GOS :: Volume #14

#1331: Rampage Wei Desen! Several Shi Yan that wants the brace to explode!

That is only then the Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor rank exists, can have is in sole possession of the smell! 那是只有天妖族始祖级别存在,才能具有的独有气味! Also only then fuses Grace Mainland Essence him, can the sensation to this aura, because he is the god graciousness, but any Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor, from god graciousness breeding! 也只有融合神恩大陆本源的他,才能感知到这种气息,因为他便是神恩,而任何天妖族始祖,都是从神恩孕育而出! Wei Desen is the head of God Clan diving god ship, the body is flowing the bloodlines of God Clan, he in going crazy, naturally forms God Clan not to extinguish the body, has the unique merit, the God Body rising suddenly several rice, the whole body dense pili, such as beast, clearly is God Clan does not extinguish the body. 维德森神族潜神舰的首脑,身上流动着神族的血脉,他在发狂的时候,自然形成神族不灭体,别有独特之处,神体暴涨数米,满身的稠密体毛,如蛮兽,又分明为神族不灭体。 Really also has the bloodlines of Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor! 竟然还有天妖族始祖的血脉! This fellow what origin? 这家伙到底什么来历? The Shi Yan mind shakes greatly. 石岩心神巨震。 Jia Duo! Blood of Jia Duo, the blood of Corrosion Deep Meaning of leader Jia Duo Eight Entourage! 加多加多的血,八扈从腐蚀奥义魁首加多之血! That can corrode in world any life flesh and blood, the nasty of any stone earth, only then Jia Duo has! 那能腐蚀世间任何生灵血肉,任何石块大地的酸毒,只有加多才具有! Jia Duo is Heavenly Demon Clan most rare one poisonous beast, in Heavenly Demon Clan, is extremely unique, Jia Duo was pushed aside by Heavenly Demon Clan, before has not known Bloodthirsty, person lonely cultivation, in the star of violently poisonous life, the star of that life for all life restricted area. 加多天妖族最为稀罕的一种毒兽,在天妖族内部,都是极为独特,加多天妖族排挤,在没有结识嗜血前,一个人孤独的修炼,在剧毒的生命之星,那生命之星为一切生灵禁区 Bloodthirsty settled on the marvelousness of Jia Duo, grants the Jia Duo Corrosion Deep Meaning true meaning, he brings violently poisonously, after cultivation Corrosion Deep Meaning, brought that Corrosion Deep Meaning including the altitude that Bloodthirsty could not expect! 嗜血看中了加多的奇妙,赐予加多腐蚀奥义真谛,他本身就自带剧毒,修炼腐蚀奥义后,将那腐蚀奥义带到了一个连嗜血都预料不到的高度! Wei Desen within the body clearly has the blood of Jia Duo! 维德森体内分明有着加多的血! Going crazy Jia Duo, lost reason, in within the body overflow invisible corrosion naturally is violently poisonous, with his unique magnetic field mix, wreaks havoc heaven and earth! 发狂的加多,失去了理智,体内自然而然的溢出无形腐蚀剧毒,和他那独特的“磁场”混合,肆虐天地 That type of nasty, Shi Yan alarmed and afraid, including the space wall barrier can melt. 那种酸毒,石岩都惊惧不已,连空间壁障都可以消融 He deals temporarily weak, can only evade the point temporarily, lets tag along after him one and newcomer fast has departed. 他暂时无力应对,只能暂避锋芒,让尾随他一并过来者速速离去。 A construction of everywhere void road, is at Ghost Hunter, Ben Ni and direction of Blood Devil people corps, after he calls out, Ghost Hunter, Ben Ni, Blood Devil and Lin Xin, Feng Han people, are inferior to think that issues the order. 一处处虚空甬道的构建,都处在鬼獠本尼血魔众人战队的方向,在他暴喝后,鬼獠本尼血魔、琳馨、锋寒众人,不及多想,纷纷下达命令。 Suddenly, these come the person to penetrate the void road again and again. At the maximum speed leaves. 一时间,那些来人连连穿入虚空甬道。以最快的速度离开。 They to Shi Yan any suspicion, there is no reason the trust, all these establish, in Shi Yan made in the foundation that they turn danger into safety several times. 他们对石岩没有任何怀疑,没有理由的信任,这一切都建立在石岩数次令他们化险为夷的基础上。 This goes crazy the accident that because of Wei Desen causes, Shi Yan keen perceiving, making these people flee smoothly, but with the clansman of Wei Desen together Brakell Family, had not realized obviously situation fearful degree, in the past several times Wei Desen went crazy to cause the fact that the subordinates perish completely. Throughout puzzled riddle. By Brakell Family stopping up. 这场因维德森发狂引起的变故,石岩敏锐的觉察到,让那些人顺利走脱,但和维德森一起的布雷克尔家族的族人,显然并没有意识到形势的可怕程度,以往数次维德森发狂导致麾下全部灭亡的事实。始终只是不解之谜。被布雷克尔家族给堵住了。 Causes to follow the Wei Desen God Clan clansman now, does not know Wei Desen, once goes crazy, will cause any consequence. 导致如今跟随维德森神族族人,根本就不知道维德森一旦发狂,会造成什么后果。 Therefore. Saw with own eyes Warrior that Ghost Hunter, Ben Ni and Blood Devil bring, penetrates the road to leave, they reveal to puzzle. 因此。眼见鬼獠本尼血魔带过来的武者,一个个穿入甬道走掉,他们只是露出迷惑不解。 These people. Does not dare same to enter the void road with Blood Devil and the others, because these void roads by the Shi Yan construction, they fear to have the trap, has not pursued. 那些人。根本不敢和血魔等人一样进入虚空甬道,因为那些虚空甬道由石岩构建而出,他们怕有陷阱,都没有追击。 The terrifying total destruction, arrives quickly! 恐怖的灭顶之灾,很快降临! After going crazy Wei Desen, unconscious, wisp of Divine Sense locks Shi Yan, in the heart only saves to extinguish kills the Shi Yan only thought! 发狂后的维德森,神志不清,一缕神识锁定石岩,心中只存灭杀石岩的唯一念头! His within the body different strength such as the tide is in flood, the magnetic field spreads rapidly. The extremely fast expands, that floods the invisible corrosion in magnetic field is violently poisonous, changes into nothingness the God Clan clansmen. 他体内异力如浪潮泛滥,磁场迅速蔓延。极速扩充起来,那充斥在磁场内的无形腐蚀剧毒,将一个个神族族人化为虚无 Shi Yan reveals the alarmed and afraid color for the first time. 石岩首次露出惊惧之色。 In his eyes, God Clan clansmen, after by territory field to covering, first is the fleshly body smashing, then the flesh and blood corrodes melt. Finally vanishes baseless. 在他眼中,一个个神族族人,被域场给笼罩后,先是肉身粉碎,进而血肉腐蚀消融。最终一个个凭空消失。 Was dissolved directly! 直接被溶解了! Instant, in the place of this abyss dangerous situation, were many bunch of rich energy! 霎那间,在这片深渊险境之地,多了一团团浓郁能量 These energy, after are the dead smiling faces, leaves behind, at this time. Is receiving the Shi Yan Devouring Deep Meaning hauling, all crazily emerges Shi Yan! 那些能量,都是死者笑容后遗留下来的,此时。受着石岩吞噬奥义牵引,全部疯狂涌入石岩 Here. If there is become the vast endless energy sea, these energy are God Clan clansman melt leaves behind, has helped Shi Yan seriously. 这里。如成了浩淼无尽的能量海洋,那些能量都是一个个神族族人消融遗留,当真成全了石岩 Hides this place, several thousand God Clan clansmen, including many achieves Source God and Void God, even Origin God Boundary, several thousand people slowly was corroded melt, energy that produces rich can support to explode Shi Yan, can make his whole body acupoint blast open completely. 潜藏此地者,有数万神族族人,其中有很多达到源神虚神,甚至始神境界,数万人的慢慢被腐蚀消融,产生的能量浓郁的能撑爆石岩,能令他浑身穴窍全部炸裂。 The Shi Yan facial expression shocks, he does not dare to believe looks to Wei Desen, the complexion is quite splendid. 石岩神情震撼之极,他不敢置信的看向维德森,脸色极为精彩。 Wei Desen surpasses him to expect beside the fearfulness! 维德森超出他预料之外的可怕! That territory field spreads continuously, in dozens seconds, more than 10,000 God Clan clansmen vanished inexplicably. 那域场连续蔓延,在数十秒时间,已经有10000多神族族人莫名消失。 This is false Immortal Expert gets rid fully, perhaps irrealizable slaughter, but trivial only then Origin God Second Sky Wei Desen, suddenly realized! 这是伪不朽强者全力出手,恐怕都不能实现的屠杀,可区区只有始神二重天维德森,竟然实现了! Many God Clan clansmen fiercely do not realize wonderfully, looks at clansmen disappear inexplicably, dissolves nothingness including the God Body blood, in them many people collapsed, the pain, screamed, roars, cried out, desperate was calling, such as crashed into the ripples, was being gnawed the flesh and blood by Devil little. 很多神族族人都猛地意识到不妙,看着一个个族人莫名消失,连神体鲜血都溶解成虚无,他们中很多人崩溃了,痛苦,尖叫,咆哮,呐喊,绝望的吆喝着,如坠入涟漪,被妖魔一点点啃噬着血肉。 They do not know that had anything, they were inferior that Shi Yan can understand clearly Wei Desen terrifying generally, when they also getting rid has someone else. 他们不知道发生了什么,他们不如石岩一般能洞悉维德森恐怖,他们还当出手者另有其人。 The corrosion that invisible has is violently poisonous, carries off lives, strangles to death the God Clan clansmen, along with the spread of that territory field, at least three points of God Clan clansman vanished at this time, rushing energy that ten thousand people leave behind, several want to explode the Shi Yan brace! 那无形存在的腐蚀剧毒,将一个个生灵带走,将一个个神族族人绞杀,随着那域场的蔓延,至少三分之一神族族人此时已经消失,那万人遗留出来的澎湃能量,几欲将石岩撑爆! At this time, Shi Yan whole body acupoint, such as 720 revolve to the pinnacle world, vortices are gyrating crazily, is purifying power crazily! 此时,石岩浑身穴窍,如720个运转到极致的世界,一个个涡旋疯狂旋动着,疯狂净化着力量 These power such as rivulet trickle, flows out from each acupoint, pours into toward his supernatural power old tree in! 那些力量如涓涓细流,从每一个穴窍流出,往他神力古树内注入! If inexhaustible general! 如无穷无尽一般! Shi Yan has the feeling that the supernatural power old tree will unable to withstand gradually, he is exquisite by Space Deep Meaning, flickers to move unceasingly, is fluctuating the position. 石岩有种神力古树都会逐渐承受不住的感觉,他以空间奥义精妙,不断瞬移,变幻着位置。 Wei Desen is in hot pursuit! 维德森紧追不舍! Wei Desen moves one every time, definitely will bring the magnetic field, but the position of Shi Yan migration, is these is often surviving the place of God Clan clansman accumulation. 维德森每移动一处,必然会将磁场带来,而石岩移动的方位,往往都是那些存活着神族族人聚集之处。 This directly causes many God Clan clansmen to accelerate to perish! 这直接导致更多的神族族人加速灭亡! If the end arrives, numerous God Clan were screaming desperately, God Body turned into nothingness slowly. 如末日降临,众多神族绝望尖叫着,神体慢慢变成虚无 This fight, has underlined Wei Desen terrifying, has actually helped Shi Yan, making Shi Yan absorb several hundred years fear that is torrential pure energy that cannot have! 这场战斗,突显了维德森恐怖,却成全了石岩,让石岩吸纳了数百年怕是都不能拥有的滔滔精纯能量 Quickly, ten thousand God Clan clansmen under going crazy of Wei Desen, given Shi Yan desirably, one by one change into nothingness. 很快地,又有万名神族族人在维德森的发狂下,在石岩的刻意牵引下,一一化为虚无 In addition is surviving the God Clan clansman, the total collapse, they looked at the mind of Shi Yan to be dangerous, immediately ran away respectively, does not dare to gather at together, escaping not awfully left, even some people will not hesitate to cause heavy losses in the future, walked in all sorts of escaping technique mystiques. 尚且存活着的神族族人,彻底崩溃,他们瞧出了石岩的居心险恶,立即各自逃窜,再也不敢聚集在一块儿,不要命的遁离,甚至有些人不惜将来重创,以种种遁术秘法而走。 At this time, Shi Yan whole body 720 acupoint, almost achieved to hold the power pinnacle! 这时候,石岩浑身720个穴窍,几乎达到容纳力量的极致! As if so long as multi- absorb power, then met suddenly body to perish again, looked like a jar, has been filled with the water, a drop cannot be many, in many one drop, will then overflow. 仿佛只要再多吸纳一点力量,便会暴体而亡了,就像是一个瓶子,已经盛满水,一滴也不能多,在多一滴,便会溢出。 The Shi Yan mind slightly shakes, turns the head to look to another God Clan many Expert agglomerations, that place, is the God Clan main group, must prepare to capture six corner star places directly, he deeply looked at Wei Desen, thought aloud one: Good deed achieves the bottom.” 石岩心神微震,别头看向另外一处神族更多强者聚集地,那地方,是神族的主力群,是要准备直接攻入六棱星地的,他深深望了一眼维德森,自言自语一声:“好事做到底吧。” The words, he flushes away in that direction. 话罢,他直朝着那个方向冲去。 Wei Desen sends out roars intermittently, is in hot pursuit, follows firmly in his behind. 维德森发出阵阵咆哮,紧追不舍,牢牢跟在他身后 Brings that to corrode the territory fields of all lives! 带着那腐蚀一切生灵的域场! Extinguishes the disaster of world simply! 简直就是灭世之灾! ...... …… RT RT
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