GOS :: Volume #14

#1336: collapsed and destroyed!

The spark and rope, Pagaud collaborates to urge a round of deep meaning, rumbles the supernatural power congealment, cannot cover up the light of Shi Yan unexpectedly. 星火、索顿、帕戈联手催发奥义,将神力凝结轰出,竟然都不能遮掩石岩之光。 At this time, spark three people of mood reacted, finally realized Shi Yan, although non- Bloodthirsty, but after being inherited the Bloodthirsty deep meaning, in the future can be the God Clan biggest hidden danger absolutely! 此时,星火三人都心情震动,终于意识到石岩虽非嗜血,但被传承了嗜血奥义后,未来绝对会是神族最大隐患! Perhaps this child future threat, be bigger than Ming Hao, Xuan He and Fei Liete, must eliminate it to be then quick!” “或许此子将来的威胁,要比冥晧玄河腓烈特还要大,必须要除之而后快!” At this moment, the spark and rope, Pagaud sets firm resolve, makes every effort to destroy completely Shi Yan, will be the God Clan future clears away the barrier. 这一刻,星火、索顿、帕戈下定决心,力求将石岩灭掉,为神族的未来扫清障碍。 Is determined under the side, by Shi Yan that the meteorite class bombardment submerges, blows out smashing void overbearing power suddenly, that giant meteorite changes into the powder powder instantaneously, has become the dust in Star Sea. 决心方下,被陨石流轰击淹没的石岩,突然间爆出粉碎虚空的霸道力量,那块块巨大陨石瞬间化为齑粉,成了星海内的尘埃。 Shi Yan is withdraws, body that bright red such as the armor of blood, pasts the scarlet evil light, the front scarlet cloud cluster such as the strange mouth is wriggling, must chew to embezzle the human body, that is natural crafty of armor, can various kind of power of absorb bombardment on mail-armor and helmet. 石岩则是脱身而出,身上那具鲜红如血的铠甲,流转着猩红邪光,胸前朵朵血色云团如怪口蠕动着,要将人体嚼碎吞没,那是铠甲的天然诡阵,能吸纳轰击在甲胄上的各类力量 On Somalian golden color long gun|spear and meteorite are pouring into swift and fierce power, hits hard on the mail-armor and helmet, by that strange blood-stained mouth swallowing. 索顿金色长枪和陨石上灌注着的凌厉力量,重击在甲胄上,就被那诡异的血口给吞掉了。 Increases the Shi Yan powerful imposing manner! 更增石岩强悍气势! This child does not eliminate, my clan finally not Ningxia.” “此子不除,我族终将不宁。” The spark is cold the face, puts out tongue, the tip of tongue shoots a nail big ice cold chip suddenly, although that ice cold chip is minimum, Cold Qi is dense, internal stars, unexpectedly likely is the galaxy micro on solid ice, forms wonderful unpredictable strange formation. 星火寒着脸,吐出舌头,舌尖突射一片指甲大的冰寒晶片,那冰寒晶片虽然极小,却寒气森森,内部星辰点点,竟像是星河微缩在一块坚冰上,形成神妙难测的奇阵 That small ice cold chip, named day star Ice Jade piece, is the spark, when Nihility Domain Sea outside along dissociation, discovers from stars of blasting open. 那块小小的冰寒晶片,名叫“天星冰玉片”,是星火在“虚无域海”外沿游离的时候,从一处炸裂的星辰内部发现的。 Among boundless galaxy. Is spreading all sorts of ancient rumors, it is said among the universes in trillion years of perpetual flow, experienced time, the recent hundreds of thousands of years are God Clan, Immortal Devil Clan, Heavenly Demon Clan and Ming Royal Family to attach most importance corner/horn. But in the remote time, among Star Sea has the mystical ancient civilization. 茫茫星河间。流传着种种古老传言,据说宇宙间在亿万年的时间长河内,经历了一个个的时代,最近数十万年是神族不死魔族天妖族冥皇族为主角。但在更为久远的时代,星海间有着更加神秘古老的文明。 Extremely is only formidable because of them, because only they go on an expedition excessively, causes their star territory one by one smashing annihilation, vanishes in Nihility Domain Sea. 只因他们太过强大,只因他们征战无度,导致他们的星域一一粉碎湮灭,消失在“虚无域海”内。 The rumor in early, the universe star territory is more inexhaustible, the star territory such as the waterdrop in sea is common, the number are countless. What a pity gradually blasts open to vanish along with Expert. 传言在更早前,宇宙的星域无穷无尽,星域如大海内的水滴一般,数都数不尽。可惜都随着强者逐渐炸裂消失。 The present star territory, is inferior to including that time extremely one, in life that these time have, many wonderful sharp weapons along with falling from the sky to vanish in Nihility Domain Sea. Only then achieves the Immortal rank to exist, can chance bump into the wreckage of some sharp weapons in Nihility Domain Sea by chance. 如今的星域,连那个时代万分之一都不及,在那些时代存在的生灵,许多神妙利器随着陨灭消失在“虚无域海”。只有达到不朽级别存在,才能在“虚无域海”机缘恰巧碰到一些利器的残骸。 Spark „the day star Ice Jade piece outer layer obtains from Nihility Domain Sea, he regards as the treasure, in secret according to him, this „the day star Ice Jade piece should be that remote time. After some Expert weapon blasts open fragment. 星火这块“天星冰玉片”只是从“虚无域海”外层得到的,他视为珍宝,据他暗中猜测,这“天星冰玉片”应该是那个久远的时代。某个强者武器炸裂后的碎片。 Until now, he cannot broken force „the day star Ice Jade piece truly wonderful, to refine this thing, he has consumed for more than 700 years. Can achieve receiving and dispatching as one desires. 至今,他也不能真正勒破“天星冰玉片”的神妙,为了炼化此物,他耗费了700多年时间。才能做到收发随心。 „The day star Ice Jade piece, Star Sea front void freezes rapidly. Blood Soul Sea of Shi Yan release, suddenly has become the blood sparkling stone ice place. “天星冰玉片”一出,星海前方虚空迅速冰冻。石岩释放的血魂海,猛然成了血莹冰地。 Somalia, Pagaud is complexion changes. Looked at a spark alarmed and afraid, at once withdraws in abundance. 索顿、帕戈都是脸色一变。惊惧的看了一眼星火,旋即纷纷后撤。 Meanwhile, by a leader who on Shi Yan releases Ancient Devil God, after that „the day star Ice Jade piece releases, changes into the shaved ice fiercely, becomes collapses energy dissipates, together dissipates also wants all sorts of negative energy. 同时,被石岩释放出来的一头头上古魔神,在那“天星冰玉片”释放出来后,猛地化为冰屑,成为一股股崩溃的能量消散掉,一起消散的还要种种负面能量 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” Shi Yan Soul Altar transmits the revolution not spirit sound, in his mind spills over intensely restless, within the body bloodlines such as are vibrating. 石岩灵魂祭台传来运转不灵的声响,他心灵中泛出强烈不安,体内血脉都如在抖动。 He looks to that small fragment, the facial expression is extraordinary, aura that small fragment transmits, such as can give to cover entire Fire Rain Star Field, making Fire Rain Star Field have the great change. 他看向那小小的碎片,神情出奇凝重,那小小碎片传来的气息,如能将整个火雨星域都给覆盖,令火雨星域发生巨变。 Crack is spatial!” “裂空!” He drinks one lowly, stimulates the space to change by Devil Blood forcefully, tip of tongue one sweet, Devil Blood explodes in the mouth. 他低喝一声,强行以魔血来激发空间之变,舌尖一甜,一口魔血在嘴里爆开来。 The supernatural power of stagnation moves suddenly, colludes void changes, must break the void slit. 停滞的神力突地一动,勾连虚空之变,要破开虚空一道缝隙。 Insufficient!” “不够!” The spark is cloudy the face, calls out suddenly, the consciousness puts on to shoot together in that „the day star Ice Jade piece on. 星火阴着脸,突地暴喝,一道意识穿射在那“天星冰玉片”上。 The First Level ice sparkling stone light mark sways suddenly, the light mark shines void such as held down by a towering great hand, the void crack does not open! 一层冰莹光纹忽然挥洒出来,光纹照耀的虚空如被一只参天巨手按住,虚空裂缝不开! This ‚the day star Ice Jade piece I from Nihility Domain Sea must come, to use for more than 700 years to refine, this Ice Jade piece, do I dare with a true Immortal Expert war, how you to keep off?” The spark complexion cold and proud, a wisp of soul actually internal appears at this time from that jade, such as baby phantom sits in the jade piece. “这块‘天星冰玉片’我从‘虚无域海’得来,用了700多年时间才炼化,这冰玉片一出,我敢和真正不朽强者一战,你如何能挡?”星火此时脸色冷傲,一缕魂魄竟然从那玉片内浮现出来,如一个婴儿虚影坐在玉片里面。 He „the day star Ice Jade piece will regard impressively this has assigned great treasure to quenching, nourishes by the blood essence soul, good sharp weapon maximum might release. 他赫然将“天星冰玉片”当成了本命至宝来淬炼,以精血灵魂来滋养,好将利器最大威力释放。 This assigns the refinement of great treasure to be quite difficult, generally really unusual Expert will refine, because this assigns great treasure become, with the master life suspension hook, this assigns great treasure, if the smashing has blasted open, in the master luckiest situation is also the Soul Altar smashing, but overwhelming majorities are sacrificial altar and Lord soul fleshly body together fall from the sky. 本命至宝的炼制极为艰难,一般甚少有强者会炼制,因为本命至宝一成,就和主人性命挂钩,本命至宝若是粉碎炸裂了,主人最幸运的情况下也是灵魂祭台粉碎,但绝大多数都是祭台、主魂肉身一起陨灭。 Congeals with same God Weapon own life, is not the average person dares to gambl, but will refine the book to assign great treasure, that thing certainly extremely precious, was regarded by the master like the life! 将自己的性命和一样神兵凝结起来,不是一般人敢去豪赌的,但会去炼制本命至宝者,那东西一定极为的珍贵之极,被主人视如性命! Spark that „the day star Ice Jade piece is his assigns great treasure, with his life suspension hook, by him, when the given command treats. 星火那“天星冰玉片”就是他的本命至宝,和他性命挂钩,被他当成命来对待。 Now he emits his life to cope with Shi Yan, looks at the fearfulness of Shi Yan, was worried that the continuation survival of Shi Yan, will bring the total destruction to the entire race. 如今他放出自己的性命来对付石岩,就是瞧出了石岩的可怕,担心石岩的继续存活,会给整个种族带来灭顶之灾。 chi chi chi!” 嗤嗤嗤!” Sounds resound in void, Shi Yan peripheral space one by one was frozen, wants to run away with the aid of Strength of Space, now was impossible. 一个个声音在虚空内响起,石岩周边的空间一一被冰冻住,想要借助空间之力逃遁,现在已经不可能了。 Saw with own eyes that spark the assigns great treasure glittering the cold brightness, comes sluggishly elegantly, Shi Yan whole body trembles, spills over the intense restlessness. 眼见那星火的本命至宝闪烁着寒光,慢吞吞飘逸过来,石岩浑身微颤,泛出强烈的不安。 He from that small jade piece, induces to can make his sacrificial altar smashing the strength of terrifying! 他从那小小的玉片上,感应到能令他祭台粉碎的恐怖之力! Seizes Essence!” “攫取本源!” Hence the critical moment, Shi Yan hesitates half sound, suddenly sinking sound low roar. 至此关键时刻,石岩沉吟半响,忽然沉声低吼。 Quickly, his stagnant for a long time Soul Altar, gyrates again crazily! 倏地,他那停滞许久的灵魂祭台,重新疯狂旋动! Almost meanwhile, in Agate Star Field Grace Mainland, outside Continent along the green and luxuriant forest, such as had been extracted power instantaneously, all of a sudden becomes dry lonesome bleak, has the mountain peak to collapse, has the glacier fusion, all because of the heaven and earth energy great change. 几乎同时,远在玛琊星域神恩大陆,大陆外沿许多郁郁葱葱的森林,如被瞬间抽取了力量,一下子变得枯寂荒凉,有山峰倒塌,有冰川融合,一切皆因天地能量的巨变。 But Shi Yan, the innermost soul emerges a great antiquity Immemorial vast strength, Divine Sense spreads together suddenly. 石岩,灵魂深处涌现一股洪荒太古的浩瀚之力,一道神念骤然传出。 Xiu! 咻! Before that handle, vanishes to fluctuate is on a leader Ancient Devil God Blood Sword, such as scarlet lightning, flashes in his top of the head together fiercely, such as a shuttle of blood red lightning extremely fast in porous surface. 那柄之前消失变幻为一头头上古魔神血剑,如一道血色电光,猛地在他头顶闪现,如一条血红闪电极速的穿梭在微小空间。 Shi Yan Blood Shield, such as comes brightly, that scarlet cloud cluster is wriggling, releases viscous such as cotton cloud of blood, falls into that Blood Sword. 石岩身上的血盾,也如鲜活过来,那血色云团蠕动着,释放出一股股粘稠如血的云棉,落入那血剑中。 Meanwhile, the Shi Yan strength and Strength of Stars all sorts supernatural power, negative energy and Devil Blood, one by one converges in that Blood Sword. 同时,石岩的神力、负面能量魔血之力、星辰之力种种,一一汇入那血剑中。 Extraordinary, Blood Sword has not swollen, instead reduces fast, after absorb terrifying power, becomes, only then palm of the hand size, such as the small flying shuttle, eye pupils on that Blood Sword open completely, fresh blood drip flowings, the corner of the eye seeps the bleeding mark, extremely crafty evil! 出奇的,血剑并未胀大,反而快速缩小,在吸纳恐怖力量后,变得只有巴掌大小,如小小的飞梭,那血剑上的一只只眼瞳全部睁开,鲜血淋漓,眼角沁出血迹,极为诡邪! Goes!” “去!” Shi Yan looks to that jade piece. 石岩看向那玉片。 Small Blood Sword vanishes swiftly. 小小的血剑倏然消失。 Ding!” “叮!” A resounding transmits, this place avalanche, the void fragment lasing, several hundred battleships vanish void suddenly suddenly, several thousand God Clan clansman one by one eliminate, the smashing void internal crack opens the void turbulent flow, since then invests Fire Rain Star Field, such as must give to submerge Fire Rain Star Field, turning into nothingness. 一声脆响传来,此地虚空骤然崩塌,虚空碎片激射,数百战舰眨眼消失,数千神族族人一一消泯,粉碎的虚空内裂开虚空乱流,从此投入火雨星域,如要将火雨星域给淹没,给变成虚无 This is the star territory that Blood Sword and jade piece collision causes changes. 这是血剑和玉片碰撞引起的星域之变。 After a resounding, that jade piece and Blood Sword one and shuttle back and forth to surge in the void turbulent flow, Shi Yan blood flowing from every orifice, appearance fierce fearsome. 一声脆响后,那玉片和血剑一并在虚空乱流内穿梭激荡着,石岩七孔流血,模样狰狞可怖。 The spark complexion and God Body as if do not have difference. 星火脸色和神体仿佛没有异样。 But his Soul Altar, actually along with that day star Ice Jade piece appearance crack, but similarly had the crack...... 可他的灵魂祭台,却随着那“天星冰玉片”的出现裂纹,而同样有了裂缝…… This is the heavy losses of soul! 这是灵魂的重创! The spark pupil, such as porcelain was hit hard, there is a crack, he is suppressing the sacrificial altar fearful pain, exclaimed: Also waits for anything! Fire Rain Star Field can not want, can change into nothingness, but this, must strike to massacre! This child, if again living millenniums, must be another Bloodthirsty rebirth!” 星火瞳仁内部,如瓷器被重击,也有了裂纹,他强忍着祭台的可怕痛楚,吼道:“还等什么!火雨星域可以不要,可以化为虚无,但此子,必须击杀掉!此子若再活千年,必是另外一个嗜血重生!” The words, he cannot give a thought to that many, drills into that void turbulent flow, is relying on the soul sensation, looks his day star Ice Jade piece. 话罢,他顾不了那么多,一头钻入那虚空乱流内,依循着灵魂感知,去找他那“天星冰玉片”。 His surface came to see Shang Suan to be calm, but the innermost feelings such as were burnt down by the raging fire, because „the day star Ice Jade piece presented the crack, because is surged now in the void chaotic basin, if after cannot receive the repair as soon as possible, his not only Realm will back up, own sacrificial altar had the possibility of gradually collapsing. 他表面来看尚算冷静,但内心如被烈火焚烧,因为“天星冰玉片”出现了裂纹,因为如今被激荡在虚空乱流域,若不能尽快收回来修复后,他不但境界会倒退,自身祭台都有逐渐崩溃的可能。 He seizes every second and minute! 他分秒必争! Somalia, Pagaud, the dull looks at here void avalanche, in the looks at void turbulent flow the grotesque and gaudy strange storm fills to release to come, the mind shocks. 索顿、帕戈两人,呆呆看着此处虚空的崩塌,看着虚空乱流内光怪陆离的诡异风暴灌泄而来,心神震撼。 „The fierce battle of Immortal rank Expert, will cause the star territory to cave, making a star territory turn vanishes to integrate nothingness......” 不朽级别强者的激烈交战,会导致星域塌陷,令一个星域变成消失融入虚无……” They simultaneously remember these words of older generation. 他俩同时想起先辈的这番话。 Spark and Shi Yan strikes, achieves the Immortal rank to have the complementary waves to make big terrifying of star territory avalanche unexpectedly, this makes them change colors with amazement. 星火和石岩的一击,竟然达到不朽级别存在余波令星域崩塌的大恐怖,这让两人骇然失色。 After spark sonic boom roars, suddenly breaks in the void turbulent flow, is lets their secret heart startled, therefore does not dare to rush ahead Shi Yan according to the word, seizes the chance to destroy completely Shi Yan. 星火一声爆吼后,忽然的冲入虚空乱流,更是让他俩暗暗心惊,于是就没敢依言冲杀石岩,去趁机将石岩灭掉。 Because they feared. 因为他们怕了。 They cannot imagine absolutely, this time Shi Yan condition is extremely awful, so long as they dare to get rid to strike, Shi Yan will certainly soul destroyed/terror-stricken! 他们绝对想象不到,此时的石岩状态极其糟糕,只要他们敢出手一击,石岩必将魂飞魄散 Their hesitations, their holding troops, give the heaven-sent opportunity that Shi Yan quickly restored! 他们的迟疑,他们的按兵不动,给了石岩迅速恢复的天赐良机! kā kā kā! kā kā kā!” 喀喀喀喀喀喀!” If giant glass smashing, this region earth-shattering, peripheral all give to grind, numerous God Clan clansmen change into nothingness. 如巨大玻璃粉碎,这块区域天崩地裂,周边一切都给碾碎,众多神族族人化为虚无 Rapidness that too all these have, too fast, going crazy Wei Desen has not attacked, because of spark and Shi Yan strikes fully, has caused the gradual collapse of star territory, if that avalanche spreads, big Fire Rain Star Field will erase from Star Sea thoroughly. 这一切发生的太快,太迅捷,发狂的维德森尚未冲击过来,因星火、石岩的全力一击,已经导致星域的逐渐崩溃,那崩塌若是蔓延开来,偌大一个火雨星域将会彻底从星海抹除。 At this time, achieves Origin God Second Sky, cultivation Space Deep Meaning Shi Yan, this can space bringing order out of chaos, actually be at the most awful condition only. 此时,达到始神二重天,修炼空间奥义石岩,这唯一能将空间拨乱反正者,却处于最糟糕的状态。 What is most desperate, at this time, going crazy Wei Desen aggravated the situation, the impact that was also called, brought to corrode the heaven and earth territory field, drilled into the place of this most Chaos. 最最让人绝望的是,在这个时候,发狂的维德森火上浇油,又嗷嗷蛮叫的冲击过来,带着腐蚀天地的域场,一头钻入这块最为混乱之地。
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