GOS :: Volume #14

#1395: Can you be able to escape?( Third ~~)

Microcosm avalanche that because Imaginary Boundary Stone congeals, the inside ghost clan four clansmen, instantaneous fleshly body explodes broken, the soul splits up earthworm. 幻界石凝结的小世界崩塌,里面地鬼族四名族人,瞬间肉身爆碎,灵魂分化成蚯蚓般的一条条。 But the ghost clan cultivation deep meaning is special, Soul Altar has crushed, the soul can also escape, is precise after outside, the soul still does not extinguish. 但地鬼族修炼的奥义特殊,灵魂祭台粉碎了,灵魂还能逃逸出去,在外面重新凝炼后,灵魂依然不灭。 Barrago cultivation base Realm is exquisitest, fleshly body and sacrificial altar smashing, the soul changes into one continuously, before fleeing, has not forgotten to spout rhetoric, in cave also roams his hatred soul to read. 那巴拉戈修为境界最为精湛,肉身祭台粉碎,灵魂化为一缕缕,逃离前还不忘大放厥词,石洞内也流荡着他那怨毒的魂念。 The avalanche of microcosm, causing the cave portal also to break down, cave entrance was blocked by the stone most. 小世界的崩塌,导致石洞洞门也垮了,洞口被石头堵住大半。 Outside these alien race clansmen, are unable to distinguish Shi Yan at this moment again the sound, that Mr. and Mrs. Tu Shiqi, is unable to see clearly the situation in cave having by the naked eye. 外面那些异族族人,此刻再也无法分辨石岩这边动静,就连那图释岐夫妇,也无法以肉眼看清石洞内发生的情况。 „To run away? Falling that you run away!” “想逃?你逃的掉么!” Shi Yan gloomy the face, callous strangely chuckled, his Zhong is leaving the finger, the point to the forehead place, the black hole that wonderful not measures, floats from his sacrificial altar. 石岩阴沉着脸,冷酷的嘿嘿怪笑,他仲出指头,点向眉心处,那神妙莫测的黑洞,从他祭台内部漂浮出来。 If a gloomy and grim devil huge mouth. 如一张阴森可怖的恶魔巨口。 Devouring Deep Meaning revolves, transmits the intense soul to attract the customer interest from the black hole, centered on him, in cave all people have the soul to be involved, strange feeling that sacrificial altar must be drawn. 吞噬奥义运转,从黑洞内传来强烈的灵魂吸扯力,以他为中心,石洞内所有人都生出灵魂被牵扯,祭台都要被拉动出来的诡异感。 The seaweed that in cave, a continuously soul such as drags, this flees in the portal direction. 石洞中,一缕缕灵魂如摇曳的海草,本都朝着洞门方向逃离。 After his black hole appears, all soul silk and souls read, such as by the strong magnet to the iron filings of adsorption, was submerged in the black hole that his Devouring Deep Meaning congealed instantaneously. 在他黑洞浮现出来后,所有魂丝、魂念,如被超强磁石给吸附的铁屑,瞬间没入他那吞噬奥义凝结的黑洞中。 Devouring Deep Meaning! Devourer Clan Ao of Jue being lost! Is impossible! How is this impossible?!” 吞噬奥义噬族的失传之奥诀!不可能!这怎么绝不可能?!” Before the Barrago last wisp of soul submerges black hole, Soul Consciousness flutters to fill frightened restless, appears panic-stricken of some hysterias. 巴拉戈最后一缕灵魂没入黑洞前,灵魂意识飘荡出来充满着恐惧不安,显得有些歇斯底里的惊骇。 In cave all soul silk souls read vanish completely, because of the avalanche of microcosm, flesh and blood energy that four place ghost clan clansmen dissipated, changed into the naked eye the essence that was difficult to see to be able one by one to submerge Shi Yan acupoint. 石洞内所有魂丝魂念全部消失,因小世界的崩塌,四名地鬼族族人消散出来的血肉能量,也化为肉眼难见的精能一一没入石岩穴窍 Shi Yan is silent, is feeling secretly, discovered that possibly because of fleshly body by hui unusual strength transformation, his acupoint absorb the fine energies of four place ghost clan clansmen, did not have the inflation feeling. 石岩静默不动,暗暗感受着,发现可能因肉身被虺的奇特之力蜕变过,他穴窍吸纳了四名地鬼族族人的精能,一点都没有膨胀感。 Accommodation of his acupoint, as if stiffly enhanced a big truncation, can definitely withstand many power packing. 穴窍的容纳度,仿佛硬生生提高了一大截,完全能承受更多的力量填充。 Soul energy of four place ghost clan clansmen has purified in that black hole Devouring Deep Meaning, quick, a continuously strange fine beam energy spread leisurely comes out such as the mysterious source to raise his sacrificial altar warm, strengthens power in his Sea of Consciousness, Dark Energy in Sea of Consciousness remarkably is also strengthening. 四名地鬼族族人的灵魂能量在那黑洞般的吞噬奥义内净化过,很快,一缕缕奇异精能散逸出来如玄妙的源泉温养着他的祭台,增强着他那识海内的力量,识海内的暗能量也明显增强。 These Dark Energy, with Divine Sense to mingle, making Divine Sense have compared with the supernatural power also wanted the unusual might, the attack to be able not to have the shade invisible to attach the enormous power, can seep opposite party Sea of Consciousness instantaneously, can have astonishing Spiritual Awareness, the fusion of Dark Energy and Divine Sense, making his Divine Sense wondrous use boundless. 那些暗能量,和神识混杂,令神识拥有了比神力还要奇特的威力,攻击能无影无形却附有巨大威力,能瞬间渗透对方识海,能拥有惊人的灵觉,暗能量神识的融合,令他神识妙用无边。 Narrows the eyes to focus, he induces earnestly discovered that these Dark Energy are fluctuating in Sea of Consciousness, as if in a faint trace seepage in Soul Altar, in an extremely slow way, the influence even is changing quietly his Soul Altar. 眯着眼,他认真感应发现那些暗能量识海内浮动着,似乎在一丝丝渗透在灵魂祭台,在以一种极为缓慢的方式,悄悄影响甚至改变着他的灵魂祭台 That obviously is one type to his beneficial change, under the functions of these energy, his spirit wisdom is intelligent, the understanding to the deep meaning can be more profound, such as was opened the potential of soul, making the fusion of deep meaning easily gets up. 那明显是一种对他有益的变化,在那些能量的作用下,他灵智聪慧,对奥义的理解能更加深刻,如被开启了灵魂的潜力,使得奥义的融合都变得轻易起来。 This Dark Energy he through the hui main body by the corrosion of Wei Desen, by the Devouring Deep Meaning absorb digestion fusion, deeply was hidden the Sea of Consciousness deep place, and Divine Sense fusion, making Divine Sense have marvelously, was changing sacrificial altar slowly. 暗能量他是通过虺主体的被维德森的腐蚀,以吞噬奥义吸纳消化融合而成,深藏识海深处,率先和神识融合,令神识拥有奇妙,在缓慢改变祭台 He induces secretly, suddenly thought that Dark Energy as if can fuse his within the body any energy, can change his body and spirit, so goes to think time, he revolves Dark Energy in Sea of Consciousness to the God Body center, is hovering in the veins, skeleton and flesh and blood. 他暗暗感应,忽然觉得那暗能量似乎能融合他体内任何能量,能改变他的体魄,这般去想的时候,他将识海内的暗能量运转到神体中央,在筋脉、骨骸、血肉中游动着。 He suddenly discovered one vanished, such as concealing gets up. 他忽然发现自己消失了,如隐匿起来。 In Yi Fulin, Aodai Li and the others in eye, he also truly suddenly becomes illusory, becomes transparent, gradually stealth, but suddenly weak fluctuation, actually ripples a suddenly from his position, making one spill over the intense palpitation to be restless. 伊夫林奥黛丽等人眼中,他也确实忽然变得虚幻,变得透明,渐渐隐形,但一种忽强忽弱的波动,却从他的方位荡漾出来,令人泛出强烈的心悸不安。 As if, with the change of his within the body, the peripheral space and territory may collapse. 仿佛,随着他体内的变化,周边空间、域界都可能会随之崩溃。 Shi Yan!” Aodai Li hesitates half sound, suddenly shouted to clear the way tenderly. 石岩!”奥黛丽沉吟半响,突然娇喝道。 From realizes from experience to wake up suddenly marvelously, Shi Yan evacuates within the body Dark Energy, introduces Sea of Consciousness, the body and spirit appears, his expression strange, the smile looks to the Yi Fulin three people, said: Ghost clan, is not very formidabe, relax, coming complete died.” 猛然从奇妙体悟醒来,石岩将体内暗能量撤离,重新引入识海,体魄重新显现出来,他表情奇异,微笑看向伊夫林三人,道:“地鬼族,也不是很难对付,放心,过来的全部死了。” We saw.” The Yi Fulin expression is very strange, reveals the manner that starts to speak but hesitates, probably is confusing anything surprisedly. “我们看见了。”伊夫林表情很古怪,露出欲言又止的神态,好像在惊奇迷惑什么。 Shi Yan.” The Aodai Li eye is bright, „before that Barrago last soul read vanished, the words of consciousness, are you audible? He said that your gathers soul...... The attack, is Devourer Clan being lost Ao Jue!” 石岩。”奥黛丽眼睛明亮,“那巴拉戈最后一道魂念消失前,意识的话语,你可听见?他说,你那收取灵魂的……攻击,为噬族的失传奥诀!” Shi Yan understands suddenly that the facial expression stagnates, said: He indeed has said......” 石岩霍然明白,神情一滞,道:“他的确这么说过……” Devouring Deep Meaning is a Bloodthirsty lineage/vein core inheritance, in wild territory, only then Bloodthirsty understands thoroughly the deep meaning true meaning, his Devouring Deep Meaning, must come from the Bloodthirsty inheritance, how to look related to him with Devourer Clan to the Heavenly Eye Clan clansman, immediately had the protection heart, feigns the nature, said: Devourer Clan, what situation?” 吞噬奥义嗜血一脉核心传承,在荒域中只有嗜血洞彻奥义真谛,他的吞噬奥义,就是从嗜血传承得来,怎会和噬族有关他看向天目族族人,立即有了防备心,佯装自然,道:“噬族,什么情况?” Yi Fulin deeply inspires, in seven big races, Devourer Clan is most unusual, passes on a message they to bite for Absolute Beginning life `, by brand-new race that own flesh and blood congeals, it is said their cultivation eight big evil strength, respectively be imperial soul, death, corrosion, darkness, Chaos and destruction, desperate, corpse strength, has the secret of passing on is not Devouring Deep Meaning. These deep meanings it is said are the Absolute Beginning life bite to teach for their, however to today, Devourer Clan Devouring Deep Meaning has been lost, eight big evil strength have been lost, even if so, Devourer Clan, is one of the seven big races, is most mystical race, nobody dares to provoke easily.” 伊夫林深吸一口气,“在七大种族中,噬族最为奇特,传言他们为太初生灵‘噬,以自己血肉凝结的全新种族,据说他们修炼八大邪力,分别为御魂、死亡、腐蚀、黑暗、混乱、毁灭、绝望、尸力,有不传之秘为吞噬奥义。那些奥义据说都是太初生灵噬传授给他们的,然而到了今日,噬族吞噬奥义已经失传,就连八大邪力也很多失传了,可即便如此,噬族,也是七大种族之一,还是最神秘的种族,没有什么人敢轻易招惹。” Absolute Beginning life ` bites... Before early is very very early, vanished, related to its view, only then the Devourer Clan clansman knows that the rumor bites for the evil source, grasps evil Divine Tool, is extremely fearful. 太初生灵‘噬…很早很早之前就消失了,有关它的说法只有噬族族人知道,传言噬为邪恶之源,手持邪恶神器,极其可怕。 According to the Devourer Clan clansman is on everybody's lips, when says bites to be powerful, swallows the stars and territory to strengthen own power, is in world most fearful life. ” 噬族族人传诵,说噬强盛之时,吞噬星辰、域界来增强自己的力量,是世间最可怕的生灵。” Stopped, Yi Fulin looked to Shi Yan, „your read the method of the Soul Clan clansman soul silk and soul embezzling, as if, was in the rumor the Devourer Clan being lost deep meaning swallows! This deep meaning, the Devourer Clan clansmen cannot comprehend the essence now, can you, how be able to cultivate body refining to become aware?” 停顿了一下,伊夫林看向石岩,“你那将魂族族人魂丝、魂念吞没的手段,仿佛,就是传言中噬族的失传奥义吞噬!这奥义,如今连噬族族人都不能领悟精髓,你,怎会能修炼体悟出来?” Aodai Li one dull, deeply looks to Shi Yan, said: Bloodthirsty is......” 奥黛丽一呆,深深看向石岩,道:“难道说嗜血是……” „It is not.” Shi Yan shakes the head. “不是。”石岩摇头。 He has remembered hui through that words that Tian Xie spoke, Bloodthirsty is created by the Desolate, this desire realizes the fusion of its fleshly body to meet again, integrates the Desolate four Ancient Continent. 他想起了虺通过天邪所说的那一番话,嗜血由荒创造出来,本欲实现它肉身的融合重聚,将四个古大陆融入荒。 What a pity, the wild plan midway was bitten the invasion, instead was bitten inheriting Devouring Deep Meaning and eight big evil strength, wants to destroy the wild territory through Bloodthirsty, achieves the heavy losses Desolate, makes effect that it forever is unable to restore truly. 可惜,荒的计划中途被噬入侵,反被噬给传承了吞噬奥义和八大邪力,想通过嗜血毁灭荒域,达到重创荒,令它永远无法真正恢复的效果。 This is a battle that the Desolate and bites. 这是荒和噬的一场争斗。 According to hui, a sacred place dark abyss of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, then bit. 按照虺所言,嗜血一脉的圣地黑暗深渊,便是噬。 Ming Hao had also said that said that Bloodthirsty had defeated the Absolute Beginning life, he thinks that Absolute Beginning life is hui, afterward was careful wants to guess that Bloodthirsty defeated, should bite, is that has tried to affect his Absolute Beginning life. 冥晧还曾经说过,说嗜血曾经败过太初生灵,他本以为那太初生灵为虺,后来仔细想来猜测嗜血所败者,应该是噬,是那个一直试图影响他的太初生灵。 Bites is defeated by Bloodthirsty, or quiet, perishes, Bloodthirsty thinks that can work loose organizes, the Desolate once again gets rid, urges God Lord to obtain beginning Origin Fruit in secret, making God Lord Bu Laien carry the audiences to defeat Bloodthirsty, Bloodthirsty did not die in the hand of Bu Laien, but died extinguishing in Desolate kills. 噬被嗜血所败,或是沉寂,或是灭亡,嗜血以为能挣脱摆布的时候,荒又一次出手,暗中促使神主得到始源果,令神主布莱恩携带众强击败了嗜血,嗜血不是死在布莱恩之手,而是死在荒的灭杀中。 The basic reason, is Bloodthirsty is the Desolate creates, assigns the standard to be given the restraint by the Desolate, by organizing of wild territory natural law. 根本原因,就是嗜血是荒创造出来,命格受荒给约束,受荒域规则的摆布。 If, if no Bloodthirsty to defeat first bites, oneself caused heavy losses first, perhaps he can refine the Desolate, thus the substitution Desolate, roams through heaven and earth, becomes the Lord of wild territory, exists for the top in Nihility Domain Sea. 如果,如果没有嗜血先败噬,自身先被重创了,或许他能炼化荒,从而取代荒,遨游天地,成为荒域之主,在虚无域海也为顶级存在。 Devourer Clan, to bite by the race of own blood essence creation, bites for their ancestors, bit to inherit their all, the deep meaning, own blood essence and power, should be it and Desolate one pre-war to the escape route that oneself left behind, then bit to leave Devourer Clan to seek the Desolate to battle, Devourer Clan through the development of long time, along with the death of Expert, gradually deep meaning instead not entire. 噬族,为噬以自己精血创造的种族,噬为他们的祖先,噬传承了他们一切,奥义、自己的精血力量,应该是它和荒一战前给自己留下的后路,然后噬应该离开噬族寻荒交战,噬族通过漫长时间的发展,随着强者的死亡,渐渐奥义反而不全。 Bites causes heavy losses with the Desolate battle, is unable to return to Nihility Domain Sea, latter was defeated by Bloodthirsty, perhaps the heavy losses are quiet, perhaps perishes, anti-ballistic is lost to the Devourer Clan deep meaning...... 噬和荒交战重创,无法重返虚无域海,后又被嗜血所败,或许重创沉寂,或许灭亡,反导致噬族奥义失传…… A series of thoughts, passed over gently and swiftly in the Shi Yan hearts, through the tour of this Nihility Domain Sea , he bites to the Desolate the dispute, to the appearance and falling from the sky of Bloodthirsty, some sober understanding, guessed gradually truly probably in the past had had anything. 一连串念头,在石岩心间掠过,通过这趟虚无域海之行,他对荒、噬之间的纠纷,对嗜血的出现和陨灭,渐渐真正有了一个清醒的认识,大概猜测出当年曾经发生过什么。 Bloodthirsty, can defeat the fellow who the Absolute Beginning life bites, making him even more awe. 嗜血,能败太初生灵噬的家伙,令他愈发敬畏。 What a pity first generation overlord, because life standard is trapped in the Desolate, was grasped actively by the Desolate, struck to kill with the aid of the hand of God Lord Bu Laien, fell the rout fate, cannot work loose to hover truly in Nihility Domain Sea, cannot in Nihility Domain Sea, in addition become a dazzling legend. 可惜一代霸主,因为命格受困荒,被荒掌握主动,借助神主布莱恩之手击杀,落了个溃败下场,没有能真正挣脱一切翱翔在虚无域海,没能在虚无域海内,另成一个耀目的传说。 He failed, but he has actually chosen himself through Lao Luo, a life standard in the wild territory, Nascent does not have the superior successor compared with him! 他失败了,可他却通过烙猡挑选了自己,一个命格不在荒域,先天比他有优势的传人! The Shi Yan facial expression is extraordinary, said to oneself in heart secretly: Your failure, was born and tragedy of life standard because of you, since you have chosen me, I then can fulfill your expectation, realizes matter that you cannot realize! 石岩神情出奇肃穆,暗暗在心底对自己说道:你的失败,因你出生和命格的悲剧,你既然选择了我,我便会不负你的期望,实现你没有能实现的事情! That is not Devouring Deep Meaning, with the aid of realizes in a rare treasure, is one utilization of Dark Energy.” The silent half sound, Shi Yan gives a calm smile, said to three Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen: You want to be many, hopes that have not misunderstood, otherwise Devourer Clan must peel me not to be possible.” “那不是吞噬奥义,是借助于一种秘宝实现的,是暗能量的一种运用。”沉默半响,石岩淡然一笑,对三个天目族族人说道:“你们想多了,希望你们别误解了,不然噬族非要剥了我不可。” The Yi Fulin three people of facial expressions had doubts, have gawked staring, has not talked too much anything. 伊夫林三人神情疑惑,愣了愣,也没有多言什么。 Including them, does not believe Barrago that words, because Devouring Deep Meaning has been lost in Devourer Clan, related Devouring Deep Meaning mysterious fearful, only then Devourer Clan was saying that they only work as this are the self-glorifications of Devourer Clan, let alone Shi Yan obviously the person for wild territory, they is also clearer to the Shi Yan origin. 连他们自己,也都不太相信巴拉戈那一番话,因为吞噬奥义噬族都失传了,有关吞噬奥义的玄妙可怕,也只有噬族在说,他们只当这是噬族的自我吹嘘,更何况石岩明明为荒域的人,他们对石岩来历也清清楚楚。 The wild territory, is unable to contact with the Devourer Clan being lost deep meaning, this cannot hit the side matter. 荒域,怎么也无法和噬族的失传奥义联系起来,这根本就打不着边的事情。 Therefore, they choose to believe that explanation of Shi Yan, believes that is through Dark Energy and a strange great treasure formation, is similar to the Devouring Deep Meaning effect. 因此,他们选择相信石岩的解释,相信那是通过暗能量和一种奇异至宝形成的,类似于吞噬奥义的奇效。 Only then Aodai Li understands that the worry of Shi Yan, Devouring Deep Meaning is important, in Devourer Clan, has been lost, obviously has precious. 只有奥黛丽明白石岩的顾虑,吞噬奥义事关重大,在噬族,都失传了,可见有多么的弥足珍贵。 If the news reveals, to Devourer Clan understood, where also has their means of livelihood? 如果消息流露出去,给噬族知道了,哪里还有他俩的活路? ps three, under weak asking the bill, asking everybody to give me to select the power to continue ps三更了,弱弱的求下票票,请大家给我点动力持续下去
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