GOS :: Volume #14

#1334: Life and death rotation bridge

Shi Yan whole body 720 acupoint, each acupoint is similar to a brand-new world, a that world boundlessness, be only the day, does not have the place, the horizon covers entirely the big size small vortex, the vortex is gyrating crazily! 石岩浑身720个穴窍,每一个穴窍都如同一个全新世界,那世界一片苍茫,只有天,没有地,天际布满大大小小的涡旋,涡旋疯狂旋动着! At this time, in his whole body acupoint world, the innumerable vortex terminal velocities are revolving, releases the astonishing energy fluctuation. 此时,他浑身穴窍的世界中,无数涡旋极速旋转着,释放出惊人的能量波动。 That acupoint, is the Devouring Deep Meaning mouth, to swallow the place of transformation, is extremely mysterious. 穴窍,为吞噬奥义的泉眼,为吞噬的转化之地,极其玄妙。 Various acupoint absorb outside world kind of scattered in disorder energy, purify by the innumerable vortices in acupoint, forms the pure mystical different strength, the different strength can integrate his supernatural power old tree directly, quenchings God Body, strong skeleton veins. 穴窍吸纳外界各类散乱能量,在穴窍内以无数涡旋净化,形成精纯神秘的异力,异力能直接融入他神力古树,淬炼神体,强劲骨骸筋脉。 This enters a process. 这是一进一出的过程。 Enters the strength of heterogeneous turmoil, the different strength that by vortex cleansing, coming out can direct absorb, polish the God Body flesh and blood. 进入驳杂动乱之力,以涡旋净化提纯,出来的异力就能直接吸纳,打磨神体血肉。 However, in the purification will also produce the dregs, surges desperate, fears, hatred, cruel all sorts of Negative Emotions and mixed. 然而,净化中也会产生糟粕,涌动出绝望、恐惧、怨毒、暴戾种种负面情绪和杂。 These power extremely heterogeneous, cannot absorb the fusion, then keeps in his acupoint, these power and person battle, can stimulate by the Rampage deep meaning stimulation of movement, turns into a wild power mighty current, attacks opposite party mind Sea of Consciousness, making the person soul fall into enemy hands. 那些力量太过驳杂,不能吸收融合,便留在他穴窍内,那些力量与人交战的时候,又能以暴走奥义催动激发出来,化成狂暴的一股力量洪流,冲击对方心灵识海,让人灵魂失守。 This swallows, power will not have wasted, power that can purify, fuses oneself to strengthen itself. 这吞噬,没有一点力量会浪费掉,能净化的力量,融合自身增强自己。 power that cannot purify, the critical moment releases, makes the strength rise suddenly instantaneously, Negative Energy the soul hits hard to the enemy. 不能净化的力量,关键时刻释放出来,瞬间让实力暴涨,负面力量给敌人灵魂重击。 Impregnable. 无懈可击。 The recognition is most mysterious mysterious Devouring Deep Meaning, may be called the evil extreme between universes, harms others to benefit oneself, takes the life to fall from the sky for the price helps itself, for the first evil deep meaning. 公认最玄妙神奇的吞噬奥义,堪称宇宙间的邪恶极端,损人利己,以生灵陨灭为代价成全自己,为第一邪恶奥义。 Now, after God Clan ten thousand Warrior were killed , power that emerges, emerges his acupoint all, in his acupoint the vortex is gyrating crazily, that acupoint transmits the fearful painfully swollen feeling, makes him have one type several to want unexpectedly to rupture, the panic that wants suddenly body to perish. 如今,神族万名武者丧生后涌现的力量,尽数涌入他穴窍,他穴窍内涡旋疯狂旋动着,那穴窍传来可怕的胀痛感,竟让他生出一种几欲爆裂,要暴体而亡的恐慌。 His mind panic-stricken desire certainly, is avoiding the pursuit of Wei Desen, while sees clearly the flesh and blood changes. 他心神惊骇欲绝,一边躲避着维德森的追击,一边洞察血肉之变。 In acupoint, the Negative Energy dregs after purification precipitate, piles up in that boundless world massively, boundless world such as are unable to withstand the load, making the vortex purification speed slow down gradually, such as must stagnate gradually. 穴窍内,净化后的负面力量糟粕沉淀下来,大量堆积在那苍茫世界,一个个苍茫世界如不堪重负,令涡旋净化速度逐渐放缓,如要逐渐停滞下来。 Similar to a huge precise instrument, the revolution of ultra defeated/carrying volume, must unable to support the collapse to be ordinary. 如同一个庞大精密的仪器,超负额的运转着,要支撑不住崩溃一般。 This discovery makes him quite alarmed and afraid, decisively stops following power deriving, the vigor concentrates one, in Soul Consciousness examines, the instantaneous consciousness changes into 720 wisps, falls respectively to the boundless boundless acupoint world, simultaneously his revolution sacrificial altar, expedites beginning quietly secretly. 这发现让他极为惊惧,果断停止后续力量汲取,精气神凝一,灵魂意识内检,瞬间意识化为720个缕,分别落向一个个苍茫无际穴窍世界,同时他悄悄运转祭台,暗暗催生始界。 He has a feeling faintly, beginning, will reverse the key of God Body strange bureau! 他隐隐有种感觉,始界,将是扭转神体怪局的关键! He has remembered initially and a Haig war, that war, he erupted acupoint Negative Energy loudly, making beginning appear, making that black hole emerge beginning, enabling the black hole to have embezzled the Haig beginning star the mystical characteristics, at that time the Negative Energy institute was huge, almost found time his acupoint accumulation. 他记得了当初和黑格的一战,那一战,他将穴窍负面力量轰然爆发,令始界浮现,令那黑洞涌入始界,使得黑洞具有了吞没黑格始界星球的神秘特性,那时候负面力量所需庞大,几乎将他穴窍积累抽空。 But reason that now, his acupoint revolution stagnates, is because has piled up too many Negative Energy, although these Negative Energy can the critical moment display tremendous role, but once surpasses acupoint to hold the limit, will then make the purification of acupoint become slow. 而如今,他穴窍之所以运转凝滞,便是因为堆积了太多负面力量,那些负面力量虽然能关键时刻发挥巨大作用,可一旦超出穴窍容纳极限,便会令穴窍的净化变得缓慢。 At this time, emerging of that God Clan ten thousand Warrior power, then greatly exceeds the limit that he purifies embezzles. 此时,那神族万名武者力量的涌入,便大大超出他净化吞没的极限。 If changing the inferiority, only then two ways, either blow off some Negative Energy, either, strengthens the limit that acupoint holds, expands in acupoint the area of world! 若要改变着劣势,只有两种途径,要么放空那些一些负面力量,要么,增强穴窍容纳的极限,扩充穴窍内世界的疆域! Feels the craftiness in within the body is changing, a crisis is going gradually to strengthen near the intuition of body, he hesitates half sound, takes the bull by the horns, suddenly revolution sacrificial altar, executes the Devouring Deep Meaning true meaning darkly, the Soul Altar swallowing black hole, direct enters in beginning leisurely. 感受着体内的诡变,一种危机将要临身的直觉逐渐增强,他沉吟半响,当机立断,忽然间运转祭台,暗施吞噬奥义真谛,将灵魂祭台的吞噬黑洞,直接逸入始界内。 The instant, in acupoint negative energy flows out fast, converges that Can in abundance, if galaxy beginning. 霎那间,穴窍负面之力快速流泻,纷纷汇入那灿若星河的始界。 , One type marvelous clearly becomes aware to map the heart suddenly, appearance that his complexion underlines being filled with wisdom! 突地,一种奇妙明悟映入心头,他脸色突显一丝醍醐灌顶的神采! whole body 720 acupoint, in this moment, such as and his beginning fusion, such as into his beginning part! 浑身720个穴窍,在这一刻,如和他始界融合,如成为他始界的一部分! Extremely mysterious mysterious feeling! 极其玄妙神奇的感受! His absent-minded, such as the great god soul covers heaven and earth, controls in own beginning, his beginning has the stars, has the space area, such as a micro universe, but at this time, when to beginning and whole body acupoint connection fusion, he has a feeling...... 他一阵恍惚,如巨神灵魂笼罩天地,主宰在自己的始界,他那始界有星辰,有空间疆域,如一个微缩的宇宙,而此时,待到始界和浑身穴窍连接融合,他有一种感觉…… Felt that in own universe, such as were many 720 star territories! 感觉自己的宇宙中,如多了720个星域! That acupoint internal world, the star territory seems to be ordinary, but that star territory does not have Sun and Moon Stars, does not have the life flowers and plants, only then vortices, such as the star territory after annihilation...... 那一个个穴窍内部的世界,仿佛星域一般,只是那星域没有日月星辰,没有生灵花草,只有一个个涡旋,如湮灭后的星域…… This felt marvelously leaps forward the heart, the boundless world in his mysterious discovery that acupoint, extends Zhong at the extremely quick speed, such as a balloon by the fast filling, was swollen immediately, that world setup and area, such as have been developing the several fold instantaneously! 这奇妙感觉一跃入心头,他神奇的发现那穴窍内的苍茫世界,以极快速度延仲,如一个气球被快速充气,马上胀大起来,那世界格局和疆域,如在瞬间拓展了数倍! Falls into acupoint 720 wisps of Divine Sense, at the same time multiplies so marvelously felt that he realized immediately, his acupoint world, was developed really really! 落入穴窍的720缕神识,同一时刻滋生如此奇妙感觉,他立即意识到,他的穴窍世界,是真真被拓展了! Strengthened has held the limit! 增强了容纳极限! The next quarter, he then discovered before , as slow as several wants to stagnate in acupoint that the vortex, becomes many innumerable, and is purifying absorb power at a quicker speed. 下一刻,他便发现之前迟缓到几欲凝滞的穴窍内涡旋,变得更加繁多无数,并且以更快的速度净化着吸纳力量 Almost meanwhile, purifies after the heart of vortex pure power , the escape from acupoint comes out in abundance, that is mystical clear power only, can integrate the supernatural power old tree directly, integrates the flesh and blood body and spirit. 几乎同时,从涡旋之心净化后的精纯力量,又纷纷从穴窍内飞逸出来,那是神秘澄净的力量,能直接融入神力古树,融入血肉体魄。 At this time, his supernatural power old tree has been full, the skeleton veins were bound by pure power, he almost reached the absorb limit. 只是此时,他的神力古树已经充盈之极,骨骸筋脉都被精纯力量裹住,他几乎达到吸纳的极限了。 The intention moves, on his face appears a marvelous expression suddenly, then sees from his whole body acupoint, projects bright brooks suddenly. 心念一动,他脸上突然显现一丝奇妙表情,然后便见从他浑身穴窍内,突射出一条条晶亮溪流。 If stars light are bright, these light melt fall respectively to the void road that before he congealed, vanished following that void road. 如一道道星辰光烁,那些光烁分别落向之前他凝结出来的虚空甬道,顺着那虚空甬道消失。 Six corner star places. 六棱星地。 On battleships, each forehead has the scarlet cloud cluster mark, cultivation Bloodthirsty inherits the deep meaning Warrior, at this time, shakes completely loudly greatly, does not dare to believe looks to the peripheral void road. 一艘艘战舰上,每一个眉心有着血色云团印记,修炼嗜血传承下来奥义的武者,此时,全部轰然巨震,不敢置信的看向周边的虚空甬道。 They then returned to six corner star places from the void road before. 他们之前便从虚空甬道内重返六棱星地。 Now, bright clear pure stars light are only bright, suddenly passes to come from the road internal breaks, such as the brook disperses one continuously, injects these cultivation Bloodthirsty inheritance deep meanings in the forehead mark. 如今,一条条晶亮的澄净精纯星辰光烁,忽然从甬道内穿透而来,如溪流分散成一缕缕,注入那些修炼嗜血传承奥义的额头印记之中。 Ben Ni, Blood Devil and Ka Tuo people, are maximum income, whole faces are wild with joy. 本尼血魔卡托众人,都是其中最大的收益者,一个个满脸狂喜。 They first time obtain such advantage by no means that almost realized immediately this power came from presenting of Bloodthirsty new Venerable Lord, immediately felt relieved, with rapt attention total involvement absorb. 他们并非第一次得到如此好处,几乎立即意识到这力量来自于嗜血新任尊主的馈赠,马上放下心来,凝神全身心的吸纳 Many former and Warrior of Shi Yan not familiar cultivation eight big deep meanings, after one, awakes to turn around completely, all reveals being wild with joy manner. 许多之前和石岩不熟悉的修炼八大奥义的武者,一愣后,全部醒转过来,皆是露出欣喜若狂神态。 Then is bright like brook stars light, injects their forehead mark, a pure strength then directly converges their supernatural power old tree, making their supernatural power old tree grow healthy and strong, this means anything, does not need to think. 那如溪流般的星辰光烁,一注入他们额头印记,一股精纯之力便直接汇入他们神力古树,让他们神力古树已经茁壮成长起来,这意味着什么,根本不需要多想。 Therefore, they with rapt attention sit cross-legged, accept with pleasure from presenting of Shi Yan. 因此,他们一个个都凝神盘膝,欣然接受来自于石岩的馈赠。 Without the cultivation eight big deep meanings, does not know Bloodthirsty mysterious these Warrior, reveals the stunned color, but also thinks a little bewildered. 没有修炼八大奥义,不知晓嗜血奥妙的那些武者,露出错愕之色,还觉得有点莫名其妙。 They are not clear, why these people dare to let loose forehead place awfully, actually accepts like the light of brook power comes inexplicably. 他们不明白,为什么这些人敢放开额头要命之地,却接受莫名而来的如溪流般的力量之光。 Did not fear that was passed through the mind, does not fear to crush sacrificial altar, falls from the sky directly? 不怕被贯穿脑海,不怕粉碎祭台,直接就陨灭么? They cannot guess mysterious. 他们猜测不出其中玄奥。 However, in Ancient Demon Continent Ming Hao, Xuan He and Fei Liete three people, actually loudly greatly shakes, dull looks at that the void bright mirror that is condensed by Ming Hao. 然而,远在古魔大陆冥晧玄河腓烈特三人,却轰然巨震,呆呆看着那由冥晧凝聚出来的虚空明镜。 Three leaders were all silent, in the pupil glittering the unclear gloss, deeply is looking to Shi Yan, looked that to the stars light that comes out from his acupoint elegantly bright...... 三个魁首全沉默了,眸中闪烁着不明的光泽,深深看向石岩,看向从他穴窍内飘逸出来的星辰光烁…… They know that these light brightly mean anything. 他们知道那些光烁意味着什么。 Has not thought really that he can such quickly comprehend Devouring Deep Meaning to be exquisite, can construct the ` life and death rotation bridge, derived the strength of death, bred the life source strength, took oneself as the bridge benefitting subordinates, we underestimated him, perhaps later, cannot only regard the puppet to come to see him.” Fei Liete pounds the mouth, assuming an air of self approbation shouted lowly. “真没想到,他能这么快领悟到吞噬奥义精妙,能构建‘生死轮转桥,,汲取死亡之力,孕育出生命源力,以自身为桥造福麾下,我们都小看了他,以后,或许不能只将他当成傀儡来看了。”腓烈特砸吧着嘴,摇头晃脑的低呼。 Xuan He and Ming Hao neglect one, looks at the shock of opposite party, these two have not talked too much, is only the slight bow. 玄河冥晧忽视一眼,都瞧出对方的震惊,这两人没有多言,只是微微点头。 They fully realize, truly understand clearly the Devouring Deep Meaning true meaning Shi Yan, only this life and death rotation bridge wonderful, then can change in the future the pattern of battle. 他们深知一点,真正洞悉吞噬奥义真谛的石岩,单凭这“生死轮转桥”神妙,便能改变未来争斗的格局。 They the character who came from that time, they still remembered the past years, remembers when one once carried the heavy losses, by master with life and death rotation bridge restoration easily such as beginning, even power Realm even more strove. 他们都是从那个时代过来的人物,他们犹记得当年,记得自己曾经身负重创之时,被主人以“生死轮转桥”轻易的恢复如初,甚至力量境界愈发精进。 Present Shi Yan, making them think in the past...... 如今的石岩,让他们想到了往昔…… Lao Luo has not elected the wrong person.” For a long time, Ming Hao sighed one lightly. 烙猡没有选错人。”许久,冥晧轻叹一声。 Xuan He and Fei Liete also secretly change countenance. 玄河腓烈特也暗暗动容。 Wei Desen! Wei Desen! Wakes up to me!” 维德森维德森!给我醒来!” At the same time, Brakell Family head of the clan Suo Dun , the speaker drinks severely, loudly shout such as Thunder explosion, one by one falls to Wei Desen peripheral, such as thunderclap rupturing. 同一时刻,布雷克尔家族的族长索顿,扬声厉喝,喝声如雷轰,一一落向维德森周边,如炸雷爆裂。 Wei Desen is still in the going crazy condition, carries the corrosion myriad things magnetic field unexpectedly, the front surface is attacking toward them. 只是维德森依然处于发狂境况,竟然携带着腐蚀万物的磁场,迎面朝着他们冲击过来。 By that magnetic field coverage, the one by one smiling face, did not have remaining one drops including the bloody water first. 最先被那磁场覆盖者,已经一一笑容,连血水都没有剩下一滴。 The present Brakell Family and Austin Family clansman, live the fear to the Wei Desen heart, achieves false Immortal spark Elder, is cold the face, loses one's voice to scream: Draws back! Fast draws back! Does not may approach this person! On him the corrosion of eruption Jia Duo is unceasingly violently poisonous, including violent poisonousness that the star of life can dissolve, fears is, feared that is links me is very difficult to resist with all one's strength, avoids, wants completely all means to make its sober, cannot resist with all one's strength, does not may resist with all one's strength!” 如今的布雷克尔家族和奥斯汀斯家族族人,都对维德森心生恐惧,就连达到伪不朽的星火长老,都寒着脸,失声尖叫道:“退!速退!万万不可接近此人!他身上不断喷发加多的腐蚀剧毒,连生命之星都能溶解的剧毒,怕是,怕是连我都很难力敌,都避开来,想尽一切办法令其清醒,不可力敌,万万不可力敌!” The spark was screaming, issued order one after another, was calling the clansman avoided. 星火尖叫着,接连下达命令,吆喝着族人避开。 In the God Clan preparation is defeated and dispersed, underlines together grand youth silhouette in the people center, such as wipes mixes evilly in the people. 就在神族准备溃散之际,在众人中央突显一道雄伟青年身影,如一抹邪恶混在众人中。 Wei Desen that cruel imposing manner, stares to tighten this quickly, such as Ferocious Beast smells the delicacy, rushes ahead reckless. 维德森那暴戾的气势,倏地盯紧这一块,如凶兽嗅到美味,不顾一切冲杀过来。 All God Clan clansmen are startled change, exudes the squeal of hysteria, flees to the wilderness. 所有神族族人惊变,发出歇斯底里的尖叫声,落荒而逃。 Including the spark in the ranks of running away, was stimulated the potential Wei Desen, is extinguishes the disaster of world simply, existence of Fire Rain Star Field, as if nobody can the mechanical reactance he. 连星火都在逃窜者的行列,被激发潜力的维德森,简直便是灭世之灾,火雨星域的存在,似乎无人能够力抗他。
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