GOS :: Volume #14

#1340: Warm heart

Six corner star places, a peak of Black Horn Star complete Tianju peak, energy bright escapes come out very much, such as the bright brook, flies respectively to these cultivation eight big evil strength. 很六棱星地,黑角星一座齐天巨峰的顶端,一条条能量亮光飞逸出来,如晶亮的溪流,分别飞向那些修炼八大邪力者。 Blood Devil, Ben Ni and Ka Tuo have scarlet mark with these foreheads, at this time sits cross-legged to sit well completely, by these energy crystal light emerging forehead mark, each appearance shape is not quite same. 血魔本尼卡托和那些额头有着血色印记者,此时全部盘膝端坐着,被那些能量晶光给涌入额头印记,每一个的模样形态都不太一样。 Blood Devil is the Immortal Devil Clan clansman, these energy crystal light injections his forehead, then turns into the energy of vigorous life quickly, with his imprint in the life deep meaning in within the body harmonious changes into one, causes his Devil Blood ebullition, forms the First Level scarlet membrane to bind to tie him. 血魔不死魔族族人,那些能量晶光注入他额头,很快便化成勃勃生命之能,和他烙印在体内的生命奥义融洽的化为一股,使得他魔血沸腾,形成一层血色膜将他裹缚住。 In that scarlet sarcrolemma, Blood Devil life fluctuation terrifying, such as explodes fire a mountain of fierce eruption to be scary extremely. 在那血色肉膜内部,血魔生命波动极其恐怖,如一座爆烈喷发的火山般骇人。 Compared with him, other people must appear gentle, Ben Ni is the Underworld Clan clansman, these energy bright seepages come, to change into a continuously dusky silk thread, seeps his sacrificial altar quietly, such as by the hot spring in nourishing his sacrificial altar, is letting his cultivation Destruction Deep Meaning, is even more succinct in that sacrificial altar. 和他相比,其余人要显得平和许多,本尼冥族族人,那些能量晶亮渗透而来,化为一缕缕灰蒙蒙的丝线,悄悄渗透他祭台,如以温泉在滋养着他祭台,让他修炼毁灭奥义,在那祭台内愈发精粹。 Ka Tuo cultivation Chaos Deep Meaning, when seeps into the body to these energy, he such as a huge field of force of disorder in world, inspires peripheral ancient Mu to eradicate, the rock rapid flight, day after day outside the severe gale comes, likely is abnormal must fire into him, ingeniously was actually controlled by him, but gathers round him to gyrate. 卡托修炼混乱奥义,待到那些能量渗透入体,他如一个紊乱世间的巨大力场,引动周边古木连根拔起,怪石疾飞,就连天外厉风都呼啸而来,都像是失常的要冲向他,却又被他巧妙控制,只是围着他旋动。 Other numerous Bloodthirsty deep meaning, shape is not interlinked, cultivation Darkness Deep Meaning, the whole body does not disappear in the darkness, such as vanished from luminous. 其余众多嗜血奥义者,形态也都不尽相通,修炼黑暗奥义者,全身消没在黑暗之中,如从光亮内消失了。 Repairs the corpse refinement strength, the whole body grayish white smog does not wind around loose, the whole body transmits gloomy and cold cold aura. 炼尸力,浑身灰白烟雾缭绕不散,周身传来阴冷寒冽的气息 These cultivation other deep meaning, various obviously marvelous, but each within the body spreads the fluctuation that energy strengthens. 那些修炼别的奥义者,也都各显奇妙,但每一个的体内都传出能量增强的波动。 Their many people subordinate in Xuan He, Fei Liete and Ming Hao subordinates, this complies with order Fire Rain Star Field to enter the war, what their innermost feelings true approval is only Xuan He, Fei Liete and Ming Hao, regards the leader them, regards the Bloodthirsty genuine leader. 他们很多人隶属于玄河腓烈特冥晧的麾下,这趟只是遵从命令来火雨星域参战,他们内心真正的认可的只是玄河腓烈特冥晧,将他们当成魁首,当成嗜血真正的首领。 ...... As for Shi Yan, had not looked by them in the eyeground, when only he for Xuan He, Ming Hao and Fei Liete puppet of support. ……至于石岩,之前一直没有被他们瞧在眼底,只当他为玄河冥晧腓烈特的扶持的傀儡。 They are even secret a little despise to disdain. 他们甚至暗暗有点轻视不屑。 However, at this moment, each heart lightens one share to rejoice that those who rejoice to be dispatched Fire Rain Star Field is they, but is not the other people! 然而,这一刻,他们每一个心底都闪出一股子庆幸,庆幸被派遣来火雨星域的是他们,而非旁人! They rejoice to be able with Shi Yan together! 他们庆幸能和石岩一道! Because came from Shi Yan power presents, can strengthen power that their dozens years of even hundred years of meditation accumulates! That emerges power in mark pure vigorous, making their mind rush, making them be wild with joy! 因为来自于石岩力量馈赠,足足能增强他们数十年甚至百年苦修积累的力量!那股涌入印记内的力量之精纯浑厚,让他们心神澎湃,令他们欣喜若狂! Most makes them feel panic-stricken, is power of these permeating marks, can integrate in each cultivation deep meaning perfectly. 最让他们觉得惊骇的,便是那些渗入印记的力量,能完美的融入他们每一个修炼的奥义之中。 Similar to these power refines for their body! 就如同那些力量是为他们每一个人度身炼制的! Now, they realized Shi Yan finally, even if present Realm is not very exquisite, is inferior to Xuan He, Fei Liete and Ming Hao three people of remarkable, but Shi Yan inherits Bloodthirsty after all the main deep meaning, that Devouring Deep Meaning, is a core basis of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein. 现在,他们终于意识到石岩即便如今境界不够精湛,不如玄河腓烈特冥晧三人卓越,但石岩毕竟传承嗜血之主的奥义,那吞噬奥义,为嗜血一脉的核心根本。 Some day treats to Shi Yan breakthrough arrives at Immortal, he will certainly be able to substitute for the Ming Hao three people, genuinely won the approvals of all people. 有朝一日待到石岩突破不朽,他必将能取代冥晧三人,真正赢得所有人的认同。 Because of his deep meaning, must lead all people, Devouring Deep Meaning, can accomplish the great strength of subordinates, can make their Realm progress by leaps and bounds! 因为他的奥义,要领先所有人,吞噬奥义,能造就麾下的强大,能令他们所有人境界突飞猛进! In the heart of hearts, they approve Shi Yan gradually, this approval gradually will deepen along with Shi Yan Realm formidable...... 在内心深处,他们渐渐认可石岩,这种认可会随着石岩境界强大而逐步加深…… Has not known how long, Shi Yan woke up, opens eyes, he finds Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao immediately in his dead ahead, two pairs of beautiful pupils both deeply condense on their body. 不知过了多久,石岩率先醒来,睁开眼,他立即瞧见夏心妍紫耀在他正前方,两双美眸都深深凝聚在自己的身上。 In the heart ripples warm, he smiled, sets out saying: Other person?” 心中荡漾出温暖,他笑了笑,起身道:“别的人呢?” At this time, Lin Xin, Yu Nan, Yu Shan, Feng Han people, not in this, peripheral, only then some Warrior bodyguards guard, is guarding all around, does not allow the miscellaneous personnel to approach. 此时,琳馨、郁楠、郁珊锋寒一众人,都不在这一块,周边只有一些武者侍卫驻守,来防备着四周,不允许闲杂人等靠近。 Besides him with these cultivation eight big evil strength, familiar only then Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao, these two females as if have been protecting him, when he wakes up. 除了他和那些修炼八大邪力者外,熟悉者就只有夏心妍紫耀,这两女似乎一直在守护着他,等他醒来。 Your this gear-driven time slightly long a point, others must arrange the following matter, cannot keep this place to wait, first handled the matter.” “你这次传功时间略久了一点,别人要安排后续的事情,不能一直留在此地等候,就先处理事情了。” Zi Yao such as the fresh flower of tender and beautiful desire drop, smiles sweet, saying that the eye sparkles. 紫耀如娇艳欲滴的鲜花,嫣然笑着,眼睛闪闪的说道。 She cultivates the tonsure silk obviously desirably, beautiful hair hangs loose mild-mannered, the temple does not have the slightest to be disorderly, a personal purple long skirt, exposes the fair clear shoulders, the plentiful attractive twin peaks place, appears wipes snow white, Yao's person string god fan, such as must perishing in. 她明显刻意修剪过发丝,一头秀发柔顺披散,鬓角没有分毫杂乱,一身贴身的紫色长裙,裸露出白皙圆润双肩,丰满诱人的双峰处,惊现一抹雪白,耀的人目弦神迷,如要沉沦其中。 She is Lie Yan Star Field most dazzling tender and beautiful flowers, is arrives at the Agate Star Field beautiful face not to reduce the slightest, along with promotion her beauty of Realm even more intoxicant, such as the fragrant and mellow good wine cancels the person heart and soul. 她本是烈焰星域最耀眼的一朵娇艳花朵,便是来到玛琊星域也艳容不减分毫,随着境界的提升她的美艳愈发醉人,如醇香美酒般勾人心魄。 Side her, Xia Xinyan is such as a Youlan, the quiet and tasteful element is pale, on the fine oval face forever is indifferent, tranquilly like water. 在她身旁,夏心妍则是如一朵幽兰,幽雅素淡,精致的瓜子脸上永远都是淡然,宁静如水。 Their makings are different, similarly is deeply moving, same beautiful. 两人气质迥异,却都同样动人心弦,一样的绝美。 At this time, they are standing shoulder to shoulder, two elegant faces both are having the smiling face, making the Shi Yan mind that just awoke to transfer tremble, the soul has to plant longs for the serene tranquil feeling extremely. 此时,她们并肩站着,两张俏脸都带着笑容,令刚刚醒转的石岩心神微颤,灵魂有种极为渴望安详平静的感觉。 His heart lives suddenly guilty, thought that is unfair to front that person, this life is going on an expedition, for martial arts ultimate is trying hard for own breakthrough, stands still well without many leisure, enjoys the life well, not having the total involvement to divulge the emotion well...... 他忽然心生愧疚,觉得对不起面前伊人,他这一生都在征战,为武道的终极为自身的突破努力着,没有多少闲暇好好停歇下来,好好享受人生,没有全身心将情感好好宣泄…… The present two females, it may be said that are he relate close, but he and they truly in the together time, are not too many. 眼前的两名女子,可谓是和他关系最为紧密者,可他与她们真正在一起的时间,并不是太多。 „Did preparation leave?” Xia Xinyan calmly looks to him, sound is quiet and beautiful, in the pupil appears a hidden bitterness. “准备离开了么?”夏心妍静静看向他,声音清幽,眸中显出一丝幽怨。 She knows that now the star territory situation is subtle, the fierce battle of similar Fire Rain Star Field, many regions are also having, as Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, Shi Yan is very difficult the leisure to stop. 她知道如今星域局势微妙,类似火雨星域的激烈战斗,许多区域也在发生着,身为嗜血新任尊主,石岩很难有闲暇停下来。 She knows that Shi Yan wakes up, possibly then must go to Outer Territory , to continue to fight a bloody battle. 她知道石岩一醒来,可能便要重新远赴域外,继续浴血奋战。 In her reason can understand, but in the emotion, will actually multiply discontentedly, this is the instinct of woman, is not she can reverse the change. 她理智上能理解,但情感上,却会滋生不满,这是女人的天性,不是她能扭转改变的。 Can walk?” The Zi Yao smiling face is still bright, is only slightly somewhat reluctantly, the wave light in beautiful pupil is gently turbulent, was responding her innermost feelings helpless anxious. “又要走么?”紫耀笑容依然灿烂,只是略略有些勉强,美眸中的波光轻轻动荡着,反应着她内心的无奈焦虑。 looks at these two in any star territory sufficiently well-known outstanding female, a warm current suddenly wind through in his hearts, his hesitation several seconds, smile suddenly, do not worry, rest people should not be unimportant slightly, must walk, must wait for Blood Devil, Ben Ni and Ka Tuo three people to wake up.” 看着这两名在任何星域都足以闻名遐迩的卓绝女子,一股暖流在他心间忽然流过,他沉吟数秒,忽然粲然一笑,“不着急,稍稍歇一下应该不要紧,要走,也要等血魔本尼卡托三人醒来。” Grey in two female pupil, such as were swept clean by the dazzling light instantaneously, their cheeks appear the pleasantly surprised crimson, is nipping the plump and smooth-skinned red lip gently, numerous nodded. 两女眸中的灰色,如瞬间被炫目之光扫清,她们脸颊浮现惊喜的绯红,轻轻咬着丰润红唇,重重点了点头 Sir Venerable Lord, Union Master has told, if you awake to turn around, please must accept this invite a total pledge place, Union Master must carry all Fire Rain Star Field Warrior, thanked your aid.” 尊主大人,盟主吩咐过,如果您醒转过来,请您务必赏脸去一趟总盟处,盟主要携所有火雨星域武者,感谢您的援手。” Fire Rain Star Field Warrior, whole face is respectful, humble is bowing, plea looks to him. 一名火雨星域武者,满脸恭敬,谦卑的躬身着,恳求的看向他。 Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao reveal disappointed helpless expression suddenly. 夏心妍紫耀忽露失望透顶的无奈神色 Shi Yan micro one knits the brows, looks to that Warrior, said lightly: Does not worry.” 石岩微一皱眉,看向那名武者,淡淡说道:“不着急。” In his eyes brims with is making fun of happy expression, suddenly said: Leads you to have a look at different sceneries, um, may be advantageous to realizing from experience of your Realm.” 他眼中洋溢着捉弄笑意,忽然道:“带你们看看不同的风景,嗯,可能对你们境界的体悟会有利。” The voice falls, the mouth that two void slits, such as split suddenly, appears in Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao under foot fiercely. 话音一落,两条虚空缝隙,如忽然裂开的口,猛地在夏心妍紫耀脚下显现。 Intense Outer Territory stream ray, shines through quickly, complexion that two females frighten one white, does not need they to call out in alarm makes noise, these Outer Territory stream ray such as mount the tentacle that sticks, pulls into which them unexpectedly directly. 强烈的域外流光,倏地透射出来,将两女吓的脸色一白,不待她们惊呼出声,那些域外流光如黏糊的触手,竟直接将她们扯入其中。 When that crack cicatrization, two female calling out in alarm sounds transmit, but at this time, they penetrated the Outer Territory turbulent flow, in completely different wonderfully. 在那裂缝愈合时,两女的惊叫声才传来,而此时,她们已经深入域外乱流,在完全不同的奇地内。 That imperial god pledge the bodyguard, Void God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, the eye looks at two female disappearance void cracks, reveal the amazed unclear color. 那名“御神盟”的侍卫,虚神二重天境界修为,眼看着两女消失虚空裂缝,露出惊诧不明之色。 Excuse me, promised them, must accompany them to have a look at the different sceneries. to trouble explained to your Union Master, um, circular Feng Han and Lin Xin their, they were not restrained by me, any and their related decisions, took responsibility by them, I will not interfere.” Shi Yan answered. “不好意思,答应了她们,要陪她们看看不同的风景。劳烦向你们盟主解释一番,嗯,通传锋寒、琳馨他们一声,他们不受我约束,任何和他们有关的决定,都由他们自己做主,我都不会干涉。”石岩解释道。 Feng Han and Lin Xin, Ba Si, Gu Te, Yan Chi, ice the Jie numerous Agate Star Field influence heads, this time brings the regiment to leave for Fire Rain Star Field , helping Fire Rain Star Field to resist God Clan, has given many cares seriously. 锋寒、琳馨、巴斯古特炎蚩、冰婕众多玛琊星域的势力首脑,此次带着军团开赴火雨星域,助火雨星域抵挡神族,当真费了不少心思。 In the past many years, Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field were sealing up, these two star territories did not have the communication, did not have the trade. 以往许多年,火雨星域玛琊星域封闭着,这两个星域没了来往,没了贸易。 To these two star territories, the connection of star territory takes a walk, is helpful to two Fang Xingyu power, because of many Fire Rain Star Field some cultivation materials, Agate Star Field does not produce, similarly, many Agate Star Field rare object, Fire Rain Star Field does not have. 对这两个星域来讲,星域的连通走动,有助于两方星域的强盛,因为许多火雨星域有的修炼材料,玛琊星域并不出产,同样的,很多玛琊星域有的奇物,火雨星域也没有。 The sticking together of two star territories, making two star territory influences create the friendship, Feng Han and Lin Xin, Yan Chi, has iced the Jie people, was discussing and Fire Rain Star Field influence carried on the trade association, must carry out the close cooperation, but was a little also unclear his manner. 两大星域的此次抱团,令两个星域势力重新建立了友谊,锋寒、琳馨、炎蚩、冰婕众人,都在商量着和火雨星域的势力进行贸易来往,要进行密切合作,但又有点不明他的态度。 He represents Bloodthirsty, is representing among universes the most abundant mystical influence, if he must meddle the Fire Rain Star Field business, Feng Han and Lin Xin were and he walks reverse. 他代表嗜血,代表着宇宙间最为雄厚的神秘势力,如果他要插手火雨星域的事务,锋寒、琳馨便是和他走反向了。 This is they are not willing to see. 这是他们不愿意见到的。 He gives this manner, can cancel Feng Han and worry of Lin Xin people, letting them closely to contact with Fire Rain Star Field, enabling two star territories both to make a profit. 他给出这个态度,能打消锋寒、琳馨众人的顾虑,让他们能和火雨星域紧密联系起来,使得两个星域都能获利。 Understood, certainly delivers to your words.” That bodyguard lowers the head, is filled with envy, in heart dark to praise. “明白了,一定将您的话送到。”那名侍卫垂着头,满心羡慕,心中暗赞。 Shi Yan as Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, is very genial to his manner, does not have the rack, that Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao beautiful appearance, lets him and numerous Fire Rain Star Field Warrior Divine Soul inverts, now sees that them to be completely related with Shi Yan, this person sighed immediately. 石岩身为嗜血尊主,对他的态度很和煦,没有架子,那夏心妍紫耀的美貌,让他和众多火雨星域武者神魂颠倒,如今一见那她们全部都和石岩有关,此人立即感叹起来。 In his heart, only then existence of Shi Yan this kind of rank, can be joined to Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan. 在他心中,也只有石岩这类级别的存在,才能配得上紫耀夏心妍 He has not envied, only then envies and blesses, because of the arrival of Shi Yan, seized from the God Clan blood-stained mouth their star territory. 他没有嫉妒,只有羡慕和祝福,因为石岩的到来,将他们星域从神族血口中夺了下来。 This person retreats respectfully, on the face the color of awe is needless, in the heart of hearts, he will regard the Lord of galaxy to regard Shi Yan in the future, Shi Yan and his conversation, after will become him, capital that the years will show off. 此人恭敬退去,脸上敬畏之色不消,在内心深处,他将石岩当成未来星河之主看待,石岩和他的一番交谈,会成为他以后岁月炫耀的资本。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, the thought changes, changes into one bunch of virtual lights, vanishes same place, submerges the void turbulent flow directly. 石岩则是淡然一笑,念头一变,化为一束虚光,消失原地,直接没入虚空乱流。
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