan with amazement, such as looked the Devil ghost looks generally to her, you, you of without by the supernatural power sheltering the whole body, feeling...... Unexpectedly is comfortable, such as bathes in the hot spring? Did you affirm?” “没有!完全没有!”石岩骇然,如看妖魔鬼怪一般看向她,“你,你在没有以神力庇护全身的情况,感觉……竟然是舒服,如沐浴在温泉中?你肯定?” According to Shi Yan knows, any life enters this place, will not adapt extremely! 石岩所知,任何生灵进入此地,都会极其不适应! Including this cultivation Space Deep Meaning, although here can avoid many bad risks, may unable to derive any energy, because of here, simply does not have heaven and earth energy, here has energy, but that energy is awfully, is extremely fearful, is unable absorb. 包括他这种修炼空间奥义者,在这里虽然能避免许多凶险,可也是不能汲取任何能量,因为这里,根本没有天地能量,这里有能量,可那能量都是要命的,极其可怕,根本无法吸纳 Person who supernatural power light cover remove, will be very often uncomfortable, looks like the fish leaves the boiling water, the person enters the sea, will not adapt very much. 将神力光罩撤掉的人,往往都会很难受,就像是鱼儿离开水,人进入海洋内部,会很不适应。 Appearance that but Zi Yao, obvious enjoyment, the manner is satisfied, such as the fish enters the sea! 紫耀,明显一副享用的模样,神态惬意,就如鱼儿进入海洋! Has the strangeness! 有古怪! I affirmed that is very obviously comfortable.” Zi Yao pure white two in a flash, such as the butterfly waves lightly, has a good swim in the violent astral wind center, unexpectedly slightly not affected. “我肯定,明明很舒服啊。”紫耀素白两手一晃,如蝴蝶翩然舞动,畅游在猛烈罡风中央,竟然丝毫不受影响。 In the Shi Yan pupil splits strange light, suddenly said: You can strengthen power from here, can cultivation get down?” 石岩眸中绽出奇光,忽然道:“你能从这里增强力量,能修炼下去?” I do not have to go to cultivation desirably, but has power to drill into my body really on own initiative, well!” She shouted one suddenly lightly, on the tender and beautiful face the reappearing happy expression, said: „Do you remember that my cultivation deep meaning is very special, my this deep meaning is absorb Outer Territory stream ray comprehends, that Outer Territory stream ray...... Also there is a life consciousness, is very similar to Heavenly Flame, do you remember?” “我没有刻意去修炼,但真的有力量主动钻入我身体内,咦!”她忽然轻呼一声,娇艳的脸上浮现喜色,道:“你记不记得,我修炼的奥义很特殊,我这奥义是吸纳域外流光领悟出来的,那域外流光……也有生命意识,和天火很相似,你记得吧?” I remember.” Shi Yan nods. “我记得。”石岩点头。 Here aura, with these me absorb Outer Territory stream ray aura, was very once similar, these have life several stream of light, as if...... Comes from here, here, is these strange light families is the same, here, there is a one type...... The feeling of family|home.” Zi Yao sleep talking saying. “这里的气息,和那些我曾经吸纳域外流光气息,很相似,那些拥有生命的几道流光,似乎……就来自于这里,这里,是那些奇光的家一样,也在这里,也有一种……家的感觉。”紫耀梦呓般的说道。 Shi Yan calmly is listening, expression becomes even more blurry puzzled, is confused. 石岩静静听着,神色变得愈发迷糊不解,一头雾水。 ...... …… Hoodlum knot, brothers and sisters who hopes this year the hoodlum knot, next year do not celebrate the hoodlum knot again, said one weakly, has married and had small of child to go against, is actually good to think that has thought the hoodlum knot, envies you ~~ to be continued 光棍节,希望今年过光棍节的兄弟姐妹,明年不要再过光棍节,弱弱地说一声,已经结婚并有孩子的小逆,其实好想好想过光棍节啊,羡慕你们~~未完待续 RT RT
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