GOS :: Volume #14

#1333: Corrodes heaven and earth

Sacred place Blood Sea deep place. 圣地血海深处。 The death bone island islands corner, the Xuan He manner was dignified, the side proliferated numerous star compasses, these star compasses refined the spheroid, such as the star of life, such as the galaxy, such as the crowded net proliferated generally peripheral, just like for micro trillion times of galaxy. 死亡骨岛岛屿一角,玄河神态凝重,身旁遍布众多星罗盘,那些星罗盘炼制成球体,如生命之星,如星河,如密集的网一般遍布周边,俨然为微缩亿万倍的星河。 On the star compasses, glittering the shining gloss, is having the close line to connect faintly mutually. 一个个星罗盘上,闪烁着明晃晃的光泽,隐隐有细密的线相互串联着。 Not far away, Fei Liete also frowns, covers entirely the star compass in his side similarly, if from the day bird's eye view, will discover gloss that these star compasses release, Can, if Star Sea, they such as in universe vast Star Sea. 不远处,腓烈特也皱着眉头,在他身旁同样布满星罗盘,如果从天俯瞰,会发现那些星罗盘释放的光泽,灿若星海,两人如处在宇宙浩淼星海内部。 They all are Immortal Second Sky, respectively be the death leader and corpse strength leader, at this time, their vigor and star compass fusion was implicating, such as in pushing to be spreading out the starry sky great change, by thought revolution Star Sea, manages nowadays in Star Sea the fierce battle of each region. 两人皆是不朽二重天,分别为死亡魁首和尸力魁首,此时,他们精气神和一个个星罗盘融合牵连着,如在推衍着星空巨变,以念头来运转星海,来主持现今星海内各个区域的激烈战斗。 Also has not known how long, Fei Liete agitated is clutching the hair, deeply frowns, said: According to the nowadays situation, must win to fear that is not easy.” 也不知过了多久,腓烈特烦躁的揪着头发,深深皱着眉头,道:“按照现今局势来看,要获胜怕是不易。” He can through these star compasses, see 12 star territory battles approximately the situations, that situation, is not obviously wonderful to Bloodthirsty lineage/vein. 他能通过那些星罗盘,大致看出12个星域战斗的局势,那局势,明显对嗜血一脉不妙。 God Clan accumulates through ten thousand years, in equipping, medicinal pills, experience and battlefield quenching on, must surpass various clan big truncations, can say explicitly that present God Clan, any sole influence wants the showdown to be almost impossible to win, Ming Royal Family, Heavenly Demon Clan and Immortal Devil Clan with for four big races, but at this time and compared with God Clan, comprehensive backwardness. 神族通过万年积累,在装备、丹药、经验、战阵淬炼上,要超出各族一大截,可以明确的说,如今的神族,任何单一势力要对决都几乎不可能获胜,冥皇族天妖族不死魔族同为四大种族,但此时和神族相比,全面落后。 By the feeling of Fei Liete, if fights had not changed, they will be in unfavorable situation in 12 star territories, with steady steps was routed by the God Clan acquisition winning side one by one. 腓烈特的感觉来看,要是战斗一直没有变化,他们在12大星域都会失利,被神族稳步的取得上风逐个击溃。 Not must worry, Ming Hao manages in secret for many years, at this time revealed influence that is not entirety that he has.” The Xuan He old god, is still giving a calm smile Ming Hao, if has not grasped, is impossible to agree with and God Clan battle, your I completely our that strength, he only will give by all means us to be pleasantly surprised.” “莫要着急,冥晧暗中经营多年,此时显露出来的势力,并非他持有的全部。”玄河依然老神在在,淡然一笑“冥晧如果没有把握,不可能同意和神族交战,你我只管尽我们的那一份力,他只会给我们惊喜。” Although Xuan He always regards Ming Hao for enemy, but he fully realizes the fearfulness of Ming Hao, otherwise ten thousand years of pain, is unable to retaliate to Ming Hao. 玄河虽然一向视冥晧为敌,但他深知冥晧的可怕,不然也不会万年痛苦,无法对冥晧报复。 Previous and Ming Hao speaks the Ming Hao words to untie his many years of heart knot, although he is still not feeling well Ming Hao, but like before was not extreme, when he regards Ming Hao calmly, he knows that Ming Hao in the role that in this fight can play, must exceed him. 上次和冥晧一会冥晧的一番话解开他多年心结,他虽然依然不爽冥晧,但是已经不像之前那么偏激当他冷静来看待冥晧的时候,他知道冥晧在这次战斗中能发挥的作用,必然要胜过他。 Because of Soul Controlling Deep Meaning, is commanding soul servant to change Star Sea situation aspect in secret, has the natural advantage, is far from his Death Deep Meaning may compare. 因为御魂奥义,在统领魂仆来暗中改变星海局势这方面,有着天然优势,绝非他死亡奥义可比。 He also knows that in ten thousand years ago, has not fallen from the sky in Bloodthirsty that time, Ming Hao has been wielding numerous influences, operates after these ten thousand years in secret, power that Ming Hao has does not know to strengthen many, God Clan these for ten thousand years in trace Ming Hao throughout with every effort[ really] solid status wants to rout the Ming Hao influence. 他也知道早在万年前,在嗜血没有陨灭那个时代,冥晧已经执掌着众多势力,经过这万年时间暗中操作,冥晧持有的力量也不知增强多少,神族这万年来始终在尽力来追查冥晧的〖真〗实身份想要击溃冥晧的势力。 However, finally God Clan 12 add the Elder meeting, cannot know position that the Ming Hao true trend and hides. 但是,最终神族12家加长老会,也没有能知道冥晧的真正动向和藏匿的方位。 Ming Hao throughout live, by his influence, is changing the Star Sea situation well quietly, lets many star territory and God Clan confrontation. 冥晧始终活的好好的,以他的影响力,悄悄改变着星海局势,让许多星域和神族交锋。 Many people said that several heavy losses of these ten thousand years of God Clan experiences, reason that cannot overcome several important star territories smoothly, the back has Ming Hao to prevent is because has existence of Ming Hao, the God Clan step throughout such as by a string tying up, is unable the great leap. 很多人都说,这万年神族经历的几次重创,之所以没有能顺利的打下几处至关重要的星域,背后都有冥晧在阻挡是因为有冥晧的存在,神族的步伐始终如被一根绳子给绑着,无法大步前进。 Xuan He and Fei Liete they were talking, suddenly, they simultaneously narrowed the eye. 玄河腓烈特两人交谈着,忽然,两人同时眯起眼睛。 In their eyes, blows out intensely does not dare to believe the gloss, the god[ body] in the terrifying sound causes the Blood Sea Tsunami, the inspiring top of the head vortex extremely fast rotation. 他们的双眸中,爆出强烈的不敢置信光泽,神〖体〗内恐怖的动静引得血海海啸,引动头顶涡旋极速转动。 Felt?” Xuan He drinks lowly. “感觉到了么?”玄河低喝。 Fei Liete heavily nodded, a shock of face, looks out the endless boundless vault, said: His aura, this is impossible, he had fallen from the sky in the past obviously, to have how aura to exist?” 腓烈特重重点头,一脸的震惊,遥望无尽苍茫穹顶,道:“他的气息,这不可能,他当年明明陨灭了,怎会还有气息存在?” Unbelievable.” Xuan He is also dignified. “难以置信。”玄河也是凝重非常。 Then in this time, a wisp of soul suddenly falls from the day, the soul moves, turns into Ming Hao Clone, he looks to Xuan He and Fei Liete, said: It seems like you also perceived.” 便在此时,一缕分魂忽然从天落下,魂魄一动,变成冥晧一具分身,他看向玄河腓烈特,道:“看来你们也觉察到了。” Xuan He and Fei Liete calm face nods. 玄河腓烈特沉着脸点头。 He indeed fell from the sky in the past.” Ming Hao knits the brows suddenly, said: Is only his skeleton I cannot search throughout, his falling from the sky has the riddle, I by ten thousand years of investigation, cannot understand clearly mysteriously, now his aura comes in Fire Rain Star Field, may also obviously have differently, I think that we should take seriously this matter.” “他当年的确陨灭了。”冥晧忽然皱眉,道:“只是他的尸骸我始终未能寻觅到,他的陨灭有着谜团,我以万年时间的追查,都未能洞悉玄妙,如今他气息现身在火雨星域,可又明显有着不同,我想我们应该重视此事。” Under, Ming Hao strange smiling of that boy also in Fire Rain Star Field, in particular, the sudden appearance of his aura , because that boy causes. This fellow, but also damages seriously, other people where, where will then multiply the major accident.” 顿了下,冥晧古怪的笑了笑“那小子也在火雨星域,确切地说,他气息的突然出现,就是因为那小子引起。这家伙,还当真是祸害,他人在何处,何处便会滋生重大变故。” Shows us.” The violent that Fei Liete does not bear shouted to clear the way. “给我们看看吧。”腓烈特不耐的暴喝道。 Ming Hao gloomy sinks laughs at such as you to hope.” 冥晧阴沉沉一笑“如你们所愿。” His wisp of soul swiftly changes, Clone branches out a wisp of fluctuation, after silhouette in a flash, Ming Hao and Xuan He and Fei Liete go out of sacred place Blood Sea directly, appears in Desolate lonesome Ancient Demon Continent, that black hole anchors under Ancient Demon Continent, such as a wisp of quiet shade. 他一缕分魂倏然一变,分身内部又分出一缕波动,身影一晃后,冥晧玄河腓烈特直接走出圣地血海,在荒寂的古魔大陆出现,那黑洞则是停泊在古魔大陆下面,如一缕幽影。 Ming Hao and Xuan He and Fei Liete presently behind, lifts hand again, congeals directly at the same time the void bright mirror, that void bright mirror, is shining upon Fire Rain Star Field, the scene clearly will reappear. 冥晧玄河腓烈特重新现身后,抬手一拉,直接凝结出一面虚空明镜,那虚空明镜内部,映照着火雨星域,将其中场景清晰浮现。 Before Ming Hao has not met Bloodthirsty, with the Decca Luo Wei Senior Brother younger brother, majors in Space Deep Meaning. 冥晧没有遇见嗜血之前,和迪卡罗为师兄弟,主修空间奥义 To Space Deep Meaning, he never puts down, has to be able in vast Star Sea Luo meeting as an equal on Space Deep Meaning and Decca, only then his Ming Hao! 空间奥义,他从未放下,在浩淼星海间有能够在空间奥义上和迪卡罗分庭抗礼者,只有他冥晧 Xuan He and Fei Liete look with rapt attention to that void bright mirror, the complexion suddenly changes. 玄河腓烈特凝神看向那虚空明镜,脸色骤然一变。 They see the scene, looks at this time consistently with God Clan these people...... 他们所见场景,和神族那些人此时所看一致…… Wei Desen goes crazy to come, whole body reveals the astonishing invisible corrosion to be violently poisonous, he territory field is spreading crazily, covers star of the life, star of little melt that six levels of life, under the gaze of God Clan, in Shi Yan shocks, in Xuan He, Fei Liete and in watching of Ming Hao extremely far place, the stars of that six levels of life was erased from Star Sea. 维德森发狂而来,浑身流露出惊人的无形腐蚀剧毒,他“域场”疯狂蔓延着,将一个生命之星罩住,那六级的生命之星正一点点的消融,在神族的注视下,在石岩震撼中,在玄河腓烈特冥晧极远之处的观看中,那六级生命之星被从星海抹掉。 Is good because, that life on-board does not have the life, was being evacuated, but above Spirit Beast insect wait / etc., is one and melt falls. 好在,那生命之星上没有生灵,早在被撤离了,但上方的灵兽虫豸等等,则是一并消融掉。 Corrosion nasty that person of revealing, clearly was Jia Duo in the past had, but he also had God Clan God Clan not to extinguish the body,[ body] in had the God Clan bloodlines, what cultivation was the remote ` magnetic field, the deep meaning, this person, quite beyond comprehension.” “那人身上流露的腐蚀酸毒,分明为加多当年持有,可他又有神族神族不灭体,〖体〗内有神族血脉,修炼的为偏僻的‘磁场,奥义,此人,颇为的令人费解。” Fei Liete deeply looks to Wei Desen, frowns saying that confusing of face. 腓烈特深深看向维德森,皱着眉头说道,一脸的迷惑。 Xuan He is silent, half sound, said: That aura indeed is Jia Duo, only then corrosion of Jia Duo violently poisonous with the Corrosion Deep Meaning fusion, can achieve the star of melt life might. This person, inevitably and Jia Duo has the mysterious relation, he does not have cultivation Corrosion Deep Meaning, that corrosion violently poisonous aura, such as imprint in his soul bloodlines, this is quite unusual!” 玄河沉默着,半响,道:“那气息的确是加多的,只有加多的腐蚀剧毒和腐蚀奥义融合,才能达到消融生命之星的威力。此人,必然和加多有着玄妙联系,他并没有修炼腐蚀奥义,那腐蚀剧毒的气息,如烙印在他灵魂血脉之中,这极为反常!” Ming Hao nodded, said: It seems like only then inquired him personally, can have anything on him clearly.” 冥晧点了点头,道:“看来只有亲自询问他,才能清楚在他身上曾经发生过什么。” He for Origin God Second Sky, but now...... The power level that he shows, has achieved the false Immortal rank!” Xuan He deeply frowns, shakes the head saying: Does not suit, this too does not suit, in this has certainly wonderful that any we cannot completely understand, because is the bloodlines of Jia Duo, is not enough that quickly to promote him! Where certainly has us not to completely understand!” “他为始神二重天,但现在……他展现出来的力量层次,已经达到伪不朽级别!”玄河深深皱着眉头,摇头说道:“不对劲,这太不对劲,这里面一定有什么我们看不透的神妙,因为便是加多的血脉,也不足以那么快提升他!一定有什么地方我们还没看透!” He looks to Ming Hao, hesitates, said: Perhaps, you should pass personally.” 他看向冥晧,沉吟一下,道:“或许,你该亲自过去一趟。” In the Ming Hao eye flashes through together different light „, if I pass, we and God Clan tacit understanding will tear, the Immortal rank has Fire Rain Star Field to make war, will cause the Fire Rain Star Field direct destruction......” 冥晧眼中闪过一道异光“如果我过去,我们和神族的默契将会撕毁,不朽级别存在火雨星域开战,会导致火雨星域直接毁灭……” Such remarks, Xuan He and Fei Liete frowned. 此言一出、玄河腓烈特都皱起眉头。 This tacit understanding, solely before God Clan and Bloodthirsty, this tacit understanding then does not exist very much early, such as the unwritten stipulation, truly achieves Immortal rank existence, will observe. 这种默契,不单单在神族嗜血之前,很早前这默契便存在,如不成文的规定,真正达到不朽级别存在者,都会遵守。 Because the Immortal rank exists, once fights in the high Level star territory, the intense collision, the life and death fight, will inevitably cause the avalanche of star territory, in boundless Star Sea, the star territory is not inexhaustible, destroys a star territory, equivalent to destroys trillion lives, will destroy the innumerable race livelihood future, this to own clansman will be an irresponsible atrocity. 因为不朽级别存在一旦在高等级星域交手,激烈碰撞,生死搏斗,势必会导致星域的崩塌,在茫茫星海间,星域也不是无穷无尽,毁灭一个星域,相当于毁灭亿万生灵,毁灭无数种族赖以生存的未来,这对自己的族人都是一种不负责任的暴行。 The star territory is the universe basic core, loses one to be few, in the past to strike to kill Bloodthirsty, then made many star territories vanish thoroughly. 星域是宇宙根本核心,失去一个就少一个,当年为了击杀嗜血,便让许多星域彻底消失。 From that time, truly achieved existence of Immortal rank, almost silently observed this agreement, even if must at risk of life a war , after will enter burnt to extinguish the star territory. 从那时候起,真正达到不朽级别的存在,几乎都默默遵守这个约定,就算是要拼死一战,也都会进入焚灭后的星域。 That is a strange, there will not have the star of any life, big terrifying that Star Shards that only then grinds, the innumerable meteorite wreckage, the Expert decayed skeleton, the Chaos universe remnant energy, is unable to imagine...... 那是一处奇地,那里不会有任何生命之星,只有碾碎的星辰碎片,无数陨石残骸,强者腐朽的尸骨,混乱的宇宙残能,无法想象的大恐怖…… For trillion years, there have the destruction to innumerably the star territory, once these star territories destroy, will integrate that place wonderfully, saying Nihility Domain Sea that is among the universes most brutal Danger Zone. 亿万年来,有无数被至强存在毁灭的星域,那些星域一旦毁灭,都会融入那处奇地,谓之“虚无域海”那是宇宙间最残酷的险地 There inexhaustible, boundless boundless, not having end to be ordinary, wants mystical to be stranger than the void turbulent flow. 那里无穷无尽,无垠无际,没有尽头一般,比虚空乱流还要神秘古怪。 Until now, in addition does not have one person to explore mysterious, Bloodthirsty origin, before Ming Hao has not given the definite conclusion, many people guessed that he came from Nihility Domain Sea deep place, mystical power that Bloodthirsty grasps, by countless people was guessed came from in Nihility Domain Sea......” 至今,尚且没有一人能探索到其中奥妙,嗜血的来历,在冥晧没有给出确切结论前,很多人都猜测他来自于“虚无域海”深处,那嗜血掌握的神秘力量,也被无数人猜测来自于“虚无域海……” There, only then achieves existence of Immortal rank, can only penetrate, the place of decisive battle also true Immortal has. 那里,只有达到不朽级别的存在,只能深入,也是真正不朽存在的决战之地。 Vanishes several thousand years of light, Xiao Yao, Shen Wu and comfortable Four Great Heavenly Kings, in Nihility Domain Sea cultivation, the spark also in Nihility Domain Sea the surrounding cultivation many years, has entered into false Immortal Realm. 消失数千年的光明、逍遥神武、自在四大天王,都在“虚无域海修炼过,星火也在“虚无域海”外围修炼多年,才迈入伪不朽境界 It is reported that Ming Hao true body, has hidden. 据传,冥晧真身,一直都藏匿在其中。 And what is more, said that in the star territories are moving the Ancient Continent Desolate, that other in all directions Ancient Continent, and Nihility Domain Sea has to the deep connection. 更有甚者,说在一个个星域活动着的古大陆荒,还有那另外四处古大陆,都和“虚无域海”有着至深关联。 I cannot pass, will otherwise cause the great change, situation hard-to-control.” Ming Hao hesitates half sound, suddenly said: Boy there, this matter, because of him, wants to come this time, he should perceive that from that person of body Jia Duo aura, we have watched changes quietly, I pass on the soul to read to him together, told him your doubts is......” “我不能过去,不然会导致巨变,局势会难以控制。”冥晧沉吟半响,忽然道:“那小子在那里,此事,也因他而起,想来这时候,他应该已经从那人的身上觉察到了加多气息,我们静观其变,我给他传一道魂念,告诉他你的疑惑便是……” Xuan He and Fei Liete hear of his saying, have thought that but nods. 玄河腓烈特听他这么一说,想了一下,都无奈点头。 But at this time, in Shi Yan of Fire Rain Star Field void shuttle, the situation is not optimistic. 而此时,在火雨星域虚空穿梭的石岩,情况并不乐观。 He was being pursued by Wei Desen, while in unceasing withstands God Body acupoint is changing, now, in his acupoint vortices gyrate crazily, the whole body severe pain is hard to take, pain that power purifies, hundred times before. 他一边被维德森追击着,一边在不断的承受着神体穴窍之变,如今,他穴窍内一个个涡旋疯狂旋动,浑身剧痛难耐,那力量净化的痛苦,百倍与之前。 He thought that his God Body, resembles to live some type suddenly craftily changes. 他觉得,自己的神体,似要突生某种诡变。
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