GOS :: Volume #14

#1332: Crazy spread!

Six corner stars southeast corner, God Clan battleships imitate, if the hungry shark, is patrolling in Star Sea. 六棱星地东南角,一艘艘神族战舰仿若饥饿的鲨鱼,在星海内游弋着。 On each God Clan battleship some numerous God Clan Expert, these person of aura are distant, bringing a callous blood and iron to mean that this has experienced the fight madman of sanguinary rule. 每一艘神族战舰上都有众多神族强者,那些人气息悠远沉稳,带着点冷酷铁血意味,这是经历过腥风血雨的战斗狂人。 And on a shining battleship, stands erect the multicolored silk banner that Brakell Family is in sole possession, that multicolored silk banner for the mountains and rivers grand chart, is representing the ambition and objective of Brakell Family, integrates the family domain the boundless mountains and rivers, expands the family area influence. 其中一艘明晃晃的战舰上,竖立着布雷克尔家族独有的锦旗,那锦旗为山河雄阔图,代表着布雷克尔家族的野心和宗旨,将茫茫山河纳入家族版图,壮大家族疆域势力。 Somalia is the current family head of the clan, while maturity, like flame long hair shawl, body and spirit strong, eyes Divine Light is reserved. 索顿为现任家族族长,正当壮年,一头如火焰般的长发披肩,体魄健硕,双眸神光内敛。 His cultivation gold/metal sharp strength, wears the gold to fight armor, Origin God Third Sky Realm cultivation base, in God Clan, the rope has golden war-god the name. 修炼金锐之力,身着黄金战甲,始神三重天境界修为,在神族内部,索顿有“金色战神”之称。 At this time, Suo Dunmi focuses, is well-grounded in the battleship secret room internal single knee, looks solemn. 此时,索顿眯着眼,在战舰密室内部单膝着地,神情肃穆。 Before him, the palm of the hand big shining leaf, Ye Wen on that leaf such as the strange snakewood, such as gold thread thread, was disclosing the pure sharp strength feeling, on that gold/metal yellow leaf the snakewood moves suddenly, the yellow halo that one type passes through the star territory fluctuates, suddenly splits. 在他面前,有一片巴掌大的金灿灿树叶,那树叶上的叶纹如诡异的蛇纹,如金丝细线,透露着精纯锋锐的力感,突地,那金黄色树叶上蛇纹一动,一种贯穿星域的黄色光晕波动,忽然绽出。 Rushes such as the terrifying fields of force of trillion volcanic eruptions, suddenly bursts out from that leaf, world-shaking. 一股澎湃如亿万火山喷发的恐怖力场,忽然从那一片树叶内迸发出来,惊天动地 If in the flash, that golden leaves, poured into inexhaustible power to be ordinary. 如在一瞬间,那片金色树叶,被注入无穷无尽力量一般。 silhouette flashes in the secret room together swiftly, is Austin Family head of the clan Pagaud, similarly is Origin God Third Sky Realm, the meditation earth deep meaning, Pagaud as if has been paying attention this, then cross empties a sensation to this place mysteriously immediately. 一道身影倏然在密室闪现,正是奥斯汀斯家族族长帕戈,同样为始神三重天境界,苦修大地奥义,帕戈似乎一直在留意着这一块,一感知到此地玄妙立即便跨空而来。 A Pagaud pair of light grey eye pupil, stares on that golden leaves, said joyfully: Had this ` to explode extinguishes the god leaf, the strength of broken, must take six corner stars simply easy as pie, Elder met this injects the strength of broken for the god leaf promptly is the bolster support is seriously unprecedented!” 帕戈一双浅灰色眼眸,凝视在那片金色树叶上,欣然道:“有了这‘爆灭神叶,的破界之力,要拿下六棱星地简直易如反掌,长老会这趟及时为神叶注入破界之力当真是支持力度空前!” Explodes extinguishes god leaf is a God Clan rare treasure, only then 12 everybody Family Head have, when going on a punitive expedition against the star territory, the wall barrier that such as meeting is hard to eradicate, then utilizable to explode extinguishes god leaf the strength of broken. “爆灭神叶”为神族一种秘宝,只有12大家家主持有,在征伐星域时,如遇到难以破除的壁障,便可利用“爆灭神叶”的破界之力。 But that explodes extinguishes god leaf for the consumables of disposable use, every time displays one time, must packing terrifying power these power, probably apply to Elder again, will discuss after Elder will pour into. 但那“爆灭神叶”为一次性利用的消耗品,每施展一次,必须重新填充恐怖力量那些力量,必须向长老会申请,由长老会商榷后才会注入。 It is said pours into explodes extinguishes god leaf in power is the Ancient God Continent somewhere marvelous energy source, directly with the ancestor star Essence suspension hook. 据说注入“爆灭神叶”内的力量古神大陆某处奇妙能量源泉,直接和祖星本源挂钩。 Also is so, Elder will explode to that extinguishes the examination that god leaf energy injects to be quite strict, competition of not too important star territory, will not grant energy generally easily. 也是如此,长老会对那“爆灭神叶”能量注入的审查极为严格,不太重要的星域的争夺,一般不会轻易赐予能量 But Somalian treasure heavy explodes to extinguish god leaf to receive that finally the manner relaxes this war slightly is we and Bloodthirsty official showdown the first battles, this fights Elder to meet naturally extremely attaches great importance , our Fire Rain Star Field are in the big superiority, so long as can obtain ` to explode extinguishes the god leaf, the support, then can win victory immediately.” 索顿珍而重之将那“爆灭神叶”收好,终于神态稍稍放松“此战是我们和嗜血正式对决的首战,此战长老会自然极其重视,我们这火雨星域处于大优势,只要能得到‘爆灭神叶,的支持,立即便能旗开得胜了。” Stopped , the rope dignifiedly said: We need this victory to raise the morale!” 停了下,索顿凝重道:“我们需要这场胜利来鼓舞士气!” Pagaud nodded facial expression one positive, said: This first battle, is then established the victory by us the main key!” 帕戈点了点头神情一正,道:“这首战,便由我们来奠定胜利的基调!” Each God Clan clansman, fully realized that ten thousand years crossed, if God Clan wants to continue to dominate Star Sea, then must bridge over this tribulation. 每一个神族族人,都深知万年已过,神族若想继续称霸星海,便必须要跨过这一劫。 God Clan, in this fight, the interior beyond example unites! 神族,在此次战斗中,内部空前团结! Each God Clan clansman, deeply realized this war before race future important the God Clan 12 families that also competes, have united now, fights for the race important matter. 每一名神族族人,都深刻意识到此战对种族未来的重要以前还明里暗里较劲的神族12家家族,如今已经团结一心,为种族的大计而战。 They do not have the barrier again. 他们再没有隔阂。 Present God Clan, experienced ten thousand years of accumulation, has conquered dozens star territories, harvests the innumerable great treasure materials, for most peak condition! 如今的神族,经历了万年时间的积累,征服了数十个星域,收获无数至宝材料,为最巅峰状态! This war, if cannot win, God Clan will drop the shrine, ten thousand years of magnificent glory will not exist, to each God Clan clansman, this war is important, makes no mistake. 此战,若不能获胜,神族将会跌落神坛,万年辉煌荣耀将不复存在,对每一个神族族人来说,此战都至关重要,不容有失。 Opens flower from us, my God Clan future, will push to the brand-new altitude!” Somalia sinks to drink, in the pupil disclosed that firm walks, starts strikes finally, thoroughly destroys the Fire Rain Star Field defense line, utterly destroys these Bloodthirsty odd|surplus Nie!” “从我们这边开huā,将我神族的将来,推向全新高度!”索顿沉喝,眸中透露出坚决“走,发动最后一击,彻底摧毁火雨星域的防线,将那些嗜血余孽斩尽杀绝!” He and Pagaud silhouette in a flash, vanishes from the secret room in abundance, comes in the respective battleship kernel range. 他和帕戈身影一晃,从密室纷纷消失,在各自战舰核心区现身。 Somalia grasps poured into energy explodes extinguishes god leaf to be confident, looks at family numerous Expert are ready to make trouble, complexion one austere, prepares the order of round of number general attack. 索顿手持被重新注入能量的“爆灭神叶”信心满满,看着家族众多强者蠢蠢欲动,不由脸色一肃,就准备发号总攻的命令。 In this time, the sound nest that this kernel range Center jade builds, transmits punctures roar of eardrum, the howl such as the sharp sword steel needle, such as pricks their eardrum, the intermittent pitiful yell and yowl sound of transmit, making the people shake loudly greatly. 就在此时,这核心区〖中〗央一处玉石堆砌的音巢内部,传来刺破耳膜的厉啸,啸声如利剑钢针,如刺入他们耳膜,阵阵惨叫、恸哭之声传来,让众人轰然巨震。 That sound nest, by many Transmission Stone unions, has Transmission Stone to want in the same star territory, once encounters the emergency case, can by Transmission Stone communication this place. 那音巢,以许多音石联合而成,持有音石者只要在同一星域,一旦遇到紧急情况,都能以音石传讯此地。 Family Head! Has the mystical powerful enemy to appear, ancestor god on! Our clansmen were struck to kill inexplicably, one by one vanished!” 家主!有神秘强敌出现,祖神在上!我们的族人莫名被击杀,一一消失了!” „It is not able to resist! Wei Desen also went crazy, could not find the position of that mystical enemy, our people in tragic death!” “无法抵挡!维德森也发狂了,根本找不到那神秘敌人的方位,我们的人都在惨死!” We lost ten thousand clansmen!” “我们已经失去万名族人!” In the sound nest, hears the sad and shrill pitiful yell requesting reinforcements sound of clansman, listening to fiercely shouted of clansman to shout desperately, the rope is complexion is pale with the clansman audiences. 音巢内,传来族人的凄厉惨叫求援声,听着族人的厉叫绝望呼喊,索顿和族人众强皆是面色铁青。 Wei Desen went crazy! Inevitably because of him! Big brother, this Wei Desen early should strike to kill, look, this had problems!” The scream of Somalian younger blood brother Sotter suddenly hysteria. 维德森发狂了!必然又是因他而起!大哥,这维德森早该击杀啊,看,这趟又出问题了!”索顿的胞弟索特忽然歇斯底里的尖叫。 Many family high levels, complexion is dreary, guessed that had anything. 很多家族高层,也面色阴郁,都猜测出发生了什么。 This does not suit, Wei Desen several times went crazy in the past, but caused hundred people or thousand people died a tragic death, this time, had certainly the accident!” Rope at this moment, is still calm, the manner too has not changed much, he has hesitated, suddenly said: In the past Wei Desen carried out the task to go crazy in outside world, causing the subordinates to perish, until now, our cannot break to be mysterious in this period, does not know that actually to have anything, under this time he hides in our eyes goes crazy, perhaps we can know finally that has any secret on the body of Wei Desen!” “这趟不对劲,维德森以往几次发狂,只是导致百人或千人惨死,这次,一定有意外!”此刻的索顿,依然冷静,神态没有太多变化,他沉吟了一下,突然道:“以往维德森都是在外界执行任务发狂,导致麾下灭亡,至今,我们都勒破不了其间奥妙,不知道究竟发生了什么,这次他在我们眼皮子底下发狂,或许我们终于能知道,在维德森的身上到底有着什么秘密!” Somalia looks to the people, deeply inspires, sinking sound track: You do not know, reason that I keep Wei Desen to the present, but also made him be the high-ranking, by no means because of his half family blood relationship. But because, on the body of this Wei Desen, has me also to look at unclear wonderful, I only know that he[ body] is hiding power, that power I can realize from time to time, may most of the time actually the sensation. That power, very mystical, is fearful, I am keeping since him, is thinks some day to clarify mystery.” 索顿看向众人,深吸一口气,沉声道:“你们都不知道,我之所以留维德森到现在,还令他身居高位,并非因为他那一半家族血统。而是因为,在这维德森的身上,有着我也看不明的神妙,我只知道他〖体〗内潜藏着一股力量,那力量我时而能察觉,可大多数时候却感知不到。那力量,很神秘,也非常可怕,我留着他至今,便是想有朝一日弄清楚其中的玄妙。” Stagnates, he shouted to clear the way: Today, is makes known the time of secret place, Wei Desen[ body] in has the place of any shocking everybody, our time perhaps finally may see clearly!” 停滞一下,他喝道:“今天,就是揭晓秘地的时刻,维德森〖体〗内有什么惊世骇俗之处,我们这次或许终可看清!” The words, he sends the number order continuously, communication gives Austin Family Pagaud. 话罢,他连续发号命令,传讯给奥斯汀斯家族的帕戈。 Pagaud also immediately communication family Expert. 帕戈也立即传讯家族强者 long time, the rope respectively does not lead numerous family Expert with Pagaud, with gathering, plunders toward the place of that abyss dangerous situation. 多时,索顿和帕戈各自率领一众家族强者,同聚一点,往那深渊险境之地掠去。 However, they run out of a distance, the rope fiercely looks with Pagaud to the front, the facial expression great change. 然而,他们才冲出一段距离,索顿和帕戈都是猛地看向前方,神情巨变。 Front, God Clan clansmen of audiences these ambush abyss dangerous situations, such as the stray cur flee to the wilderness, the running away direction with their front surface, these people is quite exactly distressed, the body has the deep bloodstain, but from the bloodstain position, that clearly awfully does not stimulate to movement the God Clan mystique to cause. 前方,一众那些潜伏深渊险境的神族族人,如丧家之犬般落荒而逃,逃遁的方向恰恰和他们迎面,那些人极为狼狈,身上都有着深深血迹,但从血迹的方位来看,那分明是不要命催动神族秘法导致而成。 In other words, these people without a war, collapse to flee directly. 也就是说,那些人未经一战,直接就崩溃逃离。 Somalia fully realized that cut-throat of diving god shipboard family juniors, knows them, only if meets to know situation that is hard to resist with all one's strength absolutely, otherwise so will not mistreat decidedly itself, takes the autonomy to escape as the price. 索顿深知潜神舰上家族子弟的凶狠,知道他们除非遇到自知绝对难以力敌的形势,否则断然不会如此作践自己,以自残为代价远遁。 This indicated that front situation, feared to the precipitousest moment. 这说明前方的形势,怕是到了最为险峻的一刻。 Somalia slightly hesitates, suddenly Divine Sense communication: Spark Elder, but also please come a view, that side Bloodthirsty possibly set out and your general existence.” 索顿略一迟疑,忽地神识传讯:“星火长老,还请过来一观,嗜血那边可能出动了和您一般的存在。” This thought biography swings, long time, the star light does not extend together from their behind Star Sea, that spark Elder is cold the face, suddenly comes, cold voice said: Nonsense! I continuously according to soul sensation peripheral, false does Immortal that which comes come the person?” 这道念头传荡出去,不多时,一道星光从他们身后星海延伸过来,那星火长老寒着脸,忽然现身,冷声道:“胡说八道!我一直在以灵魂感知周边,哪来的伪不朽来人?” Spark these words Fang Luo, his complexion also swiftly changed, in the eye reveals stunned. 星火这番话方落,他脸色也倏然变了,眼中露出错愕。 Sees only diving god shipboard God Clan Warrior of these clash, one after another, at present inexplicable melt falls in the spark, these person of God Body such as change into a wisp of light smoke suddenly, such as was erased the trace by heaven and earth. 只见那些冲来的潜神舰上的神族武者,一个接着一个,就在星火眼前莫名消融掉,那些人神体如忽然化为一缕轻烟,如被天地抹除了痕迹般。 Strangely to the extreme! 诡异到了极点! Somalia, Pagaud even spark, suddenly thinks that heart one cold, inexplicable alarmed and afraid is restless. 索顿、帕戈甚至星火,都忽觉心底一寒,莫名的惊惧不安起来。 Sees only fires into their these clansmen, after showing cuts , the expression of remaining years of life, thinks that saw them, saw the false Immortal spark, can avoid this tribulation, on their faces is also hanging a joyfully happy expression, actually suddenly rapid melt falls. 只见冲向他们的那些族人,许多露出切后余生的表情,以为看到了他们,看到了伪不朽的星火,就能躲过这一劫,他们脸上还挂着一丝欣然喜色,却又忽然迅速消融掉。 This to Somalia, Pagaud people, maliciously strikes, such as steelyard weight bang in their chests. 这对索顿、帕戈众人,都是狠狠一击,如重锤轰在他们胸口。 Let in each individual heart severe pain such as the blade twist! 让每一个人心中剧痛如刀绞! No! It is not right! It is not existence of false Immortal!”, The star acute conjunctivitis dew with amazement, such as awakens suddenly suddenly, whole body shakes greatly, loses one's voice to scream: Jia Duo! Is Jia Duo aura! Will the heaven, how have this strange strange event? Jia Duo has died a violent death obviously, I personally see!” “不!不对!不是伪不朽的存在!”突地,星火眼露骇然,如忽然醒悟过来,浑身巨震,失声尖叫道:“加多!是加多气息!老天,怎会发生这诡异怪事?加多明明暴死了,我亲眼所见!” Jia Duo, Eight Entourage Corrosion Deep Meaning leader Jia Duo?” Sotter shouted to clear the way subconsciously. 加多,八扈从腐蚀奥义魁首加多?”索特下意识喝道。 Somalia, Pagaud all was the terrified color deterioration, the rope has gawked, immediately responded that said alarmed and afraid restlessly: „It is not Jia Duo! Is Wei Desen! This is Wei Desen aura, absolutely mistakenly!” 索顿、帕戈皆是悚然变色,索顿只是愣了一下,马上反应过来,惊惧不安道:“不是加多!是维德森!这是维德森气息,绝对错不了!” When he calls out in alarm, that Wei Desen is in sole possession of territory field spread comes, such as the sea was in flood, sweeps across covers eight sides. 他惊叫之时,那维德森独有的“域场”蔓延而来,如海洋泛滥了,席卷笼罩八方。 In that territory field in invisible nasty, a point does not have the failure sign, only then achieves other beginning Divine level existence, can the sensation to the fearfulness of that invisible corrosion nasty. 在那“域场”内的无形酸毒,一点没有衰竭迹象,只有达到始神级别的存在,才能感知到那无形腐蚀酸毒的可怕。 That corrosion is violently poisonous, at this time such as burns to extinguish the malignant tumor of heaven and earth, by an extremely terrifying trend, spread! Crazy spread! Spreads unceasingly! 那腐蚀剧毒,此时如焚灭天地的毒瘤,以一种极为恐怖的趋势,蔓延!疯狂的蔓延!不断地蔓延! Heaven, good fearful violent poisonousness!” A Origin God groan shouted lowly. “老天,好可怕的剧毒!”一名始神呻吟般低呼。 People God Body is also stiff, spills over the deep fear, because they find a lifelong unforgettable scene...... 众人也都神体僵硬,泛出深深恐惧,因为他们瞧见一副终身难忘的场景…… That Wei Desen appears gradually, by Wei Desen territory field spread the stars of peripheral six levels of life, in their eyes, vanished at the naked eye obvious speed slowly! 维德森渐渐浮现而出,被维德森域场蔓延的周边一颗六级的生命之星,在他们眼中,以肉眼可见的速度慢慢消失! Can be corroded including the star of life dissolves! 连生命之星都能被腐蚀溶解了! Fearsome? 何等可怖?
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