GOS :: Volume #14

#1324: Leaves one

The Immortal rank Expert showdown, power terrifying of lasing impact is peerless, can destroy a star territory. 不朽级别强者对决,激射冲击的力量恐怖绝伦,能毁灭一个星域。 A Decca Luo He bright Son of Heaven battle, that Xiao Yao and Immemorial Thunder Dragon Reddy also stops, the attention is places on the Decca Luo He bright Son of Heaven, Shi Yan temporarily was not having the pressure. 迪卡罗和光明天王一交战,那逍遥太古雷龙雷迪都同时住手,注意力皆是放在迪卡罗和光明天王身上,连带着,石岩也暂时没了压力。 But Shi Yan still discretely, almost all hides the power use, layer upon layer the stack in God Body all around, to deal with the attack that possibly momentarily wells up. 石岩依然谨慎非常,几乎将所有潜藏力量动用,层层堆砌在神体周遭,以应付可能随时涌来的攻击。 He fully realizes with Xiao Yao Realm differs too in a big way, so long as Xiao Yao puts down the status, suddenly sneak attacks in secret strikes, if he is unexpected, surely instantaneously falls from the sky. 他深知和逍遥境界相差太大,只要逍遥放下身份,忽然暗中偷袭一击,他若猝不及防,必当瞬间陨灭。 Therefore, when observes, he has also saved a mind, is guarding against Xiao Yao in secret. 因此,观战时,他也多存了一个心眼,暗中提防着逍遥 The space, appears from the Decca Romania body one after another, by that bright Son of Heaven light elf impact, one and eliminates. 一个接着一个空间,从迪卡罗身体上浮现,被那光明天王光之精灵冲击,一并消泯。 That space, is development of Decca Luo deep meaning, can connect among boundless Star Sea the star territories, letting Decca Luo shuttle heaven and earth end, the shade mark not to be caught willfully, will not be tracked down, such as together ghost ghosts and demons mystical. 那一个个空间,为迪卡罗奥义的展现,能连接苍茫星海间一个个星域,让迪卡罗能任意穿梭天地尽头,影迹不会被捕捉,不会被追寻,如一道幽魂鬼魅般神秘 However, now these spaces are crushing, the avalanche, blasting open, simultaneously annihilates with the elf of light, whenever the space and light elf of disappear to fall, the Decca Luo He bright Son of Heaven are the facial expression greatly shake, the end attack impulse, brings the countless storms to Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, these storm spread, in later hundred years of even millennium, will turn into the natural disasters of star of Thunder Xiaoxing territory many lives. 然而,现在那些空间在粉碎,崩塌,炸裂,和光之精灵同时湮灭掉每当空间和光之精灵消陨,迪卡罗和光明天王都是神情巨震,末日来袭般的冲击力,给雷霄星域带来数不尽的风暴,那些风暴不知不觉间扩散,会在以后百年甚至千年时间,化成雷霄星域许多生命之星的自然灾难。 These earthliness mortals, never know that was called the scene of disaster by them, is when several hundred years ago two Immortal have the showdown the complementary waves evolve. 那些俗世凡人,永远不会知道被他们称为天灾的场景,是因为数百年前两名不朽存在对决时余波衍变而成。 That is their sorrow. 那是他们的悲哀。 The Shi Yan mind shakes, looks silently to Decca Luo, such as will look to own future. 石岩心神震荡,默默看向迪卡罗,如看向自己的未来。 With cultivating Space Deep Meaning, he knows, if some day can also achieve Immortal Second Sky, he can also such as Decca Luo be common, can control the void chaotic basin, can read the Divine Sense shuttle star territory' void slit and Star Sea of fleshly body between wanders. 同修空间奥义,他知道如果有朝一日自己也能达到不朽二重天,他也可以如迪卡罗一般,能主宰虚空乱流域,能一念间神识穿梭星域′肉身在虚空缝隙和星海间游荡。 That the Decca Luo fleshly body surface appears( the book reading room www.shushu5.com quickest renewal) a different space, that wonderful treacherous deep meaning fluctuation, opens a leafed door to him. 迪卡肉身表面浮现出来的一个(书书屋www.shushu5.com最快更新)个不同空间,那神妙诡谲的奥义波动,给他打开一扇门。 Leaf to Space Deep Meaning to deep exquisite gate! 一扇通往空间奥义至深精妙的门! Decca Luo!” 迪卡罗!” , The bright Son of Heaven sinks to drink one suddenly, his forehead, revolution sacrificial altar. 突地,光明天王沉喝一声,他一点眉心,运转祭台 A bright light sea, suddenly appears in his top of the head, that sea is only boundless, enormous and powerful, rays of light is sacred, is representing the bright pinnacle, contains the source of deep meaning of light to be exquisite. 一个灿烂的光海,蓦然在他头顶浮现而出,那光海无垠无际,浩浩荡荡,光芒神圣炫目,代表着光明极致,蕴藏光之奥义的源头精妙。 That light sea, evolves for bright Son of Heaven beginning, sends for the light, is the essence of soul power. 那光海,为光明天王始界衍化,为光之极致,为力量之精魄。 Light sea, Realm slightly low Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang, a eyes brilliance, the line of sight blurs immediately, anything could not find. 光海一出,境界稍低的石岩欧阳洛霜,双眸一片绚烂,视线立即模糊,什么也瞧不见了。 Gate of Heaven!” 天门!” Decca Luo knits the brows, two palms have the marvelous mark, leaves of Gate of Heaven appear from his palm, overlapped, the gate that such as flies pulls out layer upon layer the illusory image. 迪卡罗皱眉,两手掌心结出奇妙印记,一扇扇天门从他掌心浮现,重重叠叠,如飞逝的门拉出层层幻影。 That Gate of Heaven, does not know to where, does not know to collude where, disclosed that universe wild aura, appears Essence to fluctuate. 天门,不知通往何处,不知勾连何处,从中透露出宇宙蛮荒气息,浮现本源波动。 The light sea is situated, float on that leaf of Gate of Heaven, innumerable splendid light sprints, emerges in that Gate of Heaven, vanishes in Gate of Heaven, puts on to shoot at Decca Luo soul Sea of Consciousness `..., The bright Son of Heaven spills over one suddenly panic-strickenly vacant, he deeply looks to that leaf of Gate of Heaven, the complexion quietly changes. 光海坐落下来,悬浮在那扇天门上,无数华光冲刺,涌入那天门内,在天门内消失,穿射向迪卡罗灵魂识海‘…,,光明天王忽然泛出一丝惊骇茫然,他深深看向那扇天门,脸色悄然一变。 enough?” Decca Luo reveals one for the first time ominously severe, the sinking sound shouted to clear the way: „Before God Lord has not restored, God Clan cannot pose the threat to me! I always come and go freely, enrages me, I then direct the empty air zone river to enter the Ancient God star territory, I must have a look at your God Clan 12 respected families but actually, many can escape death by a hair's breadth!” 够了吧?”迪卡罗首次露出一丝凶厉,沉声喝道:“神主不曾恢复前,神族对我构不成威胁!我一向独来独往,真激怒我,我便引虚空域河入古神星域,我倒要看看你神族12大家族,有多少能幸免于难!” Xiao Yao and bright peak however change color. 逍遥、光明耸然变色。 They deeply look to Decca Luo, silent long time, that bright Son of Heaven takes back up the sea, the facial expression quickly restores the nature. 两人深深看向迪卡罗,沉默良久,那光明天王收回光海,神情迅速恢复自然。 Also in this time, Shi Yan and Ouyang Luoshuang line of sight restores, can see clearly the surrounding scene. 也在此时,石岩欧阳洛霜视线重新恢复,又能看清周围场景。 All as usual. 一切如常。 Decca Luo, God Clan and an confrontation of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, you can guarantee that places oneself to pay no attention?” Bright dignified is staring at Decca Luo. 迪卡罗,神族嗜血一脉的交锋,你能保证置身不理?”光明神情凝重的盯着迪卡罗。 I said that my this gets rid to regain consciousness Reddy, the boy made my old friend regain consciousness, I owed him a favour, therefore guaranteed his one time.” Decca Luo coldly snorted, said: This Thunder Xiaoxing territory, was Reddy opened in the past, later did not allow your God Clan invasion!” “我说了,我这趟出手只是为了苏醒雷迪,那小子令我老友苏醒,我欠他一个人情,所以保他一次。”迪卡冷哼一声,又道:“这雷霄星域,是雷迪当年开辟而出,以后也不容许你们神族入侵!” Ming Hao is your junior brother, before doing obeisance into the Bloodthirsty hanger-on, didn't he once with your together cultivation Space Deep Meaning, you read the sentiment of master gate?” Xiao Yao said suddenly. 冥晧是你师弟,在拜入嗜血门下前,他曾与你一同修炼空间奥义,你就不念师门之情?”逍遥突然道。 Such remarks, Shi Yan eye fiercely one bright, is out of control to look to Decca Luo. 此言一出,石岩眼睛猛地一亮,禁不住看向迪卡罗。 He recalled to mind past Mirage Clan head of the clan Bei Luo suddenly, that Bei Luo is Origin God Second Sky, cultivation Space Deep Meaning, this person...... By the Ming Hao Soul Controlling Deep Meaning restraint mind , his body was shaken by space mysterious of Ming Hao instruction, suddenly awakens, criticizes itself slowly, early should relate the relations of Decca Luo He Ming Hao. 他忽然记起了当年幽影族的族长贝洛,那贝洛始神二重天,修炼空间奥义,这人……被冥晧御魂奥义束缚心灵,也被冥晧传授的空间奥他身子一震,忽然醒悟过来,暗骂自己迟钝,早该联系起迪卡罗和冥晧的关系。 Does obeisance into the Bloodthirsty hanger- from him once more, becomes the head of Eight Entourage, he then no longer is my junior brother.” Decca Luo eyes micro cold, falling from the sky of teacher, is related with Bloodthirsty, Ming Hao and personal enemy together, I naturally cannot arrive with him together.” “从他再次拜入嗜血门下,成为八扈从之首起,他便不再是我师弟。”迪卡罗眼睛微冷,“老师的陨灭,也和嗜血有关,冥晧和仇人一道,我自然不会和他走到一块儿。” Xiao Yao, bright deeply looks to him, expression hesitates. 逍遥、光明深深看向他,神色犹豫。 They know that Decca, Ming Hao teacher, once was among Star Sea an extraordinariest character, this person was the Space Deep Meaning first ancestor, the life only accepts two students, was Decca Luo He Ming Hao, in the past Bloodthirsty appeared, made the bloodstain in luxuriant Star Sea, caused that innumerable Expert must get rid to renovate. 他们都知道迪卡罗、冥晧的老师,曾经是星海间最为了不得的一个人物,此人可谓是空间奥义鼻祖,一生只收下两名学生,便是迪卡罗和冥晧,当年嗜血横空出世,在莽莽星海间造下沥沥血迹,引得无数强者要出手整治。 Decca Luo's teacher, is fiercest one person. 迪卡罗的老师,就是最为厉害一人。 What a pity, this person became Bloodthirsty rose a heaven and earth most dazzling stepping-stone, was struck to kill by Bloodthirsty. 可惜,此人成了嗜血崛起天地最耀眼的一块垫脚石,被嗜血击杀。 Also is because his body dies, Bloodthirsty suddenly becomes the Star Sea most Expert synonym, in the later many years, nobody dares with Bloodthirsty for the enemy again. 也是因为他的身死,嗜血一举成为星海强者的代名词,之后的许多年里,再没有人胆敢和嗜血为敌。 After that person died, Decca Luo bears patiently meditation, throughout cannot close up, Ming Hao seeks the Bloodthirsty retaliation, finally...... 那人死亡后,迪卡罗隐忍苦修,始终闭关不出,冥晧则是寻嗜血报复,结果…… Finally Ming Hao retaliates inadequately, counter- strange becomes the head of Eight Entourage, was handed down Soul Controlling Deep Meaning by Bloodthirsty, becomes in the Bloodthirsty influence most powerful power, plans heaven and earth to Bloodthirsty, is controlling numerous star territories in secret. 结果冥晧报复不成,反奇诡的成为八扈从之首,被嗜血传下御魂奥义,成为嗜血势力中一股最强悍力量,给嗜血统筹天地,暗中掌控着众多星域。 Convinced Ming Hao hidden secret about Bloodthirsty, until now, still for the puzzled riddle, nobody may know mystery. 关于嗜血说服冥晧秘辛,至今,依然为不解之谜,无人可知其中的奥妙。 Decca Luo does not know. 迪卡罗也不知。 Perhaps only then Ming Hao, know he who why must retaliate on the same day, meets the unexpected happening to turn into the head of Eight Entourage. 或许只有冥晧自己,才知道为何当日要报复的他,会鬼使神差化成八扈从之首。 Good, we give you this Bo Mian.” The bright Son of Heaven hesitates half sound, blocks the way: Later Thunder Xiaoxing the territory our God Clan will not bribe, boy, `..., This does not bump him, hopes that you said are true, in us and a Bloodthirsty wartime, can stand by.” “好,我们就给你这个薄面。”光明天王沉吟半响,果断道:“以后雷霄星域我们神族不会染指,那小子,‘…,今次也不碰他,希望你所言属实,在我们和嗜血一战时,能袖手旁观。” He looks to Xiao Yao, how did you say?” 他看向逍遥,“你怎么说?” Xiao Yao look gloomy, patrolling several seconds of his line of sight on Shi Yan, gloomy smiles suddenly, is only Origin God Boundary, must kill him to be easy, hides this, after not being able to hide, can receive in exchange for beside Decca Luo's placing oneself, naturally was worth.” 逍遥眼神阴沉,他视线在石岩身上游弋数秒,忽然阴沉一笑,“只是始神境界,要杀他轻而易举,躲得了这趟,躲不了以后,能换取迪卡罗的置身之外,自然值得。” Decca Luo, hopes that you always remembered the body of your teacher dies!” Bright snort|hum, turns around the stride to get out of the way, one trillion li (0.5km), among the moment then vanish. 迪卡罗,希望你铭记你老师的身死!”光明哼了一声,掉头跨步走开,一步亿万里,须臾间便消失。 We walk.” The Xiao Yao chuckle, one and departs with Ouyang Luoshuang. “我们走。”逍遥轻笑着,与欧阳洛霜一并离去。 That Ouyang Luoshuang chilly body stands on that moon/month of Crystal Stone, suddenly turns head, deeply looked at Shi Yan one, meaning that in that is complex difficult to be bright, making the Shi Yan mind move slightly. 欧阳洛霜清冷身子立在那月之晶石上,忽然回头,深深看了石岩一眼,那眼中复杂难明的意味,令石岩心神微动。 Xiao Yao, rules by force to come brightly, this desire strikes to kill Shi Yan, this desire causes heavy losses to Decca Luo, however, when discovers Reddy to them already Resurrect, and similarly achieves Immortal Second Sky, these two then know that this goal was very difficult to be achieved. 逍遥、光明霸道而来,本欲击杀石岩,本欲重创迪卡罗,然而,待到他们发现雷迪已经复活,并且同样达到不朽二重天,这两人便知道这趟目的很难实现了。 The bright Son of Heaven and Decca fight, detect the Decca Luo strength not to be inferior he, immediately germination new thought. 光明天王与迪卡罗一战,测出迪卡罗战力并不逊色他,立即萌生新的念头。 Decca Luo sees his idea, the decisive statement, stated clearly explicitly, will not meddle struggle of Bloodthirsty and their God Clan, indication of this standpoint wants exactly brightly, therefore had on the decision has decided the idea. 迪卡罗看出他的想法,果断表态,明确言明以后不会插手嗜血和他们神族之争,他这立场的表明恰是光明所要,于是就拍板有了定计。 They with soaring to the heavens the malignant influences come, although cannot strike to kill Shi Yan, but actually detects Decca Luo's real power, understood Reddy's Resurrect, and forces the Decca Romania to pledge that cannot enter the war, to the light and Xiao Yao, this result is mediocre, has been able to accept. 两人携冲天煞气而来,虽未能将石岩击杀,但却测出迪卡罗的真实力量,知道了雷迪的复活,并且逼迫迪卡罗承诺不会参战,对光明、逍遥来说,这结果不好不坏,已经可以接受了。 As for Thunder Xiaoxing the survival of territory and Shi Yan, in their eyes, but also is well below a Decca Luo's manner to be important. 至于雷霄星域和石岩的存活,在他们眼中,还远远不及迪卡罗的一个态度重要。 You unexpectedly with Ming Hao are the Senior Brother younger brother.” After Xiao Yao, bright leaves one after another, Shi Yan complexion is strange, suddenly shouted lightly. “你竟然和冥晧师兄弟。”逍遥、光明相继离开后,石岩面色古怪,忽然轻呼道。 Decca Luo coldly snorted, coldly looks to him, said: You have saved Reddy, I have also saved you, now your I two were clear. You must see Ming Hao, troubles you to pass on to his one, later do not disturb my purity!” 迪卡冷哼一声,冷冷看向他,道:“你救了雷迪,我也救了你,如今你我两清了。你要见到冥晧,麻烦你转告他一声,以后别打搅我的清净!” Bloodthirsty, when you strike to kill your teacher, should you with God Clan together, remove Bloodthirsty lineage/vein are right? I am very strange, why you will place oneself to pay no attention, does not help Bloodthirsty I be able to understand why you don't help God Clan?” Shi Yan sinking sound track. 嗜血当你将你老师击杀,你理该和神族一道,将嗜血一脉除掉才对?我很奇怪,你为什么会置身不理,不帮嗜血我能理解,你为何不帮神族?”石岩沉声道。 Your very gua chirp.” “你很呱噪。” In Decca Luo Yan appears together severe light, at once the supernatural power spits darkly, forms the space prisoner's cage, covers completely Shi Yan. 迪卡罗眼中显出一道厉光,旋即神力暗吐,结成空间囚笼,将石岩完全罩住。 A leafed door splits suddenly. 一扇门忽然裂开。 Shi Yan squeezed by Decca Luo stiffly, when his eye opens, discovered that arrived at Grace Star. 石岩迪卡罗硬生生塞入其中,等他眼睛睁开的时候,发现已到了神恩星 Floats in the boundless Endless Sea cloud cluster, Shi Yan looked up the horizon, the brow was deep. 浮在苍茫无尽海云团中,石岩抬头看了看天际,眉头深锁着。 Has too many blurry multiplies in his mind, Ming Hao must look for the Bloodthirsty retaliation obviously, actually the unexpected happening becomes the head of Eight Entourage, Decca Luo does not revenge to destroy completely Bloodthirsty lineage/vein for the master, but choice neutrality, with God Clan together, what he actually doesn't think? 有太多的迷糊在他脑海滋生,冥晧明明要找嗜血报复,却鬼使神差成为八扈从之首,迪卡罗不为师傅报仇灭掉嗜血一脉,而选择中立,也不与神族一道儿,他到底想什么? This he can escape from the Xiao Yao hand, because of Decca Luo, that Decca Luo's getting rid, is actually because really must save Immemorial Thunder Dragon Reddy , because of Ming Hao? 这趟他能从逍遥手中逃出,因为迪卡罗,那迪卡罗的出手,究竟是真因为要救太古雷龙雷迪,还是因为冥晧 He is racking one's brains, cannot find out a reason why to come, he only thought that Ming Hao and between Decca Luo, should not have is so simple, these two gratitude and grudges rival in love that the light and Xiao Yao said that possibly surpass complex that he imagines. 他苦思着,却怎么也想不出个所以然来,他只觉得冥晧迪卡罗之间,应该没光明、逍遥说的那么简单,这两人的恩怨情仇,可能超出他想象的复杂。 Blue arc lightning flashes through together. 一道青弧电光闪过。 Saint Beast Azure Dragon appears suddenly, he frowns, said: Reddy?” 圣兽青龙忽然显现出来,他皱着眉头,道:“雷迪呢?” Reddy and Decca together, should still in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, he revive, shouts must continue the battle with you, must seize the position of head of the clan Heavenly Demon Clan.” Shi Yan indifferent say|way. “雷迪和迪卡罗一道,应该还在雷霄星域,他已经苏醒过来,嚷嚷着要和你继续争斗,要夺天妖族族长之位。”石岩淡然道。 Azure Dragon lowly chuckled, I and others he came.” 青龙嘿嘿低笑,“我等他来。”
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