GOS :: Volume #14

#1329: Shoulders hardly!

Wei Desen body and spirit tall and strong, expression heavy standing in diving god bow unit, a golden bright armor. 维德森体魄魁梧,神色沉重的站在潜神舰首部,一身黄灿灿的明亮铠甲。 He by no means pure God Clan clansman, but is the child who Brakell Family Expert and uncivilized nationalities female gives birth, that Expert was exiled in the past in an extremely remote bleak star territory, the uncivilized nationalities in that star territory only meets the meditation body, does not understand the utilization of higher power. 他并非纯粹的神族族人,而是布雷克尔家族一名强者和蛮族女子生下的孩子,那强者当年被流放在一个极为偏僻荒凉的星域,在那星域中蛮族只会苦修身体,不懂得更高力量的运用。 That Expert, carries the severe wound in the exile, was rescued by a uncivilized nationalities female. 那名强者,在流放中身负重伤,被一名蛮族女子所救。 Under the unexpected happening, that Expert and uncivilized nationalities female had a sentiment, later that Expert power restores, overcomes that star territory, oneself then return to Brakell Family. 鬼使神差下,那强者和蛮族女子发生了一段情,之后那强者力量恢复,将那片星域打下,自己便返回布雷克尔家族。 After he leaves, many years, that uncivilized nationalities female has given birth to Wei Desen, Wei Desen has the God Clan bloodlines, in that star territory quick budding, power is astonishing, Realm also promotes swiftly and violently. 他离开后多年,那名蛮族女子生下了维德森,维德森神族血脉,在那星域中很快崭露头角,力量惊人,境界也提升迅猛。 The uncivilized nationalities female sees its intelligence to be extraordinary, then made him go to the Ancient God star territory to look for the father, Wei Desen then complies mother's instruction the Ancient God star territory, looked for Brakell Family, what a pity, his father caused heavy losses in another star territory battle, in place of restoration a perishing god, had not waked up throughout. 蛮族女子见其资质非凡,便让他前往古神星域找生父,维德森便依从母亲的吩咐去了古神星域,找上布雷克尔家族,可惜,他那生父在另外一处星域战斗中重创,一直在一处殒神之地恢复,始终不曾醒来。 Wei Desen because of by no means purely the God Clan clansman, therefore was not acknowledged by Brakell Family, refusing him to belong to the genealogy. 维德森因为并非纯粹神族族人,所以不被布雷克尔家族承认,拒绝他归入族谱。 But Wei Desen power indeed is not also weak, Brakell Family does not want to waste intelligence good Warrior in vain, makes him the war slave in Brakell Family surrounding, is God Clan fights, these war slaves, to put it bluntly are the cannon fodders, was used to sacrifice. 维德森力量又的确不弱,布雷克尔家族不想白白浪费一名资质不错的武者,就让他成为布雷克尔家族外围的战奴,为神族而战,那些战奴,说白了就是炮灰,是用来牺牲的。 But Wei Desen in times must in the dead bloody battle, actually stiffly survive, power unexpectedly unceasing increasing, enters into Origin God Second Sky Realm through millennium directly. 维德森在一次次必死血战中,却硬生生存活下来,力量竟然不断的攀升,通过千年时间直接迈入始神二重天境界 This person, stimulates to movement God Clan god blood and that uncivilized nationalities bloodlines one and stimulates the ominous barbarian, is extremely unexpectedly fearful. 此人,催动神族神血和那蛮族血脉一并激发凶蛮,竟极其可怕。 Brakell Family current head of the clan Suo Dun, faces up to this bloodlines impure finally, although has not belonged to the genealogy his name. Actually grants him the diving god ship power of family. Let him for Brakell Family potency, in recent years, Wei Desen repeatedly makes the great merit. Let Szo even more regard as important. 布雷克尔家族现任族长索顿,终于正视这个血脉不纯者,虽没有将他的名字归入族谱。却将家族的潜神舰大权赐予他。让他为布雷克尔家族效力,这些年来,维德森屡次立下大功。让索顿愈发看重。 This, is used to strike to crush the heavy responsibility of Fire Rain Star Field, then loses on the shoulder of Wei Desen. 这趟,用来一击粉碎火雨星域的重任,便丢在维德森的肩上。 Sir. Nine days of time, this piece of abyss terrible topography can the lyue be even again. Can change into our forts, the opposite party, if intrudes really rashly, meets one to be struck to kill surely carelessly!” A God Clan clansman, arrives at side Wei Desen respectfully, respectful sinking sound track. “大人。再有九天时间,这片深渊凶地就能锊平。就能化为我们的要塞,对方如果真的冒然闯入,必定会一个不慎被击杀!”一名神族族人,恭敬来到维德森身旁,恭敬的沉声道。 Although his expression is respectful, but in his look actually hideaway extremely good despising. 他语气虽恭敬,但他眼神之中却有一丝隐藏极好的鄙夷。 Because he is the pure God Clan clansman, is flowing the blood of pure God Clan, this is in a bone proudly. Although Wei Desen Realm is higher than him, although for the leader of diving god ship, but here many God Clan clansmen. Same lives to despise to the Wei Desen heart with him. 因为他是纯粹的神族族人,流淌着纯粹的神族之血,这是一种骨子里的傲然。维德森虽然境界高于他,虽然为潜神舰的首领,但这里许多神族族人。都和他一样对维德森心生鄙夷。 With the master of uncivilized nationalities hybrid. Is impure, is dirty. If not Wei Desen also a little Realm, the value of fight, they believe that this person early was abandoned by Somalia. 一个和蛮族混血的主人。是不纯粹的,是肮脏的。若非维德森还有点境界,还有战斗的价值,他们相信此人早被索顿遗弃了。 The Wei Desen body and spirit is majestic, the eye pupil is the iron grey, the trace of that uncivilized nationalities clansman bloodlines, he looks indifferently to reporting, in the heart coldly snorted, maintains composure saying: Stares at the tight surrounding, at this time was most critical, before us not this place prepare, if some people rush hardly, suffering a loss will be we!” 维德森体魄雄壮,眼眸呈灰白色,那种蛮族族人血脉的痕迹,他冷眼看向禀告者,心中冷哼一声,不动声色道:“盯紧外围,这时候最为紧要,在我们没有将此地布置好之前,如果有人硬闯,吃亏的将会是我们自己!” He is not silly, from the vision of these God Clan subordinates, he can look at hideaway extremely deep despising. 他不傻,从那些神族麾下的目光中,他能瞧出隐藏极深的鄙视。 That vision like the unexpected blow, making him quite uncomfortable, but he cannot manifest suddenly, he fully realized the entire star territory that he was born is Brakell's attached star territory, if he dares to have the rebelling heart, not only he will be put to death, his ancestor star, his mother, these believes in him for the uncivilized nationalities clansman of king, will die because of him. 那种目光如冷箭,让他极为不舒服,但他不能发作,他深知他出生的整个星域都是布雷克尔的附属星域,如果他敢有反叛心,不但他会被诛杀,他的祖星,他的母亲,那些信奉他为王的蛮族族人,都会因他而死。 His life, his all, had been bound by Brakell Family, he is incapable of working loose, is unable to work loose. 他的生命,他的一切,都被布雷克尔家族绑住了,他无力挣脱,也无法挣脱。 Sir! Has the change! Has the enemy to attack!” “大人!有变动!有敌人冲击!” , Hears a sharp howl from the distant place suddenly, in a flash, all diving god shipboard God Clan clansmen, facial expression reacted. 突地,从远处传来一声尖利啸声,一瞬间,所有潜神舰上的神族族人,都神情震动 They at this time the method in according to God Clan being in sole possession, changes these energy storms, is guiding the terrifying mighty current magnetic field, the most critical moment, was being attacked at this time, suddenly will call a halt will possibly suffer backlash of strength of nature, if not call a halt, will meet with a disaster wanton bombing. 他们此时都在以神族独有的方法,来改变那些能量风暴,引导着恐怖洪流磁场,正在最为关键时刻,这时候被冲击,忽然停手可能会遭受自然之力的反噬,若是不停手,被人狂轰滥炸自己又会遭殃。 The opposite party comes the person, had found God Clan most opportunity awfully, lets them is the terrified color deterioration. 对方来人,找到了神族最为要命的时机,让他们皆是悚然变色。 Wei Desen hears the keenly blowing sound,[ body] in the blood becomes hot tempered, the hot tempered instinct of uncivilized nationalities is ready to make trouble, that is hope to fight, as if only then fights, not stops fight completely, can stop moving restlessly of their innermost feelings being restless! 维德森听到尖啸声,〖体〗内鲜血都变得暴躁,蛮族的暴躁天性蠢蠢欲动,那是一种对战斗的渴望,似乎只有战斗,无止尽的战斗,才能停止他们内心的躁动不安! Standing by!” Wei Desen was roaring, the sound such as beast whooshing, resounded through entire abyss terrible topography. “准备战斗!”维德森咆哮着,声音如蛮兽的嘶吼,响彻整个深渊凶地 He multiplies confusing: The opposite party knows them at this place, how can realize existence of diving god ship? 他心里滋生一种迷惑:对方怎知他们处在此地,怎能察觉到潜神舰的存在? With his howling, numerous God Clan clansmen are riding War Chariot, bridges over these have the big bad risk certainly, toward the front brings. 随着他的吼叫声,众多神族族人乘坐着战车,跨过那些有大凶险的绝地,往前方引来。 In their front, is Ghost Hunter, the bloody corps that is Ghost Hunter leads Monster Clan and Devil Clan that Expert composes, by bites to nip battlefield impact on come, such as a worry embezzles all pythons, the malignant influences concentrate are one, soars to the heavens ominously severely. 在他们前方,为鬼獠,为鬼獠率领的妖族魔族强者组成的血腥战队,以“噬咬”战阵冲击而来,如一头撕咬吞没一切的巨蟒,煞气凝为一,凶厉冲天。 This army was built by Anna one, in the past then dominated a side in the Lie Yan Star Field Anna's bloody regiment, Agate Star Field Monster Clan and Devil Clan Expert battle efficiency is astonishing, surpasses the secondary roles that she formed in the past, this new bloody regiment on such as the Bloodthirsty Demonic Beast nightmare, extremely cruel bloodthirsty. 这支军队被lì安娜一手打造而成,当年在烈焰星域lì安娜的血腥军团便称霸一方,玛琊星域妖族魔族强者战斗力惊人,远超她当年组建的班底,这支新的血腥军团就如嗜血妖兽噩梦,极为残暴嗜杀。 They attack, the imposing manner collects is, concentrates in ominous severe energy of their top of the head for the python, the malignant influences are rock the earth. 他们冲击过来,气势汇为一股,在他们头顶的凶厉能量凝为巨蟒,煞气震天动地。 Acts recklessly!” “不知死活!” A God Clan soldier, the complexion is solemn, is only Origin God First Sky Realm, shouted to clear the way fierce: Ties, god cracking whole wide world!” 一名神族战士,脸色冷峻,只是始神一重天境界,厉声喝道:“结阵,神裂八荒!” Instantaneous, War Chariot disperse, such as sharp bits, the Void Realm deep meanings of these God Clan clansmen act in harmony, is good at the aggressor releasing the sharp knife blade of wind, ices the corner icicle, the flame rough sea waves, is good at the defender constructing the backdrop of Jianshui, earth barrier and other barrier restriction, a side main attack, Fang Zhushou, the mechanical reactance Ghost Hunter corps, do not reveal the defeat looks like unexpectedly. 瞬间,一艘艘战车分散,如一道道锋利的刀片,那些神族族人的虚界奥义相互间配合默契,擅长攻击者释放风之利刃,冰棱冰柱,火焰巨浪,擅长防御者构建水之天幕,大地屏障等结界禁制,一方主攻,一方主守,竟力抗鬼獠的战队,并不露败像。 A both impact, numerous God Weapon circle in flight, brilliance is radiant, stream ray overflowing color, deep meaning showdown, domain extrusion, Heavenly Lightning reacted, lightning like dragon. 两者一冲击,众多神兵飞旋,光华璀璨,流光溢彩,奥义对决,领域挤压,天雷震动,闪电如龙。 God Clan gets rid hastily, the might that the battlefield that but has forms, such as the double envelopment of devil comes, new bloody regiment that not weak Ghost Hunter leads. 神族仓促出手,但结出的战阵形成的威力,如恶魔的两翼包抄而来,丝毫不弱鬼獠带领的新血腥军团。 Once fights, the superiority of God Clan God Weapon armor, medicinal pills and deep meaning, will show slowly, with the lapse of time, little reverse war. 一旦交手,神族神兵铠甲、丹药、奥义的优势,又会慢慢展现,会随着时间的推移,一点点的扭转战局。 This time leads new bloody regiment, will be Ghost Hunter, the Heavenly Demon Clan first ancestor Qin Dian future successor, will fuse Heavenly Demon Clan, Immortal Devil Clan and Ming Royal Family blood to exist as one freak, a lance that if Ghost Hunter will destroy the hardest defenses, will disregard bombing of God Clan numerous God Weapon, deep meaning and power completely, will rush to is that Chief God Clan of head. 只是,这次率领新血腥军团者,为鬼獠,天妖族始祖钦点的未来接班人,融和天妖族不死魔族冥皇族鲜血为一体的怪胎般存在,鬼獠就如无坚不摧的一支矛,根本无视神族众多神兵、奥义、力量的轰炸,直闯向为首的那名神族队长。 Achieves Divine level fifth rank and sixth rank ice sword and shield blade edge and sparganium stoloniferum blood thorn, the impact of ice skates, roaring flame and strange light, the bang on his God Body, but splashes the broken light. 许多达到神级五品六品的冰剑、盾刃、三棱血刺,冰刀、烈焰、奇光的冲击,轰在他神体上,只是溅出碎光。 Cannot leave behind a scar on him unexpectedly. 竟不能在他身上留下一点疤痕。 The Ghost Hunter monster body broken, chilling such as cold ice, such as the electricity, in the arbitrariest crude way, goes directly to that God Clan Expert quickly urgently at present. 鬼獠妖身不破,冷硬如寒冰,快捷如亟电,以最蛮横粗暴的方式,直达那名神族强者眼前。 Roar! 吼! Ghost Hunter roared, the roar sound wave implication punctured eardrum the sound of terrifying, such as scolding of Antiquity Ferocious Beast to destiny, like thunder. 鬼獠咆哮,厉啸音波蕴含刺破耳膜的恐怖之音,如远古凶兽对命运的呵斥,声声如雷。 That God Clan clansman, the body fine armor, along with a Ghost Hunter roar, such as jade carving blasting open, has broken unexpectedly to pieces place directly. 那名神族族人,身上精美的铠甲,随着鬼獠一吼,竟然如玉器炸裂,直接就碎了一地。 Next quarter, Ghost Hunter such as Arrow, unexpectedly from him[ body] in passes through directly! 下一刻,鬼獠如一支箭矢,竟然从他〖体〗内直接穿过! Ghost Hunter, that person of God Body five main internal organs (entrails) strangely vanishes, the body splits from the middle, in the scarlet blood, dies at the scene certainly. 鬼獠穿过后,那人神体五脏六腑都诡异消失,身体从中间分裂,在猩红鲜血中,当场死绝。 Dispersion impact, listens to my Divine Sense thought signal, some places cannot clash.” Shi Yan comes by Ghost Hunter suddenly, he narrows the eyes to focus, wholeheartedly multipurpose, Divine Sense changes into news to read, flows to Blood Devil, Feng Han and Lin Xin, Yan Chi, to ice the Jie people respectively, tells direction that they must attack. “分散冲击,听我神识念头讯号,一些地方不可强冲。”石岩忽然在鬼獠旁边现身,他眯着眼,一心多用,神识化为一个个讯念,分别流向血魔锋寒、琳馨、炎蚩、冰婕众人,告诉他们要冲击的方向。 He was not good at commanding general situation fight, but he can see clearly the autumn hair to the situation details now, can find to avoid the direction of abyss bad risk place accurately, therefore simply ordered. 他本不擅长统率大局战斗,但如今他能对局势细微处洞察秋毫,能准确找到避免深渊凶险处的方向,于是就干脆下令。 Under his Divine Sense communication, Blood Devil, Feng Han and Lin Xin people, command the subordinates respectively, evaded terrible topography that easily God Clan arranges beforehand, bridges over the trap, arrives at God Clan most not to hope the place of their meeting directly. 在他的神识传讯下,血魔锋寒、琳馨众人,各自统率麾下,轻易避过神族事先安排的凶地,跨过陷阱,直接到达神族最不愿他们碰见之地。 These regions, such as being puzzled god lead cloud place is often same, in addition after has not arranged, covers entirely the bad risk, moreover by the God Clan clansman careful ingenious is treating, making them divert attention to have no time. 那些区域,往往如“惑神铅云”处一样尚且没有安排后,布满凶险,而且还被神族族人正小心巧妙的对待着,令他们分心无暇。 Their arrivals, directly cause these God Clan clansmen to change color terrified, has to divert attention to deal with. 他们的到来,直接导致那些神族族人悚然变色,不得不分心应付。 Kills!” “杀!” Ben Ni is drinking severely, he leads these Fire Rain Star Field Expert, with Ghost Hunter together, mechanical reactance God Clan positive regiment. 本尼厉喝着,他则是率领那些火雨星域强者,和鬼獠一道,力抗神族正面军团。 But at this time, the Shi Yan thought fluctuates, turns into afterimage, is hovering in various place battle intense places, he each, a war zone will then have promoted the change. 而此时,石岩念头变幻间,化成一道道残影,在各处战斗激烈之处游动着,他每过一处,一处战区便会提升变化。 The God Clan clansmen of these tragic deaths, these by the person on one's own side who God Clan destroys completely, power that has not dissipated, will derive immediately. 那些惨死的神族族人,那些被神族灭掉的自己人,一身尚未消散的力量,立即就会汲取一空。 The tragic death of God Clan clansman, demise of person on one's own side, these power have not wasted, was congealed quietly by him, that power, will pour into to having the scarlet mark, will change the war little. 神族族人的惨死,自己人的灭亡,那些力量没有浪费,被他悄然间凝结起来,那一股股力量,将会重新灌注向拥有血色印记,会一点点改变战局。 He has not entered the war, like a fish in water absorb power, making whole body acupoint be full, the whole body brimmed with power to fluctuate. 他并未参战,如鱼得水般吸纳力量,令浑身穴窍充盈着,周身洋溢着力量波动。 You is a head!” “你是首脑!” , Wei Desen explodes roar sound to transmit suddenly, he through Shi Yan Divine Sense spread communication, accurately its locking, from out of the blue. 突地,维德森爆吼声音传来,他通过石岩神识扩散传讯,准确将其锁定,破空而来。 Origin God Second Sky Wei Desen, sends out whooshes intermittently, imitates, if wild beast breaks in the flock of sheep, does not know what arbitrarily the death was fierce aura! 始神二重天维德森,发出阵阵嘶吼,仿若野兽冲入羊群,一股蛮横不知死亡为何物的凶悍气息 The blood relationship of his uncivilized nationalities, made him, once fought, becomes quite the bloodthirsty will be cruel, was similar to into Devil Transformation is beast general. 他那蛮族的血统,令他一旦战斗起来,会变得极为嗜杀残暴,如同入魔化为蛮兽一般。 Shi Yan turned head to shoot a look at Wei Desen, his facial expression moved suddenly, an eye of dew was panic-stricken. 石岩回头瞥了一眼维德森,突地,他神情一动,目露惊骇。 On the body of Wei Desen, he realized suddenly a marvelous fluctuation, Wei Desen[ body] aura that in reveals, making him have a familiar feeling. 维德森的身上,他忽然察觉到一股奇妙波动,维德森〖体〗内流露出来的气息,让他生出一种熟悉感。
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