GOS :: Volume #14

#1328: Bites to nip!

The Shi Yan words, making the people quite amazed. 石岩的话,让众人极为惊诧。 Steps into a star territory, immediately can the general territory integrate the hearts among Star Chart, sound intelligent apprehension in Xin to star territory, is this what kind mystery? 一踏入一个星域,立即能将星域如星图般纳入心间,对星域的动静明察于心,这是何等的神奇? Shi Yan, wonderful are quite astonished, along with his Realm promotion, his cultivation stars and Space Deep Meaning has the fusion trend gradually, these two deep meanings the unions of slightly, bring the brand-new sensibility to him, making him have so wonderful. 就连石岩自己,都对此神妙极为惊愕,随着他境界提升,他修炼的星辰、空间奥义渐渐有融合趋向,这两种奥义的稍稍结合,就给他带来全新的感悟,让他拥有如此神妙。 Minors in different deep meaning, breakthrough in profound Realm is slow, is extremely difficult to be large scale obtains the instantaneous promotion of Realm. 兼修不同奥义者,在高深境界突破迟缓,极难大幅度的获得境界的瞬间提升。 To all person Warrior is so. 对所有人武者来说都是如此。 Origin God, if breakthrough Realm, the power deep meaning of minoring, must in abundance breakthrough . Moreover the supernatural power that needs also continues compared with only cultivation deep meaning many several folds! 始神,若要突破一个境界,兼修的力量奥义,必须要纷纷突破,而且所需要的神力也比只修炼一种奥义者多数倍都不止! Only cultivation Origin God of deep meaning, in this Realm, wants a breakthrough level probably to take several hundred years of even several thousand years, these minoring in different deep meaning, consumption being more than of time energy several fold only cultivate deep meaning, is this what kind difficulty? 一名只修炼一种奥义的始神,在此境界中,要突破一个层次都可能需要数百年甚至数千年时间,那些兼修不同奥义者,耗费的时间精力数倍的多于只修一种奥义者,这是何等的艰难? This directly causes minoring in many deep meaning, after stepping into Origin God, possibly finally its life also again difficult breakthrough one step. 这直接导致兼修多种奥义者,在踏入始神后,可能终其一生也再难突破一步。 Numerous Warrior are the deep bright this giant malpractice, only studies diligently a deep meaning, the life immerse in a Realm deep meaning, this can in the long years accumulation, step by step the promotion. 众多武者便是深明这巨大弊端,才只钻研一种奥义,将一生浸没在一种境界奥义上,这样才可以在漫长岁月积累中,步步提升。 If Shi Yan so, minoring in stars, space, life and death and Devouring Deep Meaning, and breakthrough fast, absolutely is among Star Sea the biggest different number! Absolute miracle! 石岩这般,兼修星辰、空间、生死、吞噬奥义,并且突破迅捷者,绝对乃是星海间最大的异数!绝对的奇迹! Among the galaxy is spreading a view, can with the Ancient Continent fusion be one, can contact Essence thoroughly, understands clearly the deep meaning true meaning, can linger in the deep meaning source easily. 星河间流传着一种说法,能和古大陆融合为一者,更能深入接触本源,洞悉奥义真谛,能轻易在奥义源头内流连。 This person, has four each time at most, because Ancient Continent has four. 这种人,每个时代至多存在四个,因为古大陆只有四个。 Four fuse Ancient Continent Essence, in Realm realizes from experience on, in the cognition of deep meaning, compared with average man speed quick many, can force the broken deep meaning to be exquisite. 四个融合古大陆本源者,在境界体悟上,在奥义的认知上,会比常人速度快的多,更能勒破奥义精妙。 If this person minoring in different deep meanings, if the good luck is dreadful, may not be inferior in the comprehension of deep meaning and person. 这种人若是兼修不同奥义,如果鸿运滔天,可能在奥义的领悟上不会逊色与人。 Only they need to be worried is the accumulation of supernatural power! 他们唯一需要担心的便是神力的积累! Minors in different deep meaning, supernatural power that breakthrough needs each time, can be the same level Warrior several fold! After achieving Origin God, even if the accumulation of supernatural power supplemented at Divine Crystal and day material treasure, requires the extremely long time, shortcut that in world has almost not gotten it done in one action. 兼修不同奥义者,每次突破所需的神力,会是同级武者的数倍!达到始神后,神力的积累即便以神晶和天材地宝来补充,也需要极为漫长时间,世间几乎没有一蹴而就的捷径。 But Devouring Deep Meaning, is actually Star Sea innumerably has the recognition, true shortcut! 吞噬奥义,却是星海无数存在公认的,真正的捷径! Reason that Devouring Deep Meaning was esteemed as in world first evil technique, the first deep meaning, because of cultivation this deep meaning, by Devouring Deep Meaning that can harm others to benefit oneself, by extremely quick speed accumulation supernatural power, rapid achieves the breakthrough critical point! 吞噬奥义之所以被推崇为世间第一邪术,第一奥义,就是因为修炼这奥义者,能损人利己的以吞噬奥义,以极快速度积累神力,迅疾的达到突破的临界点! That swallows, can integrate all power to use for oneself, various strength, supernatural powers, souls and kind of different attribute power God Body flesh and blood, so long as is energy, can swallow, even the deep meaning is continually exquisite, can draw to gather, changes into Realm to realize from experience to integrate inner world sacrificial altar. 那吞噬,能纳入一切力量为己用,神体血肉之力、神力、灵魂、各类不同属性的力量,只要为能量,都能吞噬,甚至连奥义精妙,也能收拢聚集起来,化为境界体悟纳入心海祭台 This swallows evil technique, is subverts and destroys to heaven and earth natural law one simply! 这吞噬邪术,简直就是对天地规则的一种颠覆和摧毁! Bloodthirsty takes advantage of this technique, appears swiftly then bloody, dominates Star Sea, recognizes the Star Sea first obviously this evil technique fearsomeness. 嗜血依仗此术,倏一出现便一路血腥,称霸星海,公认星海第一可见此邪术的可怖。 Has to swallow evil technique, minoring in stars, space and Life and Death Deep Meaning he, in breakthrough speed , is not only not slow, even the ratio only cultivates deep meaning to be quick! 身怀吞噬邪术,兼修星辰、空间、生死奥义的他,突破速度上不但不慢,甚至比只修一种奥义者还快! All these, give credit to Devouring Deep Meaning! 这一切,都归功于吞噬奥义 Minoring in deep meaning, although the advancement is slow, but with the same level Warrior battle, is almost at absolutely the leading condition. 兼修奥义者,虽然进境缓慢,但和同级武者交战,几乎都处于绝对领先的状态。 This phenomenon, toward following Realm, is obvious! 这种现象,越往后面的境界,越是明显! Because, minors in different deep meaning , to promote along with Realm with steady steps, the different deep meanings often can fuse, multiply endless mysterious! 因为,兼修不同奥义者,随着境界稳步提升,不同奥义往往能融合,滋生出无尽玄妙! Fuses the different deep meanings the marvelousness, average man is very difficult to understand, is extremely difficult to deal with, now, Shi Yan steps into Star Sea, then immediately multiplies one type for the marvelous feeling of Lord of star territory, consciousness the thought such as the tentacle of giant octopus, can patrol in star territory each corner. 融合不同奥义的奇妙,常人很难理解,也极难应付,如今,石岩一踏入星海,便立即滋生一种为星域之主的奇妙感受,意识念头如巨大章鱼的触手,能游弋在星域各个旮旯。 This is the stars and Space Deep Meaning first fuses, to marvelousness that he brings, later along with the Realm promotion, this type marvelous even more will make the person shock. 这便是星辰、空间奥义初次融合,给他带来的奇妙,以后随着境界提升,这种奇妙会愈发的让人震撼。 Decca Luo, because of only cultivation Space Deep Meaning, does not know the Stars Deep Meaning true meaning, although now enters into Immortal Second Sky, but he in galaxy to slight seeing clearly of general situation, possibly cannot reach the Shi Yan present altitude. 就连迪卡罗,因为只修炼空间奥义,不知晓星辰奥义真谛,如今虽然迈入不朽二重天,可他在一个星河间对大局的细微洞察,可能也达不到石岩如今的高度。 This marvelous ability, often only then minoring in different deep meaning can have, because they chose one to be doomed the hard and dangerous path, has made many efforts. 这种奇妙的能力,往往只有兼修不同奥义者才能拥有,因为他们选择了一条注定艰险的道路,付出了更多努力。 Perhaps is one of the heaven treats fairly, they paid the average man were too more, many of therefore also compared with the average man obtaining, after many a fusion endless mysterious, this mystery, according to the equivalent fusions of different deep meaning, was different. 或许是上天的一种公平对待,他们比常人付出了太多,所以也比常人得到的多,多一种融合后的无尽玄妙,这种玄妙,根据不同奥义的等阶融合,都不尽相同。 The space and stars are in world are most mysterious the top deep meaning, these two deep meanings can unify ingeniously, once starts to fuse, the marvelousness that displays, will certainly shock the galaxy! 空间、星辰都是世间最玄妙顶尖奥义,这两种奥义本就能巧妙结合,一旦开始融合,发挥出来的奇妙,必将震撼星河! That diving god ship quantity has about 500, God Clan Warrior more than 20,000, Realm takes God King as the start probably, the diving god ship is very scattered, the middle has the natural storm field, very intense......” “那潜神舰数量有500艘左右,神族武者大概有20000多,境界神王为起步,潜神舰很分散,中间有天然的风暴场,很强烈……” Narrows the eyes to focus, Shi Yan Divine Sense such as the invisible tentacle, in the front sounding, was stating clearly the God Clan layout in detail. 眯着眼,石岩神识如隐形触手,在前方触探着,详细言明神族的布局。 Front that quiet hidden place, is six corner star surrounding natural wall barriers, is a star territory abyss, the star territory abyss is flooding various Star Sea bad risks, has to explode the broken meteorite to dash blasting open unceasingly, has cosmic dust that was towed, has the fierce boundless astral wind, has the bitter cold ice corner like the sword, there, our Fire Rain Star Field Warrior does not dare to penetrate generally.” “前方那片幽暗处,为六棱星地外围天然壁障,是一处星域深渊,星域深渊内部充斥着各类星海凶险,有爆碎的陨石不断冲撞炸裂,有被牵引来的宇宙尘埃,有剧烈的无垠罡风,有酷寒的冰棱如剑,那里,我们火雨星域武者一般都不敢深入。” Yu Shan walks up animated, a she personal emerald green colored late ritual skirt, exposes the snow white shoulders, the front gully gets sucked, is not enters the war likely, the reversed image is to attend the evening banquet, but her facial expression is quite dignified, deeply looks to the front quiet hidden place. 郁珊俏生生走上前来,她一身贴身的翠绿色晚礼裙,裸露出雪白双肩,胸前沟壑深陷,不像是来参战,倒像是参加夜宴,可她神情却极为凝重,深深看向前方幽暗处。 God Clan dares to choose there achievement ambush point, really stems from me to be unexpected, the person who chooses here, is extremely absolutely fearful. I dare saying that if no your reminder, when God Clan to kill greatly broken the barrier bang of six corner star places, we must choose here to break through under having no way out, because here has natural terrible topography, although will make my us lose seriously, the God Clan clansman who also will let the pursuit, pays the grievous cost, we think, will do such..., `,” 神族敢选择将那里作为埋伏点,真是出乎我意料之外,选择此处的人,绝对极其可怕。我敢说,如果没你的提醒,当神族以大杀器将六棱星地的结界轰破,我们在走投无路下必会选择此处突围,因为这里有天然凶地,虽然会让我我们损失惨重,也会让追击的神族族人,付出惨痛代价,我们会这么想,也会这么做…,‘,” The Yu Shan crescent moon eye, appears wipes the fear to be frightened, we absolutely unexpected, the God Clan diving god ship can hide, must do, feared that will be annihilated!” 郁珊月牙般的眼睛,显现一抹后怕惊悚,“我们绝对预料不到,神族的潜神舰会潜藏其中,真要那么做,怕是会全军覆没!” Together with Xiao En and Xuan Fei, these regard Ben Ni for Fire Rain Star Field Warrior of leader, listened to a Yu Shan saying, a whole body round of cold, the back was cool, such as will find them to break in the future, discovered fiercely the diving god ship revealed the fang, fearful scene of their one by one tearing. 一道跟来的肖恩萱绯,还有那些视本尼为首领的火雨星域武者,听郁珊一说,都浑身发寒,背脊都凉飕飕的,如瞧见了未来他们冲入其中,猛地发现潜神舰露出獠牙,将他们一一撕裂的可怕场景。 Opposite party in addition now has not prepared, immediately attacks, must pay grievous cost, will inevitably not be we.” Shi Yan cold voice said. “对方如今尚且没有准备好,立即冲击,要付出惨痛代价者,必然不会是我们。”石岩冷声道。 Comes from the Agate Star Field Blood Devil people, believes him unconditionally, hear word sinking sound ordered, making these breaking in arrangements neat, prepares to advance, Devil Clan and Monster Clan that clansman these came, once received Lianna to whet to the guidance, the imposing manner quiet woods were cold, in pupil ominous bright. 来自于玛琊星域血魔众人,无条件相信他,闻言都纷纷沉声下令,让那些冲入者排列整齐,准备突进,那些过来的魔族妖族族人,都曾经受莉安娜给教导磨砺,一个个气势沉静森寒,眸中凶光闪闪。 fierce that their stances and reveal, compared with wants the fearful point that Ben Ni brings, when other team, in addition prepares, they the array, God Weapon, mail-armor and helmet and ominous severe air/Qi such as have collected completely properly are. 他们的架势和流露出来的凶悍,比本尼带出来的还要可怕一分,在别的队伍尚且准备的时候,他们已全部妥善列阵,神兵、甲胄、凶厉之气如汇为一股。 If spies on by Divine Sense, will discover that their array in battlefield, the air/Qi of that ominous offense can concentrate be unexpectedly, such as the Ferocious Beast fearsome strange mouth, must embezzle worries all! 如果以神识窥探,会发现他们列阵的战阵中,那一股股凶戾之气竟能凝集为一股,如凶兽的可怖怪口,要吞没撕咬一切! That is the war soul of battlefield! 那是战阵的战魂! Suddenly, together cold such as crag ice silhouette, stands firm in battlefield first that Lianna quenchings fiercely, such as an acme of lance, sharp. 突地,一道冷冽如岩冰的身影,猛地在那莉安娜淬炼的战阵首部站定,如一支矛的尖端,锋利之极。 That is Ghost Hunter! 那是鬼獠 His book is a Monster Clan corps leader, had been taught by Lianna the technique of leading, now after breakthrough ten third-level middle grade Monster Clan equivalents, adds bloody cruel! 他本就是妖族一支战队首领,被莉安娜教导过领军之术,如今突破十三级中阶妖族等阶后,更添血腥残暴! Bites to nip!” “噬咬!” Ghost Hunter low roar, the sharp weapon that if destroys the hardest defenses, pushes to the front to impact the front quiet hidden place. 鬼獠低吼,如无坚不摧的利器,一马当先冲击前方幽暗处。 His behind team, is receiving his ominous offense malignant influences hauling, instantaneous impulsive, tags along in his behind, such as a python winds to sway from side to side, the opened mouth big mouth, must bite to entangle completely all lives! 身后队伍,受着他凶戾煞气牵引,瞬间冲动,尾随在他身后,如一条巨蟒蜿蜒扭动着,张口血盆大口,要将所有生灵全部咬碎缠死! „The corner/horn of destruction!” “毁灭之角!” Meanwhile, Ben Ni roared fierce, these corps that was brought by him, formed such as the dragon horn lineup instantaneously, spirit gave birth from everyone crown, collecting was one bunch, became the dragon horn corner/horn is sharp, thorn to the front quiet hidden place. 同时,本尼厉声咆哮,那些由他带出来的战队,瞬间形成如龙角的阵形,一股股锐气从每个人天灵盖生出,汇为一束,成龙角的角尖,刺向前方幽暗处。 Ghost Hunter and various Ben Ni belt one teams, violent suddenly, instantaneous, Blood Devil, Feng Han and Lin Xin, Yan Chi, ice Jie also respectively to order, Xiao En and Yu Shan people also with rapt attention release the deep meaning to be exquisite, the people such as the turbulent mighty current, fierce do not fear to fire into the front abyss unexpectedly. 鬼獠本尼各带一队,暴突而出,瞬间,血魔锋寒、琳馨、炎蚩、冰婕也各自下令,肖恩郁珊众人也凝神释放着奥义精妙,众人如汹涌洪流,竟都悍不畏死冲向前方深渊。 Front quiet hidden place. 前方幽暗处。 A diving god ship in bunches iron grey cotton cloud, that diving god shipboard numerous God Clan Warrior, emits Void Realm to come respectively, evolving deep meaning power, is pulling these iron grey cotton cloud with every effort. 一艘潜神舰在簇簇灰白色云棉中,那潜神舰上众多神族武者,各自放出虚界来,衍变奥义力量,在尽力拉扯那些灰白色云棉 These iron grey clouds, named being puzzled god lead cloud, is among Star Sea extremely fearful cloud cluster, this being puzzled god lead cloud has one effect: Can melt fall Divine Sense. 那些灰白色的云,名为“惑神铅云”,是星海间一种极为可怕的云簇,这“惑神铅云”只有一种效果:能消融神识 When Warrior battle, needs to emit Divine Sense to lock the trail and sacrificial altar of opposite party, Divine Sense emits, if being puzzled god lead cloud were moved by this, immediately then eliminated. 武者交战时,需要放出神识锁定对方的踪迹和祭台,神识一放出若被这“惑神铅云”碰触,立即便消泯掉了。 Warrior, if falls into that carelessly being puzzled god lead cloud central, vast Sea of Consciousness, feared that is quick then wisp of Divine Sense does not remain. 一个武者,如果不慎落入那“惑神铅云”中央,浩浩识海,怕是很快便一缕神识不剩了。 This will cause directly formidable Warrior sacrificial altar to crack! 这会直接导致一名强大武者祭台崩裂! Sea of Consciousness was the sacrificial altar most basic cornerstone, Sea of Consciousness nourishes the deep meaning mild soul, Sea of Consciousness has dried up, sacrificial altar from, when disrupted. 识海祭台最根本基石,识海滋养奥义温润灵魂,识海枯竭了,祭台自当碎裂。 Therefore, this being puzzled god lead cloud is actually quite fearful, at this time these God Clan clansmen, have not emitted Divine Sense, but transfers these cotton cloud by the supernatural power, leads into them to arrange position properly it beforehand. 因此,这“惑神铅云”其实极为可怕,此时那些神族族人,都没有放出神识,只是以神力来挪移那些云棉,将其带入他们事先安排妥善的方位。 The preparation being puzzled god lead cloud in the near future, to Fire Rain Star Field these person of Warrior big pleasant surprises, this place is Fire Rain Star Field abyss terrible topography, Fire Rain Star Field Warrior really little dares to take a walk, but God Clan is different, they move in the major star territories, has the original understanding to all sorts of Danger Zone abyss. 准备将“惑神铅云”在不远的将来,给火雨星域那些人武者一个大大的惊喜,此地为火雨星域的深渊凶地,火雨星域武者都甚少敢来走动,但神族不同,他们活动在各大星域间,对种种险地深渊有着独到的认识。 They excel at certainly dangerous situation extremely, turns into their paradises, changes into checkpoint that they can control. 他们极为擅长将绝地险境,变成他们自己的福地,化为他们能控制的关卡。 Now, they such are doing, is changing bit by bit abyss Danger Zone quietly, is arranging many similarly being puzzled god lead cloud natural terrifying, will cope with Fire Rain Star Field to run into by this. 如今,他们就在这么做,在悄悄改变着着深渊险地,安排着许多类似“惑神铅云”的自然恐怖,以此来对付火雨星域将会逃入其中者。 This, had the little accident obviously...... 只是这趟,明显出现了一点点意外…… ps on Monday, asked to recommend ticket ps周一,求下推荐票
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