GOS :: Volume #14

#1338: The guidance is evil

Void of breakage, such as the mirror was healed, smooth, return to gradually normal. 破裂的虚空,如镜子被重新愈合,一块块平整,渐渐恢复正常。 Shi Yan looks concentrated, him for many years to realizing from experience of Space Deep Meaning, definitely displayed in all sorts of marvelous law ways, turns into one to connect the space in pairs the mysterious hand, strokes the space along little smoothing. 石岩神情专注,将他多年来对空间奥义的体悟,以种种奇妙法决的方式施展出来,化成一双双能连接空间的神奇之手,一点点将空间捋顺抚平。 That space, if wound healing, Outer Territory mighty currents of numerous falling in torrents, was stopped up outside. 那空间,如伤口愈合,众多倾泻的域外洪流,则是被重新堵在外面。 Divine Sense like Space Cutting Blade, shuttle back and forth to loaf in peripheral Star Sea, causes many remnant fragment blasting open of Star Sea, was pulled is breaking in the Outer Territory turbulent flow. 一道道神识空间利刃,在周边星海内穿梭游荡着,使得星海的许多残碎片炸裂,被扯着冲入域外乱流。 After half double-hour, is struck blasting open by him and spark the void great hole, was given to repair completely by him, the Fire Rain Star Field avalanche vanished is avoids. 半个时辰后,由他和星火一击炸裂的虚空巨洞,被他给完全给修复好,火雨星域的崩塌消失算是避免了。 He looks to peripheral, looks at God Clan battleship wreckage, the face appears a wisp of happy expression. 他看向周边,看着一艘艘神族战舰残骸,脸浮现一缕笑意。 The mind moves slightly, acupoint such as great whale absorbing water, transmits the huge adsorptive attraction fiercely! 心神微动,穴窍如巨鲸吸水,猛地传来庞大吸附力! After these God Clan clansmen died a tragic death , the energy brook that torrential energy that has not dissipated, such as naked eyes cannot find, rushes his acupoint extremely quickly, making his acupoint be filled up energy once again, has the faint painfully swollen feeling. 那些神族族人惨死后未曾消散的滔滔能量,如一条条肉眼瞧不见的能量溪流,极快的涌向他穴窍,让他穴窍又一次被填满能量,生出隐隐的胀痛感。 The feeling of energy full whole body, making him be refreshing, cannot bear grin chuckled. 能量充溢全身的感觉,让他神清气爽,忍不住咧嘴嘿嘿笑了起来。 Is very funny?” “很好笑么?” The Wei Desen sound resounds strangely, in the distant place abyss dangerous situation, his arbitrary body and spirit suddenly to launch, almost then arrives at side Shi Yan instantaneously, the facial expression is bad. 维德森的声音诡异响起,在远处深渊险境内,他蛮横的体魄暴射而出,几乎瞬间便来到石岩身旁,神情不善。 At this time, but also is surviving the God Clan clansmen escapes to leave in the direction of territory sea, including six corner star places Warrior, all in abundance fires into the territory sea. 此时,还存活着的神族族人都往域海的方向遁离,连六棱星地的武者,也皆是纷纷冲向域海。 This together. Now only remains Shi Yan one person. After Wei Desen arrival, eyes is containing the flaming flame, does not have immediately under the killer. 这一块儿。如今只剩石岩一人。维德森到来后,双眸蕴含着熊熊火焰,却没有立即下杀手。 He looks maliciously to Shi Yan, look flashes before one share to be sorrowful suddenly, remnant corpse of looks at these fluctuation in Star Sea, Wei Desen are low and deep: These people die because of me......” 他狠狠看向石岩,眼神忽然闪现一股子悲哀无奈,看着那些浮动在星海内的残尸,维德森低沉道:“这些人都因我而死么……” The rope people of Brakell Family, did not clarify Wei Desen, once after being crazy, gives to strike to kill one of us in the what kind way, now they understood finally, may pay the extremely deeply grieved price. 布雷克尔家族的索顿众人,一直弄不清楚维德森一旦疯狂后,以何种方式将自家人都给击杀,如今他们终于明白了,可付出了极为惨痛的代价。 Wei Desen I. Also after does not know he goes crazy, will have anything, but after he awakes transfers, can want to understand that a point has many people dead because of him. 维德森本人。也不知道他发狂后会发生什么,但他醒转后能想明白一点有很多人因他而死。 This, he looks is clearer, because this time going crazy duration is quite long. Sobered to him long finally unexpectedly faintly a instant. 这趟,他看的更加清楚,因为这次的发狂持续时间极为漫长。漫长到他最后居然隐隐清醒了一霎。 On that flash, then made him understand were more...... 就那一霎那,便让他明白了很多很多…… Wei Desen this non- blood-thirsty, when he knows that because of his going crazy, causes to follow his subordinates one by one dead a violent death to vanish numerously, he is hard to accept for a while. 维德森本非嗜杀成性者,当他知道因为他的发狂,导致众多跟随他的麾下一一暴死消失,他一时难以接受。 Vision that although these people usually look at holds to despise to disdain, but is actually the member of his diving god ship, has been together for many years with him, somewhat is a little sentiment. 虽说那些人平日瞧的目光含着鄙夷不屑,但却是他潜神舰的成员,和他相处过多年,多多少少还是有一点感情。 No, because of you, but death person, mostly in the place of abyss dangerous situation. Also only accounts for the dead probably one-fourth proportions.” Shi Yan knits the brows slightly, said confidently: Another one-fourth people, because of the collision of me and spark, caused to crack void, have had the void turbulent flow, these people...... A person dies a violent death, part was pulled into the void turbulent flow to perish.” “不,因你而死的人,大多在深渊险境之地。也只占死亡者大概1的比例。”石岩微微皱眉,坦然道:“另外1人,因我和星火的一次碰撞,导致虚空崩裂,产生了虚空乱流,那些人……一部人暴死,一部分被扯入虚空乱流而亡。” Is you!” Wei Desen such as the beast low roar, I know am you, you such as the dream demon invades my soul Sea of Consciousness, pours into the bloodthirsty insane wild desire unceasingly. I who directs cannot, inspire my within the body that evil strength! Because of you, because of you, my subordinates in abundance vanishes!” “是你!”维德森如蛮兽低吼,“我知道是你,你如梦魔侵入我灵魂识海,不断灌注嗜杀疯狂暴欲。引的我不能自己,引动我体内那股邪恶之力!都是因为你,因为你,我那些麾下才纷纷消失!” Wei Desen explodes is roaring, in eyes hostility such as the flame spreads. As if must fall into crazy Realm once more. 维德森爆吼着,双眸中一丝戾气如火苗蔓延。仿佛又要再次陷入疯狂境界 Good, all get up because of me.” Shi Yan had not denied. Also gives a calm smile, during the speech, his wisp of Divine Sense such as the electricity departs. “不错,一切都是因我而起。”石岩没有否认。还淡然一笑,讲话间,他一缕神识如电飞出。 That Divine Sense falls swiftly to the Fire Rain Star Field territory sea direction, the quick spanning layer upon layer space wall barrier, dodges, then as if trillion li (0.5km) have been away from. 神识倏然落向火雨星域域海方向,快捷的跨越层层空间壁障,一闪间,便仿佛已经亿万里距离。 In Blood Devil that a battleship looks out into the distance with rapt attention, burning with impatience, was calling must stride in the territory sea fast. 在一艘战舰凝神远眺的血魔,心急如焚,吆喝着要快速跨入域海。 Him, this Fire Rain Star Field collapse nears, will erase from boundless Star Sea, if cannot erase before the star territory leaves this place, he and comes the supporter from Agate Star Field, will change into the flying ash. 在他来看,这火雨星域崩溃在即,会从茫茫星海间抹除,如果不能在星域抹除前离开此地,他和从玛琊星域前来援助者,都会化为飞灰。 This is he cannot accept! 这是他万万不能接受的! , Wisp of familiar Divine Sense plunders suddenly, he sensation from that Divine Sense to aura of Shi Yan, the blood Devil God sentiment moves, immediately lets loose the mind capture. 突地,一缕熟悉神识掠来,他从那神识之中感知到石岩气息,血魔神情一动,立即放开心灵捕捉。 That Divine Sense , the coordination moves into his Sea of Consciousness, gives the transmission a god news. 神识,也配合入驻他识海,将一段神讯给传递。 Gawked for several seconds, Blood Devil Ha Ha has smiled suddenly, did not attend to people being amazed, the speaker shouted to clear the way: Stops! Stops completely! Returns to six corner star places, all returns, this star territory restored normally!” 愣了数秒,血魔忽然哈哈笑了起来,不顾身旁众人惊诧,扬声喝道:“停下来!全部停下!返回六棱星地,全部返回,这星域重新恢复正常了!” At the same time, six corner star places to Shi Yan, is dignified, is staring at being ready to make trouble Wei Desen, suddenly said: „Do you believe that can I strike to kill you?” 同一时刻,六棱星地方向的石岩,则是神情凝重,盯着蠢蠢欲动的维德森,忽然道:“你信不信,我能击杀你?” To fall into Wei Desen of wild boundary, heard that word complexion one ruthless, shouted to clear the way: You could not kill me!” 就欲陷入狂暴之境的维德森,闻言脸色一狠,喝道:“你杀不了我!” „Your strength of that corrosion, can corrode the space, can corrode the stars, even can corrode heaven and earth, but how he cannot me, because, I can the strength of that corrosion, embezzle directly directly! This deep meaning, inherits from Jia Duo, Jia Duo is one of the Eight Entourage, but deep meaning that I inherit, is the Lord of Bloodthirsty!” “你那腐蚀之力,能腐蚀空间,能腐蚀星辰,甚至能腐蚀天地,但他并不能将我如何,因为,我能直接将那腐蚀之力,直接吞没掉!这奥义,传承自加多,加多八扈从之一,而我继承的奥义,则是嗜血之主!” Shi Yan coldly snorted, said: You not think that the chance obtains the inheritance of Jia Duo by chance, then can by strength broken heaven and earth, you be only Origin God Second Sky, even if stimulates completely power, in I inherit from Bloodthirsty under main Devouring Deep Meaning, will still be at wit's end, because, my deep meaning, for your difficult adversary!” 石岩冷哼一声,道:“你莫以为机缘恰巧得到加多的传承,便能以一力破天地,你只是始神二重天,就算是激发全部力量,在我传承自嗜血之主的吞噬奥义下,依然会无计可施,因为,我的奥义,为你的克星!” Such remarks, Wei Desen expression absent-minded an instant, an eye of dew is vacant, Jia Duo, who is Jia Duo? I do not know him, does not know that who he is, I do not know that you were saying anything......” 此言一出,维德森神色恍惚了一霎,目露茫然,“加多,加多是谁?我根本不认识他,也不知道他是谁,我不知道你在说些什么……” Shi Yan knits the brows, deeply looks to him, look sharp like blade, such as must prick Wei Desen heart. 石岩皱眉,深深看向他,眼神锐利如刀,如要刺入维德森心底 Half sound, he has also confused, because he discovered that Wei Desen does not lie, this person of uncivilized nationalities blood relationship in the body, to does not excel at schemes and tricks, this then made Shi Yan puzzled, you do not know spout corrosion aura that from that within the body, came from my Eight Entourage Jia Duo, doesn't your what know really?” 半响,他也迷惑了,因为他发现维德森并非说谎,此人蛮族血统在身,到不是擅长阴谋诡计者,这便让石岩不解了,“你根本不知从那体内喷涌出来的腐蚀气息,来自于我八扈从加多,你真的什么都不知道?” Does not know.” Wei Desen groans saying that I do not want to know!” “不知道。”维德森哼哼道,“我也不想知道!” Bang!” “轰!” Strange territory field precise blowout from the Wei Desen fist, that territory field in has corrodes aura lightly, however goes crazy with him compares, must be inferior greatly. 一股奇诡“域场”从维德森拳头内凝炼喷出,那“域场”内有着淡淡腐蚀气息,然而与他发狂的时候相比,要大大不如。 Wei Desen that has not gone crazy, is only ordinary Origin God Second Sky Realm, as if cannot release the innermost feelings to be evil heartily, is unable to urge to send Jia Duo corrosion heaven and earth power. 没发狂的维德森,只是普通的始神二重天境界者,似乎不能尽情释放内心邪恶,就无法将加多的腐蚀天地力量催发出来。 This degree of offensive cannot pose any threat in the Shi Yan eye, he knits the brows shouts imprisonment lightly, lifts the hand cover to territory field, the palm strong urge to defecate wells up the space layer upon layer ripple, territory field gives to cover that unexpectedly directly, making that territory field unable to move. 这种程度的攻势在石岩眼中根本不能构成任何威胁,他皱眉轻呼“禁锢”,抬手罩向“域场”,掌心内急涌空间层层波纹,竟然直接将那“域场”给扣住,令那“域场”动弹不得。 His opened mouth puts out together the galaxy, the star hele to that territory field, the innumerable star light splash. 张口吐出一道星河,星河落向那域场,无数星光飞溅开来。 Wei Desen discovered immediately he pours into all sorts of power in territory field, shoots because of flying of star light, rapid was counter-balanced. 维德森立即发现他灌注域场内的种种力量,因星光的飞射,迅速的被抵消了。 He has not used negative energy from beginning to end, Negative Emotions that for fear that emerges again crazy that Wei Desen will stimulate, crazy Wei Desen, in fierce ten times compared with the normal condition, even if he must deal with also extremely has a headache, therefore he will be controlling power carefully. 他从始至终没有动用负面之力,生怕重新涌入的负面情绪会再一次将维德森激发的疯狂,疯狂的维德森,要比正常情况下凶悍十倍,就算他要应付也极为头疼,所以他小心控制着自己力量 You the numerous Brakell Family clansman of diving god ship will strike to kill, the rope, Pagaud looks in the eyeground, the rope to cope with you, must tear exploding of six corner star barrier to extinguish the god leaf including that to use, you think that you can also return to Brakell Family, but can also obtain rope approval?” “你将潜神舰的众多布雷克尔家族族人击杀,索顿、帕戈都瞧在眼底,索顿为了对付你,连那本来要撕毁六棱星地结界的爆灭神叶都动用了,你以为,你还能返回布雷克尔家族,还能得到索顿的认可?” If the Shi Yan words the heartless unexpected blow, pricks in the Wei Desen hearts, the character character ice is cold. 石岩的话如无情冷箭,刺入维德森心间,字字冰寒。 In the Wei Desen heart transmits the stabbing pain, his eyes obviously frightened restless, he did not fear that the rope retaliates to him with Pagaud, he is afraid Brakell Family destroying his uncivilized nationalities brothers' stars one by one. 维德森心中传来刺痛,他眼显恐惧不安,他不是怕索顿和帕戈对他报复,他害怕布雷克尔家族将他蛮族兄弟的星辰一一给摧毁。 This is his fully aware of Brakell Family clansmen is also looking down upon him, reason that also has to give loyalty to for Somalia. 这也是他明知布雷克尔家族族人瞧不起他,也不得不为索顿效忠的缘故。 Because his uncivilized nationalities star territory is the attached star territory of Brakell Family, a rope order transmits, his mother, his these family members, like cattle slaughtering. 因为他的蛮族星域乃布雷克尔家族的附属星域,索顿一个命令传递,他的母亲,他的那些亲人,都会被如牛羊般屠宰掉。 He is unable to prevent, is incapable of preventing, this at risk of life works for Somalia, hopes that the rope looks in his loyalty, keeps means of livelihood to own uncivilized nationalities brothers. 他无法阻止,也无力阻止,这才拼死为索顿效力,希望索顿看在他的忠诚,给自己的蛮族兄弟留一条活路。 Now, hears the Shi Yan brutal explanation fact, he was fearful, the soul spills over the fear, including was pale to the thought that Shi Yan retaliated, only star territory that wanted to return to him born as soon as possible, led his family member, got rid of encircling of God Clan. 如今,听到石岩残酷的说明事实,他心寒了,灵魂泛出恐惧,连对石岩报复的念头都淡了,只想要尽快返回他出生的星域,将他的亲人带出来,摆脱神族的围剿。 He follows the rope many years, fully realized that rope cruel cold blood, he affirmed the rope once sets aside the hand, must hold up the butcher knife to his homeland. 他跟随索顿多年,深知索顿的残忍冷血,他肯定索顿一旦腾出手来,必会对他的家园举起屠刀。 The Wei Desen silent half sound, stared Shi Yan one maliciously, flushes away in the territory sea direction unexpectedly. 维德森沉默半响,狠狠瞪了石岩一眼,竟往域海方向冲去。 He must hurry back to the homeland as soon as possible, must pledge to fight to the death the protection homeland, seeks means of livelihood to the family member! 他要尽快赶回家园,要誓死守护家园,给亲人寻一条活路! In the Shi Yan eye different light glittering, looks at Wei Desen leaves burning with impatience, has not spoken says one. 石岩眼中异光闪烁,看着维德森心急如焚离开,并没有出言多说一句。 He can affirm that Wei Desen pursues the rope that does not run away, Pagaud people, can affirm the rope once withdraws to return to the Ancient God star territory, will issue the order to slaughter the Wei Desen native land immediately, because the rope must make anything to vent, vented this disastrous defeat. 他可以肯定,维德森追不逃遁的索顿、帕戈众人,也敢肯定索顿一旦脱身返回古神星域,会立即下达命令屠戮维德森的故土,因为索顿必须要做点什么来发泄,发泄此次惨败。 Wei Desen can come Fire Rain Star Field, receives and instructs through God Clan, if he is not silly, he must return to the native land, needs the diversion great billows star, definitely will not pass God Clan. 维德森能来火雨星域,是通过神族接引,他如果不傻,他要回故土,必须要转道巨澜星,肯定不会通过神族 Such a revolution leaps, he definitely without enough time, will be late. 这么一转腾,他肯定会来不及,会迟到。 When he returns to the native land, his native land certain life extinguish, was being slaughtered by the God Clan clansman wantonly, he will find desperately, may erupt crazily. 等他重返故土,他那故土一定生灵涂炭,被神族族人大肆屠戮着,他会瞧见绝望,可能会爆发疯狂。 This is Shi Yan wants exactly...... 这恰恰是石岩想要的…… Before Wei Desen and Jia Duo, decides however has the close relation, moreover from the body of Wei Desen, he also perceives another evil power, that power...... As if there is Bloodthirsty flavor. 维德森加多之前定然有着密切联系,而且从维德森的身,他还觉察到另外一股邪恶力量,那力量……似乎有着嗜血的味道。 He is having the Bloodthirsty skeleton, has tried to find out, aura that also the detailed sensation, has transmitted from that remains, indeed and Wei Desen has several points of similar. 他持有着嗜血骨骸,摸索过,也详细感知过,从那遗骨传来的气息,的确和维德森有着几分相似。 A Wei Desen such character, becomes handle evil that copes with God Clan, good that if uses, will have the enormous boost to Bloodthirsty lineage/vein. 维德森这么一个人物,会成为对付神族的一柄邪器,如果用的好,对嗜血一脉会有极大助力。 The premise is, must let Wei Desen envy and hate God Clan, will let him the revenge flame reverse to the God Clan clansman. 前提是,要让维德森忌恨神族,让他将复仇火焰反转向神族族人。 He believes that the rope will help he very good agreement goal, but he must do, merely is only the appropriate guidance, guiding Wei Desen to move toward their camps slowly. 他相信索顿会帮他很好的达成目标,而他所要做的,仅仅只是适当的引导,引导维德森慢慢走向他们的阵营。 ...... To be continued.. ……未完待续。。 RT RT
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