GOS :: Volume #14

#1330: Territory field

The original Wei Desen rush comes, the imposing manner arbitrary ominous offense, his God Body void transverse shift, then steps into the Shi Yan body , before instantaneously 原创维德森冲杀而来,气势蛮横凶戾,他神体虚空横移,瞬间便踏入石岩身前 A fist rumbles! 一拳轰出! Peng! 嘭! Among the galaxy transmits ballooning explosion bang suddenly, the gravitational field rises suddenly fiercely several thousand times, Shi Yan peripheral nothingness like the collapse, he is also out of control, to sink toward the following dark abyss suddenly. 星河间骤然传来鼓胀爆炸巨响,重力场猛地暴涨数千倍,石岩周边虚无如塌陷,他也禁不住突地一顿,直往下面幽暗深渊沉落。 The Wei Desen cultivation deep meaning is quite unusual, for all sorts of different territory fields , he as soon as fights with the fists, heaven and earth magnetic field such as suddenly abnormal, all sorts of power dissipate, the fist supernatural power stack place, such as forms an abyss, must give to drag into the person. 维德森修炼的奥义极为奇特,为种种不同的域场,他一拳打出,天地间磁场如突然失常,种种力量消散,拳头神力堆积处,如形成一个深渊,要将人都给拉入其中。 In that unusual territory field, heaven and earth energy does not save, the gravity climbs up instantaneously, such as the storm wreaks havoc! 在那奇特域场中,天地能量不存,重力瞬间攀上,如风暴肆虐! That feeling, Shi Yan deeply realizes from experience, the complexion swiftly changes. 那种感觉,石岩深有体悟,脸色倏然一变。 Extremely before early extremely early, in addition still in Grace Mainland, he obtains Martial Skills, that Martial Skills named Gravitational Field, after cultivation this Martial Skills, he can gather within the body all sorts of power, forms the marvelous territory field. 极早极早之前,尚且还在神恩大陆的时候,他得到过一种武技,那武技名为“磁殛域场”,修炼这种武技以后,他能将体内种种力量聚集起来,形成奇妙域场。 Heterogeneous power are more, territory field that” forms might is fearful, such as the cruel storm area, gravity Chaos, gyrates crazily, can reduce power and soul of breaking, crushes fleshly body. 驳杂的力量越多,形成的“域场”威力越是可怕,如暴戾风暴区,重力混乱,疯狂旋动,能消减冲入者的力量、魂魄,粉碎肉身 On Wei Desen that natural formation, disorder territory field aura, is the origin that makes him be familiar with. 维德森身上那种天然形成,紊乱“域场”的气息,就是让他熟悉的来源。 This is also the Wei Desen cultivation deep meaning, special deep meaning that an unusual side door, the really unusual person knows, this deep meaning is very mysterious, is somewhat similar to that Ka Tuo Chaos Deep Meaning, actually obviously different. 这也是维德森修炼的奥义,一种非常偏门,甚少有人知晓的特殊奥义,这种奥义很玄妙,和那卡托混乱奥义有些相似,却有明显不同。 Ka Tuo Chaos Deep Meaning, meets Chaos all, will be centered on his oneself, has the powerful adsorptive attraction, gathers the stone and dissociation of cosmic dust and smashing Dead body skeleton all sorts of essences of energy and rupturing, making these substantive goods gyrate crazily, the crush space, causes heavy losses to the enemy. 卡托混乱奥义,会混乱一切,会以他自身为中心,产生强悍的吸附力,将宇宙尘埃、粉碎的石块、游离的能量、爆裂的尸体骨骸种种实质聚拢,令那些实质物品疯狂旋动,碾压空间,给敌人重创。 What Ka Tuo control is the material object, the material and stone that essence has, all visible have the thing of body. 卡托控制的为实物,实质存在的材料、石块,一切有形有体之物。 The Wei Desen deep meaning, change magnetic field, forms a piece of similar vacuum the region. The internal magnetic pole forms the great change, multiplies huge power instantaneously, such as meat grinder agitation any by the restraint life flesh and blood. 维德森的奥义,改变的磁场,形成一片类似真空的区域。内部磁场形成巨变,瞬间滋生庞大力量,如绞肉机般搅动任何被束缚的生灵血肉。 He is centered on the invisible magnetic force, the congealment magnetic field, stirs to break to pieces to be covered. 他是以无形的磁力为核心,凝结磁场,搅碎所有被笼罩住。 With Shi Yan in the past by the magnetic field that Gravitational Field condensation became, it may be said that extremely similar, even said deep meaning Essence consistently. 石岩当年以“磁殛域场”凝聚而成的磁场,可谓是极其的相似,甚至说奥义本源一致也可以。 This is on Wei Desen makes Shi Yan have the familiar feeling one mystery, in addition. One type! 这是维德森身上让石岩产生熟悉感的一种玄妙,除此之外。还有一种! On Wei Desen. He multiplies a marvelousness, as if this Wei Desen and he has some relation...... 维德森身上。他滋生一种奇妙,仿佛这维德森和他有着某种联系…… This feels most profound, being hard spoken language described very much. This feeling, he meets Saint Beast Azure Dragon, sees that Reddy time. Can perceive slightly. 这感觉玄之又玄,很难以言语来描绘。这感觉,他遇见圣兽青龙,见到那雷迪的时候。才能稍稍觉察到。 Bang!” “轰!” The terrifying magnetic field covers it, his sacrificial altar shakes loudly, God Body such as not can find sharp knife blade is cutting, must fall him torn to pieces. 恐怖的磁场将其笼罩,他祭台轰然一震,神体如被瞧不见的利刃切割着,要将他支离破碎掉。 Wei Desen is Origin God Second Sky Realm, each by his magnetic field covering, was extremely been carelessly difficult to work loose, will be strangled to death instantaneously by him, Wei Desen is very self-confident, although he does not know the Shi Yan real status. Actually can judge Shi Yan to be the same with him, is Origin God Second Sky. 维德森始神二重天境界,每一个不慎被他磁场笼罩者,都极难挣脱,会被他瞬间绞杀掉,维德森很自信,他虽不知道石岩真实身份。却能判断出石岩和他一样,也是始神二重天 His that magnetic field, is quite fearful, beginning can one and stirs broken, he reveals cruel sneering, Hehe said: Who regardless of you are, was covered by my this magnetic field. Must die without doubt!” 他那磁场,极为可怕,就连始界都能一并搅碎,他露出残忍的冷笑,嘿嘿道:“不论你是谁,被我这磁场罩住。必死无疑!” Wei Desen lives for the uncivilized nationalities and God Clan Expert hybrid, he can come to a stop in Brakell Family, and wields the diving god ship , because his deep meaning is unusual, is unclear his deep meaning wonderful. Often is at wit's end to him, before has not thought of the technique of explaining. Then was struck to kill by him. 维德森为蛮族和神族强者混血而生,他能在布雷克尔家族站稳,并且执掌潜神舰,就是因为他的奥义奇特,不明他奥义神妙者。往往对他无计可施,在没有想到破解之术前。便被他击杀。 Brakell Family head of the clan Suo Dun, reason that depresses the clansman to be discontented, entrusts with an important task in him, regarded as important his deep meaning to be marvelous. 布雷克尔家族族长索顿,之所以压下族人不满,委以重任于他,就是看重了他奥义奇妙。 The innumerable bloody battles, victories, making Wei Desen about their deep meaning confident. 无数次血战,一次次的胜利,让维德森对自己的奥义充满信心。 For many years, with the same level Warrior battle, was covered suddenly by his magnetic field, almost few people can work loose, is works loose, often peeled the First Level skin, carried the heavy losses. 多年来,和同级武者交战,被他磁场突然罩住了,几乎没有几人能挣脱,便是挣脱出来,也往往脱了一层皮,身负重创。 His self-confidence establishes the blood to accomplish in fact. 他的自信建立着鲜血造就的事实上。 Can die without doubt? Do you believe firmly?” In the magnetic field, the Shi Yan facial features distortion, the appearance slightly is fierce fearsome, his eyes shows the scarlet red gradually, fleshly body is withered. “必死无疑?你确信么?”磁场中,石岩面容扭曲,模样略显狰狞可怖,他双眸渐渐透出赤红色,肉身干瘪。 Who regardless of you are, this war, you must die!” Wei Desen is confident. “不论你是谁,此战,你都必死!”维德森信心满满。 Not far away, the clansmen of these Brakell Families, see the shape of Shi Yan that appearance distortion , a facial expression loosen. 不远处,那些布雷克尔家族的族人,一见石岩那模样扭曲的形态,也都神情一松。 Although they the innermost feelings despise the Wei Desen blood relationship, may also the great strength of clear Wei Desen, know his is in sole possession of magnetic field deep meaning is fearful, in recent years, innumerable startled certainly colorful Warrior, once by Wei Desen magnetic field covers, final result extremely sad Cui. 他们虽内心鄙夷维德森的血统,可也都清楚维德森的强大,知道他那独有的“磁场”奥义何等可怕,这些年来,无数惊才绝艳的武者,一旦被维德森的“磁场”罩住,最终的结果都极为悲催。 They think naturally the Shi Yan result, once will fall from the sky Expert in Wei Desen hand to be the same with these, will stir broken fleshly body, meets a cruel death. 他们理所当然的认为石岩的结果,会和那些曾经陨落维德森手中的强者一样,会搅碎肉身,粉身碎骨。 Has self-confidently is very good, but cannot be proud, the person of being proud, often cannot accept the failure, hopes that you can accept.” “有自信很好,但不能太自负了,自负的人,往往不能接受失败,希望你能接受。” Shi Yan has licked the licking lips corner/horn, eyes thorough is scarlet, can turbulent star territory the air/Qi of evil spirit, burst out from his whole body in the naked eye obvious blood mist shape, forms the First Level scarlet sarcrolemma, binds his whole body, in that scarlet sarcrolemma is flooding desperately, cruel, frightened and crazy, hate and bloodthirsty, is breeding inexhaustible evil. 石岩舔了舔嘴角,双眸彻底猩红下来,一股能动荡星域的凶煞之气,以肉眼可见的血雾形态从他全身迸发出来,形成一层血色肉膜,将他全身裹住,那血色肉膜内充斥着绝望、暴戾、恐惧、疯狂、怨恨、嗜杀,孕育着无穷无尽的邪恶。 At this moment, by Shi Yan that scarlet sarcrolemma binds, such as in world evil source, such as the basis of evil! 这一刻,被那血色肉膜裹住的石岩,如世间邪恶源头,如罪恶的根本! Explodes to me! Explode! Explodes!” “给我爆!爆!爆!” Three exploding character such as the violent anger of thunder, such as roaring of great demon, such as the call of purgatory devil, explodes loudly in that magnetic field. 三声“爆”字如雷霆之暴怒,如巨魔之咆哮,如炼狱恶魔的呐喊,在那磁场内轰然爆开。 kā kā kā Cameroon!” 喀喀喀喀!” The magnetic field that Wei Desen congeals, transmits the crack fragment suddenly, at once reveals the slit, then directly collapses. 维德森凝结的磁场,突然传来裂纹碎片,旋即露出缝隙,接着便直接崩溃。 If a magnetic force the invisible sharp knife blade, the lasing comes fiercely, peripheral many Warrior avoid, God Body was split suddenly, dies a violent death at the scene. 道道磁力如无形利刃,猛地激射开来,周边许多武者躲避不及,神体忽然被分裂掉,当场暴死。 And has the God Clan clansman, there is Ben Ni subordinates, is unable to resist with all one's strength in that magnetic force impact, by instant kill. 其中有神族族人,也有本尼的麾下,在那磁力冲击中根本无法力敌,被秒杀 Rip!” 哧啦!” Shi Yan puts out a hand, such as cuts the First Level net, territory field in works loose from that the shoulders shake, cover the scarlet sarcrolemma of his whole body, turns into scarlet strange fog instantaneously, is carrying desperately, cruel, hate and fear all sorts of negative aura, instead rushes Wei Desen. 石岩伸手一拉,如划破一层网,从那“域场”内挣脱出来,双肩一抖,覆盖他全身的血色肉膜,瞬间变成一片血色怪雾,携带着绝望、暴戾、怨恨、恐惧之种种负面气息,反涌向维德森 „!” “嗷!” Wei Desen does not send out roaring of person sound, fleshly body extremely fast that the uncivilized nationalities and God Clan mix sturdy grand, grows unexpectedly stiffly one meter, the whole body hair is thick, the muscle such as the rocks hurled down on the enemy builds, is flooding the strength feeling of arbitrary explosion, such as can spend freely the endless brute force. 维德森发出不似人音的咆哮,蛮族和神族混合的肉身极速粗壮雄阔起来,竟硬生生长高一米,浑身毛发浓密,肌肉如垒石堆砌,充斥着蛮横爆炸的力感,如能挥霍出无尽蛮力。 With his roaring sound, his within the body also emits a naked eye the smog that is difficult to see, that smog has the fearful sour odor, such as can corrode all! 随着他的咆哮声,他体内还冒出一种肉眼难见的烟雾,那烟雾有着可怕的酸味,如能腐蚀一切! That is nasty that only then violently poisonous evil spirit within the body can produce, such as miasma, such as Fei Lan cultivation Corrosion Deep Meaning, extremely fearful, the progression even must surpass Fei Lan present Corrosion Deep Meaning to be exquisite, these invisible thing spread come, with his magnetic field perfect conjunction, must be ordinary all life dissolutions. 那是只有剧毒妖物体内才能产生的酸毒,如毒瘴气,如费兰修炼腐蚀奥义,极为的可怕,级数甚至要超出费兰如今的腐蚀奥义精妙,那些无形之物扩散开来,和他那磁场完美的契合,要将所有生灵溶解一般。 Just in secret by Devouring Deep Meaning absorb vigorous power Shi Yan, at this time in acupoint was full explosion energy, can therefore explode power by acupoint negative energy, crushed that territory field. 刚刚暗中以吞噬奥义吸纳浑厚力量石岩,此时穴窍内充盈着爆炸的能量,所以能以穴窍负面之力爆炸力量,粉碎那域场。 But now Wei Desen acts crazy once more, that mixes in the invisible corrosion of magnetic field to be violently poisonous, makes him shake loudly, the complexion becomes the unprecedented dignity. 但如今维德森再次发飙,那混入磁场的无形腐蚀剧毒,却让他轰然一震,脸色变得前所未有的凝重。 The next quarter, his two have the mysterious mark, the mark such as the First Level level ripples ripple, was disclosing exquisiteness of Space Deep Meaning, forms layer upon layer the space wall barrier, must go to give to surround that Wei Desen magnetic field, does not make that mix in the invisible corrosion of magnetic field to give the spread violently poisonously. 下一刻,他两手结出玄妙印记,印记如一层层涟漪荡漾,透露着空间奥义的精妙,形成层层空间壁障,要去将那维德森的磁场给困住,不让那混入磁场的无形腐蚀剧毒给蔓延。 He has a feeling, if lets his invisible corrosion violently poisonous spread, floods in this abyss, feared that is God Clan and his here person, gives up any idea to go on living. 他有种感觉,若是让他无形腐蚀剧毒蔓延,充斥在这深渊内,怕是神族和他这边的人,一个都休想活下去。 Wei Desen was already crazy at this time! 维德森此时已然疯狂! Once uncivilized nationalities clansman violent anger, once loses the reason, will turn fearfully beast, will be reckless like Bedevilment! 蛮族族人一旦暴怒,一旦失去理智,会变成可怕的蛮兽,会如入魔般不顾一切! This is the God Clan Brakell Family most does not approve a Wei Desen point, in their eyes, once the violent anger were reckless, Wei Desen is beast, regards as the clansman wild beast that cannot tame, the clansmen of Brakell Family cannot approve absolutely. 这是神族布雷克尔家族最是不认同维德森的一点,在他们眼中,一旦暴怒不顾一切了,维德森就是一头不能驯服的蛮兽,将一头野兽视为族人,布雷克尔家族的族人绝对不能苟同。 Also a little...... 还有一点…… In past many fights, Wei Desen fought for Brakell Family, leading their clansmen to oppose the enemy. 以往的许多次战斗中,维德森为布雷克尔家族而战,率领他们族人去对敌。 In the fights of several times most bad risks, Wei Desen goes crazy, although wipes out the enemy, but these with the clansman of his Brakell Family together, died, in Brakell Family high-level eye, these clansmen by the Wei Desen manslaughter. 在几次最凶险的战斗中,维德森发狂,虽然将敌人全部歼灭,可那些与他一道儿的布雷克尔家族的族人,也全部死亡,在布雷克尔家族高层眼中,那些族人是被维德森误杀。 They are unforgiving! 他们不能原谅! Therefore, in their hearts, Wei Desen is only one beast, does not control easily, can actually play the major role at crucial moments beast. 因此,在他们心中,维德森只是一头蛮兽,一头不容易控制,却能在关键时刻发挥大作用的蛮兽。 Significance that this in their eyes Wei Desen has. 这就是在他们眼里维德森存在的意义。 Actually, these once and Wei Desen together, in the Brakell Family of most difficult fight tragic death, after Wei Desen went crazy, the invisible corrosion that in God Body sends out extinguished violently poisonously, this fact nobody knew, Wei Desen I, has been in confuses. 其实,那些曾经和维德森一道,在最难战斗惨死的布雷克尔家族,是被维德森发狂后,神体内散发出来的无形腐蚀剧毒所灭,这个事实无人知晓,就连维德森本人,也一直处于迷惑中。 When because he goes crazy, releases these corrosion violently poisonous times, he does not have the reason. 因为当他发狂,释放那些腐蚀剧毒的时候,他没有理智。 But after being sober, all occurred, has become the fact of being doomed. 而清醒后,一切已经发生,成了注定的事实。 Now, Wei Desen under the Shi Yan fearful pressure, in that first territory field broken instant that he backlash has been damaged, then instantaneously goes crazy, stimulates uncivilized nationalities' blood. 如今,维德森石岩的可怕压力下,在那第一个“域场”被震碎的霎那,他已经反噬受创,便瞬间发狂,激发蛮族之血。 That initiated several times dies certainly the evil source of murder case, that invisible corrosion violently poisonous along with the expansion of magnetic field, appears again, wreaks havoc once more heaven and earth. 那数次引发死绝血案的罪恶源头,那无形的腐蚀剧毒随着磁场的扩张,再次出现,再次肆虐天地 Shi Yan construction the space wall barrier of layer upon layer, could not hinder that corrosion to be violently poisonous, layer upon layer ripples rapid melt. 就连石岩构建的层层空间壁障,都阻碍不了那腐蚀剧毒,层层涟漪迅速消融 Shi Yan reveals meaning with amazement for the first time. 石岩首次露出骇然之意。 His look changes countenance, deep looks at that territory field spreads to expand unceasingly, the complexion is unpredictable, suddenly holds the breath with rapt attention, concentrates all energy to stimulate to movement the Space Deep Meaning true meaning. 他眼神动容,深深看着那“域场”不断蔓延扩充,脸色变幻莫测,忽然屏息凝神,集中所有精力催动空间奥义真谛。 In the flash, across this abyss dangerous situation, lives many marvelous roads suddenly, the road is dark, is at with him together crosses the newcomer side. 在一瞬间,在这深渊险境各地,突生许多奇妙甬道,甬道幽暗深邃,都处在和他一道过来者的身旁。 He calls out: Enters the space bridge! Temporarily evades the point!” 他暴喝:“进入空间桥!暂避锋芒!” His eyes splits eye-catching rays of light, that rays of light staring on Wei Desen, unceasing is fluctuating. 双眸绽出夺目光芒,那光芒凝视在维德森身上,不断的变幻着。 His mind moves greatly, he knows on finally Wei Desen lets the feeling that he is familiar with, was actually anything. 他心神巨动,他终于知道维德森身上让他熟悉的感觉,究竟是什么了。 ...... To be continued .RT ……未完待续.RT
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