GOS :: Volume #14

#1325: General situation

Heard that made war, situation how?” “听说已经开战了,局势如何?” The Shi Yan person in Grace Mainland, the soul sweeps, almost Continent each corner small sound income hearts, he discovered that present Grace Mainland, many Heavenly Demon Clan ghosts are not, also temporarily left including Xia Xinyan, Zi Yao and the others. 石岩人在神恩大陆,灵魂一扫,几乎将大陆各个角落微小动静收入心间,他发现如今的神恩大陆,有很多天妖族的老妖都不在,连夏心妍紫耀等人也都暂时离开了。 Remembers that Decca Luo's view, in his heart moves, immediately guessed perhaps these people entered the war. 想起那迪卡罗的说法,他心中一动,立即猜测出那些人或许已经参战。 Made war.” Azure Dragon complexion is heavy, hesitates, waves saying: Comes with me.” “开战了。”青龙面色沉重,沉吟一下,挥手道:“跟我来。” The shade mark in a flash, he appears in Heavenly Demon Mountain Range, he puts out a hand to wipe, in the mountain valley a dust-laden many years of lake, such as the picture scroll was pulled open slowly. 影迹一晃,他在天妖山脉显现,他伸手一抹,山谷中一处尘封多年的湖泊,如画卷徐徐被拉开。 The peripheral mountain peaks, suddenly become clear, projects shining brilliance, pours into that lake center in abundance. 周边一座座山峰,忽然变得晶莹,投射出灿灿光华,纷纷注入那湖泊中央。 At once, then sees pictures to reappear in the lake alternately, these pictures are representing the star territories, in these star territories has the fight occurrence, some numerous battleship navigation spread, has Warrior to have the conflict, is fighting intensely. 旋即,便见一幅幅画面在湖中交替浮现,那些画面代表着一个个星域,那些星域上都有战斗发生,有众多战舰航驰,有武者发生冲突,激烈的战斗着。 The Azure Dragon deep meaning fluctuates, these pictures are clear gradually, Shi Yan even can look at the fight Warrior look. 青龙奥义变幻间,那些画面逐渐清晰,石岩甚至能瞧出战斗武者的相貌。 He has calculated secretly, discovered that has 12 pictures in the lake center at present, separately is representing 12 star territories, each star Territory Central committee, has the Heavenly Demon Clan, Bloodthirsty, Thousands Imaginary Sect, Broken Palace, Heaven River Temple and other influence Warrior participation, the goal is God Clan. 他暗暗计算了一下,发现在眼前湖泊中央有12个画面,分别代表着12个星域,每一个星域中央,都有天妖族嗜血千幻宗碎殿天水宫等势力武者参与,目标都是神族 Exactly said that is the influences of God Clan 12 families! 确切说,是神族12家族的势力! He has found many familiar people, Lianna, Yang Qingdi, Fei Lan, Ka Tuo and Ben Ni people impressively in the row, there is Heavenly Demon Clan Cang Yun and other audiences Monster Clan clansman, has the Thousands Imaginary Sect master, the match who these people battle, is God Clan Expert. 他瞧见了许多熟悉的人,莉安娜杨青帝费兰卡托本尼众人赫然在列,也有天妖族苍澐等一众妖族族人,有千幻宗的高手,那些人交战的对手,都是神族强者 Many battleships are howling, attacking, deep meaning sacrificial altar is reappearing, rupturing, the smashing, changes into everywhere luminous spot. 许多战舰呼啸着,冲击着,奥义祭台浮现,爆裂,粉碎,化为漫天光点。 The fight is extremely brutal, other people in Grace Mainland, the entire galaxy are in the fierce battle at this time. 战斗极其残酷,他人在神恩大陆的时候,整个星河此时都处于激烈战斗中。 Temporarily, fights at 12 star territories, that 12 star territories are not the God Clan Ancient God star territories, but was captured the star territory that or soon captured by God Clan, God Clan 12 entered the war, existence of Immortal rank, has the tacit understanding will not enter the war immediately, because of existence of Immortal rank, then sufficiently changes a star territory situation.” “暂时,战斗处在12个星域,那12个星域并非神族古神星域,只是被神族攻陷或者快要攻陷的星域,神族12家都参战了,不朽级别的存在,都有默契的不会立即参战,因为不朽级别的存在,一个便足以改变一个星域局势。” Now, maintains neutrality except for Ming Royal Family, still watches critically outside, other influence races almost participated in this war. Our Heavenly Demon Clan, by Immortal Devil Clan of Xuan He summon, Thousands Imaginary Sect, Broken Palace and Heaven River Temple, Mott star territory and shipyard field star territory and so on tiny influences, your Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, was in the fight.” “如今,除了冥皇族保持中立,依然冷眼旁观外,其余势力种族几乎都参与此战了。我们天妖族,受玄河召唤的不死魔族,千幻宗碎殿天水宫,还有莫特星域、坞垌星域等等细小势力,你们嗜血一脉,都处于战斗中。” Ming Hao is really fierce, the influence that in his hand grasps, reveals the tip of the iceberg, made the person not allow to look down upon.” 冥晧果然厉害,他手中掌握的势力,才显露冰山一角,就令人不容小视了。” The Saint Beast azure Dragon God sentiment is dignified, is pointing at the pictures of that lake, is Shi Yan explains the recent situation. 圣兽龙神情凝重,指着那湖泊的一幅幅画面,为石岩解释最近的局势。 The Shi Yan calm face, following his direction, looks at carefully that to have the intense battles in Star Sea carefully. 石岩沉着脸,顺着他的指点,细细端详那发生在一个个星海内的激烈争斗。 Ming Hao cultivation Soul Controlling Deep Meaning, for ten thousand years, he has enslaved many Expert souls in secret, similar, Bai Yefeng, Bei Luo this kind of rank is numerous, some influences that among luxuriant Star Sea, once vanished before, in this fights appears suddenly, the leader is the forehead has the scarlet cloud cluster mark, making many people shock. 冥晧修炼御魂奥义,万年来,他暗中奴役了许多强者魂魄,类似穆维、白业枫、贝洛这类级别者众多,莽莽星海间,以前曾经消失的一些势力,在这一战中突然间出现,首领则是额头有着血色云团印记,令很多人为之震惊。 For example Lan Duofu, he wields the dark department now, originally is person of God Clan Charteris Family, Lan Duofu actually the Cult Master status comes by black quiet god, this black quiet god was once prosperous in several thousand years ago for a while, cultivation evil technique extremely evil and cruel, offers sacrifices to promote own power by the live person, once was encircled the destruction by numerous influences. 譬如兰多夫,他如今执掌黑暗一系,本是神族查特里斯家族的人这趟,兰多夫却以“黑幽神教”教主身份现身,这“黑幽神教”在数万年前曾经鼎盛一时,修炼邪术太过歹毒,以活人献祭来增进自身力量,曾经被众多势力围剿覆灭。 This thinks that this black quiet god vanished truly, but this Lan Duofu presently behind, before unexpectedly subordinates several thousands, black quiet god the believer, these believers believes in him for the god, frantic, fierce does not fear. 本以为这“黑幽神教”真正消失了,可这趟兰多夫身后,竟然麾下有数万以前“黑幽神教”的教徒,那些教徒信奉他为神,一个个狂热之极,悍不畏死。 With black quiet god similar influence, several, are should vanish in the time perpetual flow, influence that early should be exterminated. 和“黑幽神教”差不多的势力,还有几支,都是本该消失在时间长河,早该被灭绝的势力。 However, when Bloodthirsty and God Clan declare war officially, these influences actually strangely reappear, the leader without exception is the Ming Hao loyal retinue, these influence power are very not weak, even compares to Wu Family and Jiao Jia to be more powerful, making entire Star Sea frightened. 然而,当嗜血神族正式宣战的时候,那些势力却诡异重现,首领无一例外都是冥晧的忠心仆从,那些势力力量很是不弱,甚至比起武家、焦家都要强盛许多,让整个星海为之惊悚。 All people know that this fight, just started. 所有人都知道,这战斗,才刚刚开始。 This means that Ming Hao has not tried truly, means in his hand also to have a fiercer chip, this lets each influence Warrior secret mood. 这意味着冥晧并未真正尽全力,意味着他手中还有更厉害的筹码,这让每一个势力武者都暗暗心境。 The fearfulness of Ming Hao this person, appears gradually, these know that imperial soul mysterious exquisite Warrior, secretly pays attention, thought that perhaps the loyal and devoted subordinates, possibly by the soul servant who Ming Hao enslaves, possibly obeys the summons of Ming Hao at any time. 冥晧此人的可怕,渐渐显现出来,那些知道御魂奥妙精妙的武者,都暗暗留意,都觉得或许自己忠心耿耿的麾下,可能就是被冥晧奴役的魂仆,可能随时听从冥晧的号召。 Now who gets the winning side?” Shi Yan gains ground, looked that inquired to Azure Dragon. “现在谁占据上风?”石岩抬头,看向青龙询问。 The Azure Dragon expression is bitter and astringent, said confidently: God Clan is comprehensive, the fight such as so develops, God Clan must win!” 青龙表情苦涩,坦然说道:“神族全面优胜,战斗如这般发展下去,神族必胜!” Shi Yan can stunned, how like this?” 石岩愕然,“怎会这样?” You come to see a showdown of fight.” Azure Dragon lifts a hand point, in lake a picture enlarges, that is God Clan and Wu Family, Jiao Jia, Heavenly Demon Clan clansman mixes the war of regiment. “你来看其中一处战斗的对决。”青龙抬手一点,湖泊中一处画面放大,那是神族武家、焦家、天妖族族人混合军团的一战。 The God Clan clansman, the battleship treasures the material to quenching by most rare, each God Clan clansman, armor excellent, the God Weapon woods, have to maintain life medicinal pills, and fight lineup meticulous without a gap, the coordination is quite obviously adept. 神族族人,战舰以最为稀罕珍惜材料淬炼而成,每一个神族族人,铠甲精良,神兵森,都有保命丹药,并且战斗阵形缜密无间,相互间的配合显然极为娴熟。 Compared with them, these Wu Family, Jiao Jia, Heavenly Demon Clan Warrior, in the weapon armor and fight experience and battlefield quenching on are in the absolute inferiority! 和他们相比,那些武家、焦家、天妖族武者,在武器铠甲、战斗经验、战阵淬炼上处于绝对劣势! Ten thousand years, God Clan invades the major star territories unceasingly, turns into their colonizing stars the star territories, receives to blow the innumerable cultivation resources, will build the crack troops gods, their people, ten thousand years will be entering the war, the fight experience, the mail-armor and helmet, God Weapon, spirit medicine, battleship, imposing manner and battlefield will be in the overwhelming superiority richly, if not this Bloodthirsty and our will be many, possibly from the beginning will be the rhythm of rout.” “万年时间,神族不断入侵各大星域,将一个个星域变成他们的殖民星,收刮无数修炼资源,打造精兵神将,他们的人,万年都在参战,战斗经验丰富之极,甲胄、神兵灵药、战舰、气势、战阵都处于压倒性的优势,若非这趟嗜血、我们人数较多,可能一开始就是溃败的节奏。” These ten thousand years, fattened up God Clan truly, same God King Warrior, a strength of their person, in these God Weapon, spirit medicine and under imposing manner amplification, can be as good as our here two strengths.” Azure Dragon deeply inspires, said: Once they form the battlefield, superiority is more distinct, the name of God Clan regiment undefeated, indeed non- has unearned reputation.” “这万年时间,真正将神族养肥了,同一个神王武者,他们一个人的实力,在那些神兵灵药、气势的增幅下,能抵得上我们这边两个的实力。”青龙深吸一口气,道:“一旦他们结成战阵,优势更加明显,神族军团不败之名,的确非浪得虚名。” The Saint Beast Azure Dragon words, in addition development of that picture, making the Shi Yan pressure multiply in vain. 圣兽青龙一番话,加上那画面的展现,让石岩徒然压力倍增。 He guessed that God Clan is very strong, but battles after truly, he knows God Clan strongly. 他猜测到神族很强,但真正交战以后,他才知道神族到底有多强。 Now this fight, is almost all influence collaborates, cannot have the superiority in the fight, the obvious ten thousand years of accumulation, the God Clan strength increased to the what kind altitude. 如今这场战斗,几乎是各方势力联手,也未能在战斗中取得优势,可见万年时间的积累,神族的实力攀升到何种高度了。 If gets down according to present situation battle, this war, God Clan wins possibly enormous.” Azure Dragon sighed, God Clan has Four Great Heavenly Kings, has God Clan, Great Elder to seal|confer Jue of Elder meeting and the others, in Immortal Realm, 12 Origin God are also numerous, Expert like clouds, if not the God Clan multiplication strength and person clan compared to miss were too far, this boundless Star Sea, in ten thousand years, seriously completely had perhaps been taken by God Clan.” “如果依照如今的局势争斗下去,此战,神族获胜的可能极大。”青龙叹了一口气,“神族四大天王,有神族,长老会的大长老封绝等人,也在不朽境界,12家始神众多,强者如云,若非神族繁衍力和人族相比差了太远,这茫茫星海,或许在万年时间内,当真已经被神族全部拿下了。” Gave you saying that this did fight we not to win the hope?” Shi Yan deeply knits the brows. “给你这么说,这战斗我们没有取胜希望了?”石岩深深皱眉。 No, you, you are the biggest variable!” The Azure Dragon eye splits the glare suddenly, you for the Bloodthirsty successor, you can change the situation, I believe you to be able!” “不,还有你,你是最大的变数!”青龙眼睛忽然绽出强光,“你为嗜血继承者,你可以扭转局势,我相信你能!” This situation, Xuan He, Ming Hao and Fei Liete three people may not change the inferiority, how can I?” Shi Yan stunned. “这局势,玄河冥晧腓烈特三人都不一定能扭转劣势,我如何能?”石岩愕然 Because of Xuan He, Ming Hao and Fei Liete three people, is not the Bloodthirsty successor, they cannot, your actually energy!” Azure Dragon shouted to clear the way. “因为玄河冥晧腓烈特三人,并非嗜血继承者,他们不能,你却能!”青龙喝道。 Hope hear Qixiang.” The Shi Yan sincerity consults. “愿闻其详。”石岩真心请教。 You understand Devouring Deep Meaning, your this Devouring Deep Meaning not only energy level intensively oneself, can all have the scarlet mark to promote power! In a fight, so long as you by Devouring Deep Meaning absorb numerous power, change over to these Bloodthirsty Entourage within the body, their instantaneous power will rise suddenly. Formidable power, profound Realm, accomplishments of numerous super Warrior, can make up for all inferiority!” Azure Dragon shouted to clear the way. “你懂得吞噬奥义,你这吞噬奥义不但能极速成就自己,也能给所有具有血色印记着增进力量!一场战斗中,只要你以吞噬奥义吸纳众多力量,转入那些嗜血扈从体内,他们就会瞬间力量暴涨。强大的力量,高深的境界,众多超级武者的造就,能弥补一切劣势!”青龙喝道。 In the past, God Clan and Star Sea all parties influence started to them, the first goal was the Lord of Bloodthirsty! If Bloodthirsty so long as is in good health, Eight Entourage power can increase infinitely, once is seriously injured, so long as strikes to kill to swallow power the God Clan clansman, makes a gift of what one has received as a gift the severely injured will quickly restore such as beginning, this is Bloodthirsty lineage/vein once the most fearful place.” “当年,神族星海各方势力对他们下手,第一个目标便是嗜血之主!因为如果嗜血只要健在,八扈从力量就能无限攀升,一旦受重伤,只要将神族族人击杀吞噬力量,转赠给重伤者很快就会恢复如初,这就是嗜血一脉曾经最可怕的地方。” God Clan the place of perishing god, then profits from Devouring Deep Meaning, the characteristics that absorbs fleshly body blood essence swallows by Profound Prison Demon Flower similarly, accomplishes God Clan that becomes to restore. But compared with true Devouring Deep Meaning, the effect of place of that perishing god has differed the long distance simply, if you can make good use of Devouring Deep Meaning, must be able to reverse the aspect!” 神族的殒神之地,便是借鉴吞噬奥义,以冥狱妖花吸取肉身精血的类似吞噬的特性,来造就而成的神族恢复地。但和真正的吞噬奥义相比,那殒神之地的效果简直相差了十万八千里,你如果能善用吞噬奥义,必能扭转局面!” The mystery of Azure Dragon to Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, has profound seeing clearly to understand obviously that his these words said that Shi Yan like being filled with wisdom, awakes to turn around suddenly. 青龙嗜血一脉的奥妙,明显有着深刻的洞察了解,他这番话说完,石岩如醍醐灌顶般,突然就醒转过来。 He remembered the past years to bring Fei Lan, Lianna and Ka Tuo to go on an expedition the four directions, by Devouring Deep Meaning absorb power, poured into their forehead mark separately the past events...... 他想起了当年带着费兰莉安娜卡托征战四方,将自己以吞噬奥义吸纳力量,分别注入他们额头印记的往事…… He realized that the proposition of Azure Dragon is quite penetrating. 他意识到青龙的提议极为精辟。 Good, perhaps Ming Hao, Xuan He and Fei Liete cannot change the situation, but he can! 不错,冥晧玄河腓烈特或许不能扭转局势,但是他可以! Because of him for Bloodthirsty main inheritance, he understands Devouring Deep Meaning! 因为他为嗜血之主的传承者,他懂得吞噬奥义 Immortal rank will not enter the war temporarily, did you affirm?” His facial expression moves suddenly. 不朽级别者暂时不会参战,你肯定?”他忽然神情一动。 This is the tacit understanding.” Azure Dragon nods, „, if God Clan does not think that the star territory avalanche vanishes, they will observe this tacit understanding, at least the short time will not change.” “这是默契。”青龙点头,“如果神族也不想一个个星域崩塌消失,他们会遵守这个默契,至少短时间不会改变。” Shi Yan cracks into a smile, said: To a here recent battlefield, where?” 石岩咧嘴一笑,道:“离这里最近的一处战场,在何处?” Fire Rain Star Field.” Azure Dragon understood his thoughts, that side, the situation is precipitousest, if you past can ensure the victory, in Fire Rain Star Field Bloodthirsty lineage/vein Warrior because of you, but power enters greatly, takes this as the breakthrough point, possibly has bright prospects.” 火雨星域。”青龙明白了他的心思,“那边,形势最为险峻,你若是过去能奠定胜局,在火雨星域嗜血一脉的武者因你而力量大进,以此为突破点,可能真大有可为。” There who?” Shi Yan also asked. “那里有谁?”石岩又问。 Ben Ni in that side, Ka Tuo also, this Agate Star Field audiences Warrior, you then from this, starts to change this war.” Azure Dragon said. 本尼在那边,卡托也在,还有这玛琊星域的一众武者,你便从这点,开始改变这场战局吧。”青龙道。 Shi Yan nodded, then wants to leave to go. 石岩点了点头,便欲动身而去。 Then in this time, Azure Dragon also said: Takes Ghost Hunter, he was been too long by my restraint, should exit to ventilate.” 便在此时,青龙又道:“带上鬼獠吧,他被我束缚太久,也该出去透透气了。” Good.” “好。”
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