GOS :: Volume #14

#1335: Unparalleled great demon!

Wei Desen such as extinguishes the world the disaster, place visited stars melt, life nothingness, all visible thing all are melt. 维德森如灭世的灾难,所过之处星辰消融,生灵虚无,一切有形之物皆是融掉。 Nobody knows that had had anything on the body of Wei Desen, after this person goes crazy, power world-shaking that rises suddenly instantaneously, including spark fearing like the viper, hastily escapes to simply. 无人知道在维德森的身上曾经发生过什么,此人发狂以后,瞬间暴涨的力量简直惊天动地,连星火都惧之如蛇蝎,连忙遁离走。 Speed that the Wei Desen impact comes, rises suddenly along with power increases suddenly. 只是,维德森冲击而来的速度,也随着力量暴涨突增。 Somalia, Pagaud and other audiences Origin God Boundary Warrior, because of own the exquisiteness of power and Realm, can one step expect the bad risk actually ahead of time, leaves to leave promptly. 索顿、帕戈等一众始神境武者,因为自身力量境界的精湛,倒是能提前一步预料到凶险,及时抽身离开。 But these Origin God following Realm, did not have good luck that they were observed closely suddenly, then again did not withdraw. 可那些始神以下的境界者,就没有那么好运了,他们忽然被盯住,便再没有脱身掉。 Wei Desen territory field spread comes, covers this piece of people, these people are two families elite, is Void God Realm, actually nobody can survive, all fell by melt. 维德森的“域场”蔓延而来,将这一片众人笼罩,那些人都是两个家族精锐,皆是虚神境界者,却无人能够存活,全部被消融掉。 Before they were covered by the territory field, the evil shade mark, vanishes from them together swiftly. 在他们被域场笼罩前,一道邪恶影迹,倏然从他们中消失。 Instant, that shadow in a flash, changes the position, gathers the thickest place to well up toward two respected family clansmen. 霎那间,那影子一晃,又重新改变方位,朝着两大家族族人聚集最浓密之地涌去。 He must Wei Desen, lead into Brakell, the place of Austin Family core, must by Wei Desen the strength of corrosion, at one fell swoop two respected family elite cores erasing. 他要将维德森,带入布雷克尔、奥斯汀斯家族核心之地,要以维德森的腐蚀之力,一举将两大家族精锐核心给抹掉。 Somalian eye of zi completely is red, the hysteria was screaming, the voice like the thundering, one by one rushed Wei Desen. 索顿目眦尽赤,歇斯底里尖叫着,声浪如轰雷,一一涌向维德森 Why does not know, Wei Desen already thorough crazy, did not have the reason completely, turns a deaf ear to his violent loudly shout, in that Wei Desen hearts, only remains a thought now: Strikes to kill Shi Yan. 可不知为何,维德森已彻底疯狂,完全没了理智,对他的暴喝声充耳不闻,在那维德森心间,如今只剩一个念头:击杀石岩 He early then locks Shi Yan aura, the Shi Yan person where, he will then track down. 他早早便锁定石岩气息,石岩人在何处,他便会追寻过来。 When the Shi Yan branch target, comes toward the God Clan two respected family crowd dense places once more, Wei Desen also naturally with. 石岩再次转移目标,往神族两大家族人群稠密处而来,维德森也自然而然跟来。 „It is not right!”, The spark discovery is suddenly unusual. He is only slightly a sensation. Then the complexion changes, said: Shi Yan! Shi Yan is reason that Wei Desen goes crazy, the fellow is affecting Wei Desen in secret. Made Wei Desen chase down him unceasingly!” “不对!”突地,星火发现异常。他只是略一感知。便脸色一变,道:“石岩石岩才是维德森发狂的缘由,那家伙在暗中影响着维德森。令维德森不断的追杀他!” The spark has seen through the truth. 星火看穿了真相。 Wei Desen, does not dare to go crazy so to lose the sane degree, should not continue so for a long time. 维德森,本不敢发狂到如此丧失理智的程度,本不该持续如此久。 Reason that can so. Just like the spark said that was stimulating to movement in secret Shi Yan had lasting achievements. 之所以会如此。正如星火所言,暗中催动着的石岩功不可没。 Shi Yan whole body acupoint all sorts of negative energy, book can let the person hysteria crazy evil strength, he stimulates negative energy, forms the negative mighty current, breaks in the Wei Desen mind in the way of spiritual evil strength, making going crazy Wei Desen even more cruel. 石岩浑身穴窍种种负面之力,本就是能让人歇斯底里疯狂的邪力,他将负面之力激发出来,形成负面洪流,以精神邪力的方式冲入维德森脑海,让发狂的维德森愈发暴戾。 If aggravating the situation fiercely, lit wild of Wei Desen thoroughly, the barbarian blood stimulation of his uncivilized nationalities. Made it completely lose. 如在烈火上浇油,彻底点燃了维德森的狂暴,将他蛮族的蛮血激发。令其完全失去自我。 Wei Desen at this moment, let alone the rope has called out, is the spark by the deep meaning also gave up any idea of that wakes it. 此刻的维德森,别说索顿暴喝了,便是星火以奥义也休想将其弄醒。 Was seeped Sea of Consciousness Wei Desen by the negative mighty current. Has become beast of bloodthirsty. Only remains purest slaughtering 60 xs, will not have a reason again. 被负面洪流渗透识海维德森。已经成了一头嗜杀的蛮兽。只剩最单纯的杀戮60xs,根本不会再有一丝理智。 Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord?” Somalia with amazement. 嗜血尊主?”索顿骇然。 Spark dignified nodded. Look glittering, was saying: Is he is playing tricks in secret, is he makes Wei Desen continually wild by the negative evil strength, only then grasps it, can make Wei Desen return to normal.” 星火凝重点了点头。眼神闪烁着,道:“是他在暗中捣鬼,是他以负面邪力令维德森持续狂暴,只有将其拿住,才能让维德森恢复正常。” The words, spark silhouette in a flash, vanishes swiftly. 话罢,星火身影一晃,倏然消失。 Somalia, Pagaud neglects one, in the pupil underlines the flaming anger, revolution Soul Altar, simultaneously throws fiercely in the Shi Yan direction. 索顿、帕戈忽视一眼,眸中突显熊熊怒火,也猛地运转灵魂祭台,同时朝着石岩的方向扑去。 That direction, impressively is the fort that their two respected family clansmen gather, this time attacks the Fire Rain Star Field large unit. 那方向,赫然便是他们两大家族族人聚集的要塞,此次进攻火雨星域的大部队都在其中。 When Somalia, Pagaud goes, the respective release soul thought that making the clansman disperse immediately, so as to avoid being covered by the Wei Desen territory field again, then loses seriously. 索顿、帕戈前往时,各自释放灵魂念头,让族人立即散开,免得再次被维德森的域场笼罩,进而损失惨重。 Wipes the quiet shade, flashes in God Clan huge battleships, a wisp of consciousness releases. 一抹幽影,在神族一艘艘庞大战舰之间闪现,一缕意识释放出来。 This consciousness, is used to give Wei Desen nosing, key that making it following pursuing. 这意识,是用来给维德森查探,令其顺着追击过来的关键。 However, this wisp of consciousness releases, his then facial expression moves, perceived the invisible crisis. 然而,这一缕意识才释放出来,他便神情一动,觉察到了无形的危机。 The complexion slightly changes, Shi Yan coldly snorted, forehead. 脸色微微一变,石岩冷哼一声,一点眉心 The forehead scarlet mark changes into shining bloody glow, bloody glow fuses to congeal mutually, turns into torrential Blood Sea instantaneously, that Blood Sea initial area is minimum, shortly will actually spread, if inexhaustible general, here many battleship one by one submerging. 眉心血色印记化为灿灿血光,血光相互融合凝结,瞬间变成滔滔血海,那血海初始面积极小,却在顷刻间蔓延,如无穷无尽一般,将这边许多战舰一一给淹没。 The God Clan clansmen in these battleships, in the eye reveal stunned, at once Realm meanness each mind falls into enemy hands. 那些战舰中的神族族人,眼中露出错愕,旋即境界低微者各个心神失守。 Evil fine gods and ghosts strength fills the air by Blood Sea, seeps quietly to each God Clan clansman Sea of Consciousness, in a short time, the God Clan clansmen, exudes the hot tempered roaring sound extremely, in eyes is the color of endless slaughtering. 邪恶精神异力以血海弥漫,悄然渗透向每一个神族族人识海,在极短时间内,一个个神族族人,都是发出暴躁的怒吼声,双眸中全是无尽杀戮之色。 Blood Soul Sea this deep meaning must revolve, needs to make many efforts, must take enemy's blood as the actor's opening words, fuses own god to urge to send. 血魂海这奥义本来要运转,需要费不少气力,要以敌人之鲜血为引子,融合自身神力催发。 However now, after breakthrough Origin God Second Sky, enters acupoint in this absorb numerous energy, he has been able to take the soul mark as the actor's opening words directly, takes the supernatural power as the source of energy, directly then urges to send, and Blood Soul Sea that forms is not only broader, but is the evil fine gods and ghosts strength is more fearful. 然而如今,突破始神二重天以后,又在此次吸纳众多能量穴窍,他已经可以直接以灵魂印记为引子,以神力为能量之源头,直接便催发,并且形成的血魂海不但更加宽阔,而是邪恶精神异力更加可怕。 negative energy of these precipitations in acupoint, pour into Blood Soul Sea completely, making Blood Soul Sea seethe with excitement, such as must the big mouth that the life embezzles. 那些沉淀在穴窍内的负面之力,全部注入血魂海,让血魂海沸腾起来,如要将生灵吞没的血盆大口。 Blood Sea, the numerous God Clan clansman spirit break, massacres unexpectedly mutually. 血海一出,众多神族族人精神崩溃,竟相互残杀起来。 His mind fluctuates, that Blood Shield changes into the personal mail-armor and helmet, with the body of perfect integration Immortal, he also grips Blood Sword tightly, a stroke, on Blood Sword Blood Pupil one by one opens conveniently, aura of evil source, instantaneous bursts out centered on him. 他心神变幻间,那血盾化为贴身甲胄,和不死之身完美融合起来,他将血剑也攥紧,随手一划,血剑血瞳一一睁开,一股邪恶源头的气息,瞬间以他为中心迸发出来。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 In his hand Blood Sword sways, sword cusp to the direction, the blood explodes, caused that Blood Sea such as has the Tsunami. 他手中血剑晃荡,剑尖点向的方向,鲜血爆炸,引得血海如发生海啸。 The radiant galaxy, changes into a bright holy brook together, came from the distant place lasing, that God Clan Elder spark then in the galaxy, opened mouth severely drinks: You dare!” 一道璀璨星河,化为一条明净圣洁溪流,从远处激射而来,那神族长老星火便在星河之内,张口厉喝:“你敢!” The ice cold star light shoots suddenly from his beginning internal breaks, turns into ice cold python that six stars congeal, the python clear woods are white, opened mouth fang, lifelike, has his life aura separately, six pythons turn into six directions, is carrying the terrifying deterrent, gnaws to nip together. 冰寒星光猛然从他始界内穿射出来,化成六条星辰凝结的冰寒巨蟒,巨蟒晶莹森白,张口獠牙,栩栩如生,分别有着他的生命气息,六条巨蟒化成六个方向,携带着恐怖威慑,一起啃咬过来。 Must bite Shi Yan one! 要将石岩一口咬碎! Shi Yan gains ground quickly, on the face appears coldly cruel, said with a smile ferociously: „When great billows star, you can cause heavy losses even strike to kill me, but now, you did not have this ability!” 石岩倏地抬头,脸上浮现冷冽残忍,狞笑道:“巨澜星时,你能重创甚至击杀我,但如今,你已经没有这个能耐!” In his hand Blood Sword departs suddenly, on Blood Sword eye pupils work loose suddenly from sword within the body, the scarlet monster different pupils, appear above Blood Sea, are centered on monster different Blood Pupil, the precise bleeding meat, turns into fierce evil on Ancient Devil God to come out fiercely. 他手中血剑骤然飞出,血剑上一个个眼瞳猛然间从剑体内挣脱出来,一个个猩红妖异的眸子,在血海上方浮现,以妖异的血瞳为中心,猛地凝炼出血肉,化成一条条狰狞邪恶的上古魔神出来。 On these Ancient Devil God height like mountain, or fiendish features, the posthumous blade punctures the wings, a fresh bend angle, the appearance varies, has to destroy the Heaven Destroyer place terrifying aura. 那些上古魔神身高如山,或是青面獠牙,或是背生刀刺般双翼,或是头生弯角,模样各异,却都有着毁天灭地的恐怖气息 Escapes into the void turbulent flow from great billows star, he through and Ring Spirit the transaction, saw clearly Blood Sword and Blood Shield to be exquisite, now breakthrough Origin God Second Sky, absorb numerous power with one, know about Devouring Deep Meaning thoroughly, at this time, he at most peak time! 从巨澜星遁入虚空乱流中,他通过和“戒灵”的交易,洞察了血剑血盾精妙,如今突破始神二重天,吸纳众多力量与一身,对吞噬奥义也了解透彻,此时,他处在最最巅峰时刻! This moment he, does not fear spark, only if true Immortal, otherwise his self-confident nobody can strike to kill him! 这一刻的他,不惧星火,除非真正的不朽,否则他自信无人能击杀他! On fierce Ancient Devil God, such as the evil mountains, release the inexhaustible terrifying ominous severe imposing manner, silent was roaring, fired into that six clear python. 一个个狰狞上古魔神,如邪恶的山川,释放出无穷无尽的恐怖凶厉气势,无声咆哮着,冲向那六条晶莹巨蟒。 On Ancient Devil God directly that spark beginning with the clear python worry that emits in together, gloom that fights, on that Ancient Devil God does not reveal the defeat mark unexpectedly, and still continually is strengthening power. 古魔神直接和那星火始界放出的晶莹巨蟒撕咬在一块儿,斗的天昏地暗,那上古魔神竟丝毫不露败迹,并且还在持续的增强着力量 Has killed him!” The spark roars. “杀了他!”星火怒吼。 A golden long gun|spear, flashes before suddenly from the vault of heaven, the long gun|spear is carrying the gold/metal sharp strength of destroying the hardest defenses, such as together golden lightning, thorn to Shi Yan forehead. 一杆金色长枪,忽然从苍穹闪现出来,长枪携带着无坚不摧的金锐之力,如一道金色闪电,刺向石岩眉心 Almost meanwhile, in the under foot of Shi Yan, the innumerable Star Sea meteorite block builds fiercely, Pagaud's silhouette strange appears on the meteorite, puts out a hand a finger, that giant meteorite block such as the star of life, such as several hundred mountain peak thorns to him, must meet a cruel death him. 几乎同时,在石岩的脚下,无数星海陨石块猛地堆砌,那帕戈的身影诡异在陨石上出现,伸手一指,那巨大陨石块如生命之星,如数百山峰刺向他,要将他粉身碎骨。 This is one mysterious Divine Ability of earth deep meaning, is called the meteorite to puncture suddenly, takes the Star Sea everywhere meteorite as the attack, takes the earth deep meaning supernatural power as the source, can crush the stars. 这是大地奥义的一种玄妙神通,叫做陨石之突刺,以星海无处不在的陨石为攻击,以大地奥义神力为源泉,能粉碎星辰。 Fearful strength that meteorite punctures suddenly, if hits on -board of life, can star of blasting open life. 那陨石突刺的可怕劲道,如果撞击在一个生命之星上,足足可以将一个生命之星炸裂。 Brakell and head of the clan of Austin Family, lest Shi Yan brings in Wei Desen again, made an appearance has then gotten down trump card, made every effort to strike Shi Yan to fall from the sky, delivered him and Bloodthirsty gathers. 布雷克尔和奥斯汀斯家族的族长,唯恐石岩再将维德森引来,一露面便下了杀手锏,力求一击将石岩陨灭掉,送他和嗜血相聚。 Swallows the day to swallow!” “吞天咽地!” Shi Yan Hehe grins fiendishly, his beginning flashes before suddenly, such as shining Star Sea, if boundless great antiquity, such as luxuriant eon space. 石岩嘿嘿狞笑,他那始界骤然闪现,如灿灿星海,如无垠洪荒,如莽莽宙宇。 A mystical dark abyss, with Bloodthirsty sacred place almost exactly the same black hole, appears in his beginning suddenly, at once is separated from beginning, appears on Blood Sea, that black hole transmits suddenly must swallow the adsorptive attraction of vault of heaven, peripheral all aura are in abundance abnormal. 一个神秘黑暗深渊,和嗜血圣地几乎一模一样的黑洞,忽然在他始界内浮现,旋即脱离始界,在血海上浮现出来,那黑洞突然传来要吞咽苍穹的吸附力,周边一切气息纷纷失常。 All Expert, are sudden a soul collapse the feeling, as if Lord the soul and sacrificial altar, or controlled being separated mind, must fall into that black hole. 所有的强者,都突然一种灵魂塌陷的感觉,仿佛主魂和祭台要不受控制的脱离脑海,要落入那黑洞中。 The spark and rope, Pagaud is no exception! 星火、索顿、帕戈都不例外! The spark complexion drastic change, reveals color with amazement, screamed: „It is not good! He has understood clearly the exquisiteness of Devouring Deep Meaning! Do not cope with him by the thing of beginning, by supernatural power, by supernatural power attack!” 星火脸色剧变,露出骇然之色,尖叫道:“不好!他已洞悉吞噬奥义的精妙!千万别以始界之物对付他,以神力,以神力攻击!” Ten thousand years ago, the spark is a God Clan remarkable soldier, he has seen Bloodthirsty, fully realized that this unparalleled great demon the ominous flame is fearful, knows cut-throat of Devouring Deep Meaning, he sees Shi Yan to swallow the day to swallow this Divine Ability now to display, the mind shakes greatly, just likes finds that unparalleled great demon the ominous flame to obstruct the day to cover once again, gives to submerge the Star Sea light. 年前,星火便是神族一名卓越战士,他见过嗜血,深知这盖世巨魔的凶焰可怕,知道吞噬奥义的凶狠,如今他见石岩将“吞天咽地”这神通施展,心神巨震,犹如瞧见那盖世巨魔的凶焰又一次遮天罩地,将星海的光明都给淹没。 Somalia, Pagaud listens to him, as soon as yells, the soul shakes, hurried face whiten fluctuation deep meaning again. 索顿、帕戈听他一叫喊,灵魂一抖,急忙脸色苍白的重新变幻奥义。 The golden long gun|spear and meteorite puncture the strength of soul suddenly, the exquisiteness of beginning, stiffly was left by their pulling out, instead will cross supernatural power irrigation, rumbles crazily Shi Yan. 金色长枪和陨石之突刺上灵魂之力,始界之精妙,被他们硬生生的抽离,反而将更过神力灌注其中,狂轰石岩 Shi Yan snort|hum, vigorous God Body has shaken has shaken, the natural armor that Blood Shield forms, that scarlet cloud clusters such as the flower bud is in full bloom, forms the design of similar blood-stained mouth on his God Body. 石岩哼了一声,雄健神体震了一震,那血盾形成的天然铠甲,那一朵朵血色云团如花蕾盛开,在他神体上形成类似血口的图案。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 The golden long gun|spear and meteorite puncture suddenly, hit hard on his God Body, the blood-stained mouth of his armor such as gives birth to the tooth, bites the long gun|spear, that meteorite bang shoots to come, submerges directly him, actually cannot cover up bloody glow completely. 金色长枪和陨石之突刺,重击在他神体上,他那铠甲的血口如生出牙齿,一口将长枪咬住,那陨石轰射而来,将他直接淹没掉,却不能将血光给全部遮掩。 In rampart in meteorite slit, that dazzling bloody glow, still flash eye! 在垒垒陨石缝隙中,那刺目的血光,依然耀目! One such as the point of Shi Yan today! ( to be continued ) 一如石岩今日之锋芒!(未完待续) RT RT
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