GOS :: Volume #14

#1339: He is my man...

Wei Desen puts down all, direct impact territory sea, in his eyeground, the life of mother and clansman compared with life precious many of Shi Yan! 维德森放下一切,直冲域海,在他眼底,母亲、族人的性命要比石岩的命贵重的多! Shi Yan is silhouette moves, vanishes from this region, falls into six corner star places instantaneously, in that imperial god pledge the supreme headquarters Black Horn Star surface stands firm. 石岩则是身影一动,从这片区域消失,瞬间落入六棱星地,在那“御神盟”的大本营黑角星表面站定。 The Black Horn Star earth is the pitch-dark color, the stars surface covers entirely swamp, abyss and miasma, the natural environment is extremely bad, the ordinary mortal almost cannot survive. 黑角星大地呈黑漆漆的颜色,星辰表面布满沼泽、深渊、毒瘴气,自然环境极其恶劣,普通凡人几乎不能生存。 However, energy on this stars is extremely also abundant, is rich in precious day material treasure, for example the obsidian, black gold ore all sorts are the cultivation rare talents, many plant flower grass, completely is the priceless thing. 然而,在这星辰上能量又极其充沛,盛产许多珍贵的天材地宝,譬如黑曜石,黑金矿种种都为修炼的奇材,还有许多植物huā草,也全部都是价值连城之物。 More is miasma winds around, is violently poisonous swamp, the mystical abyss, rare object are often more. 越是毒瘴气缭绕,越是剧毒的沼泽,神秘的深渊,往往奇物越多。 Also is so, Black Horn Star instead is Fire Rain Star Field by the place of high Level Warrior favor, the respected families in many this star territories will also choose Black Horn Star to take the headquarters. 也是如此,黑角星反而为火雨星域最为被高等级武者青睐之处,许多这星域的大家族也会选择黑角星作为本营。 Stands in the summit of Black Horn Star that great peak, the looks at peripheral fine magnificent and expensive palace, Shi Yan narrows the eyes to focus, suddenly sits cross-legged to sit well, surface toward mystical dark Star Sea. 站在黑角星那巨峰之巅,看着周边精美华贵的宫殿,石岩眯着眼,忽然盘膝端坐下来,面朝神秘幽暗星海 In his, is the Black Horn Star boundless land, swamp proliferates, various poisonous insect poisons run amuck. 在他脚下,便是黑角星苍茫大地,沼泽遍布,各类毒虫毒物横行。 His eyes slowly closed, in Divine Sense examines, wanders in acupoint. 双眸慢慢闭合,神识内检,在穴窍内游荡。 At this time, in his acupoint absorb abundant energy, was being purified by vortices fast, how long could not want then to multiply the pure clear mystical different strength only, can direct absorb, be able to quenching the God Body skeleton veins. 此时,他穴窍吸纳的充沛能量,被一个个涡旋快速净化着,要不了多久便会滋生精纯澄净的神秘异力,能直接吸纳,能淬炼神体骨骸筋脉。 After breakthrough to Origin God Second Sky, his acupoint purifies the power speed changes quick, formerly developed to open one time, now acupoint purifies the power speed to be quicker. 突破始神二重天以后,他穴窍净化力量的速度变快,先前又拓展开辟过一次,如今穴窍净化力量的速度更加快捷。 Such a while time, he then discovered that acupoint transgresses the massive pure mystical different strength, one type of these mystical different strength one by one spreads in his whole body skeleton veins by the way that is in sole possession, polishes his flesh and blood. 就这么一会儿功夫,他便发现穴窍逸出大量精纯神秘异力,那些神秘异力一一蔓延在他浑身骨骸筋脉内以一种独有的方式,来打磨他的血肉之躯。 He has a feeling, that mystical different strength, can make his body evolve unceasingly! 他有一种感觉,那神秘异力,能让他身体不断进化! Evolves to a more perfect shape! 进化到更加完美的形态! Ming Hao had said at that time, said that Bloodthirsty is Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan, God Clan and Ming Royal Family four clan bloodlines essence mixes becomes the most perfect manner, evolves to the ultimate realization. 冥晧当时说过,说那嗜血不死魔族天妖族神族冥皇族四族血脉精华混合而成为最完美的神态,是进化到终极的变现。 The body and bloodlines of Bloodthirsty, are the Warrior directions, this time Expert quenching fleshly body, is the hope some day reaches the Bloodthirsty altitude. 嗜血的身体和血脉,是武者的方向,这个时代一个个强者淬炼肉身,就是希望有朝一日达到嗜血的高度。 What a pity, the really unusual person can make God Body powerful get down continually. 可惜,甚少有人能够一直连让神体强悍下去。 Only then after breakthrough Realm, can draw support from energy of heaven and earth, carries on round to quenching to the body with the aid of Divine Crystal and sudden supernatural power great change newly. 只有突破一个境界后,才能借助天地之力,借助神晶和突然的神力巨变对身体进行新一轮淬炼。 Ordinary time, even if were absorb huge power, very difficult to emerge in it the body and bloodlines. 平常时间,就算是吸纳了庞大力量,也很难将其涌入身体和血脉中。 But Shi Yan discovered that flows the mystical different strength that from his acupoint, in the skeleton and veins flow, often will vanish...... 石岩发现,从他穴窍流动出来的神秘异力,在骨骼、筋脉内流淌的时候,往往会消失一些…… His very clear these mystical different strength vanished where. 他很清楚那些神秘异力消失在何处了。 These different strength, hide in his skeleton, veins and blood, is changing him to make his body tend to be perfect quietly, little arrival most suits the Warrior shape. 那些异力,藏匿在他骨骸、筋脉、鲜血之中,在悄然改变着他让他的身体趋于完美,一点点的到达最适合武者的形态。 His suddenly feelings, perhaps in the past Bloodthirsty body shape, by no means is possibly perfect, is uses this Devouring Deep Meaning slowly moistens to quenching, little has achieved the perfect shape. 他忽然有一种感觉,或许当年嗜血的身体形态,也可能并非完美,就是利用这吞噬奥义的慢慢滋润淬炼,一点点的达到了完美形态。 This makes his facial expression change countenance, even more treasures at this moment, the mystical different strength that roams from acupoint is flowing in the whole body veins and skeleton that. 这让他神情动容,愈发珍惜此刻,将那从穴窍内流荡出来的神秘异力在全身筋脉、骨骼内流淌着。 energy him who emerges from acupoint is really abundant, exceeds the limit that his present skeleton, veins and blood withstand greatly, therefore many energy store up in him[ body], making his whole body send out dazzling rays of light, such as a pure energy big ball anybody can perceive fluctuates mysteriously. 只是,从穴窍内涌入的能量实在他充沛,大大超出他如今骨骼、筋脉、鲜血承受的极限,所以很多能量囤积在他〖体〗内,让他浑身发出耀眼光芒,如一个纯粹的能量大球任何人都能觉察到其中神奇波动。 When stores up to energy to certain extent, not the wonderful feeling that his fleshly body must explode unexpectedly is also at this moment, he perceives the blood Devil Qi breath. 待到能量囤积到一定程度,他竟有一种肉身要爆裂的不妙感也是此刻,他觉察到血魔气息。 Has hesitated, his suddenly light shout, like rivers light beam, one by one from his body ** comes out, attacks separately to the distant place. 沉吟了一下,他忽然轻喝一声,一条条如河流般的光束,一一从他体**出来,分别冲击向远处。 Returns to six corner star places Blood Devil, Ka Tuo and Ben Ni people, falls into six corner star places swiftly, forehead mark glittering, whole faces are then wild with joy. 重返六棱星地的血魔卡托本尼众人,倏一落入六棱星地,便额头印记闪烁,一个个满脸狂喜。 These energy rivers, all emerge these cultivation eight big evil strength Bloodthirsty lineage/vein Entourage, changes into them[ body] in pure energy. 那些能量河流,全部涌入那些修炼八大邪力的嗜血一脉扈从,化为他们〖体〗内的精纯能量 Battleships leave, anchors in six corner star places, anchors by Black Horn Star imperial god pledge Yu Nan after this tribulation, has the joy of being survivor of disaster. 一艘艘战舰开赴过来,停泊在六棱星地,停泊在黑角星旁边“御神盟”的郁楠历经此劫,有种劫后余生的喜悦。 Before coming, her words also heart to the Blood Devil lives the question, feared that Blood Devil will bring back to the Outer Territory chaotic basin them, making Fire Rain Star Field Warrior be buried along with the dead. 过来前,她对血魔的一番话还心生质疑,怕血魔会将他们带回域外乱流域,让火雨星域武者陪葬。 If not some Medicine Refining Pavilion grip bell same Realm profound Space Deep Meaning affirmation, definitely the space node restores, she has not dared to come easily. 若非有药器阁扎铎这名同样境界高深的空间奥义者肯定,肯定空间节点恢复,她还不敢轻易过来。 Now, Yu Nandai Yu Shan and Xiao En and these imperial god pledge the leader, takes the battleship to return to six corner star places, discovered that peripheral full is the God Clan remnant corpse, discovered that the starry sky returns to normal, is out of control to show the smiling face, lifts the arm to cheer, celebrates the victory that this is bewildered comes. 如今,郁楠带郁珊肖恩和那些“御神盟”的领袖,乘坐着战舰返回六棱星地,发现周边满是神族残尸,发现星空重新恢复正常,都禁不住露出笑容,举臂欢呼,庆祝这莫名其妙得来的胜利。 Until now, they do not know why God Clan draws back, does not know why the God Clan clansman died a tragic death numerously, does not know how that star territory crack produces. 至今,他们也不知道神族因何而退,不知神族族人因何惨死众多,不知那星域破洞怎么产生。 But they know God Clan Brakell Family and Austin Family, already the firing into territory sea of urgent matter, hurriedly returns to the Ancient God star territory. 但他们知道神族布雷克尔家族和奥斯汀斯家族,已经火烧屁股的冲向域海,急匆匆的重返古神星域。 They know that puzzles their difficulties, hence, was relieves. 他们知道困扰他们的艰难,至此,算是解除了。 All because of the sudden arrival of Shi Yan. 一切都因石岩的突然到来。 At this moment, Yu Nan did not have a suspicion to Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord again, had the brand-new understanding to the Shi Yan ability, each Fire Rain Star Field Warrior, looks at Shi Yan again time, the manner is respectful. 这一刻,郁楠对嗜血新任尊主再没有了一丝怀疑,对石岩的能力有了全新的认识,每一个火雨星域武者,再看石岩的时候,都神态恭敬。 The audiences gather at the Black Horn Star great peak, Blood Devil and other audiences Warrior gather side Shi Yan, accepts from presents in Shi Yan power, Blood Devil whole body forms the blood cocoon, whole body gushes out the intense life fluctuation, Ben Ni and Ka Tuo their also whole body greatly shakes, red that the complexion rises. 众强聚集在黑角星巨峰,血魔等一众武者聚集在石岩身旁,接受来自于石岩力量馈赠,血魔浑身结成血茧,浑身涌出强烈的生命波动,本尼卡托两人也浑身巨震,脸色涨的通红。 They, are the Shi Yan key take care of objects, withstands many power to present! 他们三人,乃是石岩重点照顾对象,承受着最多的力量馈赠! The time in a hurry, Yu Nan and the others do not have waiting that does not bear, is waiting for completion of their power shift, is waiting for life and death rotation bridge conclusion. 时间匆匆,郁楠等人都没有一丝不耐的等候,等候着他们力量转移的完成,等候着“生死轮转桥”的结束。 Xia Xinyan, Feng Han and Lin Xin these people, in the great peak, power that looks at Bloodthirsty lineage/vein are in sole possession of diverge evil technique, is secretly surprised. 夏心妍锋寒、琳馨那些人,也在巨峰上,看着嗜血一脉独有的力量分流邪术,暗暗惊奇着。 Zi Yao in the person, a light purple women's clothing, the physique is also graceful, the sex appeal is gorgeous, such as a lilac is charming, numerous Divine Light youth regard her for the dream in the sweetheart, in Fire Rain Star Field, there is a people to do everything to please, wants to cause that the favor of Zi Yao, hopes she can look at one. 紫耀也在人中,一身淡紫色衣裙,身姿曼妙,性感艳丽,如一朵紫丁香般迷人,众多神光的青年都视她为梦中情人,就连在火雨星域,也有人大献殷勤,想引得紫耀的青睐,希望她能多看一眼。 In the crowd, Shi Yan of Zi Yao looks at gear-driven, the bright eyes glisten silently, extraordinary splendor flow of tears. 人群中,紫耀默默看着传功的石岩,明眸闪亮,异彩涟涟。 Zi Yao can Young Lady, chat two with you?” Handsome Fire Rain Star Field Warrior, the demeanor comes in waves, said humbly: Aid of my very grateful Zi Yao Young Lady to our star territory, if you did not mind whether I can lead you to tour the scenery that our star territory is in sole possession in Fire Rain Star Field.” 紫耀小姐,能和你聊两句吗?”一名俊朗的火雨星域武者,风度翩翩而来,谦逊道:“我非常感激紫耀小姐对我们星域的援助,如果您不介意,我可否能带你在火雨星域游览一下我们星域独有的风光。” The youth for imperial god pledge a vice- Union Master only son, in Fire Rain Star Field are Bright star, Void God Third Sky Realm, the background are astonishing, confess can be joined to Zi Yao, then greatly has delivered attentively. 青年为“御神盟”一个副盟主的独子,在火雨星域耀眼新星,虚神三重天境界,背景惊人,自认配得上紫耀,便一直大送殷勤。 At this time, Zi Yao bright eyes ocean waves, pursing the lips gives a calm smile, graceful stretches out one finger, selects the Shi Yan direction lightly, the cheek spills over a ruddiness, said: He is my man, you...... Also prepares to make me?” 此时,紫耀明眸碧波一荡,抿嘴淡然一笑,优雅的伸出一指,轻点石岩的方向,脸蛋泛出一丝红润,道:“他是我的男人,你……还准备约我么?” A youth face delay, smiles bitterly at once again and again, bows a ritual, said sincerely: Was offensive, if you early mediated his relations, I will not talk too much one.” 青年一脸呆滞,旋即苦笑连连,躬身一礼,诚恳道:“唐突了,你若早说和他的关系,我绝不会多言一句。” He looked at Shi Yan one, on the face full is the heartfelt respect and envying, does not have an envy. 他看了石岩一眼,脸上满是由衷的敬意和羡慕,却没有一丝嫉妒。 Because of the arrival of Shi Yan, has saved his star territory, making him be insufficient to wander about destitute to leave the place, will not lose the corona of family, will not lose the family member. 因为石岩的到来,拯救了他的星域,让他不至于流落别地,不会失去家族的光环,不会失去亲人。 looks at youth respectful drawing back is far, Zi Yao pursing the lips chuckle, fires into the line of sight throws to Shi Yan, on the face is holding complacent. 看着青年毕恭毕敬的退远,紫耀抿嘴轻笑,又冲向将视线抛向石岩,脸上噙着得意 Perhaps, you and just that person unified, will be happier.” Suddenly, the beautiful figure approaches together, spooky such in a low voice lightly shouted one. “或许,你和刚刚那人结合,会更加幸福一点。”忽然,一道倩影靠近,幽幽的这么低声轻呼了一句。 Zi Yao is astonished however, says with a smile at once sweet: Why said?” 紫耀讶然,旋即嫣然笑道:“为何这么说?” A Xia Xinyan emerald green colored gauze skirt, such as quiet and beautiful blue flower, on the fine moving face, has a sadness „, because drifts with that bastard all day long, will not stop over because of you, with him together...... Then needs to accept endless lonely, can you have the preparation?” 夏心妍一身翠绿色纱裙,如一朵清幽的兰huā,精致动人的脸庞上,有着一丝忧愁“因为和那混蛋终日漂泊,不会因你而逗留,和他一起……便需要接受无尽寂寞,你可有心理准备?” She deeply looks to Zi Yao. 她深深看向紫耀 Zi Yao smiles gracefully, saying naturally: Naturally is prepared, in the past beginning when sees him, I then know that in his non- pond the thing, will happen one day makes a rapid career advance, but I have not thought that he can reach today's altitude. That year, when we one and came Agate Star Field from Lie Yan Star Field, I had the decision, this decision...... Is still invariable to today.” 紫耀盈盈笑着,自然而然的说道:“当然有准备,当年初见他之时,我便知道他非池中之物,终有一天飞黄腾达,但我没有想到,他能达到今日的高度。那一年,我们一并从烈焰星域玛琊星域时,我就有了决定,这决定……到今日依然不变。” , Has she smiled getting up you to be possible once to regret?” 顿了顿,她又笑了起来“你可曾后悔?” Xia Xinyan shakes the head, moves the human eye pupil deep condensation on Shi Yan, said in a soft voice: „When our hometown, I once had complied with his matter, since I complied, will then not renege......” 夏心妍摇头,动人眼眸深深凝聚在石岩身上,轻声道:“早在我们故乡时,我就曾答应过他一件事,我既然答应了,便不会变卦……” I envy you very much.” Zi Yao came such one suddenly. “我很羡慕你。”紫耀忽然来了这么一句。 Is Xia Xinyan startled what envies my?” 夏心妍一怔“羡慕我什么?” You and he, already...... Already on good, I can look, but I, I did not have......” Zi Yao double cheek flood red, beautiful pupil am rippling the intoxicant wave light, the words actually cannot say. “你和他,已经……已经好上了,我看得出来,而我,我还没……”紫耀双颊泛红,美眸荡漾着醉人波光,一番话却未能说完。 Xia Xinyan also rosy cloud full beautiful face bah, lowly scolded: „Can bastard a lot of dirty tricks, by your skill, take him are also not easy?” 夏心妍也霞满艳容“呸”了一声,低骂道:“那混蛋一肚子坏水,以你本事,要拿下他还不是轻而易举?” I hope that he can be driving.” Zi Yao expression is low, sighed one lightly. “我希望他能主动。”紫耀神色低落,轻叹一声。 You and others he had leisure, he was very recently busy is very busy, later...... Also will be very busy, you must be prepared, then slowly waits.” Xia Xinyan curled the lip, the expression acid, as if is also the heart lives discontentedly, discontented Shi Yan goes on an expedition all day long, does not have the true leisure to get down. “那你等他有闲暇吧,他最近很忙很忙,以后……也会很忙碌,你要有准备,便慢慢等下去。”夏心妍撇了撇嘴,语气酸酸的,似乎也是心生不满,不满石岩终日征战,从没有真正闲暇下来。 You support me probably very much, why? You should not destroy vigorously, with is the woman, you so selfless, how do you think?” The Zi Yao whole face is stunned, does not think clearly, because before , she and Xia Xinyan mutually have been near, compromise, has never struggled for a long time. “你好像很支持我,为什么?你不是应该极力破坏么,同为女人,你会如此的无私,你怎么想的?”紫耀满脸错愕,怎么也想不明白,因为以前她和夏心妍一直相互较近,从未妥协过,明争暗斗了许久。 Now the Xia Xinyan manner transforms suddenly, made her is the doubts is very puzzled, why did not know, making the Xia Xinyan manner change. 如今夏心妍态度忽然转变,令她很是疑惑不解,不知道是出于什么原因,让夏心妍的态度发生变化。 I cannot retain him, perhaps, in addition your...... Can make him stop.” Xia Xinyan sighed spookily lightly. “我一个人留不住他,或许,加你一个……能让他停一停。”夏心妍幽幽轻叹。
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