GOS :: Volume #14

#1323: Immortal showdown!

Thunder Xiaoxing territory void like mirror, smooth pure, does not dye dust. 雷霄星域虚空如镜,光滑洁净,不染一丝尘埃。 All these, wash because of Decca Luo Aoyi, causes by the space supernatural power seal, however, seals up at this time opens, because of wild magnetic field that the heaven and earth energy great change causes, immediately wreaks havoc Star Sea ten side Eight Pole! 这一切,都是因迪卡罗奥义洗涤,以空间神力封闭导致而成,然而,此时封闭一开,因天地能量巨变引起的狂暴磁场,立即肆虐星海十方八极 All because Immemorial Thunder Dragon energy seizes, making Thunder Xiaoxing Outer Territory level heaven and earth have the great change, making this time Thunder Xiaoxing territory quite unstable. 皆因太古雷龙能量攫取,令雷霄星域外天地产生巨变,使得此时的雷霄星域极为不稳定。 Is good sees because of Decca Luo wonderfully, early does not remove the wall barrier extremely, otherwise , to continue to attack brightly to that Xiao Yao, the star territory will certainly crush blasting open. 好在迪卡罗看出不妙,极早撤下壁障,不然给那逍遥、光明继续冲击下去,星域必将粉碎炸裂。 Such meeting life extinguish, trillion lives turn over to the ruins to annihilate! 那样会生灵涂炭,亿万生灵归墟湮灭! Now seals up to split, Xiao Yao and bright two big God Clan Son of Heaven naturally can push directly into, see only two like galaxy Divine Light, passes through the heaven and earth pinnacle, treads empty comes, before then arrived at Decca, Reddy body, instantaneously. 如今封闭裂开,逍遥、光明两大神族天王自然能长驱直入,只见两条如星河般的神光,贯穿天地极致,踏虚而来,瞬间便到了迪卡罗、雷迪身前。 Xiao Yao complexion outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted such as cold water, eyes eleventh lunar month light such as ice sword, cold quiet bitter cold, his brow micro wrinkle, then Cold Moon appears immediately in his back of the head. 逍遥脸色阴柔如寒水,一双眸子月光如冰剑,冷幽酷寒,他眉头微皱,立即便有一颗寒月在他后脑勺浮现出来。 Cold Moon such as the crystal ice stone, the biting cold woods are cold, quenchings a body the ancient stars moonlight fine soul. 寒月水晶冰石,彻骨森寒,将亘古星辰月华精魄淬炼一体。 That is the Xiao Yao say|way, is the root of his beginning, accepts the innumerable bright moonlight nucleus attrition to congeal, the internal flow the Xiao Yao soul strength, is evolving a moonlight trillion years of invariable mystery. 那是逍遥的道,是他始界之根,纳无数明月晶核研磨凝结而成,内部流动着逍遥魂力,衍变着月华亿万年的不变奥妙。 Cold Moon, Lunar Star of all Thunder Xiaoxing territory such as were lit, one by one suddenly Sheqing cold moon light. 寒月一出,所有雷霄星域的月星如被点燃,一一暴射清冷月光。 The instant, Lunar Star such as wheel disk revolving rolls, one by one gathers to the Xiao Yao body side, imitates, if the silver discs, disclosed torrentially bitter cold. 霎那间,月星如轮盘旋转滚动,一一聚向逍遥身侧,仿若一个个银色圆盘,透露出滔滔酷寒。 Xiao Yao looks to Ouyang Luoshuang, the facial expression slows down, said in a soft voice: Comes my this.” 逍遥看向欧阳洛霜,神情放缓,柔声道:“来我这。” The Ouyang Luoshuang eye is chilly, she looks to Shi Yan, looks to Reddy, Decca, hesitates half sound, did not say a word to move toward Xiao Yao, after arriving at the Xiao Yao side, lowered the head to shout lightly: Master.” 欧阳洛霜眼睛清冷,她看向石岩,又看向雷迪、迪卡罗,沉吟半响,一言不发走向逍遥,来到逍遥身旁后,垂首轻呼:“师傅。” A Xiao Yao face is gratified, you are all right well, for the master because of your matter, has worried anxiously is too long.” 逍遥一脸欣慰,“你没事就好,为师因你之事,已焦躁烦心太久。” The words, Xiao Yao opened mouth spits, such as broken drill the succinctness of moon/month, falls suddenly to Ouyang Luoshuang, emerges her beginning following her forehead, this is for the master for essence of treasure your homing moon/month, can help your breakthrough Origin God Second Sky, now, you must know are the master status, although you not the person of my clan, but your cultivation the ice of deep meaning and fusion is cold, with is all consistent for the master, my cassock and almsbowl, in the future also only then you can inherit.” 话罢,逍遥张口一吐,颗颗如碎钻的月之精粹,突地落向欧阳洛霜,顺着她眉心涌入她始界,“这是为师为你寻的月之精宝,能助你突破始神二重天,如今,你应当知晓了为师身份,你虽非我族之人,但你修炼的奥义和融合的冰寒,皆是与为师一致,我的衣钵,未来也只有你能继承。” Ouyang Luoshuang nods silently, the look does not have wave, making the person unable to look at the true idea. 欧阳洛霜默默点头,眼神无波,让人瞧不出真实想法。 Xiao Yao, don't the goal that forgets us to come.” At this time, the bright Son of Heaven digression, his eyes such as the sea of dazzling light, he looks at to Shi Yan time, Shi Yan gives birth to one type submerging by the light sea the misconception, the soul has difficult word the feeling of dizziness unexpectedly, cannot withstand his look gaze unexpectedly. 逍遥,别忘了我们来的目的。”此时,光明天王插话,他双眸如炫目的光之海洋,他看向石岩的时候,石岩生出一种被光海给淹没的错觉,灵魂竟有难言的眩晕之感,竟承受不住他眼神注视。 Naturally cannot put behind.” “自然不会忘却。” Xiao Yao after seeing Ouyang Luoshuang unobstructive, becomes incomparably relaxed, beforehand all sorts of anxious such as cut off instantaneously, restored the consistent calm wisdom. 逍遥在见到欧阳洛霜无碍后,变得无比轻松,之前的种种焦虑如被瞬间斩断,恢复了一贯的冷静睿智。 You seriously were Bloodthirsty lineage/vein rarely seen, obviously was Bloodthirsty inheritance, actually in addition cultivated the space and Strength of Stars, that Strength of Stars left the womb for our God Clan bright deep meaning, does not know really your existence, was a pride of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, was my God Clan shame, my God Clan strange technique was fused by you, was different counts.” “你当真为嗜血一脉奇葩了,明明为嗜血传承者,却另修空间、星辰之力,那星辰之力又脱胎为我们神族光明奥义,真不知你的存在,到底是嗜血一脉的骄傲,还是我神族的耻辱,我神族奇术被你融合,也算是异数了。” Xiao Yao calmly looks to Shi Yan. 逍遥静静看向石岩 That Cold Moon suddenly changes, changes into a very indifferent pupil, impressively is the pupil of Xiao Yao. 寒月骤然一变,化为一只酷冷眼眸,赫然便是逍遥之瞳。 By eye pupil that gigantic Cold Moon evolves, was disclosing the inhuman cold light, attached moon/month purely sacred, extremely mysterious unpredictable. 以硕大寒月衍变的眼瞳,透露着灭绝人性的冷光,又附有月之洁净神圣,极为玄妙难测。 Under that eye pupil gaze, Shi Yan whole body is trembling, facial expression distortion! 在那眼瞳注视下,石岩浑身颤栗着,神情扭曲! The innumerable ice cold strength, such as the cold and gloomy pointed knife pricks his flesh and blood, pricks his sacrificial altar, is wreaking havoc his mind Sea of Consciousness, must cut off his seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, destroys completely his soul to remember! 无数冰寒之力,如森冷尖刀刺入他血肉,刺入他祭台,在肆虐他心灵识海,要斩断他七情六欲,灭掉他灵魂记忆! ! 只是一眼! A gaze of Xiao Yao! 逍遥的一眼注视! Shi Yan with amazement, at this moment, he asked for advice wonderful that Immortal had finally, after the soul deep meaning showed that that type disregards the mind defense, disregarded the seepage of space length, seized every opportunity simply! 石岩骇然,这一刻,他终于领教到不朽存在的神妙,将灵魂奥义展现后,那种无视心灵防御,无视空间距离的渗透,简直无孔不入! Does not control self, his corners of the mouth flow out the faint trace bloodstain, that bloodstain is the blood of Immortal, radiant such as red drill. 不自禁间,他嘴角流出丝丝血迹,那血迹为不死之血,璀璨如红钻。 enough!” 够了!” Reddy explodes the roar, fleshly body transmits overbearing thunderous, such as world explode in his within the body, forms wild heaven shaking to fluctuate, the undercurrent that fluctuation such as cannot see, multiplies between the Xiao Yao line of sight and Shi Yan crazily, the crazy spread, is attacking Xiao Yao crazily ~~ www.shushuw.cn - renews the first round ~~ the deep meaning is exquisite! 雷迪爆吼,肉身传来霸道的雷鸣,如一个个世界在他体内爆炸,形成狂暴惊天波动,那波动如看不见的暗潮,在逍遥视线和石岩之间疯狂滋生,疯狂蔓延,疯狂的冲击着逍遥~~www.shushuw.cn-更新首发~~的奥义精妙! Xiao Yao and Shi Yan middle starry sky, such as by the giant beast crush of stealth, cuns (2.5cm) blasting open, cuns (2.5cm) smashing! 逍遥石岩中间的星空,如被隐形的巨兽碾压,寸寸炸裂,寸寸粉碎! In trillion space turbulent flow Chaos stream ray, is blending the astral wind, freezes, the storm, endless nothingness is gloomy, such as the waterfall falls in torrents, constructs in Thunder Xiaoxing the territory. 亿万空间乱流内混乱流光,参杂着罡风,冰冻,风暴,无尽的虚无灰暗,如瀑布倾泻出来,浇筑在雷霄星域。 This piece of Thunder Xiaoxing territory such as by the meat that the sulphuric acid corrodes, by astonishing speed melt, the star territory is eliminating gradually, was being burnt to extinguish to the seepage by stream ray, changes into the space chaotic basin it part! 这片雷霄星域如被硫酸腐蚀的肉,以惊人速度消融,星域在渐渐消泯,在被流光给渗透焚灭,将其化为空间乱流域的一部分! Since the ancient times has a rumor, said that some day the space turbulent flow will be in flood, will emerge Star Sea, submerges Star Sea completely. 自古以来有个传言,说有朝一日空间乱流会泛滥,会涌入星海,将星海完全淹没。 On that day, is the universe end, the stars of all lives, all ore stars and dead stars, all life races, shortly will be swept across to eliminate. 那一天,为宇宙末日,所有生命之星,所有矿星、死星,所有生灵种族,都会在顷刻间被席卷消泯掉。 At this time, looks at that came from power in void turbulent flow, suddenly is in flood in real Star Sea, looks at Star Sea is submerged, vanished, the Shi Yan complexion changes. 此时,看着那来自于虚空乱流内的力量,忽然泛滥在真实星海,看着星海被淹没,被消失,石岩脸色微变。 He as if found the end to approach. 他仿佛瞧见了末日来临。 These Outer Territory stream ray, such as to the strong corrosion class fluid, and Xiao Yao splash between him, lets between him and Xiao Yao the void avalanche, turns into the void turbulent flow. 那些域外流光,如至强腐蚀流液,在他和逍遥间飞溅开来,让他和逍遥之间虚空崩塌,变成虚空乱流。 Void turbulent flow spread, one breath ten thousand li (0.5km), extremely the distant place once by the mining area that Reddy was dormant, instantaneous nothingness. 虚空乱流扩散着,一息万里,极远处曾被雷迪蛰伏的矿区,瞬间化虚无 The distant place, several ore stars and dead stars, vanish in the instant, vanish in the void turbulent flow. 更远处,几个矿星、死星,也在霎那间消失,消失在虚空乱流中。 Or changes into the void turbulent flow part. 或者说,化为虚空乱流的一部分。 Whatever if Xiao Yao and Reddy so fight, whatever in many void turbulent flow energy seeps, that this Thunder Xiaoxing territory definitely gradually the avalanche will vanish, turns into the void turbulent flow part. 若是任由逍遥、雷迪这般战斗下去,任由更多虚空乱流内能量渗透,那这雷霄星域必然会逐渐崩塌消失,化成虚空乱流的一部分。 Shi Yan is secret, the fight that this Immortal rank has, can destroy a star territory unexpectedly! 石岩暗暗心寒,这不朽级别存在的战斗,竟能毁灭一个星域! energy that void turbulent flow falls in torrents, when attacking Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, makes his mind tremble greatly, he looks to side Decca Luo, the complexion becomes extremely heavy. 那虚空乱流倾泻的能量,在侵袭雷霄星域之时,也让他心神巨颤,他看向身旁迪卡罗,脸色变得极为沉重。 He early guesses correctly Decca Luo's status...... 他早猜出迪卡罗的身份…… cultivation Space Deep Meaning, achieves the Decca Luo so rank Expert, if for wicked, if intervenes the void construction on own initiative, the void turbulent flow introduction galaxy, introduces the star territories, is the nightmares of all lives! 一个修炼空间奥义,达到迪卡罗这般级别的强者,若是为恶,若是主动干预虚空构建,将虚空乱流引入星河,引入一个个星域,那么就是所有生灵的噩梦! Decca Luo Ruci is no wonder respected, including the God Clan most prosperous time, should not provoke him on own initiative! 难怪迪卡罗如此受尊敬,连神族最鼎盛时期,也不该主动招惹他! Shi Yan understands suddenly. 石岩霍然明白过来。 Space Deep Meaning, after achieving extremely deep Realm, will certainly become each influence existence that is worried about to fear! 空间奥义者,达到极深境界后,必将成为每一个势力最担心惧怕的存在! They can the free shuttle space, be able to turn into nothingness each star territory easily, turns into void turbulent flow part, didn't such character who fear? 他们能自由穿梭空间,能轻易将各个星域变成虚无,化成虚空乱流一部分,这样的人物何人不怕? Only if, only if some people can strike to kill it? 除非,除非有人能将其击杀? Among the boundless galaxy, can achieving Immortal Second Sky Decca Luo to strike killing, who? 茫茫星河间,能将达到不朽二重天迪卡罗击杀者,有谁? God Lord could, but must restore first, Bloodthirsty perhaps also energy, but he died...... 神主或许能,但要先恢复过来,嗜血或许也能,但他已死…… Truly the person who the present galaxy, can keep in balance Decca Luo, does not exist temporarily! 如今的星河,真正能制衡迪卡罗的人,暂时并不存在! Fortunately, this will of the people does not go bad fortunately, fortunately this person is the friend non- enemy, otherwise, the consequence is really dreadful...... 还好,还好此人心性不坏,还好此人是友非敌,否则,后果真不堪设想…… Shi Yan rejoiced secretly. 石岩暗暗庆幸。 Your God Clan and a fight of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, I do not want to meddle, reason that this I must deliver Shi Yan to come to Thunder Xiaoxing the territory, to let my old friend merely regains consciousness, that is all.” “你们神族嗜血一脉的战斗,我不想插手,这趟我之所以要送石岩来雷霄星域,仅仅只是为了让我老友苏醒,仅此而已。” Decca Luo frowns, said to Xiao Yao brightly: I save him, he regained consciousness Reddy, I owe him a favour, therefore this I will guarantee his life.” 迪卡罗皱着眉头,对逍遥、光明说道:“我救下他,他则是苏醒了雷迪,我欠他一个人情,所以这趟我会保他一命。” The words, the overlapping space ripple, the escape from the Decca Romania eye pupil comes out. 话罢,层层叠叠空间波纹,从迪卡罗眼瞳内飞逸出来。 That space ripple such as wonderful hand, is suitable for Reddy, the void lyue of Shi Yan middle avalanche again, that corrodes Star Sea void turbulent flow strange light unceasingly, such as was gripped, squeezes in the void turbulent flow. 那空间波纹如神妙之手,将雷迪、石岩中间崩塌的虚空重新锊顺,那不断腐蚀星海的虚空乱流奇光,如被攥在了,重新塞入虚空乱流。 Said that Space Deep Meaning difficult enemy, today I then try, if you can not run away, the frontage fights vigorously me, I then give you this Bo Mian. “都说空间奥义难敌,今天我便试试,你若能不逃遁,正面来力战我,我便给你这个薄面。 The light grins, the smiling face is bright, he refers to stretching out, the fingertip splits wisp of light, light of wisp of gold! 光明咧嘴,笑容灿烂,他一指伸出,指尖绽出一缕光,一缕黄金之光! That yellow golden light Ze like the crystal, refracts many brilliance, brilliance is pestering, the interior appears a bright wisp of soul, that soul is the yellow golden color, such as brand-new life! 那黄金光泽如晶体,折射出更多光华,光华相互间纠缠着,内部都显出光明的一缕魂,那魂为黄金色,如全新生命! The elf of light! 光之精灵! Takes the light as the carrier, is centered on soul, attaches the brilliance life, this is the bright deep meaning shows to the depth! 以光为载体,以灵魂为核心,附有光华生灵,这是光明奥义的至深展现! Elf of the golden light, such as bright incarnations, cheering, shouting, for life that the bright Son of Heaven creates, by his beginning breeding, for light! 一个个金色光之精灵,如一个个光明的化身,欢呼着,叫嚷着,为光明天王创造出来的生灵,由他始界孕育而出,为光之极! The elves of these golden light, are representing the basis of deep meaning of light, is Essence, for the deep meaning most moving performance. 那些金色光之精灵,代表着光之奥义的根本,为本源,为奥义最动人的表现。 Elf of one by one light rushes Decca Luo, such as the life bodies are flapping, passes through void barrier that Decca Luo constructs unexpectedly, seeps directly to Decca Luo true body. 光之精灵一一涌向迪卡罗,如一个个生命体扑扇着,竟穿过迪卡罗构建的虚空结界,直接渗透向迪卡真身 The Decca Luo complexion extraordinary dignity, you have seen clearly the strength of natural law, the deep meaning evolving life, these for ten thousand years, you have not really left uncultivated.” 迪卡罗脸色出奇的凝重,“你已洞察规则之力,奥义衍变生命,这万年来,你果然没有荒废。” He shuts tightly eyes suddenly. 他忽然紧闭双眼 Decca Luo God Body shakes the distortion, sees only new world, appears on Decca Luo Shoubi, face, chest, these world are nothingness, is boundless vast, for endless void. 迪卡神体一震扭曲,只见一个个新的世界,在迪卡罗手臂、脸上、胸口显现出来,那些世界都是虚无,都是苍茫浩淼,为无尽虚空。 That is Decca Luo by the Space Deep Meaning true meaning, the marvelous sight that evolves, the homemade space, concentrates fleshly body, after his God Body twists, reappeared 9900 new spaces in his whole body, each space represents the Decca Luo's space to realize from experience thoroughly, with connecting real worlds, can connect the void turbulent flow. 那是迪卡罗以空间奥义真谛,衍变出来的奇观,自创空间,浓缩肉身,在他神体扭曲之后,在他全身浮现了9900个新的空间,每一个空间都代表着迪卡罗的空间透彻体悟,和连接一个个真实世界,能连通虚空乱流。 That space, can read, turns into void passage, can let in the Decca Luo Renyou shuttle star territories. 那一个个空间,可以一念间,变成虚空通道,可以让迪卡罗任由穿梭星域间。 looks at endless void, Shi Yan whole body that appears from Decca Romania God Body shakes greatly, clear(ly) of being filled with wisdom became aware, the space that Decca Luo created, as if opened a leafed door to him, to Space Deep Meaning higher level exquisite god door! 看着迪卡神体浮现的一个个无尽虚空,石岩浑身巨震,有一种醍醐灌顶的明悟,那一个个迪卡罗创造的空间,似乎给他打开了一扇门,一扇通往空间奥义更高层次精妙的神门! The elf of light the bright Son of Heaven emits, seeps to Decca Luo, drills into that endless void, at different space operations. 光明天王放出的光之精灵,渗透向迪卡罗,钻入那一个个无尽虚空,在一个个不同空间活动着。 The space on that Decca Luo fleshly body, one after another, torn to pieces! 迪卡肉身上的空间,一个接着一个,支离破碎! Each shatter space world, the elf of that golden light then vanishes, the Decca Luo He bright Son of Heaven their eye pupils, spills over the color of stabbing pain. 每破碎一个空间世界,那金色光之精灵便消失一个,迪卡罗和光明天王两人的眼瞳,都泛出刺痛之色。 The battle of this Level, has exceeded the Shi Yan cognition limit, but observes, he then spills over intense move. 这种等级的交战,已超出石岩认知极限,只是观战,他便泛出强烈的感动。 He knows that through looking at carefully that this fights, his harvest will be inestimable! 他知道,通过这一战的端详,他的收获将难以估计! ps caught cold, nasal mucus crazy class, a day has used two volumes of toilet paper, was miserable beyond description, was under this condition, today completes three, everywhere sways back and forth to cry to ask the monthly ticket ps感冒了,鼻涕狂流,一天用了两卷卫生纸,苦不堪言,就是这种状态下,今天完成三更,满地打滚哭求月票
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