GOS :: Volume #14

#1337: Opens heaven and earth

Ancient Demon Continent. 古魔大陆 Ming Hao, Xuan He and Fei Liete looks at that void bright mirror, the manner, in the pupil has dignifiedly deeply amazed. 冥晧玄河腓烈特看着那块虚空明镜,神态凝重之极,眸中有着深深惊诧。 The spark and Shi Yan God Weapon strikes, causes the void collapse, making the void turbulent flow fall in torrents the wild Outer Territory disaster, has invaded Fire Rain Star Field, making Fire Rain Star Field be in the most turbulent condition now, will vanish in nothingness slowly. 星火和石岩神兵碰击,导致虚空崩溃,令虚空乱流倾泻出狂暴域外灾害,侵入了火雨星域,让火雨星域如今处于最为动荡的境况,会慢慢消失在虚无中。 This is the disaster that Bloodthirsty lineage/vein and God Clan are not willing to see. 这是嗜血一脉和神族都不愿意看见的灾难。 He, only then Origin God Second Sky Realm, the hard anti- spark strikes, spark soul heavy losses that can compel, really worthily is the successor.” Fei Liete slight bow. “他只有始神二重天境界,硬抗星火一击,能逼的星火灵魂重创,果然不愧是继承者。”腓烈特微微点头。 Xuan He actually feels the chin, a face ponders, he definitely does not feel better, although he seizes Essence, stimulates all sorts of potential, but the Realm disparity was too big, that he is seriously injured is not certainly lighter than the spark, is only......” 玄河却摸着下巴,一脸玩味,“他肯定不好受,他虽然攫取本源,将种种潜力激发,但境界的差距太大了,他受的重伤一定不比星火轻,只是……” His expression, is slightly good to say with a smile: Is only the rope, Pagaud by him, as soon as struck to shock, has not seized that once in a thousand years opportunity unexpectedly, gives back time that he restored, the rope, Pagaud forever could not imagine, once Devouring Deep Meaning revolved, that resiliency had terrifying how.” 他语气微微一顿,好笑道:“只是索顿、帕戈被他一击震撼了,竟然没有把握住那千载难逢的机会,还给了他恢复的时间,索顿、帕戈永远想象不出,吞噬奥义一旦运转,那恢复力有多么的恐怖。” They, in the last time are only the small roles, naturally does not know that the deep meaning of master is wonderful.” Fei Liete grins strangely chuckled. “他们,在上一个时代都只是小角色,自然不知道主人的奥义神妙。”腓烈特咧嘴嘿嘿怪笑 Fire Rain Star Field is collapsing, if no external force to prevent, Fire Rain Star Field will become another will integrate disappearing of Nihility Domain Sea to fall.” Ming Hao with a worried look, hesitates, suddenly spreads wisp of Divine Soul, that Divine Soul shuttle in the different spaces, is seeking for anything. 火雨星域在崩溃,如果没有外力阻止,火雨星域会成为又一个融入虚无域海的消陨地。”冥晧愁眉不展,沉吟一下,忽然间传出一缕神魂,那神魂穿梭在不同空间,在寻找着什么。 Half sound, the Ming Hao eye narrows the eyes, lightly sighed one. 半响,冥晧眼睛一眯,不由轻叹一声。 Xuan He slanting his eyes, said: „Isn't Decca Luo willing to get rid again?” 玄河斜了他一眼,道:“迪卡罗不肯再出手?” Ming Hao nods. 冥晧点头。 I have been very curious, in the past you were also the Ming Royal Family most outstanding new first generation leader, the master...... Also has killed your previous master, why can you also?” The Xuan He doubts said. “我一直很好奇,当年你也是冥皇族最为出类拔萃的新一代领军者,主人……又杀了你前一个师傅,为何你还会?”玄河疑惑道。 Ming Hao suddenly coldly snorted. Said: Your Xuan He in the past was not the Immortal Devil Clan leader, was different submits to the master subordinates? Fire Rain Star Field that side Decca Luo is not willing to go. mystical unpredictable Wei Desen, this matter is quite thorny.” 冥晧忽地冷哼一声。道:“你玄河当年不也是不死魔族的领军者,不一样臣服在主人麾下?火雨星域那边迪卡罗不肯去。还有一个神秘难测的维德森,此事颇为棘手。” „After half double-hour, if Shi Yan cannot stroking to be suitable that star territory calamity, I will go personally.” The Xuan He knitting the brows head, does not bear saying: „Don't you want to make me pass?” “半个时辰后,石岩如果不能将那星域乱子给捋顺,我会亲自去一趟。”玄河皱了皱眉头,不耐道:“你不就是想让我过去么?” Indeed so, my Clone does not have the technique, can only pass by you.” Ming Hao has stopped, suddenly sinking sound track: That fellow who called Wei Desen, the origin was very ordinary. But his sound is enormous, I could not completely understand in his something.” “的确如此,我分身无术,只能由你过去。”冥晧停顿了一下,突然沉声道:“那个叫维德森的家伙,来历很一般。但他身上的动静极大,在他身上有些东西我也看不透。” The Ming Hao soul is distributed in each different star territory, he and Xuan He, Fei Liete, when this speech, other minute of soul already through his way that Wei Desen purity of origin status investigation. 冥晧灵魂分布在各个不同星域,他和玄河腓烈特在此讲话的时候,别的分魂已通过他的途径将那维德森的来历身份调查的一清二楚。 You must pass. Must clarify that Wei Desen secret with emphasis. I always thought...... His that Jia Duo aura, wanted compared with Jia Duo strangely......” “你要过去。一定要重点弄清楚那维德森的秘密。我总觉得……他那加多气息,比加多生前还要古怪……” Ming Hao insufficiently detailed say|way. 冥晧语焉不详道。 Xuan He look glittering, coldly looks at that void bright mirror. Has not talked too much anything. 玄河眼神闪烁着,冷冷看着那虚空明镜。并未多言什么。 ...... …… This moment Shi Yan, the condition is quite indeed awful, even can be called is on the verge of death. 这一刻的石岩,状态的确极为糟糕,甚至称得上危在旦夕。 Only demanded that Pagaud gets rid to strike, he will collapse immediately then, possibly suddenly body will perish, divine soul entirely extinguished. 只要索顿、帕戈出手一击,他立即便会崩溃,可能会暴体而亡,神魂俱灭 Because at this moment. His Soul Altar First Level level such as fault, Sea of Consciousness and deep meaning level and beginning and main souls that First Level level relation between. If suddenly had been interrupted by the sharp knife blade, he is in the soul to fall into enemy hands at this time completely, the condition of not garrisoning, ordinary beginning Shen Wu, can cause heavy losses to him extinguished him. 因为此刻。他灵魂祭台一层层如断层了,识海、奥义层、始界、主魂之间的那一层层联系。如忽然被利刃截断了,他此时处于灵魂完全失守,不设防的状态,就连一名普通始神武者,都能给他重创灭了他。 All because of spark that day star Ice Jade piece dashing, spark false Immortal Realm, the supernatural power fining, the deep meaning is wonderful, that „the day star Ice Jade piece is he assigns great treasure that must come from Nihility Domain Sea, has quenchinged for several hundred years. 一切皆因和星火那“天星冰玉片”的冲撞,星火伪不朽境界,神力精炼之极,奥义神妙,那“天星冰玉片”又是他从“虚无域海”得来的本命至宝,淬炼了数百年。 power of that small Ice Jade piece containing, can crush the stars of several life, he displays the full collision, shook sacrificial altar, making sacrificial altar layer upon layer break. 那小小冰玉片富含的力量,能粉碎数个生命之星,他施展全力的碰撞,震荡了祭台,令祭台层层断裂。 Is good, Pagaud heart lives the fear because of Somalia, does not dare to come to strike, otherwise he feared that was died. 好在索顿、帕戈心生恐惧,没有敢前来一击,否则他怕是已死了。 Now, his whole body acupoint is gyrating crazily, before after energy purification of absorb, turns into most purely the clear mystical different strength only, emerges from 720 acupoint, such as rivulet trickle converges his mind, emerges Sea of Consciousness. 如今,他浑身穴窍疯狂旋动着,之前吸纳能量净化以后,变成最纯粹澄净的神秘异力,从720个穴窍涌入,如涓涓细流汇入他脑海,涌入识海 From the Sea of Consciousness level, the break of his sacrificial altar such as was stuck to the repair, the speed is extremely fast! 识海层开始,他祭台的断裂如被粘住修复,速度极快! Similarly is soul heavy losses, the spark can only suppress forcefully, breaks in the void turbulent flow to seek this assigns great treasure. 同样为灵魂重创,星火只能强行镇压着,去冲入虚空乱流找寻本命至宝 Wound heavier Shi Yan, can actually be exquisite through Devouring Deep Meaning, by new energy that these transformation form, fast makes sacrificial altar stabilize, rapid restoration such as beginning. 伤的更重的石岩,却能通过吞噬奥义精妙,以那些转化形成的新的能量,快速的让祭台稳定,迅速的恢复如初。 Wei Desen! Wake up! Wakes up to me!” 维德森!醒来!给我醒来!” Somalia suddenly loudly screamed that complexion becomes extraordinary ugly, the grand body shivers to be restless. 索顿忽然大声尖叫,脸色变得出奇难看,雄伟身子都颤抖不安起来。 Position that he and Pagaud are, is the God Clan gathering place, now this many God Clan clansman was submerged by the void turbulent flow, is routed by the complementary waves that Shi Yan and spark strike, this place Star Sea by little avalanche, such as glass smashing. 他和帕戈所在的位置,为神族聚集之地,如今这一块很多神族族人被虚空乱流淹没,被石岩、星火一击的余波击溃,此地星海被一点点的崩塌,如玻璃粉碎。 Numerous in addition does not have God Clan battleship of rupturing, in Somalia, in Pagaud's shouting loudly shout, fully runs away, Divine Crystal energy was stimulated the pinnacle. 众多尚且没有爆裂的神族战舰,在索顿、帕戈的吆喝声中,全力逃遁,神晶能量被激发到极致。 If meteors escape. 如一道道流星远遁。 These battleships require the time to escape to leave, these clansmen must survive, requires enough time. 那些战舰需要时间遁离,那些族人要存活,都需要足够的时间。 But the arrival of Wei Desen, can be ruinous, his territory field will accelerate the collapse of Star Sea, will make clansman melt that has not escaped fall in abundance. 维德森的到来,会是毁灭性的,他那“域场”会加速星海的崩溃,会让没有逃开的族人纷纷消融掉。 Somalia was screaming, what a pity Wei Desen actually turned a deaf ear, plundered at the quick speed. 索顿尖叫着,可惜维德森却充耳不闻,以快捷的速度掠来。 With exploding extinguishes the god leaf!” In Pagaud heart one ruthless, has roared hastily: Hurry up!” “用爆灭神叶!”帕戈心中一狠,连忙吼了起来:“快点!” Somalia deeply knits the brows, his eyes gods and ghosts light glittering, looks in Shi Yan and forthcoming Wei Desen of distant place, a little acts bashful erratically. 索顿深深皱眉,他眼神异光闪烁,在远处的石岩和即将到来的维德森瞄来瞄去,有点拿捏不定。 Then is Shi Yan is exploded extinguishes god Ye Hongsha , the change our destinies, cannot change the condition of clansman, that Wei Desen, will destroy Fire Rain Star Field, we and clansmen will wither away! Copes with him! Only then he cannot come, we have the opportunity to reverse all, that Shi Yan, later inevitably cannot escape chasing down of my clan!” Pagaud screamed. “便是石岩被爆灭神叶轰杀,也改变不了我们的命运,改变不了族人的状况,那维德森,会将火雨星域毁灭,我们和族人都会消亡!对付他!只有他不能过来,我们才有机会扭转一切,那石岩,以后必然逃不掉我族的追杀!”帕戈尖叫。 Somalia finally no longer hesitates, will pour into energy that lethal weapon from Elder, changes into golden light to fly together to Wei Desen. 索顿终于不再迟疑,从长老会重新注入能量的那凶器,化为一道金光飞向维德森 One small golden leaves, depart swiftly, enlarges suddenly, changes into shining light barrier, on light barrier draws is carving several million tedious mysterious golden rune/symbol Zhen, the veins of these rune/symbol Zhenru human body are dense and numerous, close mystical, lived at this time. 一片小小的金色树叶,倏一飞出,骤然间放大,化为金灿灿的光幕,光幕上绘刻着数百万种繁琐玄妙的金色符阵,那些符阵如人体的筋脉密密麻麻,细密神秘,此时都活了过来。 Several million mystical symbol simultaneously burst out power, vast such as the fierce fluctuation of golden sea, erupts from that golden light barrier. 数百万神秘符阵同时迸发力量,一股浩瀚如金色海洋的凶猛波动,从那金色光幕内爆发。 If punctures golden light of vault of heaven together, golden light perpendicular incidence Wei Desen, actually 1 million rune/symbol Zhen on inspiring golden color light barrier, that 1 million symbol instantaneous simultaneously explosions! 如一道刺破苍穹的金光,金光直射维德森,却引动金色光幕上的1000000符阵,那1000000符阵瞬间齐齐爆炸! hōng hōng hōng bang!” 轰轰轰轰!” The golden waves of innumerable stack-up, sweep across in that Wei Desen direction, in each First Level golden color wave the number has ten thousand burst waves, continuous, if inexhaustible. 无数层叠的金色波浪,往那维德森的方向席卷,每一层金色波浪内都数有万爆炸波,连绵不绝,如无穷无尽。 Going crazy Wei Desen, that territory field attaches Jia Duo to corrode heaven and earth aura, may after that overlapping golden wave invades suddenly, suddenly is unable melt to corrode completely, in 1 million explosive force wanton bombing by that golden wave, God Body such as was tampered to strike by the great hammer again and again, receives an electric shock to vibrate again and again. 发狂的维德森,那域场附有加多腐蚀天地气息,可在那层层叠叠金色波浪忽然入侵以后,一时间也无法全部消融腐蚀,被那金色波浪内的1000000爆炸力狂轰滥炸,神体如被巨锤连连夯击,触电般连连抖动起来。 Peng! 嘭! The Wei Desen chest ballooning, God Body is circling retreat, was pushed directly to that abyss Danger Zone. 维德森胸口鼓胀着,神体打着旋后退,被直接推挤向那深渊险地 Cannot rush ahead truly, cannot break the rope, Pagaud's step, cannot approach Shi Yan. 未能真正冲杀过来,未能打破索顿、帕戈的步骤,也没能接近石岩 God Clan big lethal weapon explodes extinguishes god leaf really fierce, finally has prevented the Wei Desen atrocity, its bang into that abyss quiet hidden place, could not find including the person's shadow. 神族的大凶器“爆灭神叶”果然凶猛,终于阻止了维德森的暴行,将其轰入那深渊幽暗处,连人影都瞧不见了。 Then in this time, stiffly there Shi Yan, by the void turbulent flow submerging, Pagaud at present vanishes from Somalia suddenly. 便在此时,僵在那儿的石岩,被虚空乱流给淹没了,忽然从索顿、帕戈眼前消失。 Somalia, Pagaud's front galaxy, such as torn arrange group, enlarges gradually, that is the process that the star territory withers away, there is flooding big terrifying in void turbulent flow, all sorts extinguish the soul astral wind to sway to come, can make the soul fall from the sky, the allow Dothan cold strength emerges, can crack as a result of freezing the body of Origin God. 索顿、帕戈前方的星河,如被撕裂的布团,逐渐放大,那是星域消亡的过程,那里充斥着虚空乱流内的大恐怖,种种灭魂罡风吹拂而来,能让魂魄陨灭,许多森寒之力涌入,能冻裂始神的躯体。 Goes to the territory sea! From territory sea returning at once ancestor star!” Somalia, Pagaud with one voice yelled. “去域海!从域海速回祖星!”索顿、帕戈齐声大叫。 Numerous God Clan battleships, cannot keep in view again to six corner star underground killers, the complete reverse direction, flushes away in the Fire Rain Star Field territory sea direction crazily, wants to return to the Ancient God star territory with the aid of void passage. 众多神族战舰,再也顾不到对六棱星地下杀手,全部扭转方向,疯狂朝着火雨星域的域海方向冲去,想要借助虚空通道返回古神星域。 Meanwhile, these hide in six corner star places Fire Rain Star Field Warrior, has found the end drastic change, is crying out strangely desperately, runs out from six corner star, runs away in the territory sea direction. 同时,那些藏身在六棱星地的火雨星域武者,也都瞧见了末日般剧变,纷纷绝望怪叫着,也从六棱星地冲出,往域海方向逃遁。 In void turbulent flow. 虚空乱流中。 The innumerable mighty currents, not well-known light beam and turbulent flame such as the waterfall has blasted open, scatters in all directions to gush out, in the Outer Territory strange light, Shi Yan stagnates motionless, in acupoint crazy absorb energy. 无数洪流、不知名的光束、汹涌的火焰如瀑布炸裂了,四散涌出,在条条域外怪光中,石岩凝滞不动,穴窍内疯狂吸纳能量 These by the God Clan clansman who the void turbulent flow embezzles, in this, only then Space Deep Meaning high level can appear and disappear, almost then died a tragic death certainly instantaneously most, their energy scatter, almost subconsciously was embezzled by Shi Yan, changes into restores Shi Yan sacrificial altar pure power. 那些被虚空乱流吞没的神族族人,在这只有空间奥义高阶者能出没的绝地,几乎瞬间便惨死大半,他们的能量飘散出来,几乎都被石岩给下意识吞没,化为恢复石岩祭台的精纯力量 After a while, rush Sony to pour into sacrificial altar, sacrificial altar of his fault restores so. 过了一会儿,一股股澎湃新力注入祭台,他断层的祭台恢复如此。 His Divine Sense moves, grins strangely chuckled, in a flash then goes out from the void turbulent flow. 神识一动,咧嘴嘿嘿怪笑,一晃间便从虚空乱流内走出。 He appears in the place of Fire Rain Star Field most Chaos, forehead, beginning appears suddenly, the intermittent stars rivers ripple from beginning, contains the space to be exquisite, such as one strokes along the heaven and earth god's hand in pairs, pulling to heal the giant void great hole of that blasting open. 他出现在火雨星域最为混乱之地,一点眉心,始界忽然浮现,阵阵星辰河流从始界内荡漾出来,蕴含着空间精妙,如一双双捋顺天地的神之手,在将那炸裂的巨大虚空巨洞给拉扯愈合起来。 His complexion is dedicated, narrows the eyes to focus slightly, to the Space Deep Meaning perceives through meditation his many years, deducts through the repair of this space completely. 他脸色专注,微微眯着眼,将他对空间奥义的多年参悟,通过这次空间的修复来完全演绎。 This is to in -depth backward of Space Deep Meaning. 这是对空间奥义的深层追溯。 His Divine Sense like the flying shuttle , to continue in the peripheral shuttle, such as the needlework is weaving void, is quite mysterious. 神识如飞梭,在周边穿梭不止,如针线编织着虚空,极为玄妙。 If Can galaxy beginning, such as micro vast Star Sea, the interior appears innumerable strange star point, such as the space has pulled closer the distance between stars, when he repairs the space, mystical different strength in his acupoint, still pours into his Sea of Consciousness, pours into his sacrificial altar. 那灿若星河的始界,如微缩的浩淼星海,内部显现无数奇诡星点,如空间拉近了星辰间的距离,在他去修复空间之际,他穴窍内的神秘异力,依然注入他识海,注入他祭台 He of repair void crack, had not noticed fully that along with the irrigation of these mystical different strength, his beginning such as the universe open development, is extending unexpectedly slowly. 全力修复虚空破洞的他,并未留意到,随着那些神秘异力的灌注,他的始界如宇宙开阔拓展,竟在慢慢延伸。 Beginning and whole body acupoint world ingenious connection mysterious feeling, leap forward the heart once again, making him give birth to inexplicable move. 一种始界和浑身穴窍世界巧妙连接的神奇感,又一次跃入心头,让他生出一种莫名的感动。 ...... …… ps: Asked bill weakly ~ ps:弱弱地求下票票~
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